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- unit TimeFunc;
- interface
- uses
- sysutils;
- type
- TMoonPhase=(Newmoon,FirstQuarter,Fullmoon,LastQuarter);
- TSeason=(Winter,Spring,Summer,Autumn);
- TEclipse=(none, partial, noncentral, circular, circulartotal, total, halfshadow);
- E_NoRiseSet=class(Exception);
- E_OutOfAlgorithRange=class(Exception);
- function julian_date(date:TDateTime):extended;
- function sun_distance(date:TDateTime): extended;
- function moon_distance(date:TDateTime): extended;
- function age_of_moon(date:TDateTime): extended;
- function last_phase(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase):TDateTime;
- function next_phase(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase):TDateTime;
- function current_phase(date:TDateTime):extended;
- function lunation(date:TDateTime):integer;
- function sun_diameter(date:TDateTime):extended;
- function moon_diameter(date:TDateTime):extended;
- function star_time(date:TDateTime):extended;
- function StartSeason(year: integer; season:TSeason):TDateTime;
- function Sun_Rise(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- function Sun_Set(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- function Sun_Transit(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- function Moon_Rise(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- function Moon_Set(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- function Moon_Transit(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- function nextperigee(date:TDateTime):TDateTime;
- function nextapogee(date:TDateTime):TDateTime;
- function NextEclipse(var date:TDateTime; sun:boolean):TEclipse;
- implementation
- uses MyMath;
- const
- AU=149597869; (* astronomical unit in km *)
- mean_lunation=29.530589; (* Mean length of a month *)
- earth_radius=6378.15; (* Radius of the earth *)
- type
- t_coord = record
- longitude, latitude, radius: extended;
- rektaszension, declination: extended;
- parallax: extended;
- end;
- T_RiseSet=(_rise,_set,_transit);
- function put_in_360(x:extended):extended;
- begin
- result:=x-round(x/360)*360;
- while result<0 do result:=result+360;
- end;
- { Angular functions with degrees }
- (*@/// function sin_d(x:extended):extended; *)
- function sin_d(x:extended):extended;
- begin
- sin_d:=sin(put_in_360(x)*pi/180);
- end;
- (*@\\\000000030A*)
- (*@/// function cos_d(x:extended):extended; *)
- function cos_d(x:extended):extended;
- begin
- cos_d:=cos(put_in_360(x)*pi/180);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- (*@/// function tan_d(x:extended):extended; *)
- function tan_d(x:extended):extended;
- begin
- tan_d:=tan(put_in_360(x)*pi/180);
- end;
- (*@\\\000000030D*)
- (*@/// function arctan2_d(a,b:extended):extended; *)
- function arctan2_d(a,b:extended):extended;
- begin
- result:=arctan2(a,b)*180/pi;
- end;
- (*@\\\000000030B*)
- (*@/// function arcsin_d(x:extended):extended; *)
- function arcsin_d(x:extended):extended;
- begin
- result:=arcsin(x)*180/pi;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- (*@/// function arccos_d(x:extended):extended; *)
- function arccos_d(x:extended):extended;
- begin
- result:=arccos(x)*180/pi;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- (*@/// function arctan_d(x:extended):extended; *)
- function arctan_d(x:extended):extended;
- begin
- result:=arctan(x)*180/pi
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000310*)
- { Julian date }
- (*@/// function julian_date(date:TDateTime):extended; *)
- function julian_date(date:TDateTime):extended;
- begin
- if date>encodedate(1582,10,14) then
- julian_date:=2451544.5-encodedate(2000,1,1)+date
- else
- julian_date:=0; { not yet implemented !!! }
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000601*)
- (*@/// function delphi_date(juldat:extended):TDateTime; *)
- function delphi_date(juldat:extended):TDateTime;
- begin
- if juldat>=julian_date(encodedate(1582,10,15)) then begin
- delphi_date:= juldat-2451544.5+encodedate(2000,1,1);
- end
- else
- delphi_date:=0; { not yet implemented !!! }
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000701*)
- (*@/// function star_time(date:TDateTime):extended; // degrees *)
- function star_time(date:TDateTime):extended;
- var
- jd, t: extended;
- begin
- jd:=julian_date(date);
- t:=(jd-2451545.0)/36525;
- result:=put_in_360(280.46061837+360.98564736629*(jd-2451545.0)+
- t*t*(0.000387933-t/38710000));
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000901*)
- { Coordinate functions }
- (*@/// procedure calc_geocentric(var coord:t_coord; date:TDateTime); *)
- { Based upon Chapter 12 and 21 of Meeus }
- procedure calc_geocentric(var coord:t_coord; date:TDateTime);
- (*$ifndef correction_low *)
- const
- (*@/// arg_mul:array[0..30,0..4] of shortint = (..); *)
- arg_mul:array[0..30,0..4] of shortint = (
- ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
- (-2, 0, 0, 2, 2),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 2, 2),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 2),
- ( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
- (-2, 1, 0, 2, 2),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 2, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 2, 2),
- (-2,-1, 0, 2, 2),
- (-2, 0, 1, 0, 0),
- (-2, 0, 0, 2, 1),
- ( 0, 0,-1, 2, 2),
- ( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 0, 1),
- ( 2, 0,-1, 2, 2),
- ( 0, 0,-1, 0, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 2, 1),
- (-2, 0, 2, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 0,-2, 2, 1),
- ( 2, 0, 0, 2, 2),
- ( 0, 0, 2, 2, 2),
- ( 0, 0, 2, 0, 0),
- (-2, 0, 1, 2, 2),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 2, 0),
- (-2, 0, 0, 2, 0),
- ( 0, 0,-1, 2, 1),
- ( 0, 2, 0, 0, 0),
- ( 2, 0,-1, 0, 1),
- (-2, 2, 0, 2, 2),
- ( 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- );
- (*@\\\0000000109*)
- (*@/// arg_phi:array[0..30,0..1] of longint = (); *)
- arg_phi:array[0..30,0..1] of longint = (
- (-171996,-1742),
- ( -13187, -16),
- ( -2274, -2),
- ( 2062, 2),
- ( 1426, -34),
- ( 712, 1),
- ( -517, 12),
- ( -386, -4),
- ( -301, 0),
- ( 217, -5),
- ( -158, 0),
- ( 129, 1),
- ( 123, 0),
- ( 63, 0),
- ( 63, 1),
- ( -59, 0),
- ( -58, -1),
- ( -51, 0),
- ( 48, 0),
- ( 46, 0),
- ( -38, 0),
- ( -31, 0),
- ( 29, 0),
- ( 29, 0),
- ( 26, 0),
- ( -22, 0),
- ( 21, 0),
- ( 17, -1),
- ( 16, 0),
- ( -16, 1),
- ( -15, 0)
- );
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// arg_eps:array[0..30,0..1] of longint = (); *)
- arg_eps:array[0..30,0..1] of longint = (
- ( 92025, 89),
- ( 5736, -31),
- ( 977, -5),
- ( -895, 5),
- ( 54, -1),
- ( -7, 0),
- ( 224, -6),
- ( 200, 0),
- ( 129, -1),
- ( -95, 3),
- ( 0, 0),
- ( -70, 0),
- ( -53, 0),
- ( 0, 0),
- ( -33, 0),
- ( 26, 0),
- ( 32, 0),
- ( 27, 0),
- ( 0, 0),
- ( -24, 0),
- ( 16, 0),
- ( 13, 0),
- ( 0, 0),
- ( -12, 0),
- ( 0, 0),
- ( 0, 0),
- ( -10, 0),
- ( 0, 0),
- ( -8, 0),
- ( 7, 0),
- ( 9, 0)
- );
- (*@\\\*)
- (*$endif *)
- var
- t,omega: extended;
- (*$ifdef correction_low *)
- l,ls: extended;
- (*$else *)
- d,m,ms,f,s: extended;
- i: integer;
- (*$endif *)
- epsilon,epsilon_0,delta_epsilon: extended;
- delta_phi: extended;
- alpha,delta: extended;
- begin
- t:=(julian_date(date)-2451545.0)/36525;
- (* longitude of rising knot *)
- omega:=put_in_360(125.04452+(-1934.136261+(0.0020708+1/450000*t)*t)*t);
- (*$ifdef correction_low *)
- (*@/// delta_phi and delta_epsilon - low accuracy *)
- (* mean longitude of sun (l) and moon (ls) *)
- l:=280.4665+36000.7698*t;
- ls:=218.3165+481267.8813*t;
- (* correction due to nutation *)
- delta_epsilon:=9.20*cos_d(omega)+0.57*cos_d(2*l)+0.10*cos_d(2*ls)-0.09*cos_d(2*omega);
- (* longitude correction due to nutation *)
- delta_phi:=(-17.20*sin_d(omega)-1.32*sin_d(2*l)-0.23*sin_d(2*ls)+0.21*sin_d(2*omega))/3600;
- (*@\\\0000000401*)
- (*$else *)
- (*@/// delta_phi and delta_epsilon - higher accuracy *)
- (* mean elongation of moon to sun *)
- d:=put_in_360(297.85036+(445267.111480+(-0.0019142+t/189474)*t)*t);
- (* mean anomaly of the sun *)
- m:=put_in_360(357.52772+(35999.050340+(-0.0001603-t/300000)*t)*t);
- (* mean anomly of the moon *)
- ms:=put_in_360(134.96298+(477198.867398+(0.0086972+t/56250)*t)*t);
- (* argument of the latitude of the moon *)
- f:=put_in_360(93.27191+(483202.017538+(-0.0036825+t/327270)*t)*t);
- delta_phi:=0;
- delta_epsilon:=0;
- for i:=0 to 30 do begin
- s:= arg_mul[i,0]*d
- +arg_mul[i,1]*m
- +arg_mul[i,2]*ms
- +arg_mul[i,3]*f
- +arg_mul[i,4]*omega;
- delta_phi:=delta_phi+(arg_phi[i,0]+arg_phi[i,1]*t*0.1)*sin_d(s);
- delta_epsilon:=delta_epsilon+(arg_eps[i,0]+arg_eps[i,1]*t*0.1)*cos_d(s);
- end;
- delta_phi:=delta_phi*0.0001/3600;
- delta_epsilon:=delta_epsilon*0.0001/3600;
- (*@\\\0000001B01*)
- (*$endif *)
- (* angle of ecliptic *)
- epsilon_0:=84381.448+(-46.8150+(-0.00059+0.001813*t)*t)*t;
- epsilon:=(epsilon_0+delta_epsilon)/3600;
- coord.longitude:=put_in_360(coord.longitude+delta_phi);
- (* geocentric coordinates *)
- { alpha:=arctan2_d(cos_d(epsilon)*sin_d(o),cos_d(o)); }
- { delta:=arcsin_d(sin_d(epsilon)*sin_d(o)); }
- alpha:=arctan2_d( sin_d(coord.longitude)*cos_d(epsilon)
- -tan_d(coord.latitude)*sin_d(epsilon)
- ,cos_d(coord.longitude));
- delta:=arcsin_d( sin_d(coord.latitude)*cos_d(epsilon)
- +cos_d(coord.latitude)*sin_d(epsilon)*sin_d(coord.longitude));
- coord.rektaszension:=alpha;
- coord.declination:=delta;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000501*)
- (*@/// function sun_coordinate(date:TDateTime):t_coord; *)
- { Based upon Chapter 24 of Meeus }
- function sun_coordinate(date:TDateTime):t_coord;
- var
- t,e,m,c,nu: extended;
- l0,o,omega,lambda: extended;
- begin
- t:=(julian_date(date)-2451545.0)/36525;
- (* geometrical mean longitude of the sun *)
- l0:=280.46645+(36000.76983+0.0003032*t)*t;
- (* excentricity of the erath orbit *)
- e:=0.016708617+(-0.000042037-0.0000001236*t)*t;
- (* mean anomaly of the sun *)
- m:=357.52910+(35999.05030-(0.0001559+0.00000048*t)*t)*t;
- (* mean point of sun *)
- c:= (1.914600+(-0.004817-0.000014*t)*t)*sin_d(m)
- +(0.019993-0.000101*t)*sin_d(2*m)
- +0.000290*sin_d(3*m);
- (* true longitude of the sun *)
- o:=put_in_360(l0+c);
- (* true anomaly of the sun *)
- nu:=m+c;
- (* distance of the sun in km *)
- result.radius:=(1.000001018*(1-e*e))/(1+e*cos_d(nu))*AU;
- (* apparent longitude of the sun *)
- omega:=125.04452+(-1934.136261+(0.0020708+1/450000*t)*t)*t;
- lambda:=put_in_360(o-0.00569-0.00478*sin_d(omega)
- -20.4898/3600/(result.radius/AU));
- result.longitude:=lambda;
- result.latitude:=0;
- calc_geocentric(result,date);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000002715*)
