home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- NetAnts History
- Written by Lewis Hong(hong_lewis@netants.com)
- Version 1.25 (2001.11)
- *************************************************************************
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Tolerent corrupt content-range bytes=xx-xx/xx (bearshare webserver)
- 2) Can't resume download in FTP PASV mode with Ms IIS FTP service 5.0
- Version 1.24 (2001.6)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) New design of "Select Links" Dialog
- 2) Always display in byte
- 3) Browser integration with NetCaptor
- 4) Add "start all" and "stop all" to drop basket context menu
- 5) Launch files with specified type when done downloading
- 6) Alternative OEM splash
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Can't stop all jobs when selecting queue folder
- 2) No filename back-suffix when export job list
- 3) Redirect path handling when meet CGI question mask
- 4) FTP server supports resume only under binary mode (sourcerer.freesoftware.com)
- 5) Wrong job status after priority changed when editing job
- 6) Enlarge numerical range when generating batch url
- 7) Wrong filename extracted when prasing "Content-Disposition" header
- 8) Improper SOCKS5 authentication request
- 9) Can't drop HTML fragment of FTP site into drop basket
- Version 1.23 (2000.10)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Invert selection job items
- 2) Parse HTTP header "Content-Disposition" filename (freedrive.com)
- 3) OEM Info in splash and about dialog
- 4) Letter series can be used when add batch jobs
- 5) Showing big figure in K unitú¼and with comma separator
- 6) "Total time" and "Average BPS" added to info window
- 7) URL Bookmark added
- 8) Shell context menu integration
- 9) Update version check
- 10) Import broken download
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Check downloading file when auto rename
- 2) Can't save security configuration
- 3) Crash when sending file to recycle bin under NT4
- 4) Get correct file length with FTP symbol link
- 5) Using 8.3 filename to feed virus scanner
- 6) Display local filename dynamically when downloading
- 7) "Internet explorer should restart" reported when startup
- 8) Receive 1 byte when reading server reply
- Version 1.22 (2000.6)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Delete downloaded file to recycle bin
- 2) Show language menuitem in order
- Bug Fix:
- 1) "Download by NetAnts" crash in zdnet download
- 2) Disable "Set Priority to don't download" when job is running or in queue
- 3) Initial toolbar state when startup
- 4) Restart ant to retry if can't resume (101% with transparent web cache)
- Version 1.21 (2000.6)
- *************************************************************************
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Can't save job column customization under NT
- 2) Can't save toolbar customization under NT
- 3) Corrupted string load from registry under NT
- 4) Update job list and info view when auto rename
- 5) Set job status to error after changed priority
- 6) Hide or show main window when toggle desktop
- 7) Can't restore window normal position
- Version 1.2 (2000.5)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Save rebar band position
- 2) Skin supported
- 3) Support SOCKS4a with DNS lookup
- 4) Remember last download directory
- 5) Localize NetAnts by making easy-to-make language packages
- 6) Customise toolbar button
- 7) Customise job window column
- 8) Delete downloaded file when delete job
- 9) Use default proxy for all jobs
- 10) Extract comment when drop HTML fragment
- 11) Prase <BASE HREF=...> as referer
- 12) Edit multi jobs' property
- 13) Restart ant when downloading
- 14) Retrieve username and password from DUN
- 15) Don't download job priority
- 16) Backup download database every day
- 17) Fix corrupt zip archive
- 18) Small banner added to AD bar
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Incorrect splitter clip rectangle
- 2) Unpaint region when toggle toolbar or wavebar
- 3) Can't create file map under NT
- 4) User, password and download directory will be reset incorrectly when edit job
- 5) Decode HTML clipboard data as UTF8
- 6) Deal with relative path when combine URL
- 7) Using job URL as referer when add links from link window
- 8) Keep authorization when redirect
- 9) Ignore invalid FTP list data (ftp://ftp.cs.virginia.edu)
- 10) Don't use EWX_FORCE when shutdown
- Version 1.1 (2000.4)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Auto scroll log window
- 2) Show notification message
- 3) New style job log
- 4) Proxy list added
- 5) Support SOCKS4/5
- 6) Authorization supported with HTTP proxy connect mode
- 7) Export URL list
- 8) Start and stop every ant when downloading
- 9) Default file name button added in job property dialog
- 10) Toggle toolbar, statusbar, histogram bar, virtual folder and views
- 11) Save splitter position
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Can't download FTP file with HTTP proxy connect mode
- 2) Get file length with HCLFTPD server
- 3) Blank category menu in urllist dialog
- 4) Using existing dailup connection
- 5) Can't show main menu
- Version 1 (2000.2)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Info window added
- 2) Credits in about dialog
- 3) Double click downloaded job to launch it
- 4) Select jobs based on filename regular expression (Addjobs Dialog)
- 5) Enhanced job window tooltip
- 6) Refuse to enter suspend mode when downloading (Power managerment)
- 7) Link window added
- 8) Virtual folder window added
- 9) Show menuitem with icon
- 10) Tab window animation effect
- 11) Set 256-colors bitmap as background of window
- 12) Show bps with gradient bar
- 13) Removable rebar control
- 14) 256-colors small icon used (JobStat, TabIcon...)
