home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <!--
- lev0 = new Array ("x-small","2",true,false,"White","#291772","White","Verdana","#82A2D6") ;
- lev1 = new Array ("x-small","2",true,false,"White","#291772","White","Verdana","#82A2D6") ;
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- (
- "B2B Centrum","o_firme.htm",0
- ,"Kontakty","kontakt.htm",0
- )
- mn2 = new Array
- (
- "Co znamenß B2B","b2b_ecomerce.htm",0
- ,"E-tr₧iÜt∞","e_marketplace.htm",0
- ,"V²hody e-tr₧iÜ¥","intelligo.htm",0
- )
- mn3 = new Array
- (
- "TiskovΘ zprßvy","tiskove_zpravy.htm",0
- ,"O B2B Centru","o_firme_tisk.htm",0
- ,"Obrazov² materißl","obr_material.htm",0
- ,"Tiskov² kontakt","tiskovy_kontakt.htm",0
- ,"Äßdost o informace","zadost_o_informace.htm",0
- )
- mn4 = new Array
- (
- "KariΘra u B2B Centra","kariera_b2b.htm",0
- ,"VolnΘ pozice","volne_pozice.htm",0
- )
- mn5 = new Array
- ("","",0
- )
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- brSizeChg = false;
- readyStatus = 0;
- contentPage = null;
- brPage = (sepFrame) ? (NS4) ? parent : parent.document.body : window;
- brPage.onload = onCreate;
- prevActiveItem = null ;
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- {
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- if(IE4) {iconTag = "<SPAN STYLE='height:100%;width:"+ iconSize +";overflow:hidden;float:right'>"+ iconTag +"</SPAN>";}
- }
- onReady();
- function chgVisib(obj,bVis)
- {
- if (NS4) {obj.visibility = (bVis) ? "show" : "hide";} else {obj.style.visibility = (bVis) ? "visible" : "hidden";}
- obj.activeId = null;
- }
- function onItemClick()
- {
- if (sepFrame && openSameFrame)
- {
- if (IE4){cntPage = eval("parent.frames."+cntFrame); cntPage.location.href=this.itemLink;}
- omo=mout;mout=false;bMenuActive=false;
- if (activeMenu) {activeMenu.bActive=false;itemId=activeMenu;closeMenu(itemId);}
- mout=omo;
- }
- else if (IE4){contentPage.location.href = this.itemLink;}
- prevActiveItem = null ;
- }
- function onDocClick()
- {
- if (!bMenuActive && activeMenu!=null && !activeMenu.bActive)
- {
- itemId = activeMenu;
- closeMenu(itemId);
- }
- prevActiveItem = null ;
- }
- function onUnloadNS() {loadStatus = 0;}
- function onLoadNS(e) {if (e.target.name == contentFrame) {onReady(); onCreate();} }
- function onUnloadIE() {onReady(); loadStatus = 0; setTimeout("waitReady()",50);}
- function onOver(e)
- {
- this.bActive = true;
- bMenuActive = true;
- activeMenu = this;
- if (this.collapseTime)
- {
- clearTimeout(this.collapseTime);
- this.collapseTime=null;
- }
- }
- function onOut()
- {
- if (IE4)
- {
- ev = contentPage.event;
- if (ev.srcElement.contains(ev.toElement)) return;
- }
- this.bActive = false;
- bMenuActive = false;
- contentPage.status = "";
- if (mout) smCollapseTime = setTimeout("closeMenu(activeMenu)",10);
- }
- function onOverItem()
- {
- if (IE4)
- {
- ev = contentPage.event;
- if (ev.srcElement.tagName == "IMG") return;
- this.style.backgroundColor = this.brCont.itemHlBgCol;
- this.style.color = this.brCont.fontHlCol;
- }
- else
- {
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- this.itemLayer.document.write(this.innerHlTag);
- this.itemLayer.document.close();
- }
- contentPage.status = this.itemLink;
- this.brCont.activeId = this;
- if (this.brCont.bExp) closeSubmenus(this.brCont,this);
- if (this.bParent)
- {
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- if (NS4)
- {
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- this.childY = (this.pageY+this.clip.top) + 6;
