home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {=============================================================================}
- { Unit LsFileExplorer28.pas -- v2.873 }
- {=============================================================================}
- {
- Archive :- FileExpl.zip
- Components :- TLsDirTree21,
- TLsDirTreeCombo28 and
- TLsFilelistView28.
- For Delphi 3, 4, 5 and 6 (also for **C++Builder 4 and 5)
- ** Although not tested by the author, many users reported
- that these components are working fine with C++Builder
- 4 and 5.
- Version :-
- Author :- Leo D. Shih <ldshih@ecn.ab.ca>
- Last UpDate :- March, 2002
- }
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {
- ======================
- Copyright (C)1998/2002 Leo D. Shih, All rights reserved
- -------------------------------------------------------
- TLsDirTree21, TlsDirTreeCombo28 and TlsFileListView28 (components) are currently
- distributed as Freeware, thus
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of these components as you
- receive them, in any medium, provided that this copyright notice included
- in the source code file (LsFileExplorer28.pas) is kept intact.
- 2. You may modify the source code of these components to improve their features,
- performance, etc. provided that
- 2.1 You may not change the original copyright notice.
- 2.2 The modified source code should contain descriptions what you have
- changed, and your name and e-mail address.
- 2.3 Send the modified portion of the source code to the author so that the
- author may incorporate the modification into future releases of these
- components, with appropriate acknowledgement.
- 3. You may use these components, or any part thereof, in your program,
- provided that you meet following conditions:
- 3.1 This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution,
- and the origin of these components must not be misrepresented.
- 3.2 Appropriated credit to the author should be included in the "AboutForm"
- or the "HelpFile", and the documentation of your program.
- 3.3 If your program is to be distributed as commercial products, in addition
- to above conditions, please write to the author for permission.
- These components are provided 'as-is', without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any problems
- or damages arising from the use of these components.
- }
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {
- ===============
- I'm most grateful to those people in the Delphi community who have
- reported bugs, suggested fixings or recommanded improvements. In
- particular, I would like to thank Ales Trtnik, Andreas Roth, Brad Huggins,
- Claude Hunter, Detlef Scheil, Harrie Roaymans, Marcelo Rodrigues,
- Steve Pinneo, Tom Lisjac, Maximo Yarritu, Bogdan Giusca, Bernd Ohse,
- Ales Turai and Jake Jones for their professional suggestions.
- Also, I would like thank Andreas Roth, Bernd Ohse, Bernard Bourguignon,
- David Abdaleon and Alberto Meyer for their German, French, Spanish and
- Brazillian-Portuguese translations .
- }
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {
- Brief Description
- =================
- 1. TLsDirTree21
- ---------------
- TLsDirTree21 is a simple but fully functional Directory Treeview with a
- popup FileListDlg (i.e. a simplified File ListView), that
- (a) displays drives/directories in the DirectoryTree and files of the
- selected directory in a popup FileListDlg. Thus directories can be
- selected from the DirectoryTree, and files can be selected or opened
- in the FileListDlg;
- (b) supports creating, renaming, deleting, copying and moving operations
- on directories;
- (c) calculates the size of a selected portion of the DirectoryTree.
- (d) connects and disconnects network drives.
- 2. TLsDirTreeCombo28
- --------------------
- TLsDirTreeCombo28 is a specialized ComboBox with a dropdown Directory
- TreeView, that displays a hierarchical tree of drives and directories of
- the File System.
- 3. TLsFilelistView28 w/TLsFilelistView28PopUp
- ---------------------------------------------
- TLsFilelistView28 is a File ListView component. In addition to its normal
- functions, it can perform various file management tasks, such as cut, copy,
- paste, rename, delete, open, view and send_to operations on files. It also
- provides statistics on Disk-FreeSpace, Selected-Numbers and Selected-Size as
- those available in the Windows Explorer.
- TLsDirTree21 and TLsFilelistView28 provide with French, German Spanish and
- Brazilian-Portuguese language support in addition to English language.
- -> For further information please refer to LsFileExplorer28.txt
- }
- {=============================================================================}
- {Compiler version definations}
- {============================}
- {$IFNDEF VER80} //If not D1
- {$IFNDEF VER90} //If not D2
- {$IFNDEF VER93} //If not BCB 1
- {$IFNDEF VER100} //If not D3
- {$IFNDEF VER110} //IF not BCB 3
- {$IFNDEF VER120} //If not D4
- {$IFNDEF VER125} //If not BCB 4
- {$IFNDEF VER130} //If not D5
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- unit LsFileExplorer28;
- interface
- {$IFDEF D6_OR_HIGHER} //870
- {$ENDIF}
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Buttons,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, CommCtrl, ShellAPI, ClipBrd, Menus,
- FileCtrl, Registry, LsConsts, //872
- ShellObj, OLE2
- {$ELSE}
- ShlObj, ActiveX, ComObj
- {$ENDIF}
- ImgList
- {$ENDIF};
- type
- TFileAttr = (ftReadOnly, ftHidden, ftSystem, ftArchive, ftNormal);
- TFileType = set of TFileAttr;
- TLanguage = (lnSysDefault, lnEnglish, lnFrench, lnGerman, lnSpanish,
- lnPortuguese); //872 //873
- TDtFormat = (df_MMddyyyy, df_MMddyy, df_ddMMyyyy, //70
- df_ddMMyy_GB, df_ddMMyy_DE, df_ddMMyy_IT,
- df_yyyyMMdd, df_yyMMdd, df_Customize);
- TTmFormat = (tfLongFormat, tfShortFormat, tfCustomize); //85
- // for LsDirTreeCombo28
- TPathChangeEvent =
- procedure(Sender: TObject; SelectedPath: string) of object; //83
- // for LsDirTree21
- TDirChangeEvent =
- procedure(Sender: TObject; SelectedPath: string) of object; //83
- TFileChangeEvent =
- procedure(Sender: TObject; SelectedFile: string) of Object; //83
- // for LsFileListView28
- TSelItemChangeEvent =
- procedure(Sender: TObject; SelectedItem: string) of Object; //83
- TLsFilelistView28 = class;
- TLsFilelistView28PopUp = class;
- TLsDirTreeCombo28 = class;
- TLsDirTreeView = class;
- TLsDirTree21PopUp = class;
- TLsSpeedButton = Class; //862
- {*******************************************}
- { TLsDirTreeView }
- { Drop-down TreeView of TLsDirTreeCombo28 }
- {*******************************************}
- TLsDirTreeView = class(TCustomTreeView)
- private
- TreeViewPath: string;
- FSelectedPath: string;
- FExpandRoot: Boolean;
- FMouseInControl: Boolean;
- procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER;
- procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
- procedure WMMouseMove(var Message: TWMMouseMove); message WM_MOUSEMOVE;
- procedure WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message
- protected
- procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
- procedure CreateWnd; override;
- procedure Expand(Node: TTreeNode); override;
- procedure LoadDrives;
- procedure MakePath(Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure AddSubs(Path: string; Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure Expanding(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowExpansion: Boolean);
- end;
- {*******************************************}
- { TLsDirTreeCombo28 }
- {*******************************************}
- TLsDirTreeCombo28 = class(TCustomEdit)
- Btn: TSpeedButton;
- Tree: TLsDirTreeView;
- private
- FFileList: TLsFilelistView28;
- FWinDir: string;
- ImageIndex: integer;
- ImagLst: TImageList;
- FCanvas: TControlCanvas;
- FOnPathChange: TPathChangeEvent; //83
- FAbout: String; //85
- FInitialDir: String; //85
- protected
- procedure CreateWnd; override;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams); override;
- procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
- procedure SetEditRect;
- procedure BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- function GetFileList: TLsFilelistView28;
- procedure SetFileList(Value: TLsFilelistView28);
- function GetBtnGlyph: TBitmap;
- procedure SetBtnGlyph(NewValue: TBitmap);
- function GetTreeHeight: Integer;
- procedure SetTreeHeight(newValue: Integer);
- function GetSelectedPath: string;
- procedure SetSelectedPath(Value: string);
- function GetExpandRoot: Boolean;
- procedure SetExpandRoot(Value: Boolean);
- function GetHideSelection: Boolean;
- procedure SetHideSelection(Value: Boolean);
- procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
- procedure Keydown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; //52
- procedure SetAbout(Value: String); //85
- procedure SetInitialDir(Value: String); //85
- procedure WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp); message WM_RBUTTONUP; //862
- procedure WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMKILLFOCUS); message WM_KILLFOCUS; //862
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor destroy; override;
- procedure SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer); override;
- procedure OpenPath(dPath: string);
- procedure ResetTreeView;
- procedure ConnectNetResource(Sender: TObject); //862+
- procedure DisConnectNetResource(Sender: TObject); //862+
- property InitialDir: String read FInitialDir write SetInitialDir; //870
- published
- property SelectedPath: string read GetSelectedPath write SetSelectedPath;
- property FileList: TLsFilelistView28 read GetFileList write SetFileList;
- property ExpandRoot: Boolean read GetExpandRoot write SetExpandRoot
- default True;
- property HideSelection: Boolean read GetHideSelection
- write SetHideSelection default True;
- property About: String read FAbout write SetAbout; //85
- property Align;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Color;
- property Ctl3D;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property Height;
- property HelpContext;
- property Hint;
- property Left;
- property Name;
- property Glyph: TBitmap read GetBtnGlyph write SetBtnGlyph;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ReadOnly; //53+
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Tag;
- property Top;
- property TreeHeight: Integer read GetTreeHeight write SetTreeHeight;
- property Visible;
- property Width;
- property OnPathChange: TPathChangeEvent read FOnPathChange
- write FOnPathChange; //83
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {******************************************}
- { TLsSpeedButton //862}
- {******************************************}
- TLsSpeedButton = Class(TSpeedButton) //862>>
- private
- procedure WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp); Message WM_RBUTTONUP;
- end; //862
- {*******************************************}
- { TLsDirTree21 //60}
- {*******************************************}
- TLsDirTree21 = class(TCustomTreeView)
- private
- FFileList: TLsFilelistView28;
- FSelectedPath: string;
- TreeViewPath: string;
- FPopUpMenu: TLsDirTree21PopUp;
- FPopUpMenuEnabled: Boolean;
- FIsNewFolder: Boolean;
- FSelectedFile: string; //80^
- DlgForm: TForm; //82
- FileView: TListView; //82
- BtnOK: TBitBtn; //82
- SImgList: TImageList; //82
- FOnDirChange: TDirChangeEvent; //83
- FOnFileChange: TFileChangeEvent; //83
- FAbout: String; //85
- FInitialDir: String; //85
- FisCutCopy: Boolean; //86
- FOpMode: integer; //86
- FSrcPath: string; //86
- FDestPath: String; //86
- FNetDrive: array[0..25] of Boolean; //871
- FTvLanguage: TLanguage; //872ln
- protected
- procedure CreateWnd; override;
- procedure Expanding(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowExpansion: Boolean);
- procedure LoadRoot;
- procedure LoadDrives;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure AddSubs(Path: string; Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure MakePath(Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; //84
- procedure SetAbout(Value: String); //85
- procedure SetFileList(Value: TLsFilelistView28);
- procedure SetInitialDir(Value: string); //85
- procedure SetTvLanguage(Value: TLanguage); //872ln
- procedure SetPopUpMenuEnabled(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetSelectedPath(Value: string);
- procedure SetSelectedFile(Value: string); //80^
- procedure InitializeVar; //872ln
- function CanEdit(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean; override;
- procedure Edit(const Item: TTVItem); override;
- function GetPathFromNode(Node: TTreeNode): string;
- procedure OpenFileListDlg(Sender: TObject); //82
- procedure DlgFormResize(Sender: TObject); //82
- procedure FileViewDblClick(Sender: TObject); //80^ //82
- procedure OKBtnClick(Sender: TObject); //82
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor destroy; override;
- procedure ReLoad;
- procedure OpenPath(dPath: string);
- procedure SHowFolderContents; //80^
- function AddNewNode(ParentNode: TTreeNode; NodeName: string):
- Boolean;
- function DeleteNode(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- function GetTreeSize: double; //integer; //85
- procedure ConnectNetResource(Sender: TObject); //82
- procedure DisConnectNetResource(Sender: TObject); //82
- procedure CutOrCopyNode(Mode: integer); //86
- procedure PasteNode; //86
- procedure ShowNodeProperties;
- {$ENDIF}
- property Images; //85
- property Items; //85
- property InitialDir: string read FInitialDir Write SetInitialDir; //870
- published
- property FileList: TLsFilelistView28 read FFileList write SetFileList;
- property PopUpMenuEnabled: Boolean read FPopUpMenuEnabled
- write SetPopUpMenuEnabled default True;
- property SelectedPath: string read FSelectedPath write SetSelectedPath;
- property SelectedFile: string read FSelectedFile write SetSelectedFile; //80^
- property About: string read FAbout write SetAbout; //85
- property Language: TLanguage read FTvLanguage write SetTvLanguage; //872ln
- property Align;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Color;
- property Ctl3D;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property Height;
- property HelpContext;
- property HideSelection;
- property Hint;
- property Indent;
- property Left;
- property Name;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ReadOnly;
- property ShowButtons;
- property ShowHint;
- property ShowLines;
- property ShowRoot;
- property SortType;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Tag;
- property Top;
- property Visible;
- property Width;
- property OnDirChange: TDirChangeEvent read FOnDirChange write FOnDirChange; //83
- property OnFileChange: TFileChangeEvent read FOnFileChange write FOnFileChange; //83
- property OnClick;
- property OnCollapsed;
- property OnCollapsing;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDeletion;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEdited;
- property OnEditing;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnExpanded;
- property OnExpanding;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {========== TLsDirTree21PopUp =============}
- TLsDirTree21PopUp = class(TPopupMenu)
- private
- FDirTree: TLsDirTree21; //70
- Bmp1,
- Bmp2,
- Bmp3,
- Bmp4, //86
- Bmp5, //86
- Bmp6, //86
- Bmp7, //70
- Bmp8, //80
- Bmp9, //82
- Bmp10 //82
- Bmp11 //862
- {$ENDIF}
- : HBitmap;
- TvItemID_0, //872ln>
- TvItemID_1,
- TvItemID_2,
- TvItemID_4,
- TvItemID_5,
- TvItemID_6,
- TvItemID_8,
- TvItemID_9,
- TvItemID_11,
- TvItemID_12,
- TvItemID_14: string; //872ln<
- protected
- function AddNewItem(const aCaption: string; aShortCut: TShortCut;
- aChecked, aEnabled: Boolean; aGroup: integer; aOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
- hCtx: word; const aName: string; aTag: Integer; aBitMap: HBitMap): TMenuItem;
- procedure SetDirTree(Value: TLsDirTree21);
- procedure ItemOnClick(Sender: TObject);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure BuildItems;
- procedure Popup(X, Y: integer); override;
- property DirTree: TLsDirTree21 read FDirTree;
- end;
- {*******************************************}
- { TLsFilelistView28 }
- {*******************************************}
- TLsFilelistView28 = class(TCustomListView)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- //80 >>
- FColWidth_Name: Integer;
- FColWidth_Size: Integer;
- FColWidth_Type: Integer;
- FColWidth_Mod: Integer;
- FColWidth_Attr: Integer;
- //80 <<
- FDirTreeCombo: TLsDirTreeCombo28;
- FDirTree: TLsDirTree21;
- FDirectory: string;
- FDirectorySize: integer;
- FSelectedItem: string;
- FFileType: TFileType;
- FOpMode: Integer;
- FMask: string;
- FParentDirEnabled: Boolean; //870
- FPopupMenu: TLsFilelistView28PopUp;
- FPopUpMenuEnabled: Boolean;
- FSelectedFiles: TStrings;
- FShowFolders: Boolean;
- FSortColumn: integer;
- FSortForward: boolean;
- OldFName: string;
- FDblClickToOpen: Boolean; //70
- FDateFormat: TDtFormat; //70
- FTimeFormat: TTmFormat; //85
- FDFormatStr: string; //70>
- FTFormatStr: string;
- FHideFileExt: Boolean; //70<
- FAbout: string; //85
- SImgLst: TImageList;
- LImgLst: TImageList;
- ParentImgIdx: integer; //872
- Bmp_Up28: HBitMap; //70>
- Bmp_Down28: HBitMap;
- FBitMap: TBitmap; //70<
- FileColExists: Boolean; //872
- FParentDirCaption : string; //872
- FColumnClickEnabled : Boolean; //70
- FOnItemChange: TSelItemChangeEvent; //83
- FLanguage: TLanguage; //872ln>
- DrvTypeStr0: string;
- DrvTypeStr1: string;
- DrvTypeStr2: string;
- DrvTypeStr3: string;
- DrvTypeStr4: string;
- DrvTypeStr5: string;
- DrvTypeStr6: string; //872ln
- function GetDriveFreeSpace: Integer; //872bcb
- function GetSelectedNum: Integer;
- function GetSelectedSize: Integer;
- procedure Createimages;
- procedure CompareFiles(Sender: TObject; Item1,
- Item2: TListItem; Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer);
- procedure ColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn);
- procedure SetPopUpMenuEnabled(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetDblClickToOpen(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetParentDirEnabled(Value: Boolean); //870
- procedure InitializeVar; //872ln
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- function AddFiles(FileMask: string; Attr: DWORD): Boolean;
- function CanEdit(Item: TListItem): Boolean; override;
- function GetSelectedItem: string;
- function GetDirectory: string;
- function GetWkgMask(var MaskStr: string): string;
- procedure AddDrives;
- procedure Click; override;
- procedure CreateWnd; override;
- procedure CreateDriveColumns;
- procedure CreateFileColumns;
- procedure DblClick; override;
- procedure Edit(const Item: TLVItem); override;
- procedure Keydown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
- procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; //84
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure SetAbout(Value: string); //85
- procedure SetColWidth_Name(Value: Integer); //80
- procedure SetColWidth_Size(Value: Integer); //80
- procedure SetColWidth_Type(Value: Integer); //80
- procedure SetColWidth_Mod(Value: Integer); //80
- procedure SetColWidth_Attr(Value: Integer); //80
- procedure SetDirectory(NewDir: string);
- procedure SetDirTreeCombo(Val: TLsDirTreeCombo28);
- procedure SetDirTree(VaL: TLsDirTree21);
- procedure SetFileType(NewFileType: TFileType);
- procedure SetHideFileExt(Value: Boolean); //70
- procedure SetMask(const NewMasks: string);
- procedure SetLanguage(Value: TLanguage); //872ln
- procedure SetParentDirCaption(Value: string); //872
- procedure SetShowFolders(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetSelectedItem(NewItem: string);
- procedure SetDaTeFormat(Value: TDtFormat); Virtual; //70
- procedure SetTimeFormat(Value: TTmFormat); Virtual; //85
- procedure SendTo(SubItems: integer);
- procedure SendTo2(Path: string);
- procedure SendToPath(DestPath: string);
- procedure SendToDrive(DriveID: string);
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure CutCopy(Mode: integer);
- procedure DeleteItems;
- procedure FindFile;
- procedure NewFolder;
- procedure OneLevelUp;
- procedure OpenItem;
- procedure Paste;
- procedure RenameFile;
- procedure UpdateFileList;
- procedure ViewFile;
- procedure CreateShortCut; //85
- {$IFDEF D4_OR_HIGHER} //861>>
- procedure ShowFileProperties;
- {$ELSE}
- procedure FileAttr;
- {$ENDIF} //861<<
- property DirectorySize: integer read FDirectorySize;
- property SelCount;
