home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit KADaoReg;
- {$I KADaoCommonDirectives.pas}
- interface
- Uses Classes {$IFNDEF D6UP}, DsgnIntf{$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF D6UP}, DesignIntf, DesignWindows, DesignEditors{$ENDIF};
- Type
- //******************************************************************************
- //******************************************************************************
- TEngEngineTypeEditor = class(TIntegerProperty)
- Public
- function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);override;
- procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TEngSystemDatabaseNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure Edit;override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TEngDaoVersionEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- //******************************************************************************
- //******************************************************************************
- TWorkEngineTypeEditor = class(TIntegerProperty)
- Public
- function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);override;
- procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TWorkDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor = class(TIntegerProperty)
- Public
- function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);override;
- procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- //******************************************************************************
- TDBDatabaseTypeEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TDBDatabaseNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure Edit;override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TDBSystemDatabaseNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure Edit;override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TDBEngineTypeEditor = class(TIntegerProperty)
- Public
- function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);override;
- procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TDBDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor = class(TIntegerProperty)
- Public
- function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);override;
- procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TDBWorkspaceEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TDBDaoVersionEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- //******************************************************************************
- //******************************************************************************
- TTableNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TQueryNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TIndexNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TTableTypeEditor = class(TIntegerProperty)
- Public
- Function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TLockTypeEditor = class(TIntegerProperty)
- Public
- Function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TSortByEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure Edit;override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TQueryDefParamsEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure Edit;override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TMasterFieldsEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure Edit;override;
- Function GetValue: string; override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TEncrypterEditor= class(TComponentProperty)
- Public
- procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);override;
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- //******************************************************************************
- TDIDatabaseNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure Edit;override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- TDIDLLNameEditor = class(TStringProperty)
- Public
- Procedure Edit;override;
- Procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
- Function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- procedure Register;
- Implementation
- Uses SysUtils, Forms, Dialogs, DB, KDaoDBEngine, KDaoWorkspace, KDaoDatabase,
- KDaoTable, KADaoInfo, DaoApi, KADaoEncrypter, TypInfo,
- SortByDialog, MasterDetailFormUnit;
- //******************************************************************************
- // EDITOR CODE - KADaoDBEngine
- //******************************************************************************
- //******************************************************** KADaoDBEngine Editors
- //*********************************************************** Engine Type Editor
- Function TEngEngineTypeEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result := Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- Function TEngEngineTypeEditor.GetValue: string;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDBEngine then
- Begin
