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- ****************************************************
- * The Derive Tensor Algebra and Analysis Package *
- * Documentation for the utility file Tensor.mth *
- ****************************************************
- Written by Hans A. Dudler (619 420-1787) 25 November 1994
- Updated for Derive 5 10 November 2001
- This text file describes the DERIVE utility file Tensor.mth which
- provides definitions and functions for tensor algebra and analysis.
- Tensor.mth should normally be loaded as a utility file using the
- File > Load > Utility File command.
- Note that Tensor.mth activates the case sensitive and word input modes.
- As an introduction to the concepts described in this document the
- demonstration files Tensor1.dmo and Tensor2.dmo are recommended. They
- should be loaded using the File > Load > Demo File command.
- 1. Tensor Representation in DERIVE.
- ===================================
- From the algebraic point-of-view tensors are an extension of the
- vector/matrix concept to higher order arrays. Thus a tensor of rank
- (order) 1 is a vector. A rank 2 tensor is a matrix, which DERIVE
- treats as a vector of vectors. A rank 3 tensor is a vector of
- matrices, a rank 4 tensor is a matrix of matrices, and so on. The
- obvious way to handle tensors in DERIVE is therefore to extend the
- vector concept to higher ranks (orders).
- The equivalent of the ELEMENT function to extract an element from a
- tensor is the function (see function descriptions below)
- EL_T(A,iv) ,
- where A is the name of the tensor and iv is the index 'vector'(quotes
- used to distinguish a DERIVE vector from a rank 1 tensor). As an
- example consider the tensor of rank (order) 3 and dimension 3
- // a b c \ / j k l \ / s t u \\
- A := || d e f | , | m n o | , | v w x || .
- \\ g h i / \ p q r / \ y z 0 //
- Then
- EL_T(A,[2,3,2]) returns q
- EL_T(A,[3,1,3]) returns u
- As is clear from the example, the first index (element 1 of the index
- vector) selects the matrix, the second index selects the row-vector
- in the selected matrix and the third index finally selects the element
- in the row vector. Note that under DERIVE the indices must range from
- 1 to n (the space dimension), zero (often used in relativity) is not
- allowed. From the above example we deduce that
- EL_T(A,[i,j,k]) <=> ELEMENT(ELEMENT(ELEMENT(A,i),j),k)
- in this case, and the extension to higher ranks is obvious. Note that
- EL_T(A,[i]) <=> ELEMENT(A,i)
- EL_T(A,[i,j]) <=> ELEMENT(A,i,j) ,
- which again demonstrates that the chosen storage philosophy is a
- logical extension of the DERIVE vector/matrix concept.
- 2. Tensor Notation.
- ===================
- Since sub- and superscripts cannot be accomodated easily in an ASCII
- file we use the following notation for tensors, which is compatible
- with the notational constraints of DERIVE.
- A mixed tensor T is typically represented as
- T_ijk_lm .
- Here T (one or more, UC or LC, Roman or Greek letter) is the tensor
- name. The LC letters i,j,k denote the subscripts (covariant indices)
- and l,m denote the superscripts (contravariant indices). Totally
- covariant or contravariant tensors have the form T_ijk or T__ijk ,
- respectively. Thus covariant indices follow the first underscore,
- followed by contravariant indices after the second underscore. More
- underscores followed by indices may be appended and each time the
- underscore switches the type of indices. This method may appear
- somewhat cumbersome but it provides the necessary flexibility and
- permits maintaining the relative order of subscripts and superscripts,
- when necessary. As an example consider raising the first index of the
- Riemann curvature tensor of the first kind R_ijkl by means of the
- contravariant metric tensor g__ij, in order to obtain the curvature
- tensor of the second kind R__i_jkl :
- R__i_jkl = g__is R_sjkl
- Note the two underscores preceding the indices "i" and "is", which
- indicates that they are contravariant (superscripts).
- The above notation corresponds to the index notation used in text
- books but in can also be used under DERIVE with one essential
- difference, however. When a tensor is named T_ijk in DERIVE the index
- letters i, j ,k are part of the name and their only function is to
- indicate the structure of the tensor. The actual indices (variables)
- are contained in an index vector that accompanies the name T_ijk.
