home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software }
- { Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, }
- { Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit Parsing;
- interface
- {$I RX.INC}
- uses SysUtils, Classes;
- type
- TParserFunc = (pfArcTan, pfCos, pfSin, pfTan, pfAbs, pfExp, pfLn, pfLog,
- pfSqrt, pfSqr, pfInt, pfFrac, pfTrunc, pfRound, pfArcSin, pfArcCos,
- pfSign, pfNot);
- ERxParserError = class(Exception);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- TUserFunction = function(Value: Extended): Extended;
- {$ELSE}
- TUserFunction = Pointer;
- {$ENDIF}
- TRxMathParser = class(TObject)
- private
- FCurPos: Cardinal;
- FParseText: string;
- function GetChar: Char;
- procedure NextChar;
- function GetNumber(var AValue: Extended): Boolean;
- function GetConst(var AValue: Extended): Boolean;
- function GetFunction(var AValue: TParserFunc): Boolean;
- function GetUserFunction(var Index: Integer): Boolean;
- function Term: Extended;
- function SubTerm: Extended;
- function Calculate: Extended;
- public
- function Exec(const AFormula: string): Extended;
- class procedure RegisterUserFunction(const Name: string; Proc: TUserFunction);
- class procedure UnregisterUserFunction(const Name: string);
- end;
- function GetFormulaValue(const Formula: string): Extended;
- function Power(Base, Exponent: Extended): Extended;
- {$ENDIF}
- implementation
- uses RxTConst;
- const
- SpecialChars = [#0..' ', '+', '-', '/', '*', ')', '^'];
- FuncNames: array[TParserFunc] of PChar =
- ('ARCTAN', 'COS', 'SIN', 'TAN', 'ABS', 'EXP', 'LN', 'LOG',
- 'SIGN', 'NOT');
- { Parser errors }
- procedure InvalidCondition(Str: Word);
- begin
- raise ERxParserError.Create(LoadStr(Str));
- end;
- { IntPower and Power functions are copied from Borland's MATH.PAS unit }
- function IntPower(Base: Extended; Exponent: Integer): Extended;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- asm
- mov ecx, eax
- cdq
- fld1 { Result := 1 }
- xor eax, edx
- sub eax, edx { eax := Abs(Exponent) }
- jz @@3
- fld Base
- jmp @@2
- @@1: fmul ST, ST { X := Base * Base }
- @@2: shr eax,1
- jnc @@1
- fmul ST(1),ST { Result := Result * X }
- jnz @@1
- fstp st { pop X from FPU stack }
- cmp ecx, 0
- jge @@3
- fld1
- fdivrp { Result := 1 / Result }
- @@3:
- fwait
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- var
- Y: Longint;
- begin
- Y := Abs(Exponent);
- Result := 1.0;
- while Y > 0 do begin
- while not Odd(Y) do begin
- Y := Y shr 1;
- Base := Base * Base;
- end;
- Dec(Y);
- Result := Result * Base;
- end;
- if Exponent < 0 then Result := 1.0 / Result;
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- function Power(Base, Exponent: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if Exponent = 0.0 then Result := 1.0
- else if (Base = 0.0) and (Exponent > 0.0) then Result := 0.0
- else if (Frac(Exponent) = 0.0) and (Abs(Exponent) <= MaxInt) then
- Result := IntPower(Base, Trunc(Exponent))
- else Result := Exp(Exponent * Ln(Base))
- end;
- { User defined functions }
- type
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- TFarUserFunction = TUserFunction;
- {$ELSE}
- TFarUserFunction = function(Value: Extended): Extended;
- {$ENDIF}
- var
- UserFuncList: TStrings;
- function GetUserFuncList: TStrings;
- begin
- if not Assigned(UserFuncList) then begin
- UserFuncList := TStringList.Create;
- with TStringList(UserFuncList) do begin
- Sorted := True;
- Duplicates := dupIgnore;
- end;
- end;
- Result := UserFuncList;
- end;
- procedure FreeUserFunc; far;
- begin
- UserFuncList.Free;
- UserFuncList := nil;
- end;
- { Parsing routines }
- function GetFormulaValue(const Formula: string): Extended;
- begin
- with TRxMathParser.Create do
- try
- Result := Exec(Formula);
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- { TRxMathParser }
- function TRxMathParser.GetChar: Char;
- begin
- Result := FParseText[FCurPos];
- end;
- procedure TRxMathParser.NextChar;
- begin
- Inc(FCurPos);
- end;
- function TRxMathParser.GetNumber(var AValue: Extended): Boolean;
- var
- C: Char;
- SavePos: Cardinal;
- Code: Integer;
- IsHex: Boolean;
- TmpStr: string;
- begin
- Result := False;
- C := GetChar;
- SavePos := FCurPos;
- TmpStr := '';
- IsHex := False;
- if C = '$' then begin
- TmpStr := C;
- NextChar;
- C := GetChar;
- while C in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'] do begin
- TmpStr := TmpStr + C;
- NextChar;
- C := GetChar;
- end;
- IsHex := True;
- Result := (Length(TmpStr) > 1) and (Length(TmpStr) <= 9);
- end
- else if C in ['+', '-', '0'..'9', '.', DecimalSeparator] then begin
- if (C in ['.', DecimalSeparator]) then TmpStr := '0' + '.'
