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- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { MiTeC System Information Component }
- { System Overview }
- { version 7.4 for Delphi 5,6 }
- { }
- { Copyright ⌐ 1997,2002 Michal Mutl }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit MSI_Overview;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- MSI_GUI, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, CheckLst,
- ImgList, Mask, Menus, Gauges, Buttons, MSI_CPUUsage;
- type
- TPage = (pgWksta, pgOS, pgCPU, pgMem, pgDisplay, pgAPM, pgMedia, pgNet, pgDev,
- pgPrn, pgEng, pgDisk, pgTZ, pgStartup, pgSoftware, pgAbout);
- TPages = set of TPage;
- const
- iiComputer = 0;
- iiSystem = 1;
- iiDisplay = 2;
- iiMonitor = 3;
- iiVolumes = 4;
- iiFDD = 5;
- iiHDD = 6;
- iiCDROM = 7;
- iiTape = 8;
- iiAPM = 9;
- iiImaging = 10;
- iiKeyboard = 11;
- iiMouse = 12;
- iiModem = 13;
- iiPort = 14;
- iiAdapter = 15;
- iiPackage = 16;
- iiSCSI = 17;
- iiDriver = 18;
- iiSound = 19;
- iiUSB = 20;
- iiGame = 21;
- iiNet = 22;
- iiProcess = 23;
- iiPCMCIA = 24;
- iiChanger = 25;
- iiHID = 26;
- iiGPS = 27;
- iiReader = 28;
- iiInfrared = 29;
- iiMIDI = 30;
- iiWave = 31;
- iiMixer = 32;
- iiAUX = 33;
- iiDirectX = 34;
- iiPrinter = 35;
- iiPrinterDef = 36;
- iiNetPrinter = 37;
- iiNetPrinterDef = 38;
- iiController = 39;
- iiMemory = 40;
- pgAll = [pgWksta, pgOS, pgCPU, pgMem, pgDisplay, pgAPM, pgMedia, pgNet, pgDev,
- pgPrn, pgEng, pgDisk, pgTZ, pgStartup, pgSoftware];
- type
- TfrmMSI_Overview = class(TForm)
- Panel1: TPanel;
- Panel2: TPanel;
- bRefresh: TButton;
- Panel3: TPanel;
- pc: TPageControl;
- tsWksta: TTabSheet;
- tsOS: TTabSheet;
- tsCPU: TTabSheet;
- pNumLock: TPanel;
- pCapsLock: TPanel;
- pScrollLock: TPanel;
- bOK: TButton;
- Image2: TImage;
- lVersion: TLabel;
- lVerNo: TLabel;
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- bEnvironment: TButton;
- Image3: TImage;
- lCPU: TLabel;
- tsMemory: TTabSheet;
- tsDisplay: TTabSheet;
- Image5: TImage;
- cbDisplay: TEdit;
- Label33: TLabel;
- GroupBox10: TGroupBox;
- Label34: TLabel;
- Label35: TLabel;
- Label36: TLabel;
- eChip: TEdit;
- eDAC: TEdit;
- eMem: TEdit;
- GroupBox11: TGroupBox;
- GroupBox12: TGroupBox;
- eBIOS: TEdit;
- lTechnology: TLabel;
- lMetrics: TLabel;
- lPixWidth: TLabel;
- lPixHeight: TLabel;
- lPixDiag: TLabel;
- bCurve: TButton;
- bLine: TButton;
- bPoly: TButton;
- bRaster: TButton;
- bText: TButton;
- Label37: TLabel;
- tsAPM: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox13: TGroupBox;
- Label38: TLabel;
- Label39: TLabel;
- eAC: TEdit;
- eBat: TEdit;
- Image6: TImage;
- GroupBox14: TGroupBox;
- Label40: TLabel;
- Label41: TLabel;
- eBatFull: TEdit;
- eBatLife: TEdit;
- tsMedia: TTabSheet;
- Label42: TLabel;
- Panel5: TPanel;
- img: TImageList;
- tsNetwork: TTabSheet;
- tsDevices: TTabSheet;
- psd: TPrinterSetupDialog;
- tsPrinters: TTabSheet;
- Label48: TLabel;
- Panel7: TPanel;
- lvPrinter: TListView;
- bPrint: TButton;
- tsEngines: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox17: TGroupBox;
- Image7: TImage;
- lODBC: TLabel;
- lBDE: TLabel;
- tsDrives: TTabSheet;
- Label54: TLabel;
- cbDrive: TComboBox;
- GroupBox19: TGroupBox;
- imgDrive: TImage;
- lDriveType: TLabel;
- clbFlags: TCheckListBox;
- Label55: TLabel;
- Label56: TLabel;
- eUNC: TEdit;
- eDSN: TEdit;
- Bevel3: TBevel;
- lCapacity: TLabel;
- lFree: TLabel;
- lBPS: TLabel;
- lSPC: TLabel;
- lTC: TLabel;
- lFC: TLabel;
- Bevel4: TBevel;
- bReport: TButton;
- ReportMenu: TPopupMenu;
- pmAll: TMenuItem;
- pmSelected: TMenuItem;
- Panel10: TPanel;
- gDisk: TGauge;
- Panel11: TPanel;
- gAPM: TGauge;
- bModes: TButton;
- tsTZ: TTabSheet;
- Panel12: TPanel;
- Image10: TImage;
- gbStd: TGroupBox;
- Label12: TLabel;
- Label73: TLabel;
- eStdStart: TEdit;
- eStdBias: TEdit;
- eTZ: TEdit;
- Label74: TLabel;
- gbDay: TGroupBox;
- Label75: TLabel;
- Label76: TLabel;
- Label77: TLabel;
- edayStart: TEdit;
- eDayBias: TEdit;
- lFontRes: TLabel;
- Panel8: TPanel;
- Tree: TTreeView;
- Panel9: TPanel;
- bProps: TButton;
- pcCPU: TPageControl;
- tsID: TTabSheet;
- tsFeatures: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox5: TGroupBox;
- lModel: TLabel;
- lSerial: TLabel;
- lVendor: TLabel;
- GroupBox21: TGroupBox;
- lL1Data: TLabel;
- lL1Code: TLabel;
- lLevel1: TLabel;
- lLevel2: TLabel;
- GroupBox6: TGroupBox;
- Panel4: TPanel;
- clbCPU: TCheckListBox;
- lCodename: TLabel;
- lDAO: TLabel;
- tsAbout: TTabSheet;
- FooterPanel: TPanel;
- sbMail: TSpeedButton;
- TitlePanel: TPanel;
- imgIcon: TImage;
- Panel16: TPanel;
- Memo: TMemo;
- tsStartup: TTabSheet;
- tsSoftware: TTabSheet;
- tcStartup: TTabControl;
- bNTSpec: TButton;
- lvMedia: TListView;
- Panel18: TPanel;
- lvSound: TListView;
- Label14: TLabel;
- Panel20: TPanel;
- lvSW: TListView;
- Panel21: TPanel;
- lvStartup: TListView;
- lTitle: TLabel;
- lVer: TLabel;
- lADO: TLabel;
- lCSD: TLabel;
- lDVD: TLabel;
- pcOS: TPageControl;
- tsGeneral: TTabSheet;
- tsFolders: TTabSheet;
- tsInternet: TTabSheet;
- Label9: TLabel;
- Label10: TLabel;
- Label11: TLabel;
- Label15: TLabel;
- ePID: TEdit;
- eRegUser: TEdit;
- eRegOrg: TEdit;
- ePKey: TEdit;
- Panel15: TPanel;
- FolderList: TListView;
- Label43: TLabel;
- Label44: TLabel;
- Label45: TLabel;
- Label46: TLabel;
- eBrowser: TEdit;
- eProxy: TEdit;
- email: TEdit;
- lCT: TLabel;
- Bevel2: TBevel;
- lCacheDesc: TLabel;
- eMachine: TEdit;
- pcEng: TPageControl;
- tsDirectX: TTabSheet;
- tsASPI: TTabSheet;
- Panel19: TPanel;
- lvDirectX: TListView;
- ilEng: TImageList;
- Panel22: TPanel;
- lvASPI: TListView;
- lASPI: TLabel;
- Bevel5: TBevel;
- lDirectX: TLabel;
- Bevel6: TBevel;
- tsLocale: TTabSheet;
- Panel17: TPanel;
- LocaleList: TListView;
- Panel23: TPanel;
- pcMem: TPageControl;
- tsmemGen: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox7: TGroupBox;
- Image4: TImage;