- In a text-book equation (characterized by the equal sign =) T_ijk
- refers to element [i,j,k] of the tensor. In a DERIVE assignment
- (characterized by the assignment operator :=) T_ijk denotes a
- "packaged" tensor. Under DERIVE the above tensor equation would
- appear as follows:
- R__i_jkl := IP_T(g__ij,[i,sS],R_ijkl,[sS,j,k,l],[i,j,k,l]).
- Here IP_T is the inner-product function (see description below).
- Note that each argument tensor is followed by a corresponding index
- vector, and that the last argument is the desired index vector for the
- result. The summation index must be named sS but all the other
- indices in the index vectors could have any names, as long as the
- proper correspondences are retained and no name conflicts occur.
- With this naming convention the structure of a tensor can be inferred
- from its name and it becomes easier to keep track of things when
- involved calculations are performed. Additional naming rules could
- be used to distinguish between absolute and relative tensors. Thus
- tensor densities could be characterized by an identifier consisting
- of two identical LC letters (e.g. rr_i). It goes without saying,
- however, that any other names may be used with the functions described
- below.
- In accordance with the above conventions the covariant and
- contravariant metric tensors are normally named g_ij and g__ij,
- respectively, with
- g__ij := g_ij^(-1) ; g := DET(g_ij)
- The coordinates are assumed to be the elements of a 'vector'
- x := [x1,x2,x3,x4,...]
- but can, of course, have arbitrary names.
- The underscore (the only special character allowed in DERIVE names)
- may also be used at the end of a name to indicate a transformation of
- the coordinate frame. Thus, if x_(x) defines a new coordinate frame,
- T_ij_klm_ would the name of the transformed tensor.
- Note that the index vector shows no distinction between covariant and
- contravariant indices. For operations that treat covariant and
- contravariant indices differently (such as coordinate transformation)
- additional information to separate the two types of indices in the
- index vector must be given.
- When actual computations are performed on tensors the order of storage
- becomes important. The rule adopted here is that storage of a tensor
- follows the sequence of indices (from left to right) in the name. Thus
- the first index ("i" in T_ijk_lm ) corresponds to the highest level of
- vector nesting in DERIVE. Under DERIVE T_i_j and T__j_i are therefore
- different entities although they both have a covariant index "i" and a
- contravariant index "j". This is especially important when tensor
- products are involved. Consider, e.g. the inner product
- A__js B_isk = C__j_ik = C_i_j_k = C_ik_j ,
- which can be represented by each of the three tensors on the right.
- To avoid this ambiguity the general product functions OP_T and IP_T
- require the desired index vector of the result as an argument (see
- function description below). Since this makes these functions
- somewhat cumbersome to use, the simplified forms O_T and I_T are also
- provided. These functions assume that the product index vector is
- obtained by concatenating the factor index vectors with the summation
- indices omitted. Using these functions the above example can be
- implemented by the DERIVE expression
- C__i_jk := I_T(A__ij,2,B_ijk,2) .
- Here the numbers 2 indicate the positions of the summation index in
- the factor index vectors. Note that interchanging the arguments would
- produce C_ik_j rather than C__i_jk !
- Another short cut is provided by the function MI_T which is used to
- raise or lower indices by means of the metric tensor.
- Transposed Tensors (Isomers).
- =============================
- A tensor equation expressed in the customary index notation is,
- in fact, a relation between tensor elements (components). Thus the
- equation
- S_ij = A_ij + A_ji
- says that element S_12 (for example) is obtained by summing elements
- A_12 and A_21 of the tensor "A". In matrix notation the above equation
- would be written
- S = A + A' ,
- where "A'" is the transpose of "A". Thus, instead of a single concept
- (matrix A_ij), we are now dealing with two different entities (A and
- A') on the right-hand side of the equation. Note that this is a
- consequence of "packaging" (storing) the matrix elements into an array
- in a predetermined way (rows and columns). According to the rules of
- matrix algebra element (1,2) of "S" is now found by summing element
- (1,2) of "A" and element (1,2) of "A'", or, in general,
- (S)_ij = (A)_ij + (A')_ij .
- Thus when matrices (or tensors) are treated as "packages" it becomes
- necessary to consider their "isomers", i.e. packages with the same
- elements arranged (stored) differently. For matrices (rank 2 tensors)
- there are only two isomers: the matrix itself and its transpose. A
- tensor of rank r, on the other hand, has r! isomers (the number of
- permutations of its indices).
