home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Thanks to everyone who reported bug(s) and gave suggestion(s)!
- FlashGet 1.20(2002.3)
- * FlashGet is shareware now, not include any ad system
- * ShareURL.com--mirror service for FlashGet
- * Support Skin
- * Get additional/update language pack automatic
- * support switch focus when press TAB key
- * New toolbar icon
- * improve FlashGet IE bar
- * Number of retries of Site Explorer
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 1.10(2002.1)
- * Site Properties(Max connections, Login information, Proxy)
- * FlashGet IE Bar(IE menu->View->Toolbars->FlashGet Bar)
- * improve speed limit(support manual and automatic mode)
- * Auto switch to active mode if site not support passive mode(ftp protocol)
- * optimize for wild band
- * improve download databse save,backup and restore
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 1.00(2001.12.13)
- * Display download percent in DropZone
- * able increase and decrease split parts when downloading
- * Move or Delete Log file when move or delete downloaded file
- * support extra list command of ftp site in site explorer
- * Remember last category and directory
- * improve support SOCKS5 proxy
- * support SOCKS4 proxy
- * Add sound files
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 0.96a(2001.6.21)
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 0.96(2001.6.14)
- * Downlod Rule
- * Favorites in Site Explorer
- * able set buffer size
- * more hotkeys
- * improve folder selection
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 0.95(2001.2.15)
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 0.94(2001.2.6)
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 0.93(2001.1.30)
- * Open(View) files when finished downloading
- * improve "Download all by FlashGet"
- * add button and menu item to IE
- * save category's status when flashget close
- * Merge download database
- * Minimize main widnow on clicking X
- * Close FlashGet when done
- * support filter in Site Explorer
- * improve integration with IE
- * able create new category in job's properties dialog.
- * Popup messagebox when download success,failure or all done
- * add new buttons to toolbar
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 0.92(2000.12.10)
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 0.91(2000.10.29)
- * Improve Site Explorer.
- * Improve monitor feature(Method 2 will monitor URLs which include "#?",Method1 not)
- * Default download manager(Options/Monitor/Default Manager)
- * Transparent DropZone(Only under Win200)
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet 0.90(2000.10.18)
- * Site Explorer: Explore http/ftp site. It's like windows explorer.
- * Fix corrupted zip file: Automatic check zip archive only download corrupted range.
- * Parse HTTP header "Content-Disposition" filename (freedrive.com)
- * Confirm before download again
- * File types to send to virus scanner
- * EMail Address for Anonymous Ftp Logins
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet Version 0.87(2000.7.27)
- * New User Guide(thanks Budimir Roncevic)
- * Display Sub-Category alphabetical order
- * Retry delay
- * improve "Download all by FlashGet"
- * import broken downloads
- * improve import batch files feature
- * Support bulgarian
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet Version 0.87(2000.6.23)
- * New User Guide(thanks Budimir Roncevic)
- * Controls over individual Connection (Start, pause and restart)
- * Support HTTP/CONNECT type servers
- * Set minimum segment size (the minimum size of a part of a file for another Jet to be created)
- * Drop Zone Graph size settings
- * Write a separate log file for each download
- * Move some files to portable storage devices (e.g disks)
- * Support wildcard when monitor click
- * Added AddOn program interface (COM & DDE)
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet Version 0.86(2000.5.19)
- * Aanalyze mirror sites location, selects the best the server
- * Mirror lists feature
- * Able to select server of FTP search
- * No need to set user name and password individually, set login info for servers (Options>>Login)
- * Change properties settings for more than one file at once
- * Display category or selected job's info (like explorer) in status bar
- * Import/Export URL list file
- * Analyze web page file for links that download-able
- * Support Opera(Please Download Opera Plug-in for FlashGet)
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet Version 0.85(2000.4.8)
- * Mirror Site Search: Search for mirrors and download from the fastest server available
- * Add mirror URL manually or find it automatically through FTP Search
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet Version 0.77(2000.3.5)
- * A new method of monitoring clicks in IE
- * "Cache Ip" opion added
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- FlashGet(JetCar) Version 0.76(2000.2.6)
- * JetCar has changed its name to FlashGet
- * Swap file and information between/amogst databases (machines)
- * Support multiple URLs in Monitoring clipboard, and pasting
- * Improved localization feature
- * Support "a-z" and "A-Z" ordering in Add Batch Jobs
- * Pop-up message window when Job done
- * Open cancelled URL (Monitor Click) in browser window
- * Fill Comment text with clipboard content
- * "Disable Monitor browser clicks" menu added to Tray and Drop-Zone's context menu
- * Check a new version of FlashGet
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- JetCar Version 0.75(2000.1.13)
- * Localize JetCar by making easy-to-make language packages.
