home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 Invalid max error
- 1 Invalid retry delay
- 2 Invalid connection timeout
- 3 Invalid receive timeout
- 4 Invalid max download job
- 5 Invalid maximum speed
- 6 Invalid yield speed
- 7 Invalid default download directory
- 8 Invalid default ant number
- 9 Invalid virus scanner
- 10 Invalid dialup attempt number
- 11 Invalid dialup delay interval
- 12 Invalid reestablish window title
- 13 Invalid histo sample
- 14 Invalid User-Agent
- 15 Invalid autosave size
- 16 Invalid send winpop message to
- 50 Target empty
- 51 Bad target URL
- 52 Save to empty
- 53 Invalid user name
- 54 Invalid password
- 55 Invalid ant number
- 56 Invalid job priority
- 100 Invalid add batch from
- 101 Invalid add batch to
- 102 From can't be bigger than To
- 103 Invalid add batch digit count
- 104 Different case can't be used in From and To
- 105 Invalid download directory
- 150 Invalid category name
- 151 Invalid category suffix
- 152 Invalid category directory
- 200 Invalid login URL mask
- 201 Invalid login user
- 202 Invalid login password
- 250 Invalid proxy name
- 251 Invalid proxy address
- 252 Invalid proxy port
- 253 Invalid proxy user
- 254 Invalid proxy password
- 300 Invalid bookmark URL
- 1000 Duplicate URL
- 1001 Duplicate category
- 1002 Duplicate login
- 1003 Duplicate proxy name
- 1004 Duplicate bookmark
- 1050 Register netscape protocol handler fail
- 1051 Unregister netscape protocol handler fail
- 1052 If Netscape is running, you may need to restart it
- 1053 Register ie name-space handler fail
- 1054 Unregister ie name-space handler fail
- 1055 If Internet Explorer is running, you may need to restart it
- 1056 Register netcaptor name-space handler fail
- 1057 Unregister netcaptor name-space handler fail
- 1058 If NetCaptor is running, you may need to restart it
- 1100 Not a zip archive
- 1101 Can't fix zip archive
- 1102 No CRC error
- 1103 Zip archive fixed
- 1150 Append job log fail
- 1151 Clear job log fail
- 1152 Can't read URL list file
- 1153 Can't write URL list file
- 1154 Can't create .NFO file
- 1200 New version comctl32.dll needed.
- 1201 Max job reached
- 1202 Unsupport protocol
- 1203 Can't run virus scanner
- 1204 Send winpopup message fail
- 1205 File not exist
- 1206 Show help file fail
- 1207 Dial-Up network already connected
- 2000 State
- 2001 File
- 2002 Priority
- 2003 Size
- 2004 Ratio
- 2005 Bps
- 2006 Time Elapsed
- 2007 Time Left
- 2008 Ant Number
- 2009 Error
- 2010 Target
- 2011 Comment
- 2020 Category
- 2021 Suffixes
- 2022 Directory
- 2040 File
- 2041 Suffix
- 2042 Comment
- 2043 Full Url
- 2060 Block
- 2061 Log
- 2062 Info
- 2063 Link
- 2080 No running job
- 2100 NetAnts Configure
- 2101 Add Job
- 2102 Edit Job
- 2103 Add jobs
- 2104 Add batch jobs
- 2120 URL mask
- 2121 User
- 2122 Password
- 2140 Prompt me
- 2141 Overwrite
- 2142 Resume
- 2143 Auto rename
- 2144 Cancel
- 2160 Parameter
- 2161 Value
- 2180 Target
- 2181 Local File
- 2182 File Date
- 2183 Download Date
- 2184 File Size
- 2185 Byte Received
- 2186 Byte Left
- 2187 Resume
- 2188 Comment
- 2189 Time Elapsed
- 2190 Time Left
- 2191 Total Time
- 2192 Current BPS
- 2193 Average BPS
- 2194 Error
- 2200 File
- 2201 Suffix
- 2202 Comment
- 2203 Full Url
- 2220 Date
- 2221 Information
- 2240 ALL LINKS
- 2260 %d Jobs (%d Running, %d in Queue)
- 2261 %s Bps
- 2262 %s Bytes
- 2263 %s Bps
- 2280 Name
- 2281 Address
- 2282 Port
- 2300 Direct Connection
- 2320 No Skin
- 2340 Connection
- 2341 Job Default
- 2342 Automation
- 2343 Proxy
- 2344 Dial-Up
- 2345 Schedule
- 2346 Save To
- 2347 Security
- 2348 Visual
- 2349 Protocol
- 2350 Advanced
- 2360 Generate sequence
- 2361 Save option
- 2380 General
- 2381 Connection
- 2382 Proxy
- 2383 Protocol
- 2400 Select files
- 2401 Save option
- 2420 Default Dir
- 2421 Last Dir
- 2440 Url
- 2441 Comment
- 3000 Connect to host (%s:%d) ...
- 3001 Connect to host successfully
- 3002 Can't connect to host
- 3003 Error occurs when receiving data
- 3004 Reach max error, ant halt
- 3005 This site doesn't support resume, ant halt
- 3006 Redirect link to other site
- 3007 The redirect URL is invalid
- 3008 Can't resolve proxy address
- 3009 Remote file has been changed
- 3010 Can't analysis list data server replied
- 3011 Bad proxy configure
- 3012 The actual size of downloading file is unknown
- 3013 Can't analysis server's reply to PASV
- 3014 Can't resolve host address
- 3015 Connect to proxy (%s:%d) ...