- The DERIVE tensor utility provides the function TP_T to form isomers
- of a given tensor. Consider, for example, the well known identity
- involving the Christoffel symbol of the first kind C_ijk and the
- covariant metric tensor g_ij :
- d/dx__j (g_ik) = C_ijk + C_jki .
- Starting with C_ijk and its index vector [i,j,k], the second term on
- the right is obtained from TP_T(C_ijk,[j,k,i],[i,j,k]). Note that the
- first index vector in the function call contains the index permutation
- of the desired isomer, whereas the second index vector shows the
- original sequence. To understand this remember that the last index
- vector in the general tensor functions TP_T, IP_T, OP_T and CT_T is
- the index vector of the result of the operation. When adding tensors,
- elements with equal indices are summed. However, the TP_T function
- above has put element [j,k,i] into location [i,j,k] in the second
- term. Thus when elements [i,j,k] are summed, the second term
- contributes C_jki, as required by the above equation.
- To evaluate the left-hand side we obtain the ordinary derivative of
- g_ij from OD_T(g_ij,x). The index vector of the result is [i,j,k] ,
- with the last index pertaining to the differentiation (see function
- description). Since the equation requires the middle index to be the
- differentiation index, we have to invoke TP_T again to obtain the
- desired isomer. Arguing as above we find that the proper expression
- for the left-hand side is TP_T(OD_T(g_ij,x),[i,k,j],[i,j,k]).
- The demonstration file Tensor1.dmo illustrates this example with a
- particular metric.
- A Note on Name Conflicts:
- ========================
- The DERIVE functions VECTOR, SUM and PRODUCT can cause name conflict
- problems. Consider, for example, the function S(V) which computes the
- sum of the elements of a vector V :
- If V:=[A,I,B] the function will return A+B+2 rather than A+B+I.
- Since the tensor functions use VECTOR and SUM extensively, care must
- be taken that internal loop index names do not accidentally coincide
- with user names. In addition, auxiliary function names used in the
- tensor utility file could also cause name conflicts.
- In the Tensor Utility File names of auxiliary functions and loop
- indices consistently start with a LC letter followed by an UC letter
- (examples: sVec, sUbel, jJ). To prevent name conflicts it is
- therefore sufficient to avoid this combination in user-defined names.
- On the other hand, the elements of index-vector arguments of functions
- such as OP_T and IP_T should follow the internal name format, because
- they are used internally as loop indices. Recommended index names are
- iI, jJ, kK, lL, etc.
- 3. Function Description.
- ========================
- 3.1 General Remarks.
- ====================
- a) The tensor representation philosophy outlined above accomodates
- tensors of any rank and dimension. In the present implementation
- the only limitation is the length of the index-list vectors 'iNdxa'
- and 'iNdxb" which are used by several functions to construct dummy
- index vectors. Enough dummy names are provided to accomodate
- tensors of rank 12 or less. In the unlikely event that this is
- insufficient more names can be added to the lists.
- b) Since tensor calculations tend to be slow, it is good practice
- to assign variables to intermediate results for later use. Thus,
- starting with a metric tensor g_ij one would first compute the
- Christoffel symbols by simplifying CHRIS1 and CHRIS2 and then
- saving the results as C_ijk and C_ij_k, respectively. Accordingly
- the function RIEM1 takes C_ijk and C_ij_k as arguments rather than
- starting from the metric tensor. Note that the DERIVE expression
- C_ijk := CHRIS1(g_ij,x) does not save any time, since CHRIS1 is
- re-computed each time the name C_ijk is encountered. CHRIS1 must be
- simplified first, and then C_ijk must be assigned to the result.
- To facilitate this assignment procedure DERIVE (starting with
- version 3.00) provides the Simplify/Assign operator :== , which
- simplifies the right-hand side before assigning it to the left-hand
- side. Thus
- C_ijk :== CHRIS1(g_ij, x)
- will compute the Christoffel symbol of the first kind and assign
- the result to C_ijk.
- c) In the function descriptions below the following symbols are used:
- A, B : tensors of any rank (see 3.1a), any dimension
- ivA, ivB : dummy index vectors corresponding to A, B , with
- dim(ivA) = rank(A) , dim(ivB) = rank(B)
- All elements of these vectors must be different
- undeclared variable names. Recommended: iI, jJ ,..
