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- <!-- (c) 2001, Sun Microsystems, Inc. - All Rights Reserved -->
- <tree_view version="Autocreated: Mon Nov 5 11:13:14 2001">
- <help_section id="3" application="smath" title="Help about %PRODUCTNAME Math">
- <topic id="67296">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67326">Formula Reference Tables</topic>
- <topic id="67294">Functionality of %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Math</topic>
- <topic id="67345">Formula Shortcut Keys</topic>
- <topic id="66043">General Shortcut Keys in %PRODUCTNAME</topic>
- <topic id="67332">Examples for %PRODUCTNAME Math</topic>
- <node id="68231" title="General Instructions for %PRODUCTNAME">
- <topic id="68231">Overview</topic>
- <node id="C01" title="Opening and Saving Documents and Templates">
- <topic id="68275">First Steps</topic>
- <topic id="68037">Turning off URL Recognition by AutoCorrect</topic>
- <topic id="68100">Changing the Title of a Document</topic>
- <topic id="68401">Saving Documents Automatically</topic>
- <topic id="68042">Opening Documents</topic>
- <topic id="68485">Changing Your Work Directory</topic>
- <topic id="68041">Saving Documents</topic>
- <topic id="68129">Saving documents in other formats (e.g. Microsoft)</topic>
- <topic id="68241">Relative and Absolute Links</topic>
- <topic id="68412">Protected Contents in %PRODUCTNAME</topic>
- <topic id="68343">%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter under Windows</topic>
- <topic id="68101">File Name Expansion (AutoComplete)</topic>
- <topic id="68026">Quick Opening of Files Without Dialogs</topic>
- <topic id="68492">Creating and Printing Labels and Business Cards</topic>
- <topic id="68497">Printing Labels With Serial Numbers</topic>
- <topic id="68498">Printing Address Labels</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="C02" title="Using Windows, Menus and Icons">
- <topic id="68215">Turning Extended Tips on and off</topic>
- <topic id="68037">Turning off URL Recognition by AutoCorrect</topic>
- <topic id="68052">Showing, Hiding and Docking Windows</topic>
- <topic id="68050">Changing Toolbars</topic>
- <topic id="68055">Using Floating Toolbars</topic>
- <topic id="68015">Navigation to Quickly Reach Objects</topic>
- <topic id="68003">Navigator for Overview of Documents</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="C03" title="Copying Data via Drag & Drop or Menu">
- <topic id="67974">Dragging and Dropping Within a %PRODUCTNAME Document</topic>
- <topic id="68259">Drag and Drop With the Data Source View</topic>
- <topic id="68341">Inserting Objects From the Gallery</topic>
- <topic id="67977">Copying Graphics From the Gallery</topic>
- <topic id="67978">Inserting Graphics From a Document in the Gallery</topic>
- <topic id="67975">Copying Graphics Between Documents</topic>
- <topic id="68023">Copying Draw Objects into Other Documents</topic>
- <topic id="67976">Copying Sheet Areas to Text Documents</topic>
- <topic id="68028">Inserting Data From Spreadsheets</topic>
- <topic id="68016">Inserting Data From Text Documents</topic>
- <topic id="68279">Inserting Special Characters</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="C04" title="Data Sources">
- <topic id="68433">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="68409">Registering an Address Book</topic>
- <topic id="68131">Importing and Exporting Data in Text Format</topic>
- <topic id="68130">Executing an SQL Command Directly</topic>
- <topic id="68133">Loading Data from Data Sources in %PRODUCTNAME Calc</topic>
- <topic id="68134">Searching in Tables and Form Documents</topic>
- <topic id="68261">Searching With a Form Filter</topic>
- <topic id="68135">Table Design</topic>
- <topic id="68136">Inserting and Editing Buttons</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="C05" title="Recording Changes (Revision Marking)">
- <topic id="67922">Recording and Displaying Changes</topic>
- <topic id="67924">Accepting or Rejecting Changes</topic>
- <topic id="67925">Comparing Versions of a Document</topic>
- <topic id="67926">Merging Versions</topic>
- <topic id="67923">Recording Changes</topic>
- <topic id="68328">Protecting Records</topic>
- <topic id="67927">Version Management</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="C06" title="Configuring and Modifying %PRODUCTNAME">
- <topic id="68257">Configuring the Keyboard</topic>
- <topic id="68255">Configuring Menus</topic>
- <topic id="68051">Configuring %PRODUCTNAME</topic>
- <topic id="65748">Customize</topic>
- <topic id="68256">Saving Configuration With Document</topic>
- <topic id="68050">Changing Toolbars</topic>
- <topic id="68013">Sending Faxes and Configuring %PRODUCTNAME for Faxing</topic>
- <topic id="68021">Changing Icon Views</topic>
- <topic id="68012">Inserting, Moving and Deleting Icons on Toolbars</topic>
- <topic id="68106">Selecting Measurement Units</topic>
- <topic id="68109">Changing Default Templates</topic>
