Select this option if you always want iCab to activate a confirming dialog before items are deleted.
Select this option if you always want iCab to activate a confirming dialog before items are deleted, if more than one is being deleted.
Select this option if you never want iCab to activate a confirming dialog before items are deleted.
Select this option if you want browser windows to display both text and icon Navigation buttons.
Select this option if you want browser windows to display text Navigation buttons only.
Select this option if you want browser windows to display icon Navigation buttons only.
Select this option if you donΓÇÖt want browser windows to display Navigation buttons. This leaves more viewable space for page content.
Uncheck if you don't want iCab to display a Location field for entering URLs. This leaves more viewable space for page content.
Check if you want iCab to display a Location field for entering URLs, so you can enter Internet addresses directly into a browser window.
Check if you want iCab to display Navigation buttons for ΓÇ£standard linksΓÇ¥. Navigation buttons are activated by the <LINK> tag, but are rarely supported in Web pages.
Uncheck if you want iCab to hide Navigation buttons for ΓÇ£standard linksΓÇ¥. Navigation buttons are activated by the <LINK> tag, but are rarely supported in Web pages.
Click "OK" to close this dialog and save changes you have made to the Preferences.
Click "Cancel" to close this dialog without saving changes you have made to the Preferences.
Click an item in this list to display the itemΓÇÖs preference options in the right panel.
Use this popup menu to select the font you want used as serif font.
Use this popup menu to select the font you want used as sans serif font.
Use this popup menu to select the font you want used for fixed-width text. You should always select a fixed-width font like Courier and Monaco for this option.
Use this popup menu to select a font size you want used as the base font size. Normal text will be shown in this size, and other sizes (for example, headings) will be derived from it.
This list contains Internet domains from which cookies will always be accepted, no matter what the above cookies general setting is.
This list contains Internet domains from which cookies will never be accepted, no matter what the above cookies general setting is.
This list contains all cookies which are currently being stored. Only checked cookies are actually used. Double-click a cookie entry or click the View button to display additional information about it.
Click here to get details about the selected cookie(s).
Click here to remove the selected cookie(s) from this list.
Click here to add a new domain to this list.
Click here to remove the selected domain(s) from this list.
Use this popup menu to select how you want cookies handled generally. Note that this selection is overridden by any specific settings in the ΓÇ£Always accept fromΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£Always reject fromΓÇ¥ lists below.
Check if you want a Web server to be given information about the page that sent you there (in other words, ΓÇ£referredΓÇ¥ you to it). Few servers require such information, so itΓÇÖs usually best to leave this option unchecked.
Check if you don't want a Web server to be given information about the page that sent you there (in other words, ΓÇ£referredΓÇ¥ you to it). This way, the server can collect less personal data, and few servers require such information anyway.
Select this option if you want iCab to identify itself to a server as iCab. Many servers are unfortunately configured so they send certain data only if the browser identifies itself with a predictable name (usually Mozilla).
Select this option if you want iCab to identify itself to a server as Lynx/2.8, the name used by the Lynx Web browser.
Select this option if you want iCab to identify itself to a server as Mozilla, but can nevertheless identified as iCab. Some servers will only work correctly if the browser identifies itself as "Mozilla".
Select this option if you want iCab to identify itself by a name other than those in the first three options.
Enter here the name you want iCab to use when it identifies itself to a server. This name is unfortunately used by some servers to guess at the abilities of a browser ΓÇô and theyΓÇÖre never very generous with their guesses.
Click here to modify the proxy settings in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Enter here the maximum number of HTML ΓÇ£errorsΓÇ¥ you want logged in the Error Report. Errors refer to important deviations from HTML standards, and logging them can be helpful when troubleshooting HTML documents.
Enter here the maximum number of HTML ΓÇ£warningsΓÇ¥ you want logged in the Error Report. Warnings refer to small deviations from current HTML standards or possible problems with future HTML standards.
Enter here the maximum number of HTML document ΓÇ£notesΓÇ¥ you want logged in the Error Report. Notes refer to HTML tags whose support was switched off in the HTML Display panel of this dialog.
Use this popup menu to select the HTML standard you want used as a reference in the Error Report.
Check if you donΓÇÖt want special, non-standard Netscape and Internet Explorer tags to be specified as errors in the Error Report.
Uncheck if you want special, non-standard Netscape and Internet Explorer tags to be specified as errors in the Error Report.