- Label16: TLabel;
- Label17: TLabel;
- Label18: TLabel;
- Label19: TLabel;
- Label20: TLabel;
- Label21: TLabel;
- Label22: TLabel;
- Label23: TLabel;
- Label24: TLabel;
- Label25: TLabel;
- Label26: TLabel;
- Label27: TLabel;
- ePT: TEdit;
- ePF: TEdit;
- eFT: TEdit;
- eFF: TEdit;
- eVT: TEdit;
- eVF: TEdit;
- GroupBox9: TGroupBox;
- Label28: TLabel;
- Label29: TLabel;
- Label30: TLabel;
- Label31: TLabel;
- Label32: TLabel;
- eAG: TEdit;
- eAppAddr: TEdit;
- ePS: TEdit;
- tsmemMeas: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox8: TGroupBox;
- gMemory: TGauge;
- GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
- lGDI: TLabel;
- lSystem: TLabel;
- lUser: TLabel;
- pbGDI: TProgressBar;
- pbSystem: TProgressBar;
- pbUser: TProgressBar;
- CPUUsage: TMCPUUsage;
- Label13: TLabel;
- Label50: TLabel;
- gPhys: TGauge;
- Label49: TLabel;
- gPage: TGauge;
- Label51: TLabel;
- gVirt: TGauge;
- Panel24: TPanel;
- CPUGauge: TGauge;
- Label52: TLabel;
- pcMachine: TPageControl;
- tsMachineGeneral: TTabSheet;
- tsMachineSMBIOS: TTabSheet;
- gbMID: TGroupBox;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- Image1: TImage;
- eWksta: TEdit;
- eUser: TEdit;
- GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
- Label3: TLabel;
- Label4: TLabel;
- Label5: TLabel;
- Label6: TLabel;
- Label53: TLabel;
- eBIOSVendor: TEdit;
- eBIOSVer: TEdit;
- eBIOSDate: TEdit;
- eBIOSSize: TEdit;
- GroupBox3: TGroupBox;
- Label7: TLabel;
- Label8: TLabel;
- eLastBoot: TEdit;
- eSysTime: TEdit;
- Panel25: TPanel;
- Label60: TLabel;
- eSMVer: TEdit;
- Bevel7: TBevel;
- pcSM: TPageControl;
- tsSMSystem: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox4: TGroupBox;
- Label61: TLabel;
- Label62: TLabel;
- lSysVer: TLabel;
- lSysSer: TLabel;
- lSysID: TLabel;
- eSysMod: TEdit;
- eSysMan: TEdit;
- eSysVer: TEdit;
- eSysSer: TEdit;
- eSysID: TEdit;
- tsSMMB: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox15: TGroupBox;
- Label67: TLabel;
- Label68: TLabel;
- Label70: TLabel;
- Label71: TLabel;
- eMBMod: TEdit;
- eMBMan: TEdit;
- eMBVer: TEdit;
- eMBSer: TEdit;
- tsSMCH: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox18: TGroupBox;
- Label78: TLabel;
- Label79: TLabel;
- Label80: TLabel;
- Label81: TLabel;
- eCHMod: TEdit;
- eCHMan: TEdit;
- eCHVer: TEdit;
- eCHSer: TEdit;
- tsSMCPU: TTabSheet;
- GroupBox22: TGroupBox;
- Label83: TLabel;
- Label84: TLabel;
- Label85: TLabel;
- Label86: TLabel;
- Label63: TLabel;
- Label65: TLabel;
- eSocket: TEdit;
- eUpgIntf: TEdit;
- eVolt: TEdit;
- eExtClk: TEdit;
- tsSMMem: TTabSheet;
- Panel26: TPanel;
- lvMem: TListView;
- tsSMPort: TTabSheet;
- Panel27: TPanel;
- lvPort: TListView;
- tsSMSlot: TTabSheet;
- Panel28: TPanel;
- lvSlot: TListView;
- tsSMTables: TTabSheet;
- Panel29: TPanel;
- lvTables: TListView;
- Label66: TLabel;
- eSMTables: TEdit;
- SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton;
- Panel6: TPanel;
- pcNet: TPageControl;
- tsNetGeneral: TTabSheet;
- Label47: TLabel;
- Panel13: TPanel;
- lvNetwork: TListView;
- GroupBox16: TGroupBox;
- Panel14: TPanel;
- Label69: TLabel;
- lbMAC: TListBox;
- Panel30: TPanel;
- Label64: TLabel;
- lbIP: TListBox;
- bProto: TButton;
- bServ: TButton;
- bCli: TButton;
- tsNetWinsock: TTabSheet;
- Label57: TLabel;
- Label58: TLabel;
- Label59: TLabel;
- Image9: TImage;
- eWSDesc: TEdit;
- eWSVer: TEdit;
- eWSStat: TEdit;
- tsNetTCPIP: TTabSheet;
- Label72: TLabel;
- Label82: TLabel;
- eHost: TEdit;
- eDomain: TEdit;
- Image8: TImage;
- Panel31: TPanel;
- AdapterList: TListView;
- Bevel8: TBevel;
- cbxProxy: TCheckBox;
- cbxRouting: TCheckBox;
- cbxDNS: TCheckBox;
- cbAdapters: TComboBox;
- Label87: TLabel;
- Label88: TLabel;
- eCPU: TEdit;
- Label89: TLabel;
- Label90: TLabel;
- eClock: TEdit;
- l: TLabel;
- eCPUMan: TEdit;
- tsSMCaches: TTabSheet;
- Panel32: TPanel;
- lvCache: TListView;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmRefresh(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmClose(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmEnvironment(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmCaps(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmPrintSetup(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cbDriveChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmReportClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmReportAll(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmReportCurrent(Sender: TObject);
- procedure clbClickCheck(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmModes(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmProto(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmServ(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmCli(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- procedure TreeChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure cmProps(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmMail(Sender: TObject);
- procedure tcStartupChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmNTSpec(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CPUUsageInterval(Sender: TObject; Value: Cardinal);
- procedure cmWeb(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cbAdaptersChange(Sender: TObject);
- private
- FPages: TPages;
- FSysInfo: TMSystemInfo;
- FShowRepBut: Boolean;
- procedure SetPages(const Value: TPages);
- procedure SetShowRepBut(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetCaptionText(const Value: string);
- public
- Report :TStringList;
- property DisplayedPages: TPages read FPages write SetPages;
- property SysInfo: TMSystemInfo read FSysInfo write FSysInfo;
- property ShowReportButton: Boolean read FShowRepBut write SetShowRepBut;
- property CaptionText: string Write SetCaptionText;
- procedure GetInfo;
- procedure GetWkstaInfo;
- procedure GetOSInfo;
- procedure GetCPUInfo;
- procedure GetMemoryInfo;
