home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Unit LsFileExplorer28.pas v2.873
- ==============================================================================
- Archive :- FileExpl.zip
- Components :- TLsDirTree21,
- TLsDirTreeCombo28 and
- TLsFilelistView28
- Version :- 2.873 For Delphi 3, 4, 5 and 6 (also for C++Builder 4 and 5)**
- ** Although not tested by the author, many users reported
- that these components are working fine with C++Builder
- 4 and 5.
- Author :- Leo D. Shih <ldshih@ecn.ab.ca>
- Last updated :- March 2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ======================
- Copyright (C)1998/2002 Leo D. Shih, All rights reserved
- TLsDirTree21, TlsDirTreeCombo28 and TlsFileListView28 (components) are currently
- distributed as Freeware, thus
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of these components as you
- receive them, in any medium, provided that this copyright notice included
- in the source code file (LsFileExplorer28.pas) is kept intact.
- 2. You may modify the source code of these components to improve their features,
- performance, etc. provided that
- 2.1 You may not change the original copyright notice.
- 2.2 The modified source code should contain descriptions what you have
- changed, and your name and e-mail address.
- 2.3 Send the modified portion of the source code to the author so that the
- author may incorporate the modification into future releases of these
- components, with appropriate acknowledgement.
- 3. You may use these components, or any part thereof, in your program,
- provided that you meet following conditions:
- 3.1 This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution,
- and the origin of these components must not be misrepresented.
- 3.2 Appropriated credit to the author should be included in the "AboutForm"
- or the "HelpFile", and the documentation of your program.
- 3.3 If your program is to be distributed as commercial products, in addition
- to the above conditions, please write to the author for permission.
- These components are provided 'as-is', without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any problems
- or damages arising from the use of these components.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ===============
- I'm most grateful to those people in the Delphi community who have
- reported bugs, suggested fixings or recommanded improvements. In
- particular, I would like to thank Ales Trtnik, Andreas Roth, Brad Huggins,
- Claude Hunter, Detlef Scheil, Harrie Roaymans, Marcelo Rodrigues,
- Steve Pinneo, Tom Lisjac, Maximo Yarritu, Bogdan Giusca, Bernd Ohse,
- Ales Turai and Jake Jones for their professional suggestions.
- Also, I would like to thank Bernd Ohse, Andreas Roth, Bernard Bourguignon,
- David Abdaleon and Alberto Meyer for their German, French, Spanish and
- Brazilian-Portuguese translations.
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Brief Description
- 2. Added Properties
- 3. Added Public Procedures/Functions
- 4. Installation
- 5. Notes on usage
- 6. Limitations
- 7. Update History
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Brief Description
- ====================
- 1.1 TLsDirTree21
- ----------------
- TLsDirTree21 is a simple yet a fully functional Directory TreeView
- component, that
- (a) displays drives/directories in the DirectoryTree and files of the
- selected directory in a popup FileListView. Thus, directories can be
- selected from the DirectoryTree, and files can be selected or opened
- in the FileListView;
- (b) suports creating, renaming, deleting, copying and moving operations on
- directories;
- (c) calculates the size of a selected portion of the directory-tree.
- (d) connects/disconnects network drives.
- 1.2 TLsDirTreeCombo28
- ---------------------
- TLsDirTreeCombo28 is a specialized ComboBox with a dropdown Directory
- TreeView, that displays a hierarchical tree of drives and directories of
- the File System.
- 1.3 TLsFilelistView28 w/TLsFilelistViewPopUp28
- ----------------------------------------------
- TLsFilelistView28 is a File ListView component with popup context menu. In
- addition to its normal functions, It also performs various file management
- tasks, such as cut, copy, paste, rename, delete, open, view and send_to
- operations on files. It also provides statistics on Disk-FreeSpace,
- Selected-Numbers and Selected-Size as those available in the Windows
- Explorer.
- Both TlsFilelistView28 and LsDirTree21 provide French, German, Spanish
- and Portuguese Language support.
