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- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software }
- { Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, }
- { Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RxVerInf;
- {$I RX.INC}
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- {$ENDIF}
- interface
- uses Windows;
- type
- TVersionLanguage = (vlArabic, vlBulgarian, vlCatalan, vlTraditionalChinese,
- vlCzech, vlDanish, vlGerman, vlGreek, vlUSEnglish, vlCastilianSpanish,
- vlFinnish, vlFrench, vlHebrew, vlHungarian, vlIcelandic, vlItalian,
- vlJapanese, vlKorean, vlDutch, vlNorwegianBokmel, vlPolish,
- vlBrazilianPortuguese, vlRhaetoRomanic, vlRomanian, vlRussian,
- vlCroatoSerbian, vlSlovak, vlAlbanian, vlSwedish, vlThai, vlTurkish,
- vlUrdu, vlBahasa, vlSimplifiedChinese, vlSwissGerman, vlUKEnglish,
- vlMexicanSpanish, vlBelgianFrench, vlSwissItalian, vlBelgianDutch,
- vlNorwegianNynorsk, vlPortuguese, vlSerboCroatian, vlCanadianFrench,
- vlSwissFrench, vlUnknown);
- TVersionCharSet = (vcsASCII, vcsJapan, vcsKorea, vcsTaiwan, vcsUnicode,
- vcsEasternEuropean, vcsCyrillic, vcsMultilingual, vcsGreek, vcsTurkish,
- vcsHebrew, vcsArabic, vcsUnknown);
- PVSFixedFileInfo = Pvs_FixedFileInfo;
- DWORD = Longint;
- {$ENDIF}
- TLongVersion = record
- case Integer of
- 0: (All: array[1..4] of Word);
- 1: (MS, LS: LongInt);
- end;
- { TVersionInfo }
- TVersionInfo = class(TObject)
- private
- FFileName: PChar;
- FValid: Boolean;
- FSize: DWORD;
- FBuffer: PChar;
- FHandle: DWORD;
- procedure ReadVersionInfo;
- function GetFileName: string;
- procedure SetFileName(const Value: string);
- function GetTranslation: Pointer;
- function GetFixedFileInfo: PVSFixedFileInfo;
- function GetFileLongVersion: TLongVersion;
- function GetProductLongVersion: TLongVersion;
- function GetTranslationString: string;
- function GetComments: string;
- function GetCompanyName: string;
- function GetFileDescription: string;
- function GetFileVersion: string;
- function GetVersionNum: Longint;
- function GetInternalName: string;
- function GetLegalCopyright: string;
- function GetLegalTrademarks: string;
- function GetOriginalFilename: string;
- function GetProductVersion: string;
- function GetProductName: string;
- function GetSpecialBuild: string;
- function GetPrivateBuild: string;
- function GetVersionLanguage: TVersionLanguage;
- function GetVersionCharSet: TVersionCharSet;
- function GetVerFileDate: TDateTime;
- public
- constructor Create(const AFileName: string);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetVerValue(const VerName: string): string;
- property FileName: string read GetFileName write SetFileName;
- property Valid: Boolean read FValid;
- property FixedFileInfo: PVSFixedFileInfo read GetFixedFileInfo;
- property FileLongVersion: TLongVersion read GetFileLongVersion;
- property ProductLongVersion: TLongVersion read GetProductLongVersion;
- property Translation: Pointer read GetTranslation;
- property VersionLanguage: TVersionLanguage read GetVersionLanguage;
- property VersionCharSet: TVersionCharSet read GetVersionCharSet;
- property VersionNum: Longint read GetVersionNum;
- property Comments: string read GetComments;
- property CompanyName: string read GetCompanyName;
- property FileDescription: string read GetFileDescription;
- property FileVersion: string read GetFileVersion;
- property InternalName: string read GetInternalName;
- property LegalCopyright: string read GetLegalCopyright;
- property LegalTrademarks: string read GetLegalTrademarks;
- property OriginalFilename: string read GetOriginalFilename;
- property ProductVersion: string read GetProductVersion;
- property ProductName: string read GetProductName;
- property SpecialBuild: string read GetSpecialBuild;
- property PrivateBuild: string read GetPrivateBuild;
- property Values[const Name: string]: string read GetVerValue;
- property VerFileDate: TDateTime read GetVerFileDate;
- end;
- function LongVersionToString(const Version: TLongVersion): string;
- function StringToLongVersion(const Str: string): TLongVersion;
- function AppFileName: string;
- function AppVerInfo: TVersionInfo;
- { Installation utility routine }
