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- ProDelphi 9.6 Copyright 1998-2001 Helmuth J. H. Adolph
- Freeware and Professional Mode
- --------------------------- Installing ProDelphi ----------------------------
- A General
- ----------
- 1. Check your CPU:
- ProDelphi 9.x runs on Pentium and Pentium compatible CPU's. It has been
- tested on:
- - Pentium Overdrive 120 MHz, Intel Celeron 400 MHz and Intel Pentium II
- with 400 MHz.
- - AMD K6 166 and 233 MHz, AMD K6-2 266 and 300 MHz, AMD K6-3 400 MHz,
- AMD Athlon 600 MHz,
- It definitely does NOT run on a Cyrix 6x86. The Cyrix M2 and IDT have
- not been tested.
- 2. If you have already an older version of ProDelphi, you MUST delete these
- old files first: ProfMeas.DLL, ProfCali.DLL, ProfInt.PAS, ProfOnli.PAS
- and ProfOnli.DFM. If you have used the Setup program for installation
- and left the files where they have been installed, this is done
- automatically.
- 3. Install ProDelphi either automatically (see D.) or manually (ReadMe.DOC).
- 4. You should read the documentation (Readme.DOC), Post-Mortem-review is only
- described in the documention.
- B. Testing the installation with the example programs (for automatic setup)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have installed ProDelphi with Setup.exe, you can now, for testing
- the installation or for checking the accuracy of ProDelphi, compile the
- two example programs installed in the subdirctories under your installation
- directory. The example in the directory DONT-PROFILE should not be
- profiled, only compiled. It has a built-in runtime measurement and gives
- you the runtime for some typical code constructions you would always come
- across when you write programs yourself.
- The compiler switch for optimization should be unchecked, otherwise
- ProDelphi inserts lines for deactivating optimization into your sources.
- The program in the directory PROFILE-ME is, in principal, the same program
- without the built-in runtime measurement. You should first compile this
- program and then start ProDelphi from the Tools-menu of Delphi. Select
- 'Profile', select this program, check the box 'Autostart' and then click
- the Run-button. After that define the compiler symbol 'PROFILE' in Delphi
- and compile it again. Start the program, press the start button and then
- close the application. In ProDelphi select the function 'View', select
- the text file in the directory PROFILE-ME, and click 'Run'. A window should
- appear with the measurement results. Keep this window open.
- Compile the program in the directory DONT-PROFILE and start it. Compare
- the results for runtime measurement of both programs, they should be
- nearly identical (differences depend on the cache size of your CPU - see
- progrm description,
- The programs in the subdirectory DLLSUPP are fore users which want
- to measure methods in DLL's
- C. Profiling your own sources
- -----------------------------
- 1. Save all your sources (e.g. ZIP them into an achive file).
- 2. Compile your program.
- If no errors occur:
- 3. Start ProDelphi.
- 4. Select Profile and mark the correct Delphi-version. If you use
- conditional symbols, you should see them in your ProDelphi window (if
- not, you haven't saved your project).
- 5. Select this directory of your DPR-file.
- 6. Click on Run.
- 7. Define the compiler symbol PROFILE in the compiler options (conditional
- definitions), NOT in the source file! Uncheck the
- Optimization-option !!!!!!! and make a COMPLETE compilation.
- 8. Start your program and let it do what it has to do.
- Attention: When you start your program, it takes a second or two for
- calibration (estimation of your CPU speed and measurement
- correction times).
- When you use ProDelphi 7.x under Windows 95, the interrupts
- are locked while calibrating, that means that your mouse
- cursor does not move !!!
- Under Windows NT 4.0 the interrupts can not be locked, so
- your mouse cursor can be moved.
- Please do not start any other programs while calibrating,
- otherwise the results are incorrect.
- After the calibration phase the Online operation window and
- your form(s) is/are shown.
- 9. After your program has terminated, start ProDelphi 7.x, select VIEW,
- open the directory with your compiled program, select the file
- 'Progname.TXT' and click the Run-button.
- 'Progname' stands for the name of your program.
- After this actions the viewer window opens and you can look at the
- results of the measurement.
