home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit ZipRepair;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Module: ZipRepair
- // Author: Angus Johnson
- // Version: 0.1 beta
- // Date: 15 October 1999
- // Copyright: ⌐ 1999 Angus Johnson
- // Email: ajohnson@rpi.net.au
- // Distribution: Freeware, but please acknowledge authorship.
- // (Designed to complement the excellent delphi freeware Zip utilities
- // started by Eric Engler and continued by Chris Vleghert and found at -
- // http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Orchard/8607/)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
- //Completely (and rapidly) rebuilds a Zip file where the Central Directory
- //and/or the End Of Central records have been corrupted. It will *not* fix
- //corrupted data nor will it solve 'forgotten' passwords.
- //note 1: Multi disk archives are not supported.
- function RepairZip(const SourceFile, TargetFile: string): boolean;
- implementation
- type
- pFileInfo = ^TFileInfo;
- TFileInfo = packed record //first 42 bytes identical to the Central Header File record
- MadeByVersion: byte; //(1)
- HostVersionNo: byte; //(1)
- Version: word; //(2)
- Flag: word; //(2)
- CompressionMethod: word; //(2)
- FileDate: integer; //modification datetime (4)
- CRC32: integer; //(4)
- CompressedSize: integer; //(4)
- UncompressedSize: integer; //(4)
- FileNameLength: word; //(2)
- ExtraFieldLength: word; //(2)
- FileCommentLen: word; //(2)
- StartOnDisk: word; //disk # on which file starts (2)
- IntFileAttrib: word; //internal file attributes ie: Text/Binary(2)
- ExtFileAttrib: cardinal;//external file attributes(4)
- RelOffLocalHdr: cardinal;//relative offset of local file header(4)
- //42 bytes above plus...
- Filename: string;
- //ExtraField: string;
- //Comment: string;
- end;
- TLocalHeader = packed record
- HeaderSig: cardinal; // $04034b50 (4)
- VersionNeed: word;
- Flag: word;
- ComprMethod: word;
- FileTime: word;
- FileDate: word;
- CRC32: cardinal;
- ComprSize: cardinal;
- UnComprSize: cardinal;
- FileNameLen: word;
- ExtraLen: word;
- end;
- TDataDescriptor = packed record //Exists only if bit 3 of LocalHeader.Flag is set.
- DescriptorSig: cardinal; //field not defined in PKWare's docs but used by WinZip
- CRC32: cardinal;
- ComprSize: cardinal;
- UnComprSize: cardinal;
- end;
- (*
- Central directory structure:
- [file header] . . . end of central dir record
- *)
- //array of TCentralFileHeaders constitute the Central Header directory...
- TCentralFileHeader = packed record // fixed part size = 42 bytes
- HeaderSig: cardinal; // $02014b50 { 'PK'#1#2 } (4)
- MadeByVersion: byte; //(1)
- HostVersionNo: byte; //(1)
- Version: word; //(2) version needed to extract(2)
- Flag: word; //(2)
- CompressionMethod: word; //(2)
- FileDate: integer; //modification date & time (4)
- CRC32: integer; //(4)
- CompressedSize: integer; //(4)
- UncompressedSize: integer; //(4)
- FileNameLength: word; //(2)
- ExtraFieldLength: word; //(2)
- FileCommentLen: word; //(2)
- StartOnDisk: word; //disk # on which file starts (2)
- IntFileAttrib: word; //internal file attributes ie: Text/Binary(2)
- ExtFileAttrib: cardinal;//external file attributes(4)
- RelOffLocalHdr: cardinal;//relative offset of local file header(4)
- //FileName variable size
- //ExtraField variable size
- //FileComment variable size
- end;
- TEndOfCentralHeader = packed record //Fixed part size = 22 bytes
- HeaderSig: cardinal; //$06054B50 (4)
- ThisDiskNo: word; //This disk's number (zero based) (2)
- CentralDiskNo: word; //Disk number on which central dir starts (2)
- ThisDiskEntries: word; //Number of central dir entries on this disk (2)