- 2. Added properties:
- ===================
- 2.1 TLsFilelistView28
- ---------------------
- 2.1.1 Published Properties
- --------------------------
- About - Shows the version, release and build information of
- this component.
- ColWidth_Name - Set the width of FileName column, Default 165.
- ColWidth_Size - Set the width of FileSize column, Default 75.
- ColWidth_Type - Set the width of FileType column, Default 95.
- ColWidth_Mod - Set the width of FileLastWriteTime column, Default 115.
- ColWidth_Attr - Set the width of FileAttributes column, Default 40.
- (NB:- If the Width of a column is set to zero, that column
- will be invisible).
- DateFormat - Provides eight preset ShortDate Formats and a Customize
- option:
- Option Format Remarks
- ========== ================ =================
- df_Customize User configuable (Default)
- df_ddMMyy_DE dd.MM.yy German
- df_ddMMyy_GB dd/MM/yy British / French
- df_ddMMyy_IT dd-MM-yy Italian
- df_ddMMyyyy dd/MM/yyyy British
- df_MMddyy MM/dd/yy American
- df_MMddyyyy MM/dd/yyyy - " -
- df_yyMMdd yy-MM-dd Ansi / Japan
- df_yyyyMMdd yyyy-MM-dd - " -
- When 'Customize' option is selected, the Regional setting
- in Windows Control Panel is used, thus the DateFormat can
- be configured by users at runtime.
- TimeFormatStr - Time Format String is used to convert a Time Value to a
- Time string.
- Option Remarks
- ============ ====================================
- tfLonFormat A LongTimeFormat which displays hours,
- minutes and seconds, in 12-Hour clock
- format.
- tfShortFormat A ShortTimeFormat which displays only
- hours and minutes.
- tfCustomize The Regional setting in Windows Control
- Panel will be used.
- DblClickToOpen - Option to disable the build-in DblClick procedure, thus
- users can code their own OnDblClick event Handler. (It was
- named as DblClickEnabled in previous version)
- Directory - Currently selected directory that contains files and/or
- sub-directories to be displayed in the TLsFilelistView28.
- Changing the value of this property will update the
- TLsFilelistView28 to display items in the new directory.
- DirTree - Provides a simple way to connect TLsFilelistView28 to
- TLsDirTree21 component.
- DirTreeCombo - Provides a simple way to connect TLsFilelistView28 to
- TLsDirTreeCombo28 component.
- DriveFreeSpace - Free space on the current drive, in kB.
- FileType - Determines which file types are displayed based on the
- attributes of files. FileTypes included are ftReadOnly,
- ftHidden, ftSystem, ftArchive, ftNormal.
- HideFileExt - If it's set to True, file extensions will not be displayed.
- Language - The following language options can be selected at design-
- or run-time:
- lnEnglish - English language
- lnFrench - French language
- lnGerman - German language
- lnSpanish - Spanish language
- lnPortuguese - Portuguese language
- lnSysDefault - depends on SysLocale.PriLangID,
- if it is not supported, then
- default to English.
- Mask - Limits which files are displayed. Default mask is '*.*'.
- (To specify multiple masks, separate the file mask spec.
- with semicolons).
- PopupMenuEnabled - Option to disable the build-in Context-Menu, thus allowing
- users to use the PopupMenu Property for their own
- popupmenu.
- SelectedItem - The FullName of the selected Item (path + ItemName).
- SelectedNumber - Number of selected items in the current directory.
- SelectedSize - Total bytes of selected items in the current directory.
- ShowFolders - Specifies whether or not folders are shown in the
- FilelistView26 together with files.
- OnItemChange - A Custom-Event, that is triggered whenever the value of
- SelectedItem changes
- ParentDirEnabled - Option to disable the build-in ParentFolder function
- Note:- When enabled, double-click the Parent Folder to
- go up one level.
- ParentDirCaption - Option to change the caption of Parent-Folder (default
- caption is "Parent").
