100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
101 &About GetRight...
103 Windows sockets initialization failed. You may not have installed TCP/IP network drivers on your computer.
104 URL is invalid.
105 Sorry, the GetRight download list is full (%i max). You can either:\n1) Finish downloading some and try again.\n2) Export some downloads from the list (on the Download Status, under the File menu). \n3) Increase this limit (in the GetRight Configuration: on the "Advanced" tab, click the "More" button, then the "Misc" tab.)
106 Sorry, only HTTP or FTP protocols are supported.\nAborting.
107 Could not open file:\n%s\n\nPossible reasons include:\n1) The directory containing the file has been deleted, moved, or renamed.\n2) The same disk is not inserted in the drive (if saving to a removable disk like a ZIP drive).
108 Error connecting to:\n %s\n\nPossible reasons include:\n1) This address is not correct.\n2) This server is not running right now.\n3) You are not connected to the Internet (or your connection is not working properly).\n4) The Proxy server settings in GetRight are not correct.
109 Could not find URL to download.\nAborting.
110 'Save As' Dialog cancelled.\nAborting.
111 Couldn't recognize proxy server format. GetRight proxy server must be reconfigured.\nAborting.
112 Invalid proxy server format.\nUse format:\n server.name:port
113 Error saving to file:\n%s\n\nPossible reasons include:\n1) The disk is full.\n2) The directory containing the file has been moved, renamed, or deleted.\n3) The disk was removed (if saving to a removable disk like a ZIP drive).\nStopping download.
114 Error creating socket for network communication!\nAborting.
115 Couldn't find information to resume downloading! (Something is probably messed up. Try closing GetRight and restarting it.)\n\nAborting.
116 This server requires a stronger password method than GetRight supports. GetRight only handles Basic authorization.\n\nFor now, you will need to use your web browser to download this file.\n\nAborting.
117 No requests needed to be resumed.
118 Ohh, so you're trying to cheat, eh. Well it isn't going to be that easy for you.
119 GetRight has not yet finished downloading this file.\nWould you like to finish downloading this file later?
120 You are running out of resources (timers). GetRight screen updates won't work as well.
121 The server returned an error response:\n %i = %s\n\nAborting.
122 The server was unable to handle the request and returned an error response:\n %i = %s\n\nWould you like to try resuming this request later?
123 Invalid registration code. Please verify that it is entered correctly.
124 &Help
125 GetRight/4.5 (old)
126 (This server does not support resuming.)
127 &View Transfer Details...
128 Error setting up for downloading from the Internet! (Error binding socket)\n\nAborting.
129 Error setting up for downloading from the Internet! (Error listening for network communication)\n\nAborting.
130 Service unknown for:\n %s\nAborting.
131 Connected, logging in...
132 Connected, setting up transfer...
133 Connected, requesting file...
134 Small &Window
135 Always On &Top
136 Could not set up for PASV connection.\nAborting.
137 GetRight could not find proxy server information in the web browser configuration. \nYou will have to enter the information by hand. \n\n(NOTE: You may not use a proxy server--try leaving these fields blank.)
138 GetRight Download &Status...
139 Could not open clipboard for copying.
140 Could not set clipboard data.
141 Could not open file:\n%s\n\nPossible reasons include: the directory containing the file has been deleted, renamed, or is not entered correctly; or the disk is not inserted in the drive (if saving to a removable disk like a ZIP drive).\nAborting.
142 Too many other people are already logged into this server.
143 Unknown file format:\n %s\nAborting.
144 The file was not found on the server. Verify that the address is correct:\n%s\n\nRemove this download from your list?
145 Unable to download from any site!\nAborting.
146 Sorry, couldn't find mail address information in web browser configuration. \nYou'll have to enter the information by hand.
147 Enter New &URL...
148 Disconnected from the server.
149 GetRight has not found a server to start the transfer, if you cancel GetRight will not be able to resume later.\nCancel?
150 GetRight timed out getting a response from the server.
151 Show &Monitor...
152 (Re)Started download:
153 Disconnected from:
154 Finished downloading:
155 Resumed: %s at: %i
156 Could not resume (restarting from 0):
157 &Close
158 Really delete all downloads?
159 Error looking up address for:\n %s
160 You've resumed downloading this file %i times.
161 Trying: %s
162 Connecting to: %s
163 Connecting to: %s (via %s)
164 Looking up: %s
165 %i:%02i:%02i (At %.2fMB/sec)
166 %i:%02i:%02i (At %.1fk/sec)
167 %i:%02i:%02i left (At %.2fMB/sec)
168 %i:%02i:%02i left (At %.1fk/sec)
169 Disconnected!
170 &Pause
171 &Close
172 &Resume
173 Enter username and password for %s at %s
174 Connected; waiting for reply...
175 %s\n\nDo you need to change your username/password?
176 Enter username and password for FTP'ing from server: %s\n(Try your real email address as the password.)
177 GetRight &Configuration...
178 No entries selected.
179 You have set to resume one download at a time. Do you want to over-ride this and resume all downloads now? (If you resume one it will automatically resume the next when it completes.)