- * Display "Transfer rate" and "Download state" in Drop Zone=view
- * Improved "Download All by JetCar" feature
- * Improved export download information feature
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- JetCar Version 0.74(99.12.16)
- * Able add downloaded file which use other tools, automatically creates Categories according to directories
- * improved export download information feature, able to create description file and HTML file
- * improved Connection feature, connect or disconnect at any time
- * display recently downloaded files in file menu
- * able to save current configuration as default immediately
- * support Cookie
- * support Rerferrer
- * Start All added to context menu
- * Connect/Disconnect and Find icon added to Tool bar
- * hold Alt key to move files to top or bottom at once
- * some fine changes
- * bug fixed
- What's new in JetCar 0.73(99.11.09)
- * Better and faster searching
- * Auto-backup download database everyday
- * Smaller program size
- * Some fine change
- * Fix some bugs.
- What's new in JetCar 0.72(99.10.25)
- * Analyses HTML files, display link information
- * Support multiple file links
- * Better browser monitoring (auto start JetCar)
- *"Download by JetCar" and "Download all by JetCar" features added to IE's context menu
- * Removes banner after registering
- * Better support for a large amount of jobs (move error job to the end)
- * Context menu added to the detail window
- * Some fine change
- * Fix some bugs.
- What's new in JetCar 0.71a(99.10.3)
- * Fix some bugs.
- What's new in JetCar 0.71(99.9.28)
- * Proxy server list, support multiple proxy server
- * Total downloading time and average speed added
- * document
- * Add "Rename" to context menu
- * Display recent downloaded item at list top
- * Some fine change
- * Fix some bugs.
- What's new in JetCar 0.70(99.9.10)
- * Able to manage downloaded file(s) used before
- * Displays useful downloaded file informations in detail window
- * Better proxy server support
- * New log window style
- * Some fine changes
- * Fixed some bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.69(99.8.25)
- * Find Feature (Find & Find Next)
- * Add batch download
- * able to save the current settings as the default settings
- * Always retry
- * Fixed some bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.68(99.8.15)
- * Check downloaded files for updates or re-download it again
- * able to download files with unknown size
- * able to change comments on downloading files
- * Fixed some bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.67(99.8.4)
- * Speed limit
- * Support URLs with username and password
- * Some fine changes
- * Fixed some bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.66(99.7.11)
- * More effective programming method, less system resources is required
- * Job listview cell tooltips
- * Some fine changes
- * Fixed Some Bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.65(99.6.27)
- * Fixed Some Bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.64(99.6.20)
- * Drop zone tooltips
- * listview sorting
- * Fixed Bugs
- not able to rename file when downloading or after downloaded
- some other minor bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.63(99.6.12)
- * If destination file exists you can select overwrite,auto rename or pause
- * Able to delete downloading job
- * Fixed Bugs
- Not able to delete files with ".jc!" as extension
- best support slowly site
- some other minor bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.62(99.6.2)
- * Fixed Bugs
- can't change filename back
- can't add job directly
- What's new in JetCar 0.61(99.5.30)
- * Monitor Browser Click
- * Use .jc1 as the files extension before they have been fully downloaded
- * some minor changes
- * Fixed Bugs
- sometimes corrupt
- can't download from some site
- best support proxy
- some other minor bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.60(99.5.23)
- * Schedule downloads
- * Prompt when hangup
- * Add spin button
- * Fixed Bugs
- sometimes corrupt
- can't download from some site
- some other minor bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.59(99.5.13)
- * Add Delete All to context menu
- * Export as HTML file
- * Changed save as textbox to combobox
- * Fixed Bugs
- Save donwload list info when Auto Shutdown
- some other minor bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.58(99.5.8)
- * Add jobs by drag & drop
- * Get File's Date and Time from the server
- * Added create time and complete time
- * Fixed Bugs
- download from some site will slowly over 95%
- wrong Proxy-Authenticate tag
- some other minor bugs
- What's new in JetCar 0.57(99.5.3)
- * Customize Double Click
- * Save Focus Control When App Deactive
- * Fix Bug
- Corrupt when stop and restart
- What's new in JetCar 0.56(99.5.1)
- * Sound Effect
- * Support Redirect
- * HyperLink in About Dialog
- * Fix Bug
- Corrupt at some situation
- Can't shutdown on WINNT
- What's new in JetCar 0.55(99.4.25)
- * Dial-up Network
- * HangUp and ShutDown when done
- * Copy URL to clipboard
- * Save customize window setting
- * Fix Bug
- Not best support chinese OS
- Some wrong word at interface
- What's new in JetCar 0.54(99.4.17)
- * Simple chinese resource dll
- * Customize HTTP User-Agent
- * Tray tooltips
- * Fix Bug
- ííchange any "%xx"s to the appropriate char
- What's new in JetCar 0.53(99.4.11)
- * Customize Performance Graph & Log Window Color
- * Move or Delete item can move or delete downloaded file
- * Fix bugs
- Can't download file from some site.
- What's new in JetCar 0.52(99.4.4):
- * Monitor Clipboard
- * Ftp transfer mode (Text or Binary)
- What's new in JetCar 0.51(99.4.1):
- * Customize Toolbar
- * Auto save list