- 3016 Can't download from HTTP/0.9 server
- 3017 Bad Content-Range in server's reply
- 3018 Connect to proxy successfully
- 3019 Can't connect to proxy
- 3020 Resolve host address ...
- 3021 Resolve proxy address ...
- 3022 Wait %d seconds for next retry
- 3023 File is up to date
- 3024 Bad proxy reply
- 3025 Cancelled by user
- 3026 No block left, ant finish
- 3027 Receiving data...
- 3028 Bad HTTP reply code
- 3029 Proxy address resolved
- 3030 Host address resolved
- 3031 Request rejected by proxy
- 3032 Ant restart
- 3033 Ant restart to try resume again
- 4000 Preferences
- 4001 View log of download
- 4002 Clear log of download
- 4003 Quit
- 4004 Select all job
- 4005 Start job download
- 4006 Stop downloading job
- 4007 Start all job
- 4008 Stop all downloading job
- 4009 Add a new job
- 4010 Edit job property
- 4011 Delete job
- 4012 NetAnts dialer
- 4013 Auto dialup if necessary
- 4014 Hang up when done
- 4015 Shutdown computer when done
- 4016 Schedule download
- 4017 Schedule hang up
- 4018 Show or hide drop basket
- 4019 Show help topic about NetAnts
- 4020 Send e-mail to author of NetAnts
- 4021 Go to homepage of NetAnts
- 4022 About NetAnts
- 4023 Show main window
- 4024 Copy URL to clipboard
- 4025 Launch a downloaded file
- 4026 Explore file location on disk
- 4027 Copy log to clipboard
- 4028 Set job priority to do not download
- 4029 Set job priority to very low
- 4030 Set job priority to low
- 4031 Set job priority to normal
- 4032 Set job priority to high
- 4033 Set job priority to very high
- 4034 Delete all downloaded job
- 4035 No speed limit
- 4036 Adjust speed limit manually
- 4037 Adjust speed limit automatically
- 4038 Toggle browser integration
- 4039 Toggle clipboard monitor
- 4040 Import URL list
- 4041 Add batch jobs
- 4042 Download job again
- 4043 Download job again if updated
- 4044 Process web page file
- 4045 Add to job list
- 4046 Open URL in web browser
- 4047 Select all valid links
- 4048 Copy URL to clipboard
- 4049 Select links
- 4050 Select all log message
- 4051 Export URL List
- 4052 Start ant
- 4053 Stop ant
- 4054 Show or hide toolbar
- 4055 Show or hide status bar
- 4056 Show or hide histogram bar
- 4057 Show or hide virtual folder
- 4058 Show or hide block view
- 4059 Show or hide log view
- 4060 Show or hide info view
- 4061 Show or hide link view
- 4062 Customize toolbar button
- 4063 Customize job window column
- 4064 Restart ant
- 4065 Recommend NetAnts to a friend
- 4066 Check the newest version of NetAnts
- 4067 Read FAQ of NetAnts
- 4068 Fix corrupted zip file
- 4069 Reverse which items are selected and which are not
- 4070 Show URL bookmark
- 4071 Add URL to bookmark
- 4072 Get your native language translation of NetAnts
- 4073 Import a broken download into NetAnts
- 4500 Set bandwidth mode
- 5000 Do you stop all running job?
- 5001 Clear download log successfully
- 5002 Dial-Up Network will be hang up in %d secs
- 5003 NetAnts will be closed in %d secs
- 5004 Your computer will be shutdown in %d secs
- 5005 Do you clear log of download?
- 5006 Checking newest version of NetAnts...
- 5007 Newest version available :
- 5008 No update version available
- 5009 Can't download version information
- 5010 Attempt %d
- 6000 Meet error, job halt
- 6001 Job complete
- 6002 Temporarily redirect to other site
- 6003 Permanently redirect to other site
- 6004 Cancel by user
- 6005 No update checked
- 7000 Opening Port
- 7001 Port Opened
- 7002 Connecting Device
- 7003 Device Connected
- 7004 All Devices Connected
- 7005 Starting Authentication
- 7006 Authentication Notify
- 7007 Authentication Retry
- 7008 Callback Requested
- 7009 Change Password Requested
- 7010 Projection Phase Started
- 7011 Link Speed Calculation
- 7012 Authentication Acknowledged
- 7013 Reauthenticatation Started
- 7014 Authenticated
- 7015 Preparation For Callback
- 7016 Waiting For Modem Reset
- 7017 Waiting For Callback
- 7018 Interactive
- 7019 Retry Authentication
- 7020 Callback Set By Caller
- 7021 Password Expired
- 7022 Connected
- 7023 Disconnected
- 8000 Virtual Folder
- 9000 Job Status
- 9001 Normal
- 9002 Running
- 9003 Queue
- 9004 Error
- 9005 Downloaded
- 10000 Download Date
- 10001 Today
- 10002 Yesterday
- 10003 Last Week
- 10004 Before last week
- 11000 Server Site
- 11001 HTTP Server
- 11002 FTP Server