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- unit Protmain;
- {$O-} // Do not remove! Delphi might crash !!!!
- {$R-}
- {$Q-}
- {$A+}
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Procal;
- type
- TForm1 = class(TForm)
- Button1: TButton;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label4: TLabel;
- Label5: TLabel;
- Label6: TLabel;
- Label7: TLabel;
- f0: TLabel;
- f0d: TLabel;
- f100: TLabel;
- f1000: TLabel;
- f100d: TLabel;
- f1000d: TLabel;
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- Label20: TLabel;
- prom: TLabel;
- promd: TLabel;
- Label25: TLabel;
- Label26: TLabel;
- Bevel2: TBevel;
- Bevel4: TBevel;
- Bevel5: TBevel;
- Bevel6: TBevel;
- Bevel8: TBevel;
- Bevel9: TBevel;
- Bevel10: TBevel;
- Bevel11: TBevel;
- Label8: TLabel;
- tmlf: TLabel;
- tmlfd: TLabel;
- Label9: TLabel;
- Label12: TLabel;
- Label13: TLabel;
- Label15: TLabel;
- Label16: TLabel;
- Label17: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- Bevel3: TBevel;
- Label3: TLabel;
- prouse: TLabel;
- proused: TLabel;
- Label14: TLabel;
- Label18: TLabel;
- Label19: TLabel;
- Label21: TLabel;
- f0ds: TLabel;
- f100ds: TLabel;
- f1000ds: TLabel;
- f0s: TLabel;
- f100s: TLabel;
- f1000s: TLabel;
- tmlfs: TLabel;
- tmlfds: TLabel;
- Label30: TLabel;
- Label31: TLabel;
- procedure StartItAll(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private-Deklarationen }
- FUNCTION MBox : TMyLargeInteger;
- PROCEDURE UserMessage ( VAR Message ); Message WM_USER+5;
- private
- res : Array[0..5] OF TMyLargeInteger;
- resstr : Array[0..5] OF String;
- resstr2 : Array[0..5] OF String;
- public
- { Public-Deklarationen }
- end;
- var
- Form1: TForm1;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- MHZ1 = 0; MHZn = 28;
- MHzTab : Array[MHZ1..MHZn] OF Word =
- (33, 40, 50, 66, 75, 83, 90, 100, 120, 133, 150, 166, 180, 200, 233,
- 266, 300, 333, 350, 366, 380, 400, 433, 450, 466, 500, 533, 550, 600 );
- MHZes : Double;
- ta : TMyLargeInteger;
- tsum : TMyLargeInteger;
- FUNCTION TForm1.MBox : TMyLargeInteger;
- asm
- DW 310FH; // first PRTSC, get cycles before tested instruction
- mov ta.lowpart,eax
- mov ta.highpart,edx
- end;
- Result.lowpart := 0;
- Result.highpart := 0;
- PostMessage(application.mainform.handle, WM_USER+5, 1, 2);
- // MessageBoxSimu(0, 'Messagebox demo, waiting for click should not be measured',
- // 'Protest', MB_OK);
- // In the program protest2 you will find here MessageBox, it is here at the end
- // of the procedure, in order not to be measured. A good profiler
- // stops measuring before entering that procedure. The reason is, that the
- // current process, so to say, hands over the cpu to another process. E.g. that
- // the current process is interrupted and continued after returning from
- // MessageBox. That's why this procedure shouldn't be measured.
- asm
- DW 310FH; // get cycles after tested instructions
- // Next lines calculate the no of cycles now - no of cycles before first PRTSC
- sub eax,ta.lowpart
- sbb edx,ta.highpart
- // Next lines subtract no of cycles for the first PRTSC + mov instructions
- sub eax,QPCAss.lowpart
- sbb edx,QPCAss.highpart
- // = No of cycles for the measured instructions
- // stored in tsum
- mov tsum.lowpart,eax
- mov tsum.highpart,edx
- end;
- result.lowpart := tsum.lowpart;
- MessageBox(0, 'Messagebox demo, waiting for click should not be measured',
- 'Protest', MB_OK);
- END;
- PROCEDURE TForm1.UserMessage ( VAR Message );
- i : Integer;
- asm
- DW 310FH; // first PRTSC, get cycles before tested instruction
- mov ta.lowpart,eax
- mov ta.highpart,edx
- end;
- i := 0;
- WHILE i < 100000 DO
- INC(i);
- asm
- DW 310FH; // get cycles after tested instructions
- // Next lines calculate the no of cycles now - no of cycles before first PRTSC
- sub eax,ta.lowpart
- sbb edx,ta.highpart
- // Next lines subtract no of cycles for the first PRTSC + mov instructions
- sub eax,QPCAss.lowpart
- sbb edx,QPCAss.highpart
- // = No of cycles for the measured instructions
- // stored in tsum
- mov tsum.lowpart,eax
- mov tsum.highpart,edx
- end;
- res[5].quadpart := tsum.quadpart;
- END;
- PROCEDURE ConvertTime ( VAR wertstr : String; wert : Double; AsCycles : Boolean );
