Chip 2002 September
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
1,988 lines
(* jBooster *)
(* (c) pulsar@mail.primorye.ru *)
Unit Support;
{ standart }
SysUtils, Windows, Classes,
{ vcl }
StdCtrls, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, Forms,
{ formats }
{ private }
(* customizable values *)
{ Application }
AppName = 'jBooster';
Version = '1.09b';
{ names }
IniName = AppName + '.ini';
LogName = AppName + '.log';
HlpName = AppName + '.txt';
ScvName = AppName + '.csv';
DatName = AppName + '.dat';
(* report\error handlers *)
PReportHandler = procedure (const Mssg: string; Prx: TMsgDlgType);
procedure Alarm (const Mssg: string; Pfx: TMsgDlgType);
function Confirm (const Wrn, Qst: string): boolean;
procedure Error (const Name, Mssg: string);
procedure SysError (const Name: string; RC: Dword);
procedure Warning (const Name, Mssg: string);
procedure Inform (const Mssg: string);
{ report handler }
Report : PReportHandler = Alarm;
{ error count }
Errors : integer = 0;
{ report prefixs }
ErrPrefix = '!';
BegPrefix = '?';
EndPrefix = '=';
AnyPrefix = ' ';
(* support *)
{ special chars + prefix chars }
Illegals = [#0..#31,'\','|','/','*','?',':','>','<','"','.'] + ['!','='];
{ digits }
Numerics = ['0'..'9'];
function StrToInt (const S: string; var I: integer): boolean;
function StrToDateTime (const S: string; var DT: TDateTime): boolean;
function PathDelimiter (const Path: string; Del: boolean = false): string;
function SizeStr (W, H : integer): string;
function FileSizeStr (Z: longword): string;
function TrackToQuality (Track: integer): integer;
function TrackToLikeness (Track: integer): integer;
function isThumbnail (const FileName: string): boolean;
function isValid: boolean;
procedure AppTitle;
function CatalogTime (var Time: TFileTime): boolean;
function OpenText (var Txt: Text; const Name: string; Mode: boolean): boolean;
(* parameters *)
TFormat = 0..1;
TOrder = 0..7;
{ autorun flag }
ParmAuto = 'AUTO';
{ list breaker }
ListBreak = ';';
{ text breaker }
TextBreak = ',';
{ path history }
MaxHistory = 8;
{ extension }
ExtLen = 4;
{ format }
MaxFormat = High (TFormat);
MinFormat = Low (TFormat);
{ pixel format }
MaxPixelFormat = 2;
{ panels }
MaxPanel = 2;
{ scale }
MaxScale = 10;
MinScale = 0;
{ quality }
MaxQuality = 10;
MinQuality = 0;
{ preview font }
MaxColor = $00FFFFFF;
MinColor = $00000000;
MaxFont = 9;
MinFont = 6;
{ firstnumber }
MinFirst = 0;
MaxFirst = 999999999;
LenFirst = 9;
{ digits }
MaxDigits = 9;
MinDigits = 0;
LenDigits = 1;
{ step }
MaxStep = 999999;
MinStep = 1;
LenStep = 6;
{ anchor }
MinAnchor = Low (TAnchor);
MaxAnchor = High (TAnchor);
{ order }
MinOrder = Low (TOrder);
MaxOrder = High (TOrder);
{ custom width\height }
MinCustom = 1;
MaxCustom = 999;
LenCustom = 3;
StdCustom = 90;
{ compare }
MinLike = 0;
MaxLike = 25;
{ other }
LenNamePart = 64;
LenComment = 24;
{ forms }
MinView = 100;
MinTop = -18;
MinLeft = -100;
MinWidth = 400;
MinHeight = 357;
{ curr format }
Files : integer = 0;
{ curr path }
PathIndex : integer = 0;
{ curr panel }
PanelIndex: integer = 0;
{ list sort flag }
fSortList : boolean = true;
{ numerate }
fRename : boolean = false;
Order : integer = 0;
fDecs : boolean = false;
FirstNum : integer = 0;
NextFirst : boolean = true;
Digits : integer = 0;
StepCount : integer = 1;
Prefix : string = '';
Postfix : string = '';
fAttribute : boolean = false;
fFileTime : boolean = false;
{ thumbnails }
fThumbnail : boolean = false;
Scale : integer = 3;
ThumbnailQuality : integer = 7;
Mark : string = '$';
{ custom size }
fCustom : boolean = false;
CtmWidth : integer = StdCustom;
CtmHeight : integer = StdCustom;
CtmMode : boolean = false;
AnchorX : integer = 1;
AnchorY : integer = 1;
FillColor : integer = MinColor;
{ include }
fInclude : boolean = false;
Comment : string = '';
fImgSize : boolean = false;
fFilSize : boolean = false;
{ font }
FontBold : boolean = false;
FontItalic : boolean = false;
FontUnderline : boolean = false;
FontStrikeOut : boolean = false;
FontName : string = 'MS Serif';
FontColor : TColor = MinColor;
FontSize : integer = 6;
BGround : TColor = 15724275;
{ collection }
fCollection : boolean = false;
fDuplicate : boolean = false;
Likeness : integer = 0;
fDescription : boolean = false;
{ autosave }
AutoSave : boolean = false;
{ custom colors }
Colors : TStringList = nil;
{ forms position and size }
MainLeft : integer = 200;
MainTop : integer = 100;
MainWidth : integer = MinWidth;
MainHeight : integer = MinHeight;
ViewLeft : integer = 10;
ViewTop : integer = 10;
ViewWidth : integer = 360;
ViewHeight: integer = 400;
{ curr format }
psFiles = 'FilesIndex';
{ curr path }
psPath = 'Path';
psPathIndex = 'PathIndex';
{ curr panel }
psPanelIndex = 'PanelIndex';
{ list sort flag }
psSortList = 'SortList';
{ numerate }
psRename = 'Numerate';
psOrder = 'OrderIndex';
psDecs = 'Decrease';
psFirstNum = 'First';
psNextFirst = 'UpdateFirst';
psDigits = 'Digits';
psStepCount = 'Step';
psPrefix = 'Prefix';
psPostfix = 'Postfix';
psAttribute = 'SetReadOnly';
psFileTime = 'UpdateFileTime';
{ thumbnails }
psThumbnail = 'CreateThumbnails';
psScale = 'ThumbnailScale';
psThumbnailQuality = 'ThumbnailQuality';
psMark = 'ThumbnailMark';
{ custom size }
psCustom = 'CustomSize';
psCtmWidth = 'CustomWidth';
psCtmHeight = 'CustomHeight';
psCtmMode = 'CutOrFill';
psAnchorX = 'HorAlign';
psAnchorY = 'VerAlign';
psFillColor = 'FillColor';
{ include }
psInclude = 'Include';
psComment = 'IncludeText';
psImgSize = 'IncludeImageSize';
psFilSize = 'IncludeFileSize';
{ font }
psFontBold = 'FontBold';
psFontItalic = 'FontItalic';
psFontUnderline = 'FontUnderline';
psFontStrikeOut = 'FontStrikeOut';
psFontName = 'FontName';
psFontColor = 'FontColor';
