home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object Form2: TForm2
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- ' ShortCut Keys Action'
- '----------------------------------------------------------------' +
- '----------------------------------------------'
- ' F4 - Display LsDirTreeCombo28'#39's Tr' +
- 'eeView'
- ' F5 - Refresh LsDirTreeCombo28'
- ' Esc - Close LsDirTreeCombo28'#39's TreeV' +
- 'iew'
- ' RightArrow - Expand the current selected node, ' +
- ' if it is not '
- ' expanded.'
- ' LeftArrow - Collapse the current selected nod' +
- 'e, if it is '
- ' expanded'
- ' DownArrow - If the current node is expanded, mo' +
- 've to the '
- ' next child, otherwise move ' +
- 'to the next visible '
- ' node.'
- ' UpArrow - Move to the prevChild if the curr' +
- 'ent node is '
- ' expanded, otherwise move to' +
- ' the prevVisible '
- ' node.'
- ' Enter - Set the SelectedPath.')
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- Caption = 'LsFileListView28 ShortCuts'
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- Lines.Strings = (
- ' ShortCut Keys Action'
- '----------------------------------------------------------------' +
- '----------------------------------------------'
- ' F2 - ReName file'
- ' F3 - Find files'
- ' F5 - Refresh LsFileListView28'
- ' BackSpace - Go to parent folder'
- ' Delete - Send selected file(s) to recycle bin'
- ' Enter - Open'
- ' DownArrow - Move down'
- ' UpArrow - Move Up'
- ' Ctrl + A - Select All'
- ' Ctrl + C - Copy'
- ' Ctrl + X - Cut'
- ' Ctrl + V - Paste'
- ' Ctrl + F - Programmer'#39's Quick View'
- ' Ctrl + N - Create new folder'
- ' Shift + F10 - Display context menu for selected item')
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- Caption = 'About '
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- object Label1: TLabel
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