10;Sold;sold;Sold;Sold is a database program for keeping track of products and customers, featuring filtering and report print/preview.;11-September-1999;522pm;514kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/sold.zip
100;XSource;xsource;XSource;XSource is Delphi programmers tool to create components and to extract searchable interface information from pascal source files. Information from all pascal files in a directory can be extracted with one button-click. Component code is generated from an easy to fill properties grid. Publish all protected properties of a parent Class with one button click.;2-Januari-1999;1205am;430kb;programming;jfprogramming.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/xsource.zip
101;HelpMe 9;helpme;HelpMe 9;HelpMe 9 is a complete package for creating Windows Help files. Better handling of Topic IDs and Tables. No seperate rtf editor required. Includes: Syntax highlighted Topic editor, Compiler, Hotspot Editor, Topics Tree, handling of project files and user defineable help workshop. click-insert w95 .cnt contents file creation and user defineable Library of often used topic (parts).import CSV database files and plain TXT files.;30-Januari-1999;905pm;448kb;programming;jfprogramming.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/helpme9.zip
102;HyperPas;HyperPas;HyperPas;HyperPas is a tool for Delphi programmers. It converts source files (pas, dpr, dfm) into HTML files. Features: integral HTML viewer with print option.;10-October-1998;926am;315kb;programming;jfprogramming.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/hyperpas.zip
104;Movies 11a Pro;movies;Movies 11a Pro;Movies 11a Pro is a GIF-Animator with 98 animation wizards including the NEW text and actor wizards. Edit existing animations, create new from imported images or from images created with integrated Movies Draw. Features: GIF explorer, GIF optimizer, quick backgrounds, smart shape (100 shapes with 25 gradient fills, rotated text etc.), animate selected frames. NEW: 3 free floating actors for creating cartoons; actor and text wizards.;4-June-2000;none;811kb;shareware;jfshareware.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/movies11a.exe
105;SbookBuilder 2;sbookbuilder;SbookBuilder 2;SbookBuilder creates a standalone HTML viewer executable of a directory and all the html, image and sound files in it, with just a few button clicks. NEW: frames support, zoomable print preview and printing of selected pages, custom start page, new HTML interface, custom Icon and windows title, optional password protection, special print page-break tag.;24-May-2000;none;1000kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/sbookbuilder2.exe
106;PrintServer;printserver;PrintServer;PrintServer is a HTML 3.2 frames enabled off-line browser to print and preview html documents and images. FEATURES: selectable zoom, select print pages, single/two page view.;6-May-2000;none;396kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/printserver.zip
107;HTMLBatcher 2;htmlbatcher;HTMLBatcher 2;HTMLBatcher 2 is a tool to apply operations to a batch of selected files. Features: syntax highlighted HTML editor, smart find/replace, change attribute value, generate framed index, cleanup spaces etc. Help file included. NEW: site stats and printing.;11-April-2000;none;769kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/htmlbatcher2.exe
108;XMLEditor;xmleditor;XMLEditor;Small and easy to use XML Editor.;1-Februari-2000;2236pm;249kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/xmleditor.zip
109;XMLWorks;xmlworks;XMLWorks;XMLWorks can load a XML and a XSL document, apply the XSL transformation and save the result to a file. Requires Internet Explorer 5.;28-Januari-2000;1239pm;324kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/xmlworks.zip
11;Axcel;axcel;Axcel;Axcel is a database/spreadsheet program. Features: print preview. open Axcel and CSV files. save Axcel, CSV, HTML and XML files. whole range of formules. automatic row height. find with regular expression.;4-September-1999;729pm;377kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/axcel.zip
110;Formalities;formalities;Formalities;Formalities handles off-line HTML forms. import/export form results to plain text name=value pair file. integrated: HTML viewer, Forms Editor and Office 97 Dutch/English spell checking. quick preview of HTML coded memo fields. ideal for: person to database interface and off-line data gathering.;9-Januari-2000;2108pm;444kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/formalities.zip
111;Cellex 2;cellex;Cellex 2;Cellex is a spreadsheet program that can load and save Excel 5 files. Features: query databases via ODBC. NEW: add objects: polygons,circles etc.;14-October-1999;935am;1075kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/cellex2.zip
112;Classics 2;classics;Classics 2;Classics 2 is a tool to allocate Classes, Teachers and ClassRooms all the year round. Data is saved in CSV format for exchange with other programs. Create, view, print and save Reports in HTML format. Reports can be filtered to a combination of any field. Includes a fully functional HTML 3.2 off-line browser that can be used for viewing and printing of Images (png, jpg, gif and bmp) and HTML documents. NEW: multi-line subject text. baloon-hints. enhanced field report filters: =,>.,<.,not,between,like . user defineable time table.;26-August-1999;354pm;491kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/classics2.zip
113;Slides;slides;Slides;Slides is for creating slide shows from images, sounds and HTML documents. Features: HTML 3.2 frames enabled viewer. integrated syntax highlighted HTML editor. slideshow creator/sorter. normal/fullscreen view. manual/autoplay. background sounds/music and voice overs. supports bmp, (animated) gif and jpg images. easy image rollovers.;23-september-1999;1203pm;542kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/slides.zip
114;Gantt 2;gantt;Gantt 2;Gantt 2 can be used to display and schedule a sequence of tasks, sorted over time along the horizontal axis. Features: fully visual, print charts, connect bars, auto-scaling axis, zooming, monochrome/color, gradient/image backgrounds, 2D/3D, command-line run, drag-drop files, integrated GIF and JPG converter/optimizer for web publishing, calendar.;22-spetember-1999;943am;434kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/gantt2.zip
115;Agenda;agenda;Agenda;Agenda is for HTML based handling of all your appointments. Features: weekview, summary view, integrated syntax highlighted HTML editor with tipsbox, include all HTML formatting and tags for an appointment, link/load associated HTML documents, link appointments, include images, search, categorize, alarm clock, help file included.;16-September-1999;141pm;406kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/agenda.zip