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- {
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- this.childY = this.offsetTop + this.brCont.style.pixelTop + 6 + bord;
- }
- this.child.moveTo(this.childX,this.childY);
- ensureVisib(this.child);
- this.brCont.bExp = true;
- this.brCont.visibleChild = this.child;
- chgVisib(this.child, true);
- }
- }
- function onItemOut()
- {
- if (IE4)
- {
- ev = contentPage.event;
- if (ev.srcElement.contains(ev.toElement) || (ev.fromElement.tagName=="IMG" && ev.toElement.contains(ev.fromElement))) return;
- this.style.backgroundColor = this.brCont.itemBgCol;
- this.style.color = this.brCont.fontCol;
- }
- else
- {
- this.bgColor = this.brCont.itemBgCol;
- with (this.itemLayer.document)
- {
- write(this.innerTag);
- close();
- }
- if (!bMenuActive && mout)
- smCollapseTime = setTimeout("closeMenu(activeMenu)",10);
- }
- }
- function onReady()
- {
- if(readyStatus)
- {
- for(i=1; i<lev0menus; i++)
- {
- cur = eval("mnu"+i);
- clearTimeout(cur.collapseTime);
- cur.collapseTime=null;
- }
- clearTimeout(smCollapseTime);
- }
- lev0menus = 1;
- readyStatus = 0;
- createStatus = 0;
- bMenuActive = false;
- activeMenu = null;
- smCollapseTime = null;
- }
- function onCreate()
- {
- loadStatus = 1;
- if (sepFrame)
- {
- contentPage = eval("parent.frames." + contentFrame);
- if (NS4)
- {
- brPage.captureEvents(Event.LOAD);
- brPage.onload = onLoadNS;
- contentPage.onunload = onUnloadNS;
- }
- if (IE4) contentPage.document.body.onunload = onUnloadIE;
- }
- else
- {
- contentPage = window;
- }
- contentPage.nav = window;
- if (!mout)
- {
- if (NS4) contentPage.document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);
- contentPage.document.onmousedown = onDocClick;
- }
- createStatus = 1;
- if(IE4)
- {
- topZ = 0;
- for (z=0;z<contentPage.document.all.length;z++)
- {
- oldEl = contentPage.document.all(z);
- topZ = Math.max(oldEl.style.zIndex,topZ)
- }
- }
- while(eval("window.mn" + lev0menus))
- {
- if (NS4) {createNS(0,false,lev0menus);} else {createIE(0,false,lev0menus);}
- lev0menus++
- }
- status = ""
- readyStatus = 1;
- createStatus = 0;
- }
- function waitReady()
- {
- if (contentPage.document.readyState == "complete")
- {
- onReady();
- onCreate();
- }
- else
- {
- setTimeout("waitReady()",50);
- }
- }
- function setMenuTree(obj,bPopup,mnuPar)
- {
- if (obj.lev > maxlev) {levArr = eval ("lev" + maxlev) ;} else {levArr = eval ("lev" + obj.lev) ;}
- obj.popupWidth = popupWidth ;
- obj.fontCol = levArr [4] ;
- obj.fontHlCol = levArr [6] ;
- obj.itemBgCol = levArr [5] ;
- obj.itemHlBgCol = levArr [8] ;
- obj.popupBorderCol = borderCol ;
- if (!bPopup)
- {
- obj.rootId = obj ;
- obj.first = obj ;
- }
- else
- {
- obj.rootId = mnuPar.rootId ;
- }
- obj.itemCount = obj.array.length/3;
- obj.bPopup = bPopup;
- obj.itemIter = 0;
- }
- function createIE(lev,bPopup,mnuId,mnuPar)
- {
- menu = createMenuTag("mnu" + mnuId);
- menu.array = eval("mn" + mnuId);
- menu.lev=lev;
- setMenuTree(menu,bPopup,mnuPar);
- menu.itemTag = "";
- while (menu.itemIter < menu.itemCount)
- {
- menu.itemIter++;
- if (++stPos == stStr.length) stPos = 0 ;
- status = "Loading menu... " + stStr [stPos] ;
- curId = "item" + mnuId + "_" + menu.itemIter;
- nMnuItem = (menu.itemIter-1)*3 ;
- itemText = menu.array[nMnuItem];
- bParent = menu.array[nMnuItem + 2];
- if(mac)
- {
- addText = contentPage.document.createElement("SPAN");
- with(addText)
- {
- id = curId;
- with(style)
- {
- width = (menu.popupWidth-(bord*2));
- fontSize = 10;