- procedure GetDisplayInfo;
- procedure GetAPMInfo;
- procedure GetMediaInfo;
- procedure GetNetInfo;
- procedure GetDeviceInfo;
- procedure GetEngInfo;
- procedure GetDriveInfo;
- procedure GetTZInfo;
- procedure GetPrintInfo;
- procedure GetStartupInfo;
- procedure GetSWInfo;
- end;
- var
- frmMSI_Overview: TfrmMSI_Overview;
- implementation
- uses ShellAPI, MiTeC_Routines, MSI_Devices, MSI_DetailDlg, MSI_OS, MSI_APM,
- MSI_Startup, MSI_Common, MiTeC_Dialogs, MiTeC_Datetime, MSI_SMBIOS;
- {$R *.DFM}
- const
- cDeviceImageIndex: array[TDeviceClass] of integer =
- (iiAPM, iiSystem, iiVolumes, iiDisplay, iiCDROM, iiVolumes,
- iiFDD, iiGPS, iiHID, iiVolumes, iiDriver, iiImaging,
- iiInfrared, iiKeyboard, iiChanger, iiDriver, iiMouse, iiModem,
- iiMonitor, iiReader, iiPort, iiAdapter, iiDriver,
- iiPackage, iiDriver, iiAdapter, iiPort, iiPrinter, iiSCSI,
- iiReader, iiSound, iiHDD, iiSystem, iiTape, iiController,
- iiTape, iiUSB);
- { TfrmMSI_Overview }
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetWkstaInfo;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- with SysInfo.Machine do begin
- if Trim(Computer)<>'' then
- eMachine.Text:=' '+Computer+' ';
- eWksta.text:=Name;
- eUser.text:=User;
- eLastBoot.text:=datetimetostr(LastBoot);
- eSysTime.text:=formatseconds(SystemUpTime,true,false,false);
- if NumLock then
- pNumLock.color:=clLime
- else
- pNumLock.color:=clSilver;
- if CapsLock then
- pCapsLock.color:=clLime
- else
- pCapsLock.color:=clSilver;
- if ScrollLock then
- pScrollLock.color:=clLime
- else
- pScrollLock.color:=clSilver;
- with SMBIOS do begin
- eSMVer.Text:=Version;
- eSMTables.Text:=Format('%d',[Length(StructTables)]);
- eBIOSVendor.Text:=BIOSVendor;
- eBIOSVer.Text:=BIOSVersion;
- eBIOSDate.Text:=BIOSDate;
- eBIOSSize.Text:=Format('%d',[BIOSSize]);
- eSysMod.Text:=SystemModel;
- eSysMan.Text:=SystemManufacturer;
- eSysVer.Text:=SystemVersion;
- eSysSer.Text:=SystemSerial;
- eSysID.Text:=SystemUUID;
- eMBMod.Text:=MainBoardModel;
- eMBMan.Text:=MainBoardManufacturer;
- eMBVer.Text:=MainBoardVersion;
- eMBSer.Text:=MainBoardSerial;
- eCHMod.Text:=ChassisModel;
- eCHMan.Text:=ChassisManufacturer;
- eCHVer.Text:=ChassisVersion;
- eCHSer.Text:=ChassisSerial;
- eCPUMan.Text:=CPUManufacturer;
- eCPU.Text:=CPUVersion;
- eSocket.Text:=CPUSocket;
- eUpgIntf.Text:=CPUUpgrade;
- eVolt.Text:=Format('%1.1f',[CPUVoltage]);
- eClock.Text:=Format('%d',[CPUClock]);
- eExtClk.Text:=Format('%d',[CPUExternalClock]);
- lvCache.Items.Clear;
- for i:=0 to CacheCount-1 do
- with lvCache.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Cache[i].Designation;
- SubItems.Add(CacheTypes[Cache[i].Typ]);
- SubItems.Add(CacheAssociativities[Cache[i].Associativity]);
- SubItems.Add(SRAMTypes[Cache[i].SRAMType]);
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d KB',[Cache[i].InstalledSize]));
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d KB',[Cache[i].MaxSize]));
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d ns',[Cache[i].Speed]));
- ImageIndex:=iiMemory;
- end;
- lvMem.Items.Clear;
- for i:=0 to MemorySlotCount-1 do
- with lvMem.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=MemoryBank[i].Socket;
- SubItems.Add(GetMemoryTypeStr(MemoryBank[i].Types));
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d MB',[MemoryBank[i].Size]));
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d ns',[MemoryBank[i].Speed]));
- ImageIndex:=iiMemory;
- end;
- lvPort.Items.Clear;
- for i:=0 to PortCount-1 do
- with lvPort.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Port[i].Designator;
- SubItems.Add(PortTypes[Port[i].Typ]);
- SubItems.Add(ConnectorTypes[Port[i].Connector]);
- ImageIndex:=iiPort;
- end;
- lvSlot.Items.Clear;
- for i:=0 to SystemSlotCount-1 do
- with lvSlot.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=SlotTypes[SystemSlot[i].Typ];
- SubItems.Add(DataBusTypes[SystemSlot[i].DataBus]);
- ImageIndex:=iiAdapter;
- end;
- lvTables.Items.Clear;
- for i:=0 to High(StructTables) do
- with lvTables.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('Type %d: %s',[StructTables[i].Indicator,StructTables[i].Name]);
- SubItems.Add(Format('%d',[StructTables[i].Length]));
- SubItems.Add(Format('%4.4x',[StructTables[i].Handle]));
- ImageIndex:=-1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetOSInfo;
- var
- i: integer;
- s: string;
- begin
- with SysInfo.OS do begin
- s:=OSVersion;
- case Platform of
- opWin31: tsOS.Caption:='Windows 3.1x';
- opWin9x: tsOS.Caption:='Windows 9x';
- opWinNT: tsOS.Caption:='Windows NT';
- end;
- if IsNT then begin
- case NTSpecific.ProductType of
- ptWorkstation: s:=s+' - Workstation';
- ptServer: s:=s+' - Server';
- ptAdvancedServer: s:=s+' - Advanced Server';
- end;
- lCSD.caption:=CSD;
- end;
- lVersion.caption:=s;
- lVerNo.caption:=format('Version: %d.%d.%d',[MajorVersion,MinorVersion,BuildNumber]);
- bNTSpec.Enabled:=Is2K or IsXP;
- lCSD.caption:=CSDEx;
- ePID.text:=ProductID;
- ePKey.text:=ProductKey;
- eRegUser.text:=RegisteredUser;
- eRegOrg.text:=RegisteredOrg;
- lDVD.Caption:='DVD Region: '+DVDRegion;
- FolderList.Items.Clear;
- for i:=0 to Folders.Count-1 do
- if Folders.Values[Folders.Names[i]]<>'' then
- with FolderList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=Folders.Names[i];
- SubItems.Add(Folders.Values[Folders.Names[i]]);
- end;