- einheit : String;
- Str(wert:0:0, einheit);
- wertstr := '';
- WHILE Length(einheit) > 3 DO BEGIN
- wertstr := ',' + Copy(einheit, Length(einheit)-2, 3) + wertstr;
- einheit := Copy(einheit, 1, Length(einheit)-3);
- END;
- wertstr := einheit + wertstr;
- exit;
- END;
- wert := wert / MHZes;
- IF wert < 1000.0 THEN BEGIN { < 1 ms -> micro sec}
- einheit := ' ╡S';
- IF wert < 1000000.0 THEN BEGIN { < 1 sec -> milli sec }
- wert := wert / 1000;
- einheit := ' ms';
- wert := wert / 1000000.0; { nano sec -> sec }
- IF wert < 60.0 THEN BEGIN
- einheit := ' s ';
- wert := wert / 60.0; { sec -> min }
- einheit := ' m ';
- IF wert > 60 THEN BEGIN
- wert := wert / 60.0; { min -> std }
- einheit := ' h ';
- END;
- END;
- END;
- END;
- Str(wert:0:3, wertstr);
- wertstr := wertstr + einheit;
- END;
- FUNCTION Minimum ( a, b : TMyComp ) : TMyComp;
- IF a > b THEN
- Result := b
- Result := a;
- END;
- FUNCTION GetAssemblerQPC : TMyLargeInteger;
- n : Integer;
- te : TMyLargeInteger;
- ts : TMyLargeInteger;
- Result.quadpart := 1000000000;
- FOR n := 1 TO 40 DO BEGIN
- // Until here a certain amount of instructions have been processed
- // The next instruction (PRTSC) gives how many
- asm
- DW 310FH;
- mov ts.lowpart,eax
- mov ts.highpart,edx
- // The next line results in how many cycles were used until here
- // ts - te : how many cycles were used by the previous 3 instruction or
- // by the next 3
- DW 310FH;
- mov te.lowpart,eax
- mov te.highpart,edx
- end;
- Result.quadpart := Minimum(Result.quadpart, ABS(te.Quadpart - ts.QuadPart));
- END;
- END;
- PROCEDURE EstimateMHz ;
- mega : Double;
- takte : TMyLargeInteger;
- dauer : TMyLargeInteger;
- i : Integer;
- tickx : LongInt;
- tick1, tick2 : LongInt;
- startt, endt : TMyLargeInteger;
- startt.QuadPart := 0;
- dauer.quadpart := 0;
- tick1 := GetTickCount;
- tick2 := GetTickCount;
- UNTIL tick2 <> tick1;
- tick1 := GetTickCount;
- UNTIL tick2 <> tick1;
- asm
- DW 310FH;
- mov startt.lowpart,eax
- mov startt.highpart,edx
- end;
- tickx := tick1;
- FOR i := 1 TO 66 DO BEGIN
- tick2 := tick1;
- tick1 := GetTickCount;
- UNTIL tick1 <> tick2;
- END;
- asm
- DW 310FH;
- mov endt.lowpart,eax
- mov endt.highpart,edx
- end;
- dauer.lowpart := tick1 - tickx ;
- takte.quadpart := endt.quadpart - startt.quadpart - QPCAss.QuadPart {- QPCAss.QuadPart};
- mega := takte.quadpart;
- mega := mega / dauer.lowpart / 1000;
- MHZes := Trunc(mega);
- IF Abs(MHZes - MHZTab[i]) < 3 THEN BEGIN
- MHZes := MHZTab[i];
- break;
- END;
- END;
- END;
- procedure TForm1.StartItAll(Sender: TObject);
- i, x : Integer;
- xd : Double;
- Ergebnis : Integer;
- resstrs : Array[0..5] OF String;
- resstr2s : Array[0..5] OF String;
- begin
- EstimateMHZ;
- QPCAss := GetAssemblerQPC;
- FOR i := 0 TO 5 DO
- res[i].quadpart := 0;
- Ergebnis := 0;
- FOR i := 1 TO 200 DO
- res[3].lowpart := res[3].lowpart + TopFunction(Ergebnis).lowpart;
- Ergebnis := 0;
- FOR i := 1 TO 200 DO
- res[2].lowpart := res[2].lowpart + FunctionWith1000(Ergebnis).lowpart;
- Ergebnis := 0;
- FOR i := 1 TO 200 DO
- res[1].lowpart := res[1].lowpart + FunctionWith100(Ergebnis).lowpart;
- res[4].lowpart := res[4].lowpart + MBox.lowpart;
- FOR i := 0 TO 5 DO BEGIN
- x := res[i].lowpart;
- IF i < 4 THEN
- x := x DIV 200;
- ConvertTime(resstr[i], x, TRUE);
- xd := Round(x);
- ConvertTime(resstr2[i], xd, FALSE);
- x := res[i].lowpart;
- ConvertTime(resstrs[i], x, TRUE);
- xd := Round(x);
- ConvertTime(resstr2s[i], xd, FALSE);
- END;
- END;
- f0.caption := '0';
- f100.caption := resstr[1];
- f1000.caption := resstr[2];
- tmlf.caption := resstr[3];
- prom.caption := resstr[4];
- prouse.caption := resstr[5];
- f0s.caption := '0';
- f100s.caption := resstrs[1];
- f1000s.caption := resstrs[2];
- tmlfs.caption := resstrs[3];
- f0d.caption := '0.000 ╡S';
- f0d.caption := resstr2[0];
- f100d.caption := resstr2[1];
- f1000d.caption := resstr2[2];
- tmlfd.caption := resstr2[3];
- promd.caption := resstr2[4];
- proused.caption := resstr2[5];
- f0ds.caption := '0.000 ╡S';
- f0ds.caption := resstr2s[0];
- f100ds.caption := resstr2s[1];
- f1000ds.caption:= resstr2s[2];
- tmlfds.caption := resstr2s[3];
- end;
- end.