116;Year 3;year;Year 3;Year 3 is a year planner. Data is automatically load/saved from/to a CSV file. Features: find text, user legends and legend colors. export all or found data to HTML. NEW: improved interface, displays Easter Sunday and releated Holidays, date ranges.;7-July-2000;;505kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/year3.exe
117;EbookBuilder 4;ebookbuilder;EbookBuilder 4;EbookBuilder 4 will compile HTML and Text documents and images in the BMP, GIF and JPG format in a completely self standing Ebook executable that has all the files included in the executable in a compressed form. The Ebook itself can be read like a normal book with a left and a right page and page navigation buttons to flip thru the book. Creating an Ebook just takes a couple of minutes: click and drag files and give the create command. Ebook Scripts and support for sound (wav, mid and mp3) files. print pages from your Ebook. NEW: single or two-page view. auto launch browser or email program. special include tags.;20-september-1999;1148am;622kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/ebookbuilder4.zip
118;Cougar;cougar;Cougar;Cougar is a File Manager, a Zip extractor and a HTML Viewer all-in-one.;31-July-1999;244pm;415kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/cougar.zip
119;PakBuilder;pakbuilder;PakBuilder;With PakBuilder you can pack any file into a single PAK file and compile this PAK file into a standalone PakViewer executable that you can run like any other program. You can add, delete and extract files from the PAK file. In addition you can view HTML documents and Images in the PAK file with PakBuilders integral HTML viewer. Files in the PAK file are not compressed, they are just combined into one easy to handle file.;30-July-1999;413pm;662kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/pakbuilder.zip
12;Rooi;rooi;Rooi;Rooi 2 is a compact database calculator. You can load and save CSV data files and run a Program to do calculations on the data. Rooi has a simple but effective script language to do your calculations. Script are created in a syntax highlighted editor and can be saved/loaded to/from a file. Help file included. NEW: generate and print record reports. print preview. HTML 3.2 frames enabled viewer.;12-June-1999;1216pm;639kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/rooi2.zip
120;Reader;reader;Reader;Reader is an electronic book creator and viewer. Include html and text documents and images in bmp, gif, jpg and png format. Add, remove and arrange pages with drag-and-drop. Copy text and print pages.;29-July-1999;543pm;424kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/reader.zip
121;PakMan;pakman;PakMan;With PakMan you can pack any file into a single PAK file. You can add, delete and extract files from the PAK file. In addition you can view HTML documents and Images in the PAK file with PakMans integral HTML viewer. Files in the PAK file are not compressed, they are just combined into one easy to handle file.;26-July-1999;153pm;339kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/pakman.zip
122;BoxBuilder;boxbuilder;BoxBuilder;BoxBuilder will compile selected HTML documents in an .exe executable file with integral viewer.;26-July-1999;108am;486kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/boxbuilder.zip
123;Colori 2;colori;Colori 2;Colori 2 is a color selector and viewer. Features: RGB and HSV selectors. HSV color selection circle. Copy and Paste HTML color code. 139 named preset colors. preview Text and Surface colors. Ideal for fine-tuning the colors of your web pages. NEW: websafe color selection and matching.;19-March-2000;none;454kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/colori2.exe
124;Capiche;capiche;Capiche;Capiche is a little screen capture utility that lets you capture any part of the screen to the clipboard. Capiche sits in the sytem tray, ready for use.;25-March-2000;none;188kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/capiche.zip
125;DagBlad;dagblad;DagBlad;DagBlad is an all-in-one HTML-Editor with syntax highlighting, a frames enabled HTML 3.2 compatible document and image viewer and a TreeView to organize and browse your documents and images. Helpfile included.;15-June-1999;1013am;531kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/dagblad.zip
126;Recap;recap;Recap;Recap is a little utility to store and retrieve pairs of information. e.g. Names and Phone numbers, Names and Birthdays etc. Type in the first info and Recap shows you the associated information. Small and Simple.;13-June-1999;104pm;211kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/recap.zip
127;ProcSim;procsim;ProcSim;ProcSim is a process simulator. FEATURES: 8 process controllers with input/output and setpoint display. adjustable PID parameters. setup screen to configure controller interconnection. 2-channel trend recorder. selectable controller direction. manual/auto selection. legends. process start/stop. Ideal for learning about process control both at home and at school.;30-May-1999;119pm;192kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/procsim.zip
128;Maestro 4;maestro;Maestro 4;Maestro is for playing MIDI files and MPEG3 audio files. Supports m3u playlist files.;25-March-1999;650pm;326kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/maestro4.zip
129;APlan;aplan;APlan;APlan is a planner tool. Features: Tasks Table, Zoomable Gantt Chart, Resources Table, User Reports Table, RTF Editor, HTML 3.2 Viewer, Agenda for appointments, free format Spreadsheet Table. Save tables and reports as CSV or HTML. print preview. help file included.;20-Februari-1999;1017am;565kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/aplan.zip
13;Putven;putven;Putven;Putven 4 is a very compact database program to work with CSV (comma-seperated-values) data files that you can import/export with any other database program. FEATURES: table creation. convenient data entry form. move records and fields by dragging. autosize columns while typing. insert/delete/append rows and columns with shortcut keys. Help file included. HTML Templates to merge with CSV databases. HTML Editor with syntax highlighting and auto-completion. HTML-Viewer. generate 100+ HTML documents from one database and a template. Fields list for quick insertion. Database-to-Template wizard. include Date, Time and Recordnr in template. Works fast and easy. .Print and Zoomable Print Preview..NEW: Average Calculations and Range Commands.;27-June-1999;835am;526kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/putven4.zip