Check if you want to log HTML document errors ΓÇô or, put another way, deviations from HTML standards. Logging errors can be helpful when troubleshooting HTML documents. You view the errors by selecting ΓÇ£Error ReportΓÇ¥ in the Edit menu.
Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt want to log HTML document errors ΓÇô or, put another way, deviations from HTML standards. Logging errors can be helpful when troubleshooting HTML documents.
Select this option if you donΓÇÖt want a browser window to open when you launch iCab.
Select this option if you want an empty browser window to open when you launch iCab.
Select this option if you want your home page to open when you launch iCab.
Select this option if you donΓÇÖt want the Download Manager to open when you launch iCab.
Select this option if you want the Download Manager to open when you launch iCab and there are pending downloads.
Select this option if you want the Download Manager always to open when you launch iCab.
Check if you want the Hotlist to open when you launch iCab. The Hotlist is an editable list of links to your favorite pages.
Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt want the Hotlist to open when you launch iCab. The Hotlist is an editable list of links to your favorite pages.
Check if you want the History to open when you launch iCab. The History lists, in reverse chronological order, recent pages youΓÇÖve visited.
Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt want the History to open when you launch iCab. The History lists, in reverse chronological order, pages you have recently visited.
This is an editable list of Internet search sites used in the “Find…” dialog’s Internet search popup menu. The names in the left column are the ones used in the popup. The URL column contains a URL “query string” for each search site.
Click here to add a new search site to this list. You name the site and enter its URL. The URL must include a siteΓÇÖs ΓÇ£query stringΓÇ¥. iCab automatically adds a searchΓÇÖs keyword(s) to the end of the query string when starting a search.
Click here to remove the selected entry(s) from this list.
Use this popup menu to select the font you want used in iCab HTML source display. ItΓÇÖs usually best to select a fixed-width font like Courier or Monaco.
Use this popup menu to select the font size you want used in iCab HTML source display.
Check if you want to see colored tags, comments, etc. in iCab HTML source display. This uses slightly more memory and computing time, but makes the HTML source text easier to follow. Uncheck if you want the source displayed in black.
Select this option if you want to view HTML source text in the editor selected in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel). This option allows you to edit the text, as well as view it.
Select this option if you want to view HTML source text in a text editor or word processor on a local volume. This option allows you to edit the text, as well as view it.
Select this option if you want iCab to display the HTML source text. This option allows you to copy the text, as well as view it, but not to edit it.
Click here to change the source text editing and viewing program specified in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Click here to activate a dialog for selecting a local-volume text editor or word processor for viewing and editing HTML source test.
Click here to select the background color you want used in the iCab source display window.
Click here to select the text color you want used in the iCab source display window.
Click here to select the HTML tag color you want used in the iCab source display window.
Click here to select the comment color you want used in the iCab source display window.
Click here to select the SGML tag color you want used in the iCab source display window. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is an international standard for the definition of device-independent, system-independent encoded electronic text.
Click here to select the background color you want used in browser windows.
Click here to select the text color you want used in browser windows.
Click here to select the HTML link color you want used in browser windows.
Click here to select the HTML visited link color you want used in browser windows.
Click here to select the HTML active link color you want used in browser windows.
Check if you want iCab to use colors specified by HTML pages instead of the ones selected here.
Uncheck if you want iCab to use the colors selected here instead of those specified by HTML pages.
Check if you always want frames to use scroll bars. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Scroll bars are frequently disabled by HTML pages for visual reasons. This option overrides the page source and always shows the scroll bars.
Check if you always want to be able to resize frames. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Frame resizing is frequently disabled by HTML pages for visual reasons. This option overrides the page source and always allows frame resizing.
Check if you want iCab to support ΓÇ£framesΓÇ¥. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Unchecking this option is seldom useful, because frames pages rarely offer alternative ΓÇ£unframedΓÇ¥ pages.
Enter here the URL of the page you want to use as your ΓÇ£home pageΓÇ¥ ΓÇô often a local or Web page with links to other sites. This page will open whenever you select ΓÇ£HomeΓÇ¥ in the Navigation bar or ΓÇ£Home PageΓÇ¥ in the Navigate menu.
Enter here the URL of your favorite Internet search site ΓÇô the one you use most regularly. That siteΓÇÖs initial search page will then open whenever you select ΓÇ£SearchΓÇ¥ in the Navigation bar or in the Navigate menu.
