home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software }
- { Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, }
- { Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit ExcptDlg;
- {$I RX.INC}
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, RXCtrls;
- type
- TErrorEvent = procedure (Error: Exception; var Msg: string) of object;
- TRxErrorDialog = class(TForm)
- BasicPanel: TPanel;
- ErrorText: TLabel;
- IconPanel: TPanel;
- IconImage: TImage;
- TopPanel: TPanel;
- RightPanel: TPanel;
- DetailsPanel: TPanel;
- MessageText: TMemo;
- ErrorAddress: TEdit;
- ErrorType: TEdit;
- ButtonPanel: TPanel;
- DetailsBtn: TButton;
- OKBtn: TButton;
- AddrLabel: TRxLabel;
- TypeLabel: TRxLabel;
- BottomPanel: TPanel;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DetailsBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ErrorInfo(var LogicalAddress: Pointer; var ModuleName: string);
- procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- private
- Details: Boolean;
- DetailsHeight: Integer;
- ExceptObj: Exception;
- FPrevOnException: TExceptionEvent;
- FOnErrorMsg: TErrorEvent;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FHelpFile: string;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure GetErrorMsg(var Msg: string);
- procedure ShowError;
- procedure SetShowDetails(Value: Boolean);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure WMHelp(var Message: TWMHelp); message WM_HELP;
- {$ENDIF}
- public
- procedure ShowException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
- property OnErrorMsg: TErrorEvent read FOnErrorMsg write FOnErrorMsg;
- end;
- const
- ErrorDlgHelpCtx: THelpContext = 0;
- var
- RxErrorDialog: TRxErrorDialog;
- procedure RxErrorIntercept;
- implementation
- uses
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Windows, {$IFDEF RX_D3} ComObj, {$ELSE} OleAuto, {$ENDIF RX_D3}
- {$ELSE WIN32}
- WinProcs, WinTypes, ToolHelp, Str16,
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- Consts, RxCConst, rxStrUtils, VCLUtils;
- {$R *.DFM}
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- resourcestring
- {$ELSE}
- const
- {$ENDIF}
- SCodeError = '%s.'#13#10'Error Code: %.8x (%1:d).';
- SModuleError = 'Exception in module %s.'#13#10'%s';
- const
- CRLF = #13#10;
- procedure RxErrorIntercept;
- begin
- if RxErrorDialog <> nil then RxErrorDialog.Free;
- RxErrorDialog := TRxErrorDialog.Create(Application);
- end;
- { TRxErrorDialog }
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.ShowException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
- begin
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- Application.NormalizeTopMosts;
- try
- if Assigned(FPrevOnException) then FPrevOnException(Sender, E)
- else if (ExceptObj = nil) and not Application.Terminated then begin
- ExceptObj := E;
- try
- ShowModal;
- finally
- ExceptObj := nil;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if NewStyleControls then Application.ShowException(E)
- else MessageDlg(E.Message + '.', mtError, [mbOk], 0);
- end;
- except
- { ignore any exceptions }
- end;
- Application.RestoreTopMosts;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function ConvertAddr(Address: Pointer): Pointer; assembler;
- asm
- JE @@1
- SUB EAX, $1000
- @@1:
- end;
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.ErrorInfo(var LogicalAddress: Pointer;
- var ModuleName: string);
- var
- Info: TMemoryBasicInformation;
- Temp, ModName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- begin
- VirtualQuery(ExceptAddr, Info, SizeOf(Info));
- if (Info.State <> MEM_COMMIT) or
- (GetModuleFilename(THandle(Info.AllocationBase), Temp,
- SizeOf(Temp)) = 0) then
- begin
- GetModuleFileName(HInstance, Temp, SizeOf(Temp));
- LogicalAddress := ConvertAddr(LogicalAddress);
- end
- else Integer(LogicalAddress) := Integer(LogicalAddress) -
- Integer(Info.AllocationBase);
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- StrLCopy(ModName, AnsiStrRScan(Temp, '\') + 1, SizeOf(ModName) - 1);
- {$ELSE}
- StrLCopy(ModName, StrRScan(Temp, '\') + 1, SizeOf(ModName) - 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- ModuleName := StrPas(ModName);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ConvertAddr(Address: Pointer): Pointer; assembler;
- asm
- MOV AX,Address.Word[0]
- MOV DX,Address.Word[2]
- JE @@1
- JE @@1
- MOV DX,ES:Word[0]
- @@1:
- end;
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.ErrorInfo(var LogicalAddress: Pointer;
- var ModuleName: string);
- var
- GlobalEntry: TGlobalEntry;
- hMod: THandle;
- ModName: array[0..15] of Char;
- Buffer: array[0..255] of Char;
- begin
- GlobalEntry.dwSize := SizeOf(GlobalEntry);
- if GlobalEntryHandle(@GlobalEntry, THandle(PtrRec(LogicalAddress).Seg)) then
- with GlobalEntry do begin
- hMod := hOwner;
- if wType in [GT_CODE, GT_DATA, GT_DGROUP] then
- PtrRec(LogicalAddress).Seg := wData;
- end
- else LogicalAddress := ConvertAddr(LogicalAddress);