- function OkToWriteModule(ModuleName: string; NewVer: Longint): Boolean;
- implementation
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- uses SysUtils, FileUtil, DateUtil;
- {$ELSE}
- uses WinTypes, WinProcs, SysUtils, FileUtil, DateUtil, VclUtils;
- {$ENDIF}
- function MemAlloc(Size: Longint): Pointer;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- begin
- GetMem(Result, Size);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- var
- Handle: THandle;
- begin
- if Size < 65535 then GetMem(Result, Size)
- else begin
- Handle := GlobalAlloc(HeapAllocFlags, Size);
- Result := GlobalLock(Handle);
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- const
- LanguageValues: array[TVersionLanguage] of Word = ($0401, $0402, $0403,
- $0404, $0405, $0406, $0407, $0408, $0409, $040A, $040B, $040C, $040D,
- $040E, $040F, $0410, $0411, $0412, $0413, $0414, $0415, $0416, $0417,
- $0418, $0419, $041A, $041B, $041C, $041D, $041E, $041F, $0420, $0421,
- $0804, $0807, $0809, $080A, $080C, $0810, $0813, $0814, $0816, $081A,
- $0C0C, $100C, $0000);
- const
- CharacterSetValues: array[TVersionCharSet] of Integer = (0, 932, 949, 950,
- 1200, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, -1);
- { TVersionInfo }
- constructor TVersionInfo.Create(const AFileName: string);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FFileName := StrPCopy(StrAlloc(Length(AFileName) + 1), AFileName);
- ReadVersionInfo;
- end;
- destructor TVersionInfo.Destroy;
- begin
- if FBuffer <> nil then FreeMem(FBuffer, FSize);
- StrDispose(FFileName);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TVersionInfo.ReadVersionInfo;
- begin
- FValid := False;
- FSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(FFileName, FHandle);
- if FSize > 0 then
- try
- FBuffer := MemAlloc(FSize);
- FValid := GetFileVersionInfo(FFileName, FHandle, FSize, FBuffer);
- except
- FValid := False;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetFileName: string;
- begin
- Result := StrPas(FFileName);
- end;
- procedure TVersionInfo.SetFileName(const Value: string);
- begin
- if FBuffer <> nil then FreeMem(FBuffer, FSize);
- FBuffer := nil;
- StrDispose(FFileName);
- FFileName := StrPCopy(StrAlloc(Length(Value) + 1), Value);
- ReadVersionInfo;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetTranslation: Pointer;
- var
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Len: UINT;
- {$ELSE}
- Len: Cardinal;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if Valid then VerQueryValue(FBuffer, '\VarFileInfo\Translation', Result, Len)
- else Result := nil;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetTranslationString: string;
- var
- P: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- P := GetTranslation;
- if P <> nil then
- Result := IntToHex(MakeLong(HiWord(Longint(P^)), LoWord(Longint(P^))), 8);
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetVersionLanguage: TVersionLanguage;
- var
- P: Pointer;
- begin
- P := GetTranslation;
- for Result := vlArabic to vlUnknown do
- if LoWord(Longint(P^)) = LanguageValues[Result] then Break;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetVersionCharSet: TVersionCharSet;
- var
- P: Pointer;
- begin
- P := GetTranslation;
- for Result := vcsASCII to vcsUnknown do
- if HiWord(Longint(P^)) = CharacterSetValues[Result] then Break;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetFixedFileInfo: PVSFixedFileInfo;
- var
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Len: UINT;
- {$ELSE}
- Len: Cardinal;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if Valid then VerQueryValue(FBuffer, '\', Pointer(Result), Len)
- else Result := nil;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetProductLongVersion: TLongVersion;
- begin
- Result.MS := FixedFileInfo^.dwProductVersionMS;
- Result.LS := FixedFileInfo^.dwProductVersionLS;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetFileLongVersion: TLongVersion;
- begin
- Result.MS := FixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionMS;
- Result.LS := FixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionLS;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetVersionNum: Longint;
- begin