- 2.1.2 Public
- ------------
- DirectorySize - Total bytes of files in the current directory, excluding
- sub-directories, if any.
- 2.2 TLsDirTreeCombo28
- ---------------------
- 2.2.1 Published
- ---------------
- About - Shows the version, release and build information of
- this component.
- SelectedPath - The Directory Path of the currently selected treenode in
- the TLsDirTreeCombo28.
- FileList - Provides a way to connect TLsDirTreeCombo28 to
- TLsFilelistView28.
- ExpandRoot - Specifies whether the RootNode is expanded.
- TreeHeight - Set the Height of the drop-down treeview, default is 195.
- Glyph - An option to load an alternative bitmap to replace the
- default Glyph in the button of LsDirTreeCombo28.
- OnPathChange - A Custom-Event that is triggered whenever the value of
- SelectedPath changes.
- 2.2.2 Public
- ------------
- InitialDir - If a directory path is specified for this property, that
- directory will be selected and displayed when the
- application runs.
- 2.3 TLsDirTree21
- ----------------
- 2.3.1 Published
- ---------------
- About - Shows the version, release and build information of
- this component.
- FileList - Provides a way to connect TLsDirTree21 to
- TLsFilelistView28.
- Language - The following language options can be selected at design-
- or run-time:
- lnEnglish - English language
- lnFrench - French language
- lnGerman - German language
- lnSpanish - Spanish language
- lnPortuguese - Portuguese language
- lnSysDefault - depends on SysLocale.PriLangID, if it
- is not supported, then default to
- English.
- PopupMenuEnabled - Option to disable the buildin Context-Menu, thus allow
- users to use the PopupMenu Property for their own
- popupmenu.
- OnDirChange - A Custom-Event that is triggered whenever the value of
- SelectedPath changes.
- OnFileChange - A Custom-Event that is triggered whenever the value of
- SelectedFile changes.
- SelectedPath - The Directory Path of the currently selected treenode in
- the TLsDirTree21.
- SelectedFile - The FileName( FilePath + FileName) of the selected item
- in the popup FileListDlg.
- 2.2.2 Public
- ------------
- InitialDir - If a directory path is specified for this property, that
- directory will be selected and displayed when the
- application runs.
- 3. Added Procedures/Functions (Public):
- ======================================
- 3.1 TLsFilelistView28
- ---------------------
- OneLevelUp - A step back in the directory hierarchy (ie. move to its
- parent node).
- CutCopy() - |
- |
- Paste - | Perform copy, move, delete or rename operation on files.
- |-
- DeleteItems - | Using CutCopy(0) for Copy and
- | CutCopy(2) for Cut opration.
- RenameFile - |
- FindFile - To activate Windows FindDialog for locating specified file.
- ShowFileProperties - To view or edit the selected item's properties (for
- Delphi 4 or higher) or selected item's attributes (for
- Delphi 3).
- OpenItem - Open executable files or other type of files which have
- been associated with their respective applications in the
- Windows Registry.
- ViewFile - Provides programmers with a quick viewer of *.c, *.cpp,
- *.dpk, *.dpr, *.h, *.inf, *.ini, *.pas, *.prg, *.txt,
- *.doc, *.rtf, *.wri, and *.bmp files
- NewFolder - Create a new folder.
- 3.2 TLsDirTreeCombo28
- ---------------------
- OpenPath() - To select a treenode in accordance with the
- specified directory path.
- ResetTreeView - Reload the TLsDirTreeView.
- ConectNetResource() - Starts a Map Network Drive Dialog, which lets you
- associate drive letter(s) with shared directory
- (or directories) on another computer(s) in the
- network.
- The drive letter will then provide seamless access
- to the network shared drive as if it were another
- drive on the locaal system.
- DisconnectNetResource() - Starts a Disconnect Network Drive Dialog for
- disconnecting from network drive(s).
- 3.3 TLsDirTree21
- ----------------
- OpenPath() - To select a treenode in accordance with the specified
- directory path.