- GetModuleFileName(hMod, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer));
- StrLCopy(ModName, StrRScan(Buffer, '\') + 1, SizeOf(ModName) - 1);
- ModuleName := StrPas(ModName);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.ShowError;
- var
- S, ModuleName: string;
- P: Pointer;
- begin
- P := ExceptAddr;
- ModuleName := '';
- ErrorInfo(P, ModuleName);
- AddrLabel.Enabled := (P <> nil);
- ErrorAddress.Text := Format('%p', [ExceptAddr]);
- ErrorType.Text := ExceptObj.ClassName;
- TypeLabel.Enabled := ErrorType.Text <> '';
- S := Trim(ExceptObj.Message);
- if Pos(CRLF, S) = 0 then
- S := ReplaceStr(S, #10, CRLF);
- if ExceptObj is EInOutError then
- S := Format(SCodeError, [S, EInOutError(ExceptObj).ErrorCode])
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- else if ExceptObj is EOleException then begin
- with EOleException(ExceptObj) do
- if (Source <> '') and (AnsiCompareText(S, Trim(Source)) <> 0) then
- S := S + CRLF + Trim(Source);
- S := Format(SCodeError, [S, EOleException(ExceptObj).ErrorCode])
- end
- else if ExceptObj is EOleSysError then
- S := Format(SCodeError, [S, EOleSysError(ExceptObj).ErrorCode])
- else if ExceptObj is EExternalException then
- S := Format(SCodeError, [S,
- EExternalException(ExceptObj).ExceptionRecord^.ExceptionCode])
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- else if ExceptObj is EOSError then
- S := Format(SCodeError, [S, EOSError(ExceptObj).ErrorCode])
- {$ENDIF}
- else S := S + '.';
- MessageText.Text := Format(SModuleError, [ModuleName, S]);
- end;
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.SetShowDetails(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- DisableAlign;
- try
- if Value then begin
- DetailsPanel.Height := DetailsHeight;
- ClientHeight := DetailsPanel.Height + BasicPanel.Height;
- DetailsBtn.Caption := '<< &' + LoadStr(SDetails);
- ShowError;
- end
- else begin
- ClientHeight := BasicPanel.Height;
- DetailsPanel.Height := 0;
- DetailsBtn.Caption := '&' + LoadStr(SDetails) + ' >>';
- end;
- DetailsPanel.Enabled := Value;
- Details := Value;
- finally
- EnableAlign;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.GetErrorMsg(var Msg: string);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- I := Pos(CRLF, Msg);
- if I > 0 then System.Delete(Msg, I, MaxInt);
- if Assigned(FOnErrorMsg) then
- try
- FOnErrorMsg(ExceptObj, Msg);
- except
- end;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.WMHelp(var Message: TWMHelp);
- var
- AppHelpFile: string;
- begin
- AppHelpFile := Application.HelpFile;
- try
- if FHelpFile <> '' then
- Application.HelpFile := FHelpFile;
- inherited;
- finally
- Application.HelpFile := AppHelpFile;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu, biHelp];
- {$ELSE}
- BorderIcons := [];
- {$ENDIF}
- DetailsHeight := DetailsPanel.Height;
- Icon.Handle := LoadIcon(0, IDI_HAND);
- IconImage.Picture.Icon := Icon;
- { Load string resources }
- Caption := ResStr(SMsgDlgError);
- OKBtn.Caption := ResStr(SOKButton);
- { Set exception handler }
- FPrevOnException := Application.OnException;
- Application.OnException := ShowException;
- end;
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Application.OnException := FPrevOnException;
- end;
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- var
- S: string;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- ExStyle: Longint;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if ExceptObj.HelpContext <> 0 then
- HelpContext := ExceptObj.HelpContext
- else HelpContext := ErrorDlgHelpCtx;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if ExceptObj is EOleException then
- FHelpFile := EOleException(ExceptObj).HelpFile
- else FHelpFile := '';
- ExStyle := GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- if (HelpContext <> 0) then
- ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP
- else
- ExStyle := ExStyle and not WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP;
- SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, ExStyle);
- {$ENDIF}
- S := Trim(ExceptObj.Message) + '.';
- GetErrorMsg(S);
- ErrorText.Caption := S;
- SetShowDetails(False);
- DetailsBtn.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.DetailsBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- SetShowDetails(not Details);
- end;
- procedure TRxErrorDialog.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- var
- Info: THelpInfo;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (Key = VK_F1) and (HelpContext <> 0) then begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- with Info do begin
- cbSize := SizeOf(THelpInfo);
- iContextType := HELPINFO_WINDOW;
- iCtrlId := 0;
- hItemHandle := Handle;
- dwContextId := HelpContext;
- GetCursorPos(MousePos);
- end;
- Perform(WM_HELP, 0, Longint(@Info));
- {$ELSE}
- Application.HelpContext(HelpContext);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- initialization
- RxErrorDialog := nil;
- end.