180 Have GetRight download the file:\n %s
181 Really delete the selected downloads?
182 Server busy, waiting to retry (%i)...
183 %s busy (tried %i times)
184 Resumed %i times.
185 %i:%02i:%02i (At %i bytes/sec)
186 %i:%02i:%02i left (At %i bytes/sec)
187 Really delete the partially downloaded file from your computer?
188 Your HTTP and FTP Proxy server addresses are the same.\nIf FTP downloads do not work, try turning on the "Use HTTP Proxy for FTP addresses" option.
189 Error: Server busy: %s
190 Enter the username and password for logging into FTP Proxy server.
191 There may not be enough free disk space to finish this download.\n\nPlease free some disk space.
192 Selected %i of %i.
193 combined speed. (Downloading %i of %i).
194 Could not open the log file you have set on the Advanced tab. Please use the "Browse" button to pick a good log file name, or make sure a valid directory and file name are entered.
195 Waiting for Internet connection...
196 Error (#%u) connecting to Internet with: %s.
197 Downloaded a total of %lu files.
198 Downloaded a total of %.2fMB.
199 Saved you from re-downloading a total of %.2fMB.
200 Another program is using the device.
201 Dialer Error. Tried dialing %i times.
202 Line busy, disconnected, or another error (%i times).\nWaiting to retry again in %i seconds...
203 GetRight &Dialer...
204 All alternate URLs are in use. Can not add any more for this file.
205 Enter Alternate URL:
206 Alternate URL addresses for %s
207 Sorry, can't rename a file while it is downloading.
208 Could not copy file. Possibly a file already exists with same name.
209 &Pause
210 &Resume
211 &Show Status Window
212 C&hange Local File Name...
213 Change &URL...
214 &Mirror Manager...
215 &Delete
216 Error loading Windows Dial-Up Networking. It may not be installed on your PC.
217 Incorrect version of GetRight language translation. Using default (English) language.
218 Dialer error (#%lu): %s
219 Unknown Windows RAS Error: #%li
220 Status: Opening port...
221 Status: Opened port...
222 Status: Dialing %s...
223 Status: Connected...
224 Status: Verifying user name and password...
225 Status: User name and password OK...
226 Status: Logging on to Network...
227 Status: Connected.
228 Status: Disconnected.
229 Local File
230 Resume
231 Progress
232 Total
233 Address (URL) or Comment
234 Yes
235 No
236 Connected, setting up data connection...
237 GetRight Monitor
238 Sorry, GetRight can not download from secure servers. (https://... addresses).
239 There are downloads in progress. Closing this will stop them. Continue and close them all?
240 Waiting for user response (%i seconds left).
241 Start downloading this file now?
242 Hour out of range for AM/PM.
243 The file type you entered may be incorrect. ("%s" instead of "%s")
244 &Edit
245 &Copy All
246 &File
247 E&xit
248 Select &All
249 &Delete Download(s) from the List and Delete the Files Del
250 Pause/&Stop All
251 &Automatic Downloading
252 S&chedule Download Start...
253 Show Status &Windows
254 Hang Up When &Done
255 Set Pr&iority
256 &Very High 1
257 &High 2
258 &Normal 3
259 &Low 4
260 Ver&y Low 5
261 &Do Not Download 0
262 &Recover Lost Downloads...
263 &Refresh F5
264 &Downloads
265 Adva&nced
266 &View
267 GetRight Monitor (Start at %i:%02i %s)
268 No downloads in progress. (Scheduled to start at %i:%02i %s)
269 Hide W&indow
270 %i files; %s total; GetRight Download Status
271 GetRight Download Status
272 %.2fMB/sec
273 %i bytes/sec
274 %.2fk/sec
275 Reestablish Connection
276 ((!! NOTE TO TRANSLATOR: The above text MUST be the same as the text for the Windows Dial-Up Networking window title asking to reconnect after the line has been disconnected!! ))
277 R&e-Dial If Disconnected
278 Turn &Off Computer When Done
279 General
280 Proxy
281 Connections
282 Internet
283 Monitor
284 Mirrors
285 Advanced
286 HTTP Proxy
287 FTP Proxy
288 GetRight has completed downloading and will be turning off your computer.
289 Turning Off Computer
290 &Stop
291 Enter the URL of a file for GetRight to download.
292 Select File to be Recovered
293 North America
294 South America
295 Asia
296 Africa
297 Australia
298 Europe
299 Antarctica
300 North America
301 US
302 CONNECT Address
303 OPEN Address
304 SITE Address
305 USER with no login
306 Ope&n Source Web Page
307 Select All In &Progress
308 &Minimize Status Windows
309 &GetRight Home Page
310 English GetRight Home Page
311 http:
312 NOTE to Translator: ("English GetRight..." should be the language translation name--such as "French GetRight...", and the "http:" should be the correct URL to the translated/language home pages.)