- if TKADaoDBEngine(GetComponent(0)).EngineType=DaoApi.dbUseODBC then
- Result:='dbUseODBC'
- Else
- Result:='dbUseJet';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TEngEngineTypeEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDBEngine then
- Begin
- Proc('dbUseODBC');
- Proc('dbUseJet');
- End;
- End;
- procedure TEngEngineTypeEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Var
- Dat : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDBEngine then
- Begin
- if Value='dbUseODBC' Then
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseODBC
- Else
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseJet;
- Inherited SetValue(IntToStr(Dat));
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- //******************************************************* System Database Editor
- Function TEngSystemDatabaseNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= [paDialog];
- End;
- Procedure TEngSystemDatabaseNameEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDBEngine then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- procedure TEngSystemDatabaseNameEditor.Edit;
- var
- DlgChooseDatabase : TOpenDialog;
- DBase : TKADaoDBEngine;
- Filter : String;
- Begin
- DBase:=TKADaoDBEngine(GetComponent(0));
- DlgChooseDatabase := TOpenDialog.Create(Nil);
- DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=1;
- DlgChooseDatabase.DefaultExt:='mdw';
- DlgChooseDatabase.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(DBase.SystemDatabase);
- DlgChooseDatabase.FileName := ExtractFileName(DBase.SystemDatabase);
- if DlgChooseDatabase.FileName <> '' Then Filter := AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName));
- System.Delete(Filter,1,1);
- DlgChooseDatabase.DefaultExt:= Filter;
- if AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName))='.mda' Then DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=1
- Else
- if AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName))='.mdw' Then DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=1
- Else
- if AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName))='.mdb' Then DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=2
- Else
- DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=3;
- Filter:='Microsoft Access security files (*.mda *.mdw)|*.mda;*.mdw';
- Filter:=Filter+'|Microsoft Access (*.mdb)|*.mdb';
- Filter:=Filter+'|All files (*.*)|*.*';
- DlgChooseDatabase.Title:='Choose System Database:';
- DlgChooseDatabase.Options:=[ofFileMustExist,ofPathMustExist,ofHideReadOnly];
- DlgChooseDatabase.Filter :=Filter;
- if DlgChooseDatabase.Execute then SetStrValue(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName);
- DlgChooseDatabase.Free;
- Modified;
- End;
- //*********************************************************** DAO Version Editor
- Procedure TEngDaoVersionEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Var
- DBase : TKADaoDBEngine;
- X : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDBEngine then
- Begin
- DBase := TKADaoDBEngine(GetComponent(0));
- Try
- For X := 0 to DBase.F_DaoVersionList.Count-1 do Proc(DBase.F_DaoVersionList[X]);
- Finally
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TEngDaoVersionEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDBEngine then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- Function TEngDaoVersionEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- //******************************************************************************
- // EDITOR CODE - KADaoWorkspace
- //******************************************************************************
- //******************************************************* KADaoWorkspace Editors
- //*********************************************************** Engine Type Editor
- Function TWorkEngineTypeEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result := Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- Function TWorkEngineTypeEditor.GetValue: string;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoWorkspace then
- Begin
- if TKADaoWorkspace(GetComponent(0)).EngineType=DaoApi.dbUseODBC then
- Result:='dbUseODBC'
- Else
- Result:='dbUseJet';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TWorkEngineTypeEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoWorkspace then
- Begin
- Proc('dbUseODBC');
- Proc('dbUseJet');
- End;
- End;
- procedure TWorkEngineTypeEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Var
- Dat : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoWorkspace then
- Begin
- if Value='dbUseODBC' Then
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseODBC
- Else
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseJet;
- Inherited SetValue(IntToStr(Dat));
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- //*************************************************** DefaultCursorDriver Editor
