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Pascal/Delphi Source File
593 lines
unit ConsoleApp;
This unit demonstrates a GUI application spawning a
console application, and capturing the output of the
console application to display in the GUI application.
Any matters arising, questions, comments etc... contact
Martin Lafferty
Production Robots Engineering Ltd
Box 2290, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2YY, England.
This example is based on a similar thing I wrote some years
ago which worked not very well under Win95 and not at all under
Windows NT. If you are one of the many people who wrote to me
asking me about this, I am sorry it has taken me so long to sort
it out. I didn't have a need for it until now, and I have been
busy - you know how it is.
The Win32 SDK has a topic called
"Creating a Child process with redirected input and output". I tried to
use that as a basis for this work but found it very confusing and could
not really get it to do what I wanted. The code presented here is really
based on information from Richter ("Advanced Windows" ISBN 1-57231-548-2)
notably chapters 2 (Kernel Objects) and chapter 3 (Processes)
Running Real-mode Dos applications
(Windows NT)
If you try to run a real mode dos application under ConsoleTest, it may be
that the application will execute OK but you will not see any output.
In fact, dos applications are not executed directly, but wrapped in a call
to the command processor cmd.exe. If you run the program DosTest.exe you
might notice that the command line passed to CreateProcess is actually
'cmd /cdostest' This seems to work OK if the program uses DOS calls for its
output (int 21). If however, you have a smarty-pants application which does
direct screen writes (for example anything compiled with Turbo Pascal using
the 'Crt' unit) then this will not work: the output from the program will
be lost. I expect this could be gotten around but I am not about to start
(Windows 98) (I have not tested on Windows95)
I cannot offer much help with this. If you try to run a realmode dos
application with ConsoleTest, the output will be captured OK, but when the
process terminates the pipe between the parent and child processes does not
seem to get broken (as it should when the child closes its output handle).
This means that ReadFile does not return and the program hangs.
I cannot see any reliable way of getting around this. If you are
absolutely desperate you could try checking so see whether the process
has completed (GetExitCodeProcess) at the end of each Read loop, and
breaking from the read loop if it has. Unfortunately, the time delay
between the last output of the child process and the process terminating
is likely to be significant, and you will still get caught. You could
put a delay in here, but the whole business becomes too horrible to
contemplate. Personally I don't run Windows 95 and I don't run MS-DOS
applications so I don't intend to spend much time on this. If you come
up with an answer, let me know. Don't forget that this problem only
applies to real-mode DOS applications: Win32 console apps are fine.
Don't bother trying to run the program via the Win98 command shell
(command.com). It doesn't work.
For now, any attempt to run an MSDOS application under 95/98 will fail. If
you try and circumvent this limitation by using a batch file, then the
consequences are down to you. I can tell you now: it won't work (your program
will hang).
Possible Bug
Here is an interesting thing that might be bug (but I don't think so)
Try this on NT:
Open TestApp.dpr (simple console app, supplied) and compile
Open ConsoleTest.dpr in the Delphi IDE
Enter TestApp as command line.
You should get an output - testapp should return 0.
Now without closing down Delphi close ConsoleTest.dpr and reopen TestApp.dpr.
Try to compile and you will get a 'Cannot create output file' error - which
normally indicates that the EXE image is still loaded, but if you check the
process list using the NT Task manager there is no sign of Testapp.exe.
If you close Delphi, and restart it, you can compile OK.
It would be reasonable to assume that a bug in ConsoleTest.dpr was failing to
allow TestApp to terminate properly. I have looked for such a bug, and cannot
find anything. If you run ConsoleTest direct from NT (not in the IDE) then the
problem is not present. You can compile TestApp.dpr quite happily in the IDE
after running the EXE via ConsoleTest running outside the IDE. I am not too
sure what is going on here but it seems to be only a problem when TestApp is
running as a grandchild of Delphi. If you find out more, let me know.
This checks the number of read loops and also reports the execution time
of the child process
Fixed problem with w98 - I was using a function (GetBinaryType) which
is not supported in Win98.
Also, I was throwing out all NE format files as not suitable, thus
refusing to run 16 bit DPMI apps which may have been OK. I now
delve into the NE header a bit to find out whether the program is
DPMI or Windows.
I should make the point that it is not necessary to call
GetExecutableInfo if you are prepared to do without the protection
it offers
I also check that the file is not a DLL, although these are generally
linked as GUI anyway.