- TotalEntries: word; //Total entries in central dir (2)
- CentralSize: cardinal; //Size of central directory (4)
- CentralOffset: cardinal; //offset of central dir on CentralDiskNo (4)
- ZipCommentLen: word; //(2)
- // ZipComment variable size
- end;
- const
- MULTIPLE_DISK_SIG = $08074b50; // 'PK'#7#8
- LOCAL_HEADERSIG = $04034b50; // 'PK'#3#4
- CENTRAL_HEADERSIG = $02014b50; // 'PK'#1#2
- EOC_HEADERSIG = $06054b50; // 'PK'#5#6
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- function min(a, b: integer): integer;
- begin
- if a < b then Result := a
- else
- Result := b;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- var
- JumpValue: array[#0..#255] of integer; //used to find Local Header records
- JumpValue2: array[#0..#255] of integer; //used to find DataDescriptor records
- procedure InitializeJumpValueArray; //bmh search for TLocalHeaders
- var
- i: char;
- begin
- for i := #0 to #255 do JumpValue[i] := 4;
- JumpValue['P'] := 3;
- JumpValue['K'] := 2;
- JumpValue[#3] := 1;
- JumpValue[#4] := 0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure InitializeJumpValue2Array; //bmh search for TDataDescriptors
- var
- i: char;
- begin
- for i := #0 to #255 do JumpValue2[i] := 4;
- JumpValue2['P'] := 3;
- JumpValue2['K'] := 2;
- JumpValue2[#7] := 1;
- JumpValue2[#8] := 0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure FindAllLocalHeaders(FileList: TList; Stream: TMemoryStream);
- var
- fileInfo: pFileInfo;
- i, BuffPos, HeaderStartPos: integer;
- buffer: PChar;
- label
- LocalHeaderError;
- //-------------------------------
- function FindNextHeader: boolean; //moves BuffPos to start of next LocalHeader
- var
- n, HeaderSig: cardinal;
- begin
- Result := False;
- while BuffPos < Stream.Size do
- begin
- n := JumpValue[Buffer[BuffPos]];
- if n = 0 then //a #4 found at least...
- begin
- dec(BuffPos, 3);
- move(Buffer[BuffPos], HeaderSig, 4);
- if (HeaderSig = LOCAL_HEADERSIG) and
- (BuffPos + Sizeof(TLocalHeader) < Stream.Size) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end
- else
- inc(BuffPos, 7);
- end
- else
- inc(BuffPos, n);
- end;
- end;
- //-------------------------------
- function FindDataDescriptor: boolean; //moves BuffPos to start of DataDescriptor
- var
- n, HeaderSig: cardinal;
- begin
- Result := False;
- while BuffPos < Stream.Size do
- begin
- n := JumpValue2[Buffer[BuffPos]];
- if n = 0 then //a #8 found at least...
- begin
- dec(BuffPos, 3);
- move(Buffer[BuffPos], HeaderSig, 4);
- if (HeaderSig = DATA_DESCRIPT_SIG) and
- (BuffPos + Sizeof(TDataDescriptor) < Stream.Size) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end
- else
- inc(BuffPos, 7);
- end
- else
- inc(BuffPos, n);
- end;
- end;
- //-------------------------------
- begin
- buffer := Stream.Memory;
- BuffPos := 3;
- //prepare for boyer-moore-horspool searches...
- if JumpValue[#0] = 0 then InitializeJumpValueArray;
- if JumpValue2[#0] = 0 then InitializeJumpValue2Array;
- //get all local header info...
- while FindNextHeader do
- begin
- HeaderStartPos := BuffPos;
- new(fileInfo);
- with fileInfo^ do
- begin
- //ignore these values, so zero initialize them.
- //we could try and match them to the dud central directory records
- //but i'm not sure it's worth the trouble.
- MadeByVersion := $0;
- HostVersionNo := $0;
- IntFileAttrib := $0;
- ExtFileAttrib := $0;
- StartOnDisk := $0;
- FileCommentLen := $0;
- //copy - Version, Flag, CompressionMethod, FileDate, CRC32,
- // CompressedSize, UncompressedSize, FileNameLength, ExtraFieldLength
- move(Buffer[HeaderStartPos + 4], Version, Sizeof(TLocalHeader) - 4);
- //save current Local Header offset which will be updated later...