- Function TWorkDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result := Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- Function TWorkDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor.GetValue: string;
- Var
- DB : TKADaoWorkspace;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoWorkspace then
- Begin
- DB := TKADaoWorkspace(GetComponent(0));
- Result:='dbUseDefaultCursor';
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseDefaultCursor then Result:='dbUseDefaultCursor'
- Else
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseODBCCursor then Result:='dbUseODBCCursor'
- Else
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseServerCursor then Result:='dbUseServerCursor'
- Else
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseClientBatchCursor then Result:='dbUseClientBatchCursor'
- Else
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseNoCursor then Result:='dbUseNoCursor';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TWorkDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoWorkspace then
- Begin
- Proc('dbUseDefaultCursor');
- Proc('dbUseODBCCursor');
- Proc('dbUseServerCursor');
- Proc('dbUseClientBatchCursor');
- Proc('dbUseNoCursor');
- End;
- End;
- procedure TWorkDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Var
- Dat : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoWorkspace then
- Begin
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseDefaultCursor;
- if Value='dbUseDefaultCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseDefaultCursor
- Else
- if Value='dbUseODBCCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseODBCCursor
- Else
- if Value='dbUseServerCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseServerCursor
- Else
- if Value='dbUseClientBatchCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseClientBatchCursor
- Else
- if Value='dbUseNoCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseNoCursor;
- Inherited SetValue(IntToStr(Dat));
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- // EDITOR CODE - KADaoDatabase
- //******************************************************************************
- //******************************************************** KADaoDatabase Editors
- Procedure TDBDatabaseTypeEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Var
- DBase : TKADaoDatabase;
- X : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- DBase := TKADaoDatabase(GetComponent(0));
- Try
- For X := 0 to DBase.F_DBTypesList.Count-1 do Proc(DBase.F_DBTypesList[X]);
- Finally
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TDBDatabaseTypeEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- Function TDBDatabaseTypeEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- //************************************************************** Database Editor
- Function TDBDatabaseNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= [paDialog];
- End;
- Procedure TDBDatabaseNameEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- procedure TDBDatabaseNameEditor.Edit;
- var
- FileName : String;
- DBase : TKADaoDatabase;
- Begin
- DBase:=TKADaoDatabase(GetComponent(0));
- Filename := DBase.F_ChooseDatabase;
- if Filename <> '' then begin
- SetStrValue(Filename);
- Modified;
- end;
- End;
- //******************************************************* System Database Editor
- Function TDBSystemDatabaseNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= [paDialog];
- End;
- Procedure TDBSystemDatabaseNameEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- procedure TDBSystemDatabaseNameEditor.Edit;
- var
- DBase : TKADaoDatabase;
- Filter : String;
- DlgChooseDatabase : TOpenDialog;
- Begin
- DBase:=TKADaoDatabase(GetComponent(0));
- DlgChooseDatabase := TOpenDialog.Create(Nil);
- DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=1;
- DlgChooseDatabase.DefaultExt:='mdw';
- DlgChooseDatabase.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(DBase.SystemDatabase);
- DlgChooseDatabase.FileName := ExtractFileName(DBase.SystemDatabase);
- if DlgChooseDatabase.FileName <> '' Then Filter := AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName));
- System.Delete(Filter,1,1);
- DlgChooseDatabase.DefaultExt:= Filter;
- if AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName))='.mda' Then DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=1
- Else
- if AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName))='.mdw' Then DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=1
- Else
- if AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName))='.mdb' Then DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=2
- Else
- DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=3;
- Filter:='Microsoft Access security files (*.mda *.mdw)|*.mda;*.mdw';
- Filter:=Filter+'|Microsoft Access (*.mdb)|*.mdb';
- Filter:=Filter+'|All files (*.*)|*.*';
- DlgChooseDatabase.Title:='Choose System Database:';