- ReLoad - Reload the TLsDirTree.
- AddNewNode() - Add a new directory to the file system.
- DeleteNode() - Delete an existing directory from the file system.
- CutOrCopyNode() |- Perform Copy or Move operation on directories.
- PasteNode() | Using - CutOrCopyNode(0) for copying directory and
- its contents (including
- sub-directories and their
- contents, if any).
- - CutOrCopyNode(2) for moving directory and
- its contents. (i.e. Cut
- operation).
- GetTreeSize() - Calculate the TreeSize of the selected Directory and all
- its sub-directories.
- ShowFolderContents() - Activate the popup FileListDlg, to display files in
- the selected directory.
- ConectNetResource() - Starts a Map Network Drive Dialog, which lets you
- associate drive letter(s) with shared directory
- (or directories) on another computer(s) in the
- network.
- The drive letter will then provide seamless access
- to the network shared drive as if it were another
- drive on the locaal system.
- DisconnectNetResource() - Starts a Disconnect Network Drive Dialog for
- disconnecting from network drive(s).
- ShowNodeProperties() - Activate 'property sheet' of the selected
- node, for Delphi 4 or higher.
- 4. Installation
- ===============
- Unzip FileExpl.zip to any directory, then copy LsFileExplorer28.pas,
- LsFileExplorer28.dcr, LsFileExplorer28.res and LsConsts.pas to a directory
- that is in the Delphi's Library search path.
- 4 For Delphi versions 3x , 4x, 5x and 6x
- ----------------------------------------
- All three components can be added to an existing Package, eg. Samples or
- Delphi User's Components Package, by following steps:
- - Choose Component|Install Component; ensure that 'Into existing package'
- tab is selected and the 'Package file name' is correct.
- - From Install Component Dialog, click Browse.
- - In the Unit FileName Dialog, navigate to your chosen directory and
- select LsFileExplorer28.pas (for D4-D6, also need to select LsConsts.pas
- and LsFileExplorer28.dcr), then click Open.
- - In the Install Component Dialog, click OK to compile and install the
- package.
- - Finally, right-click the Package Editor Diallog and save the package.
- 5. Notes on Usage
- =================
- 5.1 Interconnecting components
- ------------------------------
- If you use both TLsDirTree21 (or TLsDirTreeCombo28) and TLsFilelistView28
- components in an application, they must be mutually connected through the use
- of the TLsDirTree21's (or TLsDirTreeCombo28's) 'FileList' property and the
- TLsFileListView28's 'DirTree' property (or 'DirTreeCombo' property if
- TLsDirTreeCombo28 is used). Once they are interconnected, changes in one
- component will be automatically reflected in the other component.
- For example, the LsDirTree21 and LsFilelistView28 components in your application
- are named as LsDirTree211 and LsFilelistView281 respectively. You can use Object
- Inspector to set LsDirTree211's 'FileList' property to LsFilelistView281;
- likewise, set LsFilelistView281's 'DirTree' property to LsDirTree211.
- 5.2 ShortCut Keys (Keyboard Commands)
- -------------------------------------
- 5.2.1 TLsDirTreeCombo28
- ==========================================================================
- ShortCut Key(s) Action
- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------
- RightArrow Expand the current selected node, if it is not expanded
- LeftArrow Collapse the current selected node, if it is expanded
- F4 Display LsDirTreeView
- Esc Close LsDirTreeView
- DownArrow If current selected node is expanded, move to nextChild;
- otherwise move to nextvisible node
- UpArrow If current node is expanded, move to preChild; otherwise
- move to prevVisible node
- Enter Set the SelectedPath
- ==========================================================================
- 5.2.2 TLsDirTree21
- ==========================================================================
- ShortCut Key(s) Action
- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------
- RightArrow Expand the current selected node, if it is not expanded
- LeftArrow Collapse the current selected node, if it is expanded
- DownArrow If current selected node is expanded, move to nextChild;
- otherwise move to nextvisible node
- UpArrow If current node is expanded, move to preChild; otherwise
- move to prevVisible node
- Shift+F10 Display context menu for selected node
- on numeric keypad
- -----------------
- * Expand everything under the selected node
- + Expand the selected node
- - Collapse the selected node
- ==========================================================================
- 5.2.3 TLsFilelistView28
- ==========================================================================
- ShortCut Key(s) Action
- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------
- Ctrl+A Select All
- Ctrl+C Copy
- Ctrl+X Cut
- Ctrl+V Paste
- Ctrl+O Open Files
- Ctrl+F Quick view
- Ctrl+N Create New Folder
- Shift+F10 Display context menu for selected item
- UpArrow Move up
- DownArrow Move down
- Delete Send selected items to Recycle Bin
- Enter Open (Files or Folders)
- BackSpace Go to the parent folder
- F2 Rename file
- F3 Find Files
- F4 Display dropdown Dirtreeview of LsDirTreeCombo, if
- connected.
