Chip 2002 September
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
980 lines
(* jBooster *)
(* (c) pulsar@mail.primorye.ru *)
Unit Rasters;
SysUtils, Windows, Classes, Graphics;
(* edit image *)
function RBGBalanceBmp (Source, Dest: TBitMap; Red, Blue, Green: shortint): boolean;
function FocusBmp (Source, Dest: TBitMap; Delta: shortint; Difference: byte; Limit: boolean): boolean;
function FlipBmp (Source, Dest: TBitMap; Horizontal, Vertical: boolean): boolean;
function RotateBmp (Source, Dest: TBitMap; Angle: integer; Resize: boolean): boolean;
(* resize image *)
TResizeFilter = (rfLinear, rfLanczos3);
function QuicklyResizeBmp (Source, Dest: TBitmap; Width, Height: word): boolean;
function FilterResizeBmp (Source, Dest: TBitmap; Width, Height: word; Filter: TResizeFilter): boolean;
(* create thumbnail *)
{ horizontal: left, center, right; vertical: top, middle, bottom }
TAnchor = 0..2;
function ThumbnailBmp (Source, Dest: TBitmap; ScaleX, ScaleY: Single): boolean; overload;
function ThumbnailBmp (Bmp: TBitMap; Width, Height: word; AnchorX, AnchorY: TAnchor; Mode: boolean; const Fill: TColor = 0): boolean; overload;
(* compare image *)
MatrixLimit = 32;
MatrixRight = Pred (MatrixLimit);
PMatrix = ^TMatrix;
TMatrix = packed array [0..MatrixRight] of longword;
function BmpMatrix (Bmp: TBitMap; var Matrix: TMatrix): boolean;
function EquMatrix (First, Second : PMatrix; Likeness: byte): boolean;
(* support *)
{ 24-bit color }
TBGR = packed array [0..2] of byte;
{ color buffer }
TBGRSum = packed array [0..2] of integer;
{ color line }
PScanLine = ^TScanLine;
TScanLine = packed array [0..MaxShort] of TBGR;
{ color table }
PScanLines = ^TScanLines;
TScanLines = packed array of PScanLine;
MaxBGR : TBGR = (MaxByte, MaxByte, MaxByte);
MinBGR : TBGR = (0, 0, 0);
procedure Error;
raise ERangeError.Create ('The parameter is incorrect');
end; { Error }
procedure TestSize (const Size: integer);
if (Size <= 0) or (Size > MaxShort) then Error;
end; { TestSize }
procedure TestSource (Source: TBitMap);
if Assigned (Source) then begin
TestSize (Source.Width);
TestSize (Source.Height);
Source.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
end { if }
else Error;
end; { TestSource }
function TestDest (Source, Dest: TBitMap): boolean;
Result := (Dest <> nil) and (Dest <> Source);
end; { TestDest }
procedure InitBmp (Bmp: TBitMap; const Width, Height: integer);
Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
Bmp.Width := Width;
Bmp.Height := Height;
end; { InitBmp }
procedure BmpScanLines (Bmp: TBitMap; var Lines: TScanLines);
P : PScanLine;
i, j : integer;
SetLength (Lines, Bmp.Height);
P := Bmp.ScanLine [0];
j := Integer (Bmp.ScanLine [Succ (0)]) - Integer (P);
for i := 0 to Pred (Length (Lines)) do begin
Lines [i] := P;
Inc (Integer (P), j);
end; { for }
end; { BmpScanLines }
function Target (Source, Dest: TBitMap; var Src, Dst: TScanLines): PScanLines;
{ source }
TestSource (Source);
BmpScanLines (Source, Src);
{ dest }
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then begin
InitBmp (Dest, Source.Width, Source.Height);
BmpScanLines (Dest, Dst);
Result := @Dst;
end { if }
else Result := @Src;
end; { Target }
(* balance *)
function RBGBalanceBmp (Source, Dest: TBitMap; Red, Blue, Green: shortint): boolean;