- 15) Antbar in log window
- 16) Using listview to show log message
- 17) Autosize statusbar part
- 18) Show job stat in status bar
- 19) Simulate NetVampire(3)'s DDE interface to work with WWW&FTP observer(http://www.allnetic.com/)
- 20) Auto exit when done downloading
- 21) Check all links and selected links in urllist dialog
- 22) Confirm when clear job log
- 23) FTP ASCII mode: Yes, No and Auto (base on file backsuffix)
- 24) Stop if server doesn't support resume
- 25) Change local filename automatically where redirecting
- 26) Auto-fit drop basket position when dropping URL
- 27) Registry value Layout\NoWindowBK added
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Disable "Start all" when all downloaded
- 2) Calculate statusbar height dynamically
- 3) ClipCursor when dragging splitter
- 4) Save configure in HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- 5) Save configure just after modified
- 6) Process readonly HTML file
- 7) Don't show plain password in log window
- 8) Case-insensitive when parsing default protocol
- 9) Reset job status to be checked update
- 10) Don't report error at startup when netscape hasn't been installed
- 11) Can't explore local file when name = "download.aspid=1909"
- 12) Spin style UDS_NOTHOUSANDS added
- 13) Start jobs from top to bottom
- 14) String template max-match (1.1.jpg <-> *.jpg)
- 15) Ignore duplicate URL captured from clipboard
- 16) Can't get ftp list data when permission denied
- 17) Set timer with id = 0
- 18) Play sound once when add multiple jobs
- 19) Revised block-split algorithm
- 20) Invalid time elpased when system time changed
- 21) Base URL like http://www.foobar.com/ allowed when parsing HTML
- 22) Wrong port number with http://user:4pass@www.foobar.com/foo/bar.zip
- 23) Convert %xx in FTP URL
- 24) Go on downloading if get FTP LIST error response code
- 25) Crash when parsing http reply code
- 26) Don't using default port number when constructing HTTP HOST tag
- 27) Invalid field value in DDE reply
- Version 1 Beta 2.75(1999.10)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Support external resource dll (multi language)
- 2) Default action if file already exists
- 3) Toggle open cancelled URL in browser
- 4) Support HTTP proxy mode : CONNECT (Wingate 2.1d)
- 5) Create .NFO file
- 6) Crash report added
- 7) Abortive shutdown no use socket
- 8) User and password based on URL mask (Option->Security)
- 9) Process web page file
- 10) Support HTML clipboard format (Drag&Drop)
- 11) Register .!!! as new shell file type
- 12) Add "Start All" and "Stop All" to context menu
- 13) IE5 toolbar/menu quick launch
- 14) Show transfer speed by animation frame rate
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Go on downloading with some error reply code (FTP LIST)
- 2) Changed how clipboard monitoring works to avoid MS Word crashing when text is cut from a document.
