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INI File  |  2002-05-24  |  23KB  |  1,711 lines

  3. #
  4. # CRIMSON EDITOR v3.0
  5. # FIRST EDITED BY Ron Lewis 2002.01.04
  6. # Ron_Lewis@hotmail.com
  9. and
  10. bool
  11. break
  12. by
  13. case
  14. char
  15. const
  16. continue
  17. default
  18. do
  19. else
  20. enum
  21. for
  22. if
  23. in
  24. int
  25. module
  26. object
  27. or
  28. pragma
  29. real
  30. return
  31. sizeof
  32. static
  33. string
  34. struct
  35. switch
  36. then
  37. union
  38. void
  39. while
  43. aligned
  44. form
  45. spaced
  46. unattached
  47. left
  48. top
  49. spaced
  50. right
  51. ack
  52. active
  53. append
  54. appendCell
  55. appendColumn
  56. appendRow
  57. apply
  58. apply
  59. AttrBase
  60. AttrDef
  61. attribute
  62. AttrType
  63. beside
  64. Buffer
  65. button
  66. canWrite
  67. cell
  68. centered
  69. centeredtext
  70. changeBars
  71. close
  72. confirm
  73. create
  74. current
  75. date
  76. Date
  77. DB
  78. DBE
  79. delete
  80. doorsname
  81. draw
  82. drawAngle
  83. drawBitmap
  84. drawLinks
  85. edit
  86. ellipse
  87. else
  88. end
  89. errorBox
  90. exists
  91. exportPicture
  92. extractAfter
  93. extractBelow
  94. false
  95. field
  96. fileName
  97. Filter
  98. find
  99. flush
  100. flushDeletions
  101. flushDeletions
  102. Folder
  103. get
  104. halt
  105. hidden
  106. hide
  107. history
  108. History
  109. identifier
  110. inactive
  111. include
  112. inherit
  113. isShare
  114. Item
  115. keyLeft
  116. keyname
  117. keyPageDown
  118. keyPageUp
  119. keyRight
  120. keys
  121. label
  122. lastError
  123. left
  124. Link
  125. LinkRef
  126. list
  127. Module
  128. modules
  129. multilist
  130. name
  131. noError
  132. null
  133. Object
  134. ok
  135. open"
  136. PageLayout
  137. Permission
  138. print
  139. Project
  140. project
  141. put
  142. radioBox
  143. read
  144. realize
  145. refresh
  146. Regexp
  147. row
  148. runLim
  149. separator
  150. set
  151. setRegistry
  152. share
  153. show
  154. skeyInsert
  155. Skip
  156. sort
  157. source
  158. stack
  159. Stream
  160. stringOf
  161. target
  162. to
  163. toggle
  164. top
  165. trigger
  166. true
  167. type
  169. warningBox
  170. write
  173. accept
  174. acceptDate
  175. acceptPartition
  176. acceptReport
  177. AccessRec
  178. ack
  179. addAttribute
  180. addAwayAttribute
  181. addAwayLinkModule
  182. addAwayLinkset
  183. addAwayModule
  184. addAwayView
  185. addFilter
  186. addGroup
  187. addLinkModule
  188. addLinkset
  189. addMember
  190. addMenu
  191. addModule
  192. addNotifyUser
  193. address
  194. addToolTip
  195. addUser
  196. addView
  197. all
  198. allowsAccess
  199. allWaysArrow
  200. alternative
  201. ancestors
  202. and
  203. annotation
  204. append
  205. appendCell
  206. appendColumn
  207. appendRow
  208. apply
  209. applyDate
  210. archive
  211. ArchiveData
  212. archiveFiles
  213. archiveItem
  214. archiveItemDescription
  215. archiveItemName
  216. archiveItemSelected
  217. archiveItemSoftDeleted
  218. archiveItemType
  219. archiveModuleItem
  220. Array
  221. ascending
  222. AttrBaseType
  223. attrDate
  224. AttrDef
  225. attrdef
  226. attrDefItem
  227. attrDXLName
  228. attrEnumeration
  229. attribute
  230. attributeDXL
  231. attributeMenu
  232. attributeValue
  233. attrInteger
  234. attrName
  235. attrReal
  236. attrString
  237. attrText
  238. AttrType
  239. attrTypeItem
  240. attrUsername
  241. author
  242. background
  243. baseline
  244. baselineExists
  245. baseWin
  246. batchMode
  247. below
  248. beside
  249. bitmap
  250. Bitmap
  251. block