- LocaleList.Items.Clear;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Abbreviate Country Code';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.AbbreviateCountryCode);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Abbreviate Language Code';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.AbbreviateLanguageName);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Country Code';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.CountryCode);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Currency Decimal Digits';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Full Country Code';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.FullCountryCode);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Full English Language Name';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.FullLanguageEnglishName);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Full Localize Language Name';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.FullLocalizeLanguage);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Intl. Monetary Symbol';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.InternationalMonetarySymbol);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Local Monetary Symbol';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.LocalMonetarySymbol);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Positive Currency Mode';
- case LocaleInfo.PositiveCurrencyMode of
- Prefix_No_Separation: SubItems.Add('Prefix_No_Separation');
- Suffix_No_Separation: SubItems.Add('Suffix_No_Separation');
- Prefix_One_Char_Separation: SubItems.Add('Prefix_One_Char_Separation');
- Suffix_One_Char_Separation: SubItems.Add('Suffix_One_Char_Separation');
- end;
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Negative Currency Mode';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.NegativeCurrencyMode);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Currency Decimal Separator';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.CurrencyDecimalSeparator);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Currency Thousand Separator';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.CurrencyThousandSeparator);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Decimal Separator';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.DecimalSeparator);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Number Of Decimal Digits';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.NumberOfDecimalDigits);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='List Separator';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.ListSeparator);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Date Separator';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.DateSeparator);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Long Date Order';
- case LocaleInfo.LongDateOrder of
- MDY: SubItems.Add('M-D-Y');
- DMY: SubItems.Add('D-M-Y');
- YMD: SubItems.Add('Y-M-D');
- end;
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Short Date Order';
- case LocaleInfo.ShortDateOrder of
- MDY: SubItems.Add('M-D-Y');
- DMY: SubItems.Add('D-M-Y');
- YMD: SubItems.Add('Y-M-D');
- end;
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Short Date Format';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.ShortDateFormat);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Time Format';
- SubItems.Add(LocaleInfo.TimeFormat);
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Time Format Specifier';
- case LocaleInfo.TimeFormatSpecifier of
- H12: SubItems.Add('12H');
- H24: SubItems.Add('24H');
- end;
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Year Format';
- case LocaleInfo.YearFormat of
- TwoDigit: SubItems.Add('Two Digit');
- FourDigit: SubItems.Add('Four Digit');
- end;
- end;
- with LocaleList.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Measurement System';
- case LocaleInfo.MeasurementSystem of
- Metric: SubItems.Add('Metric');
- US: SubItems.Add('U.S.');
- end;
- end;
- eBrowser.Text:=Internet.DefaultBrowser;
- eMail.Text:=Internet.DefaultMailClient;
- eProxy.Text:=Internet.ProxyServer;
- lCT.Caption:=Internet.GetConnTypeStr(Internet.ConnectionType);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetCPUInfo;
- var
- sl :TStringList;
- i :Longint;
- begin
- with SysInfo.CPU do begin
- lCPU.caption:=format('%d x %s %s - %d MHz',[Count,Trim(Vendor),Trim(VendorID),Frequency]);
- lVendor.Caption:='Vendor: '+VendorEx;
- lSerial.caption:='Serial Number: '+SerialNumber;
- lCodename.Caption:='Code Name: '+Codename;
- lModel.caption:=format('Family %d Model %d Stepping %d',[Family,Model,Stepping]);
- sl:=TStringList.Create;
- Features.Report(sl);
- sl.Add(Format('FDIV Bug=%d',[integer(FDIVBug)]));
- clbCPU.items.Clear;
- for i:=1 to sl.count-1 do begin
- clbCPU.items.Add(sl.Names[i]);
- clbCPU.Checked[clbCPU.items.count-1]:=Boolean(StrToInt(sl.Values[sl.Names[i]]));
- end;
- sl.Free;
- lL1Data.Caption:=Format('Level 1 Data Cache: %d Kb',[Cache.L1Data]);
- lL1Code.Caption:=Format('Level 1 Instruction Cache: %d Kb',[Cache.L1Code]);
- lLevel1.Caption:=Format('Level 1 Unified Cache: %d Kb',[Cache.Level1]);
- lLevel2.Caption:=Format('Level 2 Unified Cache: %d Kb',[Cache.Level2]);
- lCacheDesc.Caption:=Cache.IntelDescription;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetMemoryInfo;
- begin
- pcMem.ActivePage:=tsmemGen;
- with SysInfo.Memory do begin
- eAG.text:=formatfloat('#,##',AllocGranularity);
- eAppAddr.text:=format('%s - %s',[inttohex(MinAppAddress,8),inttohex(MaxAppAddress,8)]);
- ePS.text:=formatfloat('#,##',PageSize);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetDisplayInfo;
- begin
- with SysInfo, Display do begin
- cbDisplay.Text:=Adapter;
- eChip.text:=Chipset;
- eDAC.text:=DAC;
- eMem.text:=IntToStr(Memory);
- eBIOS.text:=format('%s (%s)',[BIOSVersion,BIOSDate]);
- lTechnology.caption:='Technology: '+Technology;
- lMetrics.caption:=format('Metrics: %d x %d - %d bit',[HorzRes,VertRes,ColorDepth]);
- lPixWidth.caption:=format('Pixel Width: %d',[PixelWidth]);
- lPixHeight.caption:=format('Pixel Height: %d',[PixelHeight]);
- lPixDiag.caption:=format('Pixel Diagonal: %d',[PixelDiagonal]);
- lFontRes.caption:=format('Font Resolution: %d dpi',[FontResolution]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetAPMInfo;
- begin
- with SysInfo.APM do begin
- eAC.text:=GetACPSStr(ACPowerStatus);
