<Body>This helpfile descripts the Dnote Xml Components.
<p>Dnote Xml Components enable the programmer to add support for importing Component trees to and from XML files and strings. This enables one to for example store object models in xml-files etc.
<p>This software is Open Source and licensed under the <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php">GNU General Public License (GPL)</a>. You can find the project at <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlcomp">SourceForge</a> for the latest downloads and collaboration.
<TOCLinkGenerator Name="Overview" Title="Library Overview"/><!-- TocLinkGenerator inserts a link in the TOC to the topic containing the library overview. Remove the above element if you don't want this link included-->
<TopicBook Title="Categories">
<CategoryTOC/><!-- CategoryTOC inserts the structure of the categories used by source code items (if any). Remove it (and probably the TopicBook as well if you don't want this here) -->