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//Final version 1.000. function EMailStream(obj) { var stream; if(document.body.innerHTML.search(/fbRating/) != -1) {fbReload();} // *****Start: Localization Section************************ var fbTitle_Text = 'VßÜ nßzor na dokumentaci'; var fbParagraph_Text = 'T²m tv∙rc∙ dokumentace k serveru SQL nem∙₧e zodpovφdat na dotazy odbornΘ pomoci, ale uvφtß vaÜe nßvrhy a p°ipomφnky k dokumentaci a vzorov²m p°φklad∙m. Pomocφ nφ₧e uvedenΘho textovΘho pole nßm m∙₧ete elektronickou poÜtou odeslat vaÜe nßzory rychle a p°φmo. VaÜe komentß°e musφ b²t v angliΦtin∞.'; //---Note to localization: Do not change <A> and </A> tags.--- var fbRateThisTopic_Text = 'Ohodno¥te tuto Φßst (1-5):'; var fbPoor_Text = "èpatnß"; var fbExcellent_Text = "V²bornß"; var fbEnterFeedbackHere_Text = 'Chcete-li pφsemn∞ sd∞lit vßÜ nßzor, klepn∞te sem.'; var fbCancel_Text = 'Storno'; // ******End: Localization Section************************ // *****(There is another localization section below.)***** stream = '<DIV ID="feedbackarea">' + '<br>' + '<hr COLOR="#99CCFF">' + '<H6 STYLE="margin-top:0.5em;">' + fbTitle_Text + '</H6>' + '<P>' + fbParagraph_Text + '</P>' + '<FORM METHOD="post" ENCTYPE="text/plain" NAME="formRating">' + '<P>' + fbRateThisTopic_Text + ' ' + fbPoor_Text + ' <INPUT TYPE="radio" value="1" NAME="fbRating">' + '<INPUT TYPE="radio" value="2" NAME="fbRating">' + '<INPUT TYPE="radio" value="3" NAME="fbRating">' + '<INPUT TYPE="radio" value="4" NAME="fbRating">' + '<INPUT TYPE="radio" value="5" NAME="fbRating"> ' + fbExcellent_Text + '</P>' + '</FORM>' + '<P>' + fbEnterFeedbackHere_Text + ' ' + '<SPAN ONCLICK="feedbackarea.style.display=\'none\';' + obj.id + '.innerHTML=\'\'">'+ submitFeedback() + '</SPAN></P>' + '<P STYLE="width:100%;position:relative;float:left;clear:left;margin-bottom:-0.7em;margin-top:0em;" align=right><A HREF="#Feedback" ONCLICK=EMailStream(' + obj.id + ')>' + fbCancel_Text + '</A> </P>' + '<hr COLOR="#99CCFF">' + '</div>'; obj.innerHTML = stream; } function submitFeedback() { // *****Start: Localization Section********************** var fbTypeHere_Text = 'Sem zadejte komentß°e a p°edm∞t zprßvy ponechejte beze zm∞ny.' var fbSubmit_Text = 'Odeslat vßÜ nßzor'; // ******End: Localization Section*********************** var sRecipient = "mailto:mdacdoc@microsoft.com"; var sTitle = ParseTitle(document.title); var sCHM = ParseFileName(window.location.href,1); var sHTM = ParseFileName(window.location.href,2); var sLang = navigator.systemLanguage; var sSubject = sTitle + ' (' + sCHM + '::/' + sHTM + '>>' + '\' + GetRating() + \':' + sLang + ')'; var sEntireMailMessage = sRecipient + '?subject=' + sSubject + '&body=---' + fbTypeHere_Text + '---'; var sHREF = '<A HREF=\"' + sRecipient + '" ONCLICK=\"this.href=\'' + sEntireMailMessage + '\';\">' + fbSubmit_Text + '</A>'; return sHREF; } //---Parses document title.--- function ParseTitle(theTitle) { theTitle = theTitle.replace(/\"/g,"--"); theTitle = theTitle.replace(/'/g,"-"); if (theTitle == "") {theTitle = "Documentation Feedback";} if (theTitle.length > 60) {theTitle = theTitle.slice(0,57) + "...";} return theTitle; } //---Parses document filename.--- function ParseFileName(Filename, theNum) { var intPos = Filename.lastIndexOf("\\"); var intLen = Filename.length; var newFileName = Filename.substr(intPos + 1, intLen - intPos) newFileName = newFileName.replace(/#Feedback/g,""); var x = newFileName.lastIndexOf("/"); if (theNum == 1) {newFileName = newFileName.substr(0, (x-2));} if (theNum == 2) {newFileName = newFileName.substr(x + 1);} return(newFileName); } function GetRating() { sRating = "0"; for(var x = 0;x < 5;x++) { if(document.formRating.fbRating(x).checked) {sRating = x + 1;} } return sRating; } //---Reloads window.--- function fbReload() { window.location.reload(true); }