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- George,Washington,"02221732",Fredericksburg,Virginia
- "041789",Federalist
- "Father of Our Country"
- "Led troops in Revolutionary War"
- "Lived in Mount Vernon"
- "Worked as a land surveyor"
- John,Adams,"10301735",Braintree,Massachusetts
- "031797",Federalist
- "Attended first Continental Congress"
- "First American minister to England"
- "Signed Declaration of Independence"
- "Died the same day as Jefferson"
- Thomas,Jefferson,"04131743","Goochland County",Virginia
- "031801",Democrat-Republican
- "Wrote Declaration of Independence"
- "Lived in Monticello"
- "Financed Lewis and Clark Expedition"
- "Traveled to Paris with Franklin"
- James,Madison,"03161751","Port Conway",Virginia
- "031809",Democrat-Republican
- "Helped frame Bill of Rights"
- "Oversaw War of 1812 efforts"
- "Constitutional Convention papers"
- "Lived at Montpelier Estate"
- James,Monroe,"04281758",Westmoreland,Virginia
- "031817",Democrat-Republican
- "Helped negotiate Louisiana Purchase"
- "Obtained Florida from Spain"
- "Famous foreign policy doctrine"
- "Served during Era of Good Feelings"
- "John Quincy",Adams,"07111767",Quincy,Massachusetts
- "031825",Democrat-Republican
- "Helped formulate Monroe Doctrine"
- "Helped establish Smithsonian"
- "Returned to Congress after term"
- "Son of the second president"
- Andrew,Jackson,"03151767",Waxhaws,"South Carolina"
- "031829",Democratic
- "Lived at The Hermitage"
- "Fought at Battle of New Orleans"
- "Slogan was 'Let the people rule'"
- "Famous Indian fighter"
- Martin,"Van Buren","12051782",Kinderhook,New York
- "031837",Democratic
- "Known as the 'Little Magician'"
- "Suffered financial Panic of 1837"
- "Began an independent treasury"
- "Jackson's Vice President"
- "William Henry",Harrison,"02091773",Berkeley,Virginia
- "031841",Whig
- "President for only one month"
- "First governor of Indiana territory"
- "Routed Tecumseh at Tippecanoe"
- "Signed Declaration of Independence"
- John,Tyler,"03291790",Greenway,Virginia
- "041841",Whig
- "Signed resolution annexing Texas"
- "First to succeed dead President"
- "Later joined Confederate Congress"
- "Graduated from William and Mary"
- "James K.",Polk,"11021795",Mecklenburg,Virginia
- "031845",Democratic
- "Settled the Canadian border"
- "Sent Taylor's troops to Mexico"
- "Annexed California to country"
- "Compromised on Oregon boundary"
- Zachary,Taylor,"11241784","Orange County",Virginia
- "031849",Whig
- "Called 'Old Rough and Ready'"
- "Fought in Mexican Wars"
- "Defeated Santa Anna at Buena Vista"
- "Worked for California admission"
- Millard,Fillmore,"01071800","Cayuga County","New York"
- "071850",Whig
- "Sent fleet to open trade with Japan"
- "Favored Great Compromise of 1850"
- "Signed Fugitive Slave Law"
- "Nominated by No-Nothing Party"
- Franklin,Pierce,"11231804",Hillsboro,"New Hampshire"
- "031853",Democratic
- "Approved the Gadsden Purchase"
- "Favored Kansas-Nebraska Act"
- "Brigadier General in Mexican War"
- "Nominated after 49 ballots"
- James,Buchanan,"04231791",Mercersburg,Pennsylvania
- "031857",Democratic
- "Faced final breakup over slavery"
- "Denied state's right to secede"
- "Accepted Dred Scott as binding"
- "Only bachelor president"
- Abraham,Lincoln,"02121809","Hardin County",Kentucky
- "031861",Republican
- "Led nation through Civil War"
- "Famous Gettysburg Address"
- "Wrote Emancipation Proclamation"
- "Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth"
- Andrew,Johnson,"12291808",Raleigh,"North Carolina"
- "041865",Democratic
- "First to be impeached by Congress"
- "Offered amnesty to Confederates"
- "Removed Stanton as War Secretary"
- "Lincoln's Vice President"
- "Ulysses S.",Grant,"04271822","Point Pleasant",Ohio
- "031869",Republican
- "Led Union forces in Civil War"
- "Ended race restrictions for voting"
- "Led a dishonest administration"
- "Set up Confederate amnesty bill"
- "Rutherford B.",Hayes,"10041822",Delaware,Ohio
- "031877",Republican
- "Ended period of Reconstruction"
- "Reformed the civil service"
- "Won election by one electoral vote"
- "Last Union troops left the South"
- "James A.",Garfield,"11191831",Orange,Ohio
- "031881",Republican
- "President for only a few months"
- "Fought at Shiloh in Civil War"
- "General at Chickamauga"
- "Shot by Guiteau in Washington"
- "Chester A.",Arthur,"10051829",Fairfield,Vermont
- "091881",Republican
- "First effective civil service laws"
- "Helped develop a modern navy"
- "Supported Tariff of 1883"
- "Collector for Port of New York"
- Grover,Cleveland,"03181837",Caldwell,"New Jersey"