130;HelpTree;helptree;HelpTree;With HelpTree you can create problem solving Helptrees. Ideal for help desks, material selection, structured decision taking. Search in tree, modify color and background, record decision taking steps, labels to jump to any node in the tree. Combos for quick selection of : labels, helptree files and history records. The integral editor can also function as a notepad replacement for large files.;25-December-1998;1207pm;253kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/helptree.zip
131;Tips;tips;Tips;With Tips you can create tipfiles with tips. Tips can be anything: from programming tips to birthdays to recipies. Quick select tipfile and tip. Search in tips. Modify color and background. Just one place to store everything that can come handy.;23-December-1998;226pm;234kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/tips.zip
132;Pie;pie;Pie;Pie is for creating Pie charts of values. Charts are created from a plain text script. Modify pie colors, 3D effect and 3D view. Save and Print charts.;23-December-1998;1207pm;306kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/pie.zip
133;Bar;bar;Bar;Bar is for creating Bar charts of values. Charts are created from a plain text script. Modify bar colors, shape and 3D effect. Save and Print charts. Integral calendar and color, brushstyle and barstyle combo to aid in script creation.;19-December-1998;1052am;303kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/bar.zip
134;WekR;wekr;WekR;WekR is a small oval shaped alarm clock. Set the alarm time and close WekR. It will rest in the system tray and popup with a melody when the alarm time is reached. Includes a countdown mode. Ideal when you tend to forget the time behind your PC.;25-November-1998;345pm;201kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/wekr.zip
135;Chronos;chronos;Chronos;Chronos 8 is a Calendar and Events program where you can enter, edit and view personal events. Events can be once only, every year, monthly, weekly, bi-weekly or at random. User defineable: calendar colors,legend colors, month documents, events font etc. Click a date to see all the events for that date listed. Import external events lists. Fast Month Update. Displays current date and time..NEW: integral HTML viewer to display month documents (with images if you like).;23-May-1999;503pm;349kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/chronos8.zip
136;AcroZip 4;acrozip;AcroZip 4;AcroZip is for creating and extracting ZIP files. New feature: create self-extracting EXE files.;18-September-1998;log filename: 417pm.txt;333kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/acrozip2.zip
137;myDBF;mydbf;myDBF;myDBF is a small database program that can handle DBase IV files. FEATURES: Form designer, HTML template based reports, integral syntax highlighted HTML editor, zoomable print preview, integral HTML 3.2 viewer, table designer, smart filter, mail merge. INCLUDED: jansoft sample database, form,report and help file.;25-06-2000;;897kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/mydbf.exe
138;Bolero;bolero;Bolero;Bolero is a fullscreen html based presentation program, ideal for including on a CD-ROM. The integral viewer is html 3.2 frames enabled.;15-July-2000;;608kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/bolero.exe
139;Passwords;passwords;Passwords;Passwords lets you store, edit and retrieve all your passwords, user names, web URLs and releated notes in password protected strongly encrypted datafiles.;30-June-2000;;583kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/passwords.exe
14;Unfold;unfold;Unfold;Unfold is a list with sections that you can collapse and unfold. Sections can have tabs, seperate color, style and an icon. Colorful way of keeping notes.;22-March-1999;none;203kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/unfold.zip
140;Magnifier;magnifier;Magnifier;Magnifier is a screen magnifier. FEATURES: adjustable magnification. docking. Resample, Draft and Smooth magnification styles.;23-June-2000;;150kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/magnifier.exe
141;Extenso;extenso;Extenso;Extenso is a HTML 3.2 frames enabled off-line browser with extended print and preview options. With a seperated settings file you can customize all aspects of Extenso. Can be run directly from a CD-ROM when desired.;16-Jul-2000;;702kb;tools;jftools.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/extenso.exe
15;Store;store;Store;Store 2 is a database program where each record can have a different set of fields. Features: Visual Forms Designer, Global Fields, Record Templates. various controls: edit, picklist, memo, checkbox, datepicker, label, image (bmp, gif and jpg) .controls with selectable color and font. search forward and backward. NEW: preview/print/save record as HTML document. integral HTML 3.2 viewer.;23-august-1999;935am;541kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/store2.zip
16;Nogen;nogen;Nogen;Nogen 7 is a compact spreadsheet and database program. Load CSV. Save as CSV or HTML. Print options and Preview. add DatePicker and Combo selector to columns. quick sort rows by column (alphabetic, numeric or by date). drag columns. cells are URL and Email aware.user defineable auto-lookup with history. autosize columns. Build-in Financial (e.g. Load Payment) functions. tiled background images. help file included.;6-June-1999;719pm;441kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/nogen7.zip
17;LibSuite;libsuite;LibSuite;LibSuite is a collection of library programs to keep track of things like : Addresses, Books, CDs, documents, Images and Sounds. The data is kept is CSV format for easy interface with other database programs.;30-December-1998;201pm;524kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/libsuite.zip
18;PineTree;PineTree;PineTree;PineTree is an internet aware treeview notekeeper. Clicking email or website entries will launch your favourite email or browser program. No password required. PineTree is a gift to visitors of my freeware site to celebrate 10000+ visitors since june 1998. The program is published nowhere else.;28-October-1998;none;207kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/pinetree.zip
19;OakTree 2;OakTree;OakTree 2;OakTree is an internet aware treeview notekeeper. Clicking email or website entries will launch your favourite email or browser program. Add multiple file entries in one go by selecting and dragging from a filelistbox. Ideal for organizing your CD-roms, games collection, MIDI collection etc. Launch files and programs by double clicking an entry. Integral MIDI player.;29-October-1998;938am;253kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/oaktree2.zip
20;AppleTree 1.1;appletree;AppleTree 1.1;Appletree is for keeping text or HTML-formatted notes. Notes can be very long and can be loaded from disk. New Features: MDI interface, resizeable panes, context menu.;28-August-1998;log filename:710pm.txt;404kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.tripod.com/~JanVee/appletree11.zip
