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- {***************************************************************
- *
- * Unit Name : Masks
- * Purpose : Pattern Mask object - Will identify strings of a
- * particular pattern. Usefull for searching for
- * particular filetypes amongst many other things.
- * Author : J W Gregg, J@magic01.freeserve.co.uk - 1999
- * History : V1.1 See corresponding footnotes for Use.
- * Copywright: John Gregg, 1999
- *
- * This Unit is a replacement for Borlands Masks unit which is
- * only available with the client server version. :(
- * It offers the Class TMask - which includes the method Match().
- *
- * This unit and it's contents are FreeWare, you may use them freely
- * commercialy or otherwise, however, I would like a full version
- * of the program in which it is used or partly used. You are Not
- * allowed though, to alter any of the code in this unit without
- * permission by me, J W Gregg, except the constant parameter named
- *
- * Any bug reports or request etc, to me at the above email address.
- *
- ****************************************************************}
- unit Masks;
- interface
- uses sysutils;
- Const
- MAXPARTS = 15; {Change this as you wish, but be aware of mem issues.}
- type
- EMaskError = class(Exception);
- status = (SUCCESS, FAILURE, _EOF);
- TMask = class;
- func = function(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- TMask = class
- public
- substring: string;
- functionCall: array [1..MAXPARTS] of func;
- piece: array [1..MAXPARTS] of string;
- function Match(txt: string; start: integer): Boolean;
- function Matches(txt: string): Boolean;
- constructor create(pattern: string);
- end;
- function isString(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function notInSet(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function inSet(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function isNot(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function isAny(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function isAbs(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function isAnyMultiple(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function notOr(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function isOr(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- function EOM(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- implementation
- constructor TMask.create(pattern: string);
- var
- pos: integer;
- partNo: integer;
- pieceTxt: string;
- currentPos: integer;
- seperators: set of char;
- done: boolean;
- begin
- done := False;
- pos := 1;
- partNo := 1;
- seperators := ['[','!','*','?','#','('];
- while not done do
- begin
- currentPos := pos;
- if partNo > MAXPARTS then
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- while not((pattern[pos] in seperators) or (pos = length(pattern))) do
- inc(pos);
- if pattern[pos] in seperators then
- begin
- if pos - currentPos >= 1 then
- begin
- functionCall[partNo] := @isString;
- piece[partNo] := copy(pattern, currentPos, pos - currentPos);
- currentPos := pos;
- inc(partNo);
- end;
- case pattern[pos] of
- '[': begin
- repeat
- inc(pos);
- until (pattern[pos] = ']') or (pos >= length(pattern));
- if pos > length(pattern) then
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- if pattern[pos] = ']' then
- begin
- pieceTxt := copy(pattern, currentPos, (pos - currentPos) + 1);
- if pieceTxt[2] = '!' then
- begin
- if pieceTxt[4] = '-' then
- begin
- piece[partNo] := concat(pieceTxt[3],pieceTxt[5]);
- functionCall[partNo] := @notInSet;
- end
- else
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- end
- else
- begin
- if pieceTxt[3] = '-' then
- begin
- piece[partNo] := concat(pieceTxt[2],pieceTxt[4]);
- functionCall[partNo] := @inSet;
- end
- else
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- end;
- end
- else
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- inc(pos);
- end;
- '(': begin
- repeat
- inc(pos);
- until (pattern[pos] = ')') or (pos >= length(pattern));
- if pos > length(pattern) then
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- if pattern[pos] = ')' then
- begin
- pieceTxt := copy(pattern, currentPos, (pos - currentPos) + 1);
- if pieceTxt[2] = '!' then
- begin
- piece[partNo] := copy(pieceTxt, 3, length(pieceTxt) - 3);
- functionCall[partNo] := @notOr;
- end
- else
- begin
- piece[partNo] := copy(pieceTxt, 2, length(pieceTxt) - 2);
- functionCall[partNo] := @isOr;
- end
- end
- else
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- inc(pos);
