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- Keyboard Layout
- ===============
- Key Action
- ~~~ ~~~~~~
- F1 Help
- F2 Reread source window
- F3 List files
- F4 Edit files
- F5 Copy files
- F6 Rename files
- F7 Create directory
- F8 or DEL Delete files
- F9 Activate menu above source window (left or right)
- F10 Activate left menu or leave menu
- ALT+F1 Change left drive
- ALT+F2 Change right drive
- ALT+F3 Use external viewer
- ALT+F4 Exit
- ALT+F5 Pack selected files
- ALT+F6 Unpack all files from archive under cursor (don't work on Windows 95!)
- ALT+F7 Find
- ALT+F8 Opens the history list of the command line
- ALT+F9 Same as ALT+F6 (because ALT+F6 is broken on Windows 95)
- ALT+SHIFT+F9 Test archives for integrity
- ALT+F10 Open a directory tree window
- ALT+left or right Open previous/next directory in list of already visited dirs
- ALT+down Open list of already visited dirs
- SHIFT+F2 Compare file lists
- SHIFT+F3 List only file under cursor, when multiple files selected
- SHIFT+F4 Create new text file and load into editor
- SHIFT+F5 Copy files (with rename) in the same directory
- CTRL+SHIFT+F5 Create shortcut of files in target directory
- SHIFT+F6 Rename files in the same directory
- SHIFT+F10 Show context menu
- SHIFT+ESC Iconize Wincmd
- NUM + Expand selection
- NUM - Shrink selection
- NUM * Invert selection
- NUM / Restore selection
- CTRL+NUM + Select all
- CTRL+NUM - Deselect all
- ALT+NUM + Select all files with the same extension
- BACKSPACE or CTRL+PgUp Change to parent directory (corresponds to cd ..)
- CTRL+PgDn Open directory/archive (also self extracting .EXE archives)
- CTRL+< Jump to the root directory
- CTRL+left or right Open directory/archive and display it in the target window.
- If the cursor is not on a directory name, the current directory is
- displayed instead.
- CTRL+F1 File display 'brief' (only file names)
- CTRL+F2 File display 'full' (all file details)
- CTRL+F3 Sort by name
- CTRL+F4 Sort by extension
- CTRL+F5 Sort by date/time
- CTRL+F6 Sort by size
- CTRL+F7 Unsorted
- CTRL+F8 Display directory tree
- CTRL+F9 Print file under cursor using the associated program
- CTRL+F10 Show all files
- CTRL+F11 Show only programs
- CTRL+F12 Show user defined files
- TAB Switch between left and right file list
- Letter Redirected to command line, cursor jumps to command line
- INSERT Select file or directory
- SPACE Select file or directory (as INSERT). If SPACE is used on an unselected
- directory under the cursor, the contents in this directory are counted
- and the size is shown in the 'full' view instead of the string <DIR>.
- ENTER Change directory/run program/run associated program/execute command line
- if not empty. If the source directory shows the contents of an archive,
- further information on the packed file is given.
- SHIFT+ENTER 1. Run command line/program under cursor with preceding command /c and
- leave open the program's window. Only works if NOCLOSE.PIF is in your
- Windows directory!
- 2. With ZIP files: use alternative choice of these (as chosen in Packer
- config): (Treat archives like directories <-> call associated program,
- i.e. winzip or quinzip).
- ALT+SHIFT+ENTER The contents of all directories in the current directory are counted.
- The sizes of the directories are then shown in the 'full' view instead
- of the string <DIR>.
- ALT+ENTER Show property sheet.
- CTRL+B Directory branch: show contents of current dir and all subdirs in one list
- CTRL+D Open directory hotlist ('bookmarks')
- CTRL+F Connect to FTP server
- CTRL+SHIFT+F Disconnect from FTP server
- CTRL+N New FTP connection (enter URL or host address)
- CTRL+I Switch to target directory
- CTRL+L Calculate occupied space (of the selected files)
- CTRL+M Change FTP transfer mode
- CTRL+P Copy current path to command line
- CTRL+Q Show Quick View panel instead of a file list
- CTRL+R Reread source directory
- CTRL+T Multi-Rename-Tool
- CTRL+U Exchange directories
- CTRL+C Copy files to clipboard (32 bit)
- CTRL+X Cut files to clipboard (32 bit)
- CTRL+V Paste from clipboard to current dir (32 bit)
- ALTGR+Letter(s) or Quick search for file name (starting with specified letters) in current
- CTRL+ALT+Letter(s) directory
- Command Line: Keys
- ==================
- If Windows Commander is active, nearly all keyboard input is directed to the command line.
- Here the layout for some keys:
- ENTER The command line is executed, if it contains at least one character
- (otherwise, the program under the cursor in the source window is started).
- If the command is cd, md or rd, it is executed internally. If it is an
- internal DOS command, DOS will be executed with this command. Otherwise,
- a program with the given name is executed.
- SHIFT-ENTER Like ENTER, but with preceding command /c. After the called DOS program
- is terminated, its window is not automatically closed. This will only
- work if the file noclose.pif is in your windows directory.
- CTRL-ENTER The file under the cursor in the source directory is appended to the
- command line.
- CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER The file under the cursor including its path is appended to the command
- line.
- CTRL-CURSORDOWN or A list with the latest command lines (history-list) is opened. Hold down
- ALT+F8 the CTRL key and use the up and down cursor keys to select an entry. By
- pressing the left or right key, you can edit the command line. This
- automatically closes the list.
- TAB or Cursor Keys Puts the cursor back to the source directory. Cursor left and cursor
- right move the cursor through the command line, even if the cursor was
- in the source directory before. If brief was selected, these keys move
- the cursor through the source directory. You then have to hold down
- SHIFT to move it inside the command line. Cursor up and cursor down
- move the cursor bar inside the source window, even if it was inside
- the command line.
- ESC or CTRL+Y Clears the command line
- CTRL+K Delete to end of line
- CTRL+W Delete word to the left of the cursor
- CTRL+T Delete word to the right of the cursor