- eBat.text:=GetBSStr(BatteryChargeStatus);
- if BatteryLifePercent<=100 then begin
- eBatFull.text:=formatseconds(BatteryLifeFullTime,true,false,false);
- eBatLife.text:=formatseconds(BatteryLifeTime,true,false,false);
- gAPM.Progress:=BatteryLifePercent;
- end else begin
- eBatFull.text:='<info not available>';
- eBatLife.text:='<info not available>';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetMediaInfo;
- var
- i :integer;
- begin
- with SysInfo.Media do begin
- lvMedia.Items.beginUpdate;
- lvMedia.items.clear;
- for i:=0 to Devices.count-1 do
- with lvMedia.items.add do begin
- caption:=Devices[i];
- if i=GamePortIndex then
- imageindex:=iiGame
- else
- if i=SoundCardIndex then
- imageindex:=iiAdapter
- else
- imageindex:=iiSound;
- end;
- lvMedia.Items.EndUpdate;
- lvSound.Items.beginUpdate;
- lvSound.items.clear;
- for i:=0 to WaveIn.count-1 do
- with lvSound.items.add do begin
- caption:=WaveIn[i];
- SubItems.Add('Wave In');
- ImageIndex:=iiWave;
- end;
- for i:=0 to WaveOut.count-1 do
- with lvSound.items.add do begin
- caption:=WaveOut[i];
- SubItems.Add('Wave Out');
- ImageIndex:=iiWave;
- end;
- for i:=0 to MIDIIn.count-1 do
- with lvSound.items.add do begin
- caption:=MIDIIn[i];
- SubItems.Add('MIDI In');
- ImageIndex:=iiMIDI;
- end;
- for i:=0 to MIDIOut.count-1 do
- with lvSound.items.add do begin
- caption:=MIDIOut[i];
- SubItems.Add('MIDI Out');
- ImageIndex:=iiMIDI;
- end;
- for i:=0 to AUX.count-1 do
- with lvSound.items.add do begin
- caption:=AUX[i];
- SubItems.Add('AUX');
- ImageIndex:=iiAUX;
- end;
- for i:=0 to Mixer.count-1 do
- with lvSound.items.add do begin
- caption:=Mixer[i];
- SubItems.Add('Mixer');
- ImageIndex:=iiMixer;
- end;
- end;
- lvSound.Items.endUpdate;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetNetInfo;
- var
- i :integer;
- begin
- with SysInfo.Network do begin
- pcNet.ActivePage:=tsNetGeneral;
- lvNetwork.items.clear;
- for i:=0 to Adapters.count-1 do
- with lvNetwork.items.add do begin
- caption:=Adapters[i];
- if CardAdapterIndex=i then
- imageindex:=iiAdapter
- else
- imageindex:=iiNet;
- end;
- lbIP.Items.Text:=IPAddresses.Text;
- lbMAC.Items.Text:=MACAddresses.Text;
- eWSDesc.Text:=Winsock.Description;
- eWSVer.Text:=Format('%d.%d',[Winsock.MajorVersion,Winsock.MinorVersion]);
- eWSStat.Text:=Winsock.Status;
- with TCPIP do begin
- eDomain.Text:=DomainName;
- eHost.Text:=HostName;
- cbxProxy.Checked:=EnableProxy;
- cbxRouting.Checked:=EnableRouting;
- cbxDNS.Checked:=EnableDNS;
- cbAdapters.Items.Clear;
- for i:=0 to AdapterCount-1 do
- cbAdapters.Items.Add(Adapter[i].Name);
- cbAdapters.ItemIndex:=0;
- cbAdaptersChange(nil);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetDeviceInfo;
- var
- i,c: integer;
- r,n: TTreeNode;
- cn,dn: string;
- pi: PInteger;
- ldc: TDeviceClass;
- begin
- with SysInfo, Devices, Tree,Items do begin
- c:=DeviceCount-1;
- BeginUpdate;
- while Count>0 do begin
- if Assigned(Items[Count-1].Data) then
- FreeMem(Items[Count-1].Data);
- Delete(Items[Count-1]);
- end;
- r:=Add(nil,GetMachine);
- r.ImageIndex:=0;
- r.SelectedIndex:=r.ImageIndex;
- n:=nil;
- for i:=0 to c do begin
- if Trim(Devices[i].ClassDesc)<>'' then
- cn:=Devices[i].ClassDesc
- else
- cn:=Devices[i].ClassName;
- if not Assigned(n) or (Devices[i].DeviceClass<>ldc) then begin
- ldc:=Devices[i].DeviceClass;
- n:=AddChild(r,cn);
- n.ImageIndex:=cDeviceImageIndex[Devices[i].DeviceClass];
- n.SelectedIndex:=n.ImageIndex;
- end;
- if Trim(Devices[i].FriendlyName)='' then
- dn:=Devices[i].Description
- else
- dn:=Devices[i].FriendlyName;
- with AddChild(n,dn) do begin
- ImageIndex:=n.ImageIndex;
- SelectedIndex:=ImageIndex;
- new(pi);
- pi^:=i;
- Data:=pi;
- end;
- n.AlphaSort;
- end;
- r.AlphaSort;
- r.Expand(False);
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetEngInfo;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with SysInfo.Engines do begin
- if ODBC<>'' then
- lODBC.caption:='Open Database Connectivity '+ODBC
- else
- lODBC.caption:='Open Database Connectivity not found';
- if BDE<>'' then
- lBDE.caption:='Borland Database Engine '+BDE
- else
- lBDE.caption:='Borland Database Engine not found';
- if DAO<>'' then
- lDAO.caption:='Microsoft Data Access Objects '+DAO
- else
- lDAO.caption:='Microsoft Data Access Objects not found';
- if ADO<>'' then
- lADO.caption:='Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects '+ADO
- else
- lADO.caption:='Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects not found';
- end;
- with SysInfo.Engines.DirectX do begin
- if Version<>'' then begin
- lDirectX.caption:='Installed version: '+Version;
- lvDirectX.Items.beginUpdate;
- lvDirectX.items.clear;
- for i:=0 to Direct3D.count-1 do
- with lvDirectX.items.add do begin
- caption:=Direct3D[i];
- SubItems.Add('Direct3D');
- ImageIndex:=iiDirectX;
- end;
- for i:=0 to DirectMusic.count-1 do
- with lvDirectX.items.add do begin
- caption:=DirectMusic[i];
- SubItems.Add('DirectMusic');
- ImageIndex:=iiDirectX;
- end;
- for i:=0 to DirectPlay.count-1 do
- with lvDirectX.items.add do begin
- caption:=DirectPlay[i];
- SubItems.Add('DirectPlay');
- ImageIndex:=iiDirectX;
- end;
- lvDirectX.Items.endUpdate;
- end else
- lDirectX.caption:='Not installed.';
- end;
- with SysInfo.Engines.ASPI32 do begin
- if ASPI<>'' then
- lASPI.caption:='Adaptec ASPI '+ASPI
- else
- lASPI.caption:='Adaptec ASPI not found';
- //lvASPI.Items.beginUpdate;
- lvASPI.items.Clear;
- for i:=0 to Configuration.Adapter.Count-1 do
- with lvASPI.items.add do begin
- caption:=Configuration.Vendor[i]+Configuration.Product[i];
- SubItems.Add(Configuration.Revision[i]);
- SubItems.Add(Configuration.Adapter[i]);
- SubItems.Add(Configuration.ID[i]);
- SubItems.Add(Configuration.Typ[i]);
- SubItems.Add(Configuration.Spec[i]);
- ImageIndex:=-1;
- end;
- //lvASPI.Items.beginUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetDriveInfo;