  252. bold
  253. bottom
  254. bottomLeftArrow
  255. bottomRightArrow
  256. box
  257. break
  258. Buffer
  259. busy
  260. button
  261. canControl
  262. canControlDef
  263. canControlVal
  264. canCreate
  265. canCreateDef
  266. canCreateVal
  267. canDelete
  268. canDeleteDef
  269. canDeleteVal
  270. canEdit
  271. canLock
  272. canModify
  273. canOpenFile
  274. canRead
  275. canUnlock
  276. canvas
  277. canWrite
  278. case
  279. cell
  280. center
  281. centered
  282. centre
  283. cerr
  284. change
  285. changeBar
  286. changeBars
  287. changePasswordDialog
  288. changePicture
  289. char
  290. characterSet
  291. charOf
  292. charsetAnsi
  293. charsetDefault
  294. charsetEastEurope
  295. charsetGreek
  296. charsetHebrew
  297. charsetRussian
  298. charsetSymbol
  299. charsetTurkish
  300. checkBox
  301. checkDXL
  302. childLocked
  303. choice
  304. cistrcmp
  305. class
  306. clear
  307. clearClipboard
  308. clearDefaultViewForModule
  309. clearDefaultViewForUser
  310. clearToolTips
  311. client
  312. clipboardIsEmpty
  313. clipboardIsTransient
  314. clipboardMenu
  315. clipClear
  316. clipClearItem
  317. clipCopy
  318. clipCopyFlatItem
  319. clipCopyHierItem
  320. clipCopyMenu
  321. clipCut
  322. clipCutItem
  323. clipLastOp
  324. clipPaste
  325. clipPasteDownItem
  326. clipPasteItem
  327. clipPasteMenu
  328. clipUndo
  329. close
  330. closeFolder
  331. closeProject
  332. closeProjectItem
  333. color
  334. colorBlack
  335. colorBlue
  336. colorBrown
  337. colorCyan
  338. colorDarkTurquoise
  339. colorGreen
  340. colorGrey
  341. colorGrey77
  342. colorGrey82
  343. colorLightBlue
  344. colorMagenta
  345. colorMaroon
  346. colorMediumLightBlue
  347. colorOptionsItem
  348. colorOrange
  349. colorPink
  350. colorRed
  351. colorRedGrey
  352. colorWhite
  353. colorYellow
  354. colours
  355. column
  356. Column
  357. columnCreateItem
  358. columnDeleteItem
  359. columnEditItem
  360. columnFullJustifyItem
  361. columnLeftJustifyItem
  362. columnMenu
  363. columnRightJustifyItem
  364. columnUseAsToolTipsItem
  365. columnUseInGraphicsItem
  366. combine
  367. confAppend
  368. confCopyFile
  369. confDeleteFile
  370. confFileExists
  371. confirm
  372. confirmPasswordDialog
  373. confMkdir
  374. confProjUser
  375. confRead
  376. confRenameFile
  377. confSysUser
  378. confTemp
  379. ConfType
  380. confWrite
  381. contains
  382. contents
  383. control
  384. convertFolderToProject
  385. convertProjectToFolder
  386. copy
  387. copyFile
  388. copyHier
  389. copyPassword
  390. cos
  391. create
  392. createButtonBar
  393. createDescriptiveModuleItem
  394. createFormalModuleItem
  395. createLink
  396. createLinkModuleItem
  397. createPopup
  398. createProjectItem
  399. createString
  400. current
  401. currentDirectory
  402. currentView
  403. cut
  404. cutRichText
  405. databaseManager
  406. date
  407. Date
  408. dateOf
  409. delete
  410. deleteAllMembers
  411. deleteCell
  412. deleteColumn
  413. deleteFile
  414. deleteGroup
  415. deleteKeyRegistry
  416. deleteLink
  417. deleteMember
  418. deleteModuleItem
  419. deleteNotifyUser
  420. deletePicture
  421. deleteProjectItem
  422. deleteRow
  423. deleteTable
  424. deleteUser
  425. deleteValueRegistry
  426. descendants
  427. descending
  428. deselect
  429. deselectItem
  430. destroy
  431. destroyBitmap
  432. directory
  433. disabled
  434. disconnect
  435. dispDeletionItem
  436. dispFilteringItem
  437. dispFilterParentsItem
  438. dispGraphicsItem
  439. dispGraphicsLinksItem
  440. dispGraphicsToolTipsItem
  441. display
  442. dispLevel10Item
  443. dispLevel1Item
  444. dispLevel2Item
  445. dispLevel3Item