- DlgChooseDatabase.Options:=[ofFileMustExist,ofPathMustExist,ofHideReadOnly];
- DlgChooseDatabase.Filter :=Filter;
- if DlgChooseDatabase.Execute then SetStrValue(DlgChooseDatabase.FileName);
- DlgChooseDatabase.Free;
- Modified;
- End;
- //*********************************************************** Engine Type Editor
- Function TDBEngineTypeEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result := Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- Function TDBEngineTypeEditor.GetValue: string;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- if TKADaoDatabase(GetComponent(0)).EngineType=DaoApi.dbUseODBC then
- Result:='dbUseODBC'
- Else
- Result:='dbUseJet';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TDBEngineTypeEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- Proc('dbUseODBC');
- Proc('dbUseJet');
- End;
- End;
- procedure TDBEngineTypeEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Var
- Dat : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- if Value='dbUseODBC' Then
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseODBC
- Else
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseJet;
- Inherited SetValue(IntToStr(Dat));
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- //*************************************************** DefaultCursorDriver Editor
- Function TDBDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result := Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- Function TDBDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor.GetValue: string;
- Var
- DB : TKADaoDatabase;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- DB := TKADaoDatabase(GetComponent(0));
- Result:='dbUseDefaultCursor';
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseDefaultCursor then Result:='dbUseDefaultCursor'
- Else
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseODBCCursor then Result:='dbUseODBCCursor'
- Else
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseServerCursor then Result:='dbUseServerCursor'
- Else
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseClientBatchCursor then Result:='dbUseClientBatchCursor'
- Else
- if DB.DefaultCursorDriver=DaoApi.dbUseNoCursor then Result:='dbUseNoCursor';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TDBDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- Proc('dbUseDefaultCursor');
- Proc('dbUseODBCCursor');
- Proc('dbUseServerCursor');
- Proc('dbUseClientBatchCursor');
- Proc('dbUseNoCursor');
- End;
- End;
- procedure TDBDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Var
- Dat : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseDefaultCursor;
- if Value='dbUseDefaultCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseDefaultCursor
- Else
- if Value='dbUseODBCCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseODBCCursor
- Else
- if Value='dbUseServerCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseServerCursor
- Else
- if Value='dbUseClientBatchCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseClientBatchCursor
- Else
- if Value='dbUseNoCursor' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbUseNoCursor;
- Inherited SetValue(IntToStr(Dat));
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- //************************************************************* Workspase Editor
- Procedure TDBWorkspaceEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Var
- DBase : TKADaoDatabase;
- X : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- DBase := TKADaoDatabase(GetComponent(0));
- Try
- For X := 0 to DBase.CoreDBEngine.Workspaces.Count-1 do
- Begin
- if AnsiCompareText(DBase.CoreDBEngine.Workspaces.Item[X].Name,
- '#Default Workspace#') <> 0 Then
- Proc(DBase.CoreDBEngine.Workspaces.Item[X].Name);
- End;
- Finally
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Function TDBWorkspaceEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- //*********************************************************** DAO Version Editor
- Procedure TDBDaoVersionEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Var
- DBase : TKADaoDatabase;
- X : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- DBase := TKADaoDatabase(GetComponent(0));
- Try
- For X := 0 to DBase.F_DaoVersionList.Count-1 do Proc(DBase.F_DaoVersionList[X]);
- Finally
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TDBDaoVersionEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoDatabase then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- Function TDBDaoVersionEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- //******************************************************************************
- // EDITOR CODE - KADaoTable
- //******************************************************************************
- //*********************************************************** KADaoTable Editors
- //******************************************************************** TableName