313 Processing file...
314 Looking for alternate download sites...
315 Adding alternate download sites (%i)...
316 \n\nDo you want to continue and use this file name?
317 Download Updated Mirror &List
318 &View GetRight Log File...
319 Finding Speed:
320 &Recalculate Speeds
321 If GetRight is really saving you lots of time and effort, you owe it to the real people and their families who make their living on this program to support shareware and pay now.
322 If you buy GetRight, you won't have to put up with these annoying messages anymore!
323 Real people are trying to support themselves and their families with this and other shareware programs. They only get paid if you are honest and pay for GetRight.
324 Please support shareware.\nYour support, by paying for this program, is important to us.
325 You have now had time to evaluate this program.\nIf it suits your needs you really need to pay for it to support the authors of GetRight.
326 The registration code you have entered has been illegally distributed.\nThis code has been disabled.
327 You Have Registered GetRight. Thank You!
328 Cancel
329 %s (%i times).\nWaiting to retry again in %i seconds...
330 Could not copy file, the original file(s) does not exist.\n\nSetting to download to the new file name, but the download will restart at the beginning.
331 Login
332 Enter new username and password to try.
333 Sorry, the Username/Password list is full.\nYou must remove some values to add new ones.
334 Server/Path
335 Username
336 Set
337 Add
338 Password
339 You must be a registered GetRight user to use wildcard (* or ?) downloading with FTP.\n\nWould you like a preview of how this would work if you purchased GetRight?
340 Sorry, you must be a registered GetRight user to have more than one username/password entry.\n(Registered users may have up to 100.)\n\nWould you like information about buying GetRight?
341 Select default directory
342 Select Virus Scanner
343 Select GetRight Log File
344 Select Sound for Broken Connections
345 Select Sound for Done Downloading
346 To Connect To Internet
347 To Disconnect From Internet
348 Enter New File Name
349 File C&omment...
350 Enter a short comment or note for this download.
351 Enter File Comment
352 Update of GetRight's Mirror List.
353 This registration number was received from a fraudulent or cancelled order.\nIt has been disabled.
354 <Working>
355 You will need to close and restart your web browser for GetRight to catch clicks from within your web browser.
356 GetRight - Save As
357 Remove all partially downloaded files and entries for resuming later?\n\nIf you are uninstalling before upgrading, click NO to save your partial downloads!
358 Remove all configuration items you have set up in GetRight?\n\nIf you are uninstalling before upgrading, click NO to save your settings!
359 Really uninstall GetRight from your computer?
360 USER after login
361 You will need to close and restart your web browser for this setting change to take effect.
362 Schedule Download Stop (&Hang Up)...
363 File Name
364 GetRight should stop/hang up modem at...
365 Start at %i:%02i %s
366 Stop at %i:%02i %s
367 Yes to &All
368 N&o to All
369 &Now
370 &All Now
371 &Later
372 All Late&r
373 ERR:Network:
374 ERR:Connect:
375 ERR:NotFound:
376 ERR:#%i:
377 ERR:Login:
378 %i:%02i:%02i
379 Est.Time
380 Limits
381 k
382 bytes
383 MB
384 Obe&y Speed Limit
385 Event
386 Sound File Name
387 Finished Download
388 Connection Broken
389 Dialer Connected
390 Dialer Did Not Connect
391 Start Scheduled Download
392 Prompting to Hang Up
393 Prompting to Turn Off Computer
394 Address Added
395 Address Added as Alternate
396 Finished All Downloads
397 Select Sound For:
398 Switch to Alternate Address
399 { Default Beep }
400 Connection Timed Out
401 Server Will Not Resume
402 Start Downloading
403 Connection Error
404 Prompting to Login
405 Set &Speed Limit...
406 GR: Divide by zero error.
407 Error renaming file to remove '.GetRight' from file name now that file is completed. \nYou will need to rename this file yourself:\n%s\n\nThe file has been downloaded OK, it just needs to be renamed to remove the '.GetRight' for you to use it.
408 Done!
409 Save To
410 File Type(s)
411 Default Directory
412 Type/Directory list is full.\nYou must remove some values to add new ones.
413 (Type: %s)
414 File
415 Full Address (URL)
416 Type
417 GetRight has downloaded a web page:\n%s\n\nView this page in the GetRight Browser to let you pick items for GetRight to download?
456 Could not view the file:\n%s\n\nYou may not have a viewer for this file type.
457 GetRight has downloaded a web page:\n%s\n\nGetRight's web page processor is available to registered users.\nWould you like a preview of how this will work if you purchase GetRight?
458 Please enter a directory.
459 * * * * Please do not pirate this software * * * *
460 (GetRight Should Never Dial)
461 Dialing -- GetRight Dialer
462 Login -- GetRight Dialer
463 GetRight Dialer
464 Error! -- GetRight Dialer
465 GetRight has detected that the settings used to catch clicks in Netscape Navigator/Communicator are no longer correct. You will need to re-install GetRight for the Netscape click catcher to work correctly.\n\nWARNING: This can cause *serious* problems using Netscape until it is fixed.\nIt is strongly recommended that GetRight remove it's settings to catch clicks in Netscape to fix possible problems now. Continue and fix possible problems?
