c[ 4]="DΘlka: minimum 90 m (100 yard∙), maximum 120 m (130 yard∙)"
c[ 5]="èφ°ka: minimum 45 m (50 yard∙), maximum 90 m (100 yard∙)"
c[ 6]="Hracφ plocha pro mezinßrodnφ utkßnφ"
c[ 7]="DΘlka: minimum 100 m (110 yard∙), maximum 110 m (120 yard∙)"
c[ 8]="èφ°ka: minimum 64 m (70 yard∙), maximum 75 m (80 yard∙)"
c[ 9]="VyznaΦenφ"
c[ 10]="Hracφ plocha musφ b²t vyznaΦena dob°e viditeln²mi Φßrami."
c[ 11]="Tyto Φßry pat°φ k tomu ·zemφ, kterΘ ohraniΦujφ."
c[ 12]="DelÜφ ohraniΦujφcφ Φßry se naz²vajφ pomeznφ Φßry, kratÜφ se naz²vajφ brankovΘ Φßry."
c[ 13]="VÜechny Φßry jsou nejv²Üe 12 cm (5 palc∙) ÜirokΘ."
c[ 14]="Hracφ plocha je rozd∞lena na dv∞ poloviny st°edovou Φßrou."
c[ 15]="Uprost°ed st°edovΘ Φßry je vyznaΦena st°edovß znaΦka."
c[ 16]="Kolem st°edovΘ znaΦky je vyznaΦen st°edov² kruh o polom∞ru 9,15 m (10 yard∙)."
c[ 17]="BrankovΘ ·zemφ"
c[ 18]="BrankovΘ ·zemφ je vyznaΦeno na obou koncφch hracφ plochy takto:"
c[ 19]="Kolmo ke ka₧dΘ brankovΘ Φß°e se ve vzdßlenosti 5,50 m (6 yard∙) od brankov²ch tyΦφ vyznaΦφ sm∞rem do hracφ plochy Φßry 5,50 m (6 yard∙) dlouhΘ a jejich koncovΘ body se spojφ Φßrou rovnob∞₧nou s brankovou Φßrou."
c[ 20]="Prostor, kter² ohraniΦujφ tyto Φßry a brankovß Φßra, se naz²vß brankov²m ·zemφm."
c[ 21]="PokutovΘ ·zemφ"
c[ 22]="PokutovΘ ·zemφ je vyznaΦeno na obou koncφch hracφ plochy takto:"
c[ 23]="Kolmo ke ka₧dΘ brankovΘ Φß°e se ve vzdßlenosti 16,50 m (18 yard∙) od brankov²ch tyΦφ vyznaΦφ sm∞rem do hracφ plochy Φßry 16,50 m (18 yard∙) dlouhΘ a jejich koncovΘ body se spojφ Φßrou rovnob∞₧nou s brankovou Φßrou."
c[ 24]="Prostor ohraniΦen² t∞mito Φßrami a brankovou Φßrou se naz²vß pokutovΘ ·zemφ."
c[ 25]="V ka₧dΘm pokutovΘm ·zemφ se na pomyslnΘ kolmici k brankovΘ Φß°e, vedenΘ ze st°edu brankovΘ Φßry, vyznaΦφ ve vzdßlenosti 11 m (12 yard∙) od brankovΘ Φßry vhodn²m zp∙sobem pokutovß znaΦka."
c[ 26]="Od st°edu ka₧dΘ pokutovΘ znaΦky se mimo pokutovΘ ·zemφ vyznaΦφ oblouk o polom∞ru 9,15 m (10 yard∙), kter² se naz²vß pokutov² oblouk."
c[ 27]="Praporky"
c[ 28]="V ka₧dΘm rohu hracφ plochy se umφstφ nejmΘn∞ 1,50 m (5 stop) vysokß a naho°e zaoblenß tyΦ, na nφ₧ je p°ipevn∞n praporek."
c[ 29]="Stejnß tyΦ s praporkem se m∙₧e umφstit na ka₧dΘ stran∞ hracφ plochy proti st°edovΘ Φß°e ve vzdßlenosti nejmΘn∞ 1 m od pomeznφ Φßry."
c[ 30]="RohovΘ ·zemφ"
c[ 31]="Kolem ka₧dΘho rohovΘho praporku se na hracφ ploÜe vyznaΦφ Φtvrtkruh o polom∞ru 1 m (1 yard)."
c[ 32]="Branka"
c[ 33]="Branka je umφst∞na uprost°ed ka₧dΘ brankovΘ Φßry."