Enter here the URL of a page you want to use as your ΓÇ£helper pageΓÇ¥. The helper page is usually one that you access often, as for example a site referencing HTML standards. This page will open whenever you select ΓÇ£Helper PageΓÇ¥ in the Help menu.
Click here to delete the contents of this entry field.
Click here to insert the iCab default into this entry field.
Click here to activate a dialog for selecting a local HTML file to use as your home page.
Click here to use the contents of the Hotlist for your home page.
Click here to use the page specified in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
This list contains the paths to local folders and volumes you want used when searching for content in local HTML files.
Click here to activate a dialog for selecting a folder or volume to add to this list.
Click here to remove the selected folder(s) and/or volume(s) from this list.
This list contains all the URL filters used by iCab when you choose ΓÇ£Filter Images by URLΓÇ¥ in the View menu. The filters selectively suppress ad banners and other images, greatly reducing online time.
This list contains all the image-size filters used by iCab when you choose ΓÇ£Filter Images by SizeΓÇ¥ in the View menu. The filters selectively suppress ad banners and other images, greatly reducing online time.
Click here to remove the selected filter(s) from the filter list.
Click here to add a new filter to the filter list.
Check to activate the filtering of images based on URL.
Uncheck to deactivate the filtering of images based on URL.
Check to activate the filtering of images based on size.
Uncheck to deactivate the filtering of images based on size.
Check to enable the display of page images. This increases page load time and memory use significantly, but generally results in more pleasing page display.
Uncheck to disable the display of page images. This decreases page load time and memory use significantly, but generally results in less pleasing page display.
Check if iCab itself should display text/ASCII files.
Uncheck if text (ASCII) files should be displayed by the program specified in Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Check if you want iCab itself to display GIF images.
Uncheck if you want GIF images displayed by the program specified in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Check if you want iCab itself to display JPEG images.
Uncheck if you want JPEG images displayed by the program specified in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Check if you want iCab itself to display all file formats supported by QuickTime.
Uncheck if you want all file formats supported by QuickTime displayed by the program(s) specified in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Click here to modify the file extension ΓÇ£mappingsΓÇ¥ set in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Click here to make the iCab home page your home page.
Check if you want window contents to be updated when you use the scroll box. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Check if you want to use the fonts HTML pages specify. Uncheck if you want to use the fonts selected in the Fonts panel of this dialog.
Check if you want to see blinking text in Web pages. Uncheck if you find blinking text disturbing.
Check if you want style sheets displayed. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Style sheets (Cascading Style Sheets or CSS, for short) can help speed page display and sometimes make it more pleasing.
Check if you want iCab to display a Web pageΓÇÖs Java applets. Uncheck if youΓÇÖre uncertain or need to conserve memory.
Check if you want iCab to display ΓÇ£embedded Web pagesΓÇ¥. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. An embedded Web page is an image thatΓÇÖs actually another Web page made to look like an image. Many banner ads are embedded Web pages.
Enter here the maximum amount of memory you want iCab to use for images. The image cache speeds the display of previously visited pages, particularly on slower computers, provided the images are still in the cache.
This tells you how much memory is currently being used by iCabΓÇÖs image cache.
Enter here the maximum number of recently visited pages you want iCab to keep in the History. You open History entries from the hierarchical menu item(s) at the bottom of the Navigate menu or from the History window.
Check if you want the History deleted when you quit iCab. Uncheck if you want the History saved so you can use it in future browsing sessions.
Click here to delete the image cache immediately, but note that images currently being displayed in open browser windows remain cached.
Click here to delete the History immediately.
Enter here the maximum amount of hard disk space iCab uses for the Web cache. Pages load a lot faster when stored in the cache. A large cache isnΓÇÖt necessary if you visit the same pages regularly, so you may want to experiment with cache size.
This tells you how much hard disk space is currently being used by iCabΓÇÖs Web cache.
Click here to delete iCabΓÇÖs Web cache immediately, but note that you can browse offline only when the cache exists or the pages you want to view are other local files.
This is the current path to iCabΓÇÖs Web cache.
Click here to activate a dialog that allows you to change where iCab looks for the Web cache folder. You may place the folder anywhere on a local volume.
Select this option if you always want cached pages updated from the Web. iCab will then download pages with each page access, even during the same browsing session. This can be tedious, but youΓÇÖll be sure you are viewing the very latest page update.