466 Cancel adding all these downloads? (You will only be asked this once.)
467 Start Downloading (Resume)
468 Copy &Debug Info to Clipboard
469 You have set up some file types to automatically start downloading that should *not* be set when using click monitoring in your web browser.\nFor example, GetRight will try to save images on nearly every web page if you have .GIF entered.\n(Types to not use: .GIF, .HTM, .HTML, .JPG)\n\n%s
470 Have GetRight reset to use the default "Get Types"?
471 Cancel saving so you can change these settings?
472 GetRight imported %i file(s) to be downloaded.
473 You appear to have the "Cache Detected Error" problem.\nWould you like help about fixing this?
474 Search for Alternates
475 http://www.getright.com/buyjump4.html
476 Programs (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
477 Found %i items...
478 Adding Files From Web Page
479 GetRight has detected that you may be using a proxy server to connect to the internet (and GetRight has not been set up with your proxy server settings.) GetRight may not be able to download until this is setup.\n\nSet up the proxy server settings in GetRight now?
480 Select Files for GetRight to Download
481 Resumed: %i
482 Resume: NO.
483 &New Style Toolbar
484 You must close and re-open the Download Status window for the toolbar style change to take effect.
485 You may have too many items selected for GetRight. (%i selected, %i more downloads GetRight can track). But some of these may be added as alternates so will not count as a new item.\n\nContinue?
486 Regenerate &Cache
487 Working...
488 Refresh (If all not showing)
489 Animated &Chains
490 Very High
491 High
492 Normal
493 Low
494 Very Low
495 Do Not Download
496 %s\n\nThis file is already being used for a download in GetRight.\nSaving several downloads to the same file can cause the downloads to be corrupted.\n\nPlease pick a different name.
497 Save As
498 &Finish
499 &Next >>
500 GetRight Configuration &Wizard...
501 You will need to exit and restart GetRight for the change from Basic to Full mode to take effect.
502 You will need to exit and restart GetRight for the change from Full to Basic mode to take effect.
503 Thank you for buying GetRight! Your support will help make GetRight even better.
504 &Download!
505 New
506 Web Page
507 Comment
508 Wizard
509 Some (possibly all) of the items dragged-and-dropped onto GetRight were not URLs.
510 Always retry for this error.
511 Stop retrying for this error.
512 GetRight can process this file and let you pick items to download or let you view the file as a web page in your web browser.
513 Process
514 View
515 This file appears to be a web page (possibly an error message.)
516 &Tray Icons
517 &Normal Windows
518 &Minimized Windows
519 &Hidden
520 Download &Windows As
521 Download Windows As
522 Left
523 %s\n\nThis file is already being used by a download in GetRight.\nAdd this address as an alternate address for the existing download?
524 Hidden (on Download Status)
525 of
526 WARNING: If you use a modem, it is possible that GetRight's checking to see if you are connected to the Internet could cause your modem to dial! Since GetRight checks every few minutes, this could cause your modem to dial every few minutes!\n\nWhile you are not connected to the Internet, click the "Test" button at the bottom of the "Internet" tab and see if your modem dials. \nIf your modem dials when you press the "Test" button, DO NOT check the "Always start automatic downloading when connected" checkbox.
527 Clear All &History Lists
528 Lock On Current Server
529 Do FTP Search
530 Doing FTP search for alternate sites...
531 You have picked %i files to download. Right now, GetRight will need to prompt for where to save each of these.\n\nOr you can cancel now and on the "%s" tab, set up where they should all be saved, and to "use default name and do not prompt for file name" to skip all these prompts.\n\nContinue and show "Save As" prompts?
532 Exceptions
533 A required parameter (/URL: or /FILE:) was not included.
534 Your Internet dialing information has not been set up in GetRight, or your current options do not support this feature. \n\nSet up your Internet dialing in GetRight now?
535 &Enter Code...
536 Buy &Now With Your Credit Card
537 &Send a Check, Phone, FAX, More Info...
538 Buy!
539 Buy GetRight
540 Upgrading Data...
541 GetRight 3.3 and higher stores the information about your in-progress downloads in a different location than GetRight 3.2 and earlier.\n\nBefore uninstalling, GetRight can write the information about your current in-progress downloads back to where earlier versions of GetRight will find them.\n\nWill you be re-installing GetRight 3.2 or earlier?
542 When Done
543 hang up after %i min.
544 minutes after modem dialed.
545 minutes from Now.
546 Replace all your current sounds with the GetRight default sounds?
547 GetRight Costs $17.50 (US)...
548 BUSY?:WillRetryLater:
549 ERR:???
550 GetRight could not find the file you have set up as your virus scanner.\n\nPlease check the path for your virus scanner on the "When Done" tab.
551 \n\nWould you like to fix this now?