- property Selected;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property About: string read FAbout write SetAbout; //85
- property ColWidth_Name: Integer read FColWidth_Name
- write SetColWidth_Name Default 165; //80
- property ColWidth_Size: Integer read FColWidth_Size
- write SetColWidth_Size Default 75; //80
- property ColWidth_Type: Integer read FColWidth_Type
- write SetColWidth_Type Default 95; //80
- property ColWidth_Mod: Integer read FColWidth_Mod
- write SetColWidth_Mod Default 115; //80
- property ColWidth_Attr: Integer read FColWidth_Attr
- write SetColWidth_Attr Default 40; //80
- property DateFormat: TDtFormat read FDaTeFormat write SetDaTeFormat
- default df_Customize; //82
- property Directory: string read GetDirectory write SetDirectory;
- property DirTreeCombo: TLsDirTreeCombo28 read FDirTreeCombo
- write SetDirTreeCombo;
- property DirTree: TLsDirTree21 read FDirTree
- write SetDirTree; //60
- property DriveFreeSpace: Integer read GetDriveFreeSpace; //872bcb
- property DblClickToOpen: Boolean read FDblClickToOpen
- write SetDblClickToOpen default True;
- property FileType: TFileType read FFileType write SetFileType default
- [ftNormal];
- property HideFileExt: Boolean read FHideFileExt write SetHideFileExt
- default False; //70
- property Language: TLanguage read FLanguage write SetLanguage; //872ln
- property Mask: string read FMask write SetMask;
- property ParentDirEnabled: Boolean read FParentDirEnabled
- write SetParentDirEnabled default True; //870
- property ParentDirCaption: string read FParentDirCaption
- write SetParentDirCaption; //872
- property PopUpMenuEnabled: Boolean read FPopUpMenuEnabled
- write SetPopUpMenuEnabled default True;
- property SelectedItem: string read GetSelectedItem write SetSelectedItem;
- property SelectedNumber: Integer read GetSelectedNum;
- property SelectedSize: Integer read GetSelectedSize;
- property ShowFolders: Boolean read FShowFolders write SetShowFolders
- default True;
- property TimeFormat: TTmFormat read FTimeFormat write SetTimeFormat; //85
- property Align;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Color;
- property Ctl3D;
- property Cursor;
- property DragMode;
- property DragCursor;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property Height;
- property HideSelection default False;
- property Hint;
- property IconOptions;
- property Items;
- property Left;
- property MultiSelect default True;
- property Name;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ReadOnly default False;
- property RowSelect default False;
- property ShowColumnHeaders default True;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Tag;
- property Top;
- property ViewStyle default vsReport;
- property Visible;
- property Width;
- property OnItemChange: TSelItemChangeEvent read FOnItemChange
- write FOnItemChange; //83
- property OnClick;
- property OnColumnClick;
- property OnCompare;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDeletion;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEdited;
- property OnEditing;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnInsert;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property HotTrack;
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- property HotTrackStyles;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { ====== TLsFilelistView28PopUp ====== }
- TLsFilelistView28PopUp = class(TPopupMenu)
- private
- SendToList: TStrings;
- FFileListView: TLsFilelistView28;
- Bmp1, Bmp2,
- Bmp3, Bmp4,
- Bmp5, Bmp6,
- Bmp7, Bmp8,
- Bmp9, Bmp10,
- Bmp11, Bmp12,
- Bmp13 : HBitmap; //70 //85
- LvItemID_0, //872ln>
- LvItemID_1,
- LvItemID_3,
- LvItemID_5,
- LvItemID_6,
- LvItemID_7,
- LvItemID_9,
- LvItemID_10,
- LvItemID_12,
- LvItemID_14,
- LvItemID_30,
- LvItemID_31,
- LvItemID_32,
- LvItemID_33: string; //872ln<
- protected
- function AddNewItem(const aCaption: string; aShortCut: TShortCut;
- aChecked, aEnabled: Boolean; aGroup: integer; aOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
- hCtx: word; const aName: string; aTag: Integer; aBitMap: HBitMap): TMenuItem; //862
- procedure SetFileListView(Value: TLsFilelistView28);
- procedure GetSendToSubMenu;
- procedure ItemOnClick(Sender: TObject);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure BuildItems;
- procedure Popup(X, Y: integer); override;
- property FileListView: TLsFilelistView28 read FFileListView;
- end;
- {*******************************************}
- { Global Functions }
- {*******************************************}
- function ExecuteFile(const Operation, FileName, Params, DefaultDir: string;
- ShowCmd: Integer): THandle;
- function DoSHFileOp(Handle: THandle; OpMode: UInt; Src: string;
- Dest: string; var Aborted: Boolean): Boolean;
- function AddNullToStr(Path: string): string;
- function StrContains(Str1, Str2: string): Boolean;
- function BrowseForDir(const FormHandle: HWND; var DirPath: string):
- Boolean;
- function numpos(a: char; b: string; c: integer): integer;
- function getcount(a: char; b: string): integer;
- function GetDiskSize(Root: string): LongInt;
- function GetFreeDiskSize(Root: string): LongInt;
- function DiskinDrive(Drive: Char; ShowMsg: word): Boolean;
- function SlashSep(Path, FName: string): string;
- function AddSlash(Path: string): string;
- function DelSlash(Path: string): string;
- function FileTimeToDateTimeStr(FTime: TFileTime; DFormat: string; //70
- TFormat: string): string;
- function FileDirExist(FDName: string): Boolean;
- function GetNormalIcon(Path: string): integer;
- function GetSelectedIcon(Path: string): Integer;
- function ConvertSize(FSize: integer; FAttr: string): String;
- function ExtractFileNameOnly(FName: string): String; //85
- procedure ShowProperties(FName: string);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- {$R LsFileExplorer28.Res}
- const
- InvalidDOSChars = '\*?/="<>|:,;+^';
- DefaultMask = '*.*';
- FileOpMode: array[0..3] of UInt =
- FileExt: array[0..15] of string = ('.C', '.CPP', '.DPK', '.DPR', '.H',
- '.INF', '.INI', '.PAS', '.PRG', '.TXT', '.DOC', '.RTF', '.WRI', '.BMP',
- '.GIF', '.JPG'); //85
- LsFileExplorerKey = 'Software\LdShih\LsFileExplorer';
- var
- SelectedDir: String; //80^
- Drives : Set of 0..25; //80^
- LvLangID: TLanguage; //872ln>
- TvLangID: TLanguage;
- //Language-specific messages
- ewDrive, //873
- ewFolder, //873
- ewError,
- ewFile,
- ewFrom,
- ewTo,
- ewCancel,
- ewBrowse,
- ewReadOnly,
- ewArchive,
- ewHidden,
- ewSystem,
- esCannot,
- esSpecifyDir,
- esInvalidDrvID,
- esDrvNotReady,
- esExists,
- esInvalidDirName,
- esConfirmRename,
- esCannotAddDrv,
- esNewFolder,
- esInvalidChars,
- esNotFound,
- esFilesIn,
- esFileOpFailed,
- esReadOnly,
- esNoFileSelected,
- esSendToFolder,
- esSendToPath,
- esPersistSaveError,
- esSetAttr,
- esTreeSize, //873
- esAllSubDir: string; //872LN<
- {***********************************************************************}
- { Global Functions }
- {***********************************************************************}
- function ExecuteFile(const Operation, FileName, Params, DefaultDir: string;
- ShowCmd: Integer): THandle;
- var
- zOperation: array[0..79] of Char;
- zFileName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; //870
- zParams: array[0..79] of Char;
- zDir: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; //870
- begin
- Result := ShellExecute(Application.Handle,
- StrPCopy(zOperation, Operation),
- StrPCopy(zFileName, FileName),
- StrPCopy(zParams, Params),
- StrPCopy(zDir, DefaultDir), ShowCmd);
- if Result <= 32 then
- // MessageDlg('ERROR - Can''t ' + Operation + ' file ' +
- MessageDlg(esCannot + Operation + ewFile +
- FileName, mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- end; {ExecuteFile}
- function DoSHFileOp(Handle: THandle; OpMode: UInt; Src: string;
- Dest: string; var Aborted: Boolean): Boolean;
- var
- ipFileOp: TSHFileOpStruct;
- begin
- Src := AddNullToStr(Src);
- Dest := AddNullToStr(Dest);
- FillChar(ipFileOp, SizeOf(ipFileOp), 0);
- with ipFileOp do
- begin
- wnd := GetActiveWindow; //Handle;
- wFunc := OpMode;
- pFrom := pChar(Src);
- pTo := pChar(Dest);
- fAnyOperationsAborted := Aborted;
- hNameMappings := nil;
- lpszProgressTitle := '';
- end;
- Result := SHFileOperation(ipFileOp) = 0;
- if ipFileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = True then
- Result := False;
- end; {DoSHFileOp}
- function AddNullToStr(Path: string): string; //70
- begin
- if Path = '' then exit;
- if Path[Length(Path)] <> #0 then
- Result := Path + #0
- else
- Result := Path;
- end; {AddnullToStr}
- function StrContains(Str1, Str2: string): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 1 to Length(Str1) do
- if Pos(Str1[i], Str2) <> 0 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end; {StringCountains}
- function BrowseForDir(const FormHandle: HWND; var DirPath: string):
- Boolean;
- var
- pidl: PItemIDList;
- FBrowseInfo: TBrowseInfo;
- Success: Boolean;
- TitleName: string;
- Buffer: array[0..Max_Path] of Char;
- begin
- Result := False;
- ZeroMemory(@FBrowseInfo, SizeOf(FBrowseInfo));
- try
- GetMem(FBrowseInfo.pszDisplayName, MAX_PATH);
- FBrowseInfo.HWndOwner := FormHandle;
- // TitleName := 'Please specify a directory'; //872ln
- TitleName := esSpecifyDir; //872ln
- FBrowseInfo.lpszTitle := PChar(TitleName);
- pidl := SHBrowseForFolder(FBrowseInfo);
- if pidl <> nil then
- begin
- Success := SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, Buffer);
- if Success then
- begin
- DirPath := Buffer;
- if DirPath[Length(DirPath)] <> '\' then
- DirPath := DirPath + '\';
- result := True;
- end;
- GlobalFreePtr(pidl);
- end;
- finally
- if Assigned(FBrowseInfo.pszDisplayName) then
- FreeMem(FBrowseInfo.pszDisplayName, Max_Path);
- end;
- end; {BrowseForDir}
- function numpos(a: char; b: string; c: integer): integer;
- var
- it: integer;
- az: integer;
- begin
- result := maxint;
- if length(b) > 0 then
- begin
- az := 0;
- for it := 1 to length(b) do
- if b[it] = a then
- begin
- inc(az);
- if az = c then
- begin
- result := it;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end; {numpos}
- function getcount(a: char; b: string): integer;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- result := 0;
- if length(b) > 0 then
- for i := 1 to length(b) do
- if b[i] = a then inc(result);
- end; {getcount}
- function GetDiskSize(Root: string): LongInt; //81
- var
- DrvID: Byte;
- begin
- Root := UpperCase(Root);
- DrvID := Ord(Root[1]) - 64;
- Result := DiskSize(DrvID) div 1024; //in KB
- end; {GetDiskSize}
- function GetFreeDiskSize(Root: string): LongInt; //81
- var
- DrvID: Byte;
- begin
- Root := UpperCase(Root);
- DrvID := Ord(Root[1]) - 64;
- Result := DiskFree(DrvID) div 1024; //in KB
- end; {GetFreeDiskSize}
- function DiskinDrive(Drive: Char; ShowMsg: word): Boolean;
- var
- ErrorMode: word;
- begin
- if Drive in ['a'..'z'] then
- Dec(Drive, $20);
- if not (Drive in ['A'..'Z']) then
- // MessageDlg('Not a valid Drive ID', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(esInvalidDrvID, mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- ErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FailCriticalErrors);
- try
- if DiskSize(Ord(Drive) - $40) = -1 then
- begin
- if ShowMsg > 0 then
- begin
- MessageBeep(MB_IconHand);
- // MessageDlg('There is no disk in Drive ' + Drive + #13 +
- // 'or Drive ' + Drive + ': is not ready',
- // mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- MessageDlg(esDrvNotReady, mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- end;
- Result := False
- end
- else
- Result := True;
- finally
- SetErrorMode(ErrorMode);
- end;
- end; {DiskinDrive}
- function SlashSep(Path, FName: string): string;
- begin
- if (Path = '') or (FName = '') then exit;
- Result := AddSlash(Path) + FName;
- end; {SlashSep}
- function AddSlash(Path: string): string;
- begin
- if Path = '' then exit;
- if Path[Length(Path)] <> '\' then
- Result := Path + '\'
- else
- Result := Path;
- end; {AddSlash}
- function DelSlash(Path: string): string;
- begin
- Result := Path;
- if Path <> '' then
- if Path[Length(Path)] = '\' then
- Delete(Result, Length(Path), 1);
- end; {DelSlash}
- function FileTimeToDateTimeStr(FTime: TFileTime; DFormat,
- TFormat: string): string; //70
- var
- SysTime : TSystemTime;
- DateTime : TDateTime;
- LocalFileTime : TFileTime;
- begin
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime(Ftime, LocalFileTime);
- FileTimeToSystemTime(LocalFileTime, SysTime);
- DateTime := SystemTimeToDateTime(SysTime);
- Result := FormatDateTime(DFormat + ' ' + TFormat, DateTime);
- end; {FileTimeToDateTimeStr}
- function FileDirExist(FDName: string): Boolean;
- var
- SRec: TSearchRec;
- FName: string;
- begin
- FillChar(SRec, SizeOf(TSearchRec), 0);
- Result := FindFirst(AddNullToStr(FDName), faAnyFile or faDirectory, SRec) = 0;
- if Result then
- begin
- FName := ExtractFileName(DelSlash(FDName));
- if (FName[Length(FName)] = #0) then
- FName := Copy(FName, 1, Length(FName) - 1);
- // MessageDlg('"' + FName + '" already exists !', mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- MessageDlg('"' + FName + '" ' + esExists, mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- end;
- SysUtils.FindClose(SRec);
- end; {FileDirExist}
- function GetNormalIcon(Path: string): integer;
- var
- sfi: TShFileInfo;
- begin
- SHGetFileInfo(Pchar(Path), 0, sfi, SizeOf(TSHFileInfo),
- Result := sfi.iIcon;
- end; {GetNormalIcon}
- function GetSelectedIcon(Path: string): Integer;
- var
- sfi: TShFileInfo;
- begin
- SHGetFileInfo(Pchar(Path), 0, sfi, sizeOf(TSHFileInfo),
- Result := sfi.iIcon;
- end; {GetSelectedIcon}
- function ConvertSize(FSize: integer; FAttr: String): String;
- begin
- if (FSize < 1024) and (FSize > 0) then
- FSize := 1024;
- Result := IntToStr(FSize div 1024) + ' KB'; //80
- if (UpperCase(FAttr) = 'DIR') then
- Result := ' '; //'0'; //80
- end; {ConvertSize}
- function ExtractFileNameOnly(FName: string): String; //85 >>
- var
- Ext: string;
- begin
- Result := ExtractFileName(FName);
- Ext := ExtractFileExt(FName);
- if Ext <> '' then
- Delete(Result, Pos(Ext, Result), Length(Ext));
- end; {ExtractFileNameOnly} //85 <<
- procedure ShowProperties(FName: string); //862 >>
- var
- err: longint;
- begin
- try
- ZeroMemory(addr(sei),sizeof(sei));
- sei.cbSize := sizeof(sei);
- sei.lpFile := pchar(FName);
- sei.lpVerb := 'properties';
- ShellExecuteEx(addr(sei));
- except
- err:=getlasterror;
- case err of
- ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: showmessage('The specified file was not found.');
- ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: showmessage('The specified path was not found.');
- ERROR_DDE_FAIL: showmessage('The DDE transaction failed.');
- ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATION: showmessage(
- 'There is no application associated with the given filename extension.');
- ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: showmessage('Access denied');
- ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND : showmessage('DLL not found');
- ERROR_CANCELLED : showmessage('The function prompted the user for the ' +
- 'location of the application, but the user cancelled the request.');
- ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: showmessage('Not enough memory for this operation');
- ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: showmessage('Sharing violation');
- end;
- end;
- end; {ShowFileProperties} //862 <<
- {$ENDIF}
- ///// End of Global Functions /////
- {*************************************************************************}
- { TLsDirTreeCombo28 }
- {*************************************************************************}
- { ===== LsDirTreeView is the Drop-down TreeView of TLsDirTreeCombo28 ==== }
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
- begin
- inherited CreateParams(Params);
- with Params do
- begin
- Style := Style or WS_BORDER;
- WindowClass.Style := CS_SAVEBITS;
- end;
- end; {CreateParams}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.CreateWnd;
- begin
- inherited CreateWnd;
- // Font.Size := 8; //82
- // Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; //82
- Windows.SetParent(Handle, 0);
- CallWindowProc(DefWndProc, Handle, wm_SetFocus, 0, 0);
- end; {CreateWnd}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- FMouseInControl := True;
- ReleaseCapture;
- end; {CMMouseEnter}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage);
- var
- x, y: integer;
- PtPos: TPoint;
- begin
- inherited;
- FMouseInControl := False;
- if not visible then
- begin
- x := 0;
- y := 0;
- PtPos := Point(x, y);
- PtPos := ClientToScreen(PtPos);
- SetCaptureControl(ControlAtPos(PtPos, False));
- end
- else
- SetCaptureControl(Self);
- end; {CMMouseLeave}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.WMMouseMove(var Message: TWMMouseMove);
- var
- TreeHitTest: THitTests;
- begin
- inherited;
- if FMouseInControl and Enabled then
- begin
- TreeHitTest := GetHitTestInfoAt(Message.XPos, Message.YPos);
- if htOnLabel in TreeHitTest then
- Selected := GetNodeAt(Message.XPos, Message.YPos);
- end;
- end; {WMMouseMove}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown);
- var
- HitTest: THitTests;
- DrvCh: Char;
- begin
- inherited;
- case FMouseInControl of
- False:
- begin
- ReleaseCapture;
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := False;
- end;
- True:
- begin
- SendMessage((Owner as TLsDirTreeCombo28).Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0);
- HitTest := GetHitTestInfoAt(Message.XPos, Message.YPos);
- if (htOnItem in HitTest) then
- begin
- MakePath(Selected);
- if (Selected = Items[0]) then
- FSelectedPath := 'Drives'
- else
- FSelectedPath := TreeViewPath;
- with (Owner as TLsDirTreeCombo28) do
- begin
- SetSelectedPath(FSelectedPath);
- ImageIndex := Tree.Selected.ImageIndex;
- Text := Selected.Text;
- if Assigned(FOnPathChange) then
- FOnPathChange(Self, FSelectedPath); //83
- end;
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := False;
- if Selected.Level = 1 then
- if GetDriveType(PChar(FSelectedPath)) = DRIVE_REMOVABLE then
- begin
- DrvCh := FSelectedPath[1];
- if not DiskInDrive(DrvCh, 1) then
- exit;
- end;
- end; {Hittest}
- ReleaseCapture;
- end;
- end; {Case}
- end; {WMLButtonDown}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.Expand(Node: TTreeNode);
- begin
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- Node.AlphaSort;
- Items.EndUpdate;
- inherited Expand(Node);
- end; {Expand}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.LoadDrives;
- var
- ADrive: integer;
- DriveLetter: char;
- DriveString: string;
- DrvName: string;
- Sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- Root: TTreenode;
- idRoot: PItemIDList;
- begin
- Root := nil;
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- Items.Clear;
- if SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Handle, CSIDL_DRIVES, idRoot) = NOERROR then
- if SHGetFileInfo(PChar(idRoot), 0, Sfi, SizeOf(TSHFileInfo), SHGFI_PIDL
- begin
- Root := items.AddFirst(nil, Sfi.szDisplayName);
- Root.ImageIndex := Sfi.iIcon;
- Root.SelectedIndex := Sfi.iIcon;
- end;
- Integer(Drives) := GetLogicalDrives;
- for ADrive := 0 to 25 do
- begin
- if (ADrive in Drives) then
- begin
- DriveLetter := Chr(ADrive + ord('A'));
- DriveString := DriveLetter + ':\';
- SHGetFileInfo(PChar(DriveString), 0, Sfi, SizeOf(Sfi),
- DrvName := Copy(Sfi.szDisplayName, 1, (Pos('(', Sfi.szDisplayName) - 1));
- with Items do
- begin
- AddChild(Root, ' (' + DriveLetter + ':) ' + DrvName);
- Items[Count - 1].HasChildren := true;
- Items[Count - 1].ImageIndex := GetNormalIcon(DriveString);
- Items[Count - 1].SelectedIndex := GetSelectedIcon(DriveString);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end; {LoadDrives}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.MakePath(Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure MakeSubPath;
- begin
- if Node.Level = 1 then
- TreeViewPath := Copy(Node.Text, 3, 2) + '\' + TreeViewPath
- else if Node.Level > 1 then
- if TreeViewPath = '' then
- TreeViewPath := Node.Text
- else
- TreeViewPath := Node.Text + '\' + TreeViewPath;
- end; {MakeSubPath}
- begin
- TreeViewPath := '';
- MakeSubPath;
- while Node.Parent <> nil do
- begin
- Node := Node.Parent;
- MakeSubPath;
- end;
- end; {MakePath}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.AddSubs(Path: string; Node: TTreeNode);
- var
- ANode: TTreeNode;
- APath: string;
- hFindFile: THandle;
- Win32FD: TWin32FindData;
- function IsDirectory(dWin32FD: TWin32FindData): Boolean;
- var
- FName: string;
- begin