Fixed bug whereby attempting to read new exe header on dos program raises
IO exception. (Phil Scadden (DSIR) noticed this)
It may be that the code that calls ExecConsoleApp may want information
about it, or to terminate it. I have therefore decided to pass the process
handle out with OnNewLine, as well as the new line. The AppOutput parameter
is now optional, as clients may wish to entirely handle the process with
TConsoleEvent = procedure(Process: THandle; const OutputLine: String) of object;
function ExecConsoleApp(const ApplicationName,
Parameters: String;
AppOutput: TStrings; {will receive output of child process}
OnNewLine: TConsoleEvent {if assigned called on each new line}
This is passed seperate from Parameters so that the the filetype can be checked
to ensure it is a suitable application. Under Windows NT you may pass a Win32
console app, or a DOS app. The function assumes an extension of EXE if one is
not present and does not search for other extensions. If you want to run a COM
file then you will have to pass the application name with the extension on.
ApplicationName does not need to be a full path - the function will round up
the usual suspects - CurrentDir, SystemDir, SearchPath etc.. See API help for
SearchPath function.
If you want to run a BAT or CMD you will have to pass the extension.
ExecConsoleApp does NOT attempt to verify the contents of these files - it
will just pass them to CreateProcess verbatim. When imbedded in a batch file
MS-DOS programs seem to work correctly (NT ONLY! don't try this under W9x).
GUI apps in Batch files will just do their thing normally but they
will block ExecConsoleApp from returning until closed. You probably don't
want to do this.
Don't try and pass .lnk or .pif files to the function.
Pifs will be rejected because I just don't like them. (only kidding - I can't
get them to work properly) and .lnks will be rejected because I would need to
use the shell to resolve them and I figure you can do that for yourself.
The Application name is always wrapped in double quotes before being passed on
to the system so you don't have to do this.
These are passed on the command line to your child process.
This is an initialised TStrings variable which will receive the output from
the child process.
Note that ExecConsoleApp approximately simulates the behaviour of a real
console in that if the output has a CR without a linefeeds, the output
will all be continued over the top of the last line. This is only
a rough simulation (LF without CR are ignored, for example) but seems OK
for most processes. I don't attempt to simulate output tricks like
backspacing on a line, nor do I attempt to use an OEM character set.
(this parameter now optional 12/09/00)
The function ExecConsoleApp does not return until the child process has
finished executing. You may want to update your display while the process
is running however, so each time there is a newline in the output stream
this event is called. You might use it to do an update on AppOutput, so the
user can see the application running.
In the case of ExecConsoleApp being unable to run the application it will raise
an exception of type EInOutError. EInOutError is not really that relevant, I know,
but I get fed up with creating new exception classes for every little thing, and
it is convenient to me to use this one. (It will be raised if there is an IO error
when reading the exe header.
ExecConsoleApp will always fail if the application being spawned is already
running. This is not good, but I doubt that it will be a problem very often
in practice, as the sort of apps being run are not interactive.
If this is a problem to you write to me and I might fix it.
{this function is used by ExecConsoleApp but might be useful for other purposes}
procedure GetExecutableInfo( const Filename: String; var BinaryType, Subsystem: DWORD);
{Binary Type may return:
The following constants are defined by Windows for the GetBinaryType function
which doesn't work very well under NT and doesn't work at all under w98/w95
SCS_32BIT_BINARY = 0; A Win32-based application
SCS_DOS_BINARY = 1; An MS-DOS - based application
SCS_WOW_BINARY = 2; A 16-bit Windows-based application
SCS_PIF_BINARY = 3; A PIF file that executes an MS-DOS - based application
SCS_POSIX_BINARY = 4; A POSIX - based application
SCS_OS216_BINARY = 5; A 16-bit OS/2-based application (NE, not LE (mgl))
I need some more}
SCS_VXD_BINARY = 6; {linear executable. Could be OS/2. NT thinks DOS!}
SCS_WIN32_DLL = 7;
SCS_DPMI_BINARY = 8; {guessing a bit here. Based on NE header loader flags}
{ Subsystem May return:
IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN = 0; Unknown subsystem
IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE = 1; Image doesn't require a subsystem. Probably
a kernel mode device driver
IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI = 2; Image runs in the Windows GUI subsystem.
IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI = 3; Image runs in the Windows character subsystem.
IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_OS2_CUI = 5; Image runs in the OS/2 character subsystem.
IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI = 7; Image runs in the Posix character subsystem.
IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_RESERVED8 = 8; Image runs in the 8 subsystem.
procedure GetExecutableInfo( const Filename: String; var BinaryType, Subsystem: DWORD);
f: File;
Signature: DWORD;
NEType: Byte;
AssignFile(f, Filename);
Reset(f, 1); {note that this will fail if file is open. this is a bug really,
but not a big one. Use Api File calls to work around}
BlockRead(f, ImageDosHeader, Sizeof(ImageDosHeader));
if (ImageDosHeader.e_magic <> IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) then {not executable}
raise EInOutError.Create('Dos signature not present');
try {16 bit dos program might not have new header}
Seek(f, ImageDosHeader._lfanew);
BlockRead(f, Signature, SizeOf(Signature));
Signature:= Signature and $FFFF;
on EInOutError do
Signature:= 0
case Signature of
IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE: {New Executable}
Seek(f, FilePos(f) + $32); {loader flags are $36 bytes into NE header, but we
have already read 4 bytes for PE signature}
BlockRead(f, NEType, SizeOf(NEType));
case NEType of
1: BinaryType:= SCS_DPMI_BINARY; {guessing a bit here}
2: BinaryType:= SCS_WOW_BINARY;
BinaryType:= SCS_OS216_BINARY; {presumably. I don't have one to check the loader flags!}
BinaryType:= SCS_DOS_BINARY;
if (BinaryType = SCS_32BIT_BINARY)then
BlockRead(f, ImageFileHeader, SizeOf(ImageFileHeader));
if (ImageFileHeader.Characteristics and IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE) = 0 then
raise EInOutError.Create('File is not executable'); {could be COFF obj}
if (ImageFileHeader.Characteristics and IMAGE_FILE_DLL) = IMAGE_FILE_DLL then
BinaryType:= SCS_WIN32_DLL
end else
BlockRead(f, ImageOptionalHeader, SizeOf(ImageOptionalHeader));
Subsystem:= ImageOptionalHeader.Subsystem
function ExecConsoleApp(const ApplicationName, Parameters: String;
AppOutput: TStrings; {will receive output of child process}
OnNewLine: TConsoleEvent {if assigned called on each new line}
{we assume that child process requires no input. I have not thought about the
possible consequences of this assumption. I expect we could come up with some
sort of tricky console IO thingy - but we would need to either run an auxilliary
thread or process windows messages somewhere.
This function returns exit code of child process (normally 0 for no error)
If the function returns STILL_ACTIVE ($00000103) then the ReadLoop
has terminated before the app has finished executing. See comments in body
of function
CR = #$0D;
LF = #$0A;
TerminationWaitTime = 5000;
ExeExt = '.EXE';
ComExt = '.COM'; {the original dot com}
SecurityAttributes: TSecurityAttributes;
ReadHandle: THandle;
ReadBuf: array[0..$100] of Char;
BytesRead: Integer;
BytesRead: Cardinal;
LineBuf: array[0..$100] of Char;
LineBufPtr: Integer;
Newline: Boolean;
i: Integer;
BinType, SubSyst: DWORD;
Ext, CommandLine: String;
AppNameBuf: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
ExeName: PChar;
ReadCount: Integer;
PerfFreq: Int64;
procedure OutputLine;
LineBuf[LineBufPtr]:= #0;
if Assigned(AppOutput) then
with AppOutput do
if Newline then
Strings[Count-1]:= LineBuf {should never happen with count = 0}
Newline:= false;
LineBufPtr:= 0;
if Assigned(OnNewLine) then
OnNewLine(ProcessInfo.hProcess, LineBuf)
{Find out about app}
Ext:= UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(ApplicationName));
if (Ext = '.BAT') or ((Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Ext = '.CMD')) then
begin {just have a bash}
FmtStr(CommandLine, '"%s" %s', [ApplicationName, Parameters])
end else
if (Ext = '') or (Ext = ExeExt) or (Ext = ComExt) then {locate and test the application}
if SearchPath(nil, PChar(ApplicationName), ExeExt, SizeOf(AppNameBuf), AppNameBuf, ExeName) = 0 then
raise EInOutError.CreateFmt('Could not find file %s', [ApplicationName]);
if Ext = ComExt then
{in fact, there is no way of telling, but we will just try to run the program. NT is
equally ignorant and will blindly run anything with a .COM extension}
GetExecutableInfo(AppNameBuf, BinType, SubSyst);
if ((BinType = SCS_DOS_BINARY) or (BinType = SCS_DPMI_BINARY)) and
(Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then
FmtStr(CommandLine, 'cmd /c""%s" %s"', [AppNameBuf, Parameters])
if (BinType = SCS_32BIT_BINARY) and (SubSyst = IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI) then
FmtStr(CommandLine, '"%s" %s', [AppNameBuf, Parameters])
raise EInOutError.Create('Executable image is not a supported type')
{Supported types are Win32 Console or MSDOS under Windows NT only}
end else
raise EInOutError.CreateFmt('%s has invalid file extension', [ApplicationName])
FillChar(StartupInfo,SizeOf(StartupInfo), 0);
FillChar(ReadBuf, SizeOf(ReadBuf), 0);
FillChar(SecurityAttributes, SizeOf(SecurityAttributes), 0);
ReadCount:= 0;
if QueryPerformanceFrequency(PerfFreq) then
LineBufPtr:= 0;
Newline:= true;
with SecurityAttributes do
nLength:= Sizeof(SecurityAttributes);
bInheritHandle:= true
if not CreatePipe(ReadHandle, WriteHandle, @SecurityAttributes, 0) then
{create a pipe to act as StdOut for the child. The write end will need
to be inherited by the child process}
{Read end should not be inherited by child process}
if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
if not SetHandleInformation(ReadHandle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) then
end else
{SetHandleInformation does not work under Window95, so we
have to make a copy then close the original}
if not DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess, ReadHandle,
GetCurrentProcess, @TempHandle, 0, True, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) then
ReadHandle:= TempHandle
with StartupInfo do
cb:= SizeOf(StartupInfo);
wShowWindow:= SW_HIDE;
hStdOutput:= WriteHandle
{StartupInfo provides additional parameters to CreateProcess.
