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- Texas Instruments Incorporated, acting through its Educational & Productivity Solutions
- business, with a principal place of business at 7800 Banner Drive, Dallas, TX 75251
- (hereinafter "TI"), desires to promote the use of certain software by potential purchasers,
- and, whereas you, the individual receiving this evaluation copy of the software,
- (hereinafter "Licensee"), desires to evaluate such software:
- Licensee agrees as follows:
- License: TI grants Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal license to use
- the software program(s) and any supplied documentation ("Licensed Materials") until 30
- days from the date of installation, on a single user computer, for the sole purpose of
- evaluating the licensed materials. During installation the software program(s) will be
- copied to the hard drive of your computer, you may not make any other copies of the
- Licensed Materials.
- Restrictions: Licensee will not reverse-assemble or reverse-compile the software
- program portion of the Licensed Materials that are provided in object code format.
- Licensee may not sell, rent or lease the Licensed Material or any copies, whether in
- whole or in part.
- Copyright: The Licensed Materials are copyrighted by TI. Licensee agrees that it will not
- delete the copyright notice, trademarks or protective notices from the Licensed Materials
- or copies made during installation.
- Support: The Licensed Materials are provided by TI with the understanding that only
- limited support for this evaluation copy of the software will be available from TI.
- Warranty: TI does not warrant that the Licensed Materials will be free from errors or will
- meet your specific requirements. The Licensed Materials are made available "AS IS" to
- Licensee.
- Limitations: TI makes no warranty or condition, either express or implied, including but
- not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
- purpose, regarding the Licensed Materials. In no event shall TI or its suppliers be liable
- for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages, loss of profits, loss of use or data,
- or interruption of business, whether the alleged damages are labeled in tort, contract or
- indemnity.
- Restricted Rights: The Licensed Materials are provided with Restricted Rights. Use,
- duplication or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set
- forth in subparagraph [c](1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software
- clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or in subparagraph [c](1) and (2) of the Commercial
- Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.