- 3) OLE Server busy when drop link (InSendMessage)
- 4) Go on downloading with FTP 421 reply code
- 5) Logo margin in about dialog box
- 6) Max job number limit removed
- 7) Local filename changed when choose different URL from edit job dialog
- 8) Stack overflow when using "Download All by NetAnts"
- 9) Correctly show chinese character in log window
- 10) Reposition splitter bar after startup
- 11) Reset job file if corrupt
- 12) TBM_SETRANGE failed when Maximum value is too large
- 13) Load RICHED20.DLL if exist
- 14) URL list file didn't be closed after used
- Version 1 Beta 2.70(1999.8)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Using HTTP proxy and using FTP proxy separately
- 2) Move PASV mode to protocol tab (default mode)
- 3) Support FTP ASCII mode
- 4) Get file date and time from server
- 5) Category popup menu added
- 6) Download again & check update
- 7) Overwrite, resume, auto rename or cancel can be choosed if file already exists
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Delay wait for next retry didn't take effect sometimes
- 2) Didn't show default AD image when started by browser click
- 3) Uncheck "schedule download" when popup dropbasket menu
- Version 1 Beta 2.67(1999.8)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Save option tab added to add multi jobs dialog
- 2) Import URL list file (URL list file, HTML import file)
- 3) Enhanced storage I/O when delete or add many jobs
- 4) Improved Browser Integration for IE 5.0
- 5) Generate sequence URL
- 6) Open cancelled URL in browser
- 7) Advert banner added
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Popup "Save as empty" infinitely with add job dialog
- 2) Create title tip fail if NoSplash has been set
- 3) Always set "Download all by NetAnts" to c:\program files\netants\nagetall.htm
- 4) Can't get correct suffix of URL when NetAnts isn't running
- 5) Get next job incorrectly when delete multi selected jobs
- 6) Alt + -> and Alt + <- in browser
- Version 1 Beta 2.65(1999.8)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Reset colors in option->visual
- 2) More precisely auto dialup support, tiny change in dialing dialog
- 3) Delay before every retry
- 4) Improved Browser Integration with Netscape 3.0+ and IE 4.0+
- 5) Server side control tag added : HTTP(NetAnts: MaxConnection=x), FTP(230-NetAnts: MaxConnection=x)
- 6) Browser integration and clipboard monitor menuitem added
- 7) Yield speed when connecting (automatic mode)
- 8) Upgrade option->saveto
- 9) Show URL list dialog when choose "download all" from IE context menu
- 10) Regular expression support (?*) with suffix in Option->Saveto, Option->Automation
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Play wave file serially (winmm.dll crash)
- 2) Misspell HTTP header (Referrer shoud be Referer)
- 3) Duplicate IE context menu item "Download by NetAnts"
- 4) Encrypted password corrupt if length = 8 * X
- 5) Explorer crash if local file has been deleted
- 6) Automatic speed limit > maximun speed
- Version 1 Beta 2.60(1999.7)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Speed limit mode : Unlimited, Manual and Automatic
- 2) User can customize the color of histogram
- 3) Support Internet Explorer link click by implementing COM server
- 4) Support UrlPro (http://www.enterpspace.org/molsoft)
- 5) Hyperlink effect in about dialog
- 6) Add "Download All by NetAnts" to IE context menu
- 7) Simulate GetRight's DDE interface for funny Screensaver(http://www.getright.com/getright_sparks.zip)
- 8) Download directory in drop basket
- 9) Editable Referrer and User-Agent tag
- 10) Recreate tray icon after explorer crash (>=IE4)
- 11) Async DNS lookup
- 12) Show current total BPS in status bar
- 13) Registry value Layout\NoSplash added
- 14) Formal installer(uninstall) used
- Bug Fix:
- 1) VBScript function name conflict with IE5
- 2) "New version of comctl32.dll needed" reported
- 3) Create splash window in main thread (rasapi32 no response randomly)
- 4) Get local filename from URL incorrectly
- 5) Virus scan file path with blank
- 6) Memory block corrupt when analysis URL with :port
- 7) Dialup and auto hangup can't work under NT
- 8) Right-bottom corner in statusbar
- Version 1 Beta 2.55(1999.4)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Schedule download and hang up
- 2) Delete all downloaded job