- FName := StrPas(dWin32FD.cFileName);
- with dWin32FD do
- Result := (dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY =
- FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) and (FName <> '.') and (FName <> '..');
- end; {IsDirectory}
- function HasSubs(sPath: string): Boolean;
- var
- sAPath: string;
- shFindFile: THandle;
- sWin32FD: TWin32FindData;
- begin
- Result := False;
- sAPath := sPath;
- sAPath := AddSlash(sAPath);
- shFindFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(sAPath + '*.*'), sWin32FD);
- if shFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- try
- repeat
- if IsDirectory(sWin32FD) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- until not FindNextFile(shFindFile, sWin32FD);
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(shFindFile);
- end;
- end; {HasSubs}
- begin
- APath := Path;
- APath := AddSlash(APath);
- hFindFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(APath + '*.*'), Win32FD);
- if hFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- try
- repeat
- if IsDirectory(Win32FD) then
- begin
- ANode := Items.AddChild(Node, Win32FD.cFileName);
- ANode.HasChildren := HasSubs(APath + Win32FD.cFileName);
- ANode.ImageIndex := GetNormalIcon(APath + Win32FD.cFileName);
- ANode.SelectedIndex := GetSelectedIcon(APath + Win32FD.cFileName);
- end;
- until not FindNextFile(hFindFile, Win32FD);
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(hFindFile);
- end;
- end; {AddSubs}
- procedure TLsDirTreeView.Expanding(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowExpansion: Boolean);
- var
- OldCursor: TCursor; //872
- begin
- if Node.GetFirstChild = nil then
- begin
- OldCursor := Screen.Cursor; //872
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; //872
- try
- MakePath(Node);
- Node.HasChildren := false;
- AddSubs(TreeViewPath, Node);
- Node.AlphaSort;
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := OldCursor; //872
- end;
- end;
- end; {Expending}
- ///// End of TLsDirTreeView /////
- { ========================= TLsDirTreeCombo28 ========================== }
- constructor TLsDirTreeCombo28.Create;
- var
- sfi: TShFileInfo;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner); //AOwner);
- Width := 216;
- Height := 21;
- TabOrder := 0;
- ReadOnly := True; //53+
- if Text <> '' then
- HideSelection := True; //862
- FCanvas := TControlCanvas.create;
- FCanvas.Control := self;
- Btn := TLsSpeedButton.Create(Self); //862
- Btn.Parent := Self;
- Tree := TLsDirTreeView.Create(Self);
- with Tree do
- begin
- Parent := Self;
- Top := Self.Top + Self.Height;
- Height := 240;
- Visible := False; //85
- end;
- ImagLst := TImageList.Create(Self);
- try
- SetLength(FWinDir, MAX_PATH); //85
- Setlength(FWinDir, GetWindowsDirectory(PChar(FWinDir), MAX_PATH)); //85
- FWinDir := AddSlash(FWinDir); //85
- ImagLst.Handle := SHGetFileInfo(PChar(FWinDir), 0, sfi, sizeOf(sfi),
- // ImagLst.BkColor := clNone; //871
- ImagLst.ShareImages := True;
- // ImagLst.BlendColor := clHighLight; //871
- finally
- Tree.Images := ImagLst;
- end;
- FAbout := 'Version'; //861
- end; {Create}
- destructor TLsDirTreeCombo28.destroy;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i := Tree.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do //70
- Tree.Items[i].Free;
- ImagLst.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {destroy}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.CreateWnd;
- begin
- inherited CreateWnd;
- SetEditRect;
- end; {CreateWnd}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
- begin
- inherited CreateParams(Params);
- Params.style := Params.style or ES_MULTILINE or WS_CLIPCHILDREN; //862
- end; {CrateParams}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams);
- begin
- inherited CreateWindowHandle(Params);
- // Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; //82
- // Font.Size := 8; //82
- with Btn do
- begin
- Top := 0; //Self.Top + 1; //870
- Left := Self.Left + Self.Width - 21; //19; //85
- Width := 17;
- Height := 17;
- Cursor := crArrow;
- Down := False;
- OnClick := BtnClick;
- Glyph.Handle := LoadBitmap(0, pChar(OBM_COMBO));
- NumGlyphs := 1;
- end; {Btn}
- with Tree do
- begin
- Left := 0;
- Top := 0;
- Width := 0;
- BorderStyle := bsSingle;
- Ctl3D := False;
- LoadDrives;
- OnExpanding := Expanding;
- ExpandRoot := True;
- ReadOnly := True;
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := False;
- end; {Tree}
- if Tree.Selected = nil then
- begin
- ImageIndex := Tree.Items[0].ImageIndex;
- Text := Tree.Items[0].Text;
- end;
- end; {CreateWindowHandle}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetEditRect;
- var
- Loc: TRect;
- begin
- if (ImageIndex >= 0) and (ImageIndex < Tree.Images.Count) then
- begin
- SetRect(Loc, 23, 0, ClientWidth - Btn.Width - 2, ClientHeight + 1);
- SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETRECTNP, 0, LongInt(@Loc));
- end
- else
- begin
- SetRect(Loc, 0, 0, ClientWidth - Btn.Width - 2, ClientHeight + 1);
- SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETRECTNP, 0, LongInt(@Loc));
- end;
- end; {SetEditRect}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- CP, SP: TPoint;
- begin
- CP.X := Left;
- CP.Y := Top + Height;
- SP := Parent.ClientToScreen(CP);
- if (SP.Y + Tree.Height) > Screen.Height then //85 >>
- begin
- CP.Y := Top - Tree.Height;
- SP := Parent.ClientToScreen(CP);
- end; //85 <<
- with Tree do
- begin
- Left := SP.X;
- Top := SP.Y;
- Width := Self.Width;
- if Enabled = False then
- begin
- Enabled := True;
- Visible := True;
- BringToFront; //60
- SetCaptureControl(Tree);
- if Focused = False then
- SetFocus; //862
- end
- else
- begin
- SendToBack; //60
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := False;
- ReleaseCapture;
- end;
- end;
- end; {BtnClick}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer);
- begin
- case Parent <> nil of
- True:
- begin
- inherited SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
- with Btn do
- begin
- Left := Self.Width - Btn.Width - 4;
- Height := Self.Height - 4;
- end;
- SetEditRect;
- end;
- False: inherited SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
- end;
- end; {SetBounds}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.OpenPath(dPath: string);
- var
- CurItem: TTreeNode;
- count: Integer;
- TempPath: string;
- CurPath: string;
- FullPath: string; //51
- begin
- if (dPath = '') or (Length(dPath) = 1) then exit; //53
- if not DirectoryExists(dPath) then exit; //53
- dPath := AddSlash(dPath); //51
- FullPath := dPath;
- with Tree do
- begin
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- CurItem := Items.GetFirstNode;
- if CurItem.Expanded then
- CurItem.Collapse(True);
- while Pos('\', dPath) > 0 do
- begin
- count := Pos('\', dPath);
- tempPath := Copy(dPath, 1, count);
- dPath := Copy(dPath, count + 1, Length(dPath));
- CurItem := CurItem.getFirstChild;
- while CurItem <> nil do
- begin
- if CurItem.Level = 1 then
- CurPath := Copy(CurItem.Text, 3, 2) + '\'
- else if CurItem.Level > 1 then
- CurPath := CurItem.Text + '\';
- if AnsiCompareText(CurPath, TempPath) = 0 then //51
- begin
- CurItem.Selected := True;
- CurItem.Expand(False);
- Break;
- end;
- CurItem := CurItem.GetNext;
- if CurItem = nil then exit;
- end;
- end;
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end;
- ImageIndex := Tree.Selected.ImageIndex;
- Text := CurItem.Text;
- if AnsiCompareText(Tree.FSelectedPath, FullPath) <> 0 then //51
- Tree.FSelectedPath := FullPath; //51
- if Assigned(FOnPathChange) then
- FOnPathChange(Self, Tree.FSelectedPath); //84
- end; {OpenPath}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.ResetTreeView;
- begin
- with Tree do
- begin
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- try
- Selected := nil;
- Items.Clear;
- LoadDrives;
- OnExpanding := Expanding;
- finally
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- end; {ResetTreeView}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);
- var
- Img: TCustomImageList;
- YPos: integer;
- begin
- inherited PaintHandler(Message);
- Img := Tree.Images;
- if (ImageIndex >= 0) and (ImageIndex < Tree.Images.Count) then
- begin
- YPos := ClientHeight div 2 - 8;
- Img.Draw(FCanvas, 5, YPos, ImageIndex);
- end;
- end; {WMPaint}
- function TLsDirTreeCombo28.GetSelectedPath: string;
- begin
- GetSelectedPath := Tree.FSelectedPath;
- end; {GetSelectedPath}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetSelectedPath(Value: string);
- begin
- if AnsiCompareText(Tree.FSelectedPath, Value) <> 0 then
- Tree.FSelectedPath := Value;
- if FFileList <> nil then
- FFileList.Directory := Tree.FSelectedPath;
- end; {SetSelectedPath}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetInitialDir(Value: String); //85 >>
- begin
- if (Value = '') or (AnsiCompareText(FInitialDir, Value) = 0 ) then
- exit;
- Value := AddSlash(Value);
- if not DirectoryExists(Value) then
- exit
- else begin
- FInitialDir := Value;
- OpenPath(FInitialDir);
- if Assigned(FFileList) then
- FFileList.Directory := FInitialDir;
- end;
- end; {SetInitialDir} //85 <<
- function TLsDirTreeCombo28.GetFileList: TLsFilelistView28;
- begin
- GetFileList := FFileList;
- end; {GetFileList}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetFileList(Value: TLsFilelistView28);
- begin
- if FFileList <> Value then
- FFileList := Value;
- if (FFileList <> nil) and (Tree.FSelectedPath <> '') then
- begin
- FFileList.Directory := Tree.FSelectedPath;
- FFileList.UpdateFileList;
- end;
- end; {SetFileList}
- function TLsDirTreeCombo28.GetExpandRoot: Boolean;
- begin
- GetExpandRoot := Tree.FExpandRoot;
- end; {GetExpandRoot}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetExpandRoot(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- Tree.FExpandRoot := Value;
- with Tree do
- if FExpandRoot and Assigned(Items[0]) then
- Items[0].Expand(False);
- end; {SetExpandRoot}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FFileList) then
- FFileList := nil;
- end; {Notification}
- function TLsDirTreeCombo28.GetBtnGlyph: TBitmap;
- begin
- GetBtnGlyph := Btn.Glyph;
- end; {GetBtnGlyph}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetBtnGlyph(NewValue: TBitmap);
- begin
- if NewValue <> nil then
- Btn.Glyph.Assign(NewValue);
- end; {SetBtnGlyph}
- function TLsDirTreeCombo28.GetTreeHeight: integer;
- begin
- GetTreeHeight := Tree.Height;
- end; {GetTreeHeight}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetTreeHeight(newValue: Integer);
- begin
- Tree.Height := newValue;
- end; {SetTreeHeight}
- function TLsDirTreeCombo28.GetHideSelection: Boolean;
- begin
- GetHideSelection := Tree.HideSelection;
- end; {GetHideSelection}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetHideSelection(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- Tree.HideSelection := Value;
- end; {SetHideSelection}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.Keydown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- var
- CurItem: TTreeNode;
- begin
- case Key of
- VK_RIGHT: Tree.Selected.Expand(False); //52 Expand Selected Node
- VK_LEFT: //52 Collapse Selected Node
- begin
- with Tree do
- begin
- if Selected.Expanded then
- Selected.Collapse(True);
- if (Selected.getPrevSibling = Items[0]) or
- (Selected.GetPrevVisible = Items[0]) or
- (Selected = Items[0]) then exit;
- CurItem := Selected.GetPrevVisible;
- CurItem.Selected := True;
- end;
- end;
- VK_F4: //52 Activate LsDirTreeView
- begin
- BtnClick(Self);
- if Tree.Visible then
- Tree.SetFocus;
- end;
- VK_F5: //872> Refresh
- begin
- ResetTreeView;
- OpenPath(Tree.FSelectedPath);
- end; //872<
- VK_ESCAPE: //52 Close LsDirTreeView
- begin
- if Tree.Enabled = True then
- begin
- Tree.Enabled := False;
- Tree.Visible := False;
- end;
- end;
- VK_DOWN: //52 Move to NextChild or nextVisible
- begin
- with Tree do
- begin
- if (Selected.GetNext = nil) or
- (Selected.getNextVisible = nil) then exit; //53
- if Selected.Expanded then
- CurItem := Selected.GetNext
- else
- CurItem := Selected.getNextVisible;
- CurItem.Selected := True;
- end;
- end;
- VK_UP: //52 Move to prevChild or prevVisible
- begin
- with Tree do
- begin
- if Selected = Items[0] then exit;
- CurItem := Selected.GetPrevVisible;
- CurItem.Selected := True;
- end;
- end;
- VK_RETURN: //52 set the SelectedPath
- begin
- with Tree do
- begin
- MakePath(selected);
- if (Selected = Items[0]) then
- FSelectedPath := 'Drives'
- else
- FSelectedPath := TreeViewPath;
- SetSelectedPath(FSelectedPath);
- if Assigned(FOnPathChange) then
- FOnPathChange(Self, FSelectedPath); //83
- SendToBack;
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := False;
- if Selected.Level = 1 then
- if GetDriveType(PChar(FSelectedPath)) = DRIVE_REMOVABLE then
- begin
- if not DiskInDrive(FSelectedPath[1], 1) then
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Text := Tree.selected.Text;
- end; //VK_Return
- end;
- inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
- end; {Keydown}
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.SetAbout(Value: string); //85 >>
- begin
- // Property About is Readonly.
- end; //85 <<
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp); //862
- begin
- Message.Result := 1;
- end; //862<<
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.WMKillFocus
- (var Message: TWMKILLfOCUS); //862
- begin
- if Tree.Enabled then
- begin
- ReleaseCapture;
- Tree.Enabled := False;
- Tree.Visible := False;
- end;
- end; //862<<
- //
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.ConnectNetResource(Sender: TObject); //862+>>
- var
- ADrv: integer;
- DrvLtr: Char;
- CurNode: TTreeNode;
- begin
- DrvLtr := ' ';
- Integer(Drives) := GetLogicalDrives;
- for ADrv := 0 to 25 do
- if ADrv in Drives then
- DrvLtr := Chr(ADrv + Ord('B'));
- if WNetConnectionDialog(Application.Handle, RESOURCETYPE_DISK) = NO_ERROR then
- begin
- ReSetTreeview;
- Tree.Items[0].Expand(False);
- CurNode := Tree.Items[0].GetLastChild;
- CurNode.Selected := True;
- Tree.FSelectedPath := DrvLtr + ':\';
- OpenPath(Tree.FSelectedPath);
- if Assigned(FFileList) then
- FFilelist.Directory := Tree.FSelectedPath;
- end;
- end; //ConnecttoNetResource //862+<<
- procedure TLsDirTreeCombo28.DisConnectNetResource(Sender: TObject); //862+>>
- begin
- WNetDisconnectDialog(Application.Handle, RESOURCETYPE_DISK);
- ReSetTreeview;
- Tree.Items[0].Expand(False);
- Tree.Items[0].Selected := True;
- SelectedPath := 'Drives';
- if Assigned(FFileList) then
- begin
- FFileList.Directory := SelectedPath;
- FFileList.UpdateFileList;
- end;
- OpenPath(Tree.FSelectedPath);
- ImageIndex := Tree.Selected.ImageIndex;
- Text := Tree.Items[0].Text;
- end; //DisConnectNetResource //862+<<
- ///// End of TLsDirTreeCombo28 /////
- { ***** TLsSpeedButton ***** }
- procedure TLsSpeedButton.WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp); //862>>
- begin
- Message.Result := 1;
- end; //862<<
- ///// End of TLsSpeedButton /////
- {************************************************************************}
- { TLsDirTree21 //70 }
- {************************************************************************}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.CreateWnd;
- begin
- inherited CreateWnd;
- CallWindowProc(DefWndProc, Handle, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
- LoadRoot;
- end; {CreateWnd}
- constructor TLsDirTree21.Create;
- var
- sfi: TShFileInfo;
- hImgLst: Uint;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- // Font.size := 8; //80
- // Font.name := 'MS Sans Serif'; //80
- Width := 180;
- Height := 120;
- Images := TImageList.Create(Self);
- hImgLst := SHGetFileInfo('', 0,
- sfi, SizeOf(sfi),
- if hImgLst <> 0 then
- begin
- Images.Handle := hImgLst;
- // Images.BkColor := clNone; //871
- Images.ShareImages := True;
- end;
- SetTvLanguage(lnEnglish); //872ln
- InitializeVar;
- FPopupMenu := TLsDirTree21PopUp.Create(Self);
- FPopupMenu.BuildItems;
- FPopupMenu.AutoPopup := True;
- FPopupMenu.FDirTree := Self;
- PopupMenu := FPopupMenu;
- FPopUpMenuEnabled := True;
- OnExpanding := Expanding;
- ReadOnly := False;
- SortType := stNone;
- HideSelection := False;
- FIsNewFolder := False;
- FisCutCopy := False; //86
- FAbout := 'Version'; //861
- end; {Create}
- destructor TLsDirTree21.destroy;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i := Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- Items[i].Free;
- Images.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {Destroy}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.LoadRoot;
- var
- Sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- Root: TTreenode;
- idRoot: PItemIDList;
- begin
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- Items.Clear;
- if SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Handle, CSIDL_DRIVES, idRoot) = NOERROR then
- if SHGetFileInfo(PChar(idRoot), 0, Sfi, SizeOf(TSHFileInfo), SHGFI_PIDL
- or
- begin
- Root := items.AddFirst(nil, Sfi.szDisplayName);
- Root.ImageIndex := Sfi.iIcon;
- Root.SelectedIndex := Sfi.iIcon;
- end;
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end; {LoadRoot}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.LoadDrives;
- var
- ADrive: integer;
- DriveLetter: char;
- DriveString: string;
- DrvName: string;
- Sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- begin
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- Integer(Drives) := GetLogicalDrives;
- for ADrive := 0 to 25 do
- begin
- if ADrive in Drives then
- begin
- DriveLetter := Chr(ADrive + ord('A'));
- DriveString := DriveLetter + ':\';
- SHGetFileInfo(PChar(DriveString), 0, Sfi, SizeOf(Sfi),
- DrvName := Copy(Sfi.szDisplayName, 1, (Pos('(', Sfi.szDisplayName) - 1));
- with Items do
- begin
- AddChild(Items[0], ' (' + DriveLetter + ':) ' + DrvName);
- ShowButtons := True;
- Items[Count - 1].HasChildren := true;
- Items[Count - 1].ImageIndex := GetNormalIcon(DriveString);
- Items[Count - 1].SelectedIndex := GetSelectedIcon(DriveString);
- if GetDriveType(PChar(DriveString)) = DRIVE_REMOTE then //871>>
- FNetDrive[ADrive] := True
- else
- FNetDrive[ADrive] := False; //871<<
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end; {LoadDrives}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.MakePath(Node: TTreeNode);
- procedure MakeSubPath;
- begin
- if Node.Level = 1 then
- TreeViewPath := Copy(Node.Text, 3, 2) + '\' + TreeViewPath
- else if Node.Level > 1 then
- if TreeViewPath = '' then
- TreeViewPath := Node.Text
- else
- TreeViewPath := Node.Text + '\' + TreeViewPath;
- end; {MakeSubPath}
- begin
- TreeViewPath := '';
- MakeSubPath;
- while Node.Parent <> nil do
- begin
- Node := Node.Parent;
- MakeSubPath;
- end;
- end; {MakePath}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.AddSubs(Path: string; Node: TTreeNode);
- var
- ANode: TTreeNode;
- APath: string;
- hFindFile: THandle;
- Win32FD: TWin32FindData;
- DriveLtr: Char; //871
- function IsDirectory(dWin32FD: TWin32FindData): Boolean;
- var
- FName: string;
- begin
- FName := StrPas(dWin32FD.cFileName);
- with dWin32FD do
- Result := (dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY =
- FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) and (FName <> '.') and (FName <> '..');
- end; {IsDirectory}
- function HasSubs(sPath: string): Boolean;
- var
- sAPath: string;
- shFindFile: THandle;
- sWin32FD: TWin32FindData;
- begin
- Result := False;
- sAPath := sPath;
- sAPath := AddSlash(sAPath);
- shFindFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(sAPath + '*.*'), sWin32FD);
- if shFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- try
- repeat
- if IsDirectory(sWin32FD) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- until not FindNextFile(shFindFile, sWin32FD);
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(shFindFile);
- end;
- end; {HasSubs}
- begin
- APath := Path;
- APath := AddSlash(APath);
- DriveLtr := UpCase(Path[1]);
- hFindFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(APath + '*.*'), Win32FD);
- if hFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- try
- repeat
- if IsDirectory(Win32FD) then
- begin
- ANode := Items.AddChild(Node, Win32FD.cFileName);
- if FNetDrive[ord(DriveLtr) - 65] = True then //871
- ANode.HasChildren := True
- else //871<<
- ANode.HasChildren := HasSubs(APath + Win32FD.cFileName);
- ANode.ImageIndex := GetNormalIcon(APath + Win32FD.cFileName);
- ANode.SelectedIndex := GetSelectedIcon(APath + Win32FD.cFileName);
- end;
- until not FindNextFile(hFindFile, Win32FD);
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(hFindFile);
- end;