- fontWeight = "normal";
- fontStyle = "normal";
- fontFamily = "Arial";
- padding = vertSpace;
- }
- innerHTML = itemText;
- }
- addLine = contentPage.document.createElement("BR");
- menu.appendChild(addText);
- menu.appendChild(addLine);
- if(bParent)
- {
- addIm=contentPage.document.createElement("IMAGE");
- with(addIm)
- {
- src=unescape(absPath)+"img/sxicona.gif";
- with(style)
- {
- position="absolute";
- width=8;
- height=8;
- left=addText.style.pixelWidth-vertSpace-8;
- top=addText.offsetTop+vertSpace;
- }
- }
- addText.appendChild(addIm);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- innerTag = (bParent) ? iconTag + itemText : itemText;
- menu.itemTag += "<SPAN ID=" + curId + " STYLE=\"width:" + (menu.popupWidth-(bord*2)) + "\">" + innerTag + "</SPAN><BR>";
- }
- if (bParent)
- {
- createIE(lev+1,true,mnuId + "_" + menu.itemIter,menu);
- menu = menu.parentMenu;
- }
- }
- if (!mac)
- menu.innerHTML = menu.itemTag;
- spanArray = menu.children.tags("SPAN");
- for (i=0; i<spanArray.length; i++)
- {
- it = spanArray(i);
- createSingleItem(it,i+1,menu.array);
- }
- menu.lastId = spanArray(spanArray.length-1);
- createItemArr(menu,bPopup,mnuPar);
- }
- function createNS(lev,bPopup,mnuId,mnuPar,parId)
- {
- tempArray = eval("mn" + mnuId);
- if (!bPopup) {menu = createMenuTag("mnu" + mnuId,popupWidth,null,null);} else {menu = createMenuTag("mnu" + mnuId,null,mnuPar,null);}
- menu.lev=lev;
- menu.array = tempArray;
- setMenuTree(menu,bPopup,mnuPar);
- while (menu.itemIter < menu.itemCount)
- {
- menu.itemIter++;
- if (++stPos == stStr.length) stPos = 0 ;
- status = "Loading menu... " + stStr [stPos] ;
- prevId = (menu.itemIter > 1) ? menu.item : null;
- curId = "item" + mnuId + "_" + menu.itemIter;
- menu.item = createMenuTag(curId,null,null,menu);
- menu.item.prevId = prevId;
- createSingleItem(menu.item,menu.itemIter,menu.array);
- if (menu.item.bParent)
- {
- createNS(lev+1,true,mnuId + "_" + menu.itemIter,menu,menu.item);
- menu = menu.parentMenu;
- }
- }
- menu.lastId = menu.item;
- createItemArr(menu,bPopup,mnuPar,parId);
- }
- function createMenuTag(itemId,itemWidth,parentId,conId)
- {
- if (NS4)
- {
- if (itemWidth)
- {
- elWidth = itemWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- elWidth = (conId) ? conId.popupWidth : parentId.popupWidth;
- if (conId) elWidth = elWidth-(bord*2)-(vertSpace*2);
- }
- if (!conId) conId = contentPage;
- eval(itemId + "= new Layer(elWidth,conId)");
- }
- else if (mac)
- {
- addTag = contentPage.document.createElement ("DIV");
- addTag.id = itemId;
- addTag.style.position = "absolute";
- contentPage.document.body.appendChild(addTag);
- }
- else
- {
- elStr = "<DIV ID=" + itemId + " STYLE='position:absolute'></DIV>";
- contentPage.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd",elStr);
- if (sepFrame && !openSameFrame) eval(itemId + "= contentPage." + itemId);
- }
- return eval(itemId);
- }
- function createSingleItem(obj,itemId,arr)
- {
- if (mac)
- {
- if (obj.id.indexOf ("item")==-1)
- return ;
- }
- obj.onmouseover = onOverItem;
- obj.onmouseout = onItemOut;
- obj.brCont = (NS4) ? obj.parentLayer : obj.parentElement;
- nMnuItem = (itemId-1)*3;
- obj.itemText = arr[nMnuItem];
- obj.itemLink = arr[nMnuItem + 1];
- obj.bParent = arr[nMnuItem + 2];
- if (IE4 && obj.bParent)
- {
- obj.child = eval("mnu" + obj.id.substr(4));
- obj.child.parentMenu = obj.brCont;
- obj.child.parentItem = obj;
- }
- if (obj.itemLink)
- {
- if (NS4)
- {
- obj.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP)