psFontSize = 'FontSize';
psBGround = 'FontBackGround';
{ custom colors }
psColors = 'Color';
{ collection }
psCollection = 'CollectionCheck';
psDuplicate = 'FindDuplicate';
psLikeness = 'Likeness';
psDescription = 'Description';
{ autosave }
psAutoSave = 'AutoSave';
{ forms position and size }
psMainLeft = 'WindowLeft';
psMainTop = 'WindowTop';
psMainWidth = 'WindowWidth';
psMainHeight = 'WindowHeight';
psViewLeft = 'ViewerWindowLeft';
psViewTop = 'ViewerWindowTop';
psViewWidth = 'ViewerWindowWidth';
psViewHeight = 'ViewerWindowHeight';
{ formats }
Formats : array [TFormat] of string [ExtLen]
= ('.jpg', '.bmp' {, '.gif', '.tif', '.pcx', '.png'});
{ sort order }
Orders : array [TOrder] of string
= ('by file name',
'by file size',
'by file time',
'by image width',
'by image height',
'by (width * height)',
'by (width / height)',
'by random');
{ align }
HAnchors : array [TAnchor] of string = ('Left','Center','Right');
VAnchors : array [TAnchor] of string = ('Top','Middle','Bottom');
{ autorun flag }
RunAuto : boolean = false;
{ self dir }
ExePath : string = '';
{ work dir }
Catalog : string = '';
{ ini-file }
IniFile : string = '';
{ buffer }
Params : TStringList = nil;
{ font }
procedure ParmsToFont (Font: TFont);
procedure FontToParms (Font: TFont);
{ load\save parameters }
function LoadParameters (Path, Colors: TStrings): boolean;
procedure SaveParameters (Path, Colors: TStrings);
(* formats support *)
function LoadImage (Bmp: TBitMap; const FileName: string): integer;
function SaveImage (Bmp: TBitMap; Compression: integer; const FileName: string): boolean;
function ImageSize (const FileName: string; var Width, Height : integer): boolean;
(* image list *)
TDataFile = File of TMatrix;
PImageInfo = ^TImageInfo;
TImageInfo = packed record
{ work }
Thumbnail : PImageInfo;
Temp : integer;
Data : PMatrix;
{ image parms }
Width : integer;
Height : integer;
{ file parms }
Size : integer;
Attr : integer;
Time : TFileTime;
Name : string;
end; { TImageInfo }
TImageList = Class (TList)
ViewCount : integer;
SortOrder : integer;
Decrease : boolean;
HaveSize : boolean;
HaveData : boolean;
{ support }
procedure Drop;
procedure DisposeItem (var P: PImageInfo);
procedure InitInfo (var Find : TSearchRec; Info: PImageInfo);
function NewData (P: PImageInfo): boolean;
function Search (const Name: string; var Index: integer): boolean;
function isCancel : boolean;
procedure Start (const Mssg: string);
procedure Stop;
procedure SetTemp (Mode: integer);
function LoadSize: boolean;
{ test }
function Pack: boolean;
{ create thumbnails }
function CreateThumbnails: boolean;
{ rename }
function RenameImage (P: PImageInfo; const Name: string): boolean;
function Rename: boolean;
{ update }
function SetReadOnly (P: PImageInfo; ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
function UpdateTime (P: PImageInfo; const Time: TSystemTime): boolean;
function Update: boolean;
{ create description }
function CreateDescription: boolean;
{ find duplicates }
function LoadData: boolean;
function FindDups: boolean;
constructor Create;
procedure Clear; override;
function Scan: boolean;
function Sort (Odr: TOrder; Dcs: boolean): boolean;
function Run: boolean;
procedure MarkChange;
property ThumbnailCount: integer read ViewCount;
end; { TImageList }
Images : TImageList;
Cancel : boolean;
(* report\error handlers *)
procedure Alarm (const Mssg: string; Pfx: TMsgDlgType);
With CreateMessageDialog (Mssg, Pfx, [mbOK]) do begin
Position := poMainFormCenter;
end; { With }
end; { Alarm }
function Confirm (const Wrn, Qst: string): boolean;
With CreateMessageDialog (Wrn + #13#13 + Qst + '?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo])
do begin
Position := poMainFormCenter;
Result := ShowModal = mrYes;
end; { With }
end; { Confirm }
procedure Error (const Name, Mssg: string);
S : string;
Inc (Errors);
if Name > '' then S := '"' + Name + '". ' else S := '';
Report (ErrPrefix + AnyPrefix + 'Error: ' + S + Mssg, mtError)
end; { Error }
procedure SysError (const Name: string; RC: Dword);
Error (Name, SysErrorMessage (RC));
end; { SysError }
procedure Warning (const Name, Mssg: string);
S : string;
if Name > '' then S := '"' + Name + '". ' else S := '';
Report (ErrPrefix + AnyPrefix + 'Warning: ' + S + Mssg, mtWarning)
end; { Warning }
procedure Inform (const Mssg: string);
Report (Mssg, mtInformation);
end; { Inform }
(* support *)
function StrToInt (const S : string; var I: integer): boolean;
c, n : integer;
Val (S, n, c);
if c = 0 then begin
Result := true;
I := n;
end { if }
else Result := false;
end; { StrToInt }
function StrToDateTime (const S: string; var DT: TDateTime): boolean;
DT := SysUtils.StrToDateTime (S);
Result := true;
Result := false;
end; { StrToDateTime }
function PathDelimiter (const Path: string; Del: boolean = false): string;
l : integer;
l := Length (Path);
Result := Path;
if l > 0 then begin
if IsPathDelimiter (Path, Length (Path)) then begin
if Del then SetLength (Result, Pred (l))
end { if }
else if not Del then Result := Result + '\';
end; { if }
end; { PathDelimiter }
function SetDigits (Num: integer): string;
k : integer;
Result := IntToStr (Num);
if Digits > 0 then begin
k := Digits - Length (Result);
if k > 0 then Result := StringOfChar ('0', k) + Result;
end; { if }
end; { SetDigits }
function isThumbnail (const FileName: string): boolean;
k : integer;
k := Length (Mark);
Result := (k > 0) and (AnsiCompareText (Copy (FileName, Length (FileName) - k - Pred (ExtLen), k), Mark) = 0);
end; { isThumbnail }
procedure DecodeName (const FileName: string; var Pfx, Num, Ptx: string);
i, j, k, n : integer;
{ len }
n := Length (FileName) - ExtLen;
{ find digit }
j := Succ (n);
k := j;
for i := 1 to n do begin