21;InfoTree 2;infotree;InfoTree 2;InfoTree 2 is for creating HTML 3.2 based presentations. You can step manually through the topics or have InfoTree step through it at an adjustable speed. You can use text, images, buttons, active forms and sound in your topics. InfoTree includes Essay, the multipurpose text and html editor to help you in preparing the topics, and Andante, the HTML 3.2 off-line browser.;31-October-1998;1041pm;529kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/infotree2.zip
22;TjanSpeller;janspeller;TjanSpeller;TjanSpeller is a spelling component that allows spelling of any short or very long text string. Features: help file, no dlls required, integrated spelling skip/change/add dialog, 30000 word english.dic and 280000 word dutch.dic, supports user dicationaries, virtually no coding required, simple dictionary format with very fast search.;2-Februari-2000;none;611kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janspeller.zip
23;janButton;janbutton;janButton;janButton is a set if 16 Geometrical TButton descendant buttons: ellipse, triangles, pentagon, octagon, ring-shaped etc. with font and surface color. an example of using windows regions;8-Jan-2000;none;153kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janbutton.zip
24;janSim;jansim;janSim;janSim is a set if 12 Simulation components including TjanSimLogicBox for no code simulation of digital electronics, and TjanSimPID and TjanSimScope for analog instrumentation simulation.;3-Jan-2000;none;94kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jansim.zip
25;janDraw;jandraw;janDraw;janDraw is a set if drawing components: TjanDrawImage is a TImage descendant. It comes with mating components and a full featured demo painting application. Features: 100+ painting styles including art brushes, integrated 50+ Effects viewer like Rotate, Plasma etc.. TjanPaintFX with 100+ bitmap transformations. TjanColorList and TjanColorGrid with 100+ colors and color name hints. TjanScrollBar with integrated position label. Create a painting program with minimal coding. NEW: integrated QuickBacks viewer/editor in TjanDrawImage with 90+ presets provided. TjanColorDropDown, TjanDrawText with interactive free text rotation, TjanColorTriangle, enhanced demo.;26-December-1999;none;633kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jandraw.zip
26;janBasic;janbasic;janBasic;janBasic is a set of basic components: TjanOutBar is a visual and functional Outlook 2000 tabbed buttonbar replica and an example of both using TCollection and of creating a completely owner drawn control. TjanCheckBox with custom size and color. TjanRadioButton with custom size and color. TjanLabelEdit. TjanTimeEdit. TjanButtonEdit. TjanCheckListButton. TjanEditListBox. TjanColorButton. TjanRoundedButton. TjanRunButton. TjanPanelButton. TjanTiledPanel. TjanBitmapButton.;26-December-1999;none;56kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janbasic.zip
27;TjanTracker;jantracker;TjanTracker;TjanTracker is a TCustomControl descendant. Features: trackbar with tiled image background, custom track color and size, custom tumb color and size, optional value display on tumb, horizontal or vertical orientation, onChangedValue event.;19-December-1999;none;3kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jantracker.zip
28;TjanRoundedButton;janroundedbutton;TjanRoundedButton;TjanRoundedButton is a TGraphicControl descendant featuring: selectable rounded rectangle, elliptical or Octagonal shape. hot caption. hot glyph. auto-glyphclipping. auto-grayscaling.;16-December-1999;none;3kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janroundedbutton.zip
29;TjanReplace;janreplace;TjanReplace;TjanReplace is a smart find and replace component that can be used with any text editor. Features: pattern find and replace. up to 32 replacement parameters. Help file includes sample code for use with TmwCustomEdit.;13-December-1999;none;11kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janreplace.zip
30;janPanelButton;janpanelbutton;janPanelButton;With TjanPanelButton you associate a TPanel that will be dropped down/hidden when clicking the button. The panel can contain any control including TjanPanelButton instances. Closing the panel will also close any panels associated with TjanPanelButtons on subpanels.;13-December-1999;none;9kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janpanelbutton.zipT
31;TjanEditListBox;janeditlistbox;TjanEditListBox;TjanEditListBox is a TListBox descendant featuring inplace editing, autosave, item add/delete/insert and enhanced move.;13-December-1999;none;9kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janeditlistbox.zip
32;TjanLabelEdit;janlabeledit;TjanLabelEdit;TjanLabelEdit is an Edit box with integral Label and autosized text scrolling range.;13-December-1999;none;2kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janlabeledit.zip
33;TjanButtonEdit;janbuttonedit;TjanButtonEdit;TjanButtonEdit is an Edit box with integral glyph button.;13-December-1999;none;2kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janbuttonedit.zip
34;TjanRunButton;janrunbutton;TjanRunButton;TjanRunButton is a TGraphicControl descendant. Drop it on a form without code or properties to set and that is it. The user can right-click the button to select a program and left-click the button to launch that program. The program Icon is displayed on the button and the Hint shows the program name. The program name autopersists in the application ini file.;13-December-1999;none;8kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janrunbutton.zip
35;TjanTabBar;jantabbar;TjanTabBar;TjanTabBar is an Outlook style TabBar inspired by TXAZoneControl from Lincoln Birnie. Features: Scrollable collapseable Tabbed Sections that can be added, deleted and moved at design time. Section tabs can have individual: font, alignment, tabcolor, glyph, hottrackcolor and a tiled background image.;29-November-1999;none;15kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jantabbar.zip
36;TjanShape 3;janShape;TjanShape 3;TjanShape 3 is GraphicControl featuring: 75 shapes. 26 gradient fills. free position and rotation caption. unlimited user defined shapes with the included TjanShapeController. TjanShapeController with design time visual shape editor and runtime modifying, organizing, connecting, printing and saving of shapes. help files.;20-November-1999;none;39kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janshape3.zip
37;TjanColorButton;jancolorbutton;TjanColorButton;TjanColorButton is a TGraphicControl descendant featuring: normal, highlight and down color of button face and caption. wordwrap. tiled background image. latching.;19-November-1999;none;13kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jancolorbutton.zip
