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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 1999-06-02 | 3.1 KB | 129 lines |
- :Base auralia.hlp
- :Title Auralia 2.1
- 1 Topics
- 2 Intervals and Scales
- 3 Advanced Scale Singing
- 4 Selecting a Level=ADVSCASINL>Main
- 4 Information=ADVSCASINI
- 4 The Drill=ADVSCASIND
- 3 Advanced Scales
- 4 Selecting a Level=ADVSCAL>Main
- 4 Information=ADVSCAI
- 4 The Drill=ADVSCAD
- 3 Interval Comparison
- 4 Selecting a Level=INTCOML>Main
- 4 Information=INTCOMI
- 4 The Drill=INTCOMD
- 3 Interval Recognition
- 4 Selecting a Level=INTRECL>Main
- 4 Information=INTRECI
- 4 The Drill=INTRECD
- 3 Interval Singing
- 4 Selecting a Level=INTSINL>Main
- 4 Information=INTSINI
- 4 The Drill=INTSIND
- 3 Scale Singing
- 4 Selecting a Level=SCASINL>Main
- 4 Information=SCASINI
- 4 The Drill=SCASIND
- 3 Scales
- 4 Selecting a Level=SCAL>Main
- 4 Information=SCAI
- 4 The Drill=SCAD
- 2 Chords
- 3 Advanced Chord Progressions
- 4 Selecting a Level=ADVCHOPROL>Main
- 4 Information=ADVCHOPROI
- 4 The Drill=ADVCHOPROD
- 3 Cadences
- 4 Selecting a Level=CADL>Main
- 4 Information=CADI
- 4 The Drill=CADD
- 3 Chord Progressions
- 4 Selecting a Level=CHOPROL>Main
- 4 Information=CHOPROI
- 4 The Drill=CHOPROD
- 3 Chord Recognition
- 4 Selecting a Level=CHOL>Main
- 4 Information=CHOI
- 4 The Drill=CHOD
- 3 Chord Singing
- 4 Selecting a Level=CHOSINL>Main
- 4 Information=CHOSINI
- 4 The Drill=CHOSIND
- 3 Cluster Chords
- 4 Selecting a Level=CLUCHOL>Main
- 4 Information=CLUCHOI
- 4 The Drill=CLUCHOD
- 3 Jazz Chord Progressions
- 4 Selecting a Level=JAZCHOPROL>Main
- 4 Information=JAZCHOPROI
- 4 The Drill=JAZCHOPROD
- 3 Jazz Chord Singing
- 4 Selecting a Level=JAZCHOSINL>Main
- 4 Information=JAZCHOSINI
- 4 The Drill=JAZCHOSIND
- 3 Jazz Chords
- 4 Selecting a Level=JAZCHOL>Main
- 4 Information=JAZCHOI
- 4 The Drill=JAZCHOD
- 2 Rhythm
- 3 Meter
- 4 Selecting a Level=METL>Main
- 4 Information=METI
- 4 The Drill=METD
- 3 Rhythm Dictation
- 4 Selecting a Level=RHYDICL>Main
- 4 Information=RHYDICI
- 4 The Drill=RHYDICD
- 3 Rhythm Elements
- 4 Selecting a Level=RHYELEL>Main
- 4 Information=RHYELEI
- 4 The Drill=RHYELED
- 3 Rhythm Element Dictation
- 4 Selecting a Level=RHYELEDICL>Main
- 4 Information=RHYELEDICI
- 4 The Drill=RHYELEDICD
- 3 Rhythm Imitation
- 4 Selecting a Level=RHYIMIL>Main
- 4 Information=RHYIMII
- 4 The Drill=RHYIMID
- 3 Rhythm Styles
- 4 Selecting a Level=RHYSTYL>Main
- 4 Information=RHYSTYI
- 4 The Drill=RHYSTYD
- 2 Pitch and Melody
- 3 Counterpoint Singing
- 4 Selecting a Level=COUSINL>Main
- 4 Information=COUSINI
- 4 The Drill=COUSIND
- 3 Melodic Dictation
- 4 Selecting a Level=MELDICL>Main
- 4 Information=MELDICI
- 4 The Drill=MELDICD
- 3 Note Recognition
- 4 Selecting a Level=NOTRECL>Main
- 4 Information=NOTRECI
- 4 The Drill=NOTRECD
- 3 Tuning
- 4 Selecting a Level=TUNL>Main
- 4 Information=TUNI
- 4 The Drill=TUND
- 1 Technical Support and License
- 2 Using Sound2MIDI in Auralia's singing topics=SND2MIDI>Main
- 2 Technical Support=TECHSUP>Main
- 2 License and Warranty=LICENSE>Main
- 1 Administration
- 2 General Options=ADMINGENERAL>Main
- 2 Network Options=ADMINNET>Main
- 2 Users=ADMINUSER>Main
- 2 Classes=ADMINCLASS>Main
- 2 Tests=ADMINTEST>Main
- 2 Reports=ADMINREPORT>Main
- 2 Topics=ADMINTOPIC>Main
- 1 Other functions
- 2 Logging in=LOGIN>Main
- 2 Logging in as a new user=NEWUSER>Main
- 2 View your statistics=PROFESSOR>Main
- 2 Changing your details=DETAILS>Main