Src : TScanLines;
Dst : TScanLines;
Rows : PScanLines;
Value : TBGRSum;
w, h : integer;
x, y : integer;
n, k : integer;
Result := true;
{ nothing to do }
if (Red = 0) and (Blue = 0) and (Green = 0) then begin
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then Dest.Assign (Source);
end; { if }
{ run }
{ test }
Rows := Target (Source, Dest, Src, Dst);
{ init }
Value [0] := Blue * 2;
Value [1] := Green * 2;
Value [2] := Red * 2;
{ size }
w := Pred (Source.Width);
h := Pred (Source.Height);
{ y }
for y := 0 to h do begin
{ x }
for x := 0 to w do begin
{ color }
for n := 0 to 2 do begin
{ new value }
k := Src [y]^[x][n] + Value [n];
{ range }
if k < 0 then Rows^[y]^[x][n] := 0
else if k > MaxByte then Rows^[y]^[x][n] := MaxByte
else Rows^[y]^[x][n] := k;
end; { for }
end; { for }
end; { for }
{ bugs or out of memory }
Result := false;
end; { try }
{ free }
SetLength (Src, 0);
SetLength (Dst, 0);
end; { RBGBalanceBmp }
(* focus *)
function FocusBmp (Source, Dest: TBitMap; Delta: shortint; Difference: byte; Limit: boolean): boolean;
Src : TScanLines;
Dst : TScanLines;
Buff : boolean;
Sign : boolean;
a, b : integer;
c, d : integer;
w, h : integer;
i, j : integer;
x, y : integer;
l, t : integer;
k, n : integer;
Result := true;
{ nothing to do }
if (Delta = 0) or (Difference = 0) then begin
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then Dest.Assign (Source);
end; { if }
{ buffer }
Buff := not TestDest (Source, Dest);
if Buff then Dest := TBitMap.Create;
{ run }
{ test }
Target (Source, Dest, Src, Dst);
{ init }
w := Pred (Source.Width);
h := Pred (Source.Height);
d := Difference * 3;
Sign := Delta < 0;
Delta := Abs (Delta);
{ y }
for j := 0 to h do begin
{ x }
for i := 0 to w do begin
{ item }
BGR [0] := Src [j]^[i][0];
BGR [1] := Src [j]^[i][1];
BGR [2] := Src [j]^[i][2];
a := BGR [0] + BGR [1] + BGR [2];
{ neighbours }
if j > 0 then t := Pred (j) else t := j;
if i > 0 then l := Pred (i) else l := i;
if j < h then k := Succ (j) else k := j;
if i < w then n := Succ (i) else n := i;
{ sum }
c := 0;
b := 0;
for y := t to k do for x := l to n do begin
if (x <> i) or (y <> j) then begin
Inc (b, Src [y]^[x][0] + Src [y]^[x][1] + Src [y]^[x][2]);
Inc (c);
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ calc }
b := a - (b div c);
a := Abs (b);
{ test }
if a >= d then begin
{ delta }
if Limit and (Delta > a) then c := a
else c := Delta;
{ sign }
if (b > 0) xor (not Sign) then c := - c;
{ update }
Inc (BGR [0], c);
Inc (BGR [1], c);
Inc (BGR [2], c);
end; { if }
{ move }
for n := 0 to 2 do begin
if BGR [n] > MaxByte then Dst [j]^[i][n] := MaxByte
else if BGR [n] < 0 then Dst [j]^[i][n] := 0
else Dst [j]^[i][n] := BGR [n]
end; { for }
end; { for }
end; { for }
{ result }
if Buff then Source.Canvas.Draw (0, 0, Dest);
{ bugs or out of memory }
Result := false;
end; { try }
{ free }
if Buff then Dest.Free;
SetLength (Src, 0);
SetLength (Dst, 0);
end; { FocusBmp }
(* flip *)
function FlipBmp (Source, Dest: TBitMap; Horizontal, Vertical: boolean): boolean;
Src : TScanLines;
Dst : TScanLines;
Rows : PScanLines;
Buff : PScanLine;
i, j : integer;
w, h : integer;
n, k : integer;
z : integer;
Result := true;
{ nothing to do }
if not (Horizontal or Vertical) then begin