- (*@/// function moon_coordinate(date:TDateTime):t_coord; *)
- { Based upon Chapter 45 of Meeus }
- function moon_coordinate(date:TDateTime):t_coord;
- const
- (*@/// arg_lr:array[0..59,0..3] of shortint = (..); *)
- arg_lr:array[0..59,0..3] of shortint = (
- ( 0, 0, 1, 0),
- ( 2, 0,-1, 0),
- ( 2, 0, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 2, 0),
- ( 0, 1, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 2),
- ( 2, 0,-2, 0),
- ( 2,-1,-1, 0),
- ( 2, 0, 1, 0),
- ( 2,-1, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 1,-1, 0),
- ( 1, 0, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 1, 1, 0),
- ( 2, 0, 0,-2),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 2),
- ( 0, 0, 1,-2),
- ( 4, 0,-1, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 3, 0),
- ( 4, 0,-2, 0),
- ( 2, 1,-1, 0),
- ( 2, 1, 0, 0),
- ( 1, 0,-1, 0),
- ( 1, 1, 0, 0),
- ( 2,-1, 1, 0),
- ( 2, 0, 2, 0),
- ( 4, 0, 0, 0),
- ( 2, 0,-3, 0),
- ( 0, 1,-2, 0),
- ( 2, 0,-1, 2),
- ( 2,-1,-2, 0),
- ( 1, 0, 1, 0),
- ( 2,-2, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 1, 2, 0),
- ( 0, 2, 0, 0),
- ( 2,-2,-1, 0),
- ( 2, 0, 1,-2),
- ( 2, 0, 0, 2),
- ( 4,-1,-1, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 2, 2),
- ( 3, 0,-1, 0),
- ( 2, 1, 1, 0),
- ( 4,-1,-2, 0),
- ( 0, 2,-1, 0),
- ( 2, 2,-1, 0),
- ( 2, 1,-2, 0),
- ( 2,-1, 0,-2),
- ( 4, 0, 1, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 4, 0),
- ( 4,-1, 0, 0),
- ( 1, 0,-2, 0),
- ( 2, 1, 0,-2),
- ( 0, 0, 2,-2),
- ( 1, 1, 1, 0),
- ( 3, 0,-2, 0),
- ( 4, 0,-3, 0),
- ( 2,-1, 2, 0),
- ( 0, 2, 1, 0),
- ( 1, 1,-1, 0),
- ( 2, 0, 3, 0),
- ( 2, 0,-1,-2)
- );
- (*@\\\0000000701*)
- (*@/// arg_b:array[0..59,0..3] of shortint = (); *)
- arg_b:array[0..59,0..3] of shortint = (
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 1,-1),
- ( 2, 0, 0,-1),
- ( 2, 0,-1, 1),
- ( 2, 0,-1,-1),
- ( 2, 0, 0, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 2, 1),
- ( 2, 0, 1,-1),
- ( 0, 0, 2,-1), (* !!! Error in German Meeus *)
- ( 2,-1, 0,-1),
- ( 2, 0,-2,-1),
- ( 2, 0, 1, 1),
- ( 2, 1, 0,-1),
- ( 2,-1,-1, 1),
- ( 2,-1, 0, 1),
- ( 2,-1,-1,-1),
- ( 0, 1,-1,-1),
- ( 4, 0,-1,-1),
- ( 0, 1, 0, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 3),
- ( 0, 1,-1, 1),
- ( 1, 0, 0, 1),
- ( 0, 1, 1, 1),
- ( 0, 1, 1,-1),
- ( 0, 1, 0,-1),
- ( 1, 0, 0,-1),
- ( 0, 0, 3, 1),
- ( 4, 0, 0,-1),
- ( 4, 0,-1, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 1,-3),
- ( 4, 0,-2, 1),
- ( 2, 0, 0,-3),
- ( 2, 0, 2,-1),
- ( 2,-1, 1,-1),
- ( 2, 0,-2, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 3,-1),
- ( 2, 0, 2, 1),
- ( 2, 0,-3,-1),
- ( 2, 1,-1, 1),
- ( 2, 1, 0, 1),
- ( 4, 0, 0, 1),
- ( 2,-1, 1, 1),
- ( 2,-2, 0,-1),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 3),
- ( 2, 1, 1,-1),
- ( 1, 1, 0,-1),
- ( 1, 1, 0, 1),
- ( 0, 1,-2,-1),
- ( 2, 1,-1,-1),
- ( 1, 0, 1, 1),
- ( 2,-1,-2,-1),
- ( 0, 1, 2, 1),
- ( 4, 0,-2,-1),
- ( 4,-1,-1,-1),
- ( 1, 0, 1,-1),
- ( 4, 0, 1,-1),
- ( 1, 0,-1,-1),
- ( 4,-1, 0,-1),
- ( 2,-2, 0, 1)
- );
- (*@\\\0000001224*)
- (*@/// sigma_r: array[0..59] of longint = (..); *)
- sigma_r: array[0..59] of longint = (
- -20905355,
- -3699111,
- -2955968,
- -569925,
- 48888,
- -3149,
- 246158,
- -152138,
- -170733,
- -204586,
- -129620,
- 108743,
- 104755,
- 10321,
- 0,
- 79661,
- -34782,
- -23210,
- -21636,
- 24208,
- 30824,
- -8379,
- -16675,
- -12831,
- -10445,
- -11650,
- 14403,
- -7003,
- 0,
- 10056,
- 6322,
- -9884,
- 5751,
- 0,
- -4950,
- 4130,
- 0,
- -3958,
- 0,
- 3258,
- 2616,
- -1897,
- -2117,
- 2354,
- 0,
- 0,
- -1423,
- -1117,
- -1571,
- -1739,
- 0,
- -4421,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 1165,
- 0,
- 0,
- 8752
- );
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// sigma_l: array[0..59] of longint = (..); *)
- sigma_l: array[0..59] of longint = (
- 6288774,
- 1274027,
- 658314,
- 213618,
- -185116,
- -114332,
- 58793,
- 57066,
- 53322,
- 45758,
- -40923,
- -34720,
- -30383,
- 15327,
- -12528,
- 10980,
- 10675,
- 10034,
- 8548,
- -7888,
- -6766,
- -5163,
- 4987,
- 4036,
- 3994,
- 3861,
- 3665,
- -2689,
- -2602,
- 2390,
- -2348,
- 2236,
- -2120,
- -2069,
- 2048,
- -1773,
- -1595,
- 1215,
- -1110,
- -892,
- -810,
- 759,
- -713,
- -700,
- 691,
- 596,
- 549,
- 537,
- 520,
- -487,
- -399,
- -381,
- 351,
- -340,
- 330,
- 327,
- -323,
- 299,
- 294,
- 0
- );
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// sigma_b: array[0..59] of longint = (..); *)
- sigma_b: array[0..59] of longint = (
- 5128122,
- 280602,
- 277693,
- 173237,
- 55413,
- 46271,
- 32573,
- 17198,
- 9266,
- 8822,
- 8216,
- 4324,
- 4200,
- -3359,
- 2463,
- 2211,
- 2065,
- -1870,
- 1828,
- -1794,
- -1749,
- -1565,
- -1491,
- -1475,
- -1410,
- -1344,
- -1335,
- 1107,
- 1021,
- 833,
- 777,
- 671,
- 607,
- 596,
- 491,
- -451,
- 439,
- 422,
- 421,
- -366,
- -351,
- 331,
- 315,
- 302,
- -283,
- -229,
- 223,
- 223,
- -220,
- -220,
- -185,
- 181,
- -177,
- 176,
- 166,
- -164,
- 132,
- -119,
- 115,
- 107
- );
- (*@\\\*)
- var
- t,d,m,ms,f,e,ls : extended;
- sr,sl,sb,temp: extended;
- a1,a2,a3: extended;
- lambda,beta,delta: extended;
- i: integer;
- begin
- t:=(julian_date(date)-2451545)/36525;
- (* mean elongation of the moon *)
- d:=297.8502042+(445267.1115168+(-0.0016300+(1/545868-1/113065000*t)*t)*t)*t;
- (* mean anomaly of the sun *)
- m:=357.5291092+(35999.0502909+(-0.0001536+1/24490000*t)*t)*t;