Select this option if you never want cached pages updated from the Web. iCab will then open cached pages as is, directly from the cache, and will access the Web only if some page information is missing.
Select this option if you want cached pages updated from the Web only the first time you visit a page during a browsing session. This minimizes access time for revisits without allowing cached pages to become totally outdated.
Select this option if you want cached pages updated from the Web in the time interval specified to the right. This is the most flexible option and gives you the most control over when updates occur.
Enter here the amount of time you want to pass before cached pages are updated from the Web.
Select this option if you never want the Web cache deleted, but note that older cached files still will be deleted if the above maximum Web cache size is exceeded, until the cache size is at or below the maximum limit.
Select this option if you want the Web cache deleted when you quit iCab, but note that you can browse offline only when the cache exists or the pages you want to view are other local files.
Select this option if you want Web cache files deleted from the cache folder after the time interval specified to the right. This option is useful when you want the cache cleared of older pages you wonΓÇÖt revisit, while keeping your favorites current.
Enter here the amount of time after which you want Web cache files deleted.
Check if you want iCab each Java applet exception announced in a separate alert box. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Exceptions are logged in either case by the Java Console, which you open from the View menu.
Use this popup menu to select whether and which Java applets are checked for correct Java code.
Use this popup menu to select whether and which rights of access Java applets get on the Internet.
Use this popup menu to select whether and which rights of access Java applets get on local volumes (fixed disks, removable media, etc.).
Check if you want iCab to use the JustInTime Compiler (JITC). Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Check if you want iCab to release the JavaVM (Java Virtual Machine) as soon as the final Java applet is closed. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Releasing the JavaVM saves memory but increases the time needed for Java applets to start again.
Check if you want iCab to forbid access to Java classes outside of the ΓÇ£ java.*ΓÇ¥ hierarchy of the type ΓÇ£ΓÇ¥. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Check if you want iCab to forbid access to Java classes outside of the ΓÇ£ java.*ΓÇ¥ hierarchy of the type ΓÇ£ΓÇ¥. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Check if you want iCab to forbid access to Java classes outside of the ΓÇ£ java.*ΓÇ¥ hierarchy of the type ΓÇ£ΓÇ¥. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Check if you want iCab to forbid access to Java classes outside of the ΓÇ£ java.*ΓÇ¥ hierarchy of the type ΓÇ£ΓÇ¥. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Use this popup menu to select whether and in which situations you want iCab to start programs linked from HTML pages.
Check if you want iCab to open several simultaneous connections to the Internet, so that data is loaded in parallel. Uncheck if you want connections opened consecutively.
Use this popup menu to select the total number of connections iCab may simultaneously open for browser windows, the Download Manager, and Hotlist checks. With slow modem connections, a smaller number is better.
Use this popup menu to select how many of the above connections you want iCab to reserve for browsing. These are then not used for the Download Manager or Hotlist checks, minimizing the chance that browser windows will need to wait for a free connection.
Click here to delete the Log immediately.
Check if you want the Log deleted when you launch iCab for a new browsing session. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
This is the current path to the iCab Log.
Check if you want to log communications between iCab and Web servers. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Click here to activate a dialog for changing where iCab looks for the Log file. You may place the file anywhere on a local volume.
Click here to change your email personal data (name, organization, etc.) in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Click here to change your email address in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
Click here to change the SMTP server specified in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel). The SMTP server is responsible for sending your email.
Click here to change the ΓÇ£helperΓÇ¥ applications specified in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel). Helper applications are used for Internet tasks that iCab either doesnΓÇÖt do itself or you donΓÇÖt want it to do.
Check if you want iCab itself to handle FTP (file transfer) downloads. Uncheck if you want FTP handled instead by the ΓÇ£helperΓÇ¥ application selected in Internet Config.
Check if you want iCab itself to handle HTTP (Web page) browsing. Uncheck if you want HTTP handled instead by the ΓÇ£helperΓÇ¥ application selected in Internet Config.
Check if you want iCab itself to handle HTTPS (secure Web page) browsing. Uncheck if you want HTTPS handled instead by the ΓÇ£helperΓÇ¥ application selected in Internet Config.
Check if you want iCab itself to handle MAILTO (email) sending. Uncheck if you want MAILTO handled instead by the ΓÇ£helperΓÇ¥ application selected in Internet Config.
Check if you want iCab itself to handle FILE (text) documents. Uncheck if you want FILE handled instead by the ΓÇ£helperΓÇ¥ application selected in Internet Config.