- var
- i,j :integer;
- s :string;
- begin
- j:=0;
- with SysInfo.Disk do begin
- cbDrive.items.clear;
- for i:=1 to length(AvailableDisks) do begin
- s:=uppercase(copy(AvailableDisks,i,1));
- cbDrive.items.add(s+':');
- if s=uppercase(copy(SysInfo.OS.Folders.Values['Windows'],1,1)) then
- j:=i-1;
- end;
- cbDrive.itemindex:=j;
- cbDriveChange(nil);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetInfo;
- begin
- screen.cursor:=crhourglass;
- try
- if pgWksta in DisplayedPages then
- GetWkstaInfo;
- if pgOS in DisplayedPages then
- GetOSInfo;
- if pgCPU in DisplayedPages then
- GetCPUInfo;
- if pgMem in DisplayedPages then
- GetMemoryInfo;
- if pgDisplay in DisplayedPages then
- GetDisplayInfo;
- if pgAPM in DisplayedPages then
- GetAPMInfo;
- if pgMedia in DisplayedPages then
- GetMediaInfo;
- if pgNet in DisplayedPages then
- GetNetInfo;
- if pgDev in DisplayedPages then
- GetDeviceInfo;
- if pgEng in DisplayedPages then
- GetEngInfo;
- if pgDisk in DisplayedPages then
- GetDriveInfo;
- if pgTZ in DisplayedPages then
- GetTZInfo;
- if pgPrn in DisplayedPages then
- GetPrintInfo;
- if pgStartup in DisplayedPages then
- GetStartupInfo;
- if pgSoftware in DisplayedPages then
- GetSWInfo;
- finally
- screen.cursor:=crdefault;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Report:=TStringList.Create;
- DisplayedPages:=pgAll;
- pc.activepage:=tsWksta;
- pcCPU.ActivePage:=tsID;
- pcMachine.ActivePage:=tsMachineGeneral;
- pcSM.ActivePage:=tsSMSystem;
- lTitle.Caption:=cCompName;
- lVer.Caption:='Version '+cVersion;
- FooterPanel.Caption:=cCopyright;
- pcOS.ActivePage:=tsGeneral;
- pcEng.ActivePage:=tsDirectX;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmRefresh(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- screen.cursor:=crhourglass;
- try
- SysInfo.Refresh;
- GetInfo;
- finally
- screen.cursor:=crdefault;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmClose(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- close;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmEnvironment(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with TdlgMSI_Detail.Create(Self) do begin
- Notebook.pageindex:=3;
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Environment';
- for i:=0 to SysInfo.OS.Environment.Count-1 do
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:=SysInfo.OS.Environment.Names[i];
- SubItems.Add(SysInfo.OS.Environment.Values[SysInfo.OS.Environment.Names[i]]);
- end;
- showmodal;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmCaps(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i :integer;
- sl :TStringList;
- begin
- with TdlgMSI_Detail.Create(self) do begin
- Notebook.pageindex:=1;
- sl:=TStringList.Create;
- case TComponent(sender).tag of
- 0: begin
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Curve Capabilities';
- SysInfo.Display.Report_CurveCaps(sl);
- end;
- 1: begin
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Line Capabilities';
- SysInfo.Display.Report_LineCaps(sl);
- end;
- 2: begin
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Polygonal Capabilities';
- SysInfo.Display.Report_PolygonCaps(sl);
- end;
- 3: begin
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Raster Capabilities';
- SysInfo.Display.Report_RasterCaps(sl);
- end;
- 4: begin
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Text Capabilities';
- SysInfo.Display.Report_TextCaps(sl);
- end;
- end;
- clb.items.clear;
- for i:=1 to sl.count-1 do begin
- clb.items.Add(sl.Names[i]);
- clb.Checked[clb.items.count-1]:=Boolean(StrToInt(sl.Values[sl.Names[i]]));
- end;
- sl.free;
- showmodal;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmPrintSetup(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- psd.execute;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cbDriveChange(Sender: TObject);
- var
- p,i :Word;
- b :pchar;
- sl :TStringList;
- begin
- with SysInfo.Disk do begin
- gdisk.progress:=0;
- b:=stralloc(255);
- p:=0;
- Drive:=copy(cbDrive.text,1,2);
- strpcopy(b,Drive+'\');
- lDriveType.caption:=GetMediaTypeStr(MediaType)+' - '+FileSystem;
- if MediaPresent then
- imgDrive.picture.icon.handle:=extractassociatedicon(hinstance,b,p)
- else
- imgDrive.picture.icon.handle:=0;
- strdispose(b);
- eUNC.text:=expanduncfilename(Drive);
- eDSN.text:=SerialNumber;
- if pos('[',cbdrive.items[cbdrive.itemindex])=0 then begin
- i:=cbdrive.itemindex;
- cbdrive.items[i]:=cbdrive.items[i]+' ['+VolumeLabel+']';
- cbdrive.itemindex:=i;
- end;
- lCapacity.caption:=formatfloat('Capacity: #,#0 B',Capacity);
- lFree.caption:=formatfloat('Free space: #,#0 B',FreeSpace);
- try
- gDisk.Progress:=round((Capacity-FreeSpace)/Capacity*100);
- except
- end;
- lBPS.caption:=formatfloat('Bytes/sector: 0',BytesPerSector);
- lSPC.caption:=formatfloat('Sector/cluster: 0',SectorsPerCluster);
- lFC.caption:=formatfloat('Free clusters: #,#0',FreeClusters);
- lTC.caption:=formatfloat('Total clusters: #,#0',TotalClusters);
- sl:=TStringList.Create;
- Report_FileFlags(sl);
- clbFlags.items.Clear;
- for i:=1 to sl.count-1 do begin
- clbFlags.items.Add(sl.Names[i]);
- clbFlags.Checked[clbFlags.items.count-1]:=Boolean(StrToInt(sl.Values[sl.Names[i]]));
- end;
- sl.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmReportClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- p :tpoint;
- begin
- p.y:=twincontrol(sender).top+twincontrol(sender).height;
- p.x:=twincontrol(sender).left;
- p:=twincontrol(sender).parent.clienttoscreen(p);
- ReportMenu.Popup(p.x,p.y);
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmReportAll(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Report.Clear;
- SelectedFilename:='SystemInfo.txt';
- if GetFileSaveDlg(Handle,LastDir,SelectedFilename,allFilter,ofnTitle) then begin
- SysInfo.Report(Report);
