Labels:crt screen | dialog box | sky | trade name | window OCR: 8 PCD Visiosonic cfg stby exit Akcia zrusena Settings Software "Interface Files& Path Automation Cd player Hardware Module Plavers+Mixer +Recordcase Keymapping PC Kevboard only Hour clock Show help hints Besel F Keys dela Software LCD blink on pua On the remaining 31 seconds Elapsed [blink] Remain --> Delete Waitist track on load Use black background Auto posi ition and size screen Use Fraunhofer MP3 decoder Pitch bend(0.1 Pitch step [0.01 Low Normal High 24 Pitch spanA.B Click the "CEG" button at the top of the screen to exit CFG and save settings PCDJ Players Keyboard 12Hou Beset defaut pedd back pUnolb position Fraunbofe