  446. dispLevel4Item
  447. dispLevel5Item
  448. dispLevel6Item
  449. dispLevel7Item
  450. dispLevel8Item
  451. dispLevel9Item
  452. dispLevelAllItem
  453. dispose
  454. dispOutlineItem
  455. dispReqOnlyItem
  456. dispSortingItem
  457. do
  458. doNothing
  459. dottedBorder
  460. down
  461. downArrow
  462. downgrade
  463. downgradeShare
  464. draw
  465. drawAngle
  466. drawBitmap
  467. drawLinks
  468. duplicateModuleItem
  469. duplicateProjectItem
  470. edit
  471. editDXLItem
  472. editMenu
  473. editor
  474. editUsersItem
  475. ellipse
  476. else
  477. email
  478. emailCPUpdates
  479. empty
  480. end
  481. endPrintJob
  482. enum
  483. error
  484. errorBox
  485. event
  486. excludeCurrent
  487. excludeLeaves
  488. excludes
  489. exists
  490. existsGroup
  491. existsUser
  492. exp
  493. export
  494. exportPicture
  495. exportRTFString
  496. extractAfter
  497. extractBelow
  498. extractDownItem
  499. extractMenu
  500. extractSameItem
  501. extractSetupItem
  502. false
  503. field
  504. fileExists_
  505. filter
  506. Filter
  507. filtering
  508. filterItem
  509. filterTables
  510. find
  511. findAttribute
  512. findByID
  513. findLinkset
  514. findModule
  515. findRichText
  516. findView
  517. first
  518. firstNonSpace
  519. flush
  520. flushDeletions
  521. flushLeft
  522. flushRight
  523. Folder
  524. folderName
  525. font
  526. fontOptionsItem
  527. fontTable
  528. for
  529. formal
  530. formatBMP
  531. formatDIB
  532. formatEPSF
  533. formatPNG
  534. formatUNKNOWN
  535. formatWMF
  536. frame
  537. full
  538. fullName
  539. get
  540. getAccountsDisabled
  541. getAdministratorName
  542. getArchiveType
  543. getBoundedAttr
  544. getCanvas
  545. getCellAlignment
  546. getCellShowChangeBars
  547. getCellShowLinkArrows
  548. getCellWidth
  549. getCheck
  550. getColumnBottom
  551. getColumnTop
  552. getColumnValue
  553. getDatabaseIdentifier
  554. getDatabaseMailServer
  555. getDatabaseMailServerAccount
  556. getDatabaseMinimumPasswordLength
  557. getDatabaseName
  558. getDatabasePasswordRequired
  559. getDef
  560. getDefaultColorScheme
  561. getDefaultLinkModule
  562. getDefaultViewForModule
  563. getDefaultViewForUser
  564. getDescription
  565. getDisableLoginThreshold
  566. getDXLFileHelp
  567. getDXLFileName
  568. getenv
  569. getFailedLoginThreshold
  570. getFontSettings
  571. getImplied
  572. getInvalidCharInModuleName
  573. getInvalidCharInProjectName
  574. getInvalidCharInSuffix
  575. getLocksInDatabase
  576. getLocksInFolder
  577. getLocksInModule
  578. getLoginLoggingPolicy
  579. getLoginPolicy
  580. getModuleDetails
  581. getMostRecentBaseline
  582. getName
  583. getOLEPictureSave
  584. getOverridable
  585. getParent
  586. getParentProject
  587. getPartitionMask
  588. getPartitionMaskDef
  589. getPartitionMaskVal
  590. getPictFormat
  591. getPictName
  592. getPictWidthHeight
  593. getPos
  594. getProjectDetails
  595. getRealColor
  596. getRealColorName
  597. getRealColorOptionForTypes
  598. getRegistry
  599. getRow
  600. getSelectedCol
  601. getSelection
  602. getSize
  603. getSortColumn
  604. getSource
  605. getSourceName
  606. getTable
  607. getTargetName
  608. getTemplateFileName
  609. getTitle
  610. getUserlistDetails
  611. getVal
  612. gluedHelp
  613. goodFileName
  614. goodStringOf
  615. graphics
  616. GraphicsFont
  617. Group
  618. GroupList
  619. groupList
  620. halt
  621. hardDelete
  622. hasHeader
  623. hasInPlace
  624. hasLinks
  625. hasNoLinks
  626. hasScrollbars
  627. hasSpecificValue
  628. headerAddColumn
  629. headerChange
  630. headerEdit
  631. headerRemoveColumn
  632. headerReorder
  633. headerReset
  634. headerResize