- ivN : Numeric index vector pointing to a tensor element.
- Elements of ivN must be integers in the range 1...n
- (n is the dimension of the space) or variables that
- simplify to such integers.
- 3.2 Tensor Rank, Dimension, Elements.
- =====================================
- RANK_T(A) , DIM_T(A) : Find rank, dimension of a tensor. Examples:
- ====================
- // a b \ / e f \\
- |\ c d / \ g h /|
- with A_ijkl := | |
- |/ i k \ / n o \ |
- \\ l m / \ p q / /
- RANK_T(A_ijkl) => 4 , DIM_T(A_ijkl) => 2
- DIM_T(A) is the same as DIMENSION(A), except that DIM_T(A) returns
- zero when A is a scalar.
- EL_T(A,ivN) : Extract an element from a tensor.
- ===========
- ivN : numeric index vector pointing to element, dim(ivN) = rank(A)
- Examples:
- // a b \ / e f \\
- |\ c d / \ g h /|
- with A := | |
- |/ i k \ / n o \ |
- \\ l m / \ p q / /
- EL_T(A, [2,1,1,2]) => k , EL_T(A, [1,2,2,2]) => h
- NZEL_T(A) : Extract all non-zero elements from a tensor. Example:
- =========
- // 0 0 0 \ / 0 0 0 \ / 0 0 0 \\
- with A := || 0 0 x | , | 0 y 0 | , | 0 0 0 ||
- \\ 0 0 0 / \-x 0 0 / \ 0 0 0 //
- / [1,2,3] = x \
- NZEL_T(A) => | [2,2,2] = y |
- \ [2,3,1] =-x /
- GNZE_T(A) : Grouped non-zero elements of a tensor.
- =========
- Displays the non-zero elements grouped together on the basis of
- their absolute value, which shows the symmetry properties of a
- tensor. Applied to the above example GNZE_T(A) will return (note
- negative indices for negative values)
- / /[ 1, 2, 3] \ \
- \ \[-2,-3,-1] = x / , [ [ 2, 2, 2] = y ] /
- EL_D(i,j) : Element of Kronecker Delta (1 if i=j, 0 otherwise),
- =========
- EL_GD(iv1,iv2) : Element of Generalized Kronecker Delta (GD_ij.._kl..)
- ==============
- iv1, iv2 : Numeric covariant, contravariant index vectors with
- DIM(iv1) = DIM(iv2)
- EL_E(ivN) : Element of Permutation Symbol, rank=dim=dim(ivN)
- =========
- ivN : Numerical index vector
- 3.3 Algebraic Tensor Operations.
- ================================
- Since from the DERIVE point-of-view tensors are merely nested
- vectors, addition and subtraction of tensors of the same type are
- handled by DERIVE automatically. This also holds for multiplication
- or division of a tensor by a scalar, and differentiation or
- integration with respect to a scalar parameter. Additional tensor
- operations are described below. See 3.1c for symbol definition.
- TP_T(A,ivA,ivT) : Transpose of a tensor.
- ===============
- ivT is the index vector of the result and must be a permutation
- of ivA. This function creates an isomer of A (same elements,
- different order of indices, storage). Examples:
- T_ikj_ml := TP_T(T_ijk_lm, [iI,kK,jJ,mM,lL], [iI,jJ,kK,lL,mM])
- creates a tensor with indices j, k and l,m transposed.
- / a b c \ / a d g \
- TP_T(| d e f | , [jJ,iI], [iI,jJ]) => | b e h |
- \ g h i / \ c f i /
- OP_T(A,ivA,B,ivB,ivP) : Outer product of two tensors.
- =====================
- O_T(A,B) : short form, assumes ivP = APPEND(ivA,ivB)
- ivP : index vector of the product, dim(ivP) = rank(A)+rank(B)
- Examples:
- with A := [a,b,c] , B := [u,v,w]
- / a u a v a w \
- OP_T(A,[iI], B,[jJ], [iI,jJ] => | b u b v b w |
- or O_T(A,B) \ c u c v c w /
- / a u b u c u \
- OP_T(A,[jJ], B,[iI], [iI,jJ] => | a v b v c v |
- or O_T(B,A) \ a w b w c w /
- IP_T(A,ivA,B,ivB,ivP) : Inner Product of two tensors.
