Developed by Ichiku Software for DigitalCandle, Inc
December 23, 2001
Version 3.1
Whats New?
* New Barcode Formats
- Code39 with Mod 43 check digit
- Code39 with Mod 10 check digit
Bug Fixes
* Removed that nasty "File Association" error message
Known Issues
* POSTNET barcodes look garbled when rotated.
Version 3.0
Whats New?
* Added ability to save barcode to a non-graphical ".BMF" (Barcode Magic File)
- Allows ability to re-open barcode for later use
- Saves label settings with barcode
- Saves sequence settings with barcode
- ".BMF" files associated with application (will allow you to double click on file to launch application)
- Allow drag & drop of ".BMF" files
* Prior "Save" selection now changed to "Export Image"
* New Export Options
- User selectable DPI (Dots Per Inch)
- Added JPEG Support
- Added TIFF (Tagged Information File Format) Support
- Added WMF (Window's Meta File) Support
- Added EMF (Enhanced Window's Meta File) Support
* Improved Print Dialog
- Added ability to select starting label when printing multiple barcodes (re-use those partial sheets!)
- Increased Max # of labels in print dialog to 999,999,999
- Increased Max # of pages in print dialog to 9,999
- Simplier selection for single/multiple copies of barcode
* New Sequence Dialog
- Allows Prefix & Suffix
- Includes Sequence Preview
* New Barcode Formats
- SSC-14 Shipping Barcode
- SSC-14 (Interleaved 2 of 5) Shipping Barcode
- SSCC-18 Shipping Barcode
* Modified Interpretation Line to not be Integrated for (Code39, Code39E, Code128, EAN128, Code93, Int2of5)
* Improved support for International decimal seperators
* Allow Ctrl-V paste into barcode edit box
Bug Fixes
* Fixed UPC-E check-digit, was incorrect with manafacturer codes ending in (300-900, and 10-90)
* Fixed POSTNET to use 22 bars/spaces per inch
Known Issues
* POSTNET barcodes look garbled when rotated.
Version 2.1
Whats New?
* Sequences larger than 9 decimal places now allowed
* Text before and after sequences now allowed
* International support for decimal seperators other than '.'
Bug Fixes
* Metric barcodes were being incorrectly sized when printing
multiple labels causing the readible to disappear on the
Known Issues
* POSTNET barcodes look garbled when rotated.
Version 2.0
Whats New?
* User can now specify font in human readible
* Width is now displayed in inches/centimeters instead of pixels
* Scale selection is now handled by combobox to help elimate user error
* Height is now displayed in inches or centimeters
* User can not toggle between metric and imperial units
* Added ability to rotate barcode 90, 180, and 270 degrees
* Added custom label support
* Added sequence support
* Narrow bar width is shown in mils (1/1000 of an inch), the industry standard for barcode measurement
* Improved autosize in printing to always try and print a 10 mil barcode (industry standard)
* Rewritten print logic now draws barcode directly on printer canvas (speed & size effeciencies)
* Print progress dialog added, with ability to abort print
* Toolbar changed to coolbar so user can move tool sets to their liking
* Registration form will try to register user when non-registered users exit the regristration form without pressing the "Register It!" button
* Added additional panel to status bar to show if selected barcode type is numeric, alpha-numeric (all), alpha-numeric (upper case only)
* Changed background color to Windows default button face color
* Several minor GUI enhancements
* Added several new print options such as multiple labels, and custom barcode sizes
* All bitmaps are now monochrome bitmaps, with only 1 bit for color detail. This should help reduce file size, as well as allow these bitmaps to be copied over to older macintosh systems.(older macintosh's were unable to recognize bitmaps with a bit depth greater than 256)
* Removed annoying disclaimer screen
* Fixed text filter to not allow unavailable characters in barcodes for all barcode types
Bug Fixes
* No bugs reported from previous version
Known Issues
* POSTNET barcodes look garbled when rotated.
Version 1.2
Whats New?
* Added improved support for EAN-128
* Added test page printing
* Improved code set selection for EAN128, Code128 (A,B,C)
* Minor GUI enhancements
Bug Fixes
* Fixed missing characters in Code 39
Known Issues
* User is able to type alpha characters for numeric only barcodes
Version 1.1
Whats New?
* Added printer support
* Upgraded to latest Delphi barcode components
Bug Fixes
* None
Known Issues
* Code 39 implementation mission several characters