  635. headerSelect
  636. headerSetHighlight
  637. headerShow
  638. height
  639. help
  640. helpAboutItem
  641. helpContentsItem
  642. helpDescriptiveItem
  643. helpFormalItem
  644. helpHelpItem
  645. helpIndexItem
  646. helpLinkItem
  647. helpMenu
  648. helpOn
  649. helpProjManItem
  650. helpSearchItem
  651. hidden
  652. hide
  653. hideExplorer
  654. History
  655. history
  656. HistorySession
  657. HistoryType
  658. home
  659. host
  660. hostname
  661. Icon
  662. identifier
  663. importPicture
  664. importRTF
  665. inactive
  666. include
  667. info
  668. infoBox
  669. inherit
  670. inherited
  671. InPartition
  672. inPlaceChoice
  673. inPlaceChoiceAdd
  674. inPlaceCopy
  675. inPlaceCut
  676. inPlaceGet
  677. inplaceHeadingItem
  678. inPlaceMove
  679. inPlacePaste
  680. inplaceRejectItem
  681. inPlaceReset
  682. inplaceResetAttrItem
  683. inPlaceSet
  684. inPlaceShow
  685. inPlaceString
  686. inPlaceText
  687. inPlaceTextChange
  688. inPlaceTextFilled
  689. inPlaceTextHeight
  690. inplaceTextItem
  691. insert
  692. insertBitmapFromClipboard
  693. insertCell
  694. insertColumn
  695. insertPictureAfter
  696. insertPictureBelow
  697. insertPictureFile
  698. insertPictureFileAfter
  699. insertPictureFileBelow
  700. insertRow
  701. instance
  702. int
  703. intOf
  704. ipcHostname
  705. isAccessInherited
  706. isAccessInheritedDef
  707. isAccessInheritedVal
  708. isalnum
  709. isalpha
  710. isascii
  711. isAttribute
  712. isBatch
  713. iscntrl
  714. isDefault
  715. isDeleted
  716. isdigit
  717. isEdit
  718. isFiltered
  719. isgraph
  720. isLocked
  721. isLockedByUser
  722. isLockedClosed
  723. islower
  724. isMember
  725. isNull
  726. isOutline
  727. isPartitionedOut
  728. isPartitionedOutDef
  729. isPartitionedOutVal
  730. isprint
  731. ispunct
  732. isRanged
  733. isRead
  734. isRichText
  735. isSelected
  736. isShare
  737. isspace
  738. isupper
  739. isUsed
  740. isValidDescription
  741. isValidInt
  742. isValidName
  743. isValidPrefix
  744. isVisible
  745. isVisibleAttribute
  746. isxdigit
  747. italic
  748. Item
  749. itemClipboardIsEmpty
  750. Justification
  751. justify
  752. key
  753. keyword
  754. label
  755. last
  756. lastError
  757. layoutDXL
  758. leaf
  759. left
  760. leftAligned
  761. leftArrow
  762. leftRightArrow
  763. length
  764. level
  765. levelModifier
  766. line
  767. Link
  768. link
  769. linkCreateItem
  770. linkDeleteItem
  771. linkEditItem
  772. LinkFilter
  773. linkFilterBoth
  774. linkFilterBoth
  775. linkFilterIncoming
  776. linkFilterOutgoing
  777. linkGraphicsItem
  778. linkIndicators
  779. linkMatrixItem
  780. linkMenu
  781. LinkModuleDescriptor
  782. linkset
  783. linksetCombo
  784. linksetDeleteItem
  785. linksetMenu
  786. linksetRefreshItem
  787. linkSourceItem
  788. linksVisible
  789. linkTargetItem
  790. list
  791. listView
  792. listViewOptionCheckboxes
  793. listViewOptionMultiselect
  794. load
  795. loadBitmap
  796. loadDirectory
  797. loadInPartitionDef
  798. loadUserRecord
  799. lock
  800. Lock
  801. LockList
  802. lockShare
  803. lockWrite
  804. log
  805. logical0IndicatorColor
  806. logical100IndicatorColor
  807. logical11IndicatorColor
  808. logical22IndicatorColor
  809. logical33IndicatorColor
  810. logical44IndicatorColor
  811. logical55IndicatorColor
  812. logical66IndicatorColor
  813. logical77IndicatorColor
  814. logical88IndicatorColor
  815. logicalCurrentBackgroundColor
  816. logicalCurrentCellBackgroundColor
  817. logicalCurrentObjectOutline
  818. logicalDataTextColor
  819. logicalDefaultColor
  820. logicalDeletedTextColor
  821. logicalGraphicsBackgroundColor
  822. logicalGraphicsBoxColor