- =====================
- I_T(A,sA,B,sB) : short form, assumes ivP = APPEND(ivA',ivB'),
- ivA', ivB' : ivA, ivB less summation index
- sA,sB : location of summation index in ivA,ivB
- ivP : index vector of the product, dim(ivP) = rank(A)+rank(B)-2
- ivA and ivB must each contain 'sS' as one element (placeholder
- for the summation index). Examples:
- The text-book formula C_ij = A_ij_k B_k corresponds to
- C_ij := IP_T(A_ij_k,[iI,jJ,sS], B_i,[sS], [iI,jJ]).
- or C_ij := I_T(A_ij_k,3,B,1)
- With A := [a,b,c] , B := [u,v,w]
- IP_T(A,[sS], B,[sS], []) => a u + b v + c w
- or I_T(A,1,B,1)
- EL_IP_T(A,ivAN,B,ivBN) : One element of an inner product.
- ======================
- ivAN, ivBN : numeric index vectors except for the presence of sS
- (summation index) in one location each. Example:
- // a b c \ / j k l \ / s t u \\ / P Q R \
- with A := || d e f | , | m n o | , | v w x || , B :=| S T U |
- \\ g h i / \ p q r / \ y z 0 // \ V W X /
- EL_IP_T(A,[2,1,sS], B,[sS,3]) => j R + k U + l X
- MI_T(A,n,metric) : Move (raise or lower) an index
- ================
- n : location of index to be moved in index vector. The raised
- or lowered index remains in the same location.
- metric : g__ij to raise index, g_ij to lower index. Example:
- R__i_jkl := MI_T(R_ijkl,1,g__ij)
- CT_T(A,ivA,ivC) : Contraction of a tensor.
- ===============
- C_T(A,s1,s2) : short form, assumes ivC=ivA with summ.indices omitted.
- s1, s2 : locations of summation indices in ivA. Examples:
- The text-book formula B_ij = A_ijk_k corresponds to
- B_ij := CT_T(A_ijk_l,[iI,jJ,sS,sS],[iI,jJ])
- / a b c \
- C_T( | d e f | ,1,2) => a + e + i
- \ g h i /
- CI_T(A,ivA,B,ivB,ivC) : Contracted Inner product (double summation)
- =====================
- C_I_T(A,sA,tA,B,sB,tB) : short form, assumes ivC = APPEND(ivA',ivB'),
- ivA', ivB' : ivA, ivB less summation indices
- sA,tA : location of 'sS', 'tT' in ivA
- sB,tB : location of 'sS', 'tT' in ivB
- ivC : index vect.of contracted product, dim(ivC)=rank(A)+rank(B)-4
- ivA and ivB must each contain 'sS' and 'tT' (summ.indices)
- Example: The text-book formula C_i = A_si_t B_t_s becomes
- C_i := CI_T(A_ij_k,[sS,iI,tT],B_i_j,[tT,sS],[iI])
- 3.4 Differential Tensor Operations.
- ===================================
- Note: 'Di' stands for d/dx__i
- OD_T(A,x) : Ordinary derivative of a tensor (Dm A_ij.._kl..).
- =========
- A may be a scalar. Note that rank(OD_T) is one higher than rank(A).
- The new covariant index is assumed to be appended at the end of the
- index string. Thus A_ij.._kl.. becomes A_ij.._kl.._m .
- with A := [x1 COS(x2), x1 SIN(x2)] , x := [x1, x2] ,
- / COS(x2) -x1 SIN(x2) \
- OD_T(A,x) => | |
- \ SIN(x2) x1 COS(x2) /
- CD_T(A,ncov,weight,x,C_ij_k) : Covariant derivative of a tensor.
- ============================
- A : mixed tensor with structure A_ij.._kl.. (covariant indices
- followed by contravariant indices). May be a scalar.
- ncov : number of covariant indices (i,j,..)
- weight : weight of tensor ( = 0 for absolute tensor,
- = 1 for density, = n for relative tensor of weight n)
- x : coordinate vector [x1,x2,x3,...]
- C_ij_k : Christoffel symbol of the 2nd kind.