if FileName [i] in Numerics then begin
j := i;
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ find char }
for i := Succ (j) to n do begin
if not (FileName [i] in Numerics) then begin
k := i;
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ result }
Pfx := Copy (FileName, 1, Pred (j));
Ptx := Copy (FileName, k, n - k + 1);
Num := Copy (FileName, j, k - j);
end; { DecodeName }
function EncodeName (Number: integer): string;
Result := Prefix + SetDigits (Number) + Postfix + Formats [Files];
end; { EncodeName }
function ThumbnailName (const FileName: string): string;
n : integer;
n := Length (FileName);
Result := Copy (FileName, 1, n - ExtLen) + Mark +
Copy (FileName, n - Pred (ExtLen), ExtLen);
end; { ThumbnailName }
function SizeStr (W, H : integer): string;
Result := IntToStr (W) + 'x' + IntToStr (H);
end; { SizeStr }
function FileSizeStr (Z: longword): string;
k : integer;
k := Round (Z / 1024);
if k = 0 then k := 1;
Result := IntToStr (k) + 'k';
end; { FileSizeStr }
function TrackToQuality (Track: integer): integer;
Result := 20 + (Track * 8);
end; { JpgeQuality }
function TrackToLikeness (Track: integer): integer;
Result := Track + 75;
end; { TrackToLikeness }
function isPathExist (const Name: string): boolean;
A : integer;
A := FileGetAttr (Name);
Result := (A > 0) and ((A and faDirectory) > 0);
end; { isPathExist }
function isValid: boolean;
Result := (fRename or fThumbnail or fCollection) and
(Images <> nil) and (Images.Count > 0);
end; { isValid }
procedure AppTitle;
Inform (AppName + ' ' + Version + '. Freeware. (c) pulsar@mail.primorye.ru');
end; { AppTitle }
function CatalogTime (var Time: TFileTime): boolean;
Find : TSearchRec;
Result := false;
if Catalog > '' then begin
if SysUtils.FindFirst (PathDelimiter (Catalog, true), faAnyFile, Find) = 0
then With Find.FindData do begin
if CompareFileTime (ftLastWriteTime, ftCreationTime) > 0
then Time := ftLastWriteTime
else Time := ftCreationTime;
Result := true;
end; { if }
{ close }
SysUtils.FindClose (Find);
end; { if }
end; { CatalogTime }
function OpenText (var Txt: Text; const Name: string; Mode: boolean): boolean;
AssignFile (Txt, Name);
if Mode then begin
FileMode := 1;
Rewrite (Txt)
end { if }
else begin
FileMode := 0;
Reset (Txt);
end; { else }
Result := IOresult = 0;
end; { OpenTxt }
function SetFileAttr (const FileName: string; Attr: integer): boolean;
if FileSetAttr (FileName, Attr) <> 0 then begin
SysError (FileName, GetLastError);
Result := false;
end { if }
else Result := true;
end; { if }
function FileTimeToDateTime (var Time: TFileTime): TDateTime;
F : TFileTime;
U : TSystemTime;
FileTimeToLocalFileTime (Time, F);
FileTimeToSystemTime (F, U);
Result := SystemTimeToDateTime (U);
end; { FileTimeToDateTime }
(* formats support *)
function LoadImage (Bmp: TBitMap; const FileName: string): integer;
Jpg : TJpegImage;
Result := -1;
Case Files of
{ jpg }
0: begin
Jpg := TJpegImage.Create;
Jpg.LoadFromFile (Catalog + FileName);
if Jpg.PixelFormat = jf8bit then Bmp.PixelFormat := pf8bit
else Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
Bmp.Width := Jpg.Width;
Bmp.Height := Jpg.Height;
Bmp.Canvas.Draw (0, 0, Jpg);
Result := Jpg.CompressionQuality;
end; { 0 }
{ bmp }
1: begin
Bmp.LoadFromFile (Catalog + FileName);
Result := 0;
end; { 1 }
{ unsupported }
else Error (FileName, 'Unsupported format')
end; { Case }
on E: Exception do Error (Catalog + FileName, E.Message);
end; { try }
end; { LoadImage }
function SaveImage (Bmp: TBitMap; Compression: integer; const FileName: string): boolean;
Jpg : TJpegImage;
Case Files of
{ jpg }
0: begin
Jpg := TJpegImage.Create;
Jpg.CompressionQuality := Compression;
if Bmp.PixelFormat > pf8bit then Jpg.PixelFormat := jf24bit
else Jpg.PixelFormat := jf8bit;
Jpg.Assign (Bmp);
Jpg.SaveToFile (Catalog + FileName);
end; { 0 }
{ bmp }
1: begin
Bmp.SaveToFile (Catalog + FileName);
end; { 1 }
{ unsupported }
else Error (FileName, 'Unsupported format')
end; { Case }
Result := true;
on E: Exception do begin
Error (FileName, E.Message);
Result := false;
end; { try }
end; { SaveImage }
function ImageSize (const FileName: string; var Width, Height : integer): boolean;
BufSize = 24;
BufHalf = 12;
BufTerm = 6;
BufOffs = 16;
TByteBuffer = packed array [0..Pred (BufSize)] of Byte;
TWordBuffer = packed array [0..Pred (BufHalf)] of Word;
TLongBuffer = packed array [0..Pred (BufTerm)] of integer;
Bytes : TByteBuffer;
Words : TWordBuffer absolute Bytes;
Longs : TLongBuffer absolute Bytes;
Image : THandle;
E, F : boolean;
w, h : word;
x : word;
i : integer;
function SwapBytes (const Pos: integer): word;
R : TByteBuffer absolute Result;
R [1] := Bytes [Pos];
R [0] := Bytes [Succ (Pos)];
end; { SwapBytes }
function Swap32 (const Value: integer): integer;
P : TWordBuffer absolute Value;
R : TWordBuffer absolute Result;
R [0] := Swap (P [1]);
R [1] := Swap (P [0]);
end; { Swap32 }
{ init }
Result := false;
{ open }
Image := FileOpen (Catalog + FileName, fmOpenRead);
if Image <= 0 then Exit;
{ read buffer }
if FileRead (Image, Bytes, BufSize) = BufSize then begin
{ by format }
Case Files of
{ JPEG }
0: begin
E := false;
F := false;
i := 0;
{ find markers }
While i < BufSize do begin
{ ok }
if Bytes [i] = $FF then begin
{ next }
Inc (i);
{ shift }
if i > BufOffs then begin
{ move }
Longs [0] := Longs [4];
Longs [1] := Longs [5];
{ add }
E := FileRead (Image, Longs [2], BufOffs) <> BufOffs;
{ pos }
Dec (i, BufOffs);
end; { if }
{ segment marker }
if F and (not E) then begin
if Bytes [i] in [$C0, $C1, $C2, $C3] then begin
Inc (i, 4);
Height := SwapBytes (i);
Inc (i, 2);
Width := SwapBytes (i);
{ ok }
E := true;
end { else }
else if not (Bytes [i] in [$01, $D0..$D7, $FF]) then begin
{ length }
w := SwapBytes (Succ (i));