- RelOffLocalHdr := HeaderStartPos;
- if (fileInfo.FileNameLength < 1) or (FileNameLength > MAX_PATH) then
- goto LocalHeaderError;
- inc(BuffPos, Sizeof(TLocalHeader));
- setlength(Filename, FileNameLength);
- move(buffer[BuffPos], Filename[1], FileNameLength);
- //and do an extra check to make sure the name is valid...
- for i := 1 to FileNameLength do
- if Filename[i] < #32 then goto LocalHeaderError;
- inc(BuffPos, FileNameLength);
- inc(BuffPos, ExtraFieldLength);
- if (Flag and $8) = $8 then
- begin
- //a bit of a bummer but a TDataDescriptor record is used
- //so we don't know the size of the data block.
- //it's a little bit slower but it still works...
- if not FindDataDescriptor then goto LocalHeaderError;
- //now update: CRC32, CompressedSize, UncompressedSize
- move(buffer[BuffPos + 4], CRC32, 12);
- inc(BuffPos, sizeof(TDataDescriptor)); //get ready for next LocalHeader
- end
- else
- inc(BuffPos, CompressedSize); //get ready for next LocalHeader
- end;
- FileList.add(fileInfo);
- continue; //avoid LocalHeaderError below
- LocalHeaderError:
- dispose(fileInfo);
- BuffPos := HeaderStartPos + 4; //ie: skip over this dud record
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RepairZip(const SourceFile, TargetFile: string): boolean;
- var
- i, StartOfCentral: integer;
- SrcStream: TMemoryStream;
- TrgStream: TFileStream;
- FileList: TList;
- Eoc: TEndOfCentralHeader;
- HeaderSig: cardinal;
- begin
- FileList := TList.Create;
- SrcStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- screen.cursor := crHourglass;
- try
- SrcStream.LoadFromFile(SourceFile);
- FindAllLocalHeaders(FileList, SrcStream);
- //ok we have enough information now to make a new Zip file
- TrgStream := TFileStream.Create(TargetFile, fmCreate);
- try
- //write all the local headers and data...
- for i := 0 to FileList.Count - 1 do
- with pFileInfo(FileList[i])^ do
- begin
- SrcStream.seek(RelOffLocalHdr, soFromBeginning); //use the old RelOffLocalHdr
- RelOffLocalHdr := TrgStream.Position; //now update RelOffLocalHdr
- TrgStream.copyfrom(SrcStream,
- sizeof(TLocalHeader) + FileNameLength + ExtraFieldLength + CompressedSize);
- //i'm almost certain the Central Directory ExtraField is different
- //from the local ExtraField so zero this out.
- ExtraFieldLength := 0;
- end;
- StartOfCentral := TrgStream.position;
- //recreate the central directory...
- for i := 0 to FileList.Count - 1 do
- with pFileInfo(FileList[i])^ do
- begin
- TrgStream.Write(HeaderSig, sizeof(HeaderSig));
- TrgStream.Write(MadeByVersion, 42); //copy first 42 bytes
- TrgStream.Write(Filename[1], length(Filename));
- end;
- //finally write the EndOfCentral header...
- Eoc.HeaderSig := EOC_HEADERSIG;
- Eoc.ThisDiskNo := 0;
- Eoc.CentralDiskNo := 0;
- Eoc.ThisDiskEntries := FileList.Count;
- Eoc.TotalEntries := Eoc.ThisDiskEntries;
- Eoc.CentralSize := TrgStream.position - StartOfCentral;
- Eoc.CentralOffset := StartOfCentral;
- Eoc.ZipCommentLen := 0;
- TrgStream.Write(Eoc, sizeof(Eoc));
- Result := True;
- finally
- TrgStream.Free;
- end;
- finally
- screen.cursor := crDefault;
- SrcStream.Free;
- for i := 0 to FileList.Count - 1 do dispose(pFileInfo(FileList[i]));
- FileList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.