Check if you want iCab itself to handle NEWS (newsgroup) messages. Uncheck if you want NEWS handled instead by the ΓÇ£helperΓÇ¥ application selected in Internet Config.
Check if you want iCab itself to handle TELNET (remote login) sessions itself. Uncheck if you want TELNET handled instead by the ΓÇ£helperΓÇ¥ application selected in Internet Config.
Check if you want iCab to display large icons in the Navigation bar. Uncheck if you want to use small icons instead.
This list contains data required to access password-protected pages. After you enter the server name and sub-server path (if any), and your username and password, iCab uses the data automatically whenever you access the pages.
Click here to activate a dialog for adding a password-protected page to this list.
Click here to edit the data for the selected password-protected page(s).
Click here to delete the selected password-protected page(s) immediately.
Check if you want images in the cache always to be loaded from the cache. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Always using cached images can significantly speed page loading and, since images seldom change, this option only very rarely should be left unchecked.
Check if you want iCab to reject without asking all cookies not from the same server as the main document. This will override any ΓÇ£acceptΓÇ¥ setting above and/or exceptions below. This option affects only a pageΓÇÖs embedded objects.
Check if you want to see scrolling text in Web pages. Uncheck if you find scrolling text disturbing.
Check if you want iCab to use your email address as a password when connecting to an FTP server as a guest. Uncheck if donΓÇÖt. Using an email address to connect as an FTP guest is a common practice.
Check if you want iCab to display the Mac OS 8.5 platinum theme color in browser windows. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. This option is overridden if the ΓÇ£Use colors defined by pageΓÇ¥ option to the left is checked and a page specifies its background color.
Use this popup menu to select how you want iCab to play GIF animations, if at all. Select ΓÇ£NeverΓÇ¥ if you find the animations disturbing or ΓÇ£OnceΓÇ¥ if you find them only mildly disturbing.
Check if you want iCab to play music and sounds embedded in Web pages. Uncheck if you find the embedded music and sounds disturbing.
Check if you want iCab to use Netscape plug-ins. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Plug-ins add to the amount of memory iCab requires. To increase iCabΓÇÖs memory, quit iCab. Then click on the iCab icon in the Finder and select Get Info in the File menu.
Check if you want iCab to use an HTML pageΓÇÖs border specifications (sometimes theyΓÇÖre not specified). Uncheck if you want iCab to override the page source and always use the border size specified here.
Enter here the border size you want iCab to use for HTML pages. The border is the distance between the edge of a window and a pageΓÇÖs content.
Select this option if you want contextual menus opened only when you use the standard Mac OS technique of Control-click.
Select this option if you want contextual menus opened not only with the standard Mac OS Control-click, but also if you click and hold the mouse button down for a specified period of time.
Enter here how long you must hold down the mouse button before the contextual menu opens.
Check if you want iCab to automatically complete a URL Location bar entry after you have typed one or more letters. iCab will then try to complete the entry by matching the letters to URLs in the History. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt want auto URL completion.
Click here to add an entry to this list.
Click here to delete the selected entry(s) immediately.
This list contains the text you want iCab to use when automatically completing an entry field on HTML pages.
Check if you want iCab to automatically complete an HTML page entry field after you have typed one or more letters. iCab will then try to complete the entry by matching the letters to this listΓÇÖs entries. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt want automatic entry.
Check if you want iCab to display Web page background pictures. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Use this popup menu to select the text encoding you want iCab to use. Text endodings define the alphanumeric character sets used in the fonts of the worldΓÇÖs various languages.
Use this popup menu to select the language you want iCab to use when displaying Web pages, if the language is available from the server. Some Web servers provide their documents in several languages.
Check if you want iCab to automatically display the first page from a Microsoft Internet Explorer Web file after the file has been imported. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Check if you want iCab to automatically insert into the Hotlist the first page from a Microsoft Internet Explorer Web file after the file has been imported. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Check if you want iCab to notify you before sending HTML forms by email. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Forms sent by email are not anonymous, and the recipient will have access to your email address from the mail headers.
Check if you want iCab to notify you when entering secure web sites. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt.
Select this option if you want iCab to open an empty browser window when you select ΓÇ£New WindowΓÇ¥ in the File menu.
Select this option if you want iCab to open a new home page window when you select ΓÇ£New WindowΓÇ¥ in the File menu.