- obj.onmouseup = onItemClick;
- }
- else
- {
- obj.onclick = onItemClick;
- obj.style.cursor = "hand";
- }
- }
- if (obj.brCont.lev > maxlev) {levArr = eval ("lev" + maxlev) ;} else {levArr = eval ("lev" + obj.brCont.lev) ;}
- fontSizeNS = levArr [1] ;
- fontSizeIE = levArr [0] ;
- fontB = levArr [2] ;
- fontI = levArr [3] ;
- fontFace = levArr [7] ;
- if (NS4)
- {
- innerTag = obj.itemText;
- if (fontB) innerTag = innerTag.bold();
- if (fontI) innerTag = innerTag.italics();
- innerTag = "<FONT FACE='" + fontFace + "' SIZE=" + fontSizeNS + ">" + innerTag+ "</FONT>";
- if (obj.itemLink)
- {
- with (obj.document)
- {
- linkColor = obj.brCont.fontCol ;
- alinkColor = obj.brCont.fontCol ;
- vlinkColor = obj.brCont.fontCol ;
- }
- cmna = "<a ";
- if (sepFrame && openSameFrame) cmna += "target='"+cntFrame+"' ";
- cmna += "style='text-decoration:none' href='" + obj.itemLink + "'>";
- obj.innerHlTag = innerTag.fontcolor (obj.brCont.fontHlCol);
- obj.innerHlTag = cmna+obj.innerHlTag+"</a>";
- obj.innerTag = cmna + innerTag + "</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- obj.innerHlTag = innerTag.fontcolor(obj.brCont.fontHlCol);
- obj.innerTag = innerTag.fontcolor(obj.brCont.fontCol);
- }
- obj.innerTag = (obj.bParent) ? iconTag + obj.innerTag : obj.innerTag ;
- obj.innerHlTag = (obj.bParent) ? (iconTag + obj.innerHlTag) : obj.innerHlTag ;
- obj.visibility = "inherit";
- obj.bgColor = obj.brCont.itemBgCol;
- if (itemId == 1) {obj.top = bord + vertSpace;} else {obj.top = obj.prevId.top + obj.prevId.clip.height + sep;}
- obj.left = bord + vertSpace;
- obj.clip.top = obj.clip.left = -vertSpace;
- obj.clip.right = obj.brCont.popupWidth-(bord*2)-vertSpace;
- itemWidth = obj.brCont.popupWidth-(bord*2)-(vertSpace*2);
- if (obj.brCont.isTree) itemWidth-=(iconSize);
- obj.itemLayer = new Layer(itemWidth,obj);
- obj.itemLayer.document.write(obj.innerTag);
- obj.itemLayer.document.close();
- obj.itemLayer.document.tags.A.textDecoration = "none" ;
- obj.itemLayer.visibility = "inherit";
- obj.clip.bottom = obj.itemLayer.document.height+vertSpace;
- }
- else
- {
- with (obj.style)
- {
- if (obj.brCont.isTree && (mac||(!mac && !obj.bParent))) paddingRight = vertSpace+iconSize;
- color = obj.brCont.fontCol;
- if(!mac)
- {
- fontSize = fontSizeIE;
- fontWeight = (fontB) ? "bold" : "normal";
- fontStyle = (fontI) ? "italic" : "normal";
- fontFamily = fontFace;
- padding = vertSpace;
- }
- borderBottomWidth = sep + "px";
- borderBottomColor = "black";
- borderBottomStyle = "solid";
- backgroundColor = obj.brCont.itemBgCol;
- }
- }
- }
- function moveTo(xPos,yPos)
- {
- this.style.pixelLeft = xPos;
- this.style.pixelTop = yPos;
- }
- function expandMenu(menuId,e,dItem)
- {
- if (NS4 && brSizeChg) onCreate();
- if (IE4) se = event.srcElement;
- if (!loadStatus) return;
- activeItem = (NS4) ? e.target : se;
- if (dItem != prevActiveItem) {prevActiveItem = dItem ;} else {return ;}
- if (!createStatus && !readyStatus) onCreate();
- activeItem.menuId = menuId;
- if (!loadStatus || !readyStatus) return true;
- eType = (NS4) ? e.type : event.type;
- for(i=1; i<lev0menus; i++)
- {
- temp = eval("mnu" + i + ".first");
- temp.bActive = false;
- if (temp.bExp) closeSubmenus(temp);
- chgVisib(temp, false);
- }
- activeItem = (NS4) ? e.target : se;
- activeMenu = eval(activeItem.menuId);
- activeMenu.bPopup = false;
- activeMenu.rootId.first = activeMenu;
- if (activeMenu.collapseTime)
- {
- clearTimeout (activeMenu.collapseTime);