- (* mean anomaly of the moon *)
- ms:=134.9634114+(477198.8676313+(0.0089970+(1/69699-1/1471200*t)*t)*t)*t;
- (* argument of the longitude of the moon *)
- f:=93.2720993+(483202.0175273+(-0.0034029+(-1/3526000+1/863310000*t)*t)*t)*t;
- (* correction term due to excentricity of the earth orbit *)
- e:=1.0+(-0.002516-0.0000074*t)*t;
- (* mean longitude of the moon *)
- ls:=218.3164591+(481267.88134236+(-0.0013268+(1/538841-1/65194000*t)*t)*t)*t;
- (* arguments of correction terms *)
- a1:=119.75+131.849*t;
- a2:=53.09+479264.290*t;
- a3:=313.45+481266.484*t;
- (*@/// sr := Σ r_i cos(d,m,ms,f); !!! gives different value than in Meeus *)
- sr:=0;
- for i:=0 to 59 do begin
- temp:=sigma_r[i]*cos_d( arg_lr[i,0]*d
- +arg_lr[i,1]*m
- +arg_lr[i,2]*ms
- +arg_lr[i,3]*f);
- if abs(arg_lr[i,1])=1 then temp:=temp*e;
- if abs(arg_lr[i,1])=2 then temp:=temp*e;
- sr:=sr+temp;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- (*@/// sl := Σ l_i sin(d,m,ms,f); *)
- sl:=0;
- for i:=0 to 59 do begin
- temp:=sigma_l[i]*sin_d( arg_lr[i,0]*d
- +arg_lr[i,1]*m
- +arg_lr[i,2]*ms
- +arg_lr[i,3]*f);
- if abs(arg_lr[i,1])=1 then temp:=temp*e;
- if abs(arg_lr[i,1])=2 then temp:=temp*e;
- sl:=sl+temp;
- end;
- (* correction terms *)
- sl:=sl +3958*sin_d(a1)
- +1962*sin_d(ls-f)
- +318*sin_d(a2);
- (*@\\\0000000B01*)
- (*@/// sb := Σ b_i sin(d,m,ms,f); *)
- sb:=0;
- for i:=0 to 59 do begin
- temp:=sigma_b[i]*sin_d( arg_b[i,0]*d
- +arg_b[i,1]*m
- +arg_b[i,2]*ms
- +arg_b[i,3]*f);
- if abs(arg_b[i,1])=1 then temp:=temp*e;
- if abs(arg_b[i,1])=2 then temp:=temp*e;
- sb:=sb+temp;
- end;
- (* correction terms *)
- sb:=sb -2235*sin_d(ls)
- +382*sin_d(a3)
- +175*sin_d(a1-f)
- +175*sin_d(a1+f)
- +127*sin_d(ls-ms)
- -115*sin_d(ls+ms);
- (*@\\\0000001216*)
- lambda:=ls+sl/1000000;
- beta:=sb/1000000;
- delta:=385000.56+sr/1000;
- result.radius:=delta;
- result.longitude:=lambda;
- result.latitude:=beta;
- calc_geocentric(result,date);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000003601*)
- (*@/// procedure correct_position(var position:t_coord; date:TDateTime; ...); *)
- { Based upon chapter 39 of Meeus }
- procedure correct_position(var position:t_coord; date:TDateTime;
- latitude,longitude,height:extended);
- var
- u,h,delta_alpha: extended;
- rho_sin, rho_cos: extended;
- const
- b_a=0.99664719;
- begin
- u:=arctan_d(b_a*b_a*tan_d(longitude));
- rho_sin:=b_a*sin_d(u)+height/6378140*sin_d(longitude);
- rho_cos:=cos_d(u)+height/6378140*cos_d(longitude);
- position.parallax:=arcsin_d(sin_d(8.794/3600)/(moon_distance(date)/AU));
- h:=star_time(date)-longitude-position.rektaszension;
- delta_alpha:=arctan_d(
- (-rho_cos*sin_d(position.parallax)*sin_d(h))/
- (cos_d(position.declination)-
- rho_cos*sin_d(position.parallax)*cos_d(h)));
- position.rektaszension:=position.rektaszension+delta_alpha;
- position.declination:=arctan_d(
- (( sin_d(position.declination)
- -rho_sin*sin_d(position.parallax))*cos_d(delta_alpha))/
- ( cos_d(position.declination)
- -rho_cos*sin_d(position.parallax)*cos_d(h)));
- end;
- (*@\\\0000001501*)
- { Moon phases and age of the moon }
- (*@/// procedure calc_phase_data(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase; var jde,kk,m,ms,f,o,e: extended); *)
- { Based upon Chapter 47 of Meeus }
- { Both used for moon phases and moon and sun eclipses }
- procedure calc_phase_data(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase; var jde,kk,m,ms,f,o,e: extended);
- var
- t: extended;
- k: longint;
- ts: extended;
- begin
- k:=round((date-encodedate(2000,1,1))/36525.0*1236.85);
- ts:=(date-encodedate(2000,1,1))/36525.0;
- kk:=int(k)+ord(phase)/4.0;
- t:=kk/1236.85;
- jde:=2451550.09765+29.530588853*kk
- +t*t*(0.0001337-t*(0.000000150-0.00000000073*t));
- m:=2.5534+29.10535669*kk-t*t*(0.0000218+0.00000011*t);
- ms:=201.5643+385.81693528*kk+t*t*(0.1017438+t*(0.00001239-t*0.000000058));
- f:= 160.7108+390.67050274*kk-t*t*(0.0016341+t*(0.00000227-t*0.000000011));
- o:=124.7746-1.56375580*kk+t*t*(0.0020691+t*0.00000215);
- e:=1-ts*(0.002516+ts*0.0000074);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000447*)
- (*@/// function nextphase(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase):TDateTime; *)
- { Based upon Chapter 47 of Meeus }
- function nextphase(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase):TDateTime;
- var
- t: extended;
- kk: extended;
- jde: extended;
- m,ms,f,o,e: extended;
- korr,w,akorr: extended;
- a:array[1..14] of extended;
- begin
- calc_phase_data(date,phase,jde,kk,m,ms,f,o,e);
- { k:=round((date-encodedate(2000,1,1))/36525.0*1236.85); }
- { ts:=(date-encodedate(2000,1,1))/36525.0; }
- { kk:=int(k)+ord(phase)/4.0; }
- t:=kk/1236.85;
- { m:=2.5534+29.10535669*kk-t*t*(0.0000218+0.00000011*t); }
- { ms:=201.5643+385.81693528*kk+t*t*(0.1017438+t*(0.00001239-t*0.000000058)); }
- { f:= 160.7108+390.67050274*kk-t*t*(0.0016341+t*(0.00000227-t*0.000000011)); }
- { o:=124.7746-1.56375580*kk+t*t*(0.0020691+t*0.00000215); }
- { e:=1-ts*(0.002516+ts*0.0000074); }
- case phase of
- (*@/// Newmoon: *)
- Newmoon:
- begin
- korr:= -0.40720*sin_d(ms)
- +0.17241*e*sin_d(m)
- +0.01608*sin_d(2*ms)
- +0.01039*sin_d(2*f)
- +0.00739*e*sin_d(ms-m)
- -0.00514*e*sin_d(ms+m)
- +0.00208*e*e*sin_d(2*m)
- -0.00111*sin_d(ms-2*f)
- -0.00057*sin_d(ms+2*f)
- +0.00056*e*sin_d(2*ms+m)
