Activates a dialog that shows information about iCab, including its version number.
File Menu
Use this menu to open and close browser windows and to save and print browser pages.
Opens a new browser window.
Activates a dialog for choosing an HTML page or text file to open from a local volume.
Activates a dialog for entering and then opening a URL. The dialog also contains buttons for selecting commonly used pages, like your home page and favorite search site.
Closes the active window.
Closes the active window. (Not selectable because no window is open.)
Activates a dialog for saving the contents of the active window. The name and location of the saved file can be specified in the dialog.
Activates a dialog for saving the contents of the active window. The name and location of the saved file can be specified in the dialog. (Not selectable because no browser window is open or the active window is not a browser window.)
Activates a dialog for importing Internet ExplorerΓÇÿs Web cache and archives into the iCab cache for viewing offline.
Opens a ΓÇ£Send EmailΓÇ¥ message window.
Opens a ΓÇ£Send EmailΓÇ¥ message window where you can send the URL of the current page to other people.
Activates a dialog where you specify the parameters for URL or even whole Web site downloads from the Internet. You set the dialogΓÇÖs defaults in the Downloads section of the Preferences dialog.
Opens the Download Manager, which lets you collect and organize Internet HTTP and FTP downloads, thereby minimizing download time. You set Download Manager options in the Downloads section of the Preferences dialog.
Activates a dialog for setting a pageΓÇÖs print size, orientation, and other options.
Activates a dialog with the printing preview.
Activates a dialog with the printing preview. (Not selectable because no window is open or active.)
Activates a dialog for printing the contents of the active window. The dialog includes many options, including the number of copies to print.
Activates a dialog for printing the contents of the active window. The dialog includes many options, including the number of copies to print. (Not selectable because no window is open or active.)
iCab is currently in online mode. In this mode, iCab usually downloads fresh data from the Internet and uses the Web cache only for images. Select this menu item to switch to online mode.
iCab is currently in offline mode. In this mode, iCab usually doesnΓÇÖt try to download from the Internet, but instead uses pages and other data stored in the Web page cache. Select this menu item to switch to offline mode.
Switches to the Kiosk Mode. All menus will be hidden and the browser fills the whole screen.
The Kiosk Mode requires Mac OS 8.5 or later.
Ends this iCab browsing session by closing the iCab application.
Edit Menu
Use this menu to modify text, view and edit entry information, search, and change iCabΓÇÖs preference settings.
Reverses the last iCab text editing action.
Removes the current text selection and stores it temporarily on the Clipboard, replacing any contents already there.
Copies the current text selection and stores it temporarily on the Clipboard, replacing any contents already there.
Inserts any Clipboard text into an active field or an Email. Pasting while text is selected replaces that text with the Clipboard contents.
Removes the current text selection without storing it on the Clipboard.
Selects all contents in the active window. Copying the selection places only the text portion on the clipboard temporarily.
Activates a dialog that displays information about a selected item in the Hotlist or the Download Manager and allows you to modify it.
Activates a dialog that displays information about a selected item in the Hotlist or the Download Manager and allows you to modify it. (Not selectable because no objects are selected.)
Opens a window that lists the HTML errors of the active browser window. You can specify report options in the Error Report section of the Preferences dialog.
Opens a window that lists the HTML errors of the active browser window. You can specify report options in the Error Report section of the Preferences dialog. (Not selectable because no error report is available.)
Activates a dialog for content searches and for choosing where you want the search to take place. You can choose to search in the active window, local HTML files, a cΓÇÖt CD-ROM, the Internet, and even iCabΓÇÖs cache.
Searches for the next occurrence of the keyword(s) most recently entered into the “Find…” dialog.
Searches for the next occurrence of the keyword(s) most recently entered into the “Find…” dialog. (Not selectable there are no words entered in the “Find…” dialog.)
Opens the Mac OS search application.
Opens the Preferences dialog, where you can configure how iCab launches, displays pages, searches, filters images, and checks the Hotlist, among many other options.
Navigation Menu
Use this menu to access and navigate Web pages.
Opens your home page. You specify your home page in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog.
Opens your home page. You specify your home page in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog. (Not selectable because no home page is specified in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog.)
Opens your favorite Internet search site. You specify the search site in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog.
Opens your favorite Internet search site. You specify the search site in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog. (Not selectable because no search site is specified in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog.)
Takes you back to the previous page.
Takes you back to the previous page. {Not selectable because no previous page exists.)
