home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit Main;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, MSI_GUI, ExtCtrls, ImgList, ComCtrls;
- type
- TForm1 = class(TForm)
- MSystemInfo: TMSystemInfo;
- Panel1: TPanel;
- TitlePanel: TPanel;
- Image3: TImage;
- Image4: TImage;
- Image1: TImage;
- Image2: TImage;
- Panel2: TPanel;
- List: TListView;
- ProcList: TListView;
- Panel3: TPanel;
- Panel4: TPanel;
- img: TImageList;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmMoveForm(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure cmMinimize(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmClose(Sender: TObject);
- procedure Image2Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmMaximize(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- Form1: TForm1;
- implementation
- uses MiTeC_Datetime, MiTeC_Routines, MiTeC_CtrlRtns, MiTeC_PerfLibNT,
- MiTeC_EnumsNT, MiTeC_Enums9x, MSI_SMBIOS, MSI_Devices;
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var
- PLNT: TPerfLibNT;
- ProcessList: TStringList;
- i,c,n,p: Integer;
- s: string;
- k: TSlotType;
- begin
- Form_HideCaption(Self);
- with MSystemInfo do begin
- Refresh;
- TitlePanel.Caption:=About;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='System';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%s %s',[Machine.SMBIOS.SystemManufacturer,
- Machine.SMBIOS.SystemModel]));
- ImageIndex:=0;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Up Time';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%s',[formatseconds(Machine.SystemUpTime,true,false,False)]));
- ImageIndex:=12;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='CPU';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d %s %s',[CPU.Count,CPU.Vendor,CPU.VendorID]));
- ImageIndex:=9;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Frequency';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d Mhz',[CPU.Frequency]));
- ImageIndex:=13;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Voltage';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%1.1fV',[Machine.SMBIOS.CPUVoltage]));
- ImageIndex:=11;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Socket';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%s (%s)',[Machine.SMBIOS.CPUSocket,Machine.SMBIOS.CPUUpgrade]));
- ImageIndex:=14;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Mainboard';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%s %s',[Machine.SMBIOS.MainboardManufacturer,Machine.SMBIOS.MainboardModel]));
- ImageIndex:=10;
- end;
- c:=0;
- n:=0;
- p:=0;
- s:='';
- for i:=0 to Machine.SMBIOS.MemorySlotCount-1 do
- if Machine.SMBIOS.MemoryBank[i].Size>0 then begin
- Inc(c);
- n:=Machine.SMBIOS.MemoryBank[i].Size;
- s:=Machine.SMBIOS.GetMemoryTypeStr(Machine.SMBIOS.MemoryBank[i].Types);
- p:=Machine.SMBIOS.MemoryBank[i].Speed;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Memory';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d MB (%d KB free)',[Memory.PhysicalTotal div 1024 div 1024,Memory.PhysicalFree div 1024]));
- ImageIndex:=8;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Type';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d x %d %s',[c,n,s]));
- ImageIndex:=8;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Speed';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d ns',[p]));
- ImageIndex:=8;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Memory';
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d x %d %s (%d ns) - %d MB (%d KB free)',[c,n,s,p,Memory.PhysicalTotal div 1024 div 1024,Memory.PhysicalFree div 1024]));
- ImageIndex:=8;
- end;
- for i:=0 to Machine.SMBIOS.PortCount-1 do
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Machine.SMBIOS.Port[i].Designator;
- SubItems.Add(Format('%s (%s)',[PortTypes[Machine.SMBIOS.Port[i].Typ],
- ConnectorTypes[Machine.SMBIOS.Port[i].Connector]]));
- ImageIndex:=2;
- end;
- for k:=Low(TSlotType) to High(TSlotType) do begin
- c:=0;
- for i:=0 to Machine.SMBIOS.SystemSlotCount-1 do
- if Machine.SMBIOS.SystemSlot[i].Typ=k then begin
- Inc(c);
- s:=Format('%s',[DataBusTypes[Machine.SMBIOS.SystemSlot[i].DataBus]]);
- end;
- if c>0 then
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('%d x %s',[c,SlotTypes[k]]);
- SubItems.Add(Format('%s',[s]));
- ImageIndex:=3;
- end;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('%s %s',[OSVersion,OS.CSD]);
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d.%d.%d',[OS.MajorVersion,OS.MinorVersion,OS.BuildNumber]));
- ImageIndex:=15;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Logged User';
- SubItems.Add(Machine.User);
- ImageIndex:=16;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Display Adapter';
- SubItems.Add(Display.Adapter);
- ImageIndex:=1;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Resolution';
- SubItems.Add(Format('Resolution: %d x %d - %d bit',[Display.HorzRes,
- Display.VertRes,
- Display.ColorDepth]));
- ImageIndex:=12;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- if Media.Devices.Count>0 then begin
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Sound Adapter';
- if Media.SoundCardIndex>-1 then
- SubItems.Add(Media.Devices[Media.SoundCardIndex])
- else
- SubItems.Add(Media.Devices[0]);
- ImageIndex:=4;
- end;
- if Media.GamePortIndex>-1 then
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Game Adapter';
- SubItems.Add(Media.Devices[Media.GamePortIndex]);
- ImageIndex:=5;
- end;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- if Network.Adapters.Count>0 then begin
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Network Adapter';