- -0.00042*sin_d(3*ms)
- +0.00042*e*sin_d(m+2*f)
- +0.00038*e*sin_d(m-2*f)
- -0.00024*e*sin_d(2*ms-m)
- -0.00017*sin_d(o)
- -0.00007*sin_d(ms+2*m)
- +0.00004*sin_d(2*ms-2*f)
- +0.00004*sin_d(3*m)
- +0.00003*sin_d(ms+m-2*f)
- +0.00003*sin_d(2*ms+2*f)
- -0.00003*sin_d(ms+m+2*f)
- +0.00003*sin_d(ms-m+2*f)
- -0.00002*sin_d(ms-m-2*f)
- -0.00002*sin_d(3*ms+m)
- +0.00002*sin_d(4*ms);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000001701*)
- (*@/// FirstQuarter,LastQuarter: *)
- FirstQuarter,LastQuarter:
- begin
- korr:= -0.62801*sin_d(ms)
- +0.17172*e*sin_d(m)
- -0.01183*e*sin_d(ms+m)
- +0.00862*sin_d(2*ms)
- +0.00804*sin_d(2*f)
- +0.00454*e*sin_d(ms-m)
- +0.00204*e*e*sin_d(2*m)
- -0.00180*sin_d(ms-2*f)
- -0.00070*sin_d(ms+2*f)
- -0.00040*sin_d(3*ms)
- -0.00034*e*sin_d(2*ms-m)
- +0.00032*e*sin_d(m+2*f)
- +0.00032*e*sin_d(m-2*f)
- -0.00028*e*e*sin_d(ms+2*m)
- +0.00027*e*sin_d(2*ms+m)
- -0.00017*sin_d(o)
- -0.00005*sin_d(ms-m-2*f)
- +0.00004*sin_d(2*ms+2*f)
- -0.00004*sin_d(ms+m+2*f)
- +0.00004*sin_d(ms-2*m)
- +0.00003*sin_d(ms+m-2*f)
- +0.00003*sin_d(3*m)
- +0.00002*sin_d(2*ms-2*f)
- +0.00002*sin_d(ms-m+2*f)
- -0.00002*sin_d(3*ms+m);
- w:=0.00306-0.00038*e*cos_d(m)
- +0.00026*cos_d(ms)
- -0.00002*cos_d(ms-m)
- +0.00002*cos_d(ms+m)
- +0.00002*cos_d(2*f);
- if phase = FirstQuarter then begin
- korr:=korr+w;
- end
- else begin
- korr:=korr-w;
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// Fullmoon: *)
- Fullmoon:
- begin
- korr:= -0.40614*sin_d(ms)
- +0.17302*e*sin_d(m)
- +0.01614*sin_d(2*ms)
- +0.01043*sin_d(2*f)
- +0.00734*e*sin_d(ms-m)
- -0.00515*e*sin_d(ms+m)
- +0.00209*e*e*sin_d(2*m)
- -0.00111*sin_d(ms-2*f)
- -0.00057*sin_d(ms+2*f)
- +0.00056*e*sin_d(2*ms+m)
- -0.00042*sin_d(3*ms)
- +0.00042*e*sin_d(m+2*f)
- +0.00038*e*sin_d(m-2*f)
- -0.00024*e*sin_d(2*ms-m)
- -0.00017*sin_d(o)
- -0.00007*sin_d(ms+2*m)
- +0.00004*sin_d(2*ms-2*f)
- +0.00004*sin_d(3*m)
- +0.00003*sin_d(ms+m-2*f)
- +0.00003*sin_d(2*ms+2*f)
- -0.00003*sin_d(ms+m+2*f)
- +0.00003*sin_d(ms-m+2*f)
- -0.00002*sin_d(ms-m-2*f)
- -0.00002*sin_d(3*ms+m)
- +0.00002*sin_d(4*ms);
- end;
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// else *)
- else
- korr:=0; (* Delphi 2 shut up! *)
- (*@\\\*)
- end;
- (*@/// Additional Corrections due to planets *)
- a[1]:=299.77+0.107408*kk-0.009173*t*t;
- a[2]:=251.88+0.016321*kk;
- a[3]:=251.83+26.651886*kk;
- a[4]:=349.42+36.412478*kk;
- a[5]:= 84.66+18.206239*kk;
- a[6]:=141.74+53.303771*kk;
- a[7]:=207.14+2.453732*kk;
- a[8]:=154.84+7.306860*kk;
- a[9]:= 34.52+27.261239*kk;
- a[10]:=207.19+0.121824*kk;
- a[11]:=291.34+1.844379*kk;
- a[12]:=161.72+24.198154*kk;
- a[13]:=239.56+25.513099*kk;
- a[14]:=331.55+3.592518*kk;
- akorr:= +0.000325*sin_d(a[1])
- +0.000165*sin_d(a[2])
- +0.000164*sin_d(a[3])
- +0.000126*sin_d(a[4])
- +0.000110*sin_d(a[5])
- +0.000062*sin_d(a[6])
- +0.000060*sin_d(a[7])
- +0.000056*sin_d(a[8])
- +0.000047*sin_d(a[9])
- +0.000042*sin_d(a[10])
- +0.000040*sin_d(a[11])
- +0.000037*sin_d(a[12])
- +0.000035*sin_d(a[13])
- +0.000023*sin_d(a[14]);
- korr:=korr+akorr;
- (*@\\\*)
- nextphase:=delphi_date(jde+korr);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000001D0E*)
- (*@/// function last_phase(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase):TDateTime; *)
- function last_phase(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase):TDateTime;
- var
- temp_date: TDateTime;
- begin
- temp_date:=date+28;
- result:=temp_date;
- while result>date do begin
- result:=nextphase(temp_date,phase);
- temp_date:=temp_date-28;
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000303*)
- (*@/// function next_phase(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase):TDateTime; *)
- function next_phase(date:TDateTime; phase:TMoonPhase):TDateTime;
- var
- temp_date: TDateTime;
- begin
- temp_date:=date-28;
- result:=temp_date;
- while result<date do begin
- result:=nextphase(temp_date,phase);
- temp_date:=temp_date+28;
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000201*)
- (*@/// function moon_phase_angle(date: TDateTime):extended; *)
- { Based upon Chapter 46 of Meeus }
- function moon_phase_angle(date: TDateTime):extended;
- var
- sun_coord,moon_coord: t_coord;
- phi,i: extended;
- begin
- sun_coord:=sun_coordinate(date);
- moon_coord:=moon_coordinate(date);
- phi:=arccos(cos_d(moon_coord.latitude)
- *cos_d(moon_coord.longitude-sun_coord.longitude));
- i:=arctan(sun_coord.radius*sin(phi)/
- (moon_coord.radius-sun_coord.radius*cos(phi)));
- if i<0 then result:=i/pi*180+180
- else result:=i/pi*180;
- if put_in_360(moon_coord.longitude-sun_coord.longitude)>180 then
- result:=-result;
- end;
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// function age_of_moon(date: TDateTime):extended; *)
- function age_of_moon(date: TDateTime):extended;
- var
- sun_coord,moon_coord: t_coord;
- begin
- sun_coord:=sun_coordinate(date);
- moon_coord:=moon_coordinate(date);
- result:=put_in_360(moon_coord.longitude-sun_coord.longitude)/360*mean_lunation;
- end;
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// function current_phase(date:TDateTime):extended; *)
- function current_phase(date:TDateTime):extended;
- begin
- result:=(1+cos_d(moon_phase_angle(date)))/2;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- (*@/// function lunation(date:TDateTime):integer; *)
