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- unit DaoUtils;
- //******************************************************************************
- // Delphi Dao Project Version 2.40
- // Copyright (c) 2000 by Kiril Antonov
- //******************************************************************************
- // 05.07 2000 - Fixed a very rediculous bug in RemoveNonDigitChars
- // Now it works properly. RemoveNonDigitChars_II removed!
- {$I KADaoCommonDirectives.pas}
- interface
- Uses SysUtils, Db, ComObj, ActiveX {$IFDEF D6UP}, Variants{$ENDIF};
- Function ComposeDateTimeRecord(S:String):TTimeStamp;
- Function ComposeDateTimeVariant(S:String):OleVariant;
- Function RemoveNonDigitChars(DT:String):String;
- Function DaoSizeToBDESize(DaoType:Integer;DaoSize:Integer):Integer;
- Function DaoToBDE(DaoType:Integer):TFieldType;
- Function BDEToDao(BDEType:TFieldType):Integer;
- Function GetBDEFieldTypeNames(BDEType:TFieldType):String;
- Function GetDaoFieldTypeNames(DaoType:Integer):String;
- Function PSafeArrayToOleVariant(PSA: PSafeArray): OleVariant;
- Function OleVariantToPSafeArray(OV: OleVariant):PSafeArray;
- Function BracketField (const FieldName:String) : String;
- implementation
- Uses
- DAOApi,Windows,Dialogs,Registry;
- Const
- LangGarbage='π.';
- Function PSafeArrayToOleVariant(PSA: PSafeArray): OleVariant;
- begin
- TVarData(Result).VType := varArray;
- TVarData(Result).VArray := PVarArray(PSA);
- end;
- Function OleVariantToPSafeArray(OV: OleVariant):PSafeArray;
- begin
- Result := PSafeArray (TVarData(OV).VArray);
- end;
- Function ComposeDateTimeRecord(S:String):TTimeStamp;
- Var
- P : Integer;
- Begin
- Result.Date := 0;
- Result.Time := 0;
- P:=Pos(' ',S);
- if P = 0 Then Exit;
- Result.Date := StrToInt(Copy(S,1,P-1));
- System.Delete(S,1,P);
- Result.Time := StrToInt(S);
- End;
- Function ComposeDateTimeVariant(S:String):OleVariant;
- Var
- DTS : TTimeStamp;
- P : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := NULL;
- P:=Pos(' ',S);
- if P = 0 Then Exit;
- Try
- DTS.Date := StrToInt(Copy(S,1,P-1));
- System.Delete(S,1,P);
- DTS.Time := StrToInt(S);
- VarClear(Result);
- TVarData(Result).VType := varDate;
- TVarData(Result).vDate:= TimeStampToDateTime(DTS);
- Except
- Result := NULL;
- End;
- End;
- Function RemoveNonDigitChars(DT:String):String;
- Var
- Allow : String;
- X,L,P : Integer;
- Begin
- Result:=DT;
- L:=Length(Result);
- if L=0 Then Exit;
- Allow := '1234567890/';
- Allow:=Allow+DateSeparator;
- Allow:=Allow+TimeSeparator;
- //****************************************************** Language Specific
- P:=Pos(LangGarbage,Result);
- if P > 0 Then Delete(Result,P,2);
- //****************************************************** Language Specific
- L:=Length(Result);
- For X:=1 to L do
- Begin
- if Pos(Result[X],Allow)=0 Then Result[X]:=' ';
- End;
- Repeat
- P:= Pos(' ',Result);
- if P > 0 Then Delete(Result,P,1);
- Until P=0;
- Result:=Trim(Result);
- //***************************** Remove any spaces exept between date and time
- P:=Pos(TimeSeparator,Result);
- While (P > 0) And (Result[P] <> ' ') Do Dec(P);
- if P > 0 Then Result[P]:=#0;
- Repeat
- P:= Pos(' ',Result);
- if P > 0 Then Delete(Result,P,1);
- Until P=0;
- P:= Pos(#0,Result);
- if P > 0 Then Result[P]:=' ';
- End;
- Function DaoSizeToBDESize(DaoType:Integer;DaoSize:Integer):Integer;
- Begin
- Result:=0;
- Case DaoType of
- dbBoolean : Result := 0;
- dbByte : Result := 0;
- dbInteger : Result := 0;
- dbLong : Result := 0;
- dbCurrency : Result := 0;
- dbSingle : Result := 0;
- dbDouble : Result := 0;
- dbDate : Result := 0;
- dbBinary : Result := DaoSize;
- dbText : Result := DaoSize;
- dbLongBinary : Result := DaoSize;
- dbMemo : Result := DaoSize;
- dbGUID : Result := DaoSize;
- dbBigInt : Result := 0;
- dbVarBinary : Result := DaoSize;