- if Network.CardAdapterIndex>-1 then
- SubItems.Add(Network.Adapters[Network.CardAdapterIndex])
- else
- SubItems.Add(Network.Adapters[0]);
- ImageIndex:=17;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Local Host Name';
- SubItems.Add(Machine.Name);
- ImageIndex:=12;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='IP Address';
- SubItems.Add(Network.IPAddresses[0]);
- ImageIndex:=12;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='MAC Address';
- SubItems.Add(Network.MACAddresses[0]);
- ImageIndex:=12;
- end;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- c:=0;
- for i:=0 to Devices.DeviceCount-1 do
- if Devices.Devices[i].DeviceClass=dcFloppyDisk then
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('Floppy Disk %d:',[c]);
- if Trim(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName)='' then
- SubItems.Add(Devices.Devices[i].Description)
- else
- SubItems.Add(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName);
- ImageIndex:=18;
- Inc(c);
- end;
- c:=0;
- for i:=0 to Devices.DeviceCount-1 do
- if Devices.Devices[i].DeviceClass=dcDiskDrive then
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('Hard Disk %d:',[c]);
- if Trim(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName)='' then
- SubItems.Add(Devices.Devices[i].Description)
- else
- SubItems.Add(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName);
- Inc(c);
- ImageIndex:=19;
- end;
- c:=0;
- for i:=0 to Devices.DeviceCount-1 do
- if Devices.Devices[i].DeviceClass=dcCDROM then
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('CDROM %d:',[c]);
- if Trim(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName)='' then
- SubItems.Add(Devices.Devices[i].Description)
- else
- SubItems.Add(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName);
- Inc(c);
- ImageIndex:=20;
- end;
- c:=0;
- for i:=0 to Devices.DeviceCount-1 do
- if Devices.Devices[i].DeviceClass=dcTapeDrive then
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('Tape Drive %d:',[c]);
- if Trim(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName)='' then
- SubItems.Add(Devices.Devices[i].Description)
- else
- SubItems.Add(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName);
- Inc(c);
- ImageIndex:=21;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- s:='<none>';
- for i:=0 to Devices.DeviceCount-1 do
- if Devices.Devices[i].DeviceClass=dcModem then begin
- if Trim(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName)='' then
- s:=Devices.Devices[i].Description
- else
- s:=Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName;
- Break;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Modem';
- SubItems.Add(s);
- Inc(c);
- ImageIndex:=24;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- s:='<none>';
- for i:=0 to Devices.DeviceCount-1 do
- if Devices.Devices[i].DeviceClass=dcMouse then begin
- if Trim(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName)='' then
- s:=Devices.Devices[i].Description
- else
- s:=Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName;
- Break;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Mouse';
- SubItems.Add(s);
- Inc(c);
- ImageIndex:=23;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- s:='<none>';
- for i:=0 to Devices.DeviceCount-1 do
- if Devices.Devices[i].DeviceClass=dcKeyboard then begin
- if Trim(Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName)='' then
- s:=Devices.Devices[i].Description
- else
- s:=Devices.Devices[i].FriendlyName;
- Break;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Keyboard';
- SubItems.Add(s);
- Inc(c);
- ImageIndex:=22;
- end;
- with List.Items.Add do ImageIndex:=-1;
- if Printers.Names.Count>0 then
- with List.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Printers.Names[Printers.DefaultIndex];
- SubItems.Add(Printers.Ports[Printers.DefaultIndex]);
- ImageIndex:=7;
- end;
- ProcessList:=TStringList.Create;
- if IsNT then begin
- PLNT:=TPerfLibNT.Create;
- PLNT.Refresh;
- GetNTProcessList(PLNT,ProcessList);
- for i:=0 to ProcessList.Count-1 do
- with ProcList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=PNTProcess(ProcessList.objects[i])^.Name;
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d',[PNTProcess(ProcessList.objects[i])^.PID]));
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d',[PNTProcess(ProcessList.objects[i])^.PriorityBase]));
- ImageIndex:=6;
- end;
- PLNT.Free;
- end else begin
- Get95ProcessList(ProcessList);
- for i:=0 to ProcessList.Count-1 do
- with ProcList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=P95Process(ProcessList.objects[i])^.Name;
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d',[P95Process(ProcessList.objects[i])^.PID]));
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d',[P95Process(ProcessList.objects[i])^.Priority]));
- ImageIndex:=6;
- end;
- end;
- ProcessList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.cmMoveForm(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- Form_Move(Self);
- end;
- procedure TForm1.cmMinimize(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Application.Minimize;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.cmClose(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Close;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.Image2Click(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- MSystemInfo.ShowModalOverviewWithAbout;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.cmMaximize(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if WindowState=wsNormal then
- WindowState:=wsMaximized
- else
- WindowState:=wsNormal;
- end;
- end.