c[ 34]="Ka₧dou branku tvo°φ dv∞ svislΘ brankovΘ tyΦe postavenΘ ve stejnΘ vzdßlenosti od rohov²ch prapork∙, kterΘ jsou naho°e spojeny b°evnem."
c[ 35]="Vnit°nφ strany brankov²ch tyΦφ jsou od sebe vzdßleny 7,32 m (8 yard∙), spodnφ strana b°evna je ve v²Üi 2,44 m (8 stop) nad zemφ."
c[ 36]="BrankovΘ tyΦe a b°evno musφ mφt stejnou Üφ°ku, ne v∞tÜφ ne₧ 12 cm (5 palc∙)."
c[ 37]="Brankovß Φßra musφ b²t stejn∞ Üirokß jako brankovΘ tyΦe a b°evno."
c[ 38]="Sφt∞ jsou upevn∞ny na brankov²ch tyΦφch, na b°evn∞ a na zemi za brankou; p°itom musφ b²t vhodn∞ vypnuty tak, aby neomezovaly pohyb brankß°e."
c[ 39]="BrankovΘ tyΦe a b°evno musφ b²t bφlΘ."
c[ 40]="BezpeΦnostnφ opat°enφ"
c[ 41]="Branky musejφ b²t pevn∞ ukotveny v zemi."
c[ 42]="P°enosnΘ branky mohou b²t pou₧ity jen za p°edpokladu, ₧e spl≥ujφ toto ustanovenφ."
e[ 1]="Dimensions"
e[ 2]="The field of play must be rectangular."
e[ 3]="The length of the touch line must be greater than the length of the goal line."
e[ 4]="Length: minimum 90 m (100 yds), maximum 120 m (130 yds)"
e[ 5]="Width: minimum 45 m (50 yds), maximum 90 m (100 yds)"
e[ 6]="International Matches"
e[ 7]="Length: minimum 100 m (110 yds), maximum 110 m (120 yds)"
e[ 8]="Width: minimum 64 m (70 yds), maximum 75 m (80 yds)"
e[ 9]="Field Markings"
e[ 10]="The field of play is marked with lines."
e[ 11]="These lines belong to the areas of which they are boundaries."
e[ 12]="The two longer boundary lines are called touch lines. The two shorter lines are called goal lines."
e[ 13]="All lines are not more than 12 cm (5 ins) wide."
e[ 14]="The field of play is divided into two halves by a halfway line."
e[ 15]="The centre mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line."
e[ 16]="A circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) is marked around it."
e[ 17]="The Goal Area"
e[ 18]="A goal area is defined at each end of the field as follows:"
e[ 19]="Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 5.5 m (6 yds) from the inside of each goalpost.These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 5.5 m (6 yds) and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line."
e[ 20]="The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the goal area."
e[ 21]="The Penalty Area"
e[ 22]="A penalty area is defined at each end of the field as follows:"
e[ 23]="Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 16.5 m (18 yds) from the inside of each goalpost. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 16.5 m (18 yds) and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line."
e[ 24]="The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the penalty area."
e[ 25]="Within each penalty area a penalty mark is made 11 m (12 yds) from the midpoint between the goalposts and equidistant to them."
e[ 26]="An arc of a circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) from each penalty mark is drawn outside the penalty area."
e[ 27]="Flagposts"
e[ 28]="A flagpost, not less than 1.5 m (5 ft) high, with a non-pointed top and a flag is placed at each corner."
e[ 29]="Flagposts may also be placed at each end of the halfway line, not less than 1m (1 yd) outside the touch line."
e[ 30]="The Corner Arc"
e[ 31]="A quarter circle with a radius of 1 m (1 yd) from each corner flagpost is drawn inside the field of play."
e[ 32]="Goals"
e[ 33]="Goals must be placed on the centre of each goal line."
e[ 34]="They consist of two upright posts equidistant from the corner flagposts and joined at the top by a horizontal crossbar."
e[ 35]="The distance between the posts is 7.32 m (8 yds) and the distance from the lower edge of the crossbar to the ground is 2.44 m (8ft)."
e[ 36]="Both goalposts and the crossbar have the same width and depth which do not exceed 12 cm (5 ins)."
e[ 37]="The goal lines are the same width as that of the goalposts and the crossbar."
e[ 38]="Nets may be attached to the goals and the ground behind the goal, provided that they are properly supported and do not interfere with the goalkeeper."
e[ 39]="The goalposts and crossbars must be white."
e[ 40]="Safety"
e[ 41]="Goals must be anchored securely to the ground."
e[ 42]="Portable goals may only be used if they satisfy this requirement."