  823. logicalGraphicsBoxEdgeColor
  824. logicalGraphicsCurrentColor
  825. logicalGraphicsElideBoxColor
  826. logicalGraphicsLinkColor
  827. logicalGraphicsSelectedColor
  828. logicalGraphicsShadeColor
  829. logicalGraphicsTextColor
  830. logicalGridLines
  831. logicalHighIndicatorColor
  832. logicalHighlightURLColor
  833. logicalInPlaceBackgroundColor
  834. logicalInPlaceTextColor
  835. logicalLinkCurrentBackgroundColor
  836. logicalLinkDataTextColor
  837. logicalLinkPageBackgroundColor
  838. logicalLinksInIndicatorColor
  839. logicalLinksOutIndicatorColor
  840. logicalLinkTextBackgroundColor
  841. logicalLinkTitleBackgroundColor
  842. logicalLowIndicatorColor
  843. logicalMediumIndicatorColor
  844. logicalPageBackgroundColor
  845. logicalPageBackgroundFilterColor
  846. logicalPageBackgroundFilterSortColor
  847. logicalPageBackgroundSortColor
  848. logicalPartitionInReadTextColor
  849. logicalPartitionInWriteTextColor
  850. logicalPartitionOutTextColor
  851. logicalPrintPreviewBackgroundColor
  852. logicalPrintPreviewPageColor
  853. logicalPrintPreviewShadeColor
  854. logicalPrintPreviewTextColor
  855. logicalReadOnlyTextBackgroundColor
  856. logicalReadOnlyTextColor
  857. logicalSelectedTextColor
  858. logicalTextBackgroundColor
  859. logicalTitleTextColor
  860. logicalUnlockedTextBackgroundColor
  861. logicalUser1Color
  862. logicalUser2Color
  863. login
  864. LoginPolicy
  865. lower
  866. main
  867. major
  868. markUp
  869. markUp
  870. match
  871. matches
  872. maximumAttributeLength
  873. maxValue
  874. mayArchive
  875. mayArchive
  876. mayCreateTopLevelFolders
  877. mayEditGroupList
  878. mayEditUserList
  879. mayManage
  880. mayPartition
  881. member
  882. menu
  883. menuBar
  884. menuStatus
  885. messageBox
  886. minor
  887. mkdir
  888. modAccessItem
  889. modAttrEditItem
  890. modBaselineItem
  891. modCloseItem
  892. modDowngradeItem
  893. mode
  894. modernDOORSColorScheme
  895. modHistoryItem
  896. modified
  897. modify
  898. modLayoutItem
  899. modPrintItem
  900. modPrintPreviewItem
  901. modSaveItem
  902. module
  903. Module
  904. move
  905. msgError
  906. msgInfo
  907. msgQuery
  908. msgWarning
  909. multi
  910. multiList
  911. name
  912. newPosition
  913. newValue
  914. next
  915. nextMajor
  916. nextMinor
  917. nobars
  918. noBorder
  919. nochanges
  920. noElems
  921. noError
  922. nohistory
  923. none
  924. null
  925. number
  926. Object
  927. objectMenu
  928. objEditItem
  929. objHistoryItem
  930. objLockItem
  931. objMoveDownItem
  932. objMoveItem
  933. objMoveMenu
  934. objPurgeItem
  935. objUncompressItem
  936. objUndeleteItem
  937. objUnlockMenu
  938. of
  939. off
  940. ok
  941. oldAbsNo
  942. oldValue
  943. oleActivate
  944. OleAutoArgs
  945. OleAutoObj
  946. OLEClearItem
  947. oleCloseAutoObject
  948. oleCopy
  949. OLECopyItem
  950. oleCreateAutoObject
  951. oleCut
  952. OLECutItem
  953. oleDeactivate
  954. oleDelete
  955. oleGet
  956. oleGetAutoObject
  957. oleGetResult
  958. oleInsert
  959. OLEInsertItem
  960. oleIsObject
  961. oleLoadBitmap
  962. oleMenu
  963. oleMethod
  964. oleOpen
  965. olePaste
  966. OLEPasteItem
  967. olePasteLink
  968. OLEPasteSpecialItem
  969. olePut
  970. OLERemoveItem
  971. oleSaveBitmap
  972. oleSetResult
  973. OLEVerbItem
  974. on
  975. open
  976. openModuleEditItem
  977. openModuleReadItem
  978. openModuleShareItem
  979. openPictFile
  980. openProject
  981. openProjectItem
  982. opposite
  983. optionsDefaultsItem
  984. optionsExist
  985. optionsMenu
  986. optionsRestoreItem
  987. optionsSaveItem
  988. or
  989. originalDOORSColorScheme
  990. outlining
  991. OutPartition
  992. page
