Chip 2002 September
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INI File
256 lines
Info = This file is created by SamLogic Visual Installer 3.06
App = VisualInstaller
AppID = SLVI_R_ML_36X_V01957293
Ver = 3.06
FileType = Options
ProjectName = MathCurve
CompanyName = Simon Benjaminsson
ProductName = MathCurve
ProductVersion = 1.0
TargetMedia = 4
DestinationDirectory = c:\program\mathcurve
ProgramGroup = MathCurve
SetupName = SETUP.EXE
TargetSystem = 2
DeleteProgGroup = 1
RestartWindows = 0
CreateAutorunFile = 0
UninstallSupport = 1
UCP = 0x8000
CDM = 1
LanguageFile = ENGLISH.LNG
AppFileName1 =
AppParam1 =
AppFileName2 =
AppParam2 =
DocFileName =
ShowCheckBox = 0
CheckBoxText = &LΣs dokumentet 'Viktig Information'
WelcomeDlg = 1
GeneralInfoDlg = 0
LicenseInfoDlg = 0
CDKeyDlg = 0
PasswordDlg = 0
NameCompanyDlg = 0
DestinationDlg = 1
ProgramGroupDlg = 1
StartInstallDlg = 0
InstallCompletedDlg = 1
WelcomeDlgTitle = Welcome to MathCurve
GeneralDlgTitle = Generell information
StartInstallDlgTitle = Starta installation
InstallCompleteDlgTitle = Installation completed
WelcomeDlgText = ¥₧¥₧¥₧¥₧¥₧Welcome to the installation of MathCurve version 1.0
GeneralDlgText =
StartInstallDlgText =
InstallCompleteDlgText = ¥₧The installation of MathCurve is now completed.¥₧¥₧¥₧¥₧¥₧Thank you for using MathCurve.¥₧¥₧Don't forget to register!
WelcomeDlgBitmap =
GeneralDlgBitmap =
StartInstallDlgBitmap =
InstallCompleteDlgBitmap =
LicenseTitle = License agreement
LicenseText = You may
LicenseFootText =
CDKeyDialogText = Ange korrekt CD-nyckel. CD-nyckeln stσr skriven pσ en etikett pσ fodralet till din CD-skiva.
CorrectCDKey =
TimeBasedCDKeys =
PasswordDialogText = Skriv in korrekt l÷senord. Det krΣvs f÷r att programmet ska kunna installeras.
CorrectPassword =
NameCompanyExtendedInfo = 0
DestDirShowSizeInfo = 0
DestDirShowSizeInfoButton = 1
UserCompany =
UserName =
UserAddress =
UserPhone =
UserFax =
Useremail =
HandleUpdate = 0
UpdateReferenceFile =
DesWidth = 707
DesHeight = 398
Type = 1
BackColor1 = 16711680
BackColor2 = 79
BlendDirection = 4
PictureFilename =
StretchPicture = 1
TitleText = MathCurve 1.0
TitleForeColor = 255
TitleAlignment = 1
TitleShadow = 0
TitleFontName = Garamond
TitleFontSize = 26
TitleFontBold = 1
TitleFontItalic = 0
BoxTitle = Titel
BoxText = Text
BoxTitleColor = 0
BoxTextColor = 0
BoxBackColor = 16776960
BoxUseBackColor = 1
ShowTextBox = 0
BoxWidth = 200
BoxHeight = 100
BoxXPos = 27
BoxYPos = 197
BoxTitleFontName = Arial
BoxTitleFontSize = 12
BoxTitleFontBold = 1
BoxTitleFontItalic = 0
BoxTextFontName = Arial
BoxTextFontSize = 9
BoxTextFontBold = 0
BoxTextFontItalic = 0
RTFfilename =
RTFboxBackColor = 16777215
ShowRTFbox = 0
RTFboxWidth = 200
RTFboxHeight = 110
RTFboxXPos = 27
RTFboxYPos = 187
PictureFilename1 =
UseTransparentBkg1 = 0
StretchPicture1 = 0
PictureWidth1 = 200
PictureHeight1 = 100
PictureXPos1 = 16
PictureYPos1 = 76
PictureFilename2 =
UseTransparentBkg2 = 0
StretchPicture2 = 0
PictureWidth2 = 200
PictureHeight2 = 100
PictureXPos2 = 23
PictureYPos2 = 83
PictureFilename3 =
UseTransparentBkg3 = 0
StretchPicture3 = 0
PictureWidth3 = 200
PictureHeight3 = 100
PictureXPos3 = 29
PictureYPos3 = 89
TransparentColorNr = 8
NrAnimPictures = 0
StretchPicture = 0
PictureWidth = 200
PictureHeight = 100
PictureXPos = 36
PictureYPos = 96
IntervalSeconds = 5
LogotypeFilename = bmp00001.bmp
LogotypeAlignment = 3
UseTransparentBkg = 0
TransparentColorNr = 8
MovieFilename =
MovieWidth = 316
MovieHeight = 236
MovieXPos = 36
MovieYPos = 96
GaugeAlignmentH = 2
GaugeAlignmentV = 2
BackSoundFilename =
RunScriptBefore = 0
RunScriptAfter = 0
RegistryUse = 1
INIFilesUse = 0
AutoexecBatUse = 0
ConfigSysUse = 0
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.mcg :: (Standard)="MathCurve"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MathCurve:: (Standard)="MathCurve Graph"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MathCurve\DefaultIcon :: (Standard)="%DESTDIR\MathCurve.EXE"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MathCurve\shell\open\command :: (Standard)="%DESTDIR\MathCurve.EXE %1"
C = I
UseComponents = 0
Files = 21
TotalSize = 379