- Procedure TTableNameEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Var
- DTable : TKADaoTable;
- DBase : TKADaodatabase;
- X : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- DTable := TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0));
- if Assigned(DTable.Database) And (DTable.Database.Connected) Then
- Begin
- DBase:=DTable.Database;
- DBase.RefreshDefinitions;
- Try
- For X := 0 to DBase.TableNames.Count-1 do Proc(DBase.TableNames.Strings[X]);
- Finally
- End;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Function TTableNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- //******************************************************************** QueryName
- Procedure TQueryNameEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Var
- DTable : TKADaoTable;
- DBase : TKADaodatabase;
- X : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- DTable := TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0));
- if Assigned(DTable.Database) And (DTable.Database.Connected) Then
- Begin
- DBase:=DTable.Database;
- DBase.RefreshDefinitions;
- Try
- For X := 0 to DBase.QueryDefNames.Count-1 do Proc(DBase.QueryDefNames.Strings[X]);
- Finally
- End;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Function TQueryNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- //******************************************************************** IndexName
- Procedure TIndexNameEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Var
- DTable : TKADaoTable;
- DBase : TKADaodatabase;
- X : Integer;
- Count : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- DTable := TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0));
- if Assigned(DTable.Database) And (DTable.Database.Connected) Then
- if DTable.TableName <> '' Then
- Begin
- DBase:=DTable.Database;
- Try
- DBase.RefreshDefinitions;
- Count :=DBase.CoreDatabase.TableDefs.Item[DTable.TableName].Indexes.Count;
- For X := 0 to Count-1 do
- Begin
- Proc(DBase.CoreDatabase.TableDefs.Item[DTable.TableName].Indexes.Item[X].Name);
- End;
- Finally
- End;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Function TIndexNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- Function TTableTypeEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result := Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- Function TTableTypeEditor.GetValue: string;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- Result:='StandardTable';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).TableType=DaoApi.dbOpenTable then Result:='StandardTable';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).TableType=DaoApi.dbOpenDynaset then Result:='DynasetTable';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).TableType=DaoApi.dbOpenDynamic then Result:='DynamicTable';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).TableType=DaoApi.dbOpenSnapshot then Result:='SnapshotTable';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).TableType=DaoApi.dbOpenForwardOnly then Result:='ForwardOnlyTable';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TTableTypeEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- Proc('StandardTable');
- Proc('DynasetTable');
- Proc('DynamicTable');
- Proc('SnapshotTable');
- Proc('ForwardOnlyTable');
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TTableTypeEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Var
- Dat : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- Dat:=DaoApi.dbOpenTable;
- if Value='StandardTable' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbOpenTable;
- if Value='DynasetTable' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbOpenDynaset;
- if Value='DynamicTable' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbOpenDynamic;
- if Value='SnapshotTable' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbOpenSnapshot;
- if Value='ForwardOnlyTable' Then Dat:=DaoApi.dbOpenForwardOnly;
- Inherited SetValue(IntToStr(Dat));
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- Function TLockTypeEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result := Inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
- End;
- Function TLockTypeEditor.GetValue: string;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- Result:='dbPessimistic';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).LockType=DAOApi.dbPessimistic then Result:='dbPessimistic';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).LockType=DAOApi.dbOptimistic then Result:='dbOptimistic';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).LockType=DAOApi.dbOptimisticValue then Result:='dbOptimisticValue';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).LockType=DAOApi.dbReadOnly then Result:='dbReadOnly';
- if TKADaoTable(GetComponent(0)).LockType=DAOApi.dbOptimisticBatch then Result:='dbOptimisticBatch';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TLockTypeEditor.GetValues( Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- Proc('dbPessimistic');
