home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- rem ---------------------------------------------
- rem PURPOSE:
- rem - put this Batch-Command on your Desktop,
- rem so you can drag and drop wave files on it
- rem and LAME will encode them to mp3 format.
- rem - put this Batch-Command in a place mentioned
- rem in your PATH environment, start the DOS-BOX
- rem and change to a directory where your wave
- rem files are located. the following line will
- rem encode all your wave files to mp3
- rem "lame.bat *.wav"
- rem ---------------------------------------------
- rem C2000 Robert Hegemann
- rem Robert.Hegemann@gmx.de
- rem ---------------------------------------------
- rem please set LAME and LAMEOPTS
- rem LAME - where the executeable is
- rem OPTS - options you like LAME to use
- set LAME=lame.exe
- set OPTS=--preset cd
- rem ---------------------------------------------
- set thecmd=%LAME% %OPTS%
- lfnfor on
- :processArgs
- if "%1"=="" goto endmark
- for %%f in (%1) do %thecmd% "%%f"
- if errorlevel 1 goto errormark
- shift
- goto processArgs
- :errormark
- echo.
- echo.
- echo ERROR processing %1
- echo.
- :endmark
- rem
- rem finished
- rem