{ skip }
E := FileSeek (Image, w - Succ (BufSize) + i, 1) <= 0;
{ reset buffer }
i := BufSize;
end; { else if }
end { if }
{ start marker }
else F := (Bytes [i] = $D8);
end { if }
{ next }
else Inc (i);
end; { While }
{ exit or read }
Until E or (FileRead (Image, Bytes, BufSize) <> BufSize);
end; { 0 }
{ BMP }
1: begin
Width := Words [9];
Height := Words [11];
end; { 1 }
{ GIF }
2: begin
Width := Words [3];
Height := Words [4];
end; { 2 }
{ TIFF }
3: begin
{ swap tif }
E := Bytes[0] = 77;
{ entry pos }
if E then i := Swap32 (Longs [1])
else i := Longs [1];
{ number of entries }
if (FileSeek (Image, i, 0) > 0) and (FileRead (Image, h, 2) = 2) then begin
if E then h := Swap (h);
{ each entry }
i := 0;
While (i < h) and ((Width = 0) or (Height = 0)) and
(FileRead (Image, Bytes, BufHalf) = BufHalf)
do begin
if E then begin
w := Swap(Words [0]);
x := Swap(Words [1]);
end { if }
else begin
w := Words [0];
x := Words [1];
end; { else }
{ width entry }
if w = 256 then begin
Case x of
1: Width := Bytes [8];
3: if E then Width := Swap(Words [4]) else Width := Words [4];
4: if E then Width := Swap32(Longs [2]) else Width := Longs [2];
end; { Case }
end { if }
{ height entry }
else if w = 257 then begin
Case x of
1: Height := Bytes [8];
3: if E then Height := Swap(Words [4]) else Height := Words [4];
4: if E then Height := Swap32(Longs [2]) else Height := Longs [2];
end; { Case }
end; { if }
Inc (i);
end; { While }
end; { if }
end; { 3 }
{ PCX }
4: begin
Width := Succ (Words[4] - Words [2]);
Height := Succ (Words[5] - Words[3]);
end; { 4 }
{ PNG }
5: begin
Width := Swap(Words [9]);
Height := Swap(Words [11]);
end; { 5 }
{ unsupported }
else Error (FileName, 'Unsupported format')
end; { Case }
end; { if }
{ close }
FileClose (Image);
{ result }
if (Width <= 0) or (Height <= 0) or (Width > MAXSHORT) or (Height > MAXSHORT)
then begin
Error (FileName, 'Image format is not correct');
Result := false;
end { if }
else Result := true;
end; { ImageSize }
(* operations support *)
function ResizeBmp (Bmp: TBitMap; const Name: string): boolean;
S : single;
w, h : integer;
{ custom size }
if fCustom then begin
if not ThumbnailBmp (Bmp, CtmWidth, CtmHeight, AnchorX, AnchorY, CtmMode, FillColor)
then begin
Error (Name, 'Cannot create thumbnail because image is too small');
Result := false;
end { if }
else Result := true;
end { if }
{ scale }
else begin
w := Bmp.Width;
h := Bmp.Height;
S := ((w * h) / (h + w)) / (30 + (Scale * 2.5));
Result := ThumbnailBmp (Bmp, nil, S, S);
end; { else }
end; { ResizeBmp }
function Include (Bmp: TBitMap; const Name: string; W, H, Z: longword): boolean;
S : string;
R : TRect;
q : integer;
procedure Plus (const A: string);
if S > '' then S := S + ' ' + A else S := A;
end; { Plus }
S := '';
{ comment }
if Comment > '' then Plus (Comment);
{ image size }
if fImgSize then Plus (SizeStr (W, H));
{ file size }
if fFilSize then Plus (FileSizeStr (Z));
{ font }
ParmsToFont (Bmp.Canvas.Font);
{ width }
q := Bmp.Canvas.TextWidth (S);
{ test }
if Bmp.Width >= Pred (q) then With Bmp do begin
{ resize }
R.Left := 0;
R.Right := Width;
R.Top := Height;
Height := R.Top + Canvas.TextHeight ('X0');
R.Bottom := Height;
{ bground }
Canvas.Brush.Color := BGround;
Canvas.FillRect (R);
{ text }
R.Left := (Width - q) div 2;
Canvas.TextOut (R.Left, R.Top, S);
{ ok }
Result := true;
end { if With }
{ error }
else begin
Error (Name, 'Cannot include in the thumbnail because it is too small');
Result := false;
end; { else }
end; { Include }
(* load\save parameters *)
procedure ParmsToFont (Font: TFont);
With Font do begin
Name := FontName;
Size := FontSize;
Color := FontColor;
if FontBold then Style := Style + [fsBold];
if FontItalic then Style := Style + [fsItalic];
if FontUnderline then Style := Style + [fsUnderline];
if FontStrikeOut then Style := Style + [fsStrikeOut];
end; { With }
end; { ParmsToFont }
procedure FontToParms (Font: TFont);
With Font do begin
FontName := Name;
FontSize := Size;
FontColor := Color;
FontBold := fsBold in Style;
FontItalic := fsItalic in Style;
FontUnderline := fsUnderline in Style;
FontStrikeOut := fsStrikeOut in Style;
end; { With }
end; { FontToParms }
procedure SaveParameters (Path, Colors: TStrings);
procedure AddStr (const Name, Value: string);
Params.Add (Name + '=' + Value);
end; { AddStr }
procedure AddInt (const Name: string; Value: integer);
AddStr (Name, IntToStr (Value));
end; { AddInt }
i : integer;
{ main }
if Path = nil then begin
AddStr (psPath + '0', Catalog);
PathIndex := 0;
end { if }
else begin
for i := 0 to Pred (Path.Count) do AddStr (psPath + IntToStr (i), Path [i]);
if PathIndex < 0 then PathIndex := 0;
end; { else }
AddInt (psPathIndex, PathIndex);
AddInt (psFiles, Files);
AddInt (psPanelIndex, PanelIndex);
AddInt (psSortList, Byte (fSortList));
{ numerate }
AddInt (psRename, Byte(fRename));
AddInt (psOrder, Order);
AddInt (psDecs, Byte(fDecs));
AddInt (psFirstNum, FirstNum);
AddInt (psNextFirst, Byte (NextFirst));
AddInt (psDigits, Digits);
AddInt (psStepCount, StepCount);
AddStr (psPrefix, Prefix);
AddStr (psPostfix, Postfix);
AddInt (psAttribute, Byte(fAttribute));
AddInt (psFileTime, Byte(fFileTime));
{ thumbnails }
AddInt (psThumbnail, Byte(fThumbnail));
AddStr (psMark, Mark);
AddInt (psScale, Scale);
AddInt (psThumbnailQuality, ThumbnailQuality);
{ custom }
AddInt (psCustom, Byte(fCustom));
AddInt (psCtmWidth, CtmWidth);
AddInt (psCtmHeight, CtmHeight);
AddInt (psCtmMode, Byte(CtmMode));
AddInt (psAnchorX, AnchorX);
AddInt (psAnchorY, AnchorY);
AddInt (psFillColor, FillColor);
{ include }
AddInt (psInclude, Byte (fInclude));
AddStr (psComment, Comment);
AddInt (psImgSize, Byte (fImgSize));
AddInt (psFilSize, Byte (fFilSize));