- To handle more elaborately structured tensors (e.g. A_i_j_k_lm)
- use TP_T to first create the required structure and use it again
- again after CD_T to transform back to the original structure.
- Note that rank(CD_T) is one higher than rank(A). The new covariant
- index is assumed to be appended at the end of the index string.
- Thus A_ij.._kl.. becomes A_ij.._kl.._m .
- Example:
- with A := g__ij (contravariant metric tensor in 3 dimensions)
- // 0 0 0 \ / 0 0 0 \ / 0 0 0 \\
- CD_T(A,0,0,x,C_ij_k) => || 0 0 0 | , | 0 0 0 | , | 0 0 0 ||
- \\ 0 0 0 / \ 0 0 0 / \ 0 0 0 //
- LD_T(A,v,ncov,weight,x) : Lie derivative of A relative to vector v
- =======================
- A : mixed tensor with structure A_ij.._kl.. (covariant indices
- followed by contravariant indices). May be a scalar.
- ncov : number of covariant indices (i,j,..) of A
- weight : weight of tensor A ( = 0 for absolute tensor,
- = 1 for density, = n for relative tensor of weight n)
- v : contravariant vector
- x : coordinate vector [x1,x2,x3,...]
- To handle more elaborately structured tensors (e.g. A_i_j_k_lm)
- use TP_T to first create the required structure and use it again
- after LD_T to transform back to the original structure.
- Note that the Lie derivative of a tensor A is a tensor of the same
- structure and weight as A.
- Example: with
- A_i := [U(X,Y),V(X,Y)] (covariant vector) , x := [X,Y] , v := x
- LD_T(A,v,1,0,x) => [X dU/dX + Y dU/dY +U , X dV/dX + Y dV/dY +V]
- DV_T(A,ncov,weight,sA,x,C_ij_k) : (Covariant) Divergence of a Tensor
- ===============================
- A : mixed tensor with structure A_ij.._kl.. and at least one
- contravariant index).
- ncov : number of covariant indices (i,j,..) of A
- weight : weight of tensor A ( = 0 for absolute tensor,
- = 1 for density, = n for relative tensor of weight n)
- sA : location of summ.index in index vector of A ( > ncov)
- x : coordinate vector [x1,x2,x3,...]
- C_ij_k : Christoffel symbol (2nd kind)
- To handle more elaborately structured tensors (e.g. A_i_j_k_lm)
- use TP_T to first create the required structure and use it again
- after LD_T to transform back to the original structure.
- Note that rank(DV_T) is one lower than rank(A). The index vector of
- the result is the index vector of A with the summ.index left out.
- Example: If G_i_j is the (mixed) Einstein tensor in 4-space
- DV_T(G_i_j,1,0,2,x,C_ij_k) => [0,0,0,0]
- GC_T(A,x) : Generalized Curl (GD_ij..r_kl..s Ds A_kl..),
- =========== GD : generalized Kronecker delta
- A : covariant tensor (or scalar).
- The rank of the result is one higher than the original and the
- new covariant index is appended at the right. Example:
- with A := [A1,A2,A3] , x := [X,Y,Z]
- / 0 dA1/dY - dA2/dX dA1/dZ - dA3/dX\
- GC_T(A,x) => |dA2/dX - dA1/dY 0 dA2/dZ - dA3/dY|
- \dA3/dX - dA1/dZ dA3/dY - dA2/dZ 0 /
- 3.5 Coordinate Transformation.
- ==============================
- Let the new coordinate vector be x_ := [x1_,x2_,x3_,...] and let
- x = [x(x_)] be the functions expressing the old coordinates in terms
- of the new ones.
- JACOB(x,x_) : Jacobian matrix of the transformation. Example:
- ===========
- with x := [x1_ COS(x2_) , x1_ SIN(x2_)] , x_ := [x1_,x2_] ,
- / COS(x2_) -x1_ SIN(x2_) \
- JACOB(x,x_) => | |
- \ SIN(x2_) x1_ COS(x2_) /
- TF_T(A,ncov,weight,JM,JM_) : Transform a tensor to new coordinates.
- ==========================
- A : mixed tensor with structure A_ij.._kl.. (covariant indices
- followed by contravariant indices)
- ncov : number of covariant indices (i,j,..)