Moves you forward to the next page.
Moves you forward to the next page. {Not selectable because no next page exists.)
Stops the downloading of the current page.
Stops the downloading of the current page. (Not selectable because no download is taking place.)
Downloads the current page again. Doing so is useful when a pageΓÇÖs content or images arenΓÇÖt complete or you think the page has changed.
Opens a History window that lists, in reverse chronological order, pages you have recently visited. You specify the number of pages (and whether to clear the History before quitting) in the Images/History section of the Preferences dialog.
View Menu
Use this menu to set browser window behavior and customize the display of page contents.
Shows the Navigation bar in all current and future browser windows. Unchecked because the Navigation Toolbar is currently hidden.
Hides the Navigation bar in all current and future browser windows. Checked because the Navigation Toolbar is currently visible.
Shows the Location bar in all current and future browser windows. Unchecked because the Location Toolbar is currently hidden.
Hides the Location bar in all current and future browser windows. Checked because the Location Toolbar is currently visible.
Shows the Standard Links bar in all current and future browser windows. Unchecked because the Standard Links Toolbar is currently hidden.
Hides the Standard Links bar in all current and future browser windows. Checked because the Standard Links bar is currently visible.
Shows the Favorites bar in all current and future browser windows. Unchecked because the Favorites bar is currently hidden.
Hides the Favorites bar in all current and future browser windows. Checked because the Favorites bar is currently visible.
Sets the colors of the Toolbars.
Adjusts font sizes in the current page.
Sets the character encoding.
Turns on the display of images in future page downloads. Unchecked because image display is currently off.
Turns off the display of images in future page downloads. Checked because image display is currently on.
Turns on URL image filtering. Unchecked because URL image filtering is currently off.
Turns image filtering on or off. (Not selectable because the display of images is currently off.)
Turns off URL image filtering. Checked because URL image filtering is currently on.
Turns on image filtering by size. Unchecked because image filtering by size is currently off.
Turns off image filtering by size. Checked because image filtering by size is currently on.
Loads all missing images on the current page.
Loads all missing images on the current page. (Not selectable because there are no missing images to load.)
Starts all animations on the current page.
Starts all animations on the current page. (Not selectable because there are no stopped animations.)
Stops all animations on the current page.
Stops all animations on the current page. (Not selectable because there are no active animations.)
Reads out loud the whole web page.
Reads out loud the whole web page. (Not selectable because "Text-To-Speech" is not installed.)
Stops reading the web page.
Stops reading the web page. (Not selectable because no Web page is currently read.)
Turns on the automatic updating of open HTML files that are modified by a concurrently open external HTML editor. Saving the modified file in the editor triggers the automatic update in iCab. Unchecked because automatic updating is off.
Turns off the automatic updating of open HTML files that are modified by a concurrently open external HTML editor. Saving the modified file in the editor triggers the automatic update in iCab. Checked because automatic updating is on.
Displays an active documentΓÇÖs HTML source code. You can choose which text editor is used for the display in the Show Source section of the Preferences dialog.
Displays an active documentΓÇÖs HTML source code. You can choose which text editor is used for the display in the Show Source section of the Preferences dialog. (Not selectable because no source code is available or no browser window is open.)
Opens the link manager window.
Turns on the execution of ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
Turns off the execution of ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
Opens a window that logs and displays Java applet status messages.
Opens a window that logs and displays Java applet status messages. (Not selectable because Java is not available. MRJ 2.0 or higher is required.)
Hotlist Menu
Use this menu to add, check, remove, modify, and open entries in the Hotlist.
Opens the Hotlist window where entries can be added, opened, modified, and deleted.
Adds the current page to the bottom of the Hotlist. From there, you may drag it to another position in the Hotlist or into a Hotlist folder.
Adds a new folder, separator or entry to the Hotlist.
Adds a new folder, separator or entry to the Hotlist. (Not selectable because the Hotlist window is inactive.)
Activates a dialog for initiating a manual check of the Hotlist. The check verifies links and monitors content changes without actually opening pages. You set Check Hotlist options, including automatic checks, in the Preferences dialog.
Activates a dialog for initiating a manual check of the Hotlist. The check verifies links and monitors content changes without actually opening pages. You set Check Hotlist options in the Preferences dialog. (Not available, because the Hotlist is empt
Checking the Hotlist will be aborted.
Window Menu
Use this menu to bring an open window to the front. Windows are listed in order of most recent access.