AddStr (psFontName, FontName);
AddInt (psFontColor, FontColor);
AddInt (psFontSize, FontSize);
AddInt (psBGround, BGround);
{ font style }
AddInt (psFontBold, Byte (FontBold));
AddInt (psFontItalic, Byte (FontItalic));
AddInt (psFontUnderline, Byte (FontUnderline));
AddInt (psFontStrikeOut, Byte (FontStrikeOut));
{ collection }
AddInt (psCollection, Byte (fCollection));
AddInt (psDuplicate, Byte (fDuplicate));
AddInt (psLikeness, Likeness);
AddInt (psDescription, Byte (fDescription));
{ autosave }
AddInt (psAutoSave, Byte(AutoSave));
{ colors }
if Colors <> nil then Params.AddStrings (Colors);
{ forms }
AddInt (psMainLeft, MainLeft);
AddInt (psMainTop, MainTop);
AddInt (psMainWidth, MainWidth);
AddInt (psMainHeight, MainHeight);
AddInt (psViewWidth, ViewWidth);
AddInt (psViewHeight, ViewHeight);
AddInt (psViewLeft, ViewLeft);
AddInt (psViewTop, ViewTop);
{ save }
Params.SaveToFile (IniFile);
on E: Exception do Error (IniFile, E.Message);
end; { try }
end; { SaveParameters }
function LoadParameters (Path, Colors: TStrings): boolean;
Value : integer;
Line : string;
procedure Alert (const Name: string);
Error (IniFile, 'The parameter "' + Name + '" is incorrect');
Result := false;
end; { Alert }
function GetStr (const Name: string; Min, Max: integer): boolean;
i, j : integer;
Result := false;
for i := 0 to Pred (Params.Count) do begin
Line := Params [i];
j := AnsiPos ('=', Line);
if (j > 0) and (AnsiCompareText (Trim (Copy (Line, 1, j - 1)), Name) = 0)
then begin
Line := Trim (Copy (Line, j + 1, Length (Line) - j));
j := Length (Line);
if (j >= Min) and (j <= Max) then Result := true
else Alert (Name);
Params.Delete (i);
end; { if }
end; { for }
end; { GetStr }
function GetInt (const Name: string; Min, Max: integer): boolean;
Result := false;
if GetStr (Name, 1, 10) then begin
if StrToInt (Line, Value) and (Value >= Min) and (Value <= Max) then Result := true
else Alert (Name);
end; { if }
end; { GetInt }
S : string;
i, j : integer;
Result := true;
Params.LoadFromFile (IniFile);
{ path }
if GetInt (psPathIndex, 0, Pred (MaxHistory)) then PathIndex := Value;
j := 0;
for i := 0 to Pred (MaxHistory) do begin
if GetStr (psPath + IntToStr (i), 1, MAX_PATH) then begin
Line := PathDelimiter (AnsiUpperCase (Line));
if i = PathIndex then Catalog := Line;
if Path <> nil then Path.Add (Line);
Inc (j);
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ test }
if PathIndex >= j then begin
Alert (psPathIndex);
PathIndex := -1;
end; { if }
if GetInt (psFiles, MinFormat, MaxFormat) then Files := Value;
if GetInt (psPanelIndex, 0, MaxPanel) then PanelIndex := Value;
if GetInt (psSortList, 0, 1) then fSortList := Boolean (Value);
{ numerate }
if GetInt (psRename, 0, 1) then fRename := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psOrder, MinOrder, MaxOrder) then Order := Value;
if GetInt (psDecs, 0, 1) then fDecs := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psFirstNum, MinFirst, MaxFirst) then FirstNum := Value;
if GetInt (psNextFirst, 0, 1) then NextFirst := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psDigits, MinDigits, MaxDigits) then Digits := Value;
if GetInt (psStepCount, MinStep, MaxStep) then StepCount := Value;
if GetStr (psPrefix, 0, LenNamePart) then Prefix := Line;
if GetStr (psPostfix, 0, LenNamePart) then Postfix := Line;
if GetInt (psAttribute, 0, 1) then fAttribute := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psFileTime, 0, 1) then fFileTime := Boolean (Value);
{ thumbnails }
if GetInt (psThumbnail, 0, 1) then fThumbnail := Boolean (Value);
if GetStr (psMark, 1, LenNamePart) then Mark := Line;
if GetInt (psScale, MinScale, MaxScale) then Scale := Value;
if GetInt (psThumbnailQuality, MinQuality, MaxQuality) then ThumbnailQuality := Value;
{ custom }
if GetInt (psCustom, 0, 1) then fCustom := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psCtmWidth, MinCustom, MaxCustom) then CtmWidth := Value;
if GetInt (psCtmHeight, MinCustom, MaxCustom) then CtmHeight := Value;
if GetInt (psCtmMode, 0, 1) then CtmMode := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psAnchorX, MinAnchor, MaxAnchor) then AnchorX := Value;
if GetInt (psAnchorY, MinAnchor, MaxAnchor) then AnchorY := Value;
if GetInt (psFillColor, MinColor, MaxColor) then FillColor := Value;
{ include }
if GetInt (psInclude, 0, 1) then fInclude := Boolean (Value);
if GetStr (psComment, 0, LenComment) then Comment := Line;
if GetInt (psImgSize, 0, 1) then fImgSize := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psFilSize, 0, 1) then fFilSize := Boolean (Value);
if GetStr (psFontName, 0, 128) then FontName := Line;
if GetInt (psFontColor, MinColor, MaxColor) then FontColor := Value;
if GetInt (psFontSize, MinFont, MaxFont) then FontSize := Value;
if GetInt (psBGround, MinColor, MaxColor) then BGround := Value;
{ font style }
if GetInt (psFontBold, 0, 1) then FontBold := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psFontItalic, 0, 1) then FontItalic := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psFontUnderline, 0, 1) then FontUnderline := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psFontStrikeOut, 0, 1) then FontStrikeOut := Boolean (Value);
{ collection }
if GetInt (psCollection, 0, 1) then fCollection := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psDuplicate, 0, 1) then fDuplicate := Boolean (Value);
if GetInt (psLikeness, MinLike, MaxLike) then Likeness := Value;
if GetInt (psDescription, 0, 1) then fDescription := Boolean (Value);
{ autosave }
if GetInt (psAutoSave, 0, 1) then AutoSave := Boolean (Value);
{ colors }
if Colors <> nil then begin
for i := 0 to 15 do begin
S := psColors + Chr (i + Ord ('A'));
if GetStr (S, 0, MaxColor) then Colors.Add (S + '=' + Line);