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then Dest.Assign (Source);
end; { if }
{ init }
Buff := nil;
z := 0;
{ run }
{ test }
Rows := Target (Source, Dest, Src, Dst);
{ size }
w := Source.Width;
h := Source.Height;
{ horizontal }
if Horizontal then begin
n := Pred (w shr 1);
{ y }
for j := 0 to Pred (h) do begin
k := Pred (w);
{ x }
for i := 0 to n do begin
{ exchange }
BGR := Src [j]^[i];
Rows^[j]^[i] := Src [j]^[k];
Rows^[j]^[k] := BGR;
{ next }
Dec (k)
end; { for }
end; { for }
end; { if }
{ vertical }
if Vertical then begin
{ init }
z := w * SizeOf (TBGR);
GetMem (Buff, z);
k := Pred (h);
{ y }
for j := 0 to Pred (h shr 1) do begin
{ exchange }
Move (Rows^[j]^, Buff^, z);
Move (Rows^[k]^, Rows^[j]^, z);
Move (Buff^, Rows^[k]^, z);
{ next }
Dec (k);
end; { for }
end; { if }
{ bugs or out of memory }
Result := false;
end; { try }
{ free }
if Buff <> nil then FreeMem (Buff, z);
SetLength (Src, 0);
SetLength (Dst, 0);
end; { FlipBmp }
(* rotate *)
function RotateBmp (Source, Dest: TBitMap; Angle: integer; Resize: boolean): boolean;
Src : TScanLines;
Dst : TScanLines;
Buff : boolean;
Center : TPoint;
Midle : TPoint;
c, s : Single;
w, h : integer;
n, k : integer;
i, j : integer;
a, b : integer;
x, y : integer;
Result := true;
{ nothing to do }
if Angle = 0 then begin
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then Dest.Assign (Source);
end; { if }
{ buffer }
Buff := not TestDest (Source, Dest);
if Buff then Dest := TBitMap.Create;
{ run }
{ test }
TestSource (Source);
BmpScanLines (Source, Src);
{ init }
w := Source.Width;
h := Source.Height;
{ angle }
c := - (Angle * Pi / 180);
s := Sin (c);
c := Cos (c);
{ dest size }
if Resize then begin
n := Round (Abs (h * s) + Abs (w * c));
k := Round (Abs (h * c) + Abs (w * s));
end { if }
else begin
n := w;
k := h;
end; { else }
InitBmp (Dest, n, k);
BmpScanLines (Dest, Dst);
{ source center }
Center.y := w shr 1;
Center.x := h shr 1;
{ dest center }
Midle.y := n shr 1;
Midle.x := k shr 1;
{ update }
Dec (w);
Dec (h);
Dec (n);
Dec (k);
{ y }
for j := k downto 0 do begin
a := Succ ((j - Midle.x) shl 1);
{ x }
for i := n downto 0 do begin
b := Succ ((i - Midle.y) shl 1);
x := Center.y + Pred (Round (b * c - a * s)) div 2;
y := Center.x + Pred (Round (b * s + a * c)) div 2;
{ fill }
if (x < 0) or (x > w) or (y < 0) or (y > h) then Dst [j]^[i] := MaxBGR
{ copy }
else Dst [j]^[i] := Src [y]^[x]
end; { for }
end; { for }
{ result }
if Buff then Source.Assign (Dest);
{ bugs or out of memory }
Result := false;
end; { try }
{ free }
if Buff then Dest.Free;
SetLength (Src, 0);
SetLength (Dst, 0);
end; { RotateBmp }
(* quickly resize *)
function QuicklyResizeBmp (Source, Dest: TBitmap; Width, Height: word): boolean;
Buff : boolean;
Result := true;
{ nothing to do }
if (Width = Source.Width) and (Height = Source.Height) then begin
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then Dest.Assign (Source);
end; { if }
{ buffer }
Buff := not TestDest (Source, Dest);
if Buff then Dest := TBitMap.Create;
{ run }
{ test }
TestSize (Height);
TestSize (Width);
TestSource (Source);
{ init }
InitBmp (Dest, Width, Height);
{ resize }
Dest.Canvas.StretchDraw (Rect (0, 0, Width, Height), Source);
{ result }
if Buff then Source.Assign (Dest);