- <topic id="68029">Moving, Deleting or Copying Icons</topic>
- <topic id="68027">Switching Object Bars With the Context Menu</topic>
- <topic id="68262">Inserting and Editing Tab Stops</topic>
- <topic id="68260">Changing the Color of Text</topic>
- <topic id="67928">Switching Between Insert Mode and Overwrite Mode</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="C07" title="Charts">
- <topic id="68403">Inserting Charts</topic>
- <topic id="68406">Editing Chart Titles</topic>
- <topic id="68404">Editing Chart Axes</topic>
- <topic id="68407">Adding Texture to Chart Bars</topic>
- <topic id="68405">Editing Chart Legends</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="C08" title="Miscellaneous">
- <topic id="68531">Inserting, Editing, Saving Bitmaps</topic>
- <topic id="68216">Showing Navigation Pane of the Help</topic>
- <topic id="68215">Turning Extended Tips on and off</topic>
- <topic id="68339">Modifying an Existing Installation</topic>
- <topic id="68338">Repairing a damaged installation</topic>
- <topic id="68129">Saving documents in other formats (e.g. Microsoft)</topic>
- <topic id="68527">OpenOpening documents from other formats (e.g. Microsoft)</topic>
- <topic id="68526">Sending Documents as E-Mail</topic>
- <topic id="68412">Protected Contents in %PRODUCTNAME</topic>
- <topic id="68258">Defining Background Colors or Background Graphics</topic>
- <topic id="68440">Defining Borders</topic>
- <topic id="68025">Editing Hyperlinks</topic>
- <topic id="68020">Inserting Hyperlinks</topic>
- <topic id="68137">Searching With the Hyperlink Bar</topic>
- <topic id="67966">Drawing Graphics With the Draw Functions</topic>
- <topic id="68048">Selecting the Document Language</topic>
- <topic id="68254">Turning off Numbering/Bullets for Individual Paragraphs</topic>
- <topic id="68019">Selecting Maximum Possible Page Formats</topic>
- <topic id="68105">Printing in Black and White</topic>
- <topic id="68272">Printing in Another Order</topic>
- <topic id="68302">Creating Round Corners</topic>
- <topic id="68022">Sending Form Faxes</topic>
- <topic id="68014">Inserting Protected Spaces, Hyphens and Conditional Separators</topic>
- <topic id="68043">Versions and Build Numbers, Employee Lists</topic>
- <topic id="68474">Merging and Splitting Cells</topic>
- </node>
- </node>
- <node id="68303" title="Instructions for Using %PRODUCTNAME Math">
- <topic id="68303">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="68282">Changing Default Attributes</topic>
- <topic id="68288">Entering Line Breaks</topic>
- <topic id="68297">Manually Aligning Formula Parts</topic>
- <topic id="68293">Merging Formula Parts in Brackets</topic>
- <topic id="68285">Inserting Brackets</topic>
- <topic id="68287">Entering Comments</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67324" title="Selection">
- <topic id="67324">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67309">Operators</topic>
- <topic id="67299">Unary/Binary Operators</topic>
- <topic id="67333">Relations</topic>
- <topic id="67339">Set Operators</topic>
- <topic id="67298">Functions</topic>
- <topic id="67302">Others</topic>
- <node id="67312" title="Attributes">
- <topic id="67312">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67313">Attributes</topic>
- <topic id="67321">Scaling</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67341" title="Brackets">
- <topic id="67341">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67338">Brackets and Grouping</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67343" title="Format">
- <topic id="67343">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67338">Brackets and Grouping</topic>
- <topic id="67300">Indexes and Exponents</topic>
- <topic id="67321">Scaling</topic>
- <topic id="67342">Spacing</topic>
- <topic id="67328">Fonts</topic>
- </node>
- </node>
- <node id="67289" title="Menus">
- <topic id="67289">Overview</topic>
- <node id="67285" title="File">
- <topic id="67285">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="65703">Open</topic>
- <topic id="66148">AutoPilot</topic>
- <topic id="65755">Saving As</topic>
- <topic id="65722">Versions</topic>
- <topic id="65798">sending documents as e-mails</topic>
- <topic id="65811">Properties of</topic>
- <topic id="65764">Print</topic>
- <topic id="65661">Printer Setup</topic>
- <topic id="65687">New</topic>
- <topic id="66281">General</topic>
- <topic id="68042">Opening Documents</topic>
- <topic id="65703">Open</topic>
- <topic id="65614">about import and export filters</topic>
- <topic id="66242">Paths</topic>
- <topic id="65814">Close</topic>
- <topic id="65686">Save document</topic>
- <topic id="65637">Save All</topic>
- <topic id="66011">Reloading</topic>
- <topic id="65719">Exit</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67292" title="Edit">
- <topic id="67292">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="65809">Undo</topic>
- <topic id="65707">Restoring</topic>