- dbChar : Result := DaoSize;
- dbNumeric : Result := 0;
- dbDecimal : Result := 0;
- dbFloat : Result := 0;
- dbTime : Result := 0;
- dbTimeStamp : Result := 0;
- dbAutoIncInteger : Result := 0;
- End;
- End;
- Function DaoToBDE(DaoType:Integer):TFieldType;
- Begin
- Result:=ftUnknown;
- Case DaoType of
- dbBoolean : Result := ftBoolean;
- dbByte : Result := ftSmallint;
- dbInteger : Result := ftSmallint;
- dbLong : Result := ftInteger;
- dbCurrency : Result := ftCurrency;
- dbSingle : Result := ftFloat;
- dbDouble : Result := ftFloat;
- dbDate : Result := ftDate;
- dbText : Result := ftString;
- dbLongBinary : Result := ftBlob;
- dbMemo : Result := ftMemo;
- //********************************************
- dbBinary : Result := ftBytes;
- dbGUID : Result := ftBytes;
- //********************************************
- dbBigInt : Result := ftInteger;
- dbVarBinary : Result := ftBlob;
- dbChar : Result := ftString;
- dbNumeric : Result := ftFloat;
- dbDecimal : Result := ftFloat;
- dbFloat : Result := ftFloat;
- dbTime : Result := ftTime;
- dbTimeStamp : Result := ftDateTime;
- dbAutoIncInteger : Result := ftAutoInc;
- End;
- End;
- Function BDEToDao(BDEType:TFieldType):Integer;
- Begin
- Result:=dbUnspecifyed;
- Case BDEType of
- ftString : Result := dbText;
- ftSmallint : Result := dbInteger;
- ftInteger : Result := dbLong;
- ftWord : Result := dbLong;
- ftBoolean : Result := dbBoolean;
- ftFloat : Result := dbSingle;
- ftCurrency : Result := dbCurrency;
- ftBCD : Result := dbCurrency;
- ftDate : Result := dbDate;
- ftTime : Result := dbDate;
- ftDateTime : Result := dbDate;
- ftBytes : Result := dbGUID;
- ftVarBytes : Result := dbMemo;
- ftAutoInc : Result := dbAutoIncInteger;
- ftBlob : Result := dbLongBinary;
- ftMemo : Result := dbMemo;
- ftGraphic : Result := dbLongBinary;
- ftFmtMemo : Result := dbMemo;
- ftParadoxOle : Result := dbLongBinary ;
- ftDBaseOle : Result := dbLongBinary ;
- ftTypedBinary : Result := dbLongBinary ;
- End;
- End;
- Function GetBDEFieldTypeNames(BDEType:TFieldType):String;
- Begin
- Result:='ftUnknown';
- Case BDEType of
- ftBoolean : Result := 'ftBoolean';
- ftInteger : Result := 'ftInteger';
- ftSmallInt : Result := 'ftSmallInt';
- ftWord : Result := 'ftWord';
- ftBCD : Result := 'ftBCD';
- ftCurrency : Result := 'ftCurrency';
- ftFloat : Result := 'ftFloat';
- ftDate : Result := 'ftDate';
- ftBlob : Result := 'ftBlob';
- ftString : Result := 'ftString';
- ftMemo : Result := 'ftMemo';
- ftAutoInc : Result := 'ftAutoInc';
- ftTime : Result := 'ftTime';
- ftDateTime : Result := 'ftDateTime';
- End;
- End;
- Function GetDaoFieldTypeNames(DaoType:Integer):String;
- Begin
- Result:='dbUnknown';
- Case DaoType of
- dbBoolean : Result := 'dbBoolean';
- dbByte : Result := 'dbByte';
- dbInteger : Result := 'dbInteger';
- dbLong : Result := 'dbLong';
- dbCurrency : Result := 'dbCurrency';
- dbSingle : Result := 'dbSingle';
- dbDouble : Result := 'dbDouble';
- dbDate : Result := 'dbDate';
- dbBinary : Result := 'dbBinary';
- dbText : Result := 'dbText';
- dbLongBinary : Result := 'dbLongBinary';
- dbMemo : Result := 'dbMemo';
- dbGUID : Result := 'dbGUID';
- dbBigInt : Result := 'dbBigInt';
- dbVarBinary : Result := 'dbVarBinary';
- dbChar : Result := 'dbChar';
- dbNumeric : Result := 'dbNumeric';
- dbDecimal : Result := 'dbDecimal';
- dbFloat : Result := 'dbFloat';
- dbTime : Result := 'dbTime';
- dbTimeStamp : Result := 'dbTimeStamp';
- End;
- End;
- Function BracketField (const FieldName:String) : String;
- Var
- P : Integer;
- S : String;
- Begin
- Result := '';
- S := FieldName;
- P := Pos('.',S);
- While P > 0 Do
- Begin
- Result := Result+System.Copy(S,1,P-1);
- Result := Result+'].[';
- System.Delete(S,1,P);
- P := Pos('.',S);
- End;
- Result := '['+Result+S+']';
- End;
- end.