552 Warning: Using "Luckman's Anonymous Cookie" when GetRight is using cookies from your web browser can cause GetRight to lockup when downloading some files.\n\nYou can avoid any potential lockups by turning off this feature in GetRight.\nTurn off GetRight using cookies from your web browser?
553 GetRight is scheduled to hang up your modem now.
554 You are starting %i downloads. This will over-ride your limit of %i file(s) downloading at the same time.\n\nAutomatic Downloading will download %i file(s) at the same time and then start the next download when one finishes.\n\nDo you wish to start Automatic Downloading instead?
555 <-- Tip: Click this toolbar button to start Automatic Downloading.
556 &Process Web Page File...
557 Select Web Page to Process
558 Enter the URL where the page was located.\nLeaving blank is OK, but any relative items may not be shown.
559 Web Pages (*.htm*)|*.htm*;*.?htm*|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
560 IMPORTANT: Make sure all GetRight windows are closed (including the GetRight item in your tray icons) so that the files may be removed from your computer!\n\nReady to uninstall?
561 Tray Icon
562 Note: Even if GetRight is not able to tell that you are connected to the Internet, it will still be able to download files for you.
563 WARNING: The current GetRight download list may not have been completely saved to your hard drive! (Possibly because of a crash, a full hard disk, power failure, etc.)\n\nIt is safer to have GetRight use a backup copy from the last time it successfully saved the list. Continue?
564 Others
565 Your Internet dialing information has not been set up in GetRight, or your current options do not support this feature. \n("Re-Dial If Disconnected" is only supported if you are using Windows Dial-Up Networking or America Online.)\n\nSet up your Internet dialing in GetRight now?
566 GetRight has not been able to calculate the size of the original file, so FTP searching for alternates may find files with the same name, but different contents.\n\nContinue and recalculate alternates?
567 Tools
568 &Single Status Window
569 &Options
570 &Tools
571 GetRight &Browser...
572 Connected, logging in...
573 Connected, getting directory contents (%i)...
574 Connected.
575 Connecting to %s...
576 GetRight Browser
577 More
578 Less
579 Date
580 You are connected to %s.\nDisconnect now?
581 Visited %i ftp sites.
582 Downloaded %i files for a total of %fMB.
583 Uploaded %i files for a total of %fMB.
584 Resumed downloads saved you %fMB.
585 Resumed uploads saved you %fMB.
586 Error Logging Into Server.
587 Error Getting Directory Contents.
588 Error Renaming File.
589 (Got %i files in directory %s.)\n
590 Error Creating Directory.
591 NewFolder
592 GetRight Browser Error!
593 Error Getting File Properties.
594 bytes
595 \n\n(This server may have problems returning the status of files that have spaces in the name.)
596 Properties
597 Extras
598 Error Deleting File.
599 Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?
600 Confirm File Delete
601 Directory contains %i files.
602 Error Changing File Attributes.
603 Confirm Folder Delete
604 Are you sure you want to delete folder '%s' and all the files in this folder?
605 Rena&me
606 &Delete
607 Prope&rties... Alt+Enter
608 &View
609 &List
610 &Report
611 Ne&w
612 &Folder
613 Arrange &Icons
614 By &Size
615 By &Name
616 By &Date
617 Windows OLE initialization failed.
618 (Got status of %s.)\n
619 Error connecting to:\n %s\n\nPossible reasons include:\n1) This address is not correct.\n2) This server is not running.\n3) You are not connected to the Internet (or your connection is not working properly).\n4) The Proxy server settings in GetRight are not correct.
620 Disconnected from server.
621 %s \n\nKeep trying to connect?
622 Waiting to try reconnecting (%i)...
623 \n\n(This may be a directory that contains no files.)
624 "." (Current Directory)
625 Error writing to output file:\n %s\nAborting.
626 Se&nd To
627 &Open
628 %i:%02i:%02i (%.2fMB/sec)
629 %i:%02i:%02i (%.1fk/sec)
630 %i:%02i:%02i left (%.2fMB/sec)
631 %i:%02i:%02i left (%.1fk/sec)
632 %i:%02i:%02i (%i bytes/sec)
633 %i:%02i:%02i left (%i bytes/sec)
634 Error Downloading File.
635 Error Uploading File.
636 &Download...
637 Pause
638 Resume
639 Stop
640 Cancel
641 (server can not resume)
642 The file already exists:\n\n%s
643 Now (%i)
644 Uploaded %i files for a total of %0.2fMB.
645 Downloaded %i files for a total of %0.2fMB.
646 Resumed uploads saved you %0.2fMB.
647 Resumed downloads saved you %0.2fMB.
648 Connect
649 &FTP
650 &Upload
651 Select Directory For Files
652 (Got %i files in web page %s.)\n
653 &HTTP
654 Visited %i web sites. (And %i local web files.)
655 Are you sure you want to delete these %i items?
656 Are you sure you want to delete these %i items and all the files in these folder(s)?
657 Connected, loading directory contents...
658 Are you sure you want to delete this unread email message from the mail server?
659 Are you sure you want to delete these %i unread email messages from the mail server?
704 Please put "http://" or "ftp://" before the address to tell what type of connection to use.
705 F&avorites
706 &Add to Favorites...
