Public Const BAR$ = "The |B=1|asxBars Control |B=0|can be used to apply different looks to your applications. For example, you could use this in place of Wizard graphics, or to add visual interest to a form. Both these methods have been sucessfully used with earlier Ariad products.|CR||CR|In fact, this control was originally designed to be an internal ""Ariad Only"" control, however because this is Ariad's primary collection of it's applications, it means you get to use it too!|CR||CR|As this is a very simple control, it offers very few properties. However, it does have standard mouse events, and it is a container control, allowing you to insert other controls within it."
Public Const BSTRIP$ = "The |B=1|asxButtonStrip Control |B=0|is Ariad's most advanced control to date, featuring many properties and features. It allows you to create your own Outlook Bar naviational aids very easily, adding a professional look to your application.|CR||CR|This control has been designed for raw speed, as well as being powerful, and easy to customise both at design time and runtime.|CR||CR|Pages can be added and deleted at will, as can the buttons on these pages. You can enable or disable indivdual buttons and pages, and pages can also be hidden.|CR||CR|New features allow pages and buttons to be renamed by the user, and new object management events have been added."
Public Const PBUTTON$ = "The |B=1|asxPowerButton Control |B=0|is Ariad's most powerful button control to date.|CR||CR|The asxToolButton is exactly the same control, the only difference is that the ToolButton cannot get the focus, or accept any keypresses.|CR||CR|Both these controls have been fully rewrote for version 1.2, including many new features and properties, such as true drop down buttons and more."
Public Const FLABEL$ = "The |B=1|asxFontLabel Control |B=0|acts as a standard label control, but by placing commands within the Caption, you can display different font effects, reposition text and more.|CR||CR|Different commands allow you to change the font name, style, colour and position, insert line breaks - so you can format a label at design time fully, unlike the standard label control|CR||CR|You can also make the label transparent through use of the |B=1|BackStyle |B=0|property. The control also features |B=1|AutoSize |B=0|and |B=1|WordWrap |B=0|properties."
Public Const GENCONT$ = "The |B=1|asxFontLabel Control |B=0|is similar to the standard Frame control, except that it does not draw any borders or captions. It's sole purpose is to provide invisible frames.|CR||CR|The container also features a very useful |B=1|Resize |B=0|event, allowing you to resize your child controls to match the dimensions of the frame."
Public Const LABEL$ = "The |B=1|asxLabel Control |B=0|works just like a standard Label control. However, it does offer several advantages over the default label, for example, when the control is disabled, the caption text is displayed in 3D. It also has a fourth |B=1|Alignment, Justified. |B=0|Finally, by using the |B=1|LinkURL |B=0|and |B=1|LinkPath |B=0|properties, you can attach hyperlinks to the label."
Public Const LINEHDR$ = "The |B=1|asxLineHeader Control |B=0|is a 3D line complete with a caption. It's useful for group controls where screen estate is at a minimum.|CR||CR|You can change the alignment between horizontal and vertical, and caption text will be automatically aligned to match the control. The text will also be displayed in 3D when displayed. This control works similar to the Label control in the way that it receives the focus, so if you set an Accelerator key in the control and this key is pressed, the focus will be passed to the control after the LineHeaderEx control's TabIndex."
Public Const MENUEV$ = "You can use the |B=1|asxMenuEvent Control |B=0|to provide status bar menu help for your applications. It even works with system menus!"
Public Const PAGER$ = "The |B=1|asxPager Control |B=0|allows you to host a child control, such as a Toolbar, and automatically provide scrolling facilities if the control is larger than the pager."
Public Const PANEL$ = "You can use the |B=1|asxPanel Control |B=0|to create 3D panels for use with your applications.|CR||CR|The control offers many properties, such as the abilities to turn off individual borders and other such properties.|CR||CR|The control also offers many advantages over the SSPanel control supplied by Sheridan. As well as many customisable properties, the panel cannot receive the focus."
Public Const PBANNER$ = "The |B=1|asxPowerBanner Control |B=0|offers a two colour gradient along with caption text, for use with user interfaces.|CR||CR|It offers properties for controling the colours of the control, the font used by the text, and the orientation."
Public Const STATUSBAR$ = "The |B=1|asxStatusBar Control |B=0|is a highly customisable replacement for the StatusBar control supplied by Microsoft. It offers many properties such as the ability to customise all colours and panels. Each panel also offers several properties, including automatic modes such as Caps, Num and Scroll lock displayed, Date and Time and more."
Public Const SYSBTN$ = "The |B=1|asxSysButton Control |B=0|is used to create system buttons, such as scroll bar arrows and thumbs, Maximise, Minimise and Close buttons and more. A fairly simple control, with only a few properties and events."