- end; {addSubs}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.ReLoad;
- begin
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- Items.Clear;
- LoadRoot;
- LoadDrives;
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end; {Reload}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.Loaded; //70
- begin
- inherited Loaded;
- Reload;
- if Items.GetFirstNode <> nil then
- Items.GetFirstNode.Expand(False);
- end; {Loaded}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.Expanding(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowExpansion: Boolean);
- var
- OldCursor: TCursor; //872
- begin
- if Node.GetFirstChild = nil then
- begin
- OldCursor := Screen.Cursor; //872
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; //872
- try
- MakePath(Node);
- Node.HasChildren := false;
- AddSubs(TreeViewPath, Node);
- Node.AlphaSort;
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := OldCursor; //872
- end;
- end;
- end; {Expanding}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- var
- vHitTest: THitTests;
- DrvChar: Char;
- begin
- inherited MouseDown(button, shift, x, y); //85
- TreeViewPath := '';
- // if Button = mbRight then exit; //85
- // if Button = mbLeft then //85
- // begin //85
- vHitTest := GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y);
- if (htOnItem in vHitTest) or (htOnIcon in vHitTest) then
- begin
- Selected := GetNodeAt(X, Y); //85
- if (Selected.Level = 0) and (Items[0].getFirstChild = nil) then
- LoadDrives
- else
- MakePath(Selected);
- if Selected = Items[0] then
- FSelectedPath := 'Drives'
- else
- FSelectedPath := TreeViewPath;
- if Selected.Level = 1 then
- if GetDriveType(PChar(FSelectedPath)) in
- begin
- DrvChar := FSelectedPath[1];
- if not DiskInDrive(DrvChar, 1) then
- exit;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnDirChange) then //83
- FOnDirChange(Self, FSelectedPath);
- if Assigned(FFileList) and (FSelectedPath <> '') then
- FFileList.Directory := FSelectedPath;
- end;
- // end; //85
- end; {MouseDown}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.SetSelectedPath(Value: string);
- begin
- if AnsiCompareText(Value, FSelectedPath) = 0 then
- exit;
- FSelectedPath := Value;
- end; {SetSelectedPath}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.SetSelectedFile(Value: string); //80^
- begin
- if AnsiCompareText(Value, FSelectedFile) = 0 then exit;
- FSelectedFile := Value;
- end; {SetSelectedFile}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.SetInitialDir(Value: string); //85 >>
- begin
- if (Value = '') or (AnsiCompareText(Value, FInitialDir) = 0) then
- exit;
- Value := AddSlash(Value);
- if (not DirectoryExists(Value)) then
- exit
- else begin
- FInitialDir := Value;
- OpenPath(FInitialDir);
- if Assigned(FFileList) then
- FFileList.Directory := FInitialDir;
- end;
- end; {SetInitialDir} //85 <<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.OpenPath(dPath: string);
- var
- CurNode: TTreeNode;
- count: Integer;
- TempPath: string;
- CurPath: string;
- FullPath: string;
- begin
- if (dPath = '') or (Length(dPath) = 1) then exit;
- if not DirectoryExists(dPath) then exit;
- dPath := AddSlash(dPath);
- FullPath := dPath;
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- CurNode := Items.GetFirstNode; //70
- if CurNode.getFirstChild = nil then
- LoadDrives;
- if CurNode.Expanded then
- CurNode.Collapse(True);
- CurNode := Items.GetFirstNode;
- while Pos('\', dPath) > 0 do
- begin
- count := Pos('\', dPath);
- tempPath := Copy(dPath, 1, count);
- dPath := Copy(dPath, count + 1, Length(dPath));
- CurNode := CurNode.getFirstChild;
- while CurNode <> nil do
- begin
- if CurNode.Level = 1 then
- CurPath := Copy(CurNode.Text, 3, 2) + '\'
- else if CurNode.Level > 1 then
- CurPath := CurNode.Text + '\';
- if AnsiCompareText(CurPath, tempPath) = 0 then
- begin
- CurNode.Selected := True;
- CurNode.Expand(False);
- Break;
- end;
- CurNode := CurNode.GetNext;
- if CurNode = nil then exit;
- end;
- end;
- Items.EndUpdate;
- if AnsiCompareText(FSelectedPath, FullPath) <> 0 then
- begin
- FullPath := AddSlash(FullPath);
- FSelectedPath := FullPath;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnDirChange) then
- FOnDirChange(Self, FSelectedPath); //83
- end; {OpenPath}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); //84
- var
- DrvChar: Char;
- begin
- if (Key = VK_UP) or (Key = VK_DOWN) or (Key = VK_LEFT) or (Key = VK_RIGHT) then
- begin
- inherited KeyUp(Key, Shift);
- if selected = nil then exit;
- if (Selected.Level = 0) and (Items[0].getFirstChild = nil) then
- LoadDrives
- else
- MakePath(Selected);
- if (Selected.Level = 0) then
- FSelectedPath := 'Drives'
- else
- FSelectedPath := TreeViewPath;
- if Selected.Level = 1 then
- if GetDriveType(PChar(FSelectedPath)) in
- begin
- DrvChar := FSelectedPath[1];
- if not DiskInDrive(DrvChar, 1) then
- exit;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnDirChange) then
- FOnDirChange(Self, FSelectedPath); //83
- if Assigned(FFileList) and (FSelectedPath <> '') then
- FFileList.Directory := FSelectedPath;
- end;
- if Key=VK_F5 then //872>
- begin
- Reload;
- OpenPath(FSelectedPath);
- end; //872<
- end; {KeyUp} //84
- function TLsDirTree21.GetPathFromNode(Node: TTreeNode): string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if Node = nil then exit;
- if Assigned(Node) then
- begin
- MakePath(Node);
- Result := TreeViewPath;
- end;
- end; {GetPathFromNode}
- function TLsDirTree21.CanEdit(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (Assigned(Node.Parent)) and (Node.Level > 1) and
- (not ReadOnly) then
- Result := inherited CanEdit(Node);
- end; {CanEdit}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.Edit(const Item: TTVItem);
- var
- OldDirName: string;
- NewDirName: string;
- Aborted: Boolean;
- OldCur: TCursor;
- Rslt: Boolean;
- SelNode: TTreeNode;
- PrevNode: TTreeNode;
- function GetNodeFromItem(Item: TTVItem): TTreeNode;
- begin
- with Item do
- if (State and TVIF_PARAM) <> 0 then
- Result := Pointer(lParam)
- else
- Result := Items.GetNode(hItem);
- end; {GetNodeFromItem}
- begin
- SelNode := GetNodeFromItem(Item);
- PrevNode := SelNode.Parent;
- if not Assigned(SelNode) then exit;
- if (SelNode = Items[0]) or (SelNode.Level = 1) then
- exit;
- if (Length(Item.pszText) = 0)
- or (StrContains(InvalidDosChars, Item.pszText)) then
- begin
- MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND);
- if (Length(Item.pszText) > 0) then
- // MessageDlg('Error - Invalid Directory Name' + #13 + //872ln
- MessageDlg(esInvalidDirName + #13 + //872ln
- Item.pszText, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- if SelNode <> nil then
- OldDirName := GetPathFromNode(SelNode);
- if OldDirName = '' then exit;
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- try
- Aborted := False;
- OldDirName := DelSlash(OldDirName);
- NewDirName := ExtractFilePath(OldDirName) + Item.pszText;
- if not FIsNewFolder then
- begin
- // if MessageDlg('Do you want to rename the selected folder' + #13 + #13 +
- // ' From : ' + ExtractFileName(OldDirName) + #13 +
- // ' To : ' + ExtractFileName(NewDirName), mtConfirmation,
- // [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrNo then //872ln
- if MessageDlg(esConfirmRename + #13 + #13 +
- ' ' + ewFrom + ExtractFileName(OldDirName) + #13 +
- ' ' + ewTo + ExtractFileName(NewDirName), mtConfirmation,
- [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrNo then //872ln
- exit;
- end;
- Rslt := DoSHFileOp(Parent.Handle, FO_RENAME, OldDirName,
- NewDirName, Aborted);
- if Rslt then
- begin
- inherited Edit(Item);
- Selected := PrevNode;
- if Assigned(FFileList) then
- begin
- FFileList.Directory := GetPathFromNode(Selected);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Screen.Cursor := OldCur;
- FIsNewFolder := False;
- end;
- end; {Edit}
- function TLsDirTree21.AddNewNode(ParentNode: TTreeNode;
- NodeName: string): Boolean;
- var
- Path: string;
- Dir: string;
- NewNode: TTreeNode;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if ParentNode = nil then
- ParentNode := Selected;
- if ParentNode.Level = 0 then
- begin
- // MessageDlg('Can''t add drives', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(ewError + esCannotAddDrv , mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- exit;
- end;
- if NodeName = '' then
- begin
- // NodeName := 'New Folder';
- NodeName := esNewFolder; //872ln
- FIsNewFolder := True;
- end;
- try
- Path := GetPathFromNode(ParentNode);
- if Path = '' then exit;
- Path := AddSlash(Path);
- Dir := Path + NodeName;
- // Dir := AddNullToStr(Dir); //80
- if StrContains(InvalidDosChars, NodeName) then
- begin
- MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND);
- // MessageDlg('Folder Name contains invalid characters', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(esInvalidChars, mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- exit;
- end;
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- Result := CreateDirectory(PChar(Dir), nil);
- if Result then
- begin
- ReLoad;
- Dir := AddSlash(Dir);
- OpenPath(Dir);
- NewNode := Selected;
- if (NewNode <> nil) and (NodeName = 'New Folder') then
- NewNode.EditText;
- end;
- finally
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end; {AddNewNode}
- function TLsDirTree21.DeleteNode(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
- var
- DelDir: string;
- DelPath: string;
- PrevNode: TTreeNode;
- oldCur: TCursor;
- Aborted: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Aborted := True;
- PrevNode := Node.Parent;
- if (Assigned(Node)) and (Node.Level > 1) then
- begin
- oldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- if Selected <> nil then
- DelDir := GetPathFromNode(Selected);
- if DelDir = '' then exit;
- if not DirectoryExists(Deldir) then
- begin
- MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND);
- // MessageDlg(DelDir + 'not found', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(DelDir + esNotFound, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- exit;
- end;
- DelDir := DelSlash(Deldir);
- DelPath := ExtractFilePath(DelDir);
- // MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND);
- Result := DoSHFileOp(Parent.Handle, FO_DELETE, DelDir, '', Aborted);
- if Result then
- begin
- if Assigned(PrevNode) then
- Selected := PrevNode;
- Node.Delete;
- if Assigned(FFileList) then
- FFileList.Directory := GetPathFromNode(Selected);
- end;
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- end;
- end; {DeleteNode}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.SetFileList(Value: TLsFilelistView28);
- begin
- if FFileList <> Value then
- FFileList := Value;
- if (Assigned(FFileList)) and (FSelectedPath <> '') then
- FFileList.Directory := FSelectedPath;
- end; {SetFileList}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.SetPopUpMenuEnabled(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value <> FPopUpMenuEnabled then
- begin
- FPopUpMenuEnabled := Value;
- if FPopUpMenuEnabled then
- PopupMenu := FPopupMenu
- else
- PopupMenu := nil;
- end;
- end; {SetPopUpMenuEnabled}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.SetTvLanguage(Value: TLanguage); //872ln
- var
- LangID: integer;
- begin
- if value = lnSysDefault then
- begin
- LangID := GetUserDefaultLangID and $3FF; //SysLocale.PriLangID;
- Case LangID of
- LANG_ENGLISH : Value := lnEnglish; //$09
- LANG_FRENCH : Value := lnFrench; //$0C
- LANG_GERMAN : Value := lnGerman; //$07
- LANG_SPANISH : Value := lnSpanish; //$0A
- LANG_PORTUGUESE : Value := lnPortuguese; //$16
- else
- Value := lnEnglish;
- end;
- end;
- if value <> FTvLanguage then
- begin
- FTvLanguage := Value;
- TvLangID := FTvLanguage;
- InitializeVar;
- FPopupMenu.Free;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- FPopupMenu := TLsDirTree21PopUp.Create(Self);
- FPopupMenu.BuildItems;
- FPopupMenu.AutoPopup := True;
- FPopupMenu.FDirTree := Self;
- PopupMenu := FPopupMenu;
- FPopUpMenuEnabled := True;
- ReCreateWnd;
- end;
- end; //872ln
- //872ts>
- function TLsDirTree21.GetTreeSize: double;
- var
- CurNode: TTreeNode;
- CurPath, CurDir, DispSize, DispName: string;
- FTreeSize, TreeSize: double;
- OldCur: TCurSor;
- ActualSize: string; //872ts
- function ComputeFolderSize(ADir: String): Double;
- var
- hFnd: THandle;
- Fnd: TWin32FindData;
- Temp: integer;
- FDir,FName: string;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if Length(ADir) <> 0 then
- begin
- if ADir[Length(ADir)] <> '\' then
- ADir := ADir + '\';
- FDir := ADir;
- end
- else
- Exit;
- hFnd := FindFirstFile(PChar(FDir + '*.*'),Fnd);
- if hFnd <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- begin
- try
- repeat
- FName := Trim(StrPas(Fnd.cFileName));
- if (FName <> '.') and (FName <> '..') then
- begin
- if (Fnd.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) <>
- begin
- Temp := (Fnd.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + Fnd.nFileSizeLow;
- Result := Result + Temp;
- end
- else
- Result := Result + ComputeFolderSize(FDir + FName);
- end;
- until not FindNextFile(hFnd,Fnd);
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(hFnd);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- CurPath := '';
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- try
- CurNode := Selected;
- CurPath := GetPathFromNode(CurNode);
- CurDir := ExtractFileName(CurPath);
- FTreeSize := ComputeFolderSize(CurPath);
- if (CurNode.Level = 1) then
- // DispName := Drv + CurPath
- DispName := ewDrive + CurPath
- else if (CurNode.Level > 1) then
- // DispName := Fldr + CurDir + '"';
- DispName := ewFolder + CurDir + '"';
- finally
- Items.EndUpdate;
- Screen.CurSor := OldCur;
- end;
- Result := FTreeSize;
- ActualSize := Format('%0.0n Bytes',[FTreeSize]);
- if (FTreeSize > 0) and (FTreeSize < 1024) then
- TreeSize := 1.0
- else
- TreeSize := FTreeSize / 1024;
- if TreeSize <= 99999 then
- DispSize := Format('%.2n KB',[TreeSize])
- else
- DispSize := Format('%.2n MB',[TreeSize/1024]);
- MessageDlg( '===== ' + esTreeSize + ' =====' + #13#13 + //873
- DispName + #13 + esAllSubDir + #13 + //873
- ' = ' + ActualSize + #13 +
- ' (i.e. ' + DispSize + ' )', mtInformation,[mbOK],0); //872ln<
- end; {GetTreeSize}
- //872ts<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.ShowFolderContents; //80^
- var
- CurFolder: string;
- begin
- SelectedDir := '';
- SelectedDir := Self.FSelectedPath;
- if Selected.Level = 1 then
- CurFolder := '" ' + SelectedDir[1] + ':\ "'
- else if Selected.Level > 1 then
- CurFolder := '" ..\' + ExtractFileName(DelSlash(SelectedDir)) + ' "';
- if Items.GetFirstNode <> nil then
- Items.GetFirstNode.Collapse(True);
- OpenFileListDlg(Self);
- with DlgForm do
- begin
- Caption := 'Files in ' + CurFolder;
- Show;
- end;
- end; {ShowFolderContents}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.ConnectNetResource(Sender: TObject); //82
- var
- ADrv: integer;
- DrvLtr: Char;
- CurNode: TTreeNode;
- begin
- DrvLtr := ' ';
- Integer(Drives) := GetLogicalDrives;
- for ADrv := 0 to 25 do
- if ADrv in Drives then
- DrvLtr := Chr(ADrv + Ord('B'));
- if WNetConnectionDialog(Application.Handle, RESOURCETYPE_DISK) = NO_ERROR then
- begin
- Reload;
- Items[0].Expand(False);
- CurNode := Items[0].GetLastChild;
- CurNode.Selected := True;
- FSelectedPath := DrvLtr + ':\';
- if Assigned(FFileList) then
- FFilelist.Directory := FSelectedPath;
- end;
- end; //ConnecttoNetResource //82
- procedure TLsDirTree21.DisConnectNetResource(Sender: TObject); //82
- begin
- WNetDisconnectDialog(Application.Handle, RESOURCETYPE_DISK);
- Reload;
- Items[0].Expand(False);
- Items[0].Selected := True;
- SelectedPath := 'Drives';
- if Assigned(FFileList) then
- begin
- FFileList.Directory := SelectedPath;
- FFileList.UpdateFileList;
- end;
- end; //DisConnectNetResource //82
- //82 >>
- procedure TLsDirTree21.OpenFileListDlg(Sender: TObject); //82 >>
- var
- FFont: TFont;
- Panel1,
- Panel2: TPanel;
- procedure CreateImages; //80^
- var
- sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- hImgList: Uint;
- begin
- SImgList := TImageList.Create(Self);
- hImgList := SHGetFileInfo('', 0, sfi, SizeOf(sfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or
- if hImgList <> 0 then
- begin
- SImgList.Handle := hImgList;
- SImgList.ShareImages := True;
- end;
- FileView.SmallImages := SImgList;
- end; //CreateImages
- procedure BuildFileList; //80 //82
- var
- CurDir,
- FName,
- FileName: string;
- sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- hFindFile: THandle;
- Win32FD: TWin32FindData;
- OldCur: TCursor;
- begin
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- CurDir := AddSlash(SelectedDir);
- hFindFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(CurDir + '*.*'), Win32FD);
- if hFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- try
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- FileView.Items.BeginUpdate;
- repeat
- with Win32FD do
- begin
- if (dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY > 0) then
- Continue;
- FName := StrPas(Win32FD.cFileName);
- FileName := CurDir + FName;
- SHGetFileInfo(PChar(FileName), 0, sfi, SizeOf(sfi),
- with FileView.Items.Add do
- begin
- Caption := FName;
- ImageIndex := sfi.iIcon;
- SubItems.Add(FileName);
- end;
- end;
- until not FindNextFile(hFindFile, Win32FD);
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(hFindFile);
- FileView.Items.EndUpdate;
- Screen.Cursor := OldCur;
- end;
- end; {BuildList}
- begin
- DlgForm := TForm.Create(Self);
- with DlgForm do
- begin
- Parent := self;
- Align := alClient;
- BorderStyle := bsSizeToolWin; //bsSizeable;
- BorderIcons := BorderIcons - [biMaximize] - [biMinimize] -
- [biSystemMenu];
- FFont := TFont.Create;
- if owner is TForm then
- FFont.Assign(TForm(Owner).Font);
- Enabled := True;
- TabStop := False;
- FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
- OnResize := DlgFormResize; //82
- Panel1 := TPanel.Create(Self);
- with Panel1 do
- begin
- Parent := DlgForm;
- Align := alBottom;
- BevelInner := bvNone;
- BevelOuter := bvNone;
- Caption := '';
- Height := 22;
- TabStop := False; //84
- end;
- Panel2 := TPanel.Create(Self);
- with Panel2 do
- begin
- Parent := Panel1;
- Height := 22;
- Width := 80;
- Align := alRight;
- BevelInner := bvNone;
- BevelOuter := bvNone;
- Caption := '';
- TabStop := False; //84
- end;
- BtnOK := TBitBtn.Create(Self); //84
- with BtnOk do
- begin
- Parent := Panel2;
- Height := 22;
- Width := 60;
- Top := 1;
- Left := 1;
- Caption := '&OK';
- Kind := bkOK; //84
- Layout := blGlyphLeft;
- TabStop := True;
- // Glyph.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'OK28'); //84
- OnClick := OKBtnClick;
- ModalResult := mrOK;
- end;
- FileView := TListView.Create(Self);
- with FileView do
- begin
- ParentWindow := DlgForm.Handle;
- parent := DlgForm;
- Align := alClient;
- Enabled := True;
- ViewStyle := vsList;
- HideSelection := False; //84
- Hint := 'LeftClick - Select' +#13 +
- 'DblClick - Open';
- ShowHint := True;
- SortType := stText;
- TabStop := True; //84
- Visible := True;
- OnDblClick := FileViewDblClick;
- CreateImages;
- BuildFileList;
- AlphaSort;
- if (Visible = True) and (Items.Count <> 0) then
- Items[0].Focused := True; //84
- end;
- end; //DlgForm
- end; {OpenFileListDlg} //82 <<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.DlgFormResize(Sender: TObject); //82 >>
- begin
- with DlgForm do
- begin
- FileView.Width := DlgForm.ClientWidth;
- FileView.Height := DlgForm.ClientHeight;
- end;
- end; //DlgFormResize //82 <<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.FileViewDblClick(Sender: TObject); //82 >>
- var
- sFile,
- sDir: string;
- begin
- with DlgForm do
- begin
- if FileView.Selected <> nil then
- begin
- hide;
- sFile := ExtractFileName(FileView.Selected.SubItems[0]);
- sDir := ExtractFilePath(FileView.Selected.SubItems[0]);
- ExecuteFile('Open', sFile, '', sDir, SW_SHOW);
- end;
- visible := True;
- end;
- end; {FileViewDblClick} //82 <<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.OKBtnClick(Sender: TObject); //82 >>
- begin
- FSelectedFile := '';
- with DlgForm do
- try
- if FileView.Selected <> nil then //82
- begin
- FSelectedFile := FileView.Selected.SubItems[0];
- // ShowMessage(SelectedFile); //for debugging
- if Assigned(FOnFileChange) then //83
- FOnFileChange(Self, FSelectedFile);
- end;
- finally
- SImgList.Free;
- FileView.Free;
- DlgForm.Close;
- end;
- OpenPath(SelectedDir);
- end; {OKBtnClick} //82 <<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.SetAbout(Value: String); //85 >>
- Begin
- // About property is ReadOnly.