- F5 Refresh TLsFilelistView28
- Esc Close dropdown Dirtreeview of LsDirTreeCombo, if
- connected.
- ==========================================================================
- 5.3 Popup Context Menu
- ----------------------
- 5.3.1 LsFilelistView28Popup
- =========================================================================
- Menu Name Commands / Remarks
- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------
- Open OpenItem
- View ViewFile
- ---------------
- Send To > To open Send_To SubMenu, which contains:
- - Any Folder ... ,
- - Clipboard as Contents,
- - Clipboard as FileName,
- - Desktop as ShortCut,
- - Removable Disk(s), and
- - LinkFiles in \Windows\SendTo directory.
- ---------------
- Cut CutCopy(2)
- Copy CutCopy(0)
- Paste Paste
- ---------------
- Rename File RenameFile
- Delete DeleteItems
- ---------------
- Properties ShowFileProperties / Show selected item's properties.
- ---------------
- New Folder NewFolder / Create a new folder.
- =========================================================================
- 5.3.2 LsDirTree21PopUp
- =========================================================================
- Menu Name Commands / Remarks
- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------
- Add Folder AddNewNode() / Creates a new directory
- Rename Folder / Rename an existing directory
- Delete Folder DeleteNode() / Delete an existing directory
- -----------------
- Cut CutOrCopyNode() / CutOrCopyNode(2) for "Cut"
- Copy - " - / CutOrCopyNode(0) for "Copy"
- Paste PasteNode() / "Paste" operation
- -----------------
- TreeSize GetTreeSize() / Calculate the TreeSize from
- selected Directory
- Folder Contents ShowFolderContents / Popup FileListDlg for displaying
- files in the selected directory
- -----------------
- Map Network Drive ConnectNetResource() / Connect to network drive(s)
- DisConnect Network DisconnectNetResource() / disconnect network drive(s)
- Drive
- -----------------
- Properties ShowNodeProperties() / Show selected Drive's or Folder's
- properties.
- =========================================================================
- NB:- These file- and folder-management operations can easily be
- linked to the application's main menu by adding few lines
- of code.
- 5.4 If MultiSelect Property of TLsFilelistView28 is set to True, GetNextItem
- function or a for-loop can be used to find all selected items.
- 6. Limitation
- =============
- Since these components are designed mainly for file management, Special
- DesktopFolders are not retrieved from the shell's name space and
- displayed in both components.
- 7 Update History
- ================
- version 2.873
- -------------
- - Added Brazilian-Portuguese language support.
- - Modified some French translations.
- - Fixed displaying image problem with Windows XP.
- - Add function to remember previousely selected folder in LsFileListview28
- after going up one level.
- version 2.872
- -------------
- - Added French, German and Spanish language support to both LsDirTree21
- and LsFileListview28, through "Property Language".
- - Added "Property ParentDirCaption" to LsFileListview28.
- - Fixed proliferation of "ParentFolder" icon (Parent_L28.bmp) in the
- system's image list.