707 &Edit Favorites... Ctrl+B
708 General
709 The current address is not valid.
710 Name or Description
711 Using cached data for:
712 C&lear Cache
713 View Page Sour&ce Ctrl+U
714 Programs (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
715 Select Program for "View Page Source"
716 R&econnect to FTP Server
717 Load Stopped
718 &Transfers
719 &Schedule to Finish All Later
720 Shut Down &Computer when Done
721 &Hang Up Modem when Done
722 &Finish All Now
723 Back to the Previous Item
724 Forward to the Next Item
725 Up to the Parent Folder
726 Stop Loading this Page
727 Reload this Page from the Server
728 Download the Selected File(s)
729 Download All the Selected Files as Alternates for One File
730 Upload Files
731 Delete the Selected File(s)
732 Properties of the Selected File(s)
733 File List View
734 &Server Properties...
735 Normal UNIX.
736 MS-DOS
737 FTP: Logged into server
738 Local File:
739 FTP: Disconnected from server
740 {Default}
741 Select Sound:
742 &Sounds
743 Action:
744 Sound File:
745 DONE: Getting directory or web page
746 ERROR: Doing the command
747 You have run ftpRight %i times.
748 Buy Now!
749 Buy...
750 ftpRight Home Page
751 {None}
752 &Separator
753 &Icons
754 Shapes
755 Things
756 Pointers
757 &Select
758 Toggle &Images
759 Toggle &Files
760 Toggle &Sounds
761 Toggle &Pages
762 &Custom... Ctrl+T
763 &Unselect All
764 &Reverse
765 Open in &Web Browser
766 &Enter Code...
767 Buy &Now With Your Credit Card
768 &Send a Check, Phone, FAX, More Info...
769 ftpRight Costs $20.00 (US)
770 Please Support Shareware and Register!
771 Types
772 Fi<er...
773 --
774 Custom Select
775 Filter
776 &Forward, Backward, && Up Buttons
777 S&top && Refresh Buttons
778 &Download Buttons
779 &Properties Button
780 S&elect, Filter, && Find Buttons
781 &View Button
782 &Options Button
783 &Find Ctrl+F
784 Find &Next F3
785 Find
786 GetRight Browser Configuration Options
787 About %i Hours %i Minutes Remaining
788 About %i Hour %i Minutes Remaining
789 About %i Minutes Remaining
790 About %i Minute Remaining
791 Less than a Minute Remaining
792 Calculating Time Remaining...
793 OK
794 Sorry, you must be a registered GetRight user to have more than one Daily Download.\n(Registered users may have up to 200.)\n\nWould you like information about buying GetRight?
795 Sorry, the Daily Downloads list is full.\nYou must remove some values to add new ones.
796 ERR:BadUserLogin:
797 File not found:\n%s
798 Got: %i%%
799 Got: %i
800 Working: %i%%
801 Force &Directory Change
802 &FTP Search for File...
803 &Copy URL(s) to Clipboard
804 &Browser Button
805 GetRight Drop &Target...
806 &Open File... Ctrl+O
807 Select a File to Open
808 GetRight has downloaded a proxy server setup file.\n\nProcess this file to set up the proxy server information in GetRight?
809 GetRight could not find the proxy server information in the file. You will need to set up the proxy server settings in GetRight by hand.
810 GetRight can download the proxy setup file and try to process it to set up your proxy server information.\n\nYou will need to download the file for GetRight to process it. Continue?
811 Proxy AutoConfiguration file
812 Download (Ad&vanced)...
813 Download the Selected File(s) with Advanced Options
814 D&isconnect Button
815 Exported %i download(s) from your list.
816 Start Downloading on This FTP &Connection
817 No files on this FTP server to download.
818 Dail&y Downloads...
819 Dail&y Downloads Button
820 &Add
821 &OK
822 &Copy
823 Error getting enough memory for the GetRight download lists. Changing to a smaller list!
824 Not enough memory! Please close some other programs and try starting GetRight again.
825 You will need to close and restart GetRight for the change to the maximum size of the Download List to take effect. \n\nNOTE: Setting this to a large value does use memory and may slow down GetRight.
826 Cance&l
827 R&estart Download(s) From The Beginning
828 Really restart the selected download(s) from the beginning? \nYou will lose any data you have downloaded for the selected file(s)!
829 Enter New URL
830 -- GetRight
831 &Run...
832 &View...