- end;
- '!': begin
- inc(pos);
- if pos > length(pattern) then
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- piece[partNo] := pattern[pos];
- functionCall[partNo] := @isNot;
- inc(pos);
- end;
- '*': begin
- piece[partNo] := '*';
- functionCall[partNo] := @isAnyMultiple;
- inc(pos);
- end;
- '?': begin
- piece[partNo] := '?';
- functionCall[partNo] := @isAny;
- inc(pos);
- end;
- '#': begin
- inc(pos);
- if pos > length(pattern) then
- raise EMaskError.create('Error');
- piece[partNo] := pattern[pos];
- functionCall[partNo] := @isAbs;
- inc(pos);
- end;
- end;
- inc(partNo);
- end
- else
- begin
- functionCall[partNo] := @isString;
- piece[partNo] := copy(pattern, currentPos, pos);
- inc(pos);
- inc(partNo);
- end;
- if Pos > length(pattern) then
- begin
- functionCall[partNo] := @EOM;
- done := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TMask.Match(txt: string; start: integer): Boolean;
- var
- answer: status;
- begin
- substring := txt;
- try
- answer := functionCall[start](piece[start], substring, self, start);
- if (answer = SUCCESS) and (@functionCall[start] = @isAnyMultiple) then
- answer := _EOF;
- while (answer <> _EOF) and (answer <> FAILURE) do
- begin
- inc(start);
- answer := functionCall[start](piece[start], substring, self, start);
- if (answer = SUCCESS) and (@functionCall[start] = @isAnyMultiple) then
- answer := _EOF;
- end;
- if answer = _EOF then
- Match := True
- else
- Match := False;
- except
- Match := False;
- end
- end;
- function isString(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer): status;
- var
- x: integer;
- notValid: Boolean;
- begin
- x := 1;
- notValid := False;
- while (x <= length(part1)) and not(notValid) do
- begin
- if compareStr(part1[x], part2[x]) <> 0 then
- notValid := True;
- inc(x);
- end;
- if notValid then
- isString := FAILURE
- else
- begin
- mask.substring := copy(part2, x, length(part2));
- isString := SUCCESS;
- end;
- end;
- function notInSet(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer): status;
- var
- s: set of char;
- begin
- s := [part1[1]..part1[2]];
- if part2[1] in s then
- notInSet := FAILURE
- else
- begin
- mask.substring := copy(part2, 2, length(part2));
- notInSet := SUCCESS;
- end
- end;
- function inSet(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer): status;
- var
- s: set of char;
- begin
- s := [part1[1]..part1[2]];
- if part2[1] in s then
- begin
- mask.substring := copy(part2, 2, length(part2));
- inSet := SUCCESS;
- end
- else
- inSet := FAILURE;
- end;
- function notOr(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- var
- s: set of char;
- x: integer;
- begin
- for x := 1 to length(part1) do
- s := s + [part1[x]];
- if part2[1] in s then
- notOr := FAILURE
- else
- begin
- mask.substring := copy(part2, 2, length(part2));
- notOr := SUCCESS;
- end
- end;
- function isOr(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer):status;
- var
- s: set of char;
- x: integer;
- begin
- s := [];
- for x := 1 to length(part1) do
- s := s + [part1[x]];
- if part2[1] in s then
- begin
- mask.substring := copy(part2, 2, length(part2));
- isOr := SUCCESS;
- end
- else
- isOr := FAILURE;
- end;
- function isNot(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer): status;
- begin
- if compareStr(part1[1], part2[1]) = 0 then
- isNot := FAILURE
- else
- begin
- mask.substring := copy(part2, 2, length(part2));
- isNot := SUCCESS;
- end
- end;
- function isAny(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer): status;
- begin
- mask.substring := copy(part2, 2, length(part1));
- isAny := SUCCESS;
- end;
- function isAbs(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer): status;
- begin
- if compareStr(part1[1], part2[1]) = 0 then
- begin
- mask.substring := copy(part2, 2, length(part2));
- isAbs := SUCCESS;
- end
- else
- isAbs := FAILURE;
- end;
- function isAnyMultiple(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer): status;
- var
- x, y: integer;
- answer: Boolean;
- begin
- x := 1;
- y := length(part2);
- repeat
- answer := mask.Match(part2, start + 1);
- if not answer then
- part2 := copy(part2, 2, y);
- inc(x);
- until (answer = TRUE) or (x > y);
- if answer then
- begin
- mask.substring := part2;
- isAnyMultiple := SUCCESS;
- end
- else
- isAnyMultiple := FAILURE;
- end;
- function EOM(part1, part2: string;
- mask: TMask;
- start: integer): status;
- begin
- EOM := _EOF;
- end;
- function TMask.Matches(txt:string) : boolean;
- begin
- result := Match(txt,1);
- end;
- end.