- if Valid then Result := FixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionMS
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetVerValue(const VerName: string): string;
- var
- szName: array[0..255] of Char;
- Value: Pointer;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Len: UINT;
- {$ELSE}
- Len: Cardinal;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := '';
- if Valid then begin
- StrPCopy(szName, '\StringFileInfo\' + GetTranslationString + '\' + VerName);
- if VerQueryValue(FBuffer, szName, Value, Len) then
- Result := StrPas(PChar(Value));
- end;
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetComments: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('Comments');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetCompanyName: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('CompanyName');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetFileDescription: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('FileDescription');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetFileVersion: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('FileVersion');
- if (Result = '') and Valid then
- Result := LongVersionToString(FileLongVersion);
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetInternalName: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('InternalName');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetLegalCopyright: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('LegalCopyright');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetLegalTrademarks: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('LegalTrademarks');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetOriginalFilename: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('OriginalFilename');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetProductVersion: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('ProductVersion');
- if (Result = '') and Valid then
- Result := LongVersionToString(ProductLongVersion);
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetProductName: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('ProductName');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetSpecialBuild: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('SpecialBuild');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetPrivateBuild: string;
- begin
- Result := GetVerValue('PrivateBuild');
- end;
- function TVersionInfo.GetVerFileDate: TDateTime;
- begin
- if FileExists(FileName) then
- Result := FileDateTime(FileName)
- else Result := NullDate;
- end;
- { Long version string routines }
- function LongVersionToString(const Version: TLongVersion): string;
- begin
- with Version do
- Result := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d', [All[2], All[1], All[4], All[3]]);
- end;
- function StringToLongVersion(const Str: string): TLongVersion;
- var
- Sep: Integer;
- Tmp, Fragment: string;
- I: Word;
- begin
- Tmp := Str;
- for I := 1 to 4 do begin
- Sep := Pos('.', Tmp);
- if Sep = 0 then Sep := Pos(',', Tmp);
- if Sep = 0 then Fragment := Tmp
- else begin
- Fragment := Copy(Tmp, 1, Sep - 1);
- Tmp := Copy(Tmp, Sep + 1, MaxInt);
- end;
- if Fragment = '' then Result.All[I] := 0
- else Result.All[I] := StrToInt(Fragment);
- end;
- I := Result.All[1];
- Result.All[1] := Result.All[2];
- Result.All[2] := I;
- I := Result.All[3];
- Result.All[3] := Result.All[4];
- Result.All[4] := I;
- end;
- function AppFileName: string;
- var
- FileName: array[0..255] of Char;
- begin
- if IsLibrary then begin
- GetModuleFileName(HInstance, FileName, SizeOf(FileName) - 1);
- Result := StrPas(FileName);
- end
- else Result := ParamStr(0);
- end;
- function AppVerInfo: TVersionInfo;
- begin
- Result := TVersionInfo.Create(AppFileName);
- end;
- { Installation utility routines }
- function OkToWriteModule(ModuleName: string; NewVer: Longint): Boolean;
- { Return True if it's ok to overwrite ModuleName with NewVer }
- begin
- {Assume we should overwrite}
- OkToWriteModule := True;
- with TVersionInfo.Create(ModuleName) do begin
- try
- if Valid then {Should we overwrite?}
- OkToWriteModule := NewVer > VersionNum;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end.