833 OK
834 Minimized, Tray Icons, Hidden...Buy to get more choices!
835 Support GetRight! Visit Our Sponsor!
836 Could not open the file:\n%s\n\nThe file does not exist. It may have been moved, renamed, or deleted.
837 Protocols
838 Icons
839 More
840 You have clicked on %i advertisements in GetRight.
841 You have clicked %i banners.
842 T&ag Items in Download List Ctrl+G
843 Sorry, GetRight doesn't do whole directories yet.
844 A newer version of GetRight was found!\n\n
845 No newer versions of GetRight were found.\n\nYou have the most current version of GetRight.
846 Getting Version Information...
847 Check for a Newer &Version of GetRight...
848 Please enter the username and password needed for logging into this server.
849 You will need to close and restart GetRight for the change to showing Advertisements to take effect.
850 GetRight Default (Michael Burford)
851 Show URL Drag-and-Drop Target
852 GetRight Download Status...
853 Start
854 Stop
855 Even More
856 M&inimize to Tray Icon
857 If you use the GetRight Dialer, it has changed (for NT users) and now will need you to enter your ISP login username and password so it can connect.\n\nYou can change this from the GetRight tray icon, Tool->Configuration menu, then the Internet tab.
858 Sorry, could not repair the file.
859 Other Browsers
860 Message from FTP Server:
861 It appears this server requires that you upload some files to them before they will let you download files. Either try uploading some files to them; or try finding the file you want on a different server without this requirement.
862 This will close GetRight and all other open GetRight windows.\nContinue?
863 Drop Target
864 Really delete all your Favorites?
865 Browse the FTP Server With This File...
866 Sorry, GetRight could not find %s on your computer.
867 Close GetRight
868 Getting FTP Search Results: %luk
869 &Support Web Page
870 &Frequently Asked Questions Web Page
871 http://www.getright.com/support.html
872 http://www.getright.com/faq.html
873 &Help and Support
874 NOTE to TRANSLATOR: Change the above URLs above if there is a custom/translated support or FAQ page (normally these will not be changed in a translation, but will be for "Official" ones.)
875 Please enter the username and password used to log into your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
876 G&etting Started Web Page
877 http://www.getright.com/started.html
878 FTP Browser Logged Into Server
879 A file required by GetRight appears to have been removed (probably when un-installing another program.) If the GetRight Browser does not open, re-install GetRight to get the file and fix the problem.\n\nIf you no longer have the GetRight installer, you may get the latest one from:\nwww.getright.com
880 Unregistered users may only increase the Download List Size to 1000. (Registered users may increase to 5000.)\n\nWould you like to purchase GetRight?
881 You have downloaded a total of %lu files with GetRight.
882 The Download List size you set is less than the number of files in your current Download List! Downloads would be lost. GetRight will not change the Download List size.
883 You are using a HTTP Proxy for FTP addresses. This may not work well (if at all) for browsing FTP sites.\n\nIf one is available, it is recommended you use a FTP Proxy server.
884 Segmented (Accelerated) Downloading
885 Look
886 Time
887 Days
888 Start
889 View File &Now
890 Copy URL to Clipboard
891 Auto-Segment
892 1 - One
893 2 - Two
894 3 - Three
895 4 - Four
896 Cancel This Segment
897 Segment %i
898 Download
899 Must Have Alternate URLs To Use More Than Four
900 Pause This One
901 Stop This One
902 Resume This One
903 Automatically Segmenting
904 File Size Must Be 100k Or Larger
905 Save
906 File Size Must Be Known
907 Segment Speed:
908 GetRight Exports (*.grx)|*.grx|Web Page (*.htm)|*.htm|URL List (*.lst;*.urls)|*.lst;*.urls|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
909 Run This Program When Done
910 Open This File When Done
911 5 - Five
912 6 - Six
913 Sounds
914 &Links
915 New F&ilter...
916 Filter &Properties...
917 New F&older...
918 &Delete Folder
919 &Delete Filter
920 Folder &Properties...
921 Not Filed
922 Fo&lders && Filters
923 Security Warning!\nDownloading a .LNK file (which is the Windows Shortcut file type) could allow a malicious person to execute a program on your computer when you run the .LNK file.\nYou must rename this file so it is not a .LNK file type.
924 Also move the file(s) to the new download directory:\n%s
937 Some of the files you are moving to a new directory are in progress. Downloads that are in progress can not be moved to different directories. Move the other files?
938 Your skins list is full. You must remove some before you can add more skins.
939 Please enter a name.
940 The files that GetRight uses for the advertising system do not all have the same value for the "Usage Count". This counter is used by Windows to know when it is safe to uninstall shared files. This will likely cause some of the files to not be uninstalled when they should be.\n\nSet all the numbers to be the same as the lowest usage counter? (YES is Recommended)
941 Show Download &Folders && Filters and History Tree
942 GetRight's click monitoring settings have been turned off.\nIt is likely that some other download manager program has been installed and has changed GetRight's settings.\n\nWould you like information about fixing this to make GetRight your default download manager?
943 Folders
944 Filters
945 Stay Connected
946 Hang Up
947 Turn Off
948 Stay On
949 Another program "%s" may have click monitoring settings that conflict with GetRight's. You may need to turn off the click monitoring in one program so the settings do not continue to overwrite each other.\n\nGetRight has turned its settings back on, you will need to close and restart your web browser for GetRight to catch clicks from within your web browser.