end; { for }
end; { if }
{ forms }
i := Screen.DesktopWidth - MinLeft;
j := Screen.DesktopHeight - MinTop;
if GetInt (psMainLeft, MinLeft, i) then MainLeft := Value;
if GetInt (psMainTop, MinTop, j) then MainTop := Value;
if GetInt (psMainWidth, MinWidth, i) then MainWidth := Value;
if GetInt (psMainHeight, MinHeight, j) then MainHeight := Value;
if GetInt (psViewWidth, MinView, i) then ViewWidth := Value;
if GetInt (psViewHeight, MinView, j) then ViewHeight := Value;
if GetInt (psViewLeft, MinLeft, i) then ViewLeft := Value;
if GetInt (psViewTop, MinTop, j) then ViewTop := Value;
{ test }
if Params.Count > 0 then Alert (Params [0]);
on E: Exception do begin
Error (IniFile, E.Message);
Result := false;
end; { on }
end; { try }
end; { LoadParameters }
(* compare *)
function CmpNumber (F, S: pointer): integer;
A, B : string;
C, D : string;
X, Y : string;
n, k : integer;
DecodeName (PImageInfo (F)^.Name, A, C, X);
DecodeName (PImageInfo (S)^.Name, B, D, Y);
Result := AnsiCompareText (A, B);
if (Result = 0) and StrToInt (C, n) and StrToInt (D, k) then Result := n - k;
if Result = 0 then Result := AnsiCompareText (C, D);
if Result = 0 then Result := AnsiCompareText (X, Y);
if fDecs then Result := - Result;
end; { CmpNumber }
function CmpSize (F, S: pointer): integer;
Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Size - PImageInfo (S)^.Size;
if fDecs then Result := - Result;
end; { CmpSize }
function CmpTime (F, S: pointer): integer;
Result := CompareFileTime (PImageInfo (F)^.Time, PImageInfo (S)^.Time);
if Result = 0 then Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Size - PImageInfo (S)^.Size;
if fDecs then Result := - Result;
end; { CmpTime }
function CmpHeight (F, S: pointer): integer;
Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Height - PImageInfo (S)^.Height;
if Result = 0 then Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Width - PImageInfo (S)^.Width;
if Result = 0 then Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Size - PImageInfo (S)^.Size;
if fDecs then Result := - Result;
end; { CmpHeight }
function CmpWidth (F, S: pointer): integer;
Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Width - PImageInfo (S)^.Width;
if Result = 0 then Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Height - PImageInfo (S)^.Height;
if Result = 0 then Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Size - PImageInfo (S)^.Size;
if fDecs then Result := - Result;
end; { CmpWidth }
function CmpTemp (F, S: pointer): integer;
Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Temp - PImageInfo (S)^.Temp;
if Result = 0 then Result := PImageInfo (F)^.Size - PImageInfo (S)^.Size;
if fDecs then Result := - Result;
end; { CmpTemp }
(* image list *)
faUse = faAnyFile and (not faVolumeID) and (not faDirectory);
constructor TImageList.Create;
inherited Create;
Capacity := 512;
end; { Create }
procedure TImageList.Drop;
SortOrder := -1;
Decrease := false;
HaveSize := false;
HaveData := false;
ViewCount := 0;
end; { Drop }
procedure TImageList.DisposeItem (var P: PImageInfo);
if P <> nil then begin
SetLength (P^.Name, 0);
if P^.Data <> nil then FreeMem (P^.Data);
Dispose (P);
P := nil;
end; { if }
end; { DisposeItem }
procedure TImageList.Clear;
i : integer;
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
if List [i] <> nil then begin
DisposeItem (PImageInfo (List [i])^.Thumbnail);
DisposeItem (PImageInfo (List [i]));
end; { if }
end; { for }
inherited Clear;
end; { Clear }
procedure TImageList.InitInfo (var Find : TSearchRec; Info: PImageInfo);
With Info^ do begin
{ file parm }
Time := Find.FindData.ftLastWriteTime;
Size := Find.Size;
Attr := Find.Attr;
Name := Find.Name;
{ image parm }
Height := 0;
Width := 0;
{ work }
Thumbnail := nil;
Temp := 0;
Data := nil;
if isThumbnail (Name) then Inc (ViewCount);
end; { With }
end; { InitInfo }
function TImageList.NewData (P: PImageInfo): boolean;
if P^.Data = nil then begin
GetMem (P^.Data, SizeOf (TMatrix));
Result := true;
end { if }
else Result := false;
end; { NewData }
function TImageList.Scan: boolean;
Find : TSearchRec;
Info : PImageInfo;
{ init }
{ test path }
if isPathExist (Catalog) then begin
Result := true;
{ scan }
if SysUtils.FindFirst (Catalog + '*' + Formats [Files], faUse, Find) = 0 then begin
New (Info);
InitInfo (Find, Info);
Add (Info);
Until (SysUtils.FindNext (Find) <> 0);
end; { if }
SysUtils.FindClose (Find);
end { if }
else begin
SysError (Catalog, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND);
Result := false;
end; { else }
end; { Scan }
procedure TImageList.Start (const Mssg: string);
Inform (BegPrefix + AnyPrefix + Mssg);
end; { Start }
procedure TImageList.Stop;
Inform (EndPrefix + AnyPrefix + 'Done');
end; { Stop }
procedure TImageList.MarkChange;
i : integer;
ViewCount := 0;
for i := 0 to Pred (Count)
do if isThumbnail (PImageInfo (List[i])^.Name) then Inc (ViewCount);
end; { MarkChange }
procedure TImageList.SetTemp;
i : integer;
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
With PImageInfo (List[i])^ do begin
Case Mode of
{ order }
0: Temp := i;
{ image size }
1: Temp := Width * Height;
{ image size }
2: begin
if Height > 0 then Temp := Round ((Width / Height) * 1000)
else Temp := 0;
end; { 2 }
{ random }
3: Temp := Random (MaxInt);
{ clear }
else Temp := 0;
end; { Case }
end; { With }
end; { for }
end; { SetTemp }
function TImageList.LoadSize : boolean;
i : integer;
Result := true;
{ test }
if HaveSize then Exit;
{ mssg }
Start ('Loading sizes of images');
{ load }
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
With PImageInfo (List[i])^ do begin
if (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then ImageSize (Name, Width, Height);
end; { With }