- end; {SetAbout} //85 <<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.CutOrCopyNode(Mode: integer); //86 >>
- begin
- FOpMode := -1;
- if (Selected = nil) or (SelectedPath = '') then
- exit;
- FSrcPath := SelectedPath;
- FOpMode := Mode;
- FisCutCopy := True;
- end; {CutOrCopyNode} //86 <<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.PasteNode; //86 >>
- var
- Abort: Boolean;
- begin
- if (Selected = nil) or (SelectedPath = '') or
- (FSrcPath = '') then
- begin
- FisCutCopy := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Abort := False;
- FDestPath := AddSlash(SelectedPath);
- if DoSHFileOp(Parent.Handle, FileOpMode[FOpMode], FSrcPath, FDestPath, Abort) then
- begin
- Reload;
- OpenPath(FDestPath)
- end else
- // MessageDlg('File operation failed', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(esFileOpFailed, mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- FisCutCopy := False;
- end; {PasteNode} //86 <<
- procedure TLsDirTree21.ShowNodeProperties; //862 >>
- var
- FolderPath: string;
- begin
- if Selected = nil then
- exit;
- FolderPath := '';
- folderPath := Self.SelectedPath;
- if FolderPath <> '' then
- ShowProperties(FolderPath);
- end; {ShowNodeProperties} //862 <<
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TLsDirTree21.InitializeVar; //872ln
- begin
- if TvLangID = lnEnglish then
- begin
- ewDrive := ENGLISH_ewDrive; //873
- ewFolder := ENGLISH_ewFolder; //873
- ewError := ENGLISH_ewError;
- ewFile := ENGLISH_ewFile;
- ewFrom := ENGLISH_ewFrom;
- ewTo := ENGLISH_ewTo;
- esCannot := ENGLISH_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := ENGLISH_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := ENGLISH_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := ENGLISH_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := ENGLISH_esExists;
- esInvalidDirName := ENGLISH_esInvalidDirName;
- esConfirmRename := ENGLISH_esConfirmRename;
- esCannotAddDrv := ENGLISH_esCannotAddDrv;
- esNewFolder := ENGLISH_esNewFolder;
- esInvalidChars := ENGLISH_esInvalidChars;
- esNotFound := ENGLISH_esNotFound;
- esFilesIn := ENGLISH_esFilesIn;
- esFileOpFailed := ENGLISH_esFileOpFailed;
- esTreeSize := ENGLISH_esTreeSize; //873
- esAllSubDir := ENGLISH_esAllSubDir; //873
- end
- else if TvLangID = lnFrench then
- begin
- ewDrive := FRENCH_ewDrive; //873
- ewFolder := FRENCH_ewFolder; //873
- ewError := FRENCH_ewError;
- ewFile := FRENCH_ewFile;
- ewFrom := FRENCH_ewFrom;
- ewTo := FRENCH_ewTo;
- esCannot := FRENCH_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := FRENCH_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := FRENCH_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := FRENCH_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := FRENCH_esExists;
- esInvalidDirName := FRENCH_esInvalidDirName;
- esConfirmRename := FRENCH_esConfirmRename;
- esCannotAddDrv := FRENCH_esCannotAddDrv;
- esNewFolder := FRENCH_esNewFolder;
- esInvalidChars := FRENCH_esInvalidChars;
- esNotFound := FRENCH_esNotFound;
- esFilesIn := FRENCH_esFilesIn;
- esFileOpFailed := FRENCH_esFileOpFailed;
- esTreeSize := FRENCH_esTreeSize; //873
- esAllSubDir := FRENCH_esAllSubDir; //873
- end
- else if TvLangID = lnGerman then
- begin
- ewDrive := GERMAN_ewDrive; //873
- ewFolder := GERMAN_ewFolder; //873
- ewError := GERMAN_ewError;
- ewFile := GERMAN_ewFile;
- ewFrom := GERMAN_ewFrom;
- ewTo := GERMAN_ewTo;
- esCannot := GERMAN_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := GERMAN_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := GERMAN_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := GERMAN_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := GERMAN_esExists;
- esInvalidDirName := GERMAN_esInvalidDirName;
- esConfirmRename := GERMAN_esConfirmRename;
- esCannotAddDrv := GERMAN_esCannotAddDrv;
- esNewFolder := GERMAN_esNewFolder;
- esInvalidChars := GERMAN_esInvalidChars;
- esNotFound := GERMAN_esNotFound;
- esFilesIn := GERMAN_esFilesIn;
- esFileOpFailed := GERMAN_esFileOpFailed;
- esTreeSize := GERMAN_esTreeSize; //873
- esAllSubDir := GERMAN_esAllSubDir; //873
- end
- else if TvLangID = lnSpanish then
- begin
- ewDrive := SPANISH_ewDrive; //873
- ewFolder := SPANISH_ewFolder; //873
- ewError := SPANISH_ewError;
- ewFile := SPANISH_ewFile;
- ewFrom := SPANISH_ewFrom;
- ewTo := SPANISH_ewTo;
- esCannot := SPANISH_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := SPANISH_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := SPANISH_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := SPANISH_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := SPANISH_esExists;
- esInvalidDirName := SPANISH_esInvalidDirName;
- esConfirmRename := SPANISH_esConfirmRename;
- esCannotAddDrv := SPANISH_esCannotAddDrv;
- esNewFolder := SPANISH_esNewFolder;
- esInvalidChars := SPANISH_esInvalidChars;
- esNotFound := SPANISH_esNotFound;
- esFilesIn := SPANISH_esFilesIn;
- esFileOpFailed := SPANISH_esFileOpFailed;
- esTreeSize := SPANISH_esTreeSize; //873
- esAllSubDir := SPANISH_esAllSubDir; //873
- end
- else if TvLangID = lnPortuguese then //873>
- begin
- ewDrive := BRAZ_PORT_ewDrive;
- ewFolder := BRAZ_PORT_ewFolder;
- ewError := BRAZ_PORT_ewError;
- ewFile := BRAZ_PORT_ewFile;
- ewFrom := BRAZ_PORT_ewFrom;
- ewTo := BRAZ_PORT_ewTo;
- esCannot := BRAZ_PORT_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := BRAZ_PORT_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := BRAZ_PORT_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := BRAZ_PORT_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := BRAZ_PORT_esExists;
- esInvalidDirName := BRAZ_PORT_esInvalidDirName;
- esConfirmRename := BRAZ_PORT_esConfirmRename;
- esCannotAddDrv := BRAZ_PORT_esCannotAddDrv;
- esNewFolder := BRAZ_PORT_esNewFolder;
- esInvalidChars := BRAZ_PORT_esInvalidChars;
- esNotFound := BRAZ_PORT_esNotFound;
- esFilesIn := BRAZ_PORT_esFilesIn;
- esFileOpFailed := BRAZ_PORT_esFileOpFailed;
- esTreeSize := BRAZ_PORT_esTreeSize;
- esAllSubDir := BRAZ_PORT_esAllSubDir;
- end; //873<
- end; //872
- ///// End of TLsDirTree21 /////
- { ======================== TLsDirTree21PopUp =========================== }
- constructor TLsDirTree21PopUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- //85 86>>
- Bmp1 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'NewFolder28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp2 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'EditFolder28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp3 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'DelFolder28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp4 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Cut28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp5 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Copy28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp6 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Paste28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp7 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'TreeSize28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp8 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'DirContents28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp9 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'NetConnect28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp10 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'NetDisConnect28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp11 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Attributes28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS); //862
- {$ENDIF}
- //85 86<<
- end; {Create}
- destructor TLsDirTree21PopUp.Destroy;
- begin
- DeleteObject(Bmp1); //70
- DeleteObject(Bmp2); //70
- DeleteObject(Bmp3); //70
- DeleteObject(Bmp4); //86
- DeleteObject(Bmp5); //86
- DeleteObject(Bmp6); //86
- DeleteObject(Bmp7); //70
- DeleteObject(Bmp8); //80
- DeleteObject(Bmp9); //82
- DeleteObject(Bmp10); //82
- DeleteObject(Bmp11); //862
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {Destroy}
- function TLsDirTree21PopUp.AddNewItem(const aCaption: string;
- aShortCut: TShortCut; aChecked, aEnabled: Boolean; aGroup: integer;
- aOnClick: TNotifyEvent; hCtx: word; const aName: string; aTag: integer;
- aBitMap: HBitmap): TMenuItem; //70 //862
- begin
- Result := TMenuItem.Create(nil);
- with result do
- begin
- Caption := aCaption;
- ShortCut := aShortCut;
- Checked := aChecked;
- Enabled := aEnabled;
- GroupIndex := aGroup;
- OnClick := aOnClick;
- Name := aName;
- Tag := aTag; //862
- BITMAP.Handle := aBitmap;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end; {AddNewItem}
- procedure TLsDirTree21PopUp.SetDirTree(Value: TLsDirTree21);
- begin
- FDirTree := Value;
- end; {SetDirTree}
- procedure TLsDirTree21PopUp.BuildItems; //70 //862>
- begin
- //Set language-specific MenuItem captions
- if TvLangID = lnEnglish then //872ln>
- begin
- TvItemID_0 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_0; //'&New Folder';
- TvItemID_1 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_1; //'&Rename Folder';
- TvItemID_2 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_2; //'&Delete Folder';
- TvItemID_4 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_4; //'Cu&t';
- TvItemID_5 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_5; //'&Copy';
- TvItemID_6 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_6; //'&Paste';
- TvItemID_8 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_8; //'Tree &Size';
- TvItemID_9 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_9; //'&Folder Contents';
- TvItemID_11 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_11; //'&Map Network Drive ...';
- TvItemID_12 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_12; //'Dis&Connect Network Drive';
- TvItemID_14 := ENGLISH_TvItemID_14; //'&Property';
- end
- else if TvLangID = lnFrench then
- begin
- TvItemID_0 := FRENCH_TvItemID_0; //'&Nouveau Dossier';
- TvItemID_1 := FRENCH_TvItemID_1; //'&Renommer le Dossier';
- TvItemID_2 := FRENCH_TvItemID_2; //'&Effacer le Dossier';
- TvItemID_4 := FRENCH_TvItemID_4; //'Cou&per';
- TvItemID_5 := FRENCH_TvItemID_5; //'&Copier';
- TvItemID_6 := FRENCH_TvItemID_6; //'Co&ller';
- TvItemID_8 := FRENCH_TvItemID_8; //'Taille de l''&arborescence';
- TvItemID_9 := FRENCH_TvItemID_9; //'&Contenu du Dossier';
- TvItemID_11 := FRENCH_TvItemID_11; //'&Connecter Lecteur RΘseau ...';
- TvItemID_12 := FRENCH_TvItemID_12; //'&DΘconnecter Lecteur RΘseau';
- TvItemID_14 := FRENCH_TvItemID_14; //'&PropriΘtΘs';
- end
- else if TvLangID = lnGerman then
- begin
- TvItemID_0 := GERMAN_TvItemID_0; //'&Neuer Ordner';
- TvItemID_1 := GERMAN_TvItemID_1; //'&Ordner umbenennen';
- TvItemID_2 := GERMAN_TvItemID_2; //'Ordner &l÷schen';
- TvItemID_4 := GERMAN_TvItemID_4; //'ausschnei&den';
- TvItemID_5 := GERMAN_TvItemID_5; //'&kopieren';
- TvItemID_6 := GERMAN_TvItemID_6; //'&einfⁿgen';
- TvItemID_8 := GERMAN_TvItemID_8; //'Ordnergr÷▀e';
- TvItemID_9 := GERMAN_TvItemID_9; //'&Ordner Inhalt';
- TvItemID_11 := GERMAN_TvItemID_11; //'Netzwerk &verbinden...';
- TvItemID_12 := GERMAN_TvItemID_12; //'Netzwerk &trennen';
- TvItemID_14 := GERMAN_TvItemID_14; //'Ei&genschaft';
- end
- else if TvLangID = lnSpanish then
- begin
- TvItemID_0 := SPANISH_TvItemID_0; //'&Nueva carpeta';
- TvItemID_1 := SPANISH_TvItemID_1; //'&Renombrar carpeta';
- TvItemID_2 := SPANISH_TvItemID_2; //'&Borrar carpeta';
- TvItemID_4 := SPANISH_TvItemID_4; //'Cor&tar';
- TvItemID_5 := SPANISH_TvItemID_5; //'&Copiar';
- TvItemID_6 := SPANISH_TvItemID_6; //'&Pegar';
- TvItemID_8 := SPANISH_TvItemID_8; //'Ta&ma±o del ßrbol';
- TvItemID_9 := SPANISH_TvItemID_9; //'C&ontenido de la carpeta';
- TvItemID_11 := SPANISH_TvItemID_11; //'Con&ectar unidad de red';
- TvItemID_12 := SPANISH_TvItemID_12; //'De&sconectar unidad de red';
- TvItemID_14 := SPANISH_TvItemID_14; //'&Propiedades';
- end //872ln
- else if TvLangID = lnPortuguese then //873>
- begin
- TvItemID_0 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_0; //'&New Folder';
- TvItemID_1 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_1; //'&Rename Folder';
- TvItemID_2 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_2; //'&Delete Folder';
- TvItemID_4 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_4; //'Cu&t';
- TvItemID_5 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_5; //'&Copy';
- TvItemID_6 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_6; //'&Paste';
- TvItemID_8 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_8; //'Tree &Size';
- TvItemID_9 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_9; //'&Folder Contents';
- TvItemID_11 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_11; //'&Map Network Drive ...';
- TvItemID_12 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_12; //'Dis&Connect Network Drive';
- TvItemID_14 := BRAZ_PORT_TvItemID_14; //'&Property';
- end; //873<
- //Build MenuItems
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_0, 0, False, True, 0, //872ln>
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'AddNode', 1, Bmp1)); //Items[0]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_1, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'EditNode', 2, Bmp2)); //Items[1]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_2, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'DelNode', 3, Bmp3)); //Items[2]
- Items.Add(NewLine);
- //86 >>
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_4, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'CutNode', 4, Bmp4)); //Items[4]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_5, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'CopyNode', 5, Bmp5)); //Items[5]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_6, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'PasteNode', 6, Bmp6)); //Items[6]
- Items.Add(NewLine);
- //86 <<
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_8, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'GetTreeSize', 7, Bmp7)); //Items[8]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_9, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ShowFolderContents', 8, Bmp8)); //Items[9] //80
- Items.Add(NewLine); //82
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_11, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ConnectNetResource', 9, Bmp9)); //Items[11] //82
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_12, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'DisConnectNetResource', 10, Bmp10)); //Items[12] //82
- Items.Add(NewLine); //862
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(TvItemID_14, 0, False, True, 0,
- ITemOnClick, 0, 'ItemProperty', 11, Bmp11)); //Items[14] //862
- {$ENDIF} //872ln<
- end; {BuildItems}
- procedure TLsDirTree21PopUp.ItemOnClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Node: TTreeNode;
- begin
- if (TMenuItem(Sender).Name = '') or (TMenuItem(Sender).Tag = 0) then
- exit;
- with Sender as TMenuItem do //862>>
- begin
- case Tag of
- 1: FDirTree.AddNewNode(FDirTree.Selected, '');
- 2: FDirTree.Selected.EditText;
- 3: begin
- Node := FDirTree.Selected;
- if Assigned(Node) then
- FDirTree.DeleteNode(Node);
- end;
- 4: FDirTree.CutOrCopyNode(2);
- 5: FDirTree.CutOrCopyNode(0);
- 6: FDirTree.PasteNode;
- 7: FDirTree.GetTreeSize;
- 8: FDirTree.SHowFolderContents; //80
- 9: FDirTree.ConnectNetResource(Sender); //82
- 10: FDirTree.DisConnectNetResource(Sender); //82
- 11: FDirTree.ShowNodeProperties; //862
- {$ENDIF}
- end; //case
- end; //with ...
- end; {ItemOnClick}
- procedure TLsDirTree21PopUp.PopUp(X, Y: integer);
- begin
- with FDirTree do
- begin
- Self.Items[0].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 0) and (Selected <> nil);
- Self.Items[1].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 1) and (Selected <> nil);
- Self.Items[2].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 1) and (Selected <> nil);
- //86 >>
- Self.Items[4].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 1) and (Selected <> nil);
- Self.Items[5].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 1) and (Selected <> nil);
- Self.Items[6].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 1) and (Selected <> nil)
- and (FisCutCopy = True) ;
- //86 <<
- Self.ITems[8].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 0) and (Selected <> nil);
- Self.ITems[9].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 0) and (Selected <> nil); //80^
- Self.Items[14].Enabled := (Selected.Level > 0) and (Selected <> nil); //862
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- inherited Popup(X + 10, Y + 10);
- end; {PopUp}
- ///// End of TLsDirTree21PopUp /////
- {************************************************************************}
- { LsFilelistView28 }
- {************************************************************************}
- constructor TLsFilelistView28.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FSelectedFiles := TStringList.Create;
- MultiSelect := True;
- ReadOnly := False;
- SetDaTeFormat(df_Customize); //(df_MMddyyyy); //81
- SetTimeFormat(tfShortFormat); //85
- HideSelection := False;
- SetParentDirEnabled(True); //870
- Createimages;
- ViewStyle := vsReport;
- FMask := DefaultMask;
- FSortForward := True;
- FSortColumn := 0;
- OnCompare := CompareFiles;
- OnColumnClick := ColumnClick;
- Bmp_Up28 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Bmp_Up28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,
- Bmp_Down28 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Bmp_Down28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,
- FBitmap := TBitmap.Create; //70
- FColWidth_Name := 165; //80
- FColWidth_Size := 75; //80
- FColWidth_Type := 95; //80
- FColWidth_Mod := 125; //80
- FColWidth_Attr := 40; //80
- ShowColumnHeaders := True;
- FShowFolders := True;
- FDblClickToOpen := True;
- FColumnClickEnabled := True; //70
- SetLanguage(lnEnglish); //872ln
- InitializeVar; //872ln
- FPopupMenu := TLsFilelistView28PopUp.Create(Self);
- FPopupMenu.BuildItems;
- FPopupMenu.AutoPopup := True;
- FPopupMenu.FFileListView := Self;
- PopupMenu := FPopupMenu;
- FPopUpMenuEnabled := True;
- FFileType := [ftReadOnly, ftHidden, ftSystem, ftArchive];
- if FParentDirCaption = '' then
- FParentDirCaption := ' Parent'; //872
- FDirectory := 'Drives';
- FAbout := 'Version'; //861
- end; {Create}
- destructor TLsFilelistView28.Destroy;
- begin
- // LargeImages.Free; //870
- // SmallImages.Free; //870
- LImgLst.Free;
- SImgLst.Free;
- FPopupMenu.Free;
- FSelectedFiles.Free;
- FBitMap.Free;
- DeleteObject(Bmp_Up28);
- DeleteObject(Bmp_Down28);
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {Destroy}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.CreateWnd;
- begin
- inherited CreateWnd;
- // Font.Size := 8; //80
- // Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; //80
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
- CreateFileColumns;
- end; {CreateWnd}
- function TLsFilelistView28.GetDriveFreeSpace: Integer; //872bcb
- begin
- Result := GetFreeDiskSize(Copy(FDirectory, 1, 1) + ':\');
- end; {GetDriveFreeSpace}
- function TLsFilelistView28.GetSelectedNum: Integer;
- begin
- Result := SelCount;
- if Result = 0 then Result := Items.Count;
- end; {GetSelectedNum}
- function TLsFilelistView28.GetSelectedSize: Integer;
- var
- i, FSize: UInt;
- FName: string;
- win32FD: TWin32FindData;
- hFindFile: THandle;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- FSize := 0;
- hFindFile := 0;
- if SelCount = 0 then exit;
- for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if Items[i].selected then
- begin
- FName := ExtractFileName(Items[i].SubItems[4] + #0);
- hFindFile := FindFirstFile(pChar(FName), win32FD);
- if hFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- FSize := FSize + ((win32FD.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) +
- win32FD.nFileSizeLow);
- end;
- end;
- Windows.FindClose(hFindFile);
- Result := FSize;
- end; {GetSelectedSize}
- function TLsFilelistView28.GetDirectory: string;
- begin
- Result := FDirectory;
- end; {GetDirectory}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetColWidth_Name(Value: Integer); //80+
- begin
- if Value <> FColWidth_Name then
- FColWidth_Name := Value;
- end; {SetColWidth_Name}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetColWidth_Size(Value: Integer); //80+
- begin
- if Value <> FColWidth_Size then
- FColWidth_Size := Value;
- end; {SetColWidth_Size}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetColWidth_Type(Value: Integer); //80+
- begin
- if Value <> FColWidth_Type then
- FColWidth_Type := Value;
- end; {SetColWidth_Type}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetColWidth_Mod(Value: Integer); //80+
- begin
- if Value <> FColWidth_Mod then
- FColWidth_Mod := Value;
- end; {SetColWidth_Mod}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetColWidth_Attr(Value: Integer); //80+
- begin
- if Value <> FColWidth_Attr then
- FColWidth_Attr := Value;
- end; {SetColWidth_Attr}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetDirectory(NewDir: string);
- begin
- if AnsiCompareText(NewDir, FDirectory) = 0 then exit;
- if (UpperCase(NewDir) = 'DRIVES') then
- begin
- FDirectory := NewDir;
- UpdateFileList;
- end
- else
- begin
- if not DirectoryExists(NewDir) then exit;
- NewDir := AddSlash(NewDir);
- SetCurrentDir(NewDir);
- FDirectory := NewDir;
- UpdateFileList;
- end;
- end; {SetDirectory}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetDirTreeCombo(val: TLsDirTreeCombo28);
- begin
- if FDirTreeCombo = Val then
- exit
- else
- begin
- if Assigned(FDirTreeCombo) then
- FDirTreeCombo.FileList := nil;
- FDirTreeCombo := Val;
- end;
- if Assigned(FDirTreeCombo) then
- FDirTreeCombo.FileList := self;
- end; {SetDirTreeCombo}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetDirTree(VaL: TLsDirTree21);
- begin
- if FDirTree = Val then
- exit
- else
- begin
- if Assigned(FDirTree) then
- FDirTree.FileList := nil;
- FDirTree := Val;
- end;
- if Assigned(FDirTree) then
- FDirTree.FileList := self;
- end; {SetDirTree}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FDirTree) then
- FDirTree := nil;
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FDirTreeCombo) then
- FDirTreeCombo := nil;
- end; {Notification}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetMask(const NewMasks: string);
- begin
- if FMask <> NewMasks then
- begin
- FMask := NewMasks;
- UpdateFileList;
- end;
- end; {SetMask}
- function TLsFilelistView28.GetSelectedItem: string;
- begin
- Result := FSelectedItem;
- end; {GetSelectedItem}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetSelectedItem(NewItem: string);
- begin
- if FSelectedItem = NewItem then exit;
- FSelectedItem := NewItem;
- end; {SetSelectedItem}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetFileType(NewFileType: TFileType);
- begin
- if NewFileType <> FFileType then
- begin
- FFileType := NewFileType;
- UpdateFileList;
- end;
- end; {SetFileType}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetDaTeFormat(Value: TDtFormat); //70
- var
- DefaultLCID: LCID;
- begin
- if Value <> FDateFormat then
- FDateFormat := Value;
- DefaultLCID := GetThreadLocale;
- case FDateFormat of
- df_MMddyyyy: FDFormatStr := 'MM/dd/yyyy';
- df_MMddyy: FDFormatStr := 'MM/dd/yy';
- df_ddMMyyyy: FDFormatStr := 'dd/MM/yyyy';
- df_ddMMyy_GB: FDFormatStr := 'dd/MM/yy';
- df_ddMMyy_DE: FDFormatStr := 'dd.MM.yy';
- df_ddMMyy_IT: FDFormatStr := 'dd-MM-yy';
- df_yyyyMMdd: FDFormatStr := 'yyyy-MM-dd';
- df_yyMMdd: FDFormatStr := 'yy-MM-dd';
- df_Customize: FDFormatStr :=
- GetLocaleStr(DefaultLCID, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, '');
- end;
- end; {SetDaTeFormat}
- procedure TLsFileListView28.SetTimeFormat(Value: TTmFormat); //85 >>
- var
- DeFaultLCID: LCID;
- i: integer;
- begin
- if Value <> FTimeFormat then
- FTimeFormat := Value;
- case FTimeFormat of
- tfLongFormat : FTFormatStr := LongTimeFormat;
- tfShortFormat: FTFormatStr := ShortTimeFormat;
- tfCustomize :
- begin
- DefaultLCID := GetThreadLocale;
- FTFormatStr := '';
- FTFormatStr := GetLocaleStr(DefaultLCID, LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, '');