38;TjanGrid 4;janGrid;TjanGrid 4;TjanGrid is a TStringGrid descendant featuring: AutoCalc Spreadsheet, Named Cells, Cell Info Hints, R1C1 or A1 cell reference, LoadFrom CSV/HTML, SaveTo CSV/HTML/XML, insert/delete/append/autosize columns/rows. cut/copy/paste/clear/fill range. alpha/number/date SORT row/columns. wordwrap. source code included. help file. integral dialogs for : print/preview/zoom/formule/query/cell names. filter/show/hide rows/columns. color bands.;28-October-1999;none;47kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jangrid4.zip
39;TjanGrid 4;jvStringGrid;TjanGrid 4;TjanGrid is a TStringGrid descendant featuring: AutoCalc Spreadsheet, Named Cells, Cell Info Hints, R1C1 or A1 cell reference, LoadFrom CSV/HTML, SaveTo CSV/HTML/XML, insert/delete/append/autosize columns/rows. cut/copy/paste/clear/fill range. alpha/number/date SORT row/columns. wordwrap. source code included. help file. integral dialogs for : print/preview/zoom/formule/query/cell names. filter/show/hide rows/columns. color bands.;28-October-1999;none;47kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jangrid4.zip
40;TjanLanguage;janlanguage;TjanLanguage;TjanLanguage is a TComponent descendant that allows you to give the users of your program the ability to change all captions,text and hints of any component in the user interface like menus, buttons, labels, listbox items etc. All this with only 2 lines of code!;17-October-1999;none;4kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/janlanguage.zip
41;TjvTreeView;jvtreeview;TjvTreeView;TjvTreeView is a TTreeView descendant featuring: integrated node management, recursive node duplication, node calculation with node variables, integrated Load/Save/Find dialogs, custom KeyMappings.;1-October-1999;none;12kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvtreeview.zip
42;TjvBitmapButton;jvbitmapbutton;TjvBitmapButton;TjvBitmapButton is a TGraphicControl descendant featuring: bitmap shaped button with properties: down, latch, hottrack. Button takes the shape of the non-transparent area.;29-September-1999;none;2kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvbitmapbutton.zip
43;jvCSVBase;jvcsvbase;jvCSVBase;jvCSVBase is a collection of 5 components for handling of CSV database files: TjvCSVBase, TjvCSVEdit, TjvCSVComboBox, TjvCSVCheckBox and TjvCSVNavigator. Drop the components on a form and you can: create, restructure, browse and edit CSV database files without any programming. Help file included.;19-September-1999;none;9kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvcsvbase.zip
44;TjansDB3;TjansDB3;TjansDB3;TjansDB3 is a Delphi component. to operate with DBase III files without using the BDE. Only text fields are supported. Features: CreateTable, AppendRecord, DeleteRecord, FindRecord, PackRecords, ReNameField, ReSizeField, InsertField,DeleteField. The component is optimized for use with a stringgrid. This new version 2 includes 4 components: TjansDB3, TjansDB3Images, TjansDB3Nav and TjansDB3.helper. With TjansDB3Helper you can create a fully functional database program with just one line of code!.;20-October-1998;none;43kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/TjansBPL2.zip
45;TjvIcon;jvIcon;TjvIcon;TjvIcon is a TComponent descendant with public methods: Create Icon from Bitmap, Save Icon with 16 colors, Save Icon with 256 colors, Save Bitmap as 16 color Icon, Save Bitmap as 256 color Icon.;16-September-1999;none;4kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvicon.zip
46;TjvGridFiter;jvGridFilter;TjvGridFiter;TjvGridFilter is a TComponent descendant that will filter the rows of any TStringGrid or descendant. Just drop a TjvGridFilter on your form and assign the Grid property and use the Filter method to hide rows that do not match the filter.;14-September-1999;none;3kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvgridfilter.zip
47;TjvAirBrush;jvAirBrush;TjvAirBrush;TjvAirBrush TjvAirBrush is a TComponent descendant featuring: instant airbrush for any canvas, 5 brush shapes, opacity from 1-100%.;12-September-1999;none;4kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvairbrush.zip
48;TjvTipsComboBox;jvTipsCombobox;TjvTipsComboBox;TjvTipsComboBox is a TComboBox descendant featuring: auto load/save tips, add/delete/modify/filter tips, tip names. Add user tips/templates support to your application with minimal coding.;12-September-1999;none;4kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvtipscombobox.zip
49;TjvGridPrinter;jvGridPrinter;TjvGridPrinter;TjvGridPrinter is a preview/print dialog component for printing a TStringGrid and descendants, featuring: full scale or zoomed preview. user set print properties in dialog box: margins, header text/size/margin, footer text/size, page/time/date metatags, wordwrap, number alignment/formatting, show/hide borders. Drop on a form, set the Grid property and call the preview method. No further coding required.;9-September-1999;none;12kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvgridprinter.zip
50;TjvYearGrid;jvYearGrid;TjvYearGrid;TjvYearGrid is a TDrawGrid descendant featuring: YearPlanner view. auto load/save year files. integral context menu for all functions. integral Infotext editor with load/save external option. export/view all/filtered date Info to HTML. custom colors for borders/date/highlights. onInfoChanging event and Info set/get for smart InfoText processing. date Infotext hints. year selection.;8-September-1999;none;9kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/jvyeargrid.zip
51;TjvTurtle;jvTurtle;TjvTurtle;TjvTurtle is a non-visible component that accepts a PainterScript in the form of a string and draws on any canvas that is assigned at run-time to its canvas property. A helpfile on how to use the component and a complete description of the PainterScript graphics language is included. PainterScript includes TurtleGraphics and the use of calculations, variables, procedures and looping.;29-May-1999;none;16kb;delphi;jfdelphi.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/jvturtle.zip
52;Synth 12b;synth;Synth 12b;Synth 12b is a programmers editor. FEATURES: edit huge files, bookmarks, define your own (combi) syntax highlighting, find/replace with regular expressions, user defineable: object tree, menu, autoselect, autocomplete, syntax highlighter and autodot files. many highlighters included. autoload highlighter with extensions, SmallPascal script.integral HTML viewer and print preview. NEW: bugfix tab and autocomplete, HTML from selected lines, wrap text.;12-June-2000;none;1098kb;editors;jfeditors.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/synth12b.exe
53;Maiven;maiven;Maiven;Maiven, is a HTML editor with syntax highlighting, a HTML-viewer and a Help System creator all in one.;29-May-1999;544pm;362kb;editors;jfeditors.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/maiven.zip