{ abort }
if isCancel then begin
Result := false;
end; { if }
end; { for }
if Result then begin
HaveSize := true;
end; { if }
end; { LoadSize }
function TImageList.Sort (Odr: TOrder; Dcs: boolean): boolean;
Cmp : TListSortCompare;
Result := true;
if (Odr = SortOrder) and (Decrease = Dcs) then Exit;
{ init }
Case Odr of
1: Cmp := @CmpSize;
2: Cmp := @CmpTime;
3: begin
Result := LoadSize;
Cmp := @CmpWidth;
end; { 3 }
4: begin
Result := LoadSize;
Cmp := @CmpHeight;
end { 4 };
5: begin
Result := LoadSize;
SetTemp (1);
Cmp := @CmpTemp;
end; { 5 }
6: begin
Result := LoadSize;
SetTemp (2);
Cmp := @CmpTemp;
end; { 6 }
7: begin
SetTemp (3);
Cmp := @CmpTemp;
end; { 7 }
else Cmp := @CmpNumber;
end; { Case }
{ ok }
if Result then begin
{ order }
SortOrder := Odr;
{ exchange }
Decrease := fDecs;
fDecs := Dcs;
{ sort }
inherited Sort (Cmp);
{ restore }
fDecs := Decrease;
Decrease := Dcs;
end; { if }
end; { Sort }
function TImageList.Search (const Name: string; var Index: integer): boolean;
i : integer;
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
if (List[i] <> nil) and
(AnsiCompareText (PImageInfo (List[i])^.Name, Name) = 0)
then begin
Index := i;
Result := true;
end; { if }
end; { for }
Result := false;
end; { Search }
function TImageList.isCancel : boolean;
if Cancel then Support.Error ('', 'Job was cancelled');
Result := Cancel;
end; { isCancel }
function TImageList.SetReadOnly (P: PImageInfo; ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
A : integer;
if ReadOnly then A := P^.Attr or faReadOnly
else A := P^.Attr and (not faReadOnly);
Result := true;
{ change }
if A <> P^.Attr then begin
if not SetFileAttr (Catalog + P^.Name, A) then Result := false
else P^.Attr := A;
end; { if }
end; { SetReadOnly }
function TImageList.Pack: boolean;
P : PImageInfo;
i, j : integer;
Result := true;
Start ('Conformity test');
{ have thumbnails }
if ViewCount > 0 then begin
{ find thumbnails }
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
P := PImageInfo (List [i]);
if (P <> nil) and (not isThumbnail (P^.Name)) and
Search (ThumbnailName (P^.Name), j)
then begin
P^.Thumbnail := List [j];
List [j] := nil;
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ pack and test }
for i := Pred (Count) downto 0 do begin
P := PImageInfo (List [i]);
if P <> nil then begin
{ invalid thumnail }
if P^.Thumbnail = nil then begin
if isThumbnail (P^.Name) then begin
Support.Error (P^.Name, 'The program cannot find the image for the thumbnail');
Result := false;
end { if }
else if not fThumbnail then begin
Warning (P^.Name, 'The program cannot find the thumbnail for the image');
end; { if }
end; { if }
end { if }
else Delete (i);
{ cancel }
if isCancel then begin
Result := false;
end; { if }
end; { for }
end; { if }
end; { Pack }
function TImageList.CreateThumbnails: boolean;
P : PImageInfo;
Bmp : TBitMap;
Find : TSearchRec;
E : boolean;
i : integer;
Start ('Creating thumbnails');
{ init }
Bmp := TBitMap.Create;
{ create }
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
P := List [i];
{ open & convert }
if LoadImage (Bmp, P^.Name) >= 0 then begin
{ parms }
P^.Height := Bmp.Height;
P^.Width := Bmp.Width;
{ data }
if fDuplicate and NewData (P) then BmpMatrix (Bmp, P^.Data^);
{ resize }
if ResizeBmp (Bmp, P^.Name) then begin
{ new }
if P^.Thumbnail = nil then begin
New (P^.Thumbnail);
FillChar (P^.Thumbnail^, SizeOf (TImageInfo), #0);
P^.Thumbnail^.Name := ThumbnailName (P^.Name);
E := true;
end { if }
else E := false;
{ write comment }
if fInclude then With P^ do Include (Bmp, Thumbnail^.Name, Width, Height, Size);
{ clear readonly & save }
if (E or SetReadOnly (P^.Thumbnail, false)) and
SaveImage (Bmp, TrackToQuality (ThumbnailQuality), P^.Thumbnail^.Name)
then begin
{ init }
SysUtils.FindFirst (Catalog + P^.Thumbnail^.Name, faUse, Find);
InitInfo (Find, P^.Thumbnail);
SysUtils.FindClose (Find);
{ thumbnail size }
With P^.Thumbnail^ do begin
Height := Bmp.Height;
Width := Bmp.Width;
end; { With }
{ report }
With P^.Thumbnail^ do Inform (Name + ' ' + SizeStr (Width, Height) + ' ' + IntToStr (Size));
end { if }
{ free }
else if E then DisposeItem (P^.Thumbnail);
end; { if }
end; { if }
{ abort }
if isCancel then Break;
end; { for }
{ ok }
if not Cancel then begin
HaveData := fDuplicate;
HaveSize := true;
Result := true;
end { if }
else Result := false;
{ free }
end; { Thumbnails }
function TImageList.RenameImage (P: PImageInfo; const Name: string): boolean;
function RenameFile (var Dst: string; const Src: string): boolean;
Inform (Dst + ' ' + Src);
Result := SysUtils.RenameFile (Catalog + Dst, Catalog + Src);
if Result then Dst := Src
else SysError (Dst, GetLastError);
end; { RenameFile }
Result := RenameFile (P^.Name, Name) and
((P^.Thumbnail = nil) or RenameFile (P^.Thumbnail^.Name, ThumbnailName (Name)));
end; { RenameImage }
function TImageList.Rename: boolean;
Img : PImageInfo;
Tmp : string;
i : integer;
function CircleRename (P: PImageInfo): boolean;
Cur : string;
j : integer;
{ end of circle }
if P^.Temp < 0 then begin
Result := RenameImage (P, Tmp);
end; { if }
{ new name }
j := P^.Temp * StepCount + FirstNum;
Cur := EncodeName (j);
{ validate }
if not isThumbnail (Cur) then begin
{ init }
Result := true;
{ reset }
P^.Temp := -1;
{ test }
if P^.Name <> Cur then begin
{ test for exist }
if AnsiCompareText (P^.Name, Cur) <> 0 then begin
if Search (Cur, j) then Result := CircleRename (List [j]);
end; { if }
{ rename }
if Result then Result := RenameImage (P, Cur);
end; { if }
end { if }
{ error }
else begin
Support.Error (Cur, 'The filename ending is equal to the thumbnail mark');
Result := false;
end; { else }
end; { CircleRename }
{ sort by order }
if not Sort (Order, fDecs) then begin