- i := Pos('t', FTFormatStr);
- if i > 0 then
- FTFormatStr := Copy(FTFormatStr, 1, i -1 );
- FTFormatStr := FTFormatStr + ' AM/PM';
- // ShowMessage(FTFormatStr); //
- end;
- end;
- end; {SetTFormatStr} //85 <<
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetShowFolders(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FShowFolders = Value then
- exit;
- FShowFolders := Value;
- UpdateFileList;
- end; {SetShowFolders}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetHideFileExt(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value <> FHideFileExt then
- FHideFileExt := Value;
- end; {SetHideFileExt}
- procedure TLsFileListView28.SetParentDirEnabled(Value: Boolean); //870 >>
- begin
- if Value <> FParentDirEnabled then
- FParentDirEnabled := Value;
- end; {SetParentDirEnabled} //870 <<
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetParentDirCaption(Value: string); //872
- begin
- Value := Trim(Value);
- if ansiCompareText(Value, Trim(FParentDirCaption)) <> 0 then
- FParentDirCaption := ' ' + Value;
- end; {SetParentDirCaption} //872
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetLanguage(Value: TLanguage); //872ln
- var
- LangID: integer;
- begin
- if Value = lnSysDefault then
- begin
- LangID := GetSystemDefaultLangID and $3FF; //SysLocale.PriLangID;
- // ShowMessage(IntToStr(LangID)); //debugging
- Case LangID of
- LANG_ENGLISH : Value := lnEnglish; //$09
- LANG_FRENCH : Value := lnFrench; //$0C
- LANG_GERMAN : Value := lnGerman; //$07
- LANG_SPANISH : Value := lnSpanish; //$0A
- LANG_PORTUGUESE : Value := lnPortuguese; //$16 //873
- else
- Value := lnEnglish;
- end;
- end;
- if value <> FLanguage then
- begin
- FLanguage := Value;
- LvLangID := FLanguage;
- InitializeVar;
- FPopupMenu.Free;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- FPopupMenu := TLsFilelistView28PopUp.Create(Self);
- FPopupMenu.BuildItems;
- FPopupMenu.AutoPopup := True;
- FPopupMenu.FFileListView := Self;
- PopupMenu := FPopupMenu;
- FPopUpMenuEnabled := True;
- ReCreateWnd;
- end;
- end; //872ln
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.Createimages;
- var
- sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- Reg: TRegistry; //872
- procedure LoadParentBmp; //872>
- begin
- LImgLst.ResInstLoad(hInstance, rtBitmap, 'Parent_L282', clNone);
- SImgLst.ResInstLoad(hInstance, rtBitmap, 'Parent_S282', clNone);
- ParentImgIdx := LImgLst.Count - 1;
- end; //872<
- function CompareBmps(Idx: integer): Boolean; //872>
- var
- Bmp1, Bmp2: TBitmap;
- Ms1, Ms2: TMemoryStream;
- Idx2: integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Idx2 := -1;
- Bmp1 := TBitmap.Create;
- Bmp2 := TBitmap.Create;
- Ms1 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Ms2 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- LImgLst.GetBitmap(Idx, Bmp1);
- LImgLst.ResInstLoad(hInstance, rtBitmap, 'Parent_L282', clNone);
- Idx2 := LImgLst.Count - 1;
- LImgLst.GetBitmap(Idx2, Bmp2);
- Bmp1.SaveToStream(Ms1);
- Bmp2.SaveToStream(Ms2);
- if Ms1.Size = Ms2.Size then
- Result := CompareMem(Ms1.Memory, Ms2.Memory, Ms1.Size);
- finally
- LImgLst.Delete(Idx2);
- Bmp1.Free;
- Bmp2.Free;
- Ms1.Free;
- Ms2.Free;
- end;
- end; //872<
- begin //862>
- ParentImgIdx := -1;
- LImgLst := TImageList.Create(Self);
- LImgLst.Handle := SHGetFileInfo('', 0, sfi, SizeOf(TSHFileInfo),
- if LImgLst.Handle <> 0 then
- LImgLst.ShareImages := True;
- SImgLst := TImageList.Create(Self);
- SImgLst.Handle := SHGetFileInfo('', 0, sfi, SizeOf(TSHFileInfo),
- if SImgLst.Handle <> 0 then
- SImgLst.ShareImages := True;
- //872>
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- try
- Reg.Rootkey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
- Reg.OpenKey(LsFileExplorerKey, True);
- try
- case Reg.ValueExists('ParentImgIdx') of
- True:
- begin
- ParentImgIdx := Reg.ReadInteger('ParentImgIdx');
- if (CompareBmps(ParentImgIdx) = False) or
- (ParentImgIdx > LImgLst.Count - 1) then
- begin
- LoadParentBmp;
- Reg.WriteInteger('ParentImgIdx', ParentImgIdx);
- end;
- end;
- False:
- begin
- LoadParentBmp;
- Reg.WriteInteger('ParentImgIdx', ParentImgIdx);
- end;
- end; //case
- finally
- Reg.CloseKey;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end; //872<
- LargeImages := LImgLst;
- SmallImages := SImgLst;
- end; {CreateImages}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.CreateDriveColumns;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- //872ln>
- Columns.Clear;
- Columns.BeginUpdate;
- for i := 0 to 4 do
- Columns.Add;
- //Caption
- if FLanguage = lnEnglish then
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIdName;
- Columns[1].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIdType;
- Columns[2].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIdHdSize;
- Columns[3].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIdFSpace;
- Columns[4].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIdAttr;
- end
- else if FLanguage = lnFrench then
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := FRENCH_ColIdName;
- Columns[1].Caption := FRENCH_ColIdType;
- Columns[2].Caption := FRENCH_ColIdHdSize;
- Columns[3].Caption := FRENCH_ColIdFSpace;
- Columns[4].Caption := FRENCH_ColIdAttr;
- end
- else if FLanguage = lnGerman then
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := GERMAN_ColIdName;
- Columns[1].Caption := GERMAN_ColIdType;
- Columns[2].Caption := GERMAN_ColIdHdSize;
- Columns[3].Caption := GERMAN_ColIdFSpace;
- Columns[4].Caption := GERMAN_ColIdAttr;
- end
- else if FLanguage = lnSpanish then
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := SPANISH_ColIdName;
- Columns[1].Caption := SPANISH_ColIdType;
- Columns[2].Caption := SPANISH_ColIdHdSize;
- Columns[3].Caption := SPANISH_ColIdFSpace;
- Columns[4].Caption := SPANISH_ColIdAttr;
- end
- else if FLanguage = lnPortuguese then //873
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIdName;
- Columns[1].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIdType;
- Columns[2].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIdHdSize;
- Columns[3].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIdFSpace;
- Columns[4].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIdAttr;
- end; //873
- //Width
- Columns[0].Width := 160;
- Columns[1].Width := 110;
- Columns[2].Width := 90;
- Columns[3].Width := 90;
- Columns[4].Width := 40;
- //Alignment
- Columns[0].Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- Columns[1].Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- Columns[2].Alignment := taRightJustify;
- Columns[3].Alignment := taRightJustify;
- Columns[4].Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- Columns.EndUpdate;
- FileColExists := False; //872ln
- end; {CreateDriveColumns}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.CreateFileColumns;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- //872ln>
- Columns.Clear;
- Columns.BeginUpdate;
- for i := 0 to 4 do
- Columns.Add;
- //Caption
- if FLanguage = lnEnglish then
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIDName;
- Columns[1].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIDSize;
- Columns[2].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIDType;
- Columns[3].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIDDate;
- Columns[4].Caption := ENGLISH_ColIDAttr;
- end
- else if FLanguage = lnFrench then
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := FRENCH_ColIDName;
- Columns[1].Caption := FRENCH_ColIDSize;
- Columns[2].Caption := FRENCH_ColIDType;
- Columns[3].Caption := FRENCH_ColIDDate;
- Columns[4].Caption := FRENCH_ColIDAttr;
- end
- else if FLanguage = lnGerman then
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := GERMAN_ColIDName;
- Columns[1].Caption := GERMAN_ColIDSize;
- Columns[2].Caption := GERMAN_ColIDType;
- Columns[3].Caption := GERMAN_ColIDDate;
- Columns[4].Caption := GERMAN_ColIDAttr;
- end
- else if FLanguage = lnSpanish then
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := SPANISH_ColIDName;
- Columns[1].Caption := SPANISH_ColIDSize;
- Columns[2].Caption := SPANISH_ColIDType;
- Columns[3].Caption := SPANISH_ColIDDate;
- Columns[4].Caption := SPANISH_ColIDAttr;
- end
- else if FLanguage = lnPortuguese then //873>
- begin
- Columns[0].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIDName;
- Columns[1].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIDSize;
- Columns[2].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIDType;
- Columns[3].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIDDate;
- Columns[4].Caption := BRAZ_PORT_ColIDAttr; //873<
- end;
- //Width
- Columns[0].Width := FColWidth_Name;
- Columns[1].Width := FColWidth_Size;
- Columns[2].Width := FColWidth_Type;
- Columns[3].Width := FColWidth_Mod;
- Columns[4].Width := FColWidth_Attr;
- //Alignment
- Columns[0].Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- Columns[1].Alignment := taRightJustify;
- Columns[2].Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- Columns[3].Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- Columns[4].Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- Columns.EndUpdate;
- FileColExists := True; //872ln<
- end; {CreateFileColumns}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.ColumnClick(Sender: TObject;
- Column: TListColumn);
- var
- required_column: integer;
- procedure SetColumnBitmap; //70
- var
- Hditem: THdItem;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do
- begin
- FBitmap.Releasehandle;
- Hditem.Mask := HDI_FORMAT;
- Header_GetItem(GetDlgItem(Self.Handle, 0), i, Hditem);
- Hditem.Mask := HDI_BITMAP or HDI_FORMAT;
- if i = Required_Column then
- begin
- if FSortForward then
- FBitmap.Handle := Bmp_Down28 //Bmp_Up28
- else
- FBitmap.Handle := Bmp_Up28; //Bmp_Down28;
- Hditem.fmt := Hditem.fmt or HDF_BITMAP
- end
- else begin
- FBitmap.Handle := Bmp_Down28; //Bmp_Up28;
- Hditem.fmt := Hditem.fmt and not (HDF_BITMAP
- end;
- Hditem.hbm := FBitmap.Handle;
- Header_SetItem(GetDlgItem(Self.Handle, 0), i, hditem);
- end;
- end; {SetColumnBitmap}
- begin
- if not FColumnClickEnabled then exit; //70
- required_column := Column.Index;
- if required_column = FSortColumn then
- FSortForward := not FSortForward
- else
- begin
- FSortColumn := required_column;
- FSortForward := True;
- end;
- SortType := stData;
- SortType := stNone;
- SetColumnBitmap; //70
- end; {ColumnClick}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.CompareFiles(Sender: TObject; Item1,
- Item2: TListItem; Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer);
- var
- Caption1,
- Caption2,
- str1,
- str2: string; //80
- size1,
- size2,
- i, //80
- result: integer;
- date1,
- date2: Double; //861
- {$ELSE}
- date1,
- date2: TDateTime; //861
- {$ENDIF}
- TopItem: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- // To force Directories to be displayed before Files and to keep
- // "Parent Folder" at the top regardless sorting directions.
- // if (Item1.Caption = ' Parent') or (Item2.Caption = ' Parent') then //81
- if (Item1.Caption = FParentDirCaption) or (Item2.Caption = FParentDirCaption) then //872
- TopItem := True //80
- else
- TopItem := False; //80
- if (Item1.SubItems[5] = 'dir') and (Item2.SubItems[5] <> 'dir') then
- Result := -1
- else if (Item1.SubItems[5] <> 'dir') and (Item2.SubItems[5] = 'dir') then
- Result := 1
- // Compare files
- else
- begin
- Case FSortColumn of
- // sort on file name
- 0: begin
- Caption1 := AnsiUpperCase(Item1.Caption);
- Caption2 := AnsiUpperCase(Item2.Caption);
- if Caption1 > Caption2 then
- Result := 1
- else if Caption1 < Caption2 then
- Result := -1;
- end;
- // sort on file size
- 1: begin
- // Convert space to integer and eleminate word 'KB'
- //80 >>
- str1 := Item1.SubItems.Strings[0];
- if str1 = ' ' then
- size1 := 0
- else
- begin
- i := Pos('K', str1);
- str1 := copy(str1, 1, i-2);
- size1 := StrToInt(Trim(str1));
- end;
- str2 := Item2.SubItems.Strings[0];
- if str2 = ' ' then
- size2 := 0
- else
- begin
- i := Pos('K', str2);
- str2 := copy(str2, 1, i-2);
- size2 := StrToInt(Trim(str2));
- end;
- //80 <<
- if Size1 > Size2 then
- Result := 1
- else if Size1 < Size2 then
- Result := -1;
- end;
- // sort on files' modified date
- 3: begin
- // date1 := StrToDateTime(Item1.SubItems.Strings[2]); //861>>
- // date2 := StrToDateTime(Item2.SubItems.Strings[2]);
- // result := Round(1E5 * (date1 - date2)); //861<<
- if Item1 = Item2 then Result := 0 //861>>
- else if Item1 = nil then Result := -1
- else if Item2 = nil then Result := 1
- else begin
- date1 := StrToFloat(Item1.SubItems[6]);
- date2 := StrToFloat(Item2.SubItems[6]);
- {$ELSE}
- date1 := StrToDateTime(Item1.SubItems[6]);
- date2 := StrToDateTime(Item2.SubItems[6]);
- {$ENDIF}
- if date1 < date2 then
- Result := -1
- else if date1 > date2 then
- Result := 1
- else Result := 0; //861<<
- end;
- end;
- else begin
- result := CompareText(Item1.SubItems.Strings[FSortColumn - 1],
- Item2.SubItems.Strings[FSortColumn - 1]);
- end;
- end; //case
- end; //else
- if FSortForward then
- if TopItem then //80+
- Compare := result //80+
- else //80+
- Compare := -result
- else begin
- Compare := result;
- end;
- end; {CompareFiles}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.Keydown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- var
- i: integer; //84
- begin
- if Shift = [ssCtrl] then
- begin
- case Key of
- $43:
- if Selected <> nil then CutCopy(0); //(VK_C)Copy
- $58:
- if Selected <> nil then CutCopy(2); //(VK_X)Cut
- $56:
- if FSelectedFiles.Count <> 0 then Paste; //(VK_V)Paste
- $4F:
- if Selected <> nil then OpenItem; //(VK_O)OpenItem
- $46:
- if Selected <> nil then ViewFile; //(VK_F)View file
- $4E:
- if AnsiCompareText(FDirectory, 'DRIVES') <> 0 then
- NewFolder; //(VK_N)New Folder
- $41: //(VK_A)Select All //84
- begin
- if Items.Count <> 0 then
- begin
- for i := 0 to Items.Count -1 do
- Items[i].Selected := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else if (Shift = []) and (not isEditing) then
- begin
- case Key of
- // VK_UP: Click; //UpArrow //84
- // VK_DOWN: Click; //DownArrow //84
- if Selected <> nil then DeleteItems; //Delete File
- if Selected <> nil then OpenItem; //Open
- VK_BACK: OneLevelUp; //Previous Directory
- VK_F2:
- if Selected <> nil then RenameFile; //ReName File
- VK_F3: FindFile;
- VK_F5: UpdateFileList; //Refresh
- VK_F4: //Display TreeView
- begin
- if not Assigned(DirTreeCombo) then exit;
- DirTreeCombo.BtnClick(Self);
- if DirTreeCombo.Tree.Visible then
- DirTreeCombo.Tree.SetFocus;
- end;
- VK_ESCAPE: //52 Close TreeView
- begin
- if not Assigned(DirTreeCombo) then exit;
- if DirTreeCombo.Tree.Enabled = True then
- begin
- DirTreeCombo.Tree.Enabled := False;
- DirTreeCombo.Tree.Visible := False;
- DirTreeCombo.SendToBack;
- end;
- end;
- end; // case
- end; // else
- inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
- end; {KeyDown}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); //84
- begin
- Inherited KeyUp(Key, Shift);
- if (Key = VK_UP) or (Key = VK_DOWN) then Click;
- end; {KeyUp}
- function TLsFileListView28.GetWkgMask(var MaskStr: string): string; //84
- var
- SepPos: integer;
- begin
- SepPos := Pos(';', MaskStr);
- if SepPos = 0 then
- Result := MaskStr
- else
- Result := Copy(MaskStr, 1, SepPos - 1);
- System.Delete(MaskStr, 1, (Length(Result) + 1));
- end; {GetWkgMask}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.UpdateFileList;
- var
- oldCur: TCursor;
- // MaskPtr: PChar; //84
- TmpMask,
- WkgMask: string; //84
- AttrIndex: TFileAttr;
- // Ptr: PChar; //84
- DirAttr,
- FileAttr: DWORD;
- FName,
- CurPath: string;
- const
- dwFileAttr: array[TFileAttr] of DWord = (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY,
- begin
- Items.beginUpdate;
- Items.Clear;
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- FDirectorySize := 0;
- try
- // Add Drives to LsFilelistView28
- if UpperCase(FDirectory) = 'DRIVES' then
- begin
- CreateDriveColumns;
- AddDrives;
- end
- else begin
- // Add directories to LsFilelistView28
- if not FileColExists then
- CreateFileColumns; //872
- FileAttr := 0;
- for AttrIndex := ftReadOnly to ftNormal do
- if AttrIndex in FileType then
- FileAttr := FileAttr or dwFileAttr[AttrIndex];
- CurPath := AddSlash(FDirectory);
- FName := CurPath + '*.*';
- if ShowFolders then
- AddFiles(FName, DirAttr);
- ////84 >>
- TmpMask := FMask;
- While (Length(TmpMask) > 0) and (TmpMask[1] = ' ') do
- System.Delete(TmpMask, 1, 1);
- While (Length(TmpMask) > 0) and (TmpMask[Length(TmpMask)] = ' ') do
- System.Delete(TmpMask, Length(TmpMask), 1);
- if Length(TmpMask) = 0 then
- TmpMask := '*.*';
- While Length(TmpMask) > 0 do
- begin
- WkgMask := GetWkgMask(TmpMask);
- AddFiles((CurPath + WkgMask), FileAttr);
- end;
- {**
- // Add files to LsFilelistView28
- MaskPtr := PChar(FMask);
- while MaskPtr <> nil do
- begin
- Ptr := StrScan(MaskPtr, ';');
- if Ptr <> nil then
- Ptr^ := #0;
- AddFiles((CurPath + StrPas(MaskPtr)), FileAttr);
- if Ptr <> nil then
- begin
- Ptr^ := ';';
- inc(Ptr);
- end;
- MaskPtr := Ptr;
- end; // while MaskPtr ...
- **}
- ////84 <<
- end; // else FDirectory <> 'Drives'
- finally
- FSortForward := True;
- ColumnClick(Self, Columns[0]);
- end; // try
- Items.EndUpdate;
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- if (Items.Count > 0) and (SelCount = 0) then
- ItemFocused := Items[0];
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end; {UpdateFileList}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.AddDrives;
- var
- sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- NewItem: TListItem;
- i: Integer;
- DiskType: Integer;
- DiskSize,
- FreeSize: Integer;
- Drv: Char;
- DrvName: string;
- function GetDriveTypeStr(Root: string): string;
- var
- DrvType: Integer;
- begin
- if LvLangID = lnEnglish then //872ln>
- begin
- DrvTypeStr0 := ENGLISH_DrvTypeStr0; //Unknown
- DrvTypeStr1 := ENGLISH_DrvTypeStr1; //Not exist
- DrvTypeStr2 := ENGLISH_DrvTypeStr2; //Removable Disk
- DrvTypeStr3 := ENGLISH_DrvTypeStr3; //Fixed Disk
- DrvTypeStr4 := ENGLISH_DrvTypeStr4; //Network Disk
- DrvTypeStr5 := ENGLISH_DrvTypeStr5; //CD-Rom Disk
- DrvTypeStr6 := ENGLISH_DrvTypeStr6; //RAM Disk
- end
- else if LvLangID = lnFrench then
- begin
- DrvTypeStr0 := FRENCH_DrvTypeStr0;
- DrvTypeStr1 := FRENCH_DrvTypeStr1;
- DrvTypeStr2 := FRENCH_DrvTypeStr2;
- DrvTypeStr3 := FRENCH_DrvTypeStr3;
- DrvTypeStr4 := FRENCH_DrvTypeStr4;
- DrvTypeStr5 := FRENCH_DrvTypeStr5;
- DrvTypeStr6 := FRENCH_DrvTypeStr6;
- end
- else if LvLangID = lnGerman then
- begin
- DrvTypeStr0 := GERMAN_DrvTypeStr0;
- DrvTypeStr1 := GERMAN_DrvTypeStr1;
- DrvTypeStr2 := GERMAN_DrvTypeStr2;
- DrvTypeStr3 := GERMAN_DrvTypeStr3;
- DrvTypeStr4 := GERMAN_DrvTypeStr4;
- DrvTypeStr5 := GERMAN_DrvTypeStr5;
- DrvTypeStr6 := GERMAN_DrvTypeStr6;
- end
- else if LvLangID = lnSpanish then
- begin
- DrvTypeStr0 := SPANISH_DrvTypeStr0;
- DrvTypeStr1 := SPANISH_DrvTypeStr1;
- DrvTypeStr2 := SPANISH_DrvTypeStr2;
- DrvTypeStr3 := SPANISH_DrvTypeStr3;
- DrvTypeStr4 := SPANISH_DrvTypeStr4;
- DrvTypeStr5 := SPANISH_DrvTypeStr5;
- DrvTypeStr6 := SPANISH_DrvTypeStr6;
- end //872ln
- else if LvLangID = lnPortuguese then //873>
- begin
- DrvTypeStr0 := BRAZ_PORT_DrvTypeStr0;
- DrvTypeStr1 := BRAZ_PORT_DrvTypeStr1;
- DrvTypeStr2 := BRAZ_PORT_DrvTypeStr2;
- DrvTypeStr3 := BRAZ_PORT_DrvTypeStr3;
- DrvTypeStr4 := BRAZ_PORT_DrvTypeStr4;
- DrvTypeStr5 := BRAZ_PORT_DrvTypeStr5;
- DrvTypeStr6 := BRAZ_PORT_DrvTypeStr6;
- end; //873<
- DrvType := GetDriveType(PChar(Root));
- case DrvType of
- 0: Result := DrvTypeStr0;
- 1: Result := DrvTypeStr1;
- DRIVE_REMOVABLE: Result := DrvTypeStr2;
- DRIVE_FIXED: Result := DrvTypeStr3;
- DRIVE_REMOTE: Result := DrvTypeStr4;
- DRIVE_CDROM: Result := DrvTypeStr5;
- DRIVE_RAMDISK: Result := DrvTypeStr6; //872ln<
- end;
- end; {GetDriveTypeStr}
- begin
- FColumnClickEnabled := False; //70
- Integer(Drives) := GetLogicalDrives;
- for i := 0 to 25 do
- if (i in Drives) then
- begin
- Drv := Char(i + Ord('A'));
- NewItem := Items.Add;
- try
- SHGetFileInfo(PChar(Drv + ':\'), 0, sfi, SizeOf(sfi),
- if SmallImages <> nil then
- NewItem.ImageIndex := sfi.Iicon;
- DrvName := copy(sfi.szDisplayName, 1,
- (Pos('(', sfi.szDisplayName) - 1));
- NewItem.Caption := ' (' + Drv + ':) ' + DrvName;
- DiskType := GetDriveType(PChar(Drv + ':\'));
- NewItem.SubItems.Add(GetDriveTypeStr(Drv + ':\'));
- if (DiskType <> DRIVE_REMOVABLE) and (DiskType <> DRIVE_CDROM) then
- begin
- DiskSize := GetDiskSize(Drv + ':\');
- FreeSize := GetFreeDiskSize(Drv + ':\');
- end
- else
- begin
- DiskSize := 0;
- FreeSize := 0;
- end;
- if DiskSize > 0 then
- NewItem.SubItems.Add(FormatFloat('###,###,### Mb',
- DiskSize div 1000))
- else
- NewItem.SubItems.Add('0 Mb');
- if FreeSize > 0 then
- NewItem.SubItems.Add(FormatFloat('###,###,### Mb',
- FreeSize div 1000))
- else
- NewItem.SubItems.Add('0 Mb');
- NewItem.SubItems.Add('');
- NewItem.SubItems.Add(Drv + ':\');
- NewItem.SubItems.Add('drv');
- except
- Items.Delete(NewItem.Index);
- end;
- end;
- end; {AddDrives}
- function TLsFilelistView28.AddFiles(FileMask: string; Attr: DWord):
- Boolean;
- var
- sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- attributes,
- CurPath,
- FDate,
- FName,
- FileName,
- FileDir: string;
- FFileTime: string; //861
- Count,
- FSize: Integer;
- hFindFile: THandle;
- Win32FD: TWin32FindData;
- function AttrStr(Attr: integer): string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE and Attr) > 0 then Result := Result + 'A';
- if (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY and Attr) > 0 then Result := Result + 'R';
- if (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN and Attr) > 0 then Result := Result + 'H';
- if (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM and Attr) > 0 then Result := Result + 'S';
- end;
- begin
- Result := False;
- FColumnClickEnabled := True; //70
- CurPath := AddSlash(FDirectory);
- hFindFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(FileMask), Win32FD);
- if hFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- try
- repeat
- with Win32FD do
- begin
- (dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) and
- (dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) and
- (dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)) and
- (dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) then
- begin
- if (dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) > 0 then
- FileDir := 'dir'
- else
- FileDir := 'file';
- FName := StrPas(Win32FD.cFilename);
- FileName := CurPath + FName;
- Case FParentDirEnabled of //870 >>
- True:
- if (FName = '.') then continue; //70
- False:
- if ( FName = '.' ) or ( FName = '..' ) then continue; //70
- end; //870 <<
- SHGetFileInfo(PChar(FileName), 0, sfi, SizeOf(sfi),
- FSize := (nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + nFileSizeLow;
- FDate := FileTimeToDateTimeStr(ftLastWriteTime, FDFormatStr,
- FTFormatStr);
- {$IFDEF D4_OR_HIGHER} //861>>
- FFileTime := FloatToStr(Int64(ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime) shl 32 +
- ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime);
- {$ELSE}
- FFileTime := FileTimeToDateTimeStr(ftLastWriteTime, 'MM/dd/yy',
- 'HH:mm:ss');
- {$ENDIF} //861<<
- Attributes := AttrStr(dwFileAttributes);
- with Items.Add do
- begin
- if (FName = '..') then //70
- begin
- Caption := FParentDirCaption; //' Parent'; //872
- ImageIndex := ParentImgIdx; //872
- end
- else begin
- case FHideFileExt of //70
- True:
- begin
- Count := Length(ExtractFileExt(FName)); //870
- if Count > 0 then
- Caption := Copy(FName, 1, Length(FName) - Count) //870
- else Caption := FName;
- end;
- False:
- Caption := FName;
- end; //case
- ImageIndex := sfi.iIcon; //862
- end; //else begin
- SubItems.Add(ConvertSize(FSize, FileDir)); //SubItems[0]-Size
- // if FName = '..' then //871>>
- // SubItems.Add(' ')
- // else //871
- SubItems.Add(sfi.szTypeName); //SubItems[1]-TypeName
- SubItems.Add(FDate); //SubItems[2]-DateTime
- SubItems.Add(Attributes); //SubItems[3]-Attributes
- SubItems.Add(FileName); //SubItems[4]-Path+FileName
- SubItems.Add(FileDir); //SubItems[5]-dir or file
- SubItems.Add(FFileTime); //SubItems[6]-FileTime //861
- end; // with Items ...