- <topic id="65725">Cutting</topic>
- <topic id="65732">Copying</topic>
- <topic id="65745">Paste</topic>
- <topic id="65771">Select All</topic>
- <topic id="67316">Next Marker</topic>
- <topic id="67331">Previous Marker</topic>
- <topic id="67327">Next Error</topic>
- <topic id="67320">Previous Error</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67286" title="View">
- <topic id="67286">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67324">Selection</topic>
- <topic id="65859">scale</topic>
- <topic id="67335">Zoom In</topic>
- <topic id="67311">Zoom Out</topic>
- <topic id="67307">Display All</topic>
- <topic id="67315">Refreshing</topic>
- <topic id="67306">AutoRefresh Display</topic>
- <topic id="65833">Toolbars</topic>
- <topic id="65688">Status Bar</topic>
- <topic id="65673">Full Screen</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67295" title="Format">
- <topic id="67295">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67328">Fonts</topic>
- <topic id="67304">Font Sizes</topic>
- <topic id="67342">Spacing</topic>
- <topic id="67334">Alignment</topic>
- <topic id="67310">Text Mode</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67290" title="Tools">
- <topic id="67290">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67330">Import formula</topic>
- <topic id="65748">Customize</topic>
- <topic id="67336">Catalog</topic>
- <topic id="66274">Options</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67284" title="Window">
- <topic id="67284">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="65683">New Window</topic>
- <topic id="65705">Document List</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="65587" title="Help">
- <topic id="65587">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="68043">Versions and Build Numbers, Employee Lists</topic>
- <topic id="68215">Turning Extended Tips on and off</topic>
- <topic id="68245">The %PRODUCTNAME Help Window</topic>
- <topic id="68249">Help Agent, Tips and Extended Tips</topic>
- <topic id="68246">Index - Keyword Search in the Help</topic>
- <topic id="68247">Find - The Full-Text Search</topic>
- <topic id="68250">Managing bookmarks</topic>
- <topic id="68248">Contents - The Main Help Topics</topic>
- </node>
- </node>
- <node id="67287" title="Toolbars">
- <topic id="67287">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="65862">Customize toolbars</topic>
- <node id="65554" title="Function Bar">
- <topic id="65554">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="65703">Open</topic>
- <topic id="65900">Load URL</topic>
- <topic id="66012">Stopping the loading process</topic>
- <topic id="65971">Edit File</topic>
- <topic id="65687">New</topic>
- <topic id="66281">General</topic>
- <topic id="68042">Opening Documents</topic>
- <topic id="65703">Open</topic>
- <topic id="65614">about import and export filters</topic>
- <topic id="66242">Paths</topic>
- <topic id="65686">Save document</topic>
- <topic id="65935">Print File Directly</topic>
- <topic id="65661">Printer Setup</topic>
- <topic id="65725">Cutting</topic>
- <topic id="65732">Copying</topic>
- <topic id="65745">Paste</topic>
- <topic id="65809">Undo</topic>
- <topic id="65707">Restoring</topic>
- <topic id="65984">Navigator</topic>
- <topic id="65979">Stylist</topic>
- <topic id="65963">Hyperlink Dialogs</topic>
- <topic id="66207">Gallery</topic>
- <topic id="66202">General</topic>
- <topic id="66208">Files</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67288" title="Main Toolbar">
- <topic id="67288">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="67344">Formula Cursor</topic>
- <topic id="67335">Zoom In</topic>
- <topic id="67311">Zoom Out</topic>
- <topic id="67307">Display All</topic>
- <topic id="67315">Refreshing</topic>
- <topic id="67336">Catalog</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="65577" title="Hyperlink Bar">
- <topic id="65577">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="66022">URL Name</topic>
- <topic id="65946">Internet URLs</topic>
- <topic id="65894">Target Frame</topic>
- <topic id="65775">Internet</topic>
- <topic id="65886">Hyperlink</topic>
- <topic id="65987">Find</topic>
- <topic id="66270">Search</topic>
- <topic id="65963">Hyperlink Dialogs</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="67293" title="Status Bar">
- <topic id="67293">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="65823">Eyedropper</topic>
- <topic id="65916">Scale</topic>
- <topic id="65926">Document Modification</topic>
- </node>
- </node>
- <node id="68245" title="The %PRODUCTNAME Help Window">
- <topic id="68245">Overview</topic>
- <topic id="68248">Contents - The Main Help Topics</topic>
- <topic id="68246">Index - Keyword Search in the Help</topic>
- <topic id="68247">Find - The Full-Text Search</topic>
- <topic id="68250">Managing bookmarks</topic>
- <topic id="68249">Help Agent, Tips and Extended Tips</topic>
- </node>
- </help_section>
- </tree_view>