- weight : weight of tensor ( = 0 for absolute tensor,
- = 1 for density, = n for relative tensor of weight n)
- JM : Jacobian matrix of transformation ( := JACOB(x,x_) )
- JM_ : Inverse Jacobian matrix ( := JM^-1 )
- To handle more elaborately structured tensors (e.g. A_i_j_k_lm)
- use TP_T to first create the required structure and use it again
- after TF_T to transform back to the original structure.
- Example:
- / COS(x2_) -x1_ SIN(x2_) \
- with A := [a,b] , JM := | | ,
- \ SIN(x2_) x1_ COS(x2_) /
- TF_T(A,1,0,JM,JM_) =>
- [a COS(x2_) + b SIN(x2_) , b x1_ COS(x2_) - a x1_ SINx2_)]
- 3.6 Special Tensors.
- ====================
- Note: Different text books use different isomers for the various
- special tensors. Except for the Ricci and Einstein tensors (R_ij
- and G_ij) the definitions given in Korn & Korn: Mathematical
- Handbook for Scientists and Engineers (chapter 16) are adopted
- here. The definitions of R_ij and G_ij were made to agree with
- more recent texts on General Relativity, which has the effect of
- changing the signs of these tensors.
- DELTA(dim) : Kronecker Delta (D_i_j),
- ==========
- dim : tensor dimension
- GDELTA(ncov,dim) : Generalized Kronecker Delta (GD_ij.._kl..)
- ================
- ncov : number of covariant indices (= no.of contravariant indices)
- dim : dimension
- EPS(dim) : Permutation tensor, rank = dimension (E_ij.. or E__ij..)
- ========
- dim : tensor dimension
- CHRIS1(g_ij,x) : Christoffel symbol of the 1st kind (C_ijk)
- ==============
- g_ij : covariant metric tensor
- x : coordinate 'vector'.
- CHRIS2(g_ij,g__ij,x) : Christoffel symbol of the 2nd kind (C_ij_k)
- ====================
- g_ij : covariant metric tensor
- g__ij : contravariant metric tensor
- x : coordinate 'vector'.
- RIEM1(C_ijk,C_ij_k,x) : Riemann curvature tensor of the 1st kind
- ===================== (R_ijkl)
- C_ijk : Christoffel symbol (1st kind)
- C_ij_k : Christoffel symbol (2nd kind)
- x : coordinate 'vector'
- EL_RIEM1(C_ijk,C_ij_k,x,i,j,k,l) : Element of Riemann tens. (1st kind)
- ================================
- C_ijk : Christoffel symbol (1st kind)
- C_ij_k : Christoffel symbol (2nd kind)
- x : coordinate 'vector'
- i,j,k,l : numeric indices of desired element R_ijkl
- RIEM2(C_ij_k,x) : Riemann curvature tensor of the 2nd kind (R__i_jkl
- =============== = g__is R_sjkl)
- C_ij_k : Christoffel symbol (2nd kind)
- x : coordinate 'vector'
- EL_RIEM2(C_ij_k,x,i,j,k,l) : Element of Riemann tensor of the 2nd kind
- ==========================
- C_ij_k : Christoffel symbol (2nd kind)
- x : coordinate 'vector'
- i,j,k,l : numeric indices of desired element R_ijk_l
- RICCI(C_ij_k,x) : Covariant Ricci tensor (R_ij = R__s_isj = -R__s_ijs)
- ===============
- C_ij_k : Christoffel symbol (2nd kind)
- EINST(R_ij,g_ij,g__ij) : Covariant Einstein tensor (G_ij)
- ======================
- R_ij : covariant Ricci Tensor
- g_ij : covariant metric tensor
- g__ij : contravariant metric tensor
- WEYL(R_ijkl,R_ij,g_ij) : Weyl Tensor (Conformal Tensor)
- ======================
- R_ijkl : Riemann curvature tensor (1st kind)
- R_ij : covariant Ricci tensor
- g_ij : covariant metric tensor
- 3.7 Miscellaneous Functions.
- ============================
- ========================================
- These functions, when applied to the expressions resulting from
- NZEL_T or GNZE_T decrement all indices in the display by 1. This
- makes it easier to compare elements with tensors that use a
- [0,...(dim-1)] index range rather than the DERIVE [1,...dim] range.
- ================== END OF FILE =================