- FDirectorySize := FDirectorySize + FSize;
- Result := True;
- end; // Attr ...
- end; // with Win32FD
- until not FindNextFile(hFindFile, Win32FD);
- finally
- windows.FindClose(hFindFile);
- end; // try
- end; {AddFiles}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.OneLevelUp;
- var
- NewDir: string;
- OldDir: string; //873
- i: integer; //873
- begin
- OldDir := AddSlash(FDirectory);
- if UpperCase(Directory) = 'DRIVES' then
- exit;
- FDirectory := AddSlash(FDirectory);
- if (FDirectory[Length(FDirectory) - 1] = ':') then
- begin
- if (FDirTreeCombo <> nil) then
- FDirTreeCombo.OpenPath(FDirTreeCombo.Tree.Items[0].Text);
- if (FDirTree <> nil) then
- FDirTree.OpenPath(FDirTree.Items[0].Text);
- SetDirectory('Drives');
- end
- else begin
- FDirectory := Copy(FDirectory, 1, Length(FDirectory) - 1);
- NewDir := ExtractFilePath(FDirectory);
- SetDirectory(NewDir);
- if FDirTree <> nil then
- FDirTree.OpenPath(NewDir);
- if FDirTreeCombo <> nil then
- FDirTreeCombo.OpenPath(NewDir);
- for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do //873>
- begin
- if (AddSlash(Items[i].SubItems[4]) = OldDir) then
- Items[i].Selected := True;
- end; //873<
- end;
- end; {OneLevelUp}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.Click;
- begin
- if Selected = nil then //85
- exit
- else
- FSelectedItem := Selected.SubItems[4];
- if Assigned(FOnItemChange) then //83
- FOnItemChange(Self, FSelectedItem); //83
- inherited Click;
- end; {Click}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetDblClickToOpen(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value <> FDblClickToOpen then
- FDblClickToOpen := Value;
- end; {SetDblClickToOpen}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.DblClick;
- begin
- if (Selected = nil) or (Selected.Caption = '') then
- exit; //81
- if FDblClickToOpen then //70
- OpenItem
- else begin
- if (Selected.Caption = FParentDirCaption) then //' Parent') then //872
- OneLevelUp
- else
- inherited DblClick;
- end;
- end; {DblClick}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetPopUpMenuEnabled(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value <> FPopUpMenuEnabled then
- begin
- FPopUpMenuEnabled := Value;
- if FPopUpMenuEnabled then
- PopupMenu := FPopupMenu
- else
- begin
- PopupMenu := nil;
- MouseCapture := False; //80
- end;
- end;
- end; {SetPopUpMenuEnabled}
- ///// FileOperations /////
- function TLsFilelistView28.CanEdit(Item: TListItem): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not ReadOnly then
- begin
- OldFName := Item.SubItems[4];
- Result := inherited CanEdit(Item);
- end;
- end; {CanEdit}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.Edit(const Item: TLVItem);
- var
- Path,
- newFName,
- DirOrFile: string;
- Abort: Boolean;
- OldCur: TCursor;
- begin
- inherited Edit(Item);
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- try
- if Selected <> nil then
- begin
- Path := ExtractFilePath(OldFName);
- DirOrFile := Selected.SubItems[5];
- newFName := AddNullToStr(Path + Selected.Caption);
- if AnsiCompareText(OldFName, newFName) = 0 then exit;
- if not FileDirExist(newFName) then
- DoSHFileOp(Parent.Handle, FO_RENAME, OldFName, newFName, Abort);
- UpdateFileList;
- if AnsiCompareText(DirOrFile, 'DIR') = 0 then
- begin
- if Assigned(FDirTree) then
- begin
- FDirTree.Reload;
- FDirTree.OpenPath(Path);
- end
- else if Assigned(FDirTreeCombo) then
- begin
- FDirTreeCombo.ResetTreeView;
- FDirTreeCombo.OpenPath(Path);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Items.EndUpdate;
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- end;
- end; {Edit}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.NewFolder;
- var
- NewDir: string;
- i: integer;
- begin
- //81 >>
- NewDir := SlashSep(FDirectory, esNewFolder); //872ln AndyRoth
- if DirectoryExists(NewDir) then
- begin
- i := 1;
- Repeat
- inc(i);
- until not DirectoryExists(NewDir + '(' + IntToStr(i) + ')');
- NewDir := NewDir + '(' + IntToStr(i) + ')';
- end; //81 <<
- CreateDir(NewDir);
- UpdateFileList;
- //81 >>
- Selected := nil;
- For i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if Items[i].SubItems[4] = NewDir then
- Selected := Items[i];
- end;
- CanEdit(Selected);
- Selected.EditCaption;
- //81 <<
- if Assigned(DirTreeCombo) then
- begin
- FDirTreeCombo.ResetTreeView;
- FDirTreeCombo.OpenPath(NewDir);
- end
- else if Assigned(FDirTree) then
- begin
- FDirTree.Reload;
- FDirTree.OpenPath(NewDir);
- end;
- end; {NewFolder}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.RenameFile;
- var
- SelItem: TListItem;
- begin
- if Selected = nil then exit;
- if ReadOnly or (UpperCase(Selected.SubItems[3]) = 'R') then
- begin
- // MessageDlg('It''s ReadOnly', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(esReadOnly, mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- exit;
- end;
- OldFName := AddNullToStr(Selected.SubItems[4]);
- SelItem := Selected;
- CanEdit(SelItem);
- Selected.EditCaption;
- end; {ReNameFile}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.DeleteItems;
- var
- i: integer;
- Abort: Boolean;
- DelFName: string;
- oldCur: TCursor;
- begin
- Abort := False;
- oldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- if not SetCurrentDir(FDirectory) then exit;
- try
- FSelectedFiles.Clear;
- DelFName := '';
- for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if Items[i].Selected then
- // FSelectedFiles.Add(AddNullToStr(Items[i].SubItems[4])); //60 //81
- DelFName := DelFName + AddNullToStr(Items[i].SubItems[4]); //81
- end;
- DoSHFileOp(Parent.Handle, FileOpMode[1], DelFName, '', Abort);
- finally
- UpdateFileList;
- FSelectedFiles.Clear;
- if Assigned(FDirTreeCombo) then
- begin
- FDirTreeCombo.ResetTreeView;
- FDirTreeCombo.OpenPath(FDirectory);
- end
- else if Assigned(FDirTree) then
- begin
- FDirTree.Reload;
- FDirTree.OpenPath(FDirectory);
- end;
- end;
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- end; {DeleteItems}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.CutCopy(Mode: integer);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- FOpMode := -1;
- FSelectedFiles.Clear;
- for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if Items[i].selected then
- FSelectedFiles.Add(AddNullToStr(Items[i].SubItems[4]));
- end;
- FOpMode := Mode;
- end; {CutCopy}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.Paste;
- var
- i: integer;
- FSrc,
- FDes,
- DFName: string;
- Abort: Boolean;
- oldCur: TCursor;
- begin
- Abort := False;
- oldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- if not SetCurrentDir(FDirectory) then
- exit;
- if FSelectedFiles.Count = 0 then
- begin
- // MessageDlg('No file(s) selected', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(esNoFileSelected, mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- exit;
- end;
- try
- for i := 0 to FSelectedFiles.Count - 1 do
- begin
- FSrc := '';
- FDes := '';
- FSrc := FSelectedFiles.Strings[i];
- DFName := ExtractFileName(FSrc);
- FDes := SlashSep(FDirectory, DFName);
- FDes := AddNullToStr(FDes);
- DoSHFileOp(Parent.Handle, FileOpMode[FOpMode], FSrc, FDes, Abort);
- end;
- finally
- UpdateFileList;
- FSelectedFiles.Clear;
- //81 >>
- if Assigned(FDirTreeCombo) then
- begin
- FDirTreeCombo.ResetTreeView;
- FDirTreeCombo.OpenPath(FDirectory);
- end
- else if Assigned(FDirTree) then
- begin
- FDirTree.Reload;
- FDirTree.OpenPath(FDirectory);
- end;
- //81 <<
- end;
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- end; {Paste}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.OpenItem;
- var
- sFile,
- sDir: string;
- cDrv: Char;
- oldCur: TCursor;
- begin
- if Selected = nil then exit;
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- if (Selected.Caption = FParentDirCaption) then //' Parent') then //872
- begin
- OneLevelUp;
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- exit;
- end;
- if (Selected.SubItems[5] = 'dir') or
- (Selected.SubItems[5] = 'drv') then
- begin
- sDir := Selected.SubItems[4];
- sDir := AddSlash(sDir);
- if Selected.SubItems[5] = 'drv' then
- if GetDriveType(PChar(sDir)) = DRIVE_REMOVABLE then
- begin
- cDrv := Selected.SubItems[4][1];
- if not DiskInDrive(cDrv, 1) then
- begin
- Screen.Cursor := OldCur;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- SetDirectory(sDir);
- if FDirTree <> nil then
- FDirTree.OpenPath(sDir);
- if FDirTreeCombo <> nil then
- FDirTreeCombo.OpenPath(sDir);
- end
- else if Selected.SubItems[5] = 'file' then
- begin
- sFile := ExtractFileName(Selected.SubItems[4]);
- sDir := ExtractFilePath(Selected.SubItems[4]);
- ExecuteFile('Open', sFile, '', sDir, SW_SHOW);
- end;
- Screen.Cursor := OldCur;
- end; {OpenItem}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.ViewFile;
- var
- i: integer;
- sExt,
- sFName,
- sPath,
- WinDir : string;
- begin
- if Selected <> nil then
- begin
- sPath := AddSlash(ExtractFilePath(Selected.SubItems[4]));
- sFName := ExtractFileName(Selected.SubItems[4]);
- sExt := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Selected.SubItems[4]));
- SetLength(WinDir, MAX_PATH); //52
- SetLength(WinDir, GetWindowsDirectory(PChar(WinDir), MAX_PATH)); //52
- WinDir := AddSlash(WinDir);
- for i := Low(FileExt) to High(FileExt) do
- if (i <= 9) and (sExt = FileExt[i]) then
- ExecuteFile('Open', WinDir + 'NotePad.exe', sFName, sPath, SW_SHOW)
- else if (i > 9) and (i <= 12) and (sExt = FileExt[i]) then
- ExecuteFile('Open', WinDir + 'Write.exe', sFName, sPath, SW_SHOW)
- else if (i > 12) and (i <=15) and (sExt = FileExt[i]) then
- ExecuteFile('Open', WinDir + 'PBrush.exe', sFName, sPath, SW_SHOW); //85
- end;
- end; {ViewFile}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.FindFile;
- begin
- if Focused then
- ExecuteFile('Find', Directory, '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- end; {FindFile}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SendTo(SubItems: integer);
- var
- ADirPath,
- SelPath: string;
- CopyBrd: TRichEdit;
- FNMemo: TMemo;
- AImage: TImage;
- FPath,
- FExt: string;
- i: integer;
- oldCur: TCursor;
- function InputDlg(AValue: string): string;
- var
- TDlgForm: TForm;
- Prompt: TLabel;
- Edit: TEdit;
- BtnOk: TBitBtn;
- BtnCancel: TBitBtn;
- BtnBrowse: TBitBtn;
- ButtonTop: Integer;
- ButtonWidth: Integer;
- ButtonHeight: Integer;
- mrBrowse: TModalResult;
- begin
- Result := '';
- mrBrowse := mrNo + 3;
- TDlgForm := TForm.Create(Application);
- with TDlgForm do
- try
- Canvas.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif';
- Canvas.Font.Size := 8;
- BorderStyle := bsDialog;
- Caption := esSendToFolder; //872ln AndyRoth
- ClientWidth := 333;
- ClientHeight := 135;
- Position := poScreenCenter;
- Prompt := TLabel.Create(TDlgForm);
- with Prompt do
- begin
- Parent := TDlgForm;
- AutoSize := True;
- Left := 20;
- Top := 12;
- Caption := esSendToPath; //872ln AndyRoth
- end;
- Edit := TEdit.Create(TDlgForm);
- with Edit do
- begin
- Parent := TDlgForm;
- Left := Prompt.Left;
- Top := 32;
- Width := 293;
- MaxLength := 285;
- Text := AValue;
- SelectAll;
- end;
- ButtonTop := 80;
- ButtonWidth := 75;
- ButtonHeight := 25;
- BtnOK := TBitBtn.Create(TDlgForm);
- with BtnOK do
- begin
- Parent := TDlgForm;
- Kind := bkOK;
- Caption := 'OK';
- ModalResult := mrOk;
- Default := True;
- Cancel := True;
- SetBounds(37, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);
- end;
- BtnCancel := TBitBtn.Create(TDlgForm);
- with BtnCancel do
- begin
- Parent := TDlgForm;
- Kind := bkCancel;
- Caption := ewCancel; //872ln AndyRoth
- ModalResult := mrCancel;
- Cancel := True;
- SetBounds(129, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);
- end;
- BtnBrowse := TBitBtn.Create(TDlgForm);
- with BtnBrowse do
- begin
- Parent := TDlgForm;
- Kind := bkHelp;
- Caption := ewBrowse; //872ln AndyRoth
- Cancel := False;
- ModalResult := mrBrowse;
- SetBounds(221, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);
- end;
- ShowModal;
- if ModalResult = mrBrowse then
- begin
- if BrowseForDir(Application.Handle, ADirPath) then
- SelPath := InputDlg(ADirPath);
- end;
- if ModalResult = mrOK then
- begin
- AValue := Edit.Text;
- if AValue <> '' then
- Result := AValue;
- TDlgForm.Close;
- exit;
- end;
- if ModalResult = mrCancel then
- begin
- Result := '';
- end;
- finally
- TDlgForm.Free;
- end;
- end; {InputDlg}
- begin
- AImage := nil;
- case SubItems of
- 0:
- begin
- ADirPath := '';
- InputDlg(ADirPath);
- if SelPath <> '' then
- SendToPath(SelPath);
- end;
- 1:
- begin
- FPath := Selected.SubItems[4];
- FExt := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FPath));
- if (FExt = '.BMP') or (FExt = '.WMF') then
- begin
- try
- AImage := TImage.Create(Self);
- AImage.Parent := Self;
- AImage.Picture.LoadFromFile(FPath);
- ClipBoard.Assign(AImage.Picture); //85
- finally
- AImage.Free;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- CopyBrd := TRichEdit.Create(Self);
- with CopyBrd do
- begin
- Parent := Self;
- PlainText := False;
- Visible := False;
- end;
- if Selected <> nil then
- try
- CopyBrd.Lines.LoadFromFile(FPath);
- CopyBrd.SelectAll;
- CopyBrd.CopyToClipboard;
- finally
- CopyBrd.Free;
- Screen.Cursor := OldCur;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- FNMemo := TMemo.Create(Self);
- FNMemo.Parent := Self;
- FNMemo.Lines.Clear;
- try
- for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if Items[i].Selected then
- FNMemo.Lines.Add(Selected.SubItems[4] + #0);
- end;
- FNMemo.SelectAll;
- FNMemo.CopyToClipboard;
- finally
- FNMemo.Free;
- end;
- end;
- 3:
- begin
- if Selected <> nil then
- CreateShortCut; //85
- end;
- end;
- end; {SendTo}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SendTo2(Path: string);
- var
- FName: string;
- PName: string;
- DPath: string;
- Drv: string;
- // Resolving Shortcuts
- function GetShellLinkPath(Handle: THandle; LinkFileName: string):
- string;
- var
- pShlLnk: IShellLink;
- pszPath: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of Char;
- win32FD: TWin32FindData;
- ppF: IPersistFile;
- hRes: hResult;
- // {$IFNDEF D3_OR_HIGHER} //82
- // pSource: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of wideChar; //82
- // {$ELSE} //82
- IUnk: IUnknown;
- pSource: WideString;
- // {$ENDIF} //82
- begin
- Result := '';
- //{$IFNDEF D3_OR_HIGHER} //82 >>
- // CoInitialize(nil);
- // if CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
- // IID_IShellLink, pShlLnk) = S_OK then
- // if pShlLnk.QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, ppF) = S_OK then
- // try
- // MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, @LinkFileName[1], -1, pSource,
- // MAX_PATH);
- // // ShowMessage(pSource); // for debug
- // if ppF.Load(pSource, STGM_READ) = S_OK then
- // begin
- // hRes := pShlLnk.GetPath(pszPath, MAX_PATH, win32FD, SLGP_SHORTPATH
- // );
- // if hRes = S_OK then
- // Result := StrPas(pszPath)
- // else
- // exit;
- // end;
- // finally
- // ppF.Release;
- // CoUnInitialize;
- // end;
- //{$ELSE} //82 <<
- IUnk := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink);
- pShlLnk := IUnk as IShellLink;
- ppF := IUnk as IPersistFile;
- pSource := LinkFileName;
- hRes := ppF.Load(pWideChar(pSource), STGM_READ);
- if Succeeded(hRes) then
- begin
- hRes := pShlLnk.Resolve(Application.Handle, SLR_ANY_MATCH);
- if Succeeded(hRes) then
- begin
- hRes := pShlLnk.GetPath(@pszPath, MAX_PATH, Win32FD, 0);
- if Succeeded(hRes) then
- Result := string(pChar(@pszPath));
- end;
- end;
- //{$ENDIF} //82
- end; {GetShellLinkPath}
- begin
- if Selected = nil then exit;
- if UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Path)) = '.LNK' then
- begin
- FName := GetShellLinkPath(Handle, Path);
- PName := ExtractFileName(Selected.SubItems[4]);
- DPath := ExtractFilePath(Selected.SubItems[4]);
- // ShowMessage(FName); // for debug
- if FName = '' then exit;
- Drv := Copy(FName, 1, 3);
- if (GetDriveType(PChar(Drv)) = DRIVE_REMOVABLE) then
- SendToDrive(FName)
- else
- begin
- if DirectoryExists(FName) then
- SendToPath(FName)
- else
- ExecuteFile('Open', FName, PName, DPath, SW_SHOW);
- end;
- end
- else if DirectoryExists(Path) then
- SendToPath(Path);
- end; {SendTo2}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SendToPath(DestPath: string);
- var
- i: integer;
- FSrc: string;
- FDes: string;
- DFName: string;
- Abort: Boolean;
- OldCur: TCursor;
- begin
- if not SetCurrentDir(FDirectory) then exit;
- Abort := False;
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- FSelectedFiles.Clear;
- try
- for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
- if Items[i].Selected then
- FSelectedFiles.Add(Items[i].SubItems[4] + #0);
- for i := 0 to FSelectedFiles.Count - 1 do
- begin
- FSrc := '';
- FDes := '';
- FSrc := FSelectedFiles.Strings[i];
- DFName := ExtractFileName(FSrc);
- FDes := DestPath + DFName + #0;
- DoSHFileOp(Parent.Handle, FileOpMode[0], FSrc, FDes, Abort);
- end;
- finally
- FSelectedFiles.Clear;
- Screen.Cursor := OldCur;
- end;
- end; {SendToPath}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SendToDrive(DriveID: string);
- var
- Drv: Char;
- OldCur: TCursor;
- begin
- OldCur := Screen.Cursor;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- Drv := DriveID[1];
- if not DiskInDrive(Drv, 1) then
- begin
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- exit
- end
- else
- SendToPath(DriveID);
- Screen.Cursor := oldCur;
- end; {SendToDrive}
- procedure TLsFileListView28.CreateShortCut; //85 >>
- var
- sPath: array[0..Max_Path] of Char;
- SrcFile,
- SrcName,
- DesPath: string;
- WidePath: WideString;
- IShLink: IShellLink;
- IPFile: IPersistFile;
- IUnk: IUnknown;
- hRes: hResult;
- begin
- GetWindowsDirectory(sPath, Max_Path);
- DesPath := AddSlash(StrPas(sPath)) + 'DESKTOP\';
- if Selected = nil then
- begin
- // MessageDlg('No file selected', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(esNoFileSelected, mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- exit;
- end;
- SrcFile := Selected.SubItems[4];
- SrcName := ExtractFileName(SrcFile);
- SrcName := ExtractFileNameOnly(SrcName);
- IUnk := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink);
- IShLink := IUnk as IShellLink;
- IPFile := IUnk as IPersistFile;
- with IShLink do
- begin
- hRes := SetPath(PChar(SrcFile));
- if Succeeded(hRes) then
- hRes := SetWorkingDirectory(PChar(ExtractFilePath(SrcFile)));
- if Succeeded(hRes) then
- SetDescription(PChar(SrcName))
- end;
- WidePath := AddSlash(DesPath) + SrcName + '.lnk';
- if Succeeded(hRes) then
- hRes := IPFile.Save(PWChar(WidePath), False);
- if Failed(hRes) then
- // MessageDlg('Error - PersistFile.Save failed', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- MessageDlg(esPersistSaveError, mtError, [mbOK], 0); //872ln
- end; {CreateShortCut} //85 <<
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.ShowFileProperties; //861>> //862>>
- var
- Filename: TFileName;
- begin
- if Selected = nil then
- exit;
- Filename := Selected.SubItems[4];
- if FileName = '' then exit;
- ShowProperties(FileName);
- end; {ShowFileProperties} //861 <<
- {$ELSE}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.FileAttr;
- var
- NewAttr,
- OldAttr: word;
- AttrForm: TForm;
- Panel1: TPanel;
- CbxA,
- CbxR,
- CbxS,
- CbxH: TCheckBox;
- BtnOK,
- BtnCancel: TBitBtn;
- LblFName: TLabel;
- begin
- AttrForm := TForm.Create(Application);
- with AttrForm do
- try
- ClientHeight := 172;
- ClientWidth := 266;
- Canvas.Font.Name := 'MS Sens Serif';
- Canvas.Font.Size := 8;
- BorderStyle := bsDialog;
- Caption := 'Set Attributes';
- Position := poScreenCenter;
- LblFName := TLabel.Create(Self);
- with LblFName do
- begin
- Parent := AttrForm;
- Left := 20;
- Top := 12;
- Font.Size := 10;
- Caption := ExtractFileName(Selected.SubItems[4]);
- end;
- Panel1 := TPanel.Create(Self);
- with Panel1 do
- begin
- Parent := AttrForm;
- Left := 20;
- Top := 34;
- Height := 77;
- Width := 225;
- BevelOuter := bvNone;
- BevelInner := bvLowered;
- CbxR := TCheckBox.Create(Self);
- with CbxR do
- begin
- Parent := Panel1;
- Left := 20;
- Top := 16;
- Caption := 'ReadOnly';
- Checked := False;
- end;
- CbxA := TCheckBox.create(Self);
- with CbxA do
- begin
- Parent := Panel1;
- Left := 20;
- Top := 44;
- Caption := 'Archive';
- Checked := False;
- end;
- CbxH := TCheckBox.Create(Self);
- with CbxH do
- begin
- Parent := Panel1;
- Left := 120;
- Top := 16;
- Caption := 'Hidden';
- Caption := Trim(Caption);
- Checked := False;
- end;
- CbxS := TCheckBox.Create(Self);
- with CbxS do
- begin
- Parent := Panel1;
- Left := 120;
- Top := 44;
- Caption := 'System';
- Caption := Trim(Caption);
- Checked := False;
- end;
- end; // Panel1
- BtnOK := TBitBtn.Create(Self);
- with BtnOK do
- begin
- Parent := AttrForm;
- Top := 128;
- Left := 44;
- Height := 25;
- Width := 75;
- Kind := bkOK;
- ModalResult := mrOK;
- end;
- BtnCancel := TBitBtn.Create(Self);
- with BtnCancel do
- begin
- Parent := AttrForm;
- Top := 128;
- Left := 140;
- Height := 25;
- Width := 75;
- Kind := bkCancel;
- ModalResult := mrCancel;
- end;
- OldAttr := FileGetAttr(Selected.SubItems[4]);
- CbxR.Checked := OldAttr and faReadOnly = faReadOnly;
- CbxA.Checked := OldAttr and faArchive = faArchive;
- CbxH.Checked := OldAttr and faHidden = faHidden;
- CbxS.Checked := OldAttr and faSysFile = faSysFile;
- ShowModal;
- if ModalResult = mrOK then
- begin
- NewAttr := OldAttr;
- if CbxR.Checked then
- NewAttr := NewAttr or faReadOnly
- else
- NewAttr := NewAttr and not faReadOnly;
- if CbxA.Checked then
- NewAttr := NewAttr or faArchive
- else
- NewAttr := NewAttr and not faArchive;
- if CbxS.Checked then
- NewAttr := NewAttr or faSysFile
- else
- NewAttr := NewAttr and not faSysFile;
- if CbxH.Checked then
- NewAttr := NewAttr or faHidden
- else
- NewAttr := NewAttr and not faHidden;
- if NewAttr <> OldAttr then
- FileSetAttr(Selected.SubItems[4], NewAttr);
- UpdateFileList;
- end; // mrOK
- finally
- AttrForm.Free;
- end;
- end; {FileAttr}
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.SetAbout(Value: string); //85 >
- Begin
- // Property About is ReadOnly.