- function lunation(date:TDateTime):integer;
- begin
- result:=round((last_phase(date,NewMoon)-delphi_date(2423436))/mean_lunation)+1;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- { The distances }
- (*@/// function sun_distance(date: TDateTime): extended; // AU *)
- function sun_distance(date: TDateTime): extended;
- begin
- result:=sun_coordinate(date).radius/au;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- (*@/// function moon_distance(date: TDateTime): extended; // km *)
- function moon_distance(date: TDateTime): extended;
- begin
- result:=moon_coordinate(date).radius;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- { The angular diameter (which is 0.5 of the subtent in moontool) }
- (*@/// function sun_diameter(date:TDateTime):extended; // angular seconds *)
- function sun_diameter(date:TDateTime):extended;
- begin
- result:=959.63/(sun_coordinate(date).radius/au)*2;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000335*)
- (*@/// function moon_diameter(date:TDateTime):extended; // angular seconds *)
- function moon_diameter(date:TDateTime):extended;
- begin
- result:=358473400/moon_coordinate(date).radius*2;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000334*)
- { Perigee and Apogee }
- (*@/// function nextXXXgee(date:TDateTime; apo: boolean):TDateTime; *)
- function nextXXXgee(date:TDateTime; apo: boolean):TDateTime;
- const
- (*@/// arg_apo:array[0..31,0..2] of shortint = (..); *)
- arg_apo:array[0..31,0..2] of shortint = (
- { D F M }
- ( 2, 0, 0),
- ( 4, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 1),
- ( 2, 0,-1),
- ( 0, 2, 0),
- ( 1, 0, 0),
- ( 6, 0, 0),
- ( 4, 0,-1),
- ( 2, 2, 0),
- ( 1, 0, 1),
- ( 8, 0, 0),
- ( 6, 0,-1),
- ( 2,-2, 0),
- ( 2, 0,-2),
- ( 3, 0, 0),
- ( 4, 2, 0),
- ( 8, 0,-1),
- ( 4, 0,-2),
- (10, 0, 0),
- ( 3, 0, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 2),
- ( 2, 0, 1),
- ( 2, 0, 2),
- ( 6, 2, 0),
- ( 6, 0,-2),
- (10, 0,-1),
- ( 5, 0, 0),
- ( 4,-2, 0),
- ( 0, 2, 1),
- (12, 0, 0),
- ( 2, 2,-1),
- ( 1, 0,-1)
- );
- (*@\\\0000002201*)
- (*@/// arg_per:array[0..59,0..2] of shortint = (..); *)
- arg_per:array[0..59,0..2] of shortint = (
- { D F M }
- ( 2, 0, 0),
- ( 4, 0, 0),
- ( 6, 0, 0),
- ( 8, 0, 0),
- ( 2, 0,-1),
- ( 0, 0, 1),
- (10, 0, 0),
- ( 4, 0,-1),
- ( 6, 0,-1),
- (12, 0, 0),
- ( 1, 0, 0),
- ( 8, 0,-1),
- (14, 0, 0),
- ( 0, 2, 0),
- ( 3, 0, 0),
- (10, 0,-1),
- (16, 0, 0),
- (12, 0,-1),
- ( 5, 0, 0),
- ( 2, 2, 0),
- (18, 0, 0),
- (14, 0,-1),
- ( 7, 0, 0),
- ( 2, 1, 0),
- (20, 0, 0),
- ( 1, 0, 1),
- (16, 0,-1),
- ( 4, 0, 1),
- ( 2, 0,-2),
- ( 4, 0,-2),
- ( 6, 0,-2),
- (22, 0, 0),
- (18, 0,-1),
- ( 6, 0, 1),
- (11, 0, 0),
- ( 8, 0, 1),
- ( 4,-2, 0),
- ( 6, 2, 0),
- ( 3, 0, 1),
- ( 5, 0, 1),
- (13, 0, 0),
- (20, 0,-1),
- ( 3, 0, 2),
- ( 4, 2,-2),
- ( 1, 0, 2),
- (22, 0,-1),
- ( 0, 4, 0),
- ( 6,-2, 0),
- ( 2,-2, 1),
- ( 0, 0, 2),
- ( 0, 2,-1),
- ( 2, 4, 0),
- ( 0, 2,-2),
- ( 2,-2, 2),
- (24, 0, 0),
- ( 4,-4, 0),
- ( 9, 0, 0),
- ( 4, 2, 0),
- ( 2, 0, 2),
- ( 1, 0,-1)
- );
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// koe_apo:array[0..31,0..1] of longint = (..); *)
- koe_apo:array[0..31,0..1] of longint = (
- { 1 T }
- ( 4392, 0),
- ( 684, 0),
- ( 456,-11),
- ( 426,-11),
- ( 212, 0),
- ( -189, 0),
- ( 144, 0),
- ( 113, 0),
- ( 47, 0),
- ( 36, 0),
- ( 35, 0),
- ( 34, 0),
- ( -34, 0),
- ( 22, 0),
- ( -17, 0),
- ( 13, 0),
- ( 11, 0),
- ( 10, 0),
- ( 9, 0),
- ( 7, 0),
- ( 6, 0),
- ( 5, 0),
- ( 5, 0),
- ( 4, 0),
- ( 4, 0),
- ( 4, 0),
- ( -4, 0),
- ( -4, 0),
- ( 3, 0),
- ( 3, 0),
- ( 3, 0),
- ( -3, 0)
- );
- (*@\\\0000001501*)
- (*@/// koe_per:array[0..59,0..1] of longint = (..); *)
- koe_per:array[0..59,0..1] of longint = (
- { 1 T }
- (-16769, 0),
- ( 4589, 0),
- ( -1856, 0),
- ( 883, 0),
- ( -773, 19),
- ( 502,-13),
- ( -460, 0),
- ( 422,-11),
- ( -256, 0),
- ( 253, 0),
- ( 237, 0),
- ( 162, 0),
- ( -145, 0),
- ( 129, 0),
- ( -112, 0),
- ( -104, 0),
- ( 86, 0),
- ( 69, 0),
- ( 66, 0),
- ( -53, 0),
- ( -52, 0),
- ( -46, 0),
- ( -41, 0),
- ( 40, 0),
- ( 32, 0),
- ( -32, 0),
- ( 31, 0),
- ( -29, 0),
- ( -27, 0),
- ( 24, 0),
- ( -21, 0),
- ( -21, 0),
- ( -21, 0),
- ( 19, 0),
- ( -18, 0),
- ( -14, 0),
- ( -14, 0),
- ( -14, 0),
- ( 14, 0),
- ( -14, 0),
- ( 13, 0),
- ( 13, 0),
- ( 11, 0),
- ( -11, 0),
- ( -10, 0),
- ( -9, 0),
- ( -8, 0),
- ( 8, 0),
- ( 8, 0),
- ( 7, 0),
- ( 7, 0),
- ( 7, 0),
- ( -6, 0),
- ( -6, 0),
- ( 6, 0),
- ( 5, 0),
- ( 27, 0),
- ( 27, 0),
- ( 5, 0),
- ( -4, 0)
- );
- (*@\\\0000000410*)
- var
- k, jde, t: extended;
- d,m,f,v: extended;
- i: integer;
- begin
- k:=round(((date-encodedate(1999,1,1))/365.25-0.97)*13.2555);
- if apo then k:=k+0.5;
- t:=k/1325.55;
- jde:=2451534.6698+27.55454988*k+(-0.0006886+
- (-0.000001098+0.0000000052*t)*t)*t*t;
- d:=171.9179+335.9106046*k+(-0.0100250+(-0.00001156+0.000000055*t)*t)*t*t;
- m:=347.3477+27.1577721*k+(-0.0008323-0.0000010*t)*t*t;
- f:=316.6109+364.5287911*k+(-0.0125131-0.0000148*t)*t*t;
- v:=0;
- if apo then
- for i:=0 to 31 do
- v:=v+sin_d(arg_apo[i,0]*d+arg_apo[i,1]*f+arg_apo[i,2]*m)*
- (koe_apo[i,0]*0.0001+koe_apo[i,1]*0.00001*t)
- else
- for i:=0 to 59 do
- v:=v+sin_d(arg_per[i,0]*d+arg_per[i,1]*f+arg_per[i,2]*m)*
- (koe_per[i,0]*0.0001+koe_per[i,1]*0.00001*t);
- result:=delphi_date(jde+v);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000001836*)
