home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { }
- { TSysImageList v1.20 }
- { by Kambiz R. Khojasteh }
- { }
- { kambiz@delphiarea.com }
- { http://www.delphiarea.com }
- { }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- unit SysImg;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- {$IFDEF DELPHI4_UP} ImgList {$ELSE} ComCtrls {$ENDIF};
- type
- TIconSize = (isSmallIcons, isLargeIcons);
- TSysImageList = class(TCustomImageList)
- {$ELSE}
- TSysImageList = class(TImageList)
- {$ENDIF}
- private
- fIconSize: TIconSize;
- procedure SetIconSize(Value: TIconSize);
- procedure UpdateHandle;
- protected
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- function ImageIndexOf(const Path: String; OpenIcon: Boolean
- {$IFDEF DELPHI4_UP} = False {$ENDIF}): Integer;
- published
- Property BkColor;
- Property BlendColor;
- property DrawingStyle default dsTransparent;
- property IconSize: TIconSize read fIconSize write SetIconSize default isSmallIcons;
- property OnChange;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- uses
- ShellAPI, ShlObj, ActiveX;
- type
- TSpecialFolder = record
- Name: String;
- ID: Integer;
- end;
- const
- IconSizeFlags: array[TIconSize] of Word =
- OPenIconFlags: array[Boolean] of Word =
- SpecialFolders: array[1..7] of TSpecialFolder = (
- (Name: 'Desktop'; ID: CSIDL_DESKTOP),
- (Name: 'Control Panel'; ID: CSIDL_CONTROLS),
- (Name: 'Printers'; ID: CSIDL_PRINTERS),
- (Name: 'My Documents'; ID: CSIDL_PERSONAL),
- (Name: 'Recycle Bin'; ID: CSIDL_BITBUCKET),
- (Name: 'My Computer'; ID: CSIDL_DRIVES),
- (Name: 'Network Neighborhood'; ID: CSIDL_NETWORK));
- constructor TSysImageList.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- fIconSize := isSmallIcons;
- DrawingStyle := dsTransparent;
- ShareImages := True;
- UpdateHandle;
- end;
- procedure TSysImageList.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- begin
- Handle := 0;
- inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
- UpdateHandle;
- end;
- procedure TSysImageList.UpdateHandle;
- var
- FileInfo: TShFileInfo;
- begin
- Handle := ShGetFileInfo('C:\', 0, FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo),
- IconSizeFlags[fIconSize] or SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX);
- end;
- function GetUniqueFileName: String;
- var
- TempPath: array[0..255] of Char;
- TempFile: array[0..255] of Char;
- begin
- GetTempPath(SizeOf(TempPath), TempPath);
- GetTempFileName(TempPath, 'TMP', Random(100), TempFile);
- Result := TempFile;
- end;
- function TSysImageList.ImageIndexOf(const Path: String; OpenIcon: Boolean): Integer;
- var
- FileInfo: TShFileInfo;
- DesktopFolder: IShellFolder;
- PIDL: PItemIDList;
- Malloc: IMalloc;
- NumChars, Flags: {$IFDEF DELPHI4_UP} Cardinal {$ELSE} LongInt {$ENDIF};
- WidePath: PWideChar;
- SpecialFolderID, Index: Integer;
- FileExt, TempFileName: String;
- TempFile: THandle;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- // Looks for special folders
- SpecialFolderID := -1;
- for Index := Low(SpecialFolders) to High(SpecialFolders) do
- if CompareText(Path, SpecialFolders[Index].Name) = 0 then
- begin
- SpecialFolderID := SpecialFolders[Index].ID;
- Break;
- end;
- if SpecialFolderID >= 0 then
- SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Application.Handle, SpecialFolderID, PIDL)
- else // If the path is not a special folder, we get its PIDL by using desktop folder
- begin
- Flags := 0;
- WidePath := StringToOleStr(Path);
- NumChars := Length(WidePath);
- SHGetDesktopFolder(DesktopFolder);
- DesktopFolder.ParseDisplayName(0, nil, WidePath, NumChars, PIDL, Flags);
- end;
- // If PIDL is obtained, we use it for finding the image index. When path is not
- // a URL or an existing file, PIDL could be null.
- if PIDL <> nil then
- begin
- FillChar(FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo), 0);
- ShGetFileInfo(PChar(PIDL), 0, FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo), SHGFI_PIDL or
- SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or IconSizeFlags[fIconSize] or OpenIconFlags[OpenIcon]);
- if FileInfo.iIcon > 0 then Result := FileInfo.iIcon;
- ShGetMalloc(Malloc);
- Malloc.Free(PIDL);
- end
- else
- begin
- // If PIDL is null, we try to find the image index by using the file type
- FileExt := ExtractFileExt(Path);
- FillChar(FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo), 0);
- ShGetFileInfo(PChar('*' + FileExt), 0, FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo),
- SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or IconSizeFlags[fIconSize] or OpenIconFlags[OpenIcon]);
- if FileInfo.iIcon > 0 then
- Result := FileInfo.iIcon
- else if not FileExists(Path) then
- begin
- // If using file type failed and path does not point to an existing file,
- // we create a temporary file as type of the file. If there is any icon
- // associated to the type, we will have it.
- TempFileName := GetUniqueFileName + FileExt;
- TempFile := FileCreate(TempFileName);
- if TempFile > 0 then
- FileClose(TempFile);
- if FileExists(TempFileName) then
- try
- Result := ImageIndexOf(TempFileName, OpenIcon);
- finally
- DeleteFile(TempFileName);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSysImageList.SetIconSize(Value: TIconSize);
- begin
- if fIconSize <> Value then
- begin
- fIconSize := Value;
- UpdateHandle;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Delphi Area', [TSysImageList]);
- end;
- end.