- - Improved GetTreeSize function in LsDirTree21.
- version 2.871
- -------------
- - Fixed memory leak.
- - Improved open folder performance on network drives.
- version 2.870
- -------------
- - Added Delphi 6 support.
- - Corrected misplacement of 'Dropdown button' in LsDirTreeCombo28.
- - Fixed possible problem in LsFileListView28's HideFileExt property.
- - Added new 'ParentDirEnabled' property to LsFileListView28.
- - Moved 'InitialDir' property in LsDirTree21 and LsDirTreeCombo28 from
- 'Published' to 'Public' declaration.
- version 2.862
- -------------
- - Eliminated the blank button on Task-bar, created by the Dropdown
- TLsDirTreeview of TLsDirTreeCombo28.
- - Add MenuItem 'Properties' to LsDirTree21's PopUp context menu.
- Version 2.861
- -------------
- - Fixed 'ConvertError' in comparison of FileTime.
- - MenuItem 'Attribute' in LsFileListview28's context menu has been recoded to
- display properties of the selected item under Delphi4 or high.
- Version 2.86
- ------------
- - Added 'Cut', 'Copy', and 'Paste' functions to LsDirTree21's context menu
- for copying or moving operations of directories and their contents.
- Version 2.85
- ------------
- - All LoadBitmap( ) functions were replaced by LoadImage( ) functions, thus
- bitmaps with 256-color can be loaded from resource files.
- - Added 'ExtractFileNameOnly( )' to global functions.
- - Added 'property About' to all three components.
- - Added 'property InitialDir to LsDirTree21 and LsDirTreeCombo28.
- - Added MenuItem 'SendTo DeskTop as ShortCut' to LsFileListView28's
- context menu.
- - LsFileListView28's 'Property TimeFormatStr' completely recoded.
- - LsFileListView28's 'Procedure BtnClick( )' revised, in order to make its
- behavior similar to that of Windows Explorer.
- - LsDirTreeCombo28's 'Procedure BtnClick( )' revised to allow LsDirTreeView
- to popup above LsDirTreeCombo28, if space below is insufficient.
- Version 2.84
- ------------
- KeyDown and KeyUp event-hanlers were recoded in order to be compliance with
- the keyboard shortcuts used by Window Explorer.
- Version 2.83
- ------------
- The inherited OnChange Events were replaced by Custom-Events (i.e.
- OnDirChange & OnFileChange in LsDirTree21, OnPathChange in LsDirTreeCombo28,
- and OnItemChange in LsFileListView28) to avoid errors caused by non- or
- multi-triggering.
- Version 2.82
- ------------
- (A) LsDirTree21
- - FilelistDlg is now incorporated into LsDirtree21 instead of a
- separate class.
- - Added 'ConnectNetResource' and 'DisConnectNetResource' procedures, for
- mapping and disconnecting network drives.
- (B) LsFileListView28
- - Surplus code fragments, that were originally for Delphi 2, have been
- deleted.
- Bitmaps for Resource file are also distributed.
- Version 2.81
- ------------
- (A) LsFileListView28
- - Fixed bug in the LargeImage, which would cause incorrect icon
- for the compiled application under certain conditions.
- - Enhanced NewFolder and DeleteItems procedures in LsFileListView28
- in order to improve the user interface.
- Version 2,80
- ------------
- (A) LsDirTree21
- - Add TLsFileListDlg Class for creating a popup FileList-Dialog,
- i.e. a simplified FileListView, that will display files in the
- selected directory of LsDirTree21.
- - Add ShowFolderContents procedure to activate LsFileListDlg.
- - Fixed bug in AddNewNode( )
- (B) LsDirTreeCombo28
- - Fixed bug when compiled under Japanese edition of Delphi.
- (C) LsFilelistView28:
- - procedure SetColumnWidth() replaced by properties:
- ColWidth_Name,
- ColWidth_Size,
- ColWidth_Type,
- ColWidth_Mod, and
- ColWidth_Attr.