- Proc('dbOptimistic');
- Proc('dbOptimisticValue');
- Proc('dbReadOnly');
- Proc('dbOptimisticBatch');
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TLockTypeEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Var
- Dat : Integer;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- Dat:=DAOApi.dbPessimistic;
- if Value='dbPessimistic' Then Dat:=DAOApi.dbPessimistic;
- if Value='dbOptimistic' Then Dat:=DAOApi.dbOptimistic;
- if Value='dbOptimisticValue' Then Dat:=DAOApi.dbOptimisticValue;
- if Value='dbReadOnly' Then Dat:=DAOApi.dbReadOnly;
- if Value='dbOptimisticBatch' Then Dat:=DAOApi.dbOptimisticBatch;
- Inherited SetValue(IntToStr(Dat));
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- Function TSortByEditor.GetValue: string;
- Begin
- Result := '(TStringList)'
- End;
- Function TSortByEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= [paDialog];
- End;
- Procedure TSortByEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TSortByEditor.Edit;
- Var
- DT:TKADaoTable;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- DT:=GetComponent(0) AS TKADaoTable;
- if NOT Assigned(DT.Database) Then Exit;
- if NOT (DT.Database.Connected) Then Exit;
- if (DT.Active=False) And (Not (csLoading in DT.ComponentState)) Then
- Begin
- Try
- DT.Active:=True;
- DT.Active:=False;
- Except
- DT.SortedBy.Clear;
- DatabaseError(E2051);
- Exit;
- End;
- End;
- Application.CreateForm(TSortByDialog,SortDialog);
- if SortDialog.Execute(DT.SortFieldNames,DT.SortedBy,DT.UseBrackets) Then
- Begin
- DT.Sort;
- Modified;
- End;
- SortDialog.Free;
- End;
- End;
- Function TQueryDefParamsEditor.GetValue: string;
- Begin
- Result := '(TStringList)'
- End;
- Function TQueryDefParamsEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= [paDialog];
- End;
- Procedure TQueryDefParamsEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TQueryDefParamsEditor.Edit;
- Var
- DT : TKADaoTable;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- DT:=GetComponent(0) AS TKADaoTable;
- if DT.PromptQueryDefParameters Then Modified;
- End;
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- Function TMasterFieldsEditor.GetValue: string;
- Begin
- Result := '(TStringList)'
- End;
- Function TMasterFieldsEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= [paDialog];
- End;
- Procedure TMasterFieldsEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TMasterFieldsEditor.Edit;
- Var
- MT,DT : TKADaoTable;
- MF,DF,TF : TStrings;
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoTable then
- Begin
- DT:=GetComponent(0) AS TKADaoTable;
- if NOT Assigned(DT.Database) Then Exit;
- If Not (DT.Database.Connected) Then Exit;
- if Not Assigned(DT.MasterSource) Then
- Begin
- DT.F_Master.Clear;
- DT.F_Detail.Clear;
- DT.MasterFields.Clear;
- DatabaseError(E2052);
- Exit;
- End;
- if NOT (DT.MasterSource.DataSet is TKADaoTable) Then
- Begin
- DT.F_Master.Clear;
- DT.F_Detail.Clear;
- DT.MasterFields.Clear;
- DatabaseError(E2053);
- Exit;
- End;
- MT:=DT.MasterSource.DataSet As TKADaoTable;
- if (DT.Active=False) and Not (csLoading in DT.ComponentState) Then
- Begin
- Try
- DT.Active:=True;
- DT.Active:=False;
- Except
- DT.F_Master.Clear;
- DT.F_Detail.Clear;
- DT.MasterFields.Clear;
- DatabaseError(E2054);
- Exit;
- End;
- End;
- if (MT.Active=False) and Not (csLoading in DT.ComponentState) Then
- Begin
- Try
- MT.Active:=True;
- MT.Active:=False;
- Except
- DT.F_Master.Clear;
- DT.F_Detail.Clear;
- DT.MasterFields.Clear;
- DatabaseError(E2055);
- Exit;
- End;
- End;
- MF := TStringList.Create;
- DF := TStringList.Create;
- TF := TStringList.Create;
- MF.SetText(MT.F_MDFieldNames.GetText);
- DF.SetText(DT.F_MDFieldNames.GetText);
- TF.SetText(DT.MasterFields.GetText);
- Application.CreateForm(TMasterDetailForm,MasterDetailForm);
- if MasterDetailForm.Execute(DF,MF,TF) Then;
- MasterDetailForm.Free;
- DT.MasterFields:=TF;
- MF.Free;
- DF.Free;
- TF.Free;
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- procedure TEncrypterEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
- Begin
- Designer.GetComponentNames(GetTypeData(TKADaoEncrypter.ClassInfo), Proc);
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- // EDITOR CODE - KADaoInfo
- //******************************************************************************
- //************************************************************ KADaoInfo Editors
- //******************************************************************************
- Function TDIDatabaseNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= [paDialog];
- End;
- Procedure TDIDatabaseNameEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoInfo then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- procedure TDIDatabaseNameEditor.Edit;
- var
- FileName : String;
- DBase : TKADaoInfo;
- DlgChooseDatabase : TOpenDialog;
