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<!-- main.xml defines the layout of the Media Library --> <groupdef id="library.pane.source"> <!-- This defines the Source pane of the Media Library --> <objdirview id="list1" x="0" y="0" w="0" relatw="1" h="0" relath="1" dir="querydir" target="library.query.objdir" /> <queryline id="library.query.objdir" querylist="library.query.list" auto="1" order="0" /> </groupdef> <groupdef id="library.pane.filterlist.1"> <!-- This defines the first filter list, which defaults to Artist --> <group id="wasabi.panel" x="0" y="-3" w="8" h="6" relath="1"/> <filterlist id="list2" x="8" y="0" w="-8" h="0" relatw="1" relath="1" querylist="library.query.list" field="Artist" all="All" order="1" querydirection="0" /> </groupdef> <groupdef id="library.pane.filterlist.2"> <!-- This defines the second filter list, which defaults to Album --> <group id="wasabi.panel" x="0" y="-3" w="8" h="6" relath="1"/> <filterlist id="list3" x="8" y="0" w="-6" h="0" relatw="1" relath="1" querylist="library.query.list" field="Album" all="All" order="2" querydirection="0" /> </groupdef> <groupdef id="library.pane.filterlists"> <!-- This defines how the filter lists are laid out in the window --> <group id="library.pane.filterlist.1" x="0" y="0" w="50" h="0" relatw="%" relath="1" /> <group id="library.pane.filterlist.2" x="50" y="0" w="50" h="0" relatx="%" relatw="%" relath="1" /> </groupdef> <!-- library.top defines the top portion of the Media Library window, meaning, the top window panes --> <groupdef id="library.top"> <group id="library.pane.source" x="0" y="0" w="20" h="0" relatw="%" relath="1" /> <group id="library.pane.filterlists" x="20" y="0" w="80" h="0" relatx="%" relatw="%" relath="1" /> </groupdef> <!-- This defines the actualy drop-down combobox that serves as the search for the media library --> <groupdef id="library.query.box"> <Wasabi:HistoryEditBox id="library.query.edit" autoenter="1" x="0" y="0" w="0" h="0" relatw="1" relath="1" /> <queryline id="library.query.line" querylist="library.query.list" auto="1" order="3" /> </groupdef> <!-- library.bottom defines everything below the filter panes, this includes the search box as well as the results pane --> <groupdef id="library.bottom"> <!-- This is where the actual search box is above the results pane --> <group id="wasabi.panel" x="0" y="0" w="0" relatw="1" h="24" /> <querydrag x="4" y="4" image="library.drag.icon" tooltip="Click and drag this this icon into your Playlist Editor to enqueue and play the items below"/> <Wasabi:Text id="Search for" text="Search For:" x="23" y="5" w="60" align="right"/> <button id="library.togglesearch" x="23" y="0" w="65" h="24" /> <group id="library.query.box" x="87" y="3" w="-189" relatw="1" h="18"/> <button x="-100" y="3" w="97" h="17" relatx="1" action_target="library.pledit" action="SENDTOPL" borders="1" text="Send Results To..."/> <!-- Here is where the all of the results are displayed within the Media Library --> <queryresults id="library.query.list" /> <PlaylistEditor id="library.pledit" x="0" y="24" w="0" relatw="1" h="-24" relath="1" showmodified="0" showlocked="0" bidermanr0x="1" /> <script file="queryedit.maki" param="library.query.edit;library.query.line" /> </groupdef> <!-- This defines the layout of the libary window. --> <groupdef id="library.content.left" w="0" relatw="1"> <MediaLibrary:AddMusic querylist="library.query.list" /> <Shoutcast:Add /> <group id="library.top" x="0" y="0" w="0" relatw="1" h="45" relath="%" /> <group id="library.bottom" x="0" y="45" w="0" h="55" relaty="%" relatw="1" relath="%"/> <addparams target="standardframe.layoutstatus" exclude=";Add;Del;Playlist" /> </groupdef> <!-- Here is where the library sidecar is defined --> <groupdef id="library.content.right"> <Wasabi:TabSheet id="library.sidecar" windowtype="mlsc" type="2" x="0" y="0" w="0" h="0" relatw="1" relath="1" /> </groupdef> <!-- library.content.group actually defines the layout of the Media Library, whatever is placed within here is what displays within the ml --> <groupdef id="library.content.group" name="Media Library" default_w="540" minimum_w="540" default_h="314" minimum_h="268"> <group id="library.content.left" x="0" y="0" w="0" h="0" relatw="1" relath="1" /> </groupdef>