{ bugs or out of memory }
Result := false;
end; { try }
{ free }
if Buff then Dest.Free;
end; { QuicklyResizeBmp }
(* filter resize *)
function Linear (X: single): single;
if x < 0 then x := - x;
if x < 1 then Result := 1 - x
else Result := 0;
end; { Linear }
function Lanczos3 (X: single): single;
if X <> 0 then begin
if X < 0 then X := - X;
if X < 3 then begin
X := X * Pi;
Result := Sin (X) / X;
X := X / 3;
Result := Result * (Sin (X) / X);
end { if }
else Result := 0;
end { if }
else Result := 1;
end; { Lanczos3 }
function FilterResizeBmp (Source, Dest: TBitmap; Width, Height: word; Filter: TResizeFilter): boolean;
{ filter }
TFilter = function (X: single): single;
{ pixel }
TPixel = packed record
Place : integer;
Quota : integer;
end; { TPixel }
{ group }
TPixelGroup = packed record
Pixels : array of TPixel;
Count : integer;
end; { TPixelGroup }
{ list }
TGroupList = array of TPixelGroup;
Filters : array [TResizeFilter] of TFilter = (Linear, Lanczos3);
Radius : array [TResizeFilter] of single = (1, 3);
List : TGroupList;
procedure Calc (OldSize, NewSize : integer);
Limit = Succ (MaxByte);
Scale : Single;
Center : Single;
Space : Single;
Quota : integer;
i, j : integer;
k, n : integer;
q : Single;
Down : boolean;
{ scale }
if (OldSize = 1) or (NewSize = 1) then Scale := NewSize / OldSize
else Scale := Pred (NewSize) / Pred (OldSize);
{ decrease or increase }
Down := Scale < 1;
{ space }
if Down then Space := Radius [Filter] / Scale
else Space := Radius [Filter];
{ init list }
SetLength (List, NewSize);
{ calc }
for i := 0 to Pred (NewSize) do begin
{ init item }
List [i].Count := 0;
SetLength (List [i].Pixels, Trunc (2 * Space + 1));
{ center }
Center := i / Scale;
{ left }
q := Center - Space;
k := Trunc (q);
if Frac (q) < 0 then Dec (k);
{ right }
q := Center + Space;
n := Trunc (q);
if Frac (q) > 0 then Inc (n);
{ left - right }
for j := k to n do begin
{ quota }
q := Center - j;
if not Down then Quota := Round (Filters [Filter] (q) * Limit)
else Quota := Round (Filters [Filter] (q * Scale) * Scale * Limit);
{ test }
if Quota <> 0 then begin
{ range }
if j >= OldSize then n := OldSize - j + Pred (OldSize)
else if j < 0 then n := -j
else n := j;
{ update list }
k := List [i].Count;
Inc (List [i].Count);
List [i].Pixels [k].Quota := Quota;
List [i].Pixels [k].Place := n;
end; { if }
end; { for }
end; { for }
end; { Calc }
procedure Apply (x, y: integer; var Src, Dst: TScanLines; Axis: boolean);
Buff : TBGRSum;
S, D : PBGR;
i, j : integer;
k, n : integer;
Dec (x);
Dec (y);
{ first axis }
for i := 0 to x do begin
{ second axis }
for j := 0 to y do begin
{ clear }
Buff [0] := 0;
Buff [1] := 0;
Buff [2] := 0;
n := 0;
{ dest }
if Axis then D := @Dst [i]^[j]
else D := @Dst [j]^[i];
{ by list }
With List [j] do begin
for k := 0 to Pred (Count) do begin
With Pixels [k] do begin
{ source }
if Axis then S := @Src [i]^[Place]
else S := @Src [Place]^[i];
{ sum with quota }
Inc (Buff [0], S^[0] * Quota);
Inc (Buff [1], S^[1] * Quota);
Inc (Buff [2], S^[2] * Quota);
Inc (n, Quota);
end; { With }
end; { for }
end; { With }
{ result }
if n > 0 then begin
for k := 0 to 2 do begin
{ color }
Buff [k] := Buff [k] div n;
{ range }
if Buff [k] < 0 then D^[k] := 0
else if Buff [k] > MaxByte then D^[k] := MaxByte