- Filter : String;
- Begin
- DBase:=TKADaoInfo(GetComponent(0));
- Filename := DBase.Database;
- DlgChooseDatabase := TOpenDialog.Create(Nil);
- if FileName = '' then
- Begin
- DlgChooseDatabase.FileName := '';
- End
- Else
- Begin
- DlgChooseDatabase.FileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- DlgChooseDatabase.InitialDir := ExtractFileDir(FileName);
- End;
- DlgChooseDatabase.FilterIndex:=1;
- Filter:='Microsoft Access (*.mdb)|*.mdb';
- Filter:=Filter+'|All files (*.*)|*.*';
- DlgChooseDatabase.Title:='Choose MS Access Database:';
- DlgChooseDatabase.Options:=[ofPathMustExist,ofFileMustExist,ofHideReadOnly];
- DlgChooseDatabase.Filter :=Filter;
- DlgChooseDatabase.DefaultExt:='mdb';
- if DlgChooseDatabase.Execute then Filename := DlgChooseDatabase.FileName;
- if Filename <> '' then
- begin
- SetStrValue(Filename);
- Modified;
- end;
- DlgChooseDatabase.Free;
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- Function TDIDLLNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- Begin
- Result:= [paDialog];
- End;
- Procedure TDIDLLNameEditor.SetValue(const Value: string);
- Begin
- if GetComponent(0) is TKADaoInfo then
- Begin
- inherited SetValue(Value);
- Modified;
- End;
- End;
- procedure TDIDLLNameEditor.Edit;
- var
- FileName : String;
- DBase : TKADaoInfo;
- DlgChooseDatabase : TOpenDialog;
- Filter : String;
- Begin
- DBase:=TKADaoInfo(GetComponent(0));
- Filename := DBase.DaoInfoDll;
- DlgChooseDatabase := TOpenDialog.Create(Nil);
- if FileName = '' then
- Begin
- DlgChooseDatabase.FileName := '';
- End
- Else
- Begin
- DlgChooseDatabase.FileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- DlgChooseDatabase.InitialDir := ExtractFileDir(FileName);
- End;
- Filter:='Windows library (*.dll)|*.dll';
- Filter:=Filter+'|All files (*.*)|*.*';
- DlgChooseDatabase.Title:='Choose Micospft DAO Info Library:';
- DlgChooseDatabase.Options:=[ofPathMustExist,ofFileMustExist,ofHideReadOnly];
- DlgChooseDatabase.Filter :=Filter;
- DlgChooseDatabase.DefaultExt:='dll';
- if DlgChooseDatabase.Execute then Filename := DlgChooseDatabase.FileName;
- if Filename <> '' then
- begin
- SetStrValue(Filename);
- Modified;
- end;
- DlgChooseDatabase.Free;
- End;
- //******************************************************************************
- procedure Register;
- begin
- //***************** KADaoDBEngine
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(Integer),TKADaoDBEngine,'EngineType', TEngEngineTypeEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String) ,TKADaoDBEngine,'SystemDatabase',TEngSystemDatabaseNameEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoDBEngine, 'Version', TEngDaoVersionEditor);
- {$ENDIF}
- //***************** KADaoWorkspace
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(Integer),TKADaoWorkspace,'EngineType', TWorkEngineTypeEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(Integer),TKADaoWorkspace, 'DefaultCursorDriver', TWorkDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor);
- //***************** KAAdoDatabase
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoDatabase,'DatabaseType',TDBDatabaseTypeEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoDatabase,'Database',TDBDatabaseNameEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoDatabase,'SystemDatabase',TDBSystemDatabaseNameEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(Integer),TKADaoDatabase, 'EngineType', TDBEngineTypeEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(Integer),TKADaoDatabase, 'DefaultCursorDriver', TDBDefaultCursorDriverTypeEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoDatabase, 'Workspace', TDBWorkspaceEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoDatabase, 'Version', TDBDaoVersionEditor);
- {$ENDIF}
- //***************** KAAdoTable
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoTable,'TableName',TTableNameEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoTable,'QueryDefName',TQueryNameEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoTable,'IndexName',TIndexNameEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(Integer),TKADaoTable,'TableType',TTableTypeEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(Integer),TKADaoTable,'LockType',TLockTypeEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TStrings),TKADaoTable,'SortedBy',TSortByEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TStrings),TKADaoTable,'QueryDefParameters',TQueryDefParamsEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TStrings),TKADaoTable,'MasterFields',TMasterFieldsEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TComponent),TKADaoTable,'Encrypter',TEncrypterEditor);
- //***************** KAAdoInfo
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoInfo,'Database',TDIDatabaseNameEditor);
- RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String),TKADaoInfo,'DaoInfoDll',TDIDLLNameEditor);
- end;
- end.