- else TmpStr := C;
- NextChar;
- C := GetChar;
- if (Length(TmpStr) = 1) and (TmpStr[1] in ['+', '-']) and
- (C in ['.', DecimalSeparator]) then TmpStr := TmpStr + '0';
- while C in ['0'..'9', '.', 'E', 'e', DecimalSeparator] do begin
- if C = DecimalSeparator then TmpStr := TmpStr + '.'
- else TmpStr := TmpStr + C;
- if (C = 'E') then begin
- if (Length(TmpStr) > 1) and (TmpStr[Length(TmpStr) - 1] = '.') then
- Insert('0', TmpStr, Length(TmpStr));
- NextChar;
- C := GetChar;
- if (C in ['+', '-']) then begin
- TmpStr := TmpStr + C;
- NextChar;
- end;
- end
- else NextChar;
- C := GetChar;
- end;
- if (TmpStr[Length(TmpStr)] = '.') and (Pos('E', TmpStr) = 0) then
- TmpStr := TmpStr + '0';
- Val(TmpStr, AValue, Code);
- Result := (Code = 0);
- end;
- Result := Result and (FParseText[FCurPos] in SpecialChars);
- if Result then begin
- if IsHex then AValue := StrToInt(TmpStr)
- { else AValue := StrToFloat(TmpStr) };
- end
- else begin
- AValue := 0;
- FCurPos := SavePos;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxMathParser.GetConst(var AValue: Extended): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- case FParseText[FCurPos] of
- 'E':
- if FParseText[FCurPos + 1] in SpecialChars then
- begin
- AValue := Exp(1);
- Inc(FCurPos);
- Result := True;
- end;
- 'P':
- if (FParseText[FCurPos + 1] = 'I') and
- (FParseText[FCurPos + 2] in SpecialChars) then
- begin
- AValue := Pi;
- Inc(FCurPos, 2);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end
- end;
- function TRxMathParser.GetUserFunction(var Index: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- TmpStr: string;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (FParseText[FCurPos] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_']) and
- Assigned(UserFuncList) then
- begin
- with UserFuncList do
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
- TmpStr := Copy(FParseText, FCurPos, Length(Strings[I]));
- if (CompareText(TmpStr, Strings[I]) = 0) and
- (Objects[I] <> nil) then
- begin
- if FParseText[FCurPos + Cardinal(Length(TmpStr))] = '(' then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Inc(FCurPos, Length(TmpStr));
- Index := I;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Index := -1;
- end;
- function TRxMathParser.GetFunction(var AValue: TParserFunc): Boolean;
- var
- I: TParserFunc;
- TmpStr: string;
- begin
- Result := False;
- AValue := Low(TParserFunc);
- if FParseText[FCurPos] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_'] then begin
- for I := Low(TParserFunc) to High(TParserFunc) do begin
- TmpStr := Copy(FParseText, FCurPos, StrLen(FuncNames[I]));
- if CompareText(TmpStr, StrPas(FuncNames[I])) = 0 then begin
- AValue := I;
- if FParseText[FCurPos + Cardinal(Length(TmpStr))] = '(' then begin
- Result := True;
- Inc(FCurPos, Length(TmpStr));
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxMathParser.Term: Extended;
- var
- Value: Extended;
- NoFunc: TParserFunc;
- UserFunc: Integer;
- Func: Pointer;
- begin
- if FParseText[FCurPos] = '(' then begin
- Inc(FCurPos);
- Value := Calculate;
- if FParseText[FCurPos] <> ')' then InvalidCondition(SParseNotCramp);
- Inc(FCurPos);
- end
- else begin
- if not GetNumber(Value) then
- if not GetConst(Value) then
- if GetUserFunction(UserFunc) then begin
- Inc(FCurPos);
- Func := UserFuncList.Objects[UserFunc];
- Value := TFarUserFunction(Func)(Calculate);
- if FParseText[FCurPos] <> ')' then InvalidCondition(SParseNotCramp);
- Inc(FCurPos);
- end
- else if GetFunction(NoFunc) then begin
- Inc(FCurPos);
- Value := Calculate;
- try
- case NoFunc of
- pfArcTan: Value := ArcTan(Value);
- pfCos: Value := Cos(Value);
- pfSin: Value := Sin(Value);
- pfTan:
- if Cos(Value) = 0 then InvalidCondition(SParseDivideByZero)
- else Value := Sin(Value) / Cos(Value);
- pfAbs: Value := Abs(Value);
- pfExp: Value := Exp(Value);
- pfLn:
- if Value <= 0 then InvalidCondition(SParseLogError)
- else Value := Ln(Value);
- pfLog:
- if Value <= 0 then InvalidCondition(SParseLogError)
- else Value := Ln(Value) / Ln(10);
- pfSqrt:
- if Value < 0 then InvalidCondition(SParseSqrError)
- else Value := Sqrt(Value);
- pfSqr: Value := Sqr(Value);
- pfInt: Value := Round(Value);
- pfFrac: Value := Frac(Value);
- pfTrunc: Value := Trunc(Value);
- pfRound: Value := Round(Value);
- pfArcSin:
- if Value = 1 then Value := Pi / 2
- else Value := ArcTan(Value / Sqrt(1 - Sqr(Value)));
- pfArcCos:
- if Value = 1 then Value := 0
- else Value := Pi / 2 - ArcTan(Value / Sqrt(1 - Sqr(Value)));
- pfSign:
- if Value > 0 then Value := 1
- else if Value < 0 then Value := -1;
- pfNot: Value := not Trunc(Value);
- end;
- except
- on E: ERxParserError do raise
- else InvalidCondition(SParseInvalidFloatOperation);
- end;
- if FParseText[FCurPos] <> ')' then InvalidCondition(SParseNotCramp);
- Inc(FCurPos);
- end
- else InvalidCondition(SParseSyntaxError);
- end;
- Result := Value;
- end;
- function TRxMathParser.SubTerm: Extended;
- var
- Value: Extended;
- begin
- Value := Term;
- while FParseText[FCurPos] in ['*', '^', '/'] do begin
- Inc(FCurPos);
- if FParseText[FCurPos - 1] = '*' then
- Value := Value * Term
- else if FParseText[FCurPos - 1] = '^' then
- Value := Power(Value, Term)
- else if FParseText[FCurPos - 1] = '/' then
- try
- Value := Value / Term;
- except
- InvalidCondition(SParseDivideByZero);
- end;
- end;
- Result := Value;
- end;
- function TRxMathParser.Calculate: Extended;
- var
- Value: Extended;
- begin
- Value := SubTerm;
- while FParseText[FCurPos] in ['+', '-'] do begin
- Inc(FCurPos);
- if FParseText[FCurPos - 1] = '+' then Value := Value + SubTerm
- else Value := Value - SubTerm;
- end;
- if not (FParseText[FCurPos] in [#0, ')', '>', '<', '=', ',']) then
- InvalidCondition(SParseSyntaxError);
- Result := Value;
- end;
- function TRxMathParser.Exec(const AFormula: string): Extended;
- var
- I, J: Integer;
- begin
- J := 0;
- Result := 0;
- FParseText := '';
- for I := 1 to Length(AFormula) do begin
- case AFormula[I] of
- '(': Inc(J);
- ')': Dec(J);
- end;
- if AFormula[I] > ' ' then FParseText := FParseText + UpCase(AFormula[I]);
- end;
- if J = 0 then begin
- FCurPos := 1;
- FParseText := FParseText + #0;
- if (FParseText[1] in ['-', '+']) then FParseText := '0' + FParseText;
- Result := Calculate;
- end
- else InvalidCondition(SParseNotCramp);
- end;
- class procedure TRxMathParser.RegisterUserFunction(const Name: string;
- Proc: TUserFunction);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if (Length(Name) > 0) and (Name[1] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_']) then
- begin
- if not Assigned(Proc) then UnregisterUserFunction(Name)
- else begin
- with GetUserFuncList do begin
- I := IndexOf(Name);
- if I < 0 then I := Add(Name);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Objects[I] := @Proc;
- {$ELSE}
- Objects[I] := Proc;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- end
- else InvalidCondition(SParseSyntaxError);
- end;
- class procedure TRxMathParser.UnregisterUserFunction(const Name: string);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(UserFuncList) then
- with UserFuncList do begin
- I := IndexOf(Name);
- if I >= 0 then Delete(I);
- if Count = 0 then FreeUserFunc;
- end;
- end;
- initialization
- UserFuncList := nil;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- finalization
- FreeUserFunc;
- {$ELSE}
- AddExitProc(FreeUserFunc);
- {$ENDIF}
- end.