- If, at profilation time, you have checked ASCII-output file you also
- can have a look into the result file (programname.BEN) with Delphi
- or print it with Delphi (use landscape format).
- 10. Checked procedures might use a few CPU-cycles more than they would
- use without measurement. The reason is, that the measurement procedures
- in the unit ProfInt and in the DLL ProfMeas are moved into the memory
- cache and delete those procedures that would be there without
- measurement. Depending on the CPU you use, the results are very accurate
- or less accurate. (Same effect is given for data too.)
- The L1-cache of the plain pentium has 16 kB,
- the L1-cache of pentium MMX / PII or Celeron have 32 kB Cache size,
- the AMD K6 / K6-2 / K6-3 have 64 kB L1-Cache Size.
- Also the L2-Cache sizes differ, the processor might have a L3-cache
- (e.g. the AMD K6-3). Also the accesses to L2-cache differ (1/3, 1/2,
- 1/1 CPU frequency or bus frequency).
- That's why the results on an AMD K6 are more excact than on pentium
- processors.
- 11. See the README.* file for further instruction or information.
- 12. Limitations of use:
- Console applications can not have an online operation window.
- For further minor important limitations see README.DOC.
- 13. For DLL-support unzip the file DLLSUPP.ZIP and read the comments in the
- sources.
- -------------------------- Uninstalling ProDelphi ----------------------------
- Delete the files, directories and links you have created. For that you can use
- the Setup Program.
- ----------------------- ProDelphi Distribution Files ------------------------
- PROFILER.EXE ProDelphi executable file
- PROFINT.PAS Units for Delphi2, Delphi3, Delphi4 and Delphi 5 that links
- the profiled program or DLL to the measurement DLL
- PROFMEAS.DLL (time measurement).
- PROFONLI.PAS Units for Delphi2, Delphi3, Delphi4 and Delphi 5 that content
- the functions of the online operation window.
- PROFONLI.DFx DFM - files for Delphi2, Delphi3, Delphi4 and Delphi 5 that
- content the form of PROFONLI.PAS.
- PROFMEAS.DLL The DLL, that contents all measurement procedures. There is
- one DLL for all Delphi versions.
- PROFCALI.DLL DLL that computes the measurement correction (calibration),
- it is included used by PROFINT.PAS.
- READMExx.DOC Description of ProDelphi x.x (Word-Format)
- ORDER.TXT Information on how to order the registered version
- LICENSE.TXT License Agreement / Warranty Disclaimer
- VENDOR.TXT Information for shareware distributors
- INSTALL.TXT This file.
- NEWS.TXT News and Hints for usage of ProDelphi.
- REGISTER.ENG Registration via www.shareit.com (english)
- REGISTER.GER Registration via www.shareit.com (german)
- SETUP.EXE Program for automatic setup.
- GETSPEED.EXE Program to get the speed index of a PC to be emulated.
- DLLSUPP.ZIP Example project for measuring procedures in a DLL.
- ------------------------- Files created by ProDelphi -------------------------
- PROFLST.ASC Contains information about the procedures to be measured for
- profiling or traced for post mortem review.
- PROFILE.INI Options for time measurement, screen coordinates for the
- online operation window.
- ---------- Files created at runtime by measured or traced programs -----------
- PROGNAME.EXE PROGNAME is the name of your executable, created by Delphi.
- PROGNAME.TXT Results in data base format (runtimes of the procedures), used
- by the built-in viewer.
- PROGNAME.TX2 Run numbers, CPU-clock-rate and headlines for the built-in
- viewer.
- PROGNAME.NEV Contents the names of those methods that are not called at
- time of measurement.
- PROGNAME.HST History file, stored by the viewer when the history button
- is pressed. Contains runtimes for later comparison after
- optimization.
- PROGNAME.BEN Results of the time measurement in ASCII if the option
- ASCII-output file was checked at profiling time.
- PROGNAME.SWO List of procedures that have to be deactivated for time
- measurement at next program start.
- PROGNAME.PMR Call stack in case of a trapped exception (for Post Mortem
- Review only).
- All files are created in the output directory for the exe- or dll-file.