950 Select &Custom...
951 Random Skin
952 New
953 Use Extra Notifications
954 7 - Seven
955 8 - Eight
956 Reset Graph
957 &Tile Download Windows
958 Another program "%s" may have click monitoring settings that conflict with GetRight's. You may need to turn off the click monitoring in one program so the settings do not continue to overwrite each other.\n\nTurn GetRight's monitoring back on?
959 Turn On Click Monitoring
960 Ping (ms)
961 &Search
962 S&peed
963 Always close all GetRight windows; don't ask again.
989 Could not create file:\n%s\n\nThe file size (%.2fMB) is more than the free space on the disk! Please free some space and try again.
990 Add URL:
991 Play GetRight Sounds
992 Shut Down (Hard)
993 Use Proxy Servers
994 SOCKS Proxy
995 SOCKS 4
996 SOCKS 5
997 Connecting to: %s (via SOCKS %s)
998 Del. &Bad
999 Toggle I&nline Images
1000 Saving
1001 Wait
1003 Buy GetRight! Remove all the reminder windows!
1004 Mirror Search
1005 Mirror Options
1006 Could not setup the file for Segmenting:\n%s\n\nThe download file size (%.2fMB) may be more than the free space on the disk.
1007 Week
1008 2 Weeks
1009 4 Weeks
1010 6 Weeks
1011 Notifications
1012 Time
1013 Ave. K/Sec.
1014 Finished At
1015 Added At
1016 Unfinished &Downloads
1017 Finished Downloads (&History)
1018 &Open
1019 All
1020 Today
1021 Yesterday
1022 Past Week
1023 Past Month
1024 O&pen Folder
1025 Re-&Download URL...
1026 k/sec
1027 Really delete the downloaded file from your computer?\n %s
1028 Really remove the history items? (Will leave the files on your computer.)
1029 &Delete History Item(s) from the List and Delete the Files Del
1030 &Remove History Item(s) from the List but Don't Delete the Files Shift+Del
1031 &Export List of Selected History Items...
1032 Some earlier versions of GetRight used advertising systems to show banner ads while you were evaluating GetRight. If you had installed one of these earlier versions of GetRight, it may have installed files for the advertising system.
1033 History
1034 Delete from History and Delete File(s)
1035 Remove from History but Leave File(s)
1036 Good - Doesn't Resume
1037 Re-Download
1038 Pause All
1039 More Recent Files (History)...
1040 GetRight Download History
1041 %i files; %s total; GetRight Download History
1042 ERR:NeedCredits:
1043 GetRight could not find SOCKS proxy server information in the web browser configuration. \nYou will have to enter the information by hand. \n\n(NOTE: It is very likely you do not use a SOCKS proxy server--try leaving this field blank.)
1044 Clear all items from the History folder on the Download Status too? (Will leave all the downloaded files on your computer.)
1045 GetRight got a list of URLs (a .URLS file) from %s. \n\nWould you like to process this file and add all the downloads in this list into GetRight?
1046 USER User@ProxyUser@Server
1047 I always want to finish downloading files later; don't ask again.
1048 You have downloaded a total of %s files with GetRight.
1049 GetRight has several mirror searching options you have not set to be used.\n\nWould you like to go to the Mirror Search configuration now?
1050 Sorry, GetRight does not yet support the "https" protocol. Some files set for https download are also available using http.\n\nTry using http for this download instead of https?
1051 http://www.getright.com/buyup.html
1052 You have not selected any search methods to use, setup now?
1053 Verify All Downloads
1054 Verify &New URLs (Unknown Size)
1055 ERR:NameLookup:
1056 Error looking up the IP address for server:\n %s\n\nPossible reasons include:\n1) This address is not correct.\n2) This server is not running right now.\n3) You are not connected to the Internet (or your connection is not working properly).
1057 Search for a Mirror
1058 ERR:NotAllowedAccess:
1059 ERR:ServerProblem(?):
1060 Loading History...
1061 Finished All (With Some Errors)
1062 Added download:
1063 Verify &Selected Downloads
1064 USER User@Server ProxyUser
1065 ERR:CanNotUpload:
1066 Connected, starting upload...
1067 Leave in History but Delete File(s)
1068 Waiting for GetRight Dialer to connect...
1069 The code you entered appears to be for the Shareware version of GetRight, not the retail version. Please enter the code from your CD.
1070 Open/Run File(s) When Done
1071 Start Automatic Downloading to get files.
1072 Found %i Files. %i Directories Left to Process.
1073 Getting Directory Contents
1074 Always process .URLS files; don't prompt again. (Check above to always start Automatic Downloading too.)
1075 Always turn GetRight's monitoring back on.
1076 Sync!
1077 Browser
1078 Export as URL &List...
1079 9 - Nine
1080 10 - Ten
1081 Never want to view in the GetRight Browser; don't ask again.
1082 OK [%i]
1083 Cancel [%i]
1084 Yes [%i]
1085 No [%i]
1086 Retry
1087 Retry [%i]
1136 C&lean History of any Already Deleted Files
1137 This will clean %i files from the History list. Continue?
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.