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- /*
- * ws2tcpip.h : TCP/IP specific extensions in Windows Sockets 2
- *
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1980, 1983, 1988, 1993
- * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
- *
- */
- #ifndef _WS2TCPIP_H
- #define _WS2TCPIP_H
- #include <winsock2.h>
- /*
- * The IP_* macros are also defined in winsock.h, but some values are different there.
- * The values defined in winsock.h for 1.1 and used in wsock32.dll are consistent
- * with the original values Steve Deering defined in his document "IP Multicast Extensions
- * for 4.3BSD UNIX related systems (MULTICAST 1.2 Release)." However, these conflicted with
- * the definitions for some IPPROTO_IP level socket options already assigned by BSD,
- * so Berkeley changed all the values by adding 7. WinSock2 (ws2_32.dll) uses
- * the BSD 4.4 compatible values defined here.
- *
- * See also: msdn kb article Q257460
- * http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q257/4/60.asp
- */
- /* This is also defined in winsock.h; value hasn't changed */
- #define IP_OPTIONS 1
- #define IP_HDRINCL 2
- /*
- * These are also be defined in winsock.h,
- * but values have changed for WinSock2 interface
- */
- #define IP_TOS 3 /* old (winsock 1.1) value 8 */
- #define IP_TTL 4 /* old value 7 */
- #define IP_MULTICAST_IF 9 /* old value 2 */
- #define IP_MULTICAST_TTL 10 /* old value 3 */
- #define IP_MULTICAST_LOOP 11 /* old value 4 */
- #define IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP 12 /* old value 5 */
- #define IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP 13 /* old value 6 */
- #define IP_DONTFRAGMENT 14 /* old value 9 */
- #define TCP_EXPEDITED_1122 2
- #define UDP_NOCHECKSUM 1
- #define IFF_UP 1
- #define IFF_BROADCAST 2
- #define IFF_LOOPBACK 4
- #define IFF_MULTICAST 16
- #define SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST _IOR('t', 127, u_long)
- /*
- * ip_mreq also in winsock.h for WinSock1.1,
- * but online msdn docs say it is defined here for WinSock2.
- */
- struct ip_mreq {
- struct in_addr imr_multiaddr;
- struct in_addr imr_interface;
- };
- typedef struct _INTERFACE_INFO {
- u_long iiFlags;
- struct sockaddr iiAddress;
- struct sockaddr iiBroadcastAddress;
- struct sockaddr iiNetmask;
- /* ipv6 */
- /*
- * According to online msdn documentation (12 Dec 2000), two separate implentations
- * of ipv6 are available (1) the Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview (requires W2K SP1)
- * and (2) the MS Research IPV6 implementation (requires NT4 or W2K).
- * Neither are production level implementations.
- */
- #if 0
- /*
- * The following is based on what online msdn PSDK docs say as at 5 Dec 2000
- */
- struct in_addr6 /* sic */ { u_char s6_addr[16]; };
- typedef struct in_addr6 IN6_ADDR, *PIN6_ADDR, *LPIN6_ADDR;
- typedef struct sockaddr_in6 {
- short sin6_family;
- u_short sin6_port;
- u_long sin6_flowinfo;
- struct in_addr6 sin6_addr;
- #elif 0
- /*
- * In the FAQ section of Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000
- * (dated 12 Dec 2000) it says that the Preview and the MS Research implemntation
- * support RFC 2553, and in particular, uses the sockaddr_in6 structure defined
- * in Section 3.3. That would look something like this:
- */
- #include <stdint.h>
- struct in6_addr { /* this is the standard name */
- union {
- uint8_t _u6_addr8[16];
- uint16_t _u6_addr16[8];
- uint32_t _u6_addr32[4];
- /* uint64_t _u6_addr64[2];*/
- } _u6_addr;
- };
- typedef struct in6_addr IN6_ADDR, *PIN6_ADDR, *LPIN6_ADDR;
- #define s6_addr _u6_addr._u6_addr8
- struct sockaddr_in6 {
- uint16_t sin6_family; /* AF_INET6 */
- uint16_t sin6_port; /* transport layer port # */
- uint32_t sin6_flowinfo; /* IPv6 traffic class & flow info */
- struct in6_addr sin6_addr; /* IPv6 address */
- uint32_t sin6_scope_id; /* set of interfaces for a scope */
- };
- typedef struct sockaddr_in6 SOCKADDR_IN6, *PSOCKADDR_IN6, *LPSOCKADDR_IN6;
- /*
- * Watch this space.
- * These may get moved out to ipv6 specific header(s). along with other
- * standard structures and functions specified in RFC 2553.
- */
- #endif
- #endif /* _WS2TCPIP_H */