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- MultiArc Revision History:
- Legend:
- + - feature added
- - - feature removed
- ? - problem stay on
- * - bug fixed
- ======================================================
- 09/02/2001 ver 1,0,0,8.
- + MultiArc opensourced. See LICENSE for details.
- + Added support for DMS Amigas compress files. (DMS extension they have)
- Thank's to Vladimir Pilny.
- * Fixed Access Violation crash during working with UNIX Z compressed files
- Thank's to Igor Glucksmann.
- * Some cosmetic fixes to Configuration dialog.
- Thank's to Andrew Bondar.
- * Fixed stack overflow in operating big archives. Thank's to Mateusz Brzostek.
- * Fixed dangerous bug with deleting directories. Thank's to Mateusz Brzostek.
- * Added support for adding files to archive subdirectories.
- Required WC ver 4.52 and corresponding command-line keys in external archiver.
- Coded by Mateusz Brzostek. Great thank's again! 8-)
- + Added new variable (%R) and new functionality (use braces to avoid adding
- empty variable) into multiarc.ini
- + New addon for new version of MsCAB utility. Thank's to Mateusz Brzostek.
- + Added support for InstallShield 6.0 HDR-s. WARNING! Not tested.
- Thank's to Wolfgang Hagner, Andrew Bondar and Guntz Philippe for
- assistance.
- + Changed addon for InstallShield 5.0 CAB's. Adding/deleting
- ability added. Warning - not tested. Thank's to Andrew Bondar.
- ======================================================
- 17/12/2000 ver 1,0,0,7.
- + Added "BatchUnpack" mode. Really great thank's to Mateusz Brsostek for
- idea and help in coding this feature ... This mode dramatically increases
- speed of extracting groups of files from archives. Especially from archives
- packed in "solid" mode. Previous version of MultiArc HAVE TO extract one file
- per one call of archiving utility, because WCX API didn't allow other way. This
- version uses improved algorithm of extraction. To use it - please activate key
- "BatchUnpack" in corresponding section of multiarc.ini and add new key -
- "ExtractWithPath" - where you MUST put command line for call your archiver in
- "extract with pathes" mode. Currently this changes did for JAR, IMP and CAB addons
- in current multiarc distribution. If you want do this for others - you are welcome
- - edit corresponding addon as described above and send me - I include it in next
- distribution. To deactivate - just set BatchUnpack to 0.
- + Added support for alternative MSCAB archiver from Mateusz Brsostek -
- http://free.polbox.pl/m/matek/. This amazing utility can pack, unpack,
- delete files in well known MS CAB files. It also support BatchUnpack mode.
- Let's forget about ugly cabarc.exe from Bill Gates!!! Thank's Mateusz !!!
- - Support for old CabArc.exe was moved directly to HELL - see remark above.
- * Fixed "directories" bug in DDI extractor. Thank's for Igor Gerasimovich
- for report.
- * Fixed very dangerous bug with deleting directories. Thank's for
- Mateusz Brsostek for report.
- + Added support for LZX Amigas compress files. (LZX extension they have)
- Thank's to Vladislav Kropachev ( AKA Dima Boitsov ) for prompt about this format.
- + Added support for UNIX-like compress files. (Z extension they have).
- + "Fake-Move.bat" - if you want move files to archive during packing
- but you archiver can't - it's for you. Thank's for Edward Goldobin
- for idea.
- * Fixed some spell errors in messages. Thank's for Edward Goldobin.
- + Added addon module for RK 1.03. Thank's to Kirill Voloshin.
- But RK is still alpha and buggy. 8-( You WARNED.
- ======================================================
- 28/07/2000 ver 1,0,0,6. Another Distribution update.
- + Added addon module for SQZ 1.08. Thank's to Vladimir Pilny.
- ======================================================
- 26/07/2000 ver 1,0,0,6. Another Distribution update.
- + Added addon module for Mo'PaQ 2000 1.00.
- ======================================================
- 5/06/2000 ver 1,0,0,6. Distribution update.
- + Added addon module for Archangel, ERI, RKIVE archives. Great thank's
- to J.Polygiannakis. But be careful - I haven't time to test its. 8-)
- ======================================================
- 2/06/2000 ver 1,0,0,6.
- * Fixed bugs with time representation format. Thank's to Mateusz
- Brzostek for reporting this bug.
- * changes to multiarc.ini and JAR addon. Thank's to Mateusz Brzostek.
- ======================================================
- 1/06/2000 ver 1,0,0,5.
- * Some bugs with ANSI<->OEM conversions in file names. Relative
- changes to IMP addon. Thank's to Mateusz Brzostek for reporting
- this bug.
- * changes to multiarc.ini. Thank's to Kirill Voloshin.
- + Added addon module for BOA archives. Thank's to Kirill Voloshin.
- ======================================================
- 31/05/2000 ver 1,0,0,4.
- * Some fixes about file times - seconds was displayed uncorrect before.
- Thank's to Mateusz Brzostek for reporting this bug.
- * Some *.addon files was corrected. Thank's to Kirill Voloshin.
- ======================================================
- 30/05/2000 ver 1,0,0,3.
- * Fixed wrong behaviour with OEM<->ANSI filenames encoding. Thank's to
- Mateusz Brzostek for reporting this bug.
- * Cosmetic changes to configuration dialog.
- ======================================================
- 29/05/2000 ver 1,0,0,2.
- + Archive testing possibility comes back. Thank's to Andrew Korolev
- for reminder 8-)
- * File names with spaces wasn't enclosed to quotes in listfiles. Fixed.
- Thank's to Mateusz Brzostek for reporting this bug.
- * Some *.addon files was corrected. URLs added (thank's to Kirill
- Voloshin).
- + Added addon module for ZOO archives. Thank's to Oleg Voloshin.
- ======================================================
- 13/05/2000 ver 1,0,0,1.
- + multi-extension support. Now you not need to add duplicate section into
- multiarc.ini for one command-line utility with different filename extensions.
- Just enum possible extensions through comma (,).For example: instead of having
- two almost same addons for "DDI images" and "WinImage 5.0 Images" just edit
- Extension key in first one from "Extension=ddi" to "Extension=ddi,ima".
- Do not forget accordingly configure Win Commander! See *.addons for DDI images and
- for InstallShield *.z archives for using this technique.
- - accurately read previous paragraph and try to understand, why "WinImage 5.0.addon"
- was removed from distribution. 8-)
- * some *.addon files was corrected. URLs added (thank's to Kirill Voloshin & Wolfgang Hagner).
- + added addon module for ARC 6.02 archives. Thank's to J.Polygiannakis.
- ======================================================
- 03/08/2000 - Release Candidate ver.
- (c) 1999-2000 by Siarzhuk Zharski
- http://www.zharik.f2s.com
- mailto: imker@gmx.li
- FIDONET: 2:450/112.37