- {V1.01 - 17th March 1999 *******************************************************
- Several parsing bugs removed, seems to be ok now.
- Bug 1: wouldnt interpret correctly ---> *(1234).doc
- Bug 2: couldnt construct ---> *.[a-b](12345)_*
- ******************************************************************************}
- {V1.0 - 11th March 1999 ********************************************************
- Create the object using the constructor: Create( pattern: String);
- When used it will identify certain strings using the following criteria
- functions:
- 1. The number of fuctions within the Pattern Match string passed to the
- constructer must be less than or equal to MAXPARTS (15). For all intents and
- purposes this is all I require at this time, however I'm to include a more
- dynamic allocation structure in later versions, or can in the interim
- increase the value on request.
- 2. The Object handles several types of criteria functions within a string,
- these are listed as follows, each with a brief description.
- Sets - These are constructed within the string using the '[' character. When
- the parser finds a matching ']' it will proceed to
- analyse the information. If no matching ']' is found, then an
- exception is raised. Valid examples are:-
- [a-b] - Is within the range 'a' to 'b'. --> (a, b)
- [v-z] - Is within the range 'v' to 'z'. --> (v, w, x, y, z)
- [!b-z] - Is NOT within the range 'b' to 'z'. -->
- (All chars except 'b'..'z' inclusive)
- Note the use of '!' here which logically NOT's the arguments.
- The construct must be exactly as shown, and is valid for 1 character
- only in the string to be matched. Bad examples follow:-
- ![a-b]
- [a-b!]
- [ab].
- OR's - These are constructed within the string using the '(' character. If
- no matching ')' is found then an exception is raised. Valid examples
- follow:-
- (ab) - Is 'a' or 'b'. --> (a, b)
- (abcdef) - Is 'a', 'b'...'f'. --> (a, b, c, d, e, f)
- (!ab) - Is NOT 'a' or 'b'.
- The construct rules for Sets generally apply, except here, the parser
- would not appreciate the following constructs:-
- (a)
- (!a)
- In either case it would interpret the construct as 'a' or ')', in
- other words a second character should be explicitly declared within
- the string so that the OR is carried out correctly.
- * - You can use this to define a list of any characters, of any length,
- including the empty character ''. This is a standard pattern match
- operator on most systems, and behaves exactly the same here.
- ? - This is straight forward and just means any character. Note this
- does not include the empty character.
- ! - Use this alongside any character and it means NOT that character.
- Valid uses follow:-
- !a
- !z
- Note a character must follow the operater, or an exception will
- occur. Invalid expressions follow:-
- !
- ![a-b]
- !(ab).
- # - This character allows you to explicitly define other operators,
- including itself, as ordinary characters. Valid ops follow:-
- #[
- #!
- ##.
- Here a character should be explicitly delared after this operator,
- or you could get silly results.
- Literal strings can be iserted as is, and are matched identically.
- Note: all operations on matching are case sensitive.
- When you create the object any errors in the pattern string you pass with the
- constructor should be found and an exception will occur, In this case, it is
- wise then to use try - except blocks unless you are absolutely sure.
- Once constructed then, there are two things you can do with this object:-
- 1. Match the pattern with another string: Use the method
- function Match(txt: string, 1): Boolean
- Where a boolean is returned indicating whether the string matched the
- pattern String, which was passed to the constructor, or not.
- Always Use the value 1 for the second parameter.
- 2. Call the method Free to release the object.
- Note this Object is fast since half the work is done on construction
- of the object. It doesnt use stack intensive recursion either.
- Some valid examples:
- 1. [a-c]!a(abcdef)*.txt
- match = cockie.txt, bed.txt etc
- not match = cac.txt etc.
- 2. *.*
- ******************************************************************************}