54;WebMaker 4;webmaker;WebMaker 4;WebMaker 4 is a HTML editor with integral HTML-viewer. Site Wizard. user-menu. full HTML and VBScript syntax highlighting. auto-completion. backgrounds library.NEW: backgrounds preview. auto-targets list. drop files.;17-June-1999;543pm;732kb;editors;jfeditors.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/webmaker4.zip
55;SmallTex 6;smalltex;SmallTex 6;SmallTex 6 is for writing, viewing and printing your Plain Text files. Documents can be up to 2Mb characters long. Basic Font and background colour are user defineable. Command line files are automatically loaded. Intended as Notepad replacement for long files. Quick Loading. Favourite: directories, files and Tipfiles. Quick insert Tips combobox. Tips can have caret position and seltext embracing, allowing use as HTML editor. Help file included. Insert Date and Time. Quick preview of HTML document in your standard browser. directory wide text replacement, User menu. NEW: Find and Replace text with Regular Expressions using meta-characters.;23-July-1999;1257pm;264kb;editors;jfeditors.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/smalltex6.zip
56;Link;link;Link;Text Editor with super simple hypertext linking without using HTML. Link to a location within the file or to another file. Three editors available for working with frames. Includes help file.;7-December-1998;148pm;228kb;editors;jfeditors.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/link.zip
57;Syntax 3;syntax;Syntax 3;Text Editor with fully customizable syntax highlighting. Define your own color rules via a script. Rules for HTML, Pascal, Java and JavaScript are allready defined. Three types of highlighting: keywords, to end of line and between begin and end marker. Multiple rules can be active simultaneously. Individual rules can be switched on/off. Wordwrap on/off. Remembers last 30 files.With two tip file combos to click-insert standard code.;8-Januari-1999;408pm;254kb;editors;jfeditors.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/syntax3.zip
58;Essay 11;essay 11;Essay 11;Essay is a TXT, RTF and HTML Editor .Features: two editor panes. quick insert HTML (or any other) tags. Drop-down-select HTML tag attributes. favourite directories. Integral HTML 3.2 off-line browser and previewer. drag-and-drop files,links. one-click HTML help file creation including auto-marking of new topics. Database mode. Site Wizard: one-button-click creation of a 100+ documents website from a SiteScript, with complete site navigation and user defineable header. Extract Links and Targets from multiple documents. ReOpen recent files. Highlight HTML. Translate words. Includes Syntax the highlighter.;10-December-1998;127am;521kb;editors;jfeditors.htm;http://members.tripod.com/~JanVee/essay11.zip
59;SimLogic;simlogic;SimLogic;SimLogic is an educational simulator for learning the basics of digital logics, using moveable: logic gates (AND, OR and NOT), connectors, buttons and lights.;2-Jan-2000;1459pm;201kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/simlogic.zip
60;Cuby;cuby;Cuby;Cuby is a construction game. With colored 3D cubes, roof pieces and pyramids you can create colorfull 3D scenes. Every cube can bear a letter. You can save and load to/from cuby files. In addition you can save an image of your scene in GIF format.;4-June-1999;425pm;251kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/cuby1.zip
61;Tobrick;tobrick;Tobrick;Tobrick is a color brick game with sounds. Get same color bricks in a row or column. Features: 5 levels and highscore list.;1-July-1999;1021am;194kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/tobrick.zip
62;Labels 2;labels;Labels 2;Labels 2 is for labelling Image spots. Labels can be added to bmp, gif and jpg images. Labels can be moved and deleted. A LabelFile can be associated with an image. Labels has a Study mode where the program gives a name and the student has to click the correct spot. This can be used e.g. to study Topographics or any other Text-Image relation. In normal mode Labels can be used to highlight certain portions of an image. NEW: bug fixes, labels names can include spaces and any character like Å., Ç.. paint and save a labeled version of your image.;23-June-1999;1206pm;291kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/labels2.zip
63;Crypto;crypto;Crypto;Crypto is for creating wordlists to be used in crossword puzzles or cryptograms. You can search for 2 to 30 letter words. Searching for a five letter word with an o as the second and an e as the fifth character you would enter .o..e as the find text. Crypto will find all the words in the list that match the criterium.;20-March-1999;301pm;253kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/crypto.zip
64;Graph;graph;Graph;Graph is a scientific calculator and a function plotter. FEATURES: Plot single or two parameter functions. save to bmp, gif or jpg format. copy to clipboard. select pen color, pen width and background color. user Graph library with several examples allready included. Help file. Ideal as a tool in a math curriculum and for creating beautiful images.;19-March-1999;1022am;301kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/graph.zip
65;Chess;chess;Chess;Chess is a simple Chess program with adjustable search depth. Play agains a human opponent or against the computer. Includes Move list and go forward and backward facility.;16-March-1999;749am;248kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/chess.zip
66;AskMe 2;askme;AskMe 2;AskMe 2 is a Learning tool. Users can create their own lists of questions and answers. AskMe will ask the questions in random sequence and checks the answer. Includes results overview and history. Questions can be plain text or including an image or a sound. Ideal for learning foreign words. Questions lists and users can be quickly selected from a dropdown list. Includes question list editor.;6-July-1999;1244pm;304kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/askme2.zip
67;Collo 2;collo;Collo 2;Collo is a little concentration game. 9 random colors are displayed in a pattern. Restore the pattern with drag and drop. Maintains scores. Includes Help Instructions.;7-June-1999;704pm;198kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/collo2.zip
68;Mello;mello;Mello;Mello is a little concentration game. A sequence of notes is played that you have to repeat. When you proceed the sequence gets longer and longer up to 100 notes. Maintains scores.;28-November-1998;853am;433kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/mello.zip