- Report.savetofile(SelectedFilename);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmReportCurrent(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Report.Clear;
- SelectedFilename:=Trim(pc.ActivePage.Caption)+'.txt';
- if GetFileSaveDlg(Handle,LastDir,SelectedFilename,allFilter,ofnTitle) then begin
- case pc.activepage.pageindex of
- 0: SysInfo.Machine.Report(Report);
- 1: SysInfo.OS.Report(Report);
- 2: SysInfo.CPU.Report(Report);
- 3: SysInfo.Memory.Report(Report);
- 4: SysInfo.Display.Report(Report);
- 5: SysInfo.APM.Report(Report);
- 6: SysInfo.Media.Report(Report);
- 7: SysInfo.Network.Report(Report);
- 8: SysInfo.Devices.Report(Report);
- 9: SysInfo.Printers.Report(Report);
- 10: SysInfo.Engines.Report(Report);
- 11: SysInfo.Disk.Report(Report);
- 12: SysInfo.OS.TimeZone.Report(Report);
- 13: SysInfo.Startup.Report(Report);
- 14: SysInfo.Software.Report(Report);
- end;
- Report.Insert(0,';'+SysInfo.About);
- Report.savetofile(Selectedfilename);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.clbClickCheck(Sender: TObject);
- var
- OCC: TNotifyEvent;
- idx: integer;
- p: TPoint;
- begin
- with TCheckListBox(Sender) do begin
- OCC:=OnClickCheck;
- OnClickCheck:=nil;
- GetCursorPos(p);
- p:=ScreenToClient(p);
- idx:=ItemAtPos(p,True);
- if idx>-1 then
- Checked[idx]:=not Checked[idx];
- OnClickCheck:=OCC;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.SetPages(const Value: TPages);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- FPages:=Value;
- for i:=pc.PageCount-1 downto 0 do begin
- pc.Pages[i].TabVisible:=TPage(i) in DisplayedPages;
- if pc.Pages[i].TabVisible then
- pc.ActivePage:=pc.Pages[i];
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.SetShowRepBut(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FShowRepBut:=Value;
- bReport.Visible:=FShowRepBut;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmModes(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with TdlgMSI_Detail.Create(self) do begin
- Notebook.pageindex:=1;
- clb.items.clear;
- clb.Items.AddStrings(SysInfo.Display.Modes);
- for i:=0 to clb.Items.Count-1 do
- clb.Checked[i]:=True;
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Supported Video Modes';
- showmodal;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetTZInfo;
- begin
- with SysInfo.OS.TimeZone do begin
- eTZ.Text:=DisplayName;
- gbStd.Caption:=' '+StandardName+' ';
- gbDay.Caption:=' '+DaylightName+' ';
- eStdStart.Text:=DateTimeToStr(StandardStart);
- eStdBias.Text:=IntToStr(StandardBias);
- eDayStart.Text:=DateTimeToStr(DaylightStart);
- eDayBias.Text:=IntToStr(DaylightBias);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmProto(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with TdlgMSI_Detail.Create(self) do begin
- Notebook.pageindex:=1;
- clb.items.clear;
- clb.Items.AddStrings(SysInfo.Network.Protocols);
- for i:=0 to clb.Items.Count-1 do
- clb.Checked[i]:=True;
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Protocols';
- showmodal;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmServ(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with TdlgMSI_Detail.Create(self) do begin
- Notebook.pageindex:=1;
- clb.items.clear;
- clb.Items.AddStrings(SysInfo.Network.Services);
- for i:=0 to clb.Items.Count-1 do
- clb.Checked[i]:=True;
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Services';
- showmodal;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmCli(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with TdlgMSI_Detail.Create(self) do begin
- Notebook.pageindex:=1;
- clb.items.clear;
- clb.Items.AddStrings(SysInfo.Network.Clients);
- for i:=0 to clb.Items.Count-1 do
- clb.Checked[i]:=True;
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Clients';
- showmodal;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.SetCaptionText(const Value: string);
- begin
- Caption:=Value;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- begin
- Action:=caFree;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.TreeChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
- begin
- bProps.Enabled:=Assigned(Node) and (Node.Level=2);
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmProps(Sender: TObject);
- var
- dr: TDevice;
- i: integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(Tree.Selected) and (Tree.Selected.Level=2) then
- with TdlgMSI_Detail.Create(self) do begin
- Notebook.pageindex:=3;
- lv.items.clear;
- i:=PInteger(Tree.Selected.Data)^;
- dr:=SysInfo.Devices.Devices[i];
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Device Name';
- Subitems.Add(Tree.Selected.Text);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Class Name';
- Subitems.Add(dr.ClassName);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Class Description';
- Subitems.Add(Tree.Selected.Parent.Text);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Class GUID';
- Subitems.Add(dr.GUID);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Manufacturer';
- Subitems.Add(dr.Manufacturer);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Location';
- SubItems.Add(dr.Location);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='HardwareID';
- Subitems.Add(dr.HardwareID);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Registry info';
- SubItems.Add(dr.Driver);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Driver Version';
- SubItems.Add(dr.DriverVersion);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Driver Date';
- SubItems.Add(dr.DriverDate);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Driver Provider';
- SubItems.Add(dr.DriverProvider);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Service Name';
- if dr.ServiceName='' then
- SubItems.Add(dr.Service)
- else
- SubItems.Add(dr.ServiceName);
- end;
- with lv.Items.Add do begin
- Caption:='Service Group';
- SubItems.Add(dr.ServiceGroup);
- end;
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Device Properties';
