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Space Odyssey 2.0
Copyright (C) 1999 - 2000 UltraSoft s.r.l
1. Introduction
A hard drive certainly can be a messy place. It can be crammed full of stuff you don't need,
or want.
Windows applications litter your hard drive with junk that serves no purpose.
This junk can cause your PC to slow down and even cause some application problems.
Space Odyssey fixes and prevents errors by finding and cleaning ( deleting) error-producing
and space-wasting garbage files.
Space Odyssey operates by regularly scanning your hard drive for various error producing
files and then optionally cleaning them from your system for you.
Space Odyssey targets specific types of error producing files that common disk utilities,
uninstall, defrag, disk-scanning, and sweep-type programs will miss.
The error files that Space Odyssey searches for and deletes can produce hazardous results
if they are not properly cleaned from your drive on a periodic basis.
- detects temoprary files created by OS
- detects Internet Explorer chache
- detects Netscape Navigator chache
- detects temorary files created by graphic tools
- detects temorary files created by development tools
- detects temporary files created by install tools
- detects duplicated files
- let you cutomize your search
- let you refine your search
- let you move, delete or zip detected files for later use
Start odyssey.exe from its home directory. Complete usage
instructions are available in the on-line help file.
2. System Requirements
Space Odyssey is running under Windows 9x, Windows NT 4.0+ and WIndows 2000, having no special
requirements for your system.
2. What's New
- Added support for finding DUPLICATED files - the duplicates search engine is very fast !
- Added CLEAN JOBS support - this means:
- you may save your search in order to use it again anytime !
- you may organize the clean jobs in order to find them very easy !
- you may modify the clean jobs anytime !
- and more ...
- Added LOG support - all the actions you make ( move/compress/delete ) will be logged
in detail - in this way you will be abble to easy recover your actions !
- Added support for opening the resulted file and its location before you make any action on it !
- New great GUI - very easy to use and very functional !
3. Reporting Problems
If you encounter problems, please visit http://www.ultrasoft.ro
and download the latest version to see if the issue has been resolved.
If not, please send a bug report to:
Feel free to use the same address to ask for help !
3. Contact information
UltraSoft S.R.L
Bucharest, Str. Novaci, nr.3, Bl. S23, Sc. 1, Ap. 25
Tel: +40 92 304.485; +40 1 252.52.63
Fax: +40 92 112.392; +40 1 252.52.63
Mail : 77000 Buchrest P.O.Box 1-578
E-mail: office@ultrasoft.ro