- 3) Click animate logo to visit website of NetAnts
- 4) Add "Download by NetAnts" to IE context menu
- 5) Check host name loosely, such as http://you&me.163.net
- 6) Animate window zoom effect
- 7) Assign directories for received files with certain extensions
- 8) "Send email" and "Visit home page" add to menu
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Limited log message line count
- 2) Decode %xx in URL when save to local file name
- 3) Choose add job when valid URL in clipboard didn't show dialog
- 4) Change "browse virus scanner" dialog template from "save as" to "open"
- 5) Ignore URL with CGI query when click in browser
- 6) Menu shortcut "Alt+D"
- 7) Defragment when save job file
- 8) Addjob dialog can't pop out in Win98
- 9) Tray context menu position when appbar is on the top
- 10) Non-absolute URI redirection, such as http://www.shareware.ru/load.asp?id=97
- 11) Right click in tray context menu
- 12) Autoshutdown can't take effect on NT
- Version 1 Beta 2.51(1999.2)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) Auto paste URL in add job dialog
- 2) Show host and proxy address in log window
- 3) Default sound effect (voice from my girlfriend :-) )
- Bug Fix:
- 1) DDE request URL with comma in double quote paire
- 2) force main window redraw after first startup
- 3) Don't reprot "register netscape fail" if Netscape hasn't been installed
- Version 1 Beta 2.5(1999.2)
- *************************************************************************
- New Feature:
- 1) User can hide "User-Agent" tag with HTTP protocol
- 2) Support Internet Explorer link click
- 3) Click with Atl will get any link in browser, click with Ctrl will not get any link in browser
- 4) Simulate NetVampire(2.41)'s DDE interface to work with HTMLImport and URLPost(http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/9680/index.html)
- 5) Always retry when error occurs
- 6) Automatically start all jobs after running
- 7) Explore and lanuch local file
- 8) Use Cookies from your web browser(IE and Netscape)
- 9) Support Opera link click with help of plugin
- 10) Add Job priority
- 11) Sortable job list
- 12) Create directory in the fly
- 13) User:Pass@URL syntax support for FTP and HTTP
- Bug Fix:
- 1) NT clipboard viewer
- 2) Check job column width > 0 (Empty job win ?)
- 3) Check duplicate URL before adding job
- 4) Fix "modify tray icon fail" and "delete tray icon fail"
- 5) "Stop all jobs" didn't decrease number of queue jobs
- 6) Rewrite netscape protocol handler after startup
- 7) Don't always show "please restart netscape"
- 8) Enlarge buffer size of ftp reply (ftp://ftp..novalogic.com crash)
- 9) Fix bug with multipart boundary (Netscape-Commerce/1.12, www.adom.com)
- 10) Check Content-Range header (Netscape-Commerce/1.12, www.adom.com)
- 11) Set wrong splitter bar position when window is maximized
- 12) Set menuitem state correctly
- *************************************************************************
- Version 1 Beta 2.41(1998.10)
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Proxy authorization with wrong tag
- *************************************************************************
- Version 1 Beta 2.4 (1998.9)
- New Feature:
- 1) Show received bytes in tooltip of tray icon
- 2) Show job status in tooltip of drop basket
- 3) Using state image instead of resume column
- 4) Compressed job file, less disk space need
- 5) Always show tray icon
- 6) Dialer, auto hangup, auto shutdown toolbar and menu added
- 7) Select all, stop all, start all menu added
- 8) Save password with encryption in registy and job file
- 9) Auto redial when disconnected
- 10) Copy URLs of selected job item
- 11) Accelerator key
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Drag drop basket with left hand mouse
- 2) load proxy configure of Beta 2.1
- 3) Don't increase received bytes when connecting
- 4) Invalid send winpopup to
- 5) Dynamically load RAS api
- 6) Disable dialup when no RAS entry
- 7) Check valid dialup entry
- 8) Job can been edit after done (readonly)
- *************************************************************************
- Version 1 Beta 2.3 (1998.8)
- New Feature:
- 1) Proxy and Connection per job
- 2) Add comment column
- 3) Toggle drop basket always on top
- 4) User can type "netants" from StartMenu->Run, AppPath