Check if you want iCab to underline page links in browser windows. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. Some people find pages easier to follow with link underlining off. Others donΓÇÖt, so iCab very coolly gives you a choice.
Check if you want browser windows to display a Favorites bar containing your Hotlist favorites. These are ΓÇ£aliasesΓÇ¥ of items in any Hotlist folder you make your Favorites folder by Control-clicking it and selecting ΓÇ£Use for Favorites ToolbarΓÇ¥.
Use this popup menu to select how you want cookies handled generally. This selection is overridden by any specific settings in the ΓÇ£Always accept fromΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£Always reject fromΓÇ¥ lists in the Cookies panel of this dialog.
Check if you want iCab to use the new Navigation Services Open and Save dialogs instead of the MacΓÇÖs original file dialogs. Uncheck if you donΓÇÖt. The original dialogs open faster, but the new ones add features you may find useful.
Check if you want iCab itself to display PNG images.
Uncheck if you want PNG images displayed by the program specified in the Internet Config application (or the Internet control panel).
The HTML standard says the <FRAMESET> tag must be the first tag after the HEAD section, and to ignore it when it is not. MS Internet Explorer renders the <FRAMESET> tag even if it follows the BODY section.
The HTML standard says the NOWARP attribute must never be ignored in HTML tables. In certain situations, Netscape Communicator and MS Internet Explorer ignore the NOWRAP attribute.
The HTML standard says the absolute pixel values for HTML table cell widths should be respected whenever possible. In certain situations, Netscape Communicator and MS Internet Explorer inappropriately ignore them.
Some browsers generally use the port of the base URL, even if a port is given in the URL of a link
or embedded image.
Enter here the minimum amount of hard disk space you want kept free of iCab's Web cache. iCab will delete older Web cache files when necessary to maintain this minimum.
Check if you want iCab to always go to Offline Mode at launch.
Check if you want iCab to open new windows on top of the old ones. Uncheck if you want iCab to open the windows where they were closed.
Check if you want iCab to display TrueColor images in maximum quality. Uncheck if iCab should should reduce color depth to 16 bits to reduce memory usage.
Use this popup menu to select a font size you want used as the minimum font size. When making text smaller iCab will not use a smaller font size.
Use this popup menu to select the maximum number of simultaneous downloads in the download manager.
This list contains all the URL filters used by iCab to filter out all unwanted Java applets.
Check if you want iCab to accept without asking all cookies which are only valid this session.
Check if you want iCab to add a submenu to the contextual menu which contains all the options that can be used for the current page.
Check if you want iCab to add a submenu to the contextual menu which contains all the options that can be used for the current frame.
Check if you want iCab to add a submenu to the contextual menu which contains all the options that can be used for the current link.
Check if you want iCab to add a submenu to the contextual menu which contains all the options that can be used for the current image.
Check if you want iCab to add a submenu to the contextual menu which contains all the options that can be used for the background image of the current page.
Check if you want iCab to add a submenu to the contextual menu which contains all the options that can be used for the current Java applet.
Check if you want iCab to add a submenu to the contextual menu where you can jump directly to all of the Headings of the current page.
Check if you want iCab to add a submenu to the contextual menu which contains all the links of the current page.
Check if you want iCab to add menu entries into the contextual menu for this topic.
Check if you want to store/get all passwords to/from the Keychain manager.
Check if you want iCab to execute JavaScript/ECMAScript programs.
Choose the name with which iCab will identify itself to JavaScript/ECMAScript programs.
Enter the version number which iCab will pass to JavaScript/ECMAScript programs.
Click here to enter the default version number.
Use this popup to set the timeout for all loops in JavaScript/ECMAScript programs. iCab will ask you to abort or to continue the script after the timeout occurs.
Check if you don't want a Web server to be given information about the page that sent you there (in other words, ΓÇ£referredΓÇ¥ you to it). Only while accessing pages of the same server iCab will send the referred page.
Select this option if you want iCab to identify itself to a server as Internet Explorer 5.0. Some servers will only work correctly if the browser identifies itself as Internet Explorer.
Select this option if you want iCab to identify itself to a server as Netscape Navigator 4.76. Some servers will only work correctly if the browser identifies itself as Netscape Navigator.
"JavaConnect" allows to access Java from within JavaScript code. Should be switched off in general because currently Java (MRJ) has full access to the system when called by JavaScript.