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- ;Generate a table of squares and cubes
- VECTOR([x,x^2,x^3],x,1,8)
- ;Define MATRIX for generating matrices
- MATRIX(z,i,m,j,n):=VECTOR(VECTOR(z,j,1,n),i,1,m)
- ;Generate a 2 by 3 matrix
- MATRIX(i-j,i,2,j,3)
- ;Generate the 3 by 3 identity matrix
- ;Element [1,2] of a matrix
- [[a,b,c],[1,2,3]] SUB 1 SUB 2
- ;Row 2 of a matrix
- [[a,b,c],[1,2,3]] SUB 2
- ;Matrix addition and multiplication by scalar
- 2*[[a,2],[3,b]]+[[1,3],[a,-b]]
- ;Dot product (inner product) of two vectors
- [2,a,5] . [2*a,3,-1]
- ;Dot product of two matrices
- [[a,b],[c,d]] . [[x],[y]]
- ;Cross product of two vectors
- CROSS([1,2,3],[a,b,c])
- ;Number of elements of a vector
- DIMENSION([a,b,c])
- ;Number of rows of a matrix
- DIMENSION([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
- ;Define OUTER to compute the outer product
- OUTER(v,w):=VECTOR([v SUB i],i,DIMENSION(v)) . [w]
- ;The outer product of two vectors
- OUTER([a,b,c],[2,3,4])
- ;Transpose of a matrix
- [[a,b,c],[1,2,3]]`
- ;Column 3 of a matrix
- [[a,b,c],[1,2,3]]` SUB 3
- ;Determinant of a square matrix
- DET([[2,3],[a,b]])
- ;Try factoring this determinant
- DET([[1,a,a,a],[1,x,a,a],[1,a,x,a],[1,a,a,x]])
- ;Try factoring this determinant
- DET([[x,1,1,1,1],[1,x,1,1,1],[1,1,x,1,1],[1,1,1,x,1],[1,1,1,1,x]])
- ;Sum of the elements on the main diagonal
- TRACE([[a,b],[1,2]])
- ;Matrix inverse
- [[a,b],[2,3]]^(-1)
- ;A matrix dotted with its inverse is an identity matrix
- [[a,b],[c,d]] . [[a,b],[c,d]]^(-1)
- ;Using an inverse matrix to solve the system a x + b y = e, c x + d y = f
- [[a,b],[c,d]]^(-1) . [[e],[f]]
- ;Reduce matrices to row echelon form
- ROW_REDUCE([[2,4],[3,6]],[[6],[9]])
- ;Characteristic polynomial of a square matrix
- CHARPOLY([[a,b],[b,a]],z)
- ;Eigenvalues of a square matrix
- EIGENVALUES([[a,b],[b,a]])
- ;Vector algebra simplification
- a . (b+c)-(b` . a`)`
- ;Gradient of an expression
- GRAD(x+y^2+z^3)
- ;Divergence of a vector
- DIV([1,2*y,3*z^2])
- ;Divergence of the gradient of an expression
- LAPLACIAN(x+y^2+z^3)
- ;Curl of a vector
- CURL([y^2,2*x*z,0])
- ;Scalar potential of a vector
- POTENTIAL([1,2*y,3*z^2])
- ;Vector potential of a vector
- VECTOR_POTENTIAL([-2*x,0,2*z-2*y])