  993. pageBottomMargin
  994. pageBreakLevel
  995. pageChangeBars
  996. pageColumns
  997. pageExpandHF
  998. pageFormat
  999. pageHeaderFooter
  1000. pageHeight
  1001. pageLayout
  1002. PageLayout
  1003. pageLeftMargin
  1004. pageName
  1005. pagePortrait
  1006. pageRepeatTitles
  1007. pageRightMargin
  1008. pageSize
  1009. pageTitlePage
  1010. pageTOCLevel
  1011. pageTOCLevel
  1012. pageTopMargin
  1013. pageWidth
  1014. parent
  1015. partition
  1016. PartitionAttribute
  1017. PartitionDefinition
  1018. PartitionFile
  1019. PartitionLinkset
  1020. PartitionModule
  1021. PartitionPermission
  1022. PartitionView
  1023. password
  1024. passwordChanged
  1025. passwordLifetime
  1026. passwordMayChange
  1027. passwordMinimumLength
  1028. pasteDown
  1029. pasteSame
  1030. pasteToEditbox
  1031. path
  1032. Permission
  1033. pictureCopy
  1034. pictureItem
  1035. polarLine
  1036. polygon
  1037. post
  1038. pow
  1039. pragma
  1040. pre
  1041. previous
  1042. print
  1043. printCharArray
  1044. printModule
  1045. priority
  1046. progressCancelled
  1047. progressMessage
  1048. progressRange
  1049. progressStart
  1050. progressStep
  1051. Project
  1052. project
  1053. projectArchiveItem
  1054. projectAttrItem
  1055. projectManager
  1056. projectMenu
  1057. projectRestoreItem
  1058. purge
  1059. purgeModuleItem
  1060. purgeProjectItem
  1061. put
  1062. putString
  1063. query
  1064. radioBox
  1065. raise
  1066. random
  1067. read
  1068. readFile
  1069. ready
  1070. real
  1071. realBackground
  1072. realColor
  1073. realColor_Black
  1074. realColor_Blue
  1075. realColor_Brown
  1076. realColor_Cyan
  1077. realColor_Dark_Turquoise
  1078. realColor_Firebrick
  1079. realColor_Green
  1080. realColor_Grey11
  1081. realColor_Grey22
  1082. realColor_Grey33
  1083. realColor_Grey44
  1084. realColor_Grey55
  1085. realColor_Grey66
  1086. realColor_Grey77
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  1089. realColor_Light_Blue2
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  1091. realColor_Magenta
  1092. realColor_Maroon
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  1095. realColor_NewGrey2
  1096. realColor_NewGrey3
  1097. realColor_NewGrey4
  1098. realColor_Orange
  1099. realColor_Peru
  1100. realColor_Pink
  1101. realColor_Purple
  1102. realColor_Red
  1103. realColor_Red_Grey
  1104. realColor_Rosy_Brown
  1105. realColor_Sea_Green
  1106. realColor_Thistle
  1107. realColor_White
  1108. realColor_Yellow
  1109. realize
  1110. realOf
  1111. rectangle
  1112. recv
  1113. redoItem
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  1115. refreshExplorer
  1116. regexp
  1117. Regexp
  1118. reimportPicture
  1119. reject
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  1121. rejoinedDate
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  1123. rejoinReport
  1124. release
  1125. remove
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  1127. removed
  1128. removeLinkModuleDescriptor
  1129. removeLinkset
  1130. removeModule
  1131. removePartition
  1132. removeUnlistedRichText
  1133. removeView
  1134. rename
  1135. renameFile
  1136. renameModuleItem
  1137. replaceRichText
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  1139. resource
  1140. resourceName
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  1143. restoreModule
  1144. restoreModuleItem
  1145. restoreProject
  1146. restoreUserlist
  1147. return
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  1149. richClip
  1150. richField
  1151. RichText
  1152. richText
  1153. right
  1154. row
  1155. run
  1156. runLim
  1157. save
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  1161. saveUserRecord