- (*@/// function nextperigee(date:TDateTime):TDateTime; *)
- function nextperigee(date:TDateTime):TDateTime;
- var
- temp_date: TDateTime;
- begin
- temp_date:=date-28;
- result:=temp_date;
- while result<date do begin
- result:=nextXXXgee(temp_date,false);
- temp_date:=temp_date+28;
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// function nextapogee(date:TDateTime):TDateTime; *)
- function nextapogee(date:TDateTime):TDateTime;
- var
- temp_date: TDateTime;
- begin
- temp_date:=date-28;
- result:=temp_date;
- while result<date do begin
- result:=nextXXXgee(temp_date,true);
- temp_date:=temp_date+28;
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000801*)
- { The seasons }
- (*@/// function StartSeason(year: integer; season:TSeason):TDateTime; // maximum error 51 seconds *)
- { Based upon chapter 26 of Meeus }
- function StartSeason(year: integer; season:TSeason):TDateTime;
- var
- y: extended;
- jde0: extended;
- t, w, dl, s: extended;
- i: integer;
- const
- (*@/// a: array[0..23] of integer = (..); *)
- a: array[0..23] of integer = (
- 485, 203, 199, 182, 156, 136, 77, 74, 70, 58, 52, 50,
- 45, 44, 29, 18, 17, 16, 14, 12, 12, 12, 9, 8 );
- (*@\\\000000010F*)
- (*@/// bc:array[0..23,1..2] of extended = (..); *)
- bc:array[0..23,1..2] of extended = (
- ( 324.96, 1934.136 ),
- ( 337.23, 32964.467 ),
- ( 342.08, 20.186 ),
- ( 27.85, 445267.112 ),
- ( 73.14, 45036.886 ),
- ( 171.52, 22518.443 ),
- ( 222.54, 65928.934 ),
- ( 296.72, 3034.906 ),
- ( 243.58, 9037.513 ),
- ( 119.81, 33718.147 ),
- ( 297.17, 150.678 ),
- ( 21.02, 2281.226 ),
- ( 247.54, 29929.562 ),
- ( 325.15, 31555.956 ),
- ( 60.93, 4443.417 ),
- ( 155.12, 67555.328 ),
- ( 288.79, 4562.452 ),
- ( 198.04, 62894.029 ),
- ( 199.76, 31436.921 ),
- ( 95.39, 14577.848 ),
- ( 287.11, 31931.756 ),
- ( 320.81, 34777.259 ),
- ( 227.73, 1222.114 ),
- ( 15.45, 16859.074 )
- );
- (*@\\\0000001901*)
- begin
- case year of
- (*@/// -1000..+999: *)
- -1000..+999: begin
- y:=year/1000;
- case season of
- spring: jde0:=1721139.29189+(365242.13740+( 0.06134+( 0.00111-0.00071*y)*y)*y)*y;
- summer: jde0:=1721223.25401+(365241.72562+(-0.05323+( 0.00907+0.00025*y)*y)*y)*y;
- autumn: jde0:=1721325.70455+(365242.49558+(-0.11677+(-0.00297+0.00074*y)*y)*y)*y;
- winter: jde0:=1721414.39987+(365242.88257+(-0.00769+(-0.00933-0.00006*y)*y)*y)*y;
- else jde0:=0; (* this can't happen *)
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000801*)
- (*@/// +1000..+3000: *)
- +1000..+3000: begin
- y:=(year-2000)/1000;
- case season of
- spring: jde0:=2451623.80984+(365242.37404+( 0.05169+(-0.00411-0.00057*y)*y)*y)*y;
- summer: jde0:=2451716.56767+(365241.62603+( 0.00325+( 0.00888-0.00030*y)*y)*y)*y;
- autumn: jde0:=2451810.21715+(365242.01767+(-0.11575+( 0.00337+0.00078*y)*y)*y)*y;
- winter: jde0:=2451900.05952+(365242.74049+(-0.06223+(-0.00823+0.00032*y)*y)*y)*y;
- else jde0:=0; (* this can't happen *)
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000901*)
- else raise E_OutOfAlgorithRange.Create('Out of range of the algorithm');
- end;
- t:=(jde0-2451545.0)/36525;
- w:=35999.373*t-2.47;
- dl:=1+0.0334*cos_d(w)+0.0007*cos_d(2*w);
- (*@/// s := Σ a cos(b+c*t) *)
- s:=0;
- for i:=0 to 23 do
- s:=s+a[i]*cos_d(bc[i,1]+bc[i,2]*t);
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- result:=delphi_date(jde0+(0.00001*s)/dl);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000001001*)
- { Rising and setting of moon and sun }
- (*@/// function Calc_Set_Rise(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended; *)
- { Based upon chapter 14 of Meeus }
- function Calc_Set_Rise(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended;
- sun: boolean; kind: T_RiseSet):TDateTime;
- var
- h: Extended;
- pos1, pos2, pos3: t_coord;
- h0, theta0, cos_h0, cap_h0: extended;
- m0,m1,m2: extended;
- (*@/// function interpolation(y1,y2,y3,n: extended):extended; *)
- function interpolation(y1,y2,y3,n: extended):extended;
- var
- a,b,c: extended;
- begin
- a:=y2-y1;
- b:=y3-y2;
- if a>100 then a:=a-360;
- if a<-100 then a:=a+360;
- if b>100 then b:=b-360;
- if b<-100 then b:=b+360;
- c:=b-a;
- result:=y2+0.5*n*(a+b+n*c);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000A09*)
- (*@/// function correction(m:extended; kind:integer):extended; *)
- function correction(m:extended; kind:integer):extended;
- var
- alpha,delta,h, height: extended;
- begin
- alpha:=interpolation(pos1.rektaszension,
- pos2.rektaszension,
- pos3.rektaszension,
- m);
- delta:=interpolation(pos1.declination,
- pos2.declination,
- pos3.declination,
- m);
- h:=put_in_360((theta0+360.985647*m)-longitude-alpha);
- if h>180 then h:=h-360;
- height:=arcsin_d(sin_d(latitude)*sin_d(delta)
- +cos_d(latitude)*cos_d(delta)*cos_d(h));
- case kind of
- 0: result:=-h/360;
- 1,2: result:=(height-h0)/(360*cos_d(delta)*cos_d(latitude)*sin_d(h));
- else result:=0; (* this cannot happen *)
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000001501*)
- begin
- if sun then
- h0:=-0.8333
- else begin
- pos1:=moon_coordinate(date);
- correct_position(pos1,date,latitude,longitude,0);
- h0:=0.7275*pos1.parallax-34/60;
- end;
- h:=int(date);
- theta0:=star_time(h);
- if sun then begin
- pos1:=sun_coordinate(h-1);
- pos2:=sun_coordinate(h);
- pos3:=sun_coordinate(h+1);
- end
- else begin
- pos1:=moon_coordinate(h-1);