- "031885",Democratic
- "Enlarged the civil service"
- "Vetoed pension raids on Treasury"
- "More votes than Harrison but lost"
- "Independent honest adminstrator"
- Benjamin,Harrison,"08201833","North Bend",Ohio
- "031889",Republican
- "Favored a strong foreign policy"
- "Enlarged the US navy"
- "Signed Sherman Antitrust Act"
- "Six states admitted during term"
- Grover,Cleveland,"03181837",Caldwell,"New Jersey"
- "031893",Democratic
- "Served two nonconsecutive terms"
- "Broke the famous Pullman strike"
- "Severe depression during term"
- "Repealed Sherman Act"
- William,McKinley,"01291843",Niles,Ohio
- "031897",Republican
- "Pushed US into war with Spain"
- "Acquired Guam Hawaii and others"
- "Battleship Maine sunk during term"
- "Killed at Pan American Exposition"
- Theodore,Roosevelt,"10271858","New York City","New York"
- "091901",Republican
- "Led the famous 'Rough Riders'"
- "Signed Pure Food and Drugs Act"
- "Won the Nobel Peace Prize"
- "Wrote 'Winning of the West'"
- "William H.",Taft,"09151857",Cincinnati,Ohio
- "031909",Republican
- "Helped improve Post Office system"
- "Started Department of Labor"
- "Supported resource conservation"
- "First governor of Phillipines"
- Woodrow,Wilson,"12281856",Staunton,Virginia
- "031913",Democratic
- "Led nation during World War I"
- "Wrote the 'Fourteen Points'"
- "Fought hard for League of Nations"
- "Won Nobel Peace Prize in 1919"
- "Warren G.",Harding,"11021865",Corsica,Ohio
- "031921",Republican
- "Embroiled in Teapot Dome scandal"
- "Let Cabinet and Congress run nation"
- "Most dishonest administration"
- "Voted for women's right to vote"
- Calvin,Coolidge,"07041872",Plymouth,Vermont
- "081923",Republican
- "Restored honesty to presidency"
- "Approved the World Court"
- "Said 'I do not choose to run'"
- "Dramatically reduced national debt"
- Herbert,Hoover,"08101874","West Branch",Iowa
- "031929",Republican
- "Worked earlier as mining engineer"
- "Great stock market crash of 1929"
- "Country went into worst depression"
- "War/Peace Institute at Stanford"
- "Franklin D.",Roosevelt,"01301882","Hyde Park","New York"
- "031933",Democratic
- "Led nation during World War II"
- "Famous for his 'fireside chats'"
- "Helped country out of depression"
- "Only president elected four times"
- "Harry S.",Truman,"05081884",Lamar,Missouri
- "041945",Democratic
- "Called for dropping of atomic bomb"
- "Doctrine to fight Communist control"
- "Governed during Korean War"
- "Known for 'the buck stops here'"
- "Dwight D.",Eisenhower,"10141890",Denison,Texas
- "011953",Republican
- "Great World War II General"
- "Sent troops to Little Rock"
- "Ended the war in Korea"
- "Began US space programs"
- "John F.",Kennedy,"05291917",Brookline,Massachusetts
- "011961",Democratic
- "Made USSR remove Cuban missiles"
- "Established the Peace Corps"
- "'Ask what you can do' speech"
- "Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald"
- "Lyndon B.",Johnson,"08271908",Stonewall,Texas
- "111963",Democratic
- "Passed many civil rights laws"
- "Unsuccessful at peace in Vietnam"
- "Worked to establish 'Great Society'"
- "Kennedy's Vice President"
- "Richard M.",Nixon,"01091913","Yorba Linda",California
- "011969",Republican
- "Ended US involvement in Vietnam"
- "Opened Communist China relations"
- "Vice President under Eisenhower"
- "First to resign from office"
- "Gerald R.",Ford,"07141913",Omaha,Nebraska
- "081974",Republican
- "First not elected to office"
- "Helped heal Watergate wounds"
- "Improved relations with China"
- "Served in Congress for 25 years"
- Jimmy,Carter,"10011924",Plains,Georgia
- "011977",Democratic
- "Established Egypt Israel peace"
- "Returned Panama Canal to Panama"
- "Plagued by Iran hostages"
- "Works with 'Habitat for Humanity'"
- Ronald,Reagan,"02061911",Tampico,Illinois
- "011981",Republican
- "Less inflation-increased military"
- "Ordered US invasion of Grenada"
- "Arms limitations talks with USSR"
- "Former California governor"
- George,Bush,"06121924",Milton,Massachusetts
- "011989",Republican
- "Wanted 'a kinder and gentler nation'"
- "Ousted Panamanian dictator Noriega"
- "Former CIA director/Navy pilot"
- "Led Operation Desert Storm"
- Bill,Clinton,"08191946",Hope,Arkansas
- "011993",Democratic
- "Former Arkansas governor"
- "Second to be impeached by Congress"
- "As a teen, met President Kennedy"
- "Fought for health care reform"
- "George W.",Bush,"07061946","New Haven",Connecticut
- "012001",Republican
- "Former Texas governor"
- "Father was 41st President"
- "Lost popular vote, but won election"
- "Owned Texas Rangers baseball team"