I suspect that it is only safe to pass WriteHandle as hStdOutput
because we are going to make sure that the child inherits it.
This is not documented anywhere, but I am reasonably sure it is
correct. It is (mildly) interesting to note that the example
given in Win32.hlp "Creating a Child process with redirected
input and output" does not set the 'StdHandle' fields of StartupInfo.
Instead the parent process sets its own StdInput and StdOutput
handles prior to creating the child process - Apparently, the child
process will then use these values. It all seems a bit odd to me,
given that a much simpler mechanism (Handle fields of StartupInfo)
seems to have been provided. Anyway, this alternative approach does
not seem to work when the parent process is GUI-based. Perhaps Windows
ignores SetStdHandle for a GUI app.
We should not have to use STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW and
wShowWindow:= SW_HIDE as we are going to tell CreateProcess not to
bother with an output window, but it would appear that Windows 95
ignores the CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag. Fair enough - it is not in the SDK
documentation (I got it out of Richter). CREATE_NO_WINDOW actually makes
virtually no difference to the execution time of my 'hello world' test
program, but it seems the correct thing to do.
I shouldn't bother with the DETACHED_PROCESS flag. I suspect that it is
only relevant when the calling process is a console app.
if not CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CommandLine),
nil, nil,
true, {inherit kernel object handles from parent}
ProcessInfo) then
{not interested in threadhandle - close it}
{close our copy of Write handle - Child has its own copy now. It is important
to close ours, otherwise ReadFile may not return when child closes its
StdOutput - this is the mechanism by which the following loop detects the
termination of the child process: it does not poll GetExitCodeProcess.
The clue to this behaviour is in the 'Anonymous Pipes' topic of Win32.hlp - quote
"To read from the pipe, a process uses the read handle in a call to the
ReadFile function. When a write operation of any number of bytes completes,
the ReadFile call returns. The ReadFile call also returns when all handles
to the write end of the pipe have been closed or if any errors occur before
the read operation completes normally."
On this basis (and going somewhat beyond that stated above) I have assumed that
ReadFile will return TRUE when a write is completed at the other end of the pipe
and will return FALSE when the write handle is closed at the other end.
I have also assumed that ReadFile will return when its output buffer is full
regardless of the size of the write at the other end.
I have tested all these assumptions as best I can (under NT 4)}
while ReadFile(ReadHandle, ReadBuf, SizeOf(ReadBuf), BytesRead, nil) do
{There are much more efficient ways of doing this: we don't really
need two buffers, but we do need to scan for CR & LF &&&}
{$IFDEF Debug}
for i:= 0 to BytesRead - 1 do
if (ReadBuf[i] = LF) then
Newline:= true
end else
if (ReadBuf[i] = CR) then
end else
LineBuf[LineBufPtr]:= ReadBuf[i];
if LineBufPtr >= (SizeOf(LineBuf) - 1) then {line too long - force a break}
Newline:= true;
WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, TerminationWaitTime);
{The child process may have closed its StdOutput handle but not yet
terminated, so will wait for up to five seconds to give it a chance to
terminate. If it has not done so after this time, then we will end
up returning STILL_ACTIVE ($103)
If you don't care about the exit code of the process, then you don't
need this wait: having said that, unless the child process has a
particularly longwinded cleanup routine, the wait will be very short
in any event.
I recommend you leave this wait in place unless you have an intimate
understanding of the child process you are spawining and are sure you
don't want to wait for it}
GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess, Result);
OutputLine {flush the line buffer}
{$IFDEF DEBUG} ; {that's how much I dislike null statements!
Is there a nobel prize for pedantry?}
if (PerfFreq > 0) and Assigned(AppOutput) then
AppOutput.Add(Format('Debug: (readcount = %d), ExecTime = %.3f ms',
[ReadCount, ((EndExec - StartExec)*1000.0)/PerfFreq]))
end else
AppOutput.Add(Format('Debug: (readcount = %d)', [ReadCount]))