- activeMenu.collapseTime=null;
- }
- if (NS4) setNSXY (dItem); else setIEXY (dItem);
- if (!sepFrame || openSameFrame)
- {
- xPos=newpx;
- yPos=newpy;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (menuPos)
- {
- case 0:
- xPos = (NS4) ? contentPage.pageXOffset : contentPage.document.body.scrollLeft;
- yPos = (NS4) ? newpy + contentPage.pageYOffset : newpy + contentPage.document.body.scrollTop;
- break;
- case 1:
- xPos = (NS4) ? contentPage.pageXOffset+contentPage.innerWidth : contentPage.document.body.scrollLeft+contentPage.document.body.clientWidth;
- yPos = (NS4) ? newpy+contentPage.pageYOffset : newpy + contentPage.document.body.scrollTop;
- break;
- case 2:
- xPos = (NS4) ? newpx+contentPage.pageXOffset : newpx + contentPage.document.body.scrollLeft;
- yPos = (NS4) ? contentPage.pageYOffset : contentPage.document.body.scrollTop;
- break;
- case 3:
- xPos = (NS4) ? newpx+contentPage.pageXOffset : newpx + contentPage.document.body.scrollLeft;
- yPos = (NS4) ? contentPage.pageYOffset+contentPage.innerHeight : contentPage.document.body.scrollTop + contentPage.document.body.clientHeight;
- break;
- }
- }
- activeMenu.moveTo(xPos,yPos);
- ensureVisib(activeMenu);
- activeMenu.bActive = true;
- chgVisib(activeMenu,true);
- return false;
- }
- function ensureVisib(obj)
- {
- botScrBar = (sepFrame && !openSameFrame && menuPos==3) ? (bord*2) : 20;
- rtScrBar = (sepFrame && !openSameFrame && menuPos==1) ? (bord*2) : 20;
- if (NS4)
- {
- winRight = (contentPage.pageXOffset + contentPage.innerWidth) - rtScrBar;
- rightPos = obj.left + obj.popupWidth;
- if (rightPos > winRight)
- {
- if (obj.bPopup)
- {
- parentLeft = obj.parentMenu.left;
- newLeft = ((parentLeft-obj.popupWidth) + obj.levelOffset);
- obj.left = newLeft;
- }
- else
- {
- dif = rightPos - winRight;
- obj.left -= dif;
- }
- }
- winBot = (contentPage.pageYOffset + contentPage.innerHeight) - botScrBar ;
- botPos = obj.top + obj.fullHeight;
- if (botPos > winBot)
- {
- dif = botPos - winBot;
- obj.top -= dif;
- }
- winLeft = contentPage.pageXOffset;
- leftPos = obj.left;
- if (leftPos < winLeft)
- {
- if (obj.bPopup)
- {
- parentLeft = obj.parentMenu.left;
- newLeft = ((parentLeft+obj.popupWidth) - obj.levelOffset);
- obj.left = newLeft;
- }
- else
- {
- obj.left = 5;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- winRight = (contentPage.document.body.scrollLeft + contentPage.document.body.clientWidth) - rtScrBar;
- rightPos = obj.style.pixelLeft + obj.popupWidth;
- if (rightPos > winRight)
- {
- if (obj.bPopup)
- {
- parentLeft = obj.parentMenu.style.pixelLeft;
- newLeft = ((parentLeft - obj.popupWidth) + obj.levelOffset);
- obj.style.pixelLeft = newLeft;
- }
- else
- {
- dif = rightPos - winRight;
- obj.style.pixelLeft -= dif;
- }
- }
- winBot = (contentPage.document.body.scrollTop + contentPage.document.body.clientHeight) - botScrBar;
- botPos = obj.style.pixelTop + obj.fullHeight;
- if (botPos > winBot)
- {
- dif = botPos - winBot;
- obj.style.pixelTop -= dif;
- }
- winLeft = contentPage.document.body.scrollLeft;
- leftPos = obj.style.pixelLeft;
- if (leftPos < winLeft)
- {
- if (obj.bPopup)
- {
- parentLeft = obj.parentMenu.style.pixelLeft;
- newLeft = ((parentLeft+obj.popupWidth) - obj.levelOffset);
- obj.style.pixelLeft = newLeft;
- }
- else
- {
- obj.style.pixelLeft = 5;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function collapseMenu(menuId)
- {
- if (!loadStatus || !readyStatus) return;
- itemId = eval(menuId);
- itemId.bActive = false;
- if (mout) closePopup(itemId);
