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Author Name: Leo D. Shih
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Description: LsFileExplorer28.pas (ver 2.873) contains three components, viz.:
(1) TLsDirTree21 - is a simple yet a fully functional Directory TreeView, that displays the directory structure as treeview and files of the selected directory in FileListDlg (a popup basic File ListView). It supports creating, deleting, renaming, copying and moving operations on directories; and also able to map / disconnect network drive(s).
(2) TLsDirTreeCombo28 - is a specialized ComboBox with a dropdown TreeView, that is similar to LsDirTree21, displaying drives and directories of the File System as a hierarchical tree.
(3) TLsFileListView28 - is a File ListView component with a popup context menu. In addition to its normal functions, it also encapsulates various file management tasks, such as Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, Rename, Open, View or SendTo operation on files. It also provides statistics on disks and directories.
Both TLsDiTree21 and TLsFilleListView28 provide Franch, German, Spanish and Portuguese language support in addition to English. Executable Demos are included, Please refer to LsFileExplorer28.txt for detailed information.
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Version this file replaces (if any) that should be removed from our site: version 2.871 or 2.872
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