- - When ViewStyle = vsReport, the File Size will be displayed in KBs and
- the Folder Size will be blank.
- - The "Parent" folder will stay at top, regardless sorting directions.
- - Fixed "Invalid image" error, when the icon-size is changed from default
- size of 32x32 (in Windows' Display Property | Appearance | Icon ).
- Version 2.70
- -------------
- (A) LsDirTree20:
- - Add Function GetTreeSize.
- - Add Bipmaps to its PopupMenu.
- (B) LsFilelistView27:
- - Added Property HideFileExt.
- - Added Property TimeFormatStr
- - Revised Procedure SetDateFormat to increse preset DateFormats
- and to provide customize option.
- - Added Bitmaps to the ColumnHeaders to indicate the sorted column
- and its direction of sorting.
- - Added Bitmaps to the its PopupMenu.
- - Added a 'Parent' folder at the top of filelist. Double-click on it,
- will go up one level (similar to Procedure OneLevelUp).
- - Enhancements to various functions and procedures.
- Version 2.60
- ------------
- - Added a Directory-TreeView component 'TLsDirTree20'.
- - Revised the KeyDown Event handler in TLsDirTreeCombo26.
- - Included icons in Send-To context menu (for D4 and D5).
- - Fixed bug that keep the drop-down LsDirTreeView on Top, when using
- Alt-Tab key to switch to other running application.
- Version 2.53
- ------------
- - Added PopupMenu and DblClickEnabled Properties to TLsFilelistView25.
- - Fixed 'Integer overflow or Floating point error' generated by Functions
- GetDiskSizze() or GetFreeDiskSize(). if the disk size or the logical
- partition size is larger than 4GB.
- - Fixed bug in Procedure TLsDirtreeCombo().
- - Compiler Directives modified in order to be compatible with Delphi 5.
- Version 2.52
- ------------
- - Added ShortCut keys to TLsDirTreeCombo25, and revised ShortCut keys
- in TLsFilelistView25 in order to conform with standard shortcuts
- used by Windows Explorer.
- - Added procedure FindFile to TLsFilelistView25.
- - In LsFilelistView25, Public Property FileName has been renamed to
- SelectedItem to reflect its function and FileAttrhas been declared
- as public.
- - Fixed bug that keep the drop-down LsDirTreeView on Top, even the
- application that owns TLsDirTreeCombo25, has been SentToBack.
- - Incorporated patches to TLsFilelistView25 to avoid possible AV errors.
- Version 2.51
- ------------
- - Fixed the undesired behavior of TLsDirTreeCombo25's dropdown
- treeview, if it's located on any component other than a TForm.
- Version 2.50
- ------------
- - TLsDirComboBox has been replaced by TLsDirTreeCombo25, in order to
- provide a hierarchical treeview of the file system.
- - Added SetColumnWidth() procedure to TLsFilelistView25.
- - Added ShowFolders property to TLsFilelistView25.
- - Added 'Anchors', 'BiDiMode' and 'Constraints' properties for Delphi
- version 4.xx.
- - Added Attributes to Context Menu
- - Send_To SubMenu has been revised.
- - Fixed bug in TLsFilelistView25's AddFiles() function.
- Version 2.00
- ------------
- - Use Windows API functions to perform copy, move, rename,
- delete, and other operations on files.
- - Added DriveFreeSpace, SelectedNumber and SelectedSize
- properties.
- - Also added an Popup Context Menu to TLsFilelistView20 for
- file operations.
- Version 1.20
- ------------
- - Added compiler directives to migrate both components to
- Delphi version 4.
- Version 1.10
- ------------
- - Fixed bugs in TLsFilelistView's Mask property to allow
- folders and filtered files to be displayed simultaneously.
- - Fixed bugs in TLsDirTreeCombo10's Click procedure.
- Version 1.00
- ------------
- - First development.
- Note :- Latest patches in the source code are flagged by
- '//'+ minor version numbers.
- eg. //51 indicates changes made in version 2.51
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------