- correct_position(pos1,h-1,latitude,longitude,0);
- pos2:=moon_coordinate(h);
- correct_position(pos2,h,latitude,longitude,0);
- pos3:=moon_coordinate(h+1);
- correct_position(pos3,h+1,latitude,longitude,0);
- end;
- cos_h0:=(sin_d(h0)-sin_d(latitude)*sin_d(pos2.declination))/
- (cos_d(latitude)*cos_d(pos2.declination));
- if (cos_h0<-1) or (cos_h0>1) then
- raise E_NoRiseSet.Create('No rises or sets calculable');
- cap_h0:=arccos_d(cos_h0);
- m0:=(pos2.rektaszension+longitude-theta0)/360;
- m1:=m0-cap_h0/360;
- m2:=m0+cap_h0/360;
- m0:=frac(m0);
- if m0<0 then m0:=m0+1;
- m1:=frac(m1);
- if m1<0 then m1:=m1+1;
- m2:=frac(m2);
- if m2<0 then m2:=m2+1;
- m0:=m0+correction(m0,0);
- m1:=m1+correction(m1,1);
- m2:=m2+correction(m2,2);
- case kind of
- _rise: result:=h+m1;
- _set: result:=h+m2;
- _transit: result:=h+m0;
- else result:=0; (* this can't happen *)
- end;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000701*)
- (*@/// function Sun_Rise(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime; *)
- function Sun_Rise(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- begin
- result:=Calc_Set_Rise(date,latitude,longitude,true,_rise);
- end;
- (*@\\\000000033B*)
- (*@/// function Sun_Set(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime; *)
- function Sun_Set(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- begin
- result:=Calc_Set_Rise(date,latitude,longitude,true,_set);
- end;
- (*@\\\000000033A*)
- (*@/// function Sun_Transit(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime; *)
- function Sun_Transit(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- begin
- result:=Calc_Set_Rise(date,latitude,longitude,true,_transit);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000301*)
- (*@/// function Moon_Rise(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime; *)
- function Moon_Rise(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- begin
- result:=Calc_Set_Rise(date,latitude,longitude,false,_rise);
- end;
- (*@\\\000000033C*)
- (*@/// function Moon_Set(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime; *)
- function Moon_Set(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- begin
- result:=Calc_Set_Rise(date,latitude,longitude,false,_set);
- end;
- (*@\\\000000033B*)
- (*@/// function Moon_Transit(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime; *)
- function Moon_Transit(date:TDateTime; latitude, longitude:extended):TDateTime;
- begin
- result:=Calc_Set_Rise(date,latitude,longitude,false,_transit);
- end;
- (*@\\\000000033F*)
- { Checking for eclipses }
- (*@/// function Eclipse(var date:TDateTime; sun:boolean):TEclipse; *)
- function Eclipse(var date:TDateTime; sun:boolean):TEclipse;
- var
- jde,kk,m,ms,f,o,e: extended;
- t,f1,a1: extended;
- p,q,w,gamma,u: extended;
- begin
- if sun then
- calc_phase_data(date,NewMoon,jde,kk,m,ms,f,o,e)
- else
- calc_phase_data(date,FullMoon,jde,kk,m,ms,f,o,e);
- t:=kk/1236.85;
- if abs(sin_d(f))>0.36 then
- result:=none
- (*@/// else *)
- else begin
- f1:=f-0.02665*sin_d(o);
- a1:=299.77+0.107408*kk-0.009173*t*t;
- if sun then
- jde:=jde - 0.4075 * sin_d(ms)
- + 0.1721 * e * sin_d(m)
- else
- jde:=jde - 0.4065 * sin_d(ms)
- + 0.1727 * e * sin_d(m);
- jde:=jde + 0.0161 * sin_d(2*ms)
- - 0.0097 * sin_d(2*f1)
- + 0.0073 * e * sin_d(ms-m)
- - 0.0050 * e * sin_d(ms+m)
- - 0.0023 * sin_d(ms-2*f1)
- + 0.0021 * e * sin_d(2*m)
- + 0.0012 * sin_d(ms+2*f1)
- + 0.0006 * e * sin_d(2*ms+m)
- - 0.0004 * sin_d(3*ms)
- - 0.0003 * e * sin_d(m+2*f1)
- + 0.0003 * sin_d(a1)
- - 0.0002 * e * sin_d(m-2*f1)
- - 0.0002 * e * sin_d(2*ms-m)
- - 0.0002 * sin_d(o);
- p:= + 0.2070 * e * sin_d(m)
- + 0.0024 * e * sin_d(2*m)
- - 0.0392 * sin_d(ms)
- + 0.0116 * sin_d(2*ms)
- - 0.0073 * e * sin_d(ms+m)
- + 0.0067 * e * sin_d(ms-m)
- + 0.0118 * sin_d(2*f1);
- q:= + 5.2207
- - 0.0048 * e * cos_d(m)
- + 0.0020 * e * cos_d(2*m)
- - 0.3299 * cos_d(ms)
- - 0.0060 * e * cos_d(ms+m)
- + 0.0041 * e * cos_d(ms-m);
- w:=abs(cos_d(f1));
- gamma:=(p*cos_d(f1)+q*sin_d(f1))*(1-0.0048*w);
- u:= + 0.0059
- + 0.0046 * e * cos_d(m)
- - 0.0182 * cos_d(ms)
- + 0.0004 * cos_d(2*ms)
- - 0.0005 * cos_d(m+ms);
- (*@/// if sun then *)
- if sun then begin
- if abs(gamma)<0.9972 then begin
- if u<0 then
- result:=total
- else if u>0.0047 then
- result:=circular
- else if u<0.00464*sqrt(1-gamma*gamma) then
- result:=circulartotal
- else
- result:=circular;
- end
- else if abs(gamma)>1.5433+u then
- result:=none
- else if abs(gamma)<0.9972+abs(u) then
- result:=noncentral
- else
- result:=partial;
- end
- (*@\\\*)
- (*@/// else *)
- else begin
- if (1.0128 - u - abs(gamma)) / 0.5450 > 0 then
- result:=total
- else if (1.5573 + u - abs(gamma)) / 0.5450 > 0 then
- result:=halfshadow
- else
- result:=none;
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000801*)
- end;
- (*@\\\*)
- date:=delphi_date(jde);
- end;
- (*@\\\0000000E01*)
- (*@/// function NextEclipse(var date:TDateTime; sun:boolean):TEclipse; *)
- function NextEclipse(var date:TDateTime; sun:boolean):TEclipse;
- var
- temp_date: TDateTime;
- begin
- result:=none; (* just to make Delphi 2/3 shut up, not needed really *)
- temp_date:=date-28*2;
- while temp_date<date do begin
- temp_date:=temp_date+28;
- result:=Eclipse(temp_date,sun);
- end;
- date:=temp_date;
- end;
- (*@\\\003C000501000501000503000509000B01*)
- end.