home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Winamp Compiled Maki Script | 2002-06-25 | 1.8 KB | 70 lines |
- /* Note: a decompiler is no invitation to steal code.
- Please respect the the copyright */
- #include "std.mi"
- Global Text Text17;
- Global ToggleButton ToggleButton18;
- Global CfgGroup CfgGroup19;
- Global Button Button20;
- Function func0();
- func0()
- {
- String String6;
- Int Int13;
- CfgGroup CfgGroup4;
- PopupMenu PopupMenu7;
- String String5;
- if(( System.isKeyDown(17) && System.isKeyDown(16))) {
- CfgGroup4 = System.getScriptGroup();
- String5 = CfgGroup4.cfgGetGuid();
- String6 = CfgGroup4.cfgGetName();
- PopupMenu7 = ( new PopupMenu);
- PopupMenu7.addCommand(( ( "GUID\:\ ") + String5), 0, 0, 1);
- PopupMenu7.addCommand(( ( "Attr\:\ ") + String6), 0, 0, 1);
- PopupMenu7.addSeparator();
- PopupMenu7.addCommand(( "Copy\ to\ clipboard\ "), 1, 0, 0);
- Int13 = PopupMenu7.popAtMouse();
- delete PopupMenu7;
- if(( Int13 == 1)) {
- System.setClipboardText(( ( ( ( ( ( "cfgattrib\=") + System.Chr(34)) + String5) + ( "\;")) + String6) + System.Chr(34)));
- }
- complete;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- System.onScriptLoaded()
- {
- CfgGroup19 = System.getScriptGroup();
- Text17 = CfgGroup19.getObject(( "cfg\.txt"));
- ToggleButton18 = CfgGroup19.getObject(( "cfg\.toggle"));
- Button20 = CfgGroup19.getObject(( "cfg\.toggle2"));
- return Null;
- }
- ToggleButton18.onToggle(Boolean onoff)
- {
- CfgGroup19.cfgSetInt(onoff);
- return Null;
- }
- CfgGroup19.onCfgChanged()
- {
- Text17.setText(CfgGroup19.cfgGetName());
- ToggleButton18.setActivated(CfgGroup19.cfgGetInt());
- return Null;
- }
- Button20.onLeftClick()
- {
- if(( ! func0())) {
- ToggleButton18.leftClick();
- }
- return Null;
- }