69;AuPair;aupair;AuPair;AuPair is your questions and answers program. Ideal for learning. Click a question and click an Answer. AuPair tells you if you are right or wrong. Includes a combobox for selecting AuPair files. Shuffle the answers or swap questions and answers.;26-November-1998;1153pm;212kb;games;jfgames.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/aupair.zip
7;CommaWorks;commaworks;CommaWorks;Commaworks lets you create, edit and sort CSV datafiles. FEATURES: HTML forms and forms editor. import append email data, import HTML tables, export to HTML and XML. Query builder. Formule builder. Spreadsheet. Help file included.;23-Januari-2000;1136am;528kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/commaworks.zip
70;Formati 7;formati;Formati 7;Formati 7 is a (batch) graphics file converter supporting the bmp,wmf,emf,ico,bmp,tga,tif,gif,jpg and png format. Features: 34 effects including buttonize and seamless; free floating Shape and rotated Text stamp tool with 100 shape forms and 25 gradient styles; Twain scan; free floating overlays; screen (area) capture; smart resize; turn; gif and jpg optimizer. NEW: password protected gif and jpg encryption; 256-color Icons; Oval button effects; Glue overlay.;1-July-2000;none;925kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/formati7.exe
71;Shaping;shaping;Shaping;Shaping is a vector drawing program with the ability to connect shapes. Features: scaled printing. define and save user symbols. some 75 preset shapes and 25 gradient fill styles. free rotation caption. save as optimized jpg image.;19-November-1999;1714pm;323kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/shaping.zip
72;GifExplorer;gifexplorer;GifExplorer;GifExplorer is for exploring GIF Images, their sub-images, headers and extensions. You can change/add/delete the Comment Extension of any GIF image either one by one or as a batch.;6-October-1999;1126am;335kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/gifexplorer.zip
73;Flamingo;flamingo;Flamingo;Flamingo is a HTML and MP3 based presentation program. Featuring: HTML 3.2 frames enabled viewer. integral MP3 player. Syntax highlighted HTML Editor. Presentation editor. assign docs and images to any mp3 sound position. fullscreen option. Loop option. ideal for home use, exhibitions, shops, office presentations etc.;5-October-1999;752am;580kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/flamingo.zip
74;Mandel;mandel;Mandel;Mandel is a Mandelbrot set explorer. Features: Color sets, Grayscale, save as BMP or GIF image, unlimited zooming. Discover the fascinating world of fractal images.;25-September-1999;1138am;236kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/mandel.zip
75;Movies 11a Lite;movies;Movies 11a Lite;Movies 11a Lite is a GIF-Animator with 35 animation wizards including the NEW plasma wizards. Edit existing animations, create new from imported images or from images created with integrated Movies Draw. Features: GIF explorer, GIF optimizer, quick backgrounds, smart shape (100 shapes with 25 gradient fills, rotated text etc.), preview of the 63 additional Pro version wizards and the actors feature.;4-June-2000;none;811kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/movies11a.exe
77;Bodies;bodies;Bodies;Bodies is a 3D objects viewer and rotator. Features: copy to clipboard. change lighting. various shapes: cube, cone, cylinder, torus, teapot etc.. view as wireframe or solid.;3-July-1999;949am;195kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/bodies.zip
78;CityLights;citylights;CityLights;CityLights 2 is a 3D Text viewer. Features: rotation, movement, font, text, bold, italic, fog color and intensity, light type and color, spot light, copy to clipboard, camera position and direction, light attenuation style and intensity, background color. NEW: save as bmp, gif or jpg image. adjustable jpg compression. gif transparency.;4-July-1999;516pm;311kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/citylights2.zip
79;Icona 5;icona;Icona 5;Icona 5 is a simple to use Icon Editor. Features: direct preview, drawing tools, rotate, move. extract and grab all the Icons from program EXE or DLL files. view, edit, extract and create Icon Libraries (.icl files). save as GIF image. create, edit and save 256-color Icons! Animal-Photos Icon Library included. NEW: add,edit and delete sub-icons.;2-August-1999;133pm;313kb;graphics;jfgraphics.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/icona5.zip
8;SQLNow;sqlnow;SQLNow;SQLNow gives you access to databases using ODBC and SQL. Select/Update/Insert and Edit records. Create new Tables and Indexes. Help file included.;October-1999;433pm;437kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/sqlnow.zip
80;Act 9a;act;Act 9a;Act 9a is a compact and fast ON-LINE WWW-Browser. Features: frames-enabled HTML 3.2 compatible. Off-Line browsing cache. Localize language. Print. Zoomable Print Preview. History. integrated Unzipper. Address Autocompletion. Bookmarks manager. Font and color preferences. NEW: Print formatting: margins, header, footer and page breaks with the <.page>. tag.;20-May-2000;none;767kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/act9a.exe
81;Indexer 2;indexer;Indexer 2;Indexer 2 auto-creates a two frame index to anchors in selected html files. Create a html based list menu or a Java based collapseable tree menu. NEW: Create a JavaScript based tree menu with custom colors.;26-March-2000;none;544kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/indexer2.exe
82;Dynamics 5;dynamics;Dynamics 5;Dynamics 5 is a DHTML editor/browser combination. Features: instant preview in your favourite HTML 4 browser or in Dynamics internal HTML 3.2 browser. large capacity editor with bookmarks and block indent. HTML and VBScript syntax highlighting. auto-completion for HTML elements and attributes. user defineable Help Menu Links to : HTML, JScript and VBscript. HTML Templates. Language localization. comprehensive Help file. Integral browser. Smart Replace. NEW: User menu, combi highlighters, improved interface, javascript and php highlighting.;5-March-2000;2009pm;837kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/dynamics5.exe
83;PascalAce 2;pascalace;PascalAce 2;PascalAce 2 is a PascalScript and frames enabled HTML 3.2 off-line browser. The PascalScript runs in virtual server mode and allows for design of interactive pages. Help file included. NEW: CSV database support, sample pages included.;16-June-2000;;838kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/pascalace2.exe
84;Serving 2;serving;Serving 2;Serving 2 is a compact Web Server. Features: SmallPascal server side scripting, form handling, send mail, data gathering and processing, help file. NEW: support for CSV databases. on-the-fly GIF creation. demos included.;23-June-2000;;807kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/serving2.exe