- end; {SetAbout} //85 <
- procedure TLsFilelistView28.InitializeVar; //872ln>
- begin
- if (LvLangID = lnEnglish) then
- begin
- ewError := ENGLISH_ewError;
- ewFile := ENGLISH_ewFile;
- ewCancel := ENGLISH_ewCancel;
- ewBrowse := ENGLISH_ewBrowse;
- ewReadOnly := ENGLISH_ewReadOnly;
- ewArchive := ENGLISH_ewArchive;
- ewHidden := ENGLISH_ewHidden;
- ewSystem := ENGLISH_ewSystem;
- esCannot := ENGLISH_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := ENGLISH_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := ENGLISH_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := ENGLISH_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := ENGLISH_esExists;
- esNewFolder := ENGLISH_esNewFolder;
- esReadOnly := ENGLISH_esReadOnly;
- esNoFileSelected := ENGLISH_esNoFileSelected;
- esSendToFolder := ENGLISH_esSendToFolder;
- esSendToPath := ENGLISH_esSendToPath;
- esPersistSaveError := ENGLISH_esPersistSaveError;
- esSetAttr := ENGLISH_esSetAttr;
- end
- else if (LvLangID = lnFrench) then
- begin
- ewError := FRENCH_ewError;
- ewFile := FRENCH_ewFile;
- ewCancel := FRENCH_ewCancel;
- ewBrowse := FRENCH_ewBrowse;
- ewReadOnly := FRENCH_ewReadOnly;
- ewArchive := FRENCH_ewArchive;
- ewHidden := FRENCH_ewHidden;
- ewSystem := FRENCH_ewSystem;
- esCannot := FRENCH_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := FRENCH_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := FRENCH_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := FRENCH_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := FRENCH_esExists;
- esNewFolder := FRENCH_esNewFolder;
- esReadOnly := FRENCH_esReadOnly;
- esNoFileSelected := FRENCH_esNoFileSelected;
- esSendToFolder := FRENCH_esSendToFolder;
- esSendToPath := FRENCH_esSendToPath;
- esPersistSaveError := FRENCH_esPersistSaveError;
- esSetAttr := FRENCH_esSetAttr;
- end
- else if (LvLangID = lnGerman) then
- begin
- ewError := GERMAN_ewError;
- ewFile := GERMAN_ewFile;
- ewCancel := GERMAN_ewCancel;
- ewBrowse := GERMAN_ewBrowse;
- ewReadOnly := GERMAN_ewReadOnly;
- ewArchive := GERMAN_ewArchive;
- ewHidden := GERMAN_ewHidden;
- ewSystem := GERMAN_ewSystem;
- esCannot := GERMAN_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := GERMAN_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := GERMAN_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := GERMAN_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := GERMAN_esExists;
- esNewFolder := GERMAN_esNewFolder;
- esReadOnly := GERMAN_esReadOnly;
- esNoFileSelected := GERMAN_esNoFileSelected;
- esSendToFolder := GERMAN_esSendToFolder;
- esSendToPath := GERMAN_esSendToPath;
- esPersistSaveError := GERMAN_esPersistSaveError;
- esSetAttr := GERMAN_esSetAttr;
- end
- else if (LvLangID = lnSpanish) then
- begin
- ewError := SPANISH_ewError;
- ewFile := SPANISH_ewFile;
- ewCancel := SPANISH_ewCancel;
- ewBrowse := SPANISH_ewBrowse;
- ewReadOnly := SPANISH_ewReadOnly;
- ewArchive := SPANISH_ewArchive;
- ewHidden := SPANISH_ewHidden;
- ewSystem := SPANISH_ewSystem;
- esCannot := SPANISH_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := SPANISH_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := SPANISH_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := SPANISH_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := SPANISH_esExists;
- esNewFolder := SPANISH_esNewFolder;
- esReadOnly := SPANISH_esReadOnly;
- esNoFileSelected := SPANISH_esNoFileSelected;
- esSendToFolder := SPANISH_esSendToFolder;
- esSendToPath := SPANISH_esSendToPath;
- esPersistSaveError := SPANISH_esPersistSaveError;
- esSetAttr := SPANISH_esSetAttr;
- end
- else if (LvLangID = lnPortuguese) then //873>
- begin
- ewError := BRAZ_PORT_ewError;
- ewFile := BRAZ_PORT_ewFile;
- ewCancel := BRAZ_PORT_ewCancel;
- ewBrowse := BRAZ_PORT_ewBrowse;
- ewReadOnly := BRAZ_PORT_ewReadOnly;
- ewArchive := BRAZ_PORT_ewArchive;
- ewHidden := BRAZ_PORT_ewHidden;
- ewSystem := BRAZ_PORT_ewSystem;
- esCannot := BRAZ_PORT_esCannot;
- esSpecifyDir := BRAZ_PORT_esSpecifyDir;
- esInvalidDrvID := BRAZ_PORT_esInvalidDrvID;
- esDrvNotReady := BRAZ_PORT_esDrvNotReady;
- esExists := BRAZ_PORT_esExists;
- esNewFolder := BRAZ_PORT_esNewFolder;
- esReadOnly := BRAZ_PORT_esReadOnly;
- esNoFileSelected := BRAZ_PORT_esNoFileSelected;
- esSendToFolder := BRAZ_PORT_esSendToFolder;
- esSendToPath := BRAZ_PORT_esSendToPath;
- esPersistSaveError := BRAZ_PORT_esPersistSaveError;
- esSetAttr := BRAZ_PORT_esSetAttr;
- end; //873<
- end; {InitializeVar} //872ln<
- //// End of TLsFilelistView28 /////
- {***********************************************************************}
- { LsFilelistView28PopUp }
- {***********************************************************************}
- constructor TLsFilelistView28PopUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- {$IFDEF D4_OR_HIGHER} //70
- var
- sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- hImgLst: Uint;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- SendToList := TStringList.Create;
- {$IFDEF D4_OR_HIGHER} //70
- Images := TImageList.Create(self);
- hImgLst := SHGetFileInfo('', 0,
- sfi, SizeOf(sfi),
- if hImgLst <> 0 then
- begin
- Images.Handle := hImgLst;
- Images.BkColor := clNone; //80+
- Images.ShareImages := True;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- // Load Bitmaps from Resource //85 >>
- Bmp1 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Open28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp2 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'View28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp3 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'SendTo28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp4 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Cut28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp5 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Copy28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp6 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Paste28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp7 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'ReName28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp8 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Delete28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp9 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'Attributes28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp10 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'NewFolder28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp11 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'AnyFolder28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp12 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'ClipBoard28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- Bmp13 := LoadImage(hInstance, 'DeskTop28', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS);
- //85 <<
- end; {Create}
- destructor TLsFilelistView28PopUp.Destroy;
- begin
- SendToList.Free;
- Images.Free; //70
- {$ENDIF}
- DeleteObject(Bmp1); //70 >>
- DeleteObject(Bmp2);
- DeleteObject(Bmp3);
- DeleteObject(Bmp4);
- DeleteObject(Bmp5);
- DeleteObject(Bmp6);
- DeleteObject(Bmp7);
- DeleteObject(Bmp8);
- DeleteObject(Bmp9);
- DeleteObject(Bmp10);
- DeleteObject(Bmp11);
- DeleteObject(Bmp12); //70 <<
- DeleteObject(Bmp13); //85
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {Destroy}
- function TLsFilelistView28PopUp.AddNewItem(const aCaption: string;
- aShortCut: TShortCut; aChecked, aEnabled: Boolean;
- aGroup: integer; aOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
- hCtx: word; const aName: string; aTag: Integer;
- aBitMap: HBitmap): TMenuItem; //70 //862
- begin
- Result := TMenuItem.Create(nil);
- with result do
- begin
- Caption := aCaption;
- ShortCut := aShortCut;
- Checked := aChecked;
- Enabled := aEnabled;
- GroupIndex := aGroup;
- OnClick := aOnClick;
- Name := aName;
- Tag := aTag; //862
- BITMAP.Handle := aBitmap;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end; {AddNewItem}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28PopUp.SetFileListView(Value: TLsFilelistView28);
- begin
- FFileListView := Value;
- end; {SetFileListView}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28PopUp.GetSendToSubMenu;
- var
- SendToDir,
- FName,
- FullName: string;
- win32FD: TWin32FindData;
- hFindFile: THandle;
- sfi: TSHFileInfo;
- i: integer;
- NewItem: TMenuItem;
- function GetShellPath(Handle: THandle; var DestPath: string;
- nFldr: integer): Boolean;
- var
- ShellMalloc: IMALLOC;
- shBuff: pChar;
- idRoot: PItemIDList;
- begin
- Result := False;
- SetLength(DestPath, MAX_PATH);
- if CoGetMalloc(1, ShellMalloc) = NOERROR then
- try
- shBuff := PChar(ShellMalloc.Alloc(MAX_PATH));
- if assigned(shBuff) then
- begin
- SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Handle, nFldr, idRoot);
- // Convert idRoot to a file system path and pass to shBuff.
- if SHGetPathFromIDList(idRoot, shBuff) then
- begin
- DestPath := shBuff;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- ShellMalloc.Free(idRoot);
- ShellMalloc._Release; //53
- // ShellMalloc.Free(shBuff); //53
- end;
- end; {GetShellPath}
- begin
- SendToList.Clear;
- i := 0;
- if GetShellPath(Handle, SendToDir, CSIDL_SENDTO) then
- begin
- hFindFile := FindFirstFile(PChar(SlashSep(SendToDir, '*.LNK')), win32FD);
- if hFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- try
- repeat
- with win32FD do
- begin
- FName := StrPas(cFileName);
- if (FName = '.') or (FName = '..') then continue;
- FullName := SlashSep(SendToDir, FName);
- SHGetFileInfo(PChar(FullName), 0, sfi, SizeOf(sfi),
- NewItem := AddNewItem(StrPas(sfi.szDisplayName), 0, False,
- True, 1, ItemOnClick, 0, 'Send_To' + IntToStr(i + 4), 34 + i, 0); //862
- NewItem.ImageIndex := sfi.iIcon; //60
- {$ENDIF}
- Items.Items[3].Add(NewItem);
- SendToList.Add(FullName);
- inc(i);
- end;
- until not FindNextFile(hFindFile, win32FD);
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(hFindFile);
- end;
- end;
- end; {GetSendToSubMenu}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28PopUp.BuildItems; //70
- begin
- //define language specific MenuItem's captions
- if LvLangID = lnEnglish then //872ln>
- begin
- LvItemID_0 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_0;
- LvItemID_1 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_1;
- LvItemID_3 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_3;
- LvItemID_5 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_5;
- LvItemID_6 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_6;
- LvItemID_7 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_7;
- LvItemID_9 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_9;
- LvItemID_10 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_10;
- LvItemID_12 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_12;
- LvItemID_14 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_14;
- LvItemID_30 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_30;
- LvItemID_31 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_31;
- LvItemID_32 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_32;
- LvItemID_33 := ENGLISH_LvItemID_33;
- end
- else if LvLangID = lnFrench then
- begin
- LvItemID_0 := FRENCH_LvItemID_0;
- LvItemID_1 := FRENCH_LvItemID_1;
- LvItemID_3 := FRENCH_LvItemID_3;
- LvItemID_5 := FRENCH_LvItemID_5;
- LvItemID_6 := FRENCH_LvItemID_6;
- LvItemID_7 := FRENCH_LvItemID_7;
- LvItemID_9 := FRENCH_LvItemID_9;
- LvItemID_10 := FRENCH_LvItemID_10;
- LvItemID_12 := FRENCH_LvItemID_12;
- LvItemID_14 := FRENCH_LvItemID_14;
- LvItemID_30 := FRENCH_LvItemID_30;
- LvItemID_31 := FRENCH_LvItemID_31;
- LvItemID_32 := FRENCH_LvItemID_32;
- LvItemID_33 := FRENCH_LvItemID_33;
- end
- else if LvLangID = lnGerman then
- begin
- LvItemID_0 := GERMAN_LvItemID_0;
- LvItemID_1 := GERMAN_LvItemID_1;
- LvItemID_3 := GERMAN_LvItemID_3;
- LvItemID_5 := GERMAN_LvItemID_5;
- LvItemID_6 := GERMAN_LvItemID_6;
- LvItemID_7 := GERMAN_LvItemID_7;
- LvItemID_9 := GERMAN_LvItemID_9;
- LvItemID_10 := GERMAN_LvItemID_10;
- LvItemID_12 := GERMAN_LvItemID_12;
- LvItemID_14 := GERMAN_LvItemID_14;
- LvItemID_30 := GERMAN_LvItemID_30;
- LvItemID_31 := GERMAN_LvItenID_31;
- LvItemID_32 := GERMAN_LvItemID_32;
- LvItemID_33 := GERMAN_LvItemID_33;
- end
- else if LvLangID = lnSpanish then
- begin
- LvItemID_0 := SPANISH_LvItemID_0;
- LvItemID_1 := SPANISH_LvItemID_1;
- LvItemID_3 := SPANISH_LvItemID_3;
- LvItemID_5 := SPANISH_LvItemID_5;
- LvItemID_6 := SPANISH_LvItemID_6;
- LvItemID_7 := SPANISH_LvItemID_7;
- LvItemID_9 := SPANISH_LvItemID_9;
- LvItemID_10 := SPANISH_LvItemID_10;
- LvItemID_12 := SPANISH_LvItemID_12;
- LvItemID_14 := SPANISH_LvItemID_14;
- LvItemID_30 := SPANISH_LvItemID_30;
- LvItemID_31 := SPANISH_LvItemID_31;
- LvItemID_32 := SPANISH_LvItemID_32;
- LvItemID_33 := SPANISH_LvItemID_33;
- end
- else if LvLangID = lnPortuguese then //873>
- begin
- LvItemID_0 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_0;
- LvItemID_1 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_1;
- LvItemID_3 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_3;
- LvItemID_5 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_5;
- LvItemID_6 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_6;
- LvItemID_7 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_7;
- LvItemID_9 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_9;
- LvItemID_10 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_10;
- LvItemID_12 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_12;
- LvItemID_14 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_14;
- LvItemID_30 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_30;
- LvItemID_31 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_31;
- LvItemID_32 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_32;
- LvItemID_33 := BRAZ_PORT_LvItemID_33;
- end; //873<
- //Build MenuItems
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_0, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ItemOpen', 1, Bmp1)); //Items[0]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_1, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ItemView', 2, Bmp2)); //Items[1]
- Items.Add(NewLine);
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_3, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'SubMenuSend', 3, Bmp3)); //Items[3]
- Items.Add(NewLine);
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_5, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ItemOpCut', 4, Bmp4)); //Items[5]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_6, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ItemOpCopy', 5, Bmp5)); //Items[6]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_7, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ItemOpPaste', 6, Bmp6)); //Items[7]
- Items.Add(NewLine);
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_9, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ItemRename', 7, Bmp7)); //Items[9]
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_10, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ItemDelete', 8, Bmp8)); //Items[10]
- Items.Add(NewLine);
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_12, 0, False, True, 0,
- ITemOnClick, 0, 'ItemProperty', 9, Bmp9)); //Items[12]
- Items.Add(NewLine);
- Items.Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_14, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'ItemFolder', 10, Bmp10)); //Items[14]
- // Items[3] SendTo SubItems
- Items.Items[3].Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_30, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'Send_To' + IntToStr(0), 30, Bmp11));
- Items.Items[3].Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_31, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'Send_To' + IntToStr(1), 31, Bmp12));
- Items.Items[3].Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_32, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'Send_To' + IntToStr(2), 32, Bmp12));
- Items.Items[3].Add(AddNewItem(LvItemID_33, 0, False, True, 0,
- ItemOnClick, 0, 'Send_To' + IntToStr(3), 33, Bmp13));
- GetSendToSubMenu; //872ln<
- end; {BuildItems}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28PopUp.ItemOnClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- if (TMenuItem(Sender).Name = '') or (TMenuItem(Sender).Tag = 0) then
- exit;
- with Sender as TMenuItem do //862>>
- begin
- Case Tag of
- 1: FFileListView.OpenItem;
- 2: FFileListView.ViewFile;
- 4: FFileListView.CutCopy(2);
- 5: FFileListView.CutCopy(0);
- 6: FFileListView.Paste;
- 7: FFileListView.RenameFile;
- 8: FFileListView.DeleteItems;
- 9: FFileListView.ShowFileProperties;
- {$ELSE}
- 9: FFileListView.FileAttr;
- {$ENDIF}
- 10: FFileListView.NewFolder; //862<<
- else begin
- if Pos('Send_To', TMenuItem(Sender).Name) = 1 then
- begin
- i := StrToIntDef(Copy(TMenuItem(Sender).Name, 8, 2), -1);
- if (i > -1) and (i < 4) then //85
- FFileListView.SendTo(i)
- else if (i > 3) then //85
- FFileListView.SendTo2(SendToList[i - 4]);
- end;
- end; //else
- end; //case
- end; //with Sender ...
- end; {ItemOnClick}
- procedure TLsFilelistView28PopUp.PopUp(X, Y: integer);
- var
- i: integer;
- Ext: string;
- begin
- Ext := '';
- if (FFileListView.Selected <> nil) then
- Ext := (Uppercase(ExtractFileExt(FFileListView.Selected.SubItems[4]))
- );
- Items[0].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- Items[1].Enabled := False;
- if (FFileListView.Selected <> nil) then
- begin
- for i := Low(FileExt) to High(FileExt) do
- if (Ext = FileExt[i]) then
- Items[1].Enabled := True;
- end;
- Items[3].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- Items[5].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- Items[6].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- Items[7].Enabled := FFileListView.FSelectedFiles.Count <> 0;
- Items[9].Enabled := (FFileListView.Selected <> nil) and
- (FFileListView.SelCount = 1);
- Items[10].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- Items[12].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- Items[14].Enabled := UpperCase(FFileListView.Directory) <> 'DRIVES';
- Items[3][0].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- Items[3][1].Enabled := False; //85 >>
- if (FFileListView.Selected <> nil) and (FFileListView.SelCount = 1) then
- begin
- for i := Low(FileExt) to (High(FileExt) - 2) do
- if (Ext = FileExt[i]) or (Ext = '.RTF') or (Ext = '.WMF') then
- Items[3][1].Enabled := True;
- end; //85
- Items[3][2].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- Items[3][3].Enabled := FFileListView.Selected <> nil;
- inherited Popup(X + 10, Y + 10);
- end; {PopUp}
- ///// End of TLsFilelistView28PopUp /////
- { ============================= Register =============================== }
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('LsComp', [TLsDirTree21]);
- RegisterComponents('LsComp', [TLsDirTreeCombo28]);
- RegisterComponents('LsComp', [TLsFilelistView28]);
- end;
- end.