- }
- function closeMenu(obj)
- {
- smCollapseTime = null;
- if (bMenuActive) return;
- if (obj.bExp) closeSubmenus(obj);
- tempMenu = obj;
- while (tempMenu.bPopup)
- {
- chgVisib(tempMenu,false);
- tempMenu.parentMenu.bActive = false;
- tempMenu = tempMenu.parentMenu;
- }
- closePopup(tempMenu);
- }
- function tf(oldToCnt)
- {
- if (oldToCnt!=toCnt)
- return ;
- closeItem(hideId);
- hideId.collapseTime=null;
- prevActiveItem = null ;
- }
- function closePopup(obj)
- {
- hideId = obj;
- if(!mout)
- {
- closeItem(hideId);
- }
- else
- {
- if (obj.collapseTime)
- clearTimeout (obj.collapseTime);
- if (toCnt++ >= 1000)
- toCnt = 0 ;
- obj.collapseTime = setTimeout("tf("+toCnt+")",1000);
- }
- }
- function closeSubmenus(obj,item)
- {
- tempMenu = obj.visibleChild;
- while (tempMenu.bExp)
- {
- chgVisib(tempMenu.visibleChild,false);
- tempMenu.bExp = false;
- tempMenu = tempMenu.visibleChild;
- }
- if (!obj.bActive || !obj.bParent || obj.visibleChild != obj.child)
- {
- chgVisib(obj.visibleChild,false);
- obj.bExp = false;
- }
- }
- function cancelSelect(){return false}
- function reDo()
- {
- if (brPage.innerWidth==startWidth && brPage.innerHeight==startHeight) return;
- onReady();
- brSizeChg=true;
- contentPage.location.reload();
- }
- function createItemArr(obj,bPopup,parMnu,parId)
- {
- obj.onmouseover = onOver;
- obj.onmouseout = onOut;
- obj.bExp = false;
- obj.bActive = false;
- obj.collapseTime = null;
- obj.levelOffset = levelOffset;
- obj.activeId = null;
- if (bPopup)
- {
- obj.bPopup = true;
- obj.parentMenu = parMnu;
- if (NS4)
- {
- obj.parentItem = parId;
- obj.parentItem.child = obj;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- obj.bPopup = false;
- }
- if (NS4)
- {
- obj.bgColor = obj.popupBorderCol;
- obj.fullHeight = obj.lastId.top + obj.lastId.clip.bottom + bord;
- obj.clip.right = obj.popupWidth;
- obj.clip.bottom = obj.fullHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- if(!mac)
- {
- with (obj.style)
- {
- width = obj.popupWidth;
- borderWidth = bord;
- borderColor = obj.popupBorderCol;
- borderStyle = "solid";
- }
- }
- zIndex = topZ;
- obj.lastId.style.border="";
- obj.fullHeight = obj.offsetHeight;
- if (mac)
- obj.style.pixelHeight=obj.fullHeight;
- chgVisib(obj,false);
- obj.onselectstart = cancelSelect;
- obj.moveTo = moveTo;
- obj.moveTo(0,0);
- }
- }
- function closeItem(obj)
- {
- if (obj.collapseTime)
- {
- clearTimeout (obj.collapseTime);
- obj.collapseTime=null;
- }
- if (!obj.bActive && !bMenuActive)
- chgVisib(obj,false);
- }
- function setIEXY (dItem)
- {
- divColl = document.all.tags ("DIV")
- dItemEl = divColl [dItem] ;
- if (menuHorizontal) {newpy = dItemEl.offsetHeight + popupOffset ;newpx=0;} else {newpx = dItemEl.offsetWidth + popupOffset ;newpy=0;}
- if (version < 5 || mac)
- {
- newpx += dItemEl.offsetLeft ;
- newpy += dItemEl.offsetTop ;
- while (dItemEl.offsetParent)
- {
- if (dItemEl.offsetParent == dItemEl || dItemEl.offsetParent == document.body) break ;
- newpx += dItemEl.offsetParent.offsetLeft ;
- newpy += dItemEl.offsetParent.offsetTop ;
- dItemEl = dItemEl.offsetParent ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- r = dItemEl.getBoundingClientRect();
- newpx += r.left;
- newpy += r.top ;
- }
- }
- function setNSXY (dItem)
- {
- dItemEl = document.layers[dItem];
- newpx = dItemEl.pageX ;
- newpy = dItemEl.pageY ;
- if (menuHorizontal) {newpy += dItemEl.document.height + popupOffset ;} else {newpx += dItemEl.document.width + popupOffset ;}
- }
- //-->