- showmodal;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmMail(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ShellExecute(handle,'open',
- 'mailto:mitec@atlas.cz?subject='+cCompName,
- nil,nil,SW_NORMAL);
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetPrintInfo;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with SysInfo.Printers do begin
- lvPrinter.items.clear;
- for i:=0 to Names.count-1 do
- with lvPrinter.items.add do begin
- caption:=Names[i];
- SubItems.Add(Ports[i]);
- if Pos('\\',Ports[i])>0 then
- ImageIndex:=iiNetPrinter
- else
- ImageIndex:=iiPrinter;
- if i=DefaultIndex then
- ImageIndex:=ImageIndex+1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.tcStartupChange(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i,n: integer;
- begin
- with SysInfo.Startup, lvStartup, Items do begin
- BeginUpdate;
- Clear;
- case tcStartup.TabIndex of
- 0: begin
- n:=User_Count-1;
- for i:=0 to n do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=User_Runs[i];
- SubItems.Add(GetRunCommand(rtUser,i));
- ImageIndex:=iiProcess;
- end;
- end;
- 1: begin
- n:=Common_Count-1;
- for i:=0 to n do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=Common_Runs[i];
- SubItems.Add(GetRunCommand(rtCommon,i));
- ImageIndex:=iiProcess;
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- n:=HKLM_Count-1;
- for i:=0 to n do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=HKLM_Runs[i];
- SubItems.Add(GetRunCommand(rtHKLM,i));
- ImageIndex:=iiProcess;
- end;
- end;
- 3: begin
- n:=HKCU_Count-1;
- for i:=0 to n do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=HKCU_Runs[i];
- SubItems.Add(GetRunCommand(rtHKCU,i));
- ImageIndex:=iiProcess;
- end;
- end;
- 4: begin
- n:=Once_Count-1;
- for i:=0 to n do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=Once_Runs[i];
- SubItems.Add(GetRunCommand(rtOnce,i));
- ImageIndex:=iiProcess;
- end;
- end;
- 5: begin
- n:=WININI_Count-1;
- for i:=0 to n do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=WININI_Runs[i];
- SubItems.Add(GetRunCommand(rtWININI,i));
- ImageIndex:=iiProcess;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetStartupInfo;
- begin
- tcStartupChange(tcStartup);
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.GetSWInfo;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with SysInfo.Software, lvSW, Items do begin
- BeginUpdate;
- Clear;
- for i:=0 to Products.Count-1 do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=Products[i];
- SubItems.Add(Uninstalls[i]);
- ImageIndex:=iiPackage;
- end;
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmNTSpec(Sender: TObject);
- var
- sl: TStringList;
- i: integer;
- begin
- with TdlgMSI_Detail.Create(self) do begin
- Notebook.pageindex:=1;
- TitlePanel.Caption:='Installed Suites';
- clb.items.clear;
- sl:=TStringList.Create;
- SysInfo.OS.NTSpecific.Report_InstalledSuites(sl);
- for i:=0 to sl.count-1 do begin
- clb.items.Add(sl.Names[i]);
- clb.Checked[clb.items.count-1]:=Boolean(StrToInt(sl.Values[sl.Names[i]]));
- end;
- sl.Free;
- showmodal;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.CPUUsageInterval(Sender: TObject;
- Value: Cardinal);
- begin
- with SysInfo.Memory do begin
- GetInfo;
- ePT.text:=formatfloat('#,##',PhysicalTotal);
- ePF.text:=formatfloat('#,#0',PhysicalFree);
- eFT.text:=formatfloat('#,##',PageFileTotal);
- eFF.text:=formatfloat('#,#0',PageFileFree);
- eVT.text:=formatfloat('#,##',VirtualTotal);
- eVF.text:=formatfloat('#,#0',VirtualFree);
- gMemory.Progress:=MemoryLoad;
- gPhys.MaxValue:=PhysicalTotal;
- gPhys.Progress:=PhysicalFree;
- gPage.MaxValue:=PageFileTotal;
- gPage.Progress:=PageFileFree;
- gVirt.MaxValue:=VirtualTotal;
- gVirt.Progress:=VirtualFree;
- pbGDI.Position:=Resources.GDI;
- pbUser.Position:=Resources.User;
- pbSystem.Position:=Resources.System;
- end;
- lGDI.Caption:=Format('GDI - %d%% free',[pbGDI.Position]);
- lUser.Caption:=Format('User - %d%% free',[pbUser.Position]);
- lSystem.Caption:=Format('System - %d%% free',[pbSystem.Position]);
- CPUGauge.Progress:=Value;
- with SysInfo.Machine do begin
- GetInfo(0);
- eSysTime.text:=formatseconds(SystemUpTime,true,false,false);
- if NumLock then
- pNumLock.color:=clLime
- else
- pNumLock.color:=clSilver;
- if CapsLock then
- pCapsLock.color:=clLime
- else
- pCapsLock.color:=clSilver;
- if ScrollLock then
- pScrollLock.color:=clLime
- else
- pScrollLock.color:=clSilver;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cmWeb(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ShellExecute(handle,'open',
- 'http://www.mitec.d2.cz',
- nil,nil,SW_NORMAL);
- end;
- procedure TfrmMSI_Overview.cbAdaptersChange(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- with AdapterList.Items, SysInfo.Network.TCPIP.Adapter[cbAdapters.ItemIndex] do begin
- Clear;
- for i:=0 to IPAddress.Count-1 do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('Local[%d]',[i]);
- SubItems.Add(IPAddress[i]);
- SubItems.Add(IPAddressMask[i]);
- end;
- for i:=0 to Gateway_IPAddress.Count-1 do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('Gateway[%d]',[i]);
- SubItems.Add(Gateway_IPAddress[i]);
- SubItems.Add(Gateway_IPAddressMask[i]);
- end;
- for i:=0 to DHCP_IPAddress.Count-1 do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('DHCP Server[%d]',[i]);
- SubItems.Add(DHCP_IPAddress[i]);
- SubItems.Add(DHCP_IPAddressMask[i]);
- end;
- for i:=0 to PrimaryWINS_IPAddress.Count-1 do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('Primary WINS Server[%d]',[i]);
- SubItems.Add(PrimaryWINS_IPAddress[i]);
- SubItems.Add(PrimaryWINS_IPAddressMask[i]);
- end;
- for i:=0 to SecondaryWINS_IPAddress.Count-1 do
- with Add do begin
- Caption:=Format('Secondary WINS Server[%d]',[i]);
- SubItems.Add(SecondaryWINS_IPAddress[i]);
- SubItems.Add(SecondaryWINS_IPAddressMask[i]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end.