Result := false;
end { if }
else Result := true;
{ set order }
SetTemp (0);
{ temp name }
Tmp := AppName + IntToStr (Random (MaxInt)) + Formats [Files];
Until not (isThumbnail (Tmp) or FileExists (Catalog + Tmp));
{ rename all }
Start ('Renaming files');
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
{ item }
Img := List [i];
{ rename }
if Img^.Temp >= 0 then begin
Result := (not isCancel) and CircleRename (Img);
{ abort }
if not Result then Exit;
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ set new first }
if NextFirst then FirstNum := (Pred (Count) * StepCount + FirstNum) + StepCount;
end; { Rename }
function TImageList.UpdateTime (P: PImageInfo; const Time: TSystemTime): boolean;
H : THandle;
T : TFileTime;
Result := false;
{ drop redonly }
if SetReadOnly (P, false) then begin
{ open }
H := FileOpen (Catalog + P^.Name, fmOpenWrite);
if H > 0 then begin
{ update }
Result := SystemTimeToFileTime (Time, T) and SetFileTime (H, nil, nil, @T);
{ close }
FileClose (H);
end; { if }
{ error }
if not Result then SysError (P^.Name, GetLastError)
else P^.Time := T;
end; { if }
end; { UpdateTime }
function TImageList.Update: boolean;
OneMSec : TDateTime = 1 / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
P : PImageInfo;
U : TSystemTime;
T : TDateTime;
i : integer;
Result := true;
{ update time }
if fFileTime then begin
{ init }
Start ('Updating file time');
GetSystemTime (U);
T := SystemTimeToDateTime (U);
{ update }
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
P := List [i];
{ time }
T := T + OneMSec;
DateTimeToSystemTime (T, U);
{ image }
Result := (not isCancel) and UpdateTime (P, U) and
((P^.Thumbnail = nil) or UpdateTime (P^.Thumbnail, U));
{ abort }
if not Result then Exit;
end; { for }
end; { if }
{ read only }
if fAttribute then Start ('Setting readonly attribute')
else Start ('Clearing readonly attribute');
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
P := List [i];
Result := (not isCancel) and SetReadOnly (P, fAttribute) and
((P^.Thumbnail = nil) or SetReadOnly (P^.Thumbnail, fAttribute));
{ abort }
if not Result then Exit;
end; { for }
end; { Update }
function TImageList.CreateDescription: boolean;
Line : string;
Name : string;
Data : Text;
P : PImageInfo;
T : TDateTime;
i : integer;
{ get size }
if not LoadSize then begin
Result := false;
end; { if }
{ init }
Name := Catalog + ScvName;
Start ('Creating description file ' + Name);
{ open }
if OpenText (Data, Name, true) then begin
Result := true;
{ output }
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
P := List [i];
{ name }
Line := P^.Name + TextBreak;
{ size }
Line := Line + IntToStr (P^.Size) + TextBreak;
{ time }
T := FileTimeToDateTime (P^.Time);
Line := Line + DateTimeToStr (T) + TextBreak;
{ width & height }
if (P^.Width > 0) and (P^.Height > 0) then begin
Line := Line + IntToStr (P^.Width) + TextBreak;
Line := Line + IntToStr (P^.Height);
end; { if }
{ write }
Writeln (Data, Line);
{ test }
if IOResult <> 0 then begin
SysError (Name, GetLastError);
Result := false;
end; { if }
{ abort }
if isCancel then begin
Result := false;
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ close }
Close (Data);
if Result then Stop;
end { if }
else begin
SysError (Name, GetLastError);
Result := false;
end; { else }
end; { CreateDescription }
function TImageList.LoadData: boolean;
Bmp : TBitMap;
P : PImageInfo;
i : integer;
Result := true;
{ test }
if HaveData then Exit;
{ init }
Start ('Loading parameters of images');
Bmp := TBitMap.Create;
{ get }
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
P := List [i];
{ matrix }
if P^.Data = nil then begin
if LoadImage (Bmp, P^.Name) >= 0 then begin
P^.Width := Bmp.Width;
P^.Height := Bmp.Height;
NewData (P);
BmpMatrix (Bmp, P^.Data^);
end; { if }
end; { if }
{ abort }
if isCancel then begin
Result := false;
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ free }
{ flags }
if Result then begin
HaveData := true;
HaveSize := true;
end; { if }
end; { LoadData }
function TImageList.FindDups: boolean;
P, S : PImageInfo;
i, j : integer;
{ init database }
if not LoadData then begin
Result := false;
end { if }
else Result := true;
{ init }
Start ('Finding duplicate images');
SetTemp (0);
{ scasn }
for i := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
P := List [i];
if (P <> nil) and (P^.Data <> nil) and (P^.Temp >= 0) then begin
for j := Succ (i) to Pred (Count) do begin
S := List [j];
if (S <> nil) and (S^.Data <> nil) and (S^.Temp >= 0) and
EquMatrix (P^.Data, S^.Data, TrackToLikeness (Likeness))
then begin
Warning (P^.Name, 'The file maybe equal to "' + S^.Name + '"');
S^.Temp := -1;
end; { if }
end; { for }
end; { if }
{ abort }
if isCancel then begin
Result := false;
end; { if }
end; { for }
if Result then Stop;
end; { FindDups }
function TImageList.Run: boolean;
{ init }
Inform ('START ' + DateTimeToStr (Now) + ' ' + Catalog);
Cancel := false;
{ pack and test }
if Pack then begin
{ thumbnails }
if fThumbnail then Result := CreateThumbnails
else Result := true;
{ rename }
if Result and fRename then Result := Rename and Update;
{ create description }
if Result and fCollection then begin
if fDuplicate then Result := FindDups;
if Result and fDescription then Result := CreateDescription;
end; { if }
end { if }
else Result := false;
Inform ('STOP ' + DateTimeToStr (Now));
end; { Run }
(* init *)
{ self path }
ExePath := PathDelimiter (ExtractFilePath (ParamStr (0)));
Catalog := ExePath;
{ ini-file name }
IniFile := ParamStr (1);
if IniFile = '' then IniFile := ExePath + IniName;
{ autorun }
RunAuto := AnsiCompareText (ParamStr (2), ParmAuto) = 0;
{ lists }
Params := TStringList.Create;
{ init }
{ image list }
Images := TImageList.Create;