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- "Interesting expressions to plot in a 2D-plot window"
- "A spike:"
- y=2*SIN(LN(ABS(x)))
- "The top half of a dog bone:"
- y=x^2*SQRT(15-x^2)/10
- "Water waves have sharper crests than troughs:"
- y=SEC(SIN(x))
- "The frequency approaches infinity as x approaches 0:"
- y=x*SIN(2/x)
- "A super power:"
- y=ABS(x/2)^ABS(x/2)
- "A surprising nearly-straight line:"
- y=ASIN(ATAN(0.4*x))
- "Surprising near-triangular waves:"
- y=TAN(COS(x))
- "Triangular waves:"
- y=ASIN(SIN(x))
- "Sawtooth waves:"
- y=ATAN(TAN(x))
- "Surprising near-square waves:"
- y=COTH(SEC(x))+TANH(SEC(x))
- "Square waves:"
- y=SIGN(COS(x))
- "Arches:"
- y=2*SQRT(ABS(SIN(x)))
- "Pointed Moorish arches:"
- y=-SQRT(ABS(COT(0.8*x)))
- "Hump waves:"
- y=3*SECH(SEC(x))
- "Stepped waves:"
- y=2*CSCH(SEC(x))
- "Essential singularity (all derivatives = 0 at x=0):"
- y=4*EXP(-1/ABS(x))-2
- "A self-similar self-composition:"
- y=SIN(SIN(x))
- "A self-similar self-composition:"
- y=ATAN(ATAN(x))
- "Area between sine curve and x axis:"
- 0<y<SIN(x) OR SIN(x)<y<0
- "Checkerboard squares:"
- (MOD(x,2)<1 AND MOD(y,2)<1) OR (MOD(x,2)>1 AND MOD(y,2)>1)
- "A circle of radius 2; Θ goes from -π to π in polar coordinates:"
- r=2
- "A spiral of 5 loops; Θ goes from 0 to 10π in polar coordinates:"
- r=theta/10