85;WebFiler 4;webfiler;WebFiler 4;Webfiler 4 is a compact FTP-client for uploading and downloading files to and from an FTP-server. User defineable connection profiles. NEW: Scriptable transactions, encrypted profiles.;27-Januari-2000;804am;322kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/webfiler4.zip
86;XMLMaker;xmlmaker;XMLMaker;XMLMaker is a XML Editor/Viewer. It requires the presence of Internet Explorer 5. Features: Syntax highlighting, Quick inserts, XML macro recording and playback.;12-December-1999;1102am;313kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/xmlmaker.zip
87;Sonora 2;sonora;Sonora 2;Sonora 2 is a frames enabled HTML 3.2 viewer. Features: command line open, drag-drop open, include Objects in your documents: Calendar, TreeExpress and HTMLEditor.;3-October-1999;726pm;524kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/sonora2.zip
88;DynaByte 2;dynabyte;DynaByte 2;DynaByte 2 is a WYSIWYG DHTML editor/browser combination that requires the presence of IE5. Features: What-you-see-is-what-you-get. easy forms, links and pictures insertion. drag-drop and resize elements on-screen. quick ForeColor and BackColor selection. dynamically change stacking order of elements. switch between edit and browse mode. cursor status display for accurate positioning. table wizard. insert/delete rows/columns/cells. merge/split cells. Tool for setting colors, dimensions, linestyles, filters etc. NEW: integral HTML/VBScript highlighted source previewer/editor. quick insert tips dropdown list. drag and drop between DynaByte instances.;12-September-1999;912pm;335kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/dynabyte2.zip
89;Imap 3;imap;Imap 3;Imap 3 is for creating HTML image maps. Features: visually design rectangle, circle and polygon shapes. automatic code generation. integral HTML 3.2 previewer and viewer. integral Text/HTML editor. formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG. re-generate shapes from EXISTING html code (two-way operation!). Help file included. Improved handling and editing of area HREF and ALT.;26-Februari-1999;335pm;448kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/imap3.zip
9;Hdb;hdb;Hdb;Hdb is an integrated database, HTML viewer and syntax highlighted HTML Editor. You can edit and view your CSV database with HTML forms that you create yourself. This gives you complete freedom in how your database forms look.;18-September-1999;1211am;476kb;database;jfdatabase.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/hdb.zip
90;Napoli;napoli;Napoli;Napoli is a Quick Preview Syntax highlighted HTML Editor with integrated Piccolo Offline-Browser and user defineable insert Tags dropdown box. HTML 3.2 compatible. No frames. Allows document include and Form Results save to file. Ideal for learning HTML.;17-Januari-1999;1102pm;439kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/napoli.zip
91;Piccolo;piccolo;Piccolo;Piccolo is a Offline-Browser. HTML 3.2 compatible. No frames. Allows document include and Form Results save to file.;14-Januari-1999;851am;356kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/piccolo.zip
92;Adagio 3;adagio;Adagio 3;Adagio 3 is a simple Off-Line HTML 3.2 editor and viewer with fast preview. Ideal for learning HTML both at home and in the classroom. Includes simple frames and a tutorial. New: Coach to create your own customized HTML help or tutors.;24-March-1999;1002pm;446kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/adagio3.zip
93;WebEdit 9;webedit;WebEdit 9;WebEdit 9 is a suite of tools also published as seperate programs (Includes Painter 8!): Andante: html 3.2 frames-enabled off-line browser. Essay: multi-function plain text, rich text and html editor with quick insert tags, one-click help file creator. DataTree database. Hyperwiz: wizards for tables, frames and image maps. InfoTree: html based presentations. Latour: jpg optimizer . Imagine: image converter (bmp,wmf,ico,emf,gif,jpg). Painter: painting module with numerous shapes and user patterns. XFiles: File Manager. Syntax: highlighting editor.;12-Februari-1999;1020pm;797kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://jans.hypermart.net/webedit9.zip
94;Andante 4;andante;Andante 4;Andante 4 is a plain and simple HTML 3.2 frames enabled off-line browser. When clicking an email or web-url your favourite email or webbrowser is launched. Includes history pane, saveable form results and load time include: documents, date and time..NEW: link and image Rollovers. tutorial and example files.;28-May-1999;931am;551kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/andante4.zip
95;WebMail 2;webmail;WebMail 2;WebMail 2 is a compact (fit on a floppy) e-mail program with inbox and outbox history and address book.;17-December-1998;130pm;318kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/webmail2.zip
96;ImageScript 2;imagescript;ImageScript 2;ImageScript 2 is a programmers tool to convert, resize, copy and move bmp, gif and jpg images under control of a script that you can create from e.g. Delphi, VB, MS Access 97 etc. NEW: png and tif support, add (angled) text, add grid lines.;30-March-2000;none;624kb;internet;jfinternet.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/imagescript2.exe
97;PascalWorks;pascalworks;PascalWorks;PascalWorks is a pascal interpreter with syntax highlighted editor and templates. Ideal for use at home or at school to learn programming. Help file included.;7-Februari-2000;2137pm;437kb;programming;jfprogramming.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/pascalworks.zip
98;Cheetah 7;cheetah;Cheetah 7;Cheetah 7 is an editor to create rtf Help Topic Files to be used with Microsofts Help Workshop. Features: syntax highlighting, topics and keywords Trees, click-insert text and image hotspots, includes as a sample all files used to create the Cheetah help file. Find/Replace, Print, AutoComplete, import component source. Instant Delphi Component help. smart replace. import pascal source as rtf. import existing RTF topic files. Visual contents designer, single topic editor, autocreate project, follow link, quick preview. UPDATES: bugfixes. NEW: HelpContext Mapping and LinksTree.;22-Januari-2000;2230pm;489kb;programming;jfprogramming.htm;http://members.xoom.com/JanVee/cheetah7.zip
99;Bumper 3;bumper;Bumper 3;Bumper 3 is a tool to organize small 16x16 bitmaps as used on toolbar buttons and menus. You can combine hunderds of images in one collection, saving megabytes of disc space. Grab all bitmaps in a directory just by selecting the directory. You can view, combine, extract and edit collections. Bumper includes an integral Bitmap Editor, a help file, the Bumper16 Collection with nearly 1000 glyphs and the Bumper24 collection. Support for 24x24 and 32x32 bitmaps . NEW: rotate and flip in Bitmap Editor.;29-June-1999;1030am;303kb;programming;jfprogramming.htm;http://jansfree.future.easyspace.com/bumper3.zip