  1162. scroll
  1163. scrollDown
  1164. scrollPageDown
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  1174. selected
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  1180. serverMonitorIsOn
  1181. session
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  1205. setDatabaseMinimumPasswordLength
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  1208. setDates
  1209. setDefaultColorScheme
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  1212. setDefaultViewForUser
  1213. setDescription
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  1218. setFailedLoginThreshold
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  1228. setLoginPolicy
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  1276. showLinkModulesItem
  1277. showPictures
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  1283. size
  1284. sizeof
  1285. Skip
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  1344. Template
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  1347. textBold
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  1352. timestamp
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  1381. trigPreConPass
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  1445. viaSystemLogin
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  1448. ViewDef
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  1455. window
  1456. write
  1457. zipModuleArchive
  1458. zipNotArchive
  1459. zipProjectArchive
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  1461. zipUserListArchive
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  1483. Assignment
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  1502. Concatenation
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  1513. createMenu
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  1528. DescriptiveDeleted
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  1553. entries
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  1555. Enumeration
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  1560. FolderDeleted
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  1563. FolderOpen
  1564. FolderOpenDeleted
  1565. folderRef
  1566. FormalCut
  1567. FormalDeleted
  1568. formatName
  1569. forWrite
  1570. fullPath
  1571. functions
  1572. getlogicalColorName
  1573. getSettings
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  1576. group
  1577. GroupDisabled
  1578. header
  1579. headerEvent
  1580. headings
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  1582. increaseLevel
  1583. initFileName
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  1591. LinkCut
  1592. LinkDeleted
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  1594. linkModName
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  1628. Partitions
  1629. partModule
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  1633. picture
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  1636. processResult
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  1638. ProjectCut
  1639. ProjectDeleted
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  1642. ProjectOpenDeleted
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  1644. projOpen
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  1653. rowHead
  1654. runFile
  1655. runStr
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  1659. Selecting
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  1662. SetExcelCell
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  1674. srcModRef
  1675. srcName
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  1696. unattached
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  1705. useTables
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  1708. viewDeleteItem
  1709. viewShowItem