- 5) Double click drop basket to show or hide main window
- 6) More sensitive BPS update, estimate time depend on history (7/8)
- 7) Dial-Up network support
- 8) Auto shutdown and auto hang up
- 9) Set max error limit to 200
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Check window position when startup
- 2) Check HTTP and FTP reply with file length <= 0
- 3) More retries when meet protocol error reply
- 4) Do PostMessage until success, message queue full, zomb ant
- 5) Deal with HTTP/0.9 server
- 6) Don't send STAT again, extract size from RETR directly
- 7) Don't clear all downloaded block when meet unresume server
- 8) HTTP Reply 200 is not always equal to unresume
- 9) Import broken file from unresume site
- 10) Save job win column width = 0
- 11) Job statistics with better algorithm , never be a CPU hog with many jobs
- 12) Move Permanently and move Temporarily
- 13) Filter invalid character when saving file
- 14) Erase head and trail blank when getdlgitemtext
- 15) When edit job, change always be saved, even if press cancel
- *************************************************************************
- Version 1 Beta 2.2 (1998.8)
- New Feature:
- 1) Resume broken download file
- 2) Support HTTP basic authorization(base64)
- 3) Support HTTP proxy authorization
- 4) Customize sounds from Control Panel
- 5) FTP via HTTP proxy
- 6) FTP PASV mode
- 7) Log window autoscroll
- 8) FTP proxy mode: SITE, OPEN, USER, USER with logon
- 9) Add MRU
- 10) Virus check
- 11) Histo sampling interval
- 12) Add resume column
- 13) Add "option" and "add job" in context menu
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Check configure when load from registry
- 2) Save uninitialized configure
- 3) Two "\r\n" when "Content-type: multipart/x-byteranges" (websitepro)
- 4) Show previous instance if already run
- 5) Wrong job status if restart with unsupport protocol
- 6) Relative redirect URL (www.winzip.com)
- 8) HTTP header "Connection : close" added
- 7) HTTP header Host with port
- 8) SetClipboardViewer fail
- 9) _beginthreadex instead of CreateThread, prevent from memory leak
- 10) Extract file size from reply of RETR
- 11) Adjust MIN_BLOCK_SEG_LEN to 20, less connection
- 12) Only show one add job dialog
- 13) Repaint histo wavebar with better algorithm
- *************************************************************************
- Version 1 Beta 2.1 (1998.7)
- New Feature:
- 1) Add job default in configure
- 2) Support HTTP redirect link
- 3) Autosave job
- 4) Edit job URL and save file
- 5) Detail download log
- 6) Send winpopup message when job complete
- 7) Max running jobs limit and job queue
- 8) Auto delete job when job complete
- 9) Dbclick to edit job
- 10) Multi select job list
- 11) job list tooltip
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Unregister netscape fail if reg value not exist
- 2) Job refresh block window, setblockstate
- 3) Save jobs when windows shutdown
- 4) Save jobfile in current directory
- 5) Job listview flash
- 6) EndPaint with wrong parameter, user resource leak
- *************************************************************************
- Version 1 Beta 2 (1998.7)
- New Feature:
- 1) Add Bps and Est time to job list
- 2) Support http proxy
- 3) Support ftp proxy(user@site)
- 4) Support ftp login authorization
- 5) Save job list to compound file
- 6) Add drop basket
- 7) Add tray icon context menu
- 8) Add detail log window
- 9) Add histogram
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Not ping until resolved
- 2) Anonymous logging with no passwod
- 3) Dynamically link to ICMP api
- 4) Set iRet to -2 when received message
- 5) Create socket with protocol = 0 to work with NetSonic
- 6) Default download directory with other attributes
- 7) Server reply wrong content-length with 0-
- 8) Delete !!! file when delete job
- 9) Auto add '\r' with winproxy
- 10) Add host and user-agent header in http request
- *************************************************************************
- Version 1 Beta 1.01 (1998.6)
- Bug Fix:
- 1) Auto append '\' after download directory
- 2) Send "TYPE I" before send "SIZE" to ftp server
- 3) Restore the window position to maximize after start
- 4) correct ratio with large file
- *************************************************************************
- Version 1 Beta 1.0 (1998.6)
- Initial release