else D^[k] := Buff [k];
end; { for }
end { if }
{ just in case }
else D^ := MinBGR;
end; { for }
end; { for }
end; { Apply }
BufRows : TScanLines;
BmpRows : TScanLines;
Buffer : TBitmap;
w, h : integer;
Result := true;
{ nothing to do }
if (Width = Source.Width) and (Height = Source.Height) then begin
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then Dest.Assign (Source);
end; { if }
{ buffer }
Buffer := TBitmap.Create;
{ test }
TestSize (Height);
TestSize (Width);
TestSource (Source);
{ init }
w := Source.Width;
h := Source.Height;
InitBmp (Buffer, Width, h);
{ rows }
BmpScanLines (Source, BmpRows);
BmpScanLines (Buffer, BufRows);
{ calc width }
Calc (w, Width);
{ src -> buf }
Apply (h, Width, BmpRows, BufRows, true);
{ target }
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then begin
InitBmp (Dest, Width, Height);
BmpScanLines (Dest, BmpRows);
end { if }
else begin
Source.Width := Width;
Source.Height := Height;
BmpScanLines (Source, BmpRows);
end; { else }
{ calc height }
Calc (h, Height);
{ buf -> target }
Apply (Width, Height, BufRows, BmpRows, false);
{ bugs or out of memory }
Result := false;
end; { try }
{ free }
for h := 0 to Pred (Length (List)) do SetLength (List[h].Pixels, 0);
SetLength (List, 0);
SetLength (BmpRows, 0);
SetLength (BufRows, 0);
end; { FilterResizeBmp }
(* create thumbnail *)
function ThumbnailBmp (Source, Dest: TBitmap; ScaleX, ScaleY: Single): boolean; overload;
procedure InitDots (var Dots: array of integer; Scale: single);
i : integer;
q : single;
q := 0;
for i := 0 to Pred (Length (Dots)) do begin
Dots [i] := Round (q);
q := q + Scale;
end; { for }
end; { InitDots }
Rows : PScanLines;
DotX : array of integer;
DotY : array of integer;
Summ : TBGRSum;
Src : TScanLines;
Dst : TScanLines;
w, h : integer;
i, j : integer;
x, y : integer;
n, k : integer;
a, b : integer;
z : integer;
{ init }
Result := true;
{ nothing to do }
if (ScaleX = 1) and (ScaleY = 1) then begin
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then Dest.Assign (Source);
end; { if }
{ run }
{ test }
if (ScaleX < 1) or (ScaleY < 1) then Error;
TestSource (Source);
{ size }
w := Source.Width;
h := Source.Height;
{ new size }
y := Round (h / ScaleY);
x := Round (w / ScaleX);
{ init }
BmpScanLines (Source, Src);
if TestDest (Source, Dest) then begin
InitBmp (Dest, x, y);
BmpScanLines (Dest, Dst);
Rows := @Dst;
end { if }
else Rows := @Src;
{ y-dots }
SetLength (DotY, Succ (y));
InitDots (DotY, ScaleY);
{ x-dots }
SetLength (DotX, Succ (x));
InitDots (DotX, ScaleX);
{ y }
for j := 0 to Pred (y) do begin
{ y-limit }
b := Pred (DotY [Succ (j)]);
{ x }
for i := 0 to Pred (x) do begin
{ x-limit }
a := Pred (DotX [Succ (i)]);
{ clear }
Summ [0] := 0;
Summ [1] := 0;
Summ [2] := 0;
z := 0;
{ y }
for k := DotY [j] to b do begin
{ range }
if k < h then begin
{ x }
for n := DotX [i] to a do begin
{ summ }
if (n < w) then begin
Inc (Summ [0], Src [k]^[n] [0]);
Inc (Summ [1], Src [k]^[n] [1]);
Inc (Summ [2], Src [k]^[n] [2]);
Inc (z);
end; { if }
end; { for }
end; { if }
end; { for }
{ average }
Rows^[j]^[i] [0] := Summ [0] div z;
Rows^[j]^[i] [1] := Summ [1] div z;
Rows^[j]^[i] [2] := Summ [2] div z;
end; { for }
end; { for }
{ set size }
if Rows = @Src then begin
Source.Height := y;
Source.Width := x;
end; { if }
{ bugs or out of memory }
Result := false;
end; { try }
{ free }
SetLength (DotY, 0);
SetLength (DotX, 0);
SetLength (Src, 0);
SetLength (Dst, 0);
end; { ThumbnailBmp }
function ThumbnailBmp (Bmp: TBitMap; Width, Height: word; AnchorX, AnchorY: TAnchor; Mode: boolean; const Fill: TColor = 0): boolean;
function Offset (const Size, Limit: integer; const Anchor: TAnchor): integer;
if Anchor > 0 then begin
Result := Abs (Size - Limit);
if Anchor = 1 then Result := Result shr 1;
end { if }
else Result := 0
end; { Offset }
Buffer : TBitMap;
Src : TRect;
Dst : TRect;
Scale : single;
w, h : integer;
t, l : integer;
x, y : single;
Result := true;
{ nothing to do }
if (Width = Bmp.Width) and (Height = Bmp.Height) then Exit;
{ test }
TestSize (Height);
TestSize (Width);
Result := false;
end; { try }
{ scale }
x := Bmp.Width / Width;
y := Bmp.Height / Height;
if Mode xor (x > y) then Scale := y
else Scale := x;
{ buffer }
Buffer := TBitmap.Create;
{ resize }
if ThumbnailBmp (Bmp, Buffer, Scale, Scale) then begin
{ size }
w := Buffer.Width;
h := Buffer.Height;
{ offset }
t := Offset (Height, h, AnchorY);
l := Offset (Width, w, AnchorX);
{ move }
Dst := Rect (0, 0, Width, Height);
With Bmp.Canvas do begin
{ fill }
if Mode then begin
Brush.Color := Fill;
FillRect (Dst);
{ draw }
Draw (l, t, Buffer);
end { if }
{ cut }
else begin
Src := Rect (l, t, Width + l, Height + t);
CopyRect (Dst, Buffer.Canvas, Src);
end; { else }
end; { With }
{ size }
Bmp.Height := Height;
Bmp.Width := Width;
end { if }
else Result := false;
{ free }
end; { ThumbnailBmp }
(* compare image *)
function BmpMatrix (Bmp: TBitMap; var Matrix: TMatrix): boolean;
Buff : TBitMap;
Rows : TScanLines;
i, j : integer;
a, b : integer;
{ init }
Buff := TBitMap.Create;
a := Bmp.Width;
b := Bmp.Height;
{ decrease }
if ThumbnailBmp (Bmp, Buff, a / MatrixLimit, b / MatrixLimit) then begin
{ ok }
Result := true;
{ init }
FillChar (Matrix, SizeOf (Matrix), 0);
BmpScanLines (Buff, Rows);
{ y }
for j := 0 to MatrixRight do begin
{ prev }
a := 0;
Inc (a, Rows [j]^[MatrixRight] [0]);
Inc (a, Rows [j]^[MatrixRight] [1]);
Inc (a, Rows [j]^[MatrixRight] [2]);
{ x }
for i := 0 to MatrixRight do begin
{ curr }
b := Rows [j]^[i][0] + Rows [j]^[i][1] + Rows [j]^[i][2];
{ difference }
Dec (a, b);
{ levels }
if a < 0 then Matrix [j] := Matrix [j] or (1 shl i);
{ next }
a := b;
end; { for }
end; { for }
end { if }
else Result := false;
{ free }
SetLength (Rows, 0);
end; { BmpMatrix }
function EquMatrix (First, Second : PMatrix; Likeness: byte): boolean;
function TestLine (const F, S: longword): boolean;
k, n : longword;
{ init }
n := MatrixLimit;
{ compare }
k := F xor S;
{ test }
While (k <> 0) and (n >= Likeness) do begin
{ not equ }
if Odd (k) then Dec (n);
{ next }
k := k shr 1;
end; { for }
Result := (n >= Likeness);
end; { TestLine }
function TestMatrix (var F, S: TMatrix): boolean;
j, n : integer;
n := MatrixLimit;
j := 0;
While (j < MatrixLimit) and (n >= Likeness) do begin
{ test }
if not TestLine (F [j], S [j]) then Dec (n);
{ next }
Inc (j);
end; { While }
Result := (n >= Likeness);
end; { TestMatrix }
{ likeness }
Likeness := (MatrixLimit * Likeness